PetCo Park

Story by hellboi on SoFurry

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"I'm going to go get a beer, come with?" The demon stood up and pulled on the fox's leash playfully, one eye still on the game. The blue fox's smile turned to a frown as he looked up at the onyx, slim demon pulling upon his leash.

"Hey, c'mon..not here in public..I promised.." He looked down at the concrete, biting his lip, feeling as though he were disappointing his date. "Look, I promised to wear this in public, but I can't be pulled around in public..."

The demon's eyes went back to the game as he dropped the leash from his claws, watching his team strike out again. "Well, do you want a beer too?"

PetCo Park

"Hey, I'm sorry daddy," the fox was quick to spout as soon as the demon made his way back to the row, in a voice low enough to not garner the attention of any of the fans behind them. "What took you so long? Did he give you a problem with your one name credit card?"

It was apparent as soon as he looked up what the cause of the delay was, the demon's eyes a deep bloodshot red, the smell of beer heavy on his body. "Hey, don't even worry about it, Sky-e..Let's just enjoy the game.."

Sky looked up and smiled, adjusting his Padres jersey as he pressed his hand down on the folding seat for his master. "Here you go, sir."

AX smirked softly, sitting down as he extended his arm out with the PBR in his hand. "And here you go, boy."

He waited until Sky reached his thin arm out to grab the beer before he tossed the contents of the bottle on his face.

The cold beer ran down his forehead, down and over his muzzle, cascading onto his new Padres outfit, the demon standing and holding the bottle over his head, emptying the contents onto the younger boy's body. Sky just sat there in shock, his mind in an equal mix of amazement, embarrassment, and mind numbing anger. The demon just gave a sleeping drunken smile and shrugged as Sky rose from his seat and pushed past him, shuffling quickly towards the gates and the restroom, his leash dragging slowly between his legs.

"Fuck, goddamnit, what the goddamn fucking.." Sky ripped off short rolls of toilet paper, trying to blot out the beer from of his fur, desperately attempting to dry off his clothes, as the roll quickly deteriorated as it became soaked. He was at this for a good minute or so before the sound of a slamming door caught his attention. "Where are you, bitch?!" Another slamming door. "Don't run away from daddy!" The crazy motherfucker, he was kicking the doors in! Sky hurriedly hopped up onto the toilet seat, praying to god that park security would hear AX and throw him out before-


Sky covered his mouth as his ankle slid under him from all the beer he had wrung out of his jersey, twisting under his leg as it fell into the bowl. Sky shivered convulsively out of fear, his eyes clenched shut as he waited for the inevitable.



Sky felt himself effortlessly lifted up before the world slammed into him, the floor meeting his body in quick order, his head buzzing as it hit the tile.

"C'mere you little slut, why you gotta be acting up in a public place like this?" AX quickly descended onto the boy, grinding his pelvis into the back of the boy, rolling up his extra large jersey as the room span into focus for the fox, panting to catch his breath as the 150 pound demon laid atop him, claws in his shoulders.

"Nngh.." Sky felt like he was underwater for a second, the world coming back into his body as his ankle began throbbing, shivering as he realized he was face to tile with the bathroom floor of a baseball stadium, not to mention that he had a very drunk and scary demon pulling back on his tail with rough abandon and grinding him into the ground. "You think..You think that.." AX grabbed him by his hair, which he affectionately called his 'handlebars' when they met on their first date, pulling his head back and looking into his eyes, his breath heavy of Jim Beam. "You think you're such hot shit, huh? You think that you can just be my little bitch in bed, but only when you want it?" He pulled back on the hair again, grinning as the fox just yipped out softly in pain, not even trying to escape the heavier demon's grasp.

"I'm in charge! Not you!" The demon let go of his hair, Sky scrunching his face up as he felt it falling toward the tile again, his hands trapped under the demon's body as he attempted to avoid another inevitable knock on his head.

