The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 31 - Making The Royal Rounds

Story by Mirri on SoFurry

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#31 of The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

Chapter 31 - Making The Royal Rounds

by Mirri

Simba was looking for the grey King. It was day two of their visit and the two of them had not yet had a chance for any formal royal meetings. It seemed that they were both having far too much fun enjoying each other's lionesses to actually get any pridal business sorted out.

Making his way through the tall grass to the shore of the river, he was following his nose and the tracks of the large King. It was fairly easy to see where he had pushed his great body through the grass, so the trail was obvious. The grass got smaller and softer and the lion started to move around and in between all the trees, still making his way towards the water where he was certain to find the royal visitor.

Sure enough, he caught a glimpse of grey fur between the wide tree trunks of a figure sitting right near the edge of the river and looking out over it. Just as Simba stepped forward and around the last tree - about to greet the other male - a lioness slinked up right beside Tungora. She came seemingly out of nowhere, but she had obviously been obscured by the trees a moment ago.

Her coloration and facial expression gave away her identity, even at this distance as Sarafina lifted up her muzzle to accept a kiss from the larger male. Tungora brought a paw around her neck and scritched her gently there while the two of them made out right next to the slowly flowing river.

Simba had to admit to himself that it was kind of a romantic spot right here in the wilderness and the two lovers had not noticed him at all yet. Rather than interrupt their intimacy Simba stepped closer on quiet pawpads to observe.

The large paw on her neck rubbed down her spine, teasing her all the way down until it grabbed her rump and began kneading it firmly at the same time that the male's tongue was wetly entwined in a passionate dance with Sarafina's own. Tungora certainly knew how to enjoy a lioness.

The scent of aroused lions hit Simba's nose and made him just the slightest bit restless. He was the King after all, and there usually was not a lot of arousal around him that he was not directly a participant of. From this angle he could see Tungora draw his head back and lick his lips from the residue of the wet kiss. Then suddenly the sitting lion reached down between his spread hindlegs with a paw, grabbed his already sizable sheath and pulled it back to reveal his throbbing red spear of male virility to the lioness.

Without a word Sarafina went down on him. She crouched with her head between his hindlegs and took the offered lioncock into her muzzle to give him a blowjob.

Such authority!

Simba could not help feel a stirring in his own loins at the sheer display of power. The grey lion had a gift for making any female feel privileged just to be allowed to pleasure him.

"Let me feel how much you want it." Tungora closed his eyes with a pleasant rumble as the slurping sounds increased in strength. She was really going all out on him.

It was too much to simply stand idle by and watch, so Simba stepped forward and chuffed lowly to announce his presence.

"Mmmm, hello Simba." Tungora murmured, his eyes half-lidded in pleasure. He looked all docile and blissful right now with that slightly glazed expression in his eyes. There was no denying the skillful muzzle of the old girl.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Immensely.. mmm, she's even better than I remember." His large grey paw stroked Sarafina's neck slowly while she kept up the rapid suckling and bobbing of her head to simulate a mating with her maw.

"I surmise you've had your own cock in her muzzle quite a few times as well, hmm?" The old lion chided playfully.

"Often, yes. She prefers it there, I think she's addicted to the taste." Simba smirked and Tungora gave a rumbling laugh.

"I think it's safe to assert that *all* your lionesses are. You've trained them well."

"Thank you."

Tungy closed his eyes again and moaned softly at the expert treatment he was getting.

"Oh, but where are my manners.. would you like to join us?" He essentially offered Simba free usage of the other end of the lioness and even Sarafina seemed to give an excited flick of her tail at the idea.

Simba felt his member swell in its sheath at the thought - looking over that firm, curved, and golden rear of the female for a moment. So inviting and defenseless. Just the way he liked 'em. Yet he dismissed it with a shake of his head.

"Actually I came here to find out when we could have a meeting? Official pride stuff, you know." He kept his eyes focused on the other King's to avoid further temptation.

"Ahh yes, forgive me. I've been so wrapped up in all the lionesses you've thrown at me so far. How about at sunset?"

Judging by the position of the sun right now that was several hours away.

"Great, I'll meet you near the hill on the west side of the forest." With the meeting point and time established, Simba turned around and walked back towards Pride Rock before the scene unfolding before him made him too aroused to leave.

Just before stepping out of the clearing and in between the trees again he looked over his shoulder to watch Tungora lean forward and get down onto his forepaws, effectively mounting the lioness' maw as he started to thrust.

