The New Dog

Story by kyte-nathans on SoFurry

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          So I decided to try my hands at writing a story, I've never actually done this before, so hope you guys like it, also don't read it if you're not of age, or don't like transformation and a human and dog doing it, or gay sex for that matter.

         He had been outside doing yard work when the doorbell rang yesterday, so Jackson was completely surprised as he stepped out the door for work and promptly tripped over the package that he had, had delivered. After a second of flailing and another of looking around to make sure no one had seen his act of clumsiness, Jackson bent down and picked up the box, reading the label and smiling some glad that it had finally arrived.

          He had ordered a box set of DVDs on dog breeds. Jackson had always liked dogs, and thanks to his shyness he had little in the way of friends, so he had decided to get a dog and was excited to learn about the breeds so he could make an informed decision as to which one would be best for him. Of course, he still had work so he tossed the package into his apartment and drove off for the day.

          The drive home was a long trudge for Jackson; Fridays always were especially when they preceded three day weekends. The twenty-four year old couldn't help but be excited, everywhere he looked he saw people walking their dogs or driving with them or playing with them in parks; he had decided that he was going to spend the rest of the day, and maybe the night, watching his DVDs then he'd head over to the local shelter and pick out a dog on Saturday. It was all he could think about as he pulled into his parking space and headed towards his door, passing his neighbor, Chad, walking his yellow lab. Jackson smiled some, thinking that he'd be doing that soon with his own dog.

          After changing out of his work clothes and grabbing a light snack, Jackson popped the first disc into his DVD player and sat back to watch. The online reviews had said that the DVDs were incredible helpful when picking out a dog, but Jackson was surprised at how thorough they were. At the end of each section, the DVDs gave each breed a report card and would always end by saying, though to Jackson it appeared more like they were reminding the viewer, that sometimes the breed would choose you instead of the other way around.

          By twelve o'clock, Jackson had gotten to the last disc in the set; he was already favoring a bigger dog, like a german shepherd or a labrador, though he was waiting to see the last disc to truly decide. The last DVD was all about the more 'aggressive' dogs, the ones that people tended not to get because of a bad reputation; Jackson wasn't so sure about them but half way through the segment on rottweilers his DVD player froze. He was a little surprised it hadn't frozen earlier considering how old it was but, instead of fooling around with it, he just shut off his TV and headed for bed.

          The next morning, Jackson awoke shivering, his AC always cold in the morning, glad that he'd have a furry body to provide him warmth at the end of the day. Instead of sliding further under his blankets, like he normally did on the weekends, he almost jumped out of bed heading to his bathroom to get ready for his trip to the shelter. As he styled his short, spiky, black hair he couldn't help but think about the dream he had as he woke, he could swear it ended with a frozen image of a rottweiler, just like his DVDs. Shrugging it off, he finished getting ready for the day and headed out to his car, practically bursting with excitement about meeting his new furry friend.

          At the shelter, Jackson was walked around by a young lady, by the name of May, she showed him around showing off several of their dogs. Despite his marathon research session, he was still having trouble picking out a dog, until May brought him into one last kennel room.

          "He's been here for about four months, but nobody seems to want him, thanks to their reputation," May told Jackson as they entered the room, a young, handsome rottweiler inside wagging his undocked tail.

          It was strange; Jackson immediately wanted this dog, and he could tell the dog was happy to see him, the rottie coming up to him a nosing his hand.

          "He's really a sweet dog, nothing like what people would think of when they think of a rottweiler."

          "His eyes are beautiful," Jackson found himself saying, they were strikingly blue, a trait he thought was exclusive to huskies.

          "We're not sure how he got them; he seems to be pure bred. Do you want me to get a leash let you walk him and play out in the yard?"

          Jackson nodded and crouched down to pet the dog, the rottie pressing against him and wagging happily, as May stepped out. Jackson couldn't help but find himself wishing he was more like this dog; the rottweiler was big and strong, unlike the short, skinny, human that was busy petting him. "I think I'll name you, Max."