AX growled loudly as he stood up and began to pull the jersey off the boy, frustrated as it wouldn't budge easily, so he began to rip at it with his claws until he could just pull it off without getting it over his head, ripping the wifebeater under as well. "Shutup, don't say anything. I'll buy you a fucking 'nother one." "'re taking this too far!" Sky whimpered and spoke softly as he remembered where he was. He and AX had a very master/slave relationship in the bedroom, and although they were very adventurous, nothing like this had ever happened before. "Someone's going to hear us!"

The demon laughed as he got off the fox, rolling him over with his feet quite easily to the foxes surprise, looking down into Sky's face. "You'd like that, wouldn't you slut? Unfortunately for you, we're in the 300s...and..I locked the door. Maybe when the game is over the fine folks of San Diego will get a show, but for now..." AX bent down over the boy, swishing his tongue around. He drooled a small amount of spit on the fox's lips, before pulling a strand of it back up with his thick, curved black tongue. "You're all fucking mine."

With that, he lunged forward, locking his wet, black lips with the fox's, shoving his tongue into his throat, rolling it against Sky's, pushing it deep and doing it again and again. Instincts took over in the fox as his eyes closed to half-mast and he began to softly suckle on the tongue, lost in the taste and feel of the large muscle on top of his. AX quickly began unbuckling his pants without abandon, much like drunk people do as the get ready to copulate, dropping his pants and skeevies down at once, his t-shirt and jacket still on as his thick, black uncut demon dick was exposed to the ballpark air.

The smell of garlic fries was faint in the room, sounds of the game going on in the background, the occasional roar of the crowd, the man on the speakerbox announcing each player and play.. it was all so surreal, Sky almost didn't even notice AX leave his mouth, and opened his eyes to see it just inches from his face. His master's cock.

The first thing he noticed was copious amounts of skin hanging off the tip of his cock, black skin just rolling off into a ball off the thick hard-on. This was obviously not the first time he had been with AX much skin continues to make an impression. And then the balls, the heavy set sac that looked like a perfect grapefruit, the heft of the balls smoothing out any wrinkles. And then, came the smell.

Sky fell back on the floor with a surprised gasp, not having any time to prepare himself for the sudden invasion of scent as AX grabbed the back of his head and pulled it down, pressing his crotch against his face as he was forced to inhale the deep shades of musk, sweat and cum colliding in his nostrils. It was something he had always found appealing about the demon, how he would let his skin get so musky and the way he'd incorporate that into their play, but he let him get used to it, never like this, not like this. "Well, are you going to get to work? We've got a ballgame to catch!" AX pushed the cock against his nostrils harder, knowing that Sky would have to catch his breath from the smell, and when he did, he shoved the cock deep into his mouth, pushing it to the hilt, giving the boy a muzzlefull. Sky's mouth was so full he couldn't even suck, but was forced to as the shaft began to roughly push in and out of his mouth, pulling out to just the tip of the cock and then rammed back down to the throat again, pre drizzling onto his tongue like icing.

The taste was salty and he could hardly breathe, it was all too much for him. He placed his hands against the demons legs and pulled away, spitting the cock out of his mouth.

"N-no! I don't want to do this! Stop it!" Sky was suddenly very angry, unable to play the part that he felt so accustomed to, to be the willing whore.

"You think I care what you think?" AX grabbed Sky by the hair, pulling his head and glaring into his eyes. "Do you -think- I'm playing a game here? Now get to FUCKING WORK!" AX shoved the tip of his onyx cock deep back into Sky's throat again, his gag reflex causing him to choke. As he shuddered and coughed, he broke the grip on his hair, ripping out a small chunk of fur, tears welling up in his eyes. "Help!!"

A dull pain washed over him as his head hit the side of the stall, and once again, he felt the world going under.

A sharp pinch on his wrist awoke the fox, as the world came to focus on the black thing wrapped above his paw. He pulled his arm towards his muzzle to get a better look.