"Feed from me, my hungry lioness... feed.." He snarled and was obviously close to climax.

Simba shook his head with a grin and left the shore of the river to the characteristic growls of a happy Lion King just about to cum his nuts out in a willing lioness' suckling muzzle.


On the way back Simba passed by the Pride Rock cave where he knew Kovu was sleeping at this time of day, to inform him of the meeting. Not that the younger male was supposed to attend, but he was the Prince after all and needed to know the whereabouts of his King. In case someone asked.

The steep path up the side of the rock seemed dirtier than usual, lots of loose gravel and sand. He would have to get a lioness to clean up a bit here.

As he rounded the corner and stepped into the cave, he had to pause in mid-stride and just stare. At the very end of the cave on the opposite side of where he was standing, Kovu was lying on his back with his upper body propped up against the wall in a sort of sitting position. Around him the two Tungy Twins were writhing, purring and giggling, and Kovu had a forepaw around each of their necks. He also had his tongue down Bekele's throat, kissing her passionate and wetly while Tawaa received gentle strokes on her neckscruff. Judging by the way she was licking her muzzle, she had just gotten the same attention a moment before Simba arrived. Apparently the King was not the only one who could not resist their charms.

"So! Which one of you sexy girls want to suck me off first?"

The question elicited a shy giggle from both of the lionesses when they looked at each other, and the push of Kovu's paw against Bekele's neck surely had something to do with her going down on him first. She repositioned herself to lie down on her belly in front of him with her head between his parted hindlegs so she could take his exposed shaft at a proper angle.

The adolescent male then whispered something in Tawaa's ear that made her giggle and turn around, lifting her tail up high. Both of Kovu's paws grabbed her rump and it was obvious from her moans that he was eating some great lionpussy by the time Simba approached them all and cleared his throat to draw attention to himself.

"Hiya Simba!" Tawaa grinned brightly. She was standing directly above her sister - one female with her head in Kovu's lap and one female with her rump at his face.

Bekele did not even slow down the bobbing of her head, but Kovu paused and looked out from behind Tawaa's rear, his cheeks, whiskers and chin dripping with clear lioness juices.

"Mmm, don't let me disturb you." Simba winked at his Prince and stepped over to sit down right in front of the standing lioness who was getting licked under her tail. He put a paw under her chin and lifted it up so he could press his muzzle against hers, and Kovu could actually feel the lioness' legs getting weak when her mind melted in the passionate kiss with the King. He smirked to himself and went back to eating out Tawaa's delicious pussy while getting a blowjob from her sister.

The two males could share the girls just perfectly since they were both the same size and fit neatly between them. With Tawaa's muzzle in the right position so they could exchange saliva - and so that Simba could feel her moan each time the Prince's tongue cleaved through her folds back there - the King began searching with his forepaws for Bekele's rear and found it just in front of him. It required just a slight repositioning to pull her rear down between his hindlegs and without ever parting his lips from Tawaa's, Simba grabbed her sister's tail with his paw, held it up and then rubbed his unsheathed cock down the underside of it to guide his way until he felt that hot little tailpucker against his cocktip.

Without hesitation he plunged forward into her dry little hole and started pushing back and forth to loosen her up. Once again the King was reminded that nothing in the world was quite as pleasurable as fucking a little teenlioness' snug little ass while she was defenseless, but still tried to resist him by clenching hard. The older male merely saw that as an invitation to buttfuck her even harder.

Surprisingly, Kovu suddenly pulled his muzzle away and moaned out in pure pleasure that throttled his rational senses.

"OOOOH! ...oh, don't stop what you're doing, Simba! Oh god, she sucks so hard."

Simba could not help but give a mischievous grin in the middle of his kiss with Tawaa and he too could feel the contractions of the female beneath him, the poor liongirl straining and trying to cry out at being taken dry in her rear by such a hung lion. His large paw on her lower back had to help hold her down once she started choking on Kovu's dick.

As instructed, Simba just kept pushing back and forth, feeling his own brain being overwhelmed with pleasure at the hot naughtiness of taking an innocent and unprepared liongirl in her forbidden hole. The best part was that she could not even voice her dissatisfaction over the situation and inadvertently ended up giving the Prince an even firmer blowjob.

Tawaa was oblivious to it all, of course, and went back to moaning into Simba's muzzle when Kovu resumed licking her.

Just fantasizing about what he was going to do to Tawaa next made Simba reach the point of no return in record time. He broke his kiss with her and lifted a paw up to her neck to push her head down to the other female's rear.