          "That's a good name," May chuckled as she returned with a leash, clipping it on, Max's collar, handing the other end to Jackson. As they walked Max, May told him the dog's shots were up to date, and that he hadn't been neutered yet, but they could get him a set up for cheap. Jackson was barely paying attention though, he was too busy watching Max romp about, happily; in his mind it was settled, Jackson had to have him for sure.

          After their walk, Jackson quickly went to sign the adoption papers, grinning the whole time, before leading his new dog to his car and heading home after buying all the supplies he needed for his new companion. Jackson spent the rest of the day playing with his new dog and settling Max in, even talking a bit to Chad as their dogs met each other, who suggested they hang out some more. Jackson couldn't have been happier as he laid in bed, at the end of the day snuggling up to Max, the rottie already dozing off. He sighed happily thinking about hanging with Chad, their dogs playing, and maybe even the two of them doing a bit more; he couldn't help but blush at the thought having had a crush on his athletic neighbor for a while. Eventually, he fell asleep to his fantasizing, his arm wrapped around Max.

          Jackson woke up in the middle of the night, hot and sweaty, his A-shirt damp and sticking to his chest. He looked at Max, at first thinking the rottie had made him too hot, until he realized he felt exhausted like he had just done a really intense workout, which was especially odd considering he never went to the gym. He slipped out of bed and headed towards the bathroom feeling his scrawny, sore arm muscles, panting some, a bit dehydrated.

          As he drank from his sink, he couldn't help but let his mind wander to the dream he woke up to, it was bizarre for him, and even made him blush. He had gone over to Chad's to walk the dogs, but there were no dogs just the two of them. Except that didn't seem right to Jackson, no in his dream they were the dogs; he was a strong buff rottweiler and Chad was a lean but powerful labrador, just like their own dogs. He looked back at his rottweiler on the bed, blushing some because he had remembered the rest of his dream where he had mounted Chad, and he couldn't think of the rest without his boxers tenting some. Instead of dealing with it, he simply splashed some cold water on his face and went back to bed.

          Of course it did him no good, he was feeling hotter than before and his wandering mind did nothing to curb his growing tent. His constant squirming even woke up Max who whined at him licking at Jackson's forehead.

          "Come on Max no, I'm really hot."

          Instead of stopping, the rottweiler just inched forward placing a paw on Jackson's chest, whining more.

          "I mean it buddy, stop." He pushed the rottie back, Max flopping over on his back his paws up in the air, pawing at Jackson, making him chuckle. He began rubbing his new dog's chest, feeling the cool soft fur beneath his hand making Jackson feel slightly better, at least distracting him from his sweating forehead, and sore muscle, leaving him with just one problem making him blush.

          "I'm sorry bud, but I have to take care of something." He slipped his free hand down his boxers, the motion drawing Max's attention making him paw at Jackson, further deepening his blush finding it oddly pleasurable. Soon Jackson's erection had fully grown about six inches long and almost two thick, he was short but thick, though he couldn't help but let his eyes wander to Max's package, the dog's sheath the same size as his erection, the dog's balls twice as big as his own.

          With a slight gulp, realizing what he was about to do, Jackson slid his hand down Max's chest and belly and slowly began groping his new dog. Max's sheath was heavy but soft, his gently rubbing exciting the dog making him wag, a little red tip poking out of his sheath.

          "No that's not right, I can't do that," Jackson quickly pulled his hand away blushing and ashamed of himself. He didn't know he could be attracted to animal but Max was just so handsome, and something about his blue eyes made him seem almost human, and yet at the same time he felt something within himself an almost bestial urge to mount the dog, or vice versa.

          Maybe I'm just too horny, Jackson thought, I'll just take care of this right here. He slipped off his boxers letting his cock feel the cool air of the apartment. Almost immediately Max made a pounce at Jackson's member, tail wagging as he licked at it. Jackson wanted to push the rottie away but it felt so good, he had to let Max continue his body trembling with the heat of pleasure. Before long Max's long flat tongue slowly caressing Jackson's member had covered it in saliva and a good bit of Jackson's own pre.