"Nngh!!" He couldn't move his arm! He jerked his head back and saw that whatever it was on his arm was tied to the seat behind him, snapping back as he felt something grabbing at his waist.

"Yeah, I'm going to need to borrow this." AX ripped the belt out of the pant loops, snapping it up to his face, the fox wincing. "So glad you could rejoin me, I thought you had left our party early."

Sky just winced, pulling at his tied up arm, trying to loosen the grip when out of nowhere, he felt a pain so sharp, so raw that the world came to a still as he let out the loudest cry he could, the belt snapping on his cheek.

"So you're not ready to cooperate, huh?" The demon brought the belt down on the boy again across his chest, and then his back, accentuating his words "When! Will! You! Learn! To FUCKing! OBEY!" The demon came out of his rage snarling, spit escaping his lips as he practically foamed at the mouth as he took Sky's other arm and wrapped the belt in his hand around the fox's wrist, pulling the seat up and tying the other end around it and pulling it into a knot, then sliding it back as far as he could, so that he couldn't rest his hands on the floor. The fox would have to keep his arms raised behind him and like it.

" little slut..look at you now, all tied up in the Men's room...." A grin flashed across his face, the anger suddenly gone, "You really know how to go out of your way for a little demon like myself." He smacked his own black ballsac around with gentle slaps, taking in his visual dessert, his cock wet and dripping clear pre in drops like a leaky faucet."

"You know.." AX began to descend upon the boy, Sky looking up, pulling on the belts with unrewarded effort. "How fitting we're in a fucking restroom! Let's just complete the scene, why don't we?"

Sky knew what was coming next. This is, and has always been the one thing..besides the getting raped thing..about dating AX he hated.. his damn fascination with watersports. Sky wasn't necessarily opposed to the idea, but his piss of all creatures was so pungent, so made him gag just thinking about it, which is exactly what he did as it began to splash down upon his face and over his lips, rolling down onto his body. "OPEN UP!"

He did so out of reflex, and was punished by the rancid taste of the black demon's piss, which was fittingly, also black. He wanted to swallow it down as fast as he could, but he knew it would just make the demon angrier. AX liked to make him keep the taste in his mouth.

AX waited until his little bitch's mouth was sufficiently full before spraying the rest of his bladder against his slut's pants and naked chest, before moving up to the hair, matting it down with the last spurt or two, smiling as he rubbed it into the hair, watching his slut shake as he tried to not spit up or swallow the disgusting taste in his mouth.

After a couple more revolting seconds, he couldn't hold it in any longer, spitting the urine up over his chest and onto the floor, swallowing whatever was left with anguish as it went burningly past his lungs into his chest.

"Aww..look at that, you made a mess!!" AX grinned as he sized up the soaked fox, his clothes drenched in urine, getting down to his knees to survey his damage, leaning in to the piss stained jeans and giving them a long, heavy sniff.. "Aahhhhh" He shuddered at his own smell, smiling a drunk, hazy smile. "I still got it! Now..let's get to work here, shall we?" AX pulled down the jeans with a fell swoop, revealing the fox's blue legs, thick bulge, lacy panties.

Sky gasped as he felt his pants pulled down, realizing what he was wearing...He has never told the demon about this..It wasn't really a crossdressing thing, but he..really liked the way it felt against his body..He had been so careful to never show him..but..

"Hahah! I always knew you were a little girl!! Oh my, well, isn't this just a treat! Well, I guess I should just fuck you like a girl, shall I?" AX pushed the boy forward to get him on his hands and knees, but was unable to due to the restraints he put up, so he just pushed Sky's head down and moved behind him, staring at the panties again as he pushed his nose suddenly into the backside, sniffing at Sky's tailhole through the lacy briefs... "Mmm..heaven."