"Watch me cum in your sister's ass.." Simba hissed and began ramming Bekele fiercely, feeling her tailring contract in pain and hearing Kovu moan louder when Bekele lost her concentration and just started gagging on his cock.

Tawaa was giggling, unaware of the fact that she would be getting the exact same treatment in just a moment. Already now Simba could feel he was so aroused that cumming in Bekele's rearhole would not even make him flaccid before he could mount her sister. It was a good thing that Kovu had gotten her wet and ready back there already.


The grey coat of the large male changed to a silvery orange gleam in the evening light and he was visible far away when Simba approached the hill where they had agreed to meet. This would be their first moments alone since the royal envoy had arrived yesterday.

The King gave a chuff to announce his presence and got the attention of the grey figure before he made it all the way to the hill with the lone tree and straight into the hearty nuzzle that Tungora had been saving for him.

"How was your day?" Simba purred and already felt comfortable due to the affection he was shown.

"Ohhh, what a day. My old bones ache at all this physical exertion. I'm glad your lionesses brought down an extra zebra for the guests. Ratir and I practically finished the whole thing on our own."

Simba grinned, "Anything for my guests."

He sat down beside the bigger lion and the only thing he could think of was all the stuff he had wanted to do the last time they met at Tungora's pride, but with Kiara watching them it would have been a bit.. awkward.

"Hmmm, anything?" There was a playfulness to the grey male's voice and he reached out a paw to scritch Simba's neckfur gently.

Simba turned his head and felt the pull of the paw so deft and gentle draw him close; it was as if he had hardly felt himself moving, yet his head was suddenly right in front of Tungora's and their black lips met in a kiss. The older lion's tongue slipped out just to taste the front teeth inside Simba's slightly parted mouth. Before Simba could feel himself succumb completely to the soft caress, Tungora suddenly drew back again and chuckled.

"You're trembling."

Simba grinned lightly and bowed his head, he had not even noticed that himself.

"I'm just.. a bit nervous."

Tungy smiled warmly, "Relax. It's just the two of us out here. And a beautiful sunset, of course."

Simba lifted his head up and watched the bright ball of fire in the sky get dim and red as it sank below the horizon. He felt the large paw's almost feathery touch as it stroked his neck soothingly and he actually found himself purring at the nice sensation. Tungora was good at putting others around him at ease.

"It has been a long time, Simba. But I'm glad to see you're doing well. Your lionesses are numerous and strong."

Simba felt a spark of pride go through him and his mane puffed up; he swore that was involuntarily. Yet a compliment from such an experienced and noble King was a rare thing indeed and it had a certain gravitas.

"..and they all have great stamina."

Simba snapped his head around to look at the grey King with a blank stare and they both broke out in laughter a moment later.

"Now.. why don't we get reacquainted?" Tungora licked his muzzle and his paw pulled at the golden lion's neck, gently guiding him to bow down. Simba moved around to sit in front of the grey male and he closed his eyes, parting his lips when he was close enough, willingly letting the Lion King's half-erect member slide against his tongue and as deep into his muzzle as he could take it.

The heavy paw relaxed and let Simba take over, feeling him lift his head back up a short distance and then move down again, pushing the grey sheath back farther so he could take more of the swiftly hardening lioncock in his muzzle.

"That's good, Simba. No rush." The older lion praised him, lidding his eyes halfway as he looked out over the red sky and spread his hindlegs out a bit more to make room for the male. Simba's thick red mane brushed and tickled the insides of his thighs, making him shiver a little in anticipation each time the lion went down on him again.

"Mmm, wonderful. I haven't felt a mane between my hindlegs in far too long. You are better at this than I expected." The noble King purred and wisely kept quiet about his own speculations on how exactly Simba had learned this.

Naturally his praise only made the golden lion want to do even better, and a series of wet slurping sounds started to emanate from the grey one's groin.

"Very good indeed, yes... and after you've taken my load, you can crouch for me." Tungora licked his muzzle and stroked his paw down the King's neck and as far back as he could reach from this position; which was not really too far, but just behind the shoulders where the red mane thinned out.

Simba gave an instinctive flick of his tail at the thought of being penetrated by the gigantic liondick currently extending his jaw and filling up his cheeks quickly as it grew. This was going to be painful, but he kept telling himself that this was what he wanted. The bond between him and the noble lion had to be restrengthened and this was his chance.

