An Ordinary Week: Denouement Part II

Story by star dragon on SoFurry

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#10 of An Ordinary Week

He was standing across from his lover. Nothing else in the world mattered, nothing else even existed. They drew close together and he wrapped his arms around her as he had done so many times before. The green handpaws that appeared before him when he raised his arms didn't give him a moment's pause. Her flesh felt so firm, so solid, and a noteworthy weight kept her from leaving the ground as they embraced. Their muzzles touched in a short kiss, followed by an eternity with their arms entwined, eyes locked in a lover's gaze.

"You know, I'm hesitant to call you perfect," he said. "Because I know that you'll find some way to become even more magnificent."

Eva giggled gently as their kiss resumed, ushering them into the embrace of warm sunlight.

"What a thoughtful thing to say." Eva commented as she roused from her nap. "Ah, right it was a dream, you wouldn't have-"

"But, but I did..."

"You were... You were really there, just now?"


"And you're not the least bit-"

"I lost my capacity to be surprised a long time ago," Kevin mused as he ran his hand across his hair, still pinned down under his second skin, pausing a moment to rub the subtle contours of his perky ears.

That dream was heavy on his mind as well. In it he had been a male fox, every bit Eva's match. He had been so afraid of all these changes, where they could lead, if they were reversible... now he knew, and didn't care. Respectively.

"I'm sorry about all this, Kevin. I never knew that I was so-"

"You've done nothing that needs forgiving, Eva. If anything you have my thanks. Nothing in the world could've made me this happy."

"Really?" Eva, never one who could conceal excitement, trembled a bit at his words. "Does that mean you-?"

"Yes. Whatever is going to happen, let's do it. Together."

Eva's jitters of anticipation inexplicably stilled, she took a deep breath and chose her words carefully, a process Kevin had never known her to undertake.

"It feels like I've been waiting my whole life to hear you say that, and now I just don't know what to do with myself!"

"I'm sure you'll think of something. You always do. Or more accurately, we will think of something. Let's see how our little dynamos are doing."

An electric thrill ran up their spine. His intricate new muscles stretched and pulsed as if the miniscule magical mechanisms knew that he was talking about them. It was Kevin's turn to shudder in anticipation as his hands descended with agonizing slowness towards his nether regions. Though they had woken some time ago, it appeared that their desires had taken a moment to catch up with them. Another tingle gripped him, seeming to come from everywhere. He heard the very feminine gasps of arousal from his throat intensify.

He longed to join in on them, but found that his throat and lungs would not deign to respond to his call. He casually noted that Eva's influence had reached his brain stem, and now appeared to have overridden its job. By rights, being literally unable to breathe without her should've terrified him, but his trust had become so implicit that the notion was actually quite comforting.

As he became more accepting of this new development, he gradually picked up on a warm, rhythmic surge coursing through his skin. In his mind he identified it with Eva. It felt like the presence of life itself surrounding him, the force that had animated Eva so long ago. He had somehow attuned himself with it, synchronizing it to the driving beat of his heart. In this they shared the means by which they existed, in this they were one.

Kevin had gotten so introspective that he had failed to notice what Eva had been up to until his knot was just about to slide free from his sheath. He was glad not to have missed it. It was always such a... rewarding experience. A gentle squeeze prompted his shaft's entry into the world, eager to meet Eva's tender grasp.

"And what, pray tell, do you plan on doing with that?"

"Oh, you know... same we've always done. Get the ball rolling and then go wherever the spirit of the moment moves us."

"Mmmmh... here's to spontaneity."

Kevin relished in the feeling of having his member stroked so slowly and deliberately by his lover. Previously they had always been so horny and consumed by passion that coherent thought was all but impossible. Kevin enjoyed the chance to have a bit of fun and still have useful consciousness to work with.

If only for the privilege of doing so, he let his mind wander. He did his best to steer his thoughts away from the far future, in which he would certainly have many complications to attend to, and decided instead to focus on the past, or the pleasantries of the present. It was such an odd time to suddenly become lost in thought, but Kevin barely noticed his attention starting to drift.

He had often spent much time sitting and thinking in his formative years. Certain inefficiencies within the systems of military logistics demanded it of him. At times when his situation permitted him only to sit and wait, he found it helpful to lose himself in thought. Even if it didn't bring out some hidden inspiration or brilliant solution, it passed the time.

He thought of how Professor Grayson had once mentioned military training in his lectures. Uniforms, cadence, formation marching, rigid hierarchy; they all were efforts to dehumanize soldiers, to steel their will against the task ahead. A quiet farm boy from Kansas probably wouldn't be able to keep his cool when the heat was on and lives were in danger, but a Marine, a trained, honed fighting machine wouldn't hesitate, wouldn't compromise and wouldn't look back.