The nose was soon replaced by a wet tongue, lashing up against the puckering tailhole again and again, the moistness felt through the fabric, causing even the hurt and scared fox to moan in anticipation. He licked it again and again, until he suddenly replaced with a thick jointed claw, and with a quick jab, it punctured through the fabric, revealing a pink, juicy

tailhole, which quickly found its vacancy filled with said claw. It scratched and clawed against the entrance as Sky moaned softly, whimpering with each swipe of the claw but he couldn't help but clenching around the claw, used to the thick cock that usually filled him from their previous...dates.

However, his unconscious wishes were quickly brought to fruition as the demon pulled the claw out suddenly, replacing it with his cocktip, pushing the skin up against the tip, the slit leaking pre down the boy's panties.


The thick, fat, demon cock slid into his tight pink tailhole, with each inch his ass tightening to try to repel the intruder, his entire body shivering, as the natural lubricant eases some of the discomfort of the dryness, but his thick shaft is unyielding to his body's attempts to repel it, pressing it upward slowly, inch by inch, Sky shivering as he awaited the pain to shoot through his body from the dry entrance.

AX just gave out a low moan, his glazed-over eyes betraying the fact that he can hardly see from the heightened state of arousal, nevermind how many shots of whiskey he had, as he pushes it to the brim, grinning as he feels it push against the prostate, Sky moaning out like a bitch as he feels that grind, and inhaling in as the cock begins to move back out..ever so slowly, before being rammed up into him again. He reached his arm around and snapped the top of the little panties off, revealing Sky's foxhood, wet with pre, and damp all over from the watershow. He feels another slam deep into his body, but the overwhelming relief of a paw on his cock makes it all the more livable, as he feels his body go numb, his cock wet with pre, skin sliding up and down frantically as he bites his lip in a mixture of pleasure and pain, wanting so hard to not be where he was, but feeling his resistance useless, crying out again as the cock slams back into his body. For the moment, AX stays buried to the hilt , letting Sky feel his entire length as he leans forward, grabbing his head back and pushing himself upon him,searching for his lips and thrusting his tongue into them once again after finding them, his breathing becoming short and rapid, resuming and accelerating his thrusts to match the quick speed at which he was jerking him off to, his hand gliding effortlessly up and down the equally impressive fox shaft.

He whimpered with the thrust of the demon's tongue, sucking on it, his toes curling as he felt his orgasm coming on fast, each thrust on his prostate moving him that much closer, drool rolling down his cheeks and onto his chest, but just as soon as the tongue was there, it was gone.

Sky didn't know how much longer he could take, and by the way the drunk demon was panting and going on behind him, it did not seem like he would last much longer either. Sky just continued to shiver as he was pounded again and again, feeling his orgasm build and..

He panted...and moaned..suddenly realized that he felt empty, and opened his eyes to see the demon in front of him jerking his thick, black meat, the skin pulled back and the largest fucking load of cum splattered out onto his face, load after load of spewing hot seed, across his face and lips, over his chest and onto his hair..but none of it mattered to Sky now..he came along with it, shooting onto the demon and the stall door, lost in a numb world of ecstasy, and the world came to a still. "...I..." Sky panted through labored breath. Everything seemed richer. The sound of toilets humming. The roar of white noise around him. Footsteps. He looked up.

AX was already dressed, and had snatched up the jersey of the floor, along with Sky's little lacy underwear and jeans, leaving only the two belts tying the boy to the toilet seat. Sky again came to the realization of where he was and what had happened, and was the haze he was in began to wear off.

He was strapped to a toilet seat, with seed and piss rolling down his face, his cock dripping wet in a pool of seed on the dirty floor, mixing with whatever urine and pubic hair and whatever else had been deposited there during the Padres homestand. And he had just been raped and humiliated by someone who he thought he loved.

"W-where are you going?" Sky began to pull at the straps roughly, tears welling up in his eyes as AX turned away from him after picking up the last item of clothing. "Please, no..Please! I'm sorry! Please, daddy..."

AX slid the latch over, and kicked the door open, revealing a still empty bathroom. The game wasn't over yet.

"Bye bitch."


PetCo Park