Besides, he had thought about it ever since Kiara and he came back from their journey to Tungora's pride, and the only way for him to stop thinking about it all the time was to finally get it done. He swallowed a spurt of precum on the back of his tongue and moaned softly around the girthy meat in his maw, taking the tip into his throat just a little.

Tungora closed his eyes and found this a fitting end to a great day. But as the sun crept below the savanna in the distance, he discovered that he just could not keep his eyes off that golden swishing tail. It was deliberately attracting his attention down there and distracting him from the pleasure of receiving a muzzlejob.

"Mmr, I've changed my mind. Turn around." His voice was deep and commanding.

Simba pulled his muzzle off the dripping lionshaft with a grin and licked his lips as he spun around and stood up.

"Can't resist my golden rump, huh?" He teased and lifted his tail up high to show off for the other male.

The thunderously approving purr was unmistakable. Tungora padded closer on his large paws and rubbed his cheeks against the massive equipment of the other male to familiarize himself with the strong scent. He was especially curious about the three inches of red cock already hanging free from Simba's golden sheath.

"You've certainly inherited your father's size." He observed and closely inspected Simba's dangling bits, "Do they make it difficult for you to run as well?"

"Impossible. I was built for breeding, not for hunting. Why do you think I lived off grubs most of my life?" Simba commented with a dry smirk that made the other lion chuckle.

He reached down and stroked a single pawtoe from the exposed tip of the lion, up his underside, across the barbs and over his sheath till it came up between his ample balls.

"I was not aware that having a lioncock in your muzzle made you this.. aroused." Tungora teased him and felt how he strained a bit at the tantalizing touch.

"Mmm, you must understand. I haven't had my cock in a lioness since this afternoon." Simba explained and felt a throbbing between his hindlegs as he grew more erect. A paw grabbed his tail near the root and a wet tongue slurped across his tailhole; the firm pressure of the lick even forced it inside a little while the other male got him ready for the next phase.

Simba could do nothing but whimper and feel his sheath curl back even more as his maleness stiffened. His tail lashed out with energetic excitement and slapped Tungora's mane and shoulder repeatedly, making the bigger lion grunt in annoyance.

He left the golden male moist under the tail and then moved his paw to his lower back, pushing down heavily to indicate that he wanted the male down on his belly.

Simba crouched for the bigger male, sensing his urgency now and he tried to regain control of his tail so he could curl it back and expose his rump in invitation.

Tungora licked his muzzle at the sight and quickly climbed up on the back of the Lion King, "That tail is extraordinarily provoking. It needs to be put in its place."

"Along with the rest of the lion, I'm sure." There were no illusions between the two of them. This was a game, but it also served the purpose of building trust between the two of them. The older lion was dominant and the younger one was going to show his submission to the authority of his elder, it was as simple as that.

But that did not mean they could not have a lot of fun doing it, of course. Tungora grinned, "How deep do you want it?"

The answer was easy. It had been in his day-dreams for so long that his answer came out almost as rehearsed.

"All the way. I want to feel your balls smack against mine while you mate me." Simba panted and felt his own sheath curling back as he grew stiff at all these naughty thoughts.

"Ahh, you're so much like your father." Tungora chuckled and mounted the willing male, his grey fur brushing against Simba's back and his inner hindlegs squeezing around the Lion King's rear to hold him in place. He bumped his pointy wet cocktip against the golden-furred sac, searching for the male's entry.

A sharp cry pierced the night and almost spread all the way back to Pride Rock and the sleeping lions when the old male found his target.

"And so much like your daughter too, I might add." The thrusts were quick, sharp and shallow as he worked his way deeper with every one of them. There was no doubt that he was trying to get Simba loose enough to take the whole thing, but it was going to take a while.

"NNNnnh..! Did you.. enjoy her?" Simba bit his lips and tried to concentrate on relaxing and letting the giant invading organ move more smoothly into his rearhole. His own coating of saliva certainly helped in that respect.

"Ohh immensely. She is a real treat, you'll have to let her visit me soon. I would love to spend a few days in a row with her."

"I don't know about that. I need her myself. She moans so cutely when she gets her daddy's dick forced inside her." The golden King leered mischievously.

"Mmm, I bet she's easy to get to crouch for you in the bushes too?" All this talk was having a positive effect on Tungora, he was getting a lot more aroused and eager, and he was already thrusting half of his shaft into the other male's tailhole.

"Anytime I want... mmmn.. I've told her it's one of.. her duties as a Princess."

"You devil!" Tungora laughed, "I don't know how she manages to stay so clean with you around."