          His muscles were again feeling sore all over, but he didn't care, as he ran his hands down his rottie's sides, feeling the heat coming off of the strong beast. He couldn't help himself as he slid his hand to Max's belly, the rottweiler's sheath replaced with a massive, hot, fully erect, canine rod. Jackson knew exactly what he wanted; he turned over and got on all fours. Max immediately plunged his foot long rod into Jackson, stretching his ass a good three inches. Jackson could feel his dog's heat throughout him; it was like a sensation that spread from his ass all the way up through his entire body leaving him with a tingling sensation, almost like he was being slowly covered in a soft warm blanket. It wasn't much longer before Max had worked his knot into Jackson, not an easy feat considering it made his member a good six inches across, but Jackson felt no pain from its insertion, only pleasure that swelled up in his chest making his A-shirt feel tighter.

          Max continued for a few more minutes, before the rottie's member exploded with cum, the heavy balls that had been pounding Jackson's ass releasing their full load, sending wave after wave of hot spunk into him, much of it dribbling out over Max's balls and onto Jackson's own swollen sacks. Despite the rottweiler's effort, Jackson had not cum, which perplexed him, he had never felt that much pleasure and yet his body was still holding off. He turned his head too look at Max, the dog's blue eyes staring back at him, his sexy blonde hair and goatee catching Jackson's eye.

          No that wasn't right, he had to do double take, but it was right, Max was sporting a mope of blonde hair and a goatee, his face even seemed more human, grinning back at him. Jackson soon realized the rottie felt heavier on him, more than he should even if he was exhausted; before he had time to think about it a strong paw like hand grasped his hard member making him gasp in pleasure and surprise. It was like he was in heaven as Max began rubbing Jackson's cock, each stroke increasing its sensitivity, swelling it up beyond what he was used to. Max's touch did the trick as Jackson released huge gobs of cum onto his bed, it was more than double what he was used to and it felt so good, almost making him pass out from the pleasure.

          As his orgasm died down his head cleared and Jackson became acutely aware of the strong musky scent that filled the room; he knew that if he hadn't just swamped his bed it would be making him horny. He also felt a straining on his A-shirt, especially around his chest which to him felt meaty very much like the one that was hovering over his back, belonging to his dog, or whatever Max had become. And despite the darkness, Jackson could make out the dark masses that were his arms, right past a strange dark mass that was looming beneath his vision that felt strangely like his nose. It was all a bit much for him, his mind and body exhausted so he allowed himself to collapse into a puddle of cum, his tail wagging as he fell asleep underneath his rottweiler, already thinking the whole thing had been a dream.

          Light slowly trickled into the apartment bedroom as the sun rose. Never having been able to sleep with the sun out Jackson slowly woke, his whole body was sore, especially his ass. Without much thought he slid out of bed, his eyes half closed as he lumbered to the bathroom. He idly scratched at his chest, his arm feeling heavy, in fact his whole body felt heavy, it was then that he remembered the dream he had last night everything coming back to him, except it wasn't a dream. There standing in front of him in the mirror was a handsome rottweiler man, with his black hair and green eyes, with rippling pecs contained just barely under a stretched out A-shirt. He even had a full six-pack of abs, the bottom four completely visible as his shirt no longer reached that far down, but what was even more astonishing was what was resting against his abs and right below them. In his crotch sat a thick eight inch sheath above a set of tennis ball sized furry balls; the whole package visibly showing off their weight.

          His heart beat sped up as Jackson felt himself over, the body was really his, right from the drooping triangular ears to the tight muscular butt and tail attached; he even discovered that inside his sheath was an unaroused canine prick that was bigger than he had ever been before, even when he was hard.

          Jackson soon turned his attention to his bed, and the equally handsome rottweiler man sitting in it staring back at him. Max looked just as strong as Jackson, a blonde happy trail running down his lower abs leading its way to a blonde covered set of canine parts that were at least as big as his own. The blond rottie stretched some and scratched at his goatee some; he was honestly perfect in Jackson's mind, making the black haired rottie wag his tail.

          "Last night was amazing; I can't wait to do it again." Max grinned at the astonished Jackson, a phrase popping into the former human's mind, it was from his DVDs and made him chuckle, sometimes the breed really does choose you.