Oh how he wished that effect was permanent. How he wished the way that adrenaline and fury erased his sense of remorse would last after the bullets stopped flying. It only made the pain worse when he finally felt it. If that invulnerability was eternal he wouldn't have to worry. Pangs of regret wouldn't stab at him from the back of his mind even years after the fact. What a perfect way to live.

Yet that world without pain would be also without joy. The closest he could come to happiness in that state was the morbid satisfaction of a confirmed kill. No, he was glad that he had gone back to being Kevin Kahler the man, instead of remaining Sergeant Kahler the Marine. Once more beholden to emotion, to the spice of life, he was free to enjoy the miracle that was his new lover.

Now that he thought of it though, he had undergone quite a fair bit of dehumanization himself in this past week. Whatever Eva was, whatever it was that he was becoming, it was quite far removed from the simple man, the simple human that he once was. His epiphany came to him over a gentle moan as Eva got herself worked up. He was still thinking too much like a man. He'd be much more creative if he were thinking like a balloon. He'd yet to properly explore the characteristics of his altered flesh, a situation he set about remedying as his free hand lowered down to grip his knot.

"Finally joining in on the fun are you?" A playful tease came. "You were really quiet for a while there, I was beginning to worry."

"Just waiting for inspiration to strike."

To be honest it still hadn't, but it felt like he was heading in the right direction. The first characteristic one tests in a latex material was obvious enough: How stretchy is it? With a firm grip on his knot, he gently pulled up on his shaft to see how it would respond. He wouldn't call the motion effortless, but his shaft elongated at the tension, a few inches snaking their way out of his sheath to a chorus of pleasant sensations. A sudden contraction made him jump and lose his grip, his loins heaved lustily as his member snapped back into place.

"Hmmm... maybe I should try a little introspective thinking sometime." Eva purred. "It seems to be getting results."

Kevin could feel her heat building in his new passage, fluid dripped from his netherlips as still more contractions tugged at their edges. The need washed away his scattered stream of thought until it completely filled his mind with the imperative of release. If this was how her heat felt, no wonder Eva got so worked up sometimes.

He tried to pick up where he had left off a moment ago, to grasp what he was getting at when he was considering the stretchiness and flexibility of his cock. It had turned completely backwards the night before without the slightest effort. There had to be a way to take advantage of that in his current state. He had to figure it out, and soon. It felt like the next empty contraction of his loins was going to rip him in half. He had to fill the void with something, anything.

His grip on his cock altered, without really fully forming the idea, he began to bend it down at the base. Eva picked up on the change quickly and used her grip to curve the tip inward. Somehow in that split second they had found the answer to all their problems. Kevin was still in stunned disbelief as he felt the dual pleasure of teasing his labia with his cockhead. It was awkward to be certain, but nowhere near so much so that either of them ever considered stopping.

The slow march of his shaft seemed only to aggravate the pleading heat of his inner walls. In desperation, he pressed his shaft flush to his crotch, forcing in as much as he could. It still wasn't near enough. He had lost a lot of ground traversing the gap between his two sexes, far too much of a concession for his beseeching loins. Fortunately, he had done his research ahead of time.

"Hold on, honey." He said, grasping his knot once more.

"Finally, you're saying that to me. I'm so proud."

"No literally, hold on to my shaft. I'm going to try something."

Kevin was indescribably thankful for the resilience of his augmented shaft. Eva's excitement led her to follow his instructions just a little bit too well, forcibly plastering his shaft down with her trembling fingers. It would do though, for what Kevin had in mind.

He slowly pushed down on his knot, inverting his shaft as Eva had done before. He underestimated the power of that small act, as the tiny shift sent a stream of cum up into his passage, still grasping frantically at the small portion of shaft that it held. He was taken aback, but knew that he could push through to see his idea to fruition. This was but a taste of the pleasure that awaited him if he could pull this off.

The skin of his sheath bunched up as its opening drifted further south. Kevin, still miraculously feeling nothing even close to discomfort, pressed on. The stretching of his shaft seemed only to invigorate its gentle pumping, lubricating its descent into his waiting femsex. He didn't remember closing his eyes, but found them so as his knot bumped up against his outer folds.

"Now comes the hard part. So to speak..."

"Oh you've done more than enough already, my love. We'll make this a success yet!"

Eva, quite a bit more familiar with the use of their shared passage, pulled at the muscles therein. Their outer lips relaxed, politely inviting Kevin's knot inside. It was still going to be tough going. He was at a bad angle to get any leverage, but this was the kind of challenge that Kevin really liked. His fingers slipped and his knot jumped free, but like many things tonight, it only provided him a bit of inspiration. He restored his grip and began thrusting with his fingers, bringing his knot a hair's breadth closer to its goal every time.

Eva's moans and heavy pants filled the room as Kevin's efforts drove her wild with desire. He had been so focused on achieving his goal he had nearly forgotten to enjoy himself, but with his cock so smoothly and so forcefully penetrating his own sex he could hardly do otherwise. The pleasure nearly made him forget his struggles with his knot, yet the situation saw fit to rather aggressively remind him of them.

At the apex of one particularly robust thrust, his cock neglected to spring back, the knot having wedged itself in the entrance. A sudden scream of ecstasy heralded the arrival of Eva's climax. The rapid, forceful contraction of her entrance yanked his knot inside. This put Kevin right on her heels, hands falling to his sides as he writhed and bucked though his own glorious peak. Just as before, being knotted seemed to unlock something within him that kept him from ever completely coming down from his climax. The slightest provocation would unleash another gout of seed. Even in the calm afterglow of Eva's raging climax his shaft still pumped rhythmically, filling their passage to the brim and beyond.

Slightly removed from the constant barrage of pleasure from his cock, was the more subtle feeling of his passage being rapidly filled by his copious seed. Trapped by his knot, the fluid rose within him, bringing a tremendous heat with it. Their femsex nearly came all over again when the flood of cum spilled over into their womb. As their twin sexes took turns provoking one another, their orgasms soon flew well beyond their control. They bucked and roiled at the mercy of their rutting bodies, both unwilling or unable to stem the tide.

Kevin's hand happened to land on his belly, now visibly expanding from the load within. He felt as though this fact would've made him cum harder if such a thing were possible. He heaved again, his shaft now adrift in a sea of seed. With a final, mighty effort his shaft expelled the last of its essence and stilled. Kevin lay there, gasping but afraid to move otherwise. A tingling feeling encircled the edges of his swollen womb. He wanted to ask Eva about it, but he could hardly muster the strength or focus to form words.

Small contractions jerked him inwardly, then visibly around his belly. The sloshing mass in his midsection jerked in response to the delightful pressure exerted by the walls of their womb. The tingling intensified in concert with the motion and soon reached unbearable levels. All his muscles seized suddenly and the tingling began to spread. His womb was collapsing inward, shrinking as the fluid was crushed out.

Even as he felt their womb drain, nothing emerged from their netherlips. There was no mystery as to where it was going though. The powerful electric tingle spread like wildfire down his legs as his cum gushed deep through them. He recognized the sensations of softening bone and shifting musculature through the pleasure of this tremendous, drawn-out orgasm. The surge of fluid within him seemed to carry instructions to his second skin, which tightened abominably, particularly around his feet. His bones would certainly have been crushed had they not recently acquired the ability to deform so drastically.

His toes pointed and spread out, making way for additional growth and the fusion of a few digits as the surge of fluid reached them. His feet lengthened rapidly under the forceful extrusion as his heels were lifted up. His knees jutted into the air as a tremendous amount of muscle became concentrated into his thighs, making it easier for him to maintain the intricate balance that would be required to stand with the changes to his frame.

His legs thrashed and squirmed, even after they were fully formed. Kevin couldn't help it. They had become so long and ungainly, and his member had started right back in refilling his womb. He found that his only cooperative limbs were his arms and he simply couldn't think of anything to do with them. Serendipity intervened once again as he brushed up against one of his breasts. The engorged mound spurted liquid latex energetically onto him, having not been tended in some time.

Kevin's wide and dexterous canine tongue instinctively slurped the luscious fluid off the end of his muzzle and he instantly knew how he'd be occupying his upper half. He squeezed a firm breast and attacked the resulting stream with his sloppy maw. The long, savory lick spurred on the production in his chest, making him work to catch it all. Oh what a glorious mess it all was.

Kevin was far too busy to notice a few phantom sensations brought about by his recreation, but that didn't stop them from nudging his body a little further along on its journey. The merged skin of his head and breasts absorbed the liquid latex that was getting sloshed about so eagerly and used it to combine ever-expanding swaths of Eva's skin with Kevin's. Latex dynamos apparently being social creatures, the cum being secreted through the walls of his womb began to work a similar magic on his legs.

Hopelessly enthralled as he was, Kevin noticed only how invigorating the feeling of his pawpads against the sheets was as the conversion of his skin neared completion. The transformation only further intensified the experience for both of them. The pair were so consumed by pleasure that neither of them picked up on the change in their body, or even the shift from one gender's orgasm to another until the fingers that gripped their breasts started to melt. Even then it was but an inconvenience to have to wait for the three fingers to reform into true handpaws such that they could go back to kneading and caressing their bountiful breasts.

Their womb was finally empty, but their lust had reached such astronomic proportions that neither side would stop cumming now. Neither of them could manage a single coherent movement. The sudden spike in pleasure made them throw their arms to their sides as their body surged mightily. There was an audible ripping as their claws sliced through the sheets beneath them. Their body was inundated with frenzied euphoria. Their cum was still being pumped aggressively through their innards, but where was it all going?

"Straight into your bloodstream at