"There's a river nearby.. and lots of willing tongues to clean her." Simba licked his lips at the thought. It had been a while since he had observed one of the traditional grooming sessions when a whole crowd of lionesses just descend upon a single individual and groomed her clean everywhere.

"Ooh.. mm, and your lionesses are so amazing. I usually only get to take my own sons in their tails, but your females are just *expecting* me to do them both ways too." Tungora sighed with some admiration and jealousy in his deep voice. He neglected to mention the white lions in his pride, of course.

It would seem that smalltalk was over now and the male on top suddenly bit down on Simba's neckscruff, his powerful thrusts speeding up and pushing the rest of his cock deeper up the male's ass, fully determined to ream him to the hilt.

"Grrr, you're too tight! Maybe I should leave a few of my sons with you so we can get your wonderful golden rump loosened up?"

"I.. I've got Kovu." Simba gritted his teeth and finally experienced what it was like to have to dig your claws into the dirt just to try and keep from sliding forward on your belly while a virile male ruts you from behind.

"He obviously doesn't fuck you often enough." Tungora replied, matter-of-factly and hilted himself in the younger male every time now.

"It's usually the other way around." The golden Lion King moaned and finally felt that heavy grey sac bump against his own, and he spread out his hindlegs to make it dangle freely beneath him.

However, there was a darker side to this as Simba would soon discover. It was a test of loyalty and trust between the two of them and Simba was the first one to go through it tonight.

Tungora bent down over him and tugged his neckscruff harshly, making him growl at the treatment. Just lifting his tail was not enough, Tungora wanted more proof.

The Northlander King leaned over to Simba's ear, biting it lightly and hissing at the golden lion.

"Now beg for it.. beg for it like a little cub... tell Tungy how much you want to be his little assbitch."

Simba's eyes widened. A deep sense of humiliation ran through him to the core of his soul and made him tremble nervously. He was suddenly very, very glad that he had picked a remote place for the their meeting so that no one in his pride would ever know of this night...


Elsewhere, the tranquility of the nearby forest was also disturbed, but this time by a young lion tumbling into a hidden clearing. A few startled birds squawked and took to flight into the dark as yet another lion followed into the hidden alcove of the trees. Kovu had been here many times before, hiding with Nala for a few of their heated sessions, but it was the first time he had taken another lion here. He had also been a bit surprised when the visiting Prince had woken him up in the middle of the night and asked if he wanted to go somewhere private, and this was the first place he could think of.

Ratir grinned and looked around cheerfully, his eyes reflecting bright green when the the sparse moonlight hit them at the right angle. Their night vision was at full brightness right now, because it was pitch black everywhere in the forest.

"Alright, so who takes it in the tail first?" They looked each other over and both were almost fully erect just from running out here and letting their imaginations run wild about what they were eventually going to do once they made it to the clearing.

"Hmm, I'll fight you for it." Kovu grinned toothily, but Ratir squinted an eye at him.

"Naw, you look like you fight dirty." He teased the other boy and circled around him.

"How about we suck each other off and whoever makes the other one cum first gets to be on top?"

"Good idea!" Kovu pounced on the other lionboy and they tumbled around playfully for a bit, the forest echoing with their laughter.

Eventually they got in position on their sides and hugged each other's waists so they could pull close. Ratir was the first to give a long, wet lick up the underside of the Prince's exposed shaft and he made the dark-furred lion moan like a lioness in heat. This was so incredibly arousing, Kovu had never even imagined that he would be playing naughty games with another lionboy about his own age. Apart from the occasional times when Simba felt like a scenery change and thus made Kovu crouch for him, he had pretty much completely given up on the idea of playing with other males. This felt oddly like living out a sexual fantasy that he had not had yet. But there was no doubt it was something he would have pawed off to every day if the thought had ever even entered his mind.

Swiftly they took each other in their muzzles and began bobbing their heads quickly, tongues swirling and lips squeezing firmly around the other's pulsing cock. Due to his training with Simba he was able to deepthroat the other boy fairly quickly and feel his fuzzy balls tickle his nosepad, but Kovu was still no match for a lion that had grown up with a dozen brothers who had all fucked each other since they were cubs.

The two lionboys eagerly worked each other over, suckling and slurping to try and get the other off first, but when Kovu felt a thick pawtoe push into his tailhole and start to move in and out rapidly, he already knew he would lose. His only solace came from the certainty that in a minute the other lionboy would be triumphantly announcing his victory with Kovu's cum running down his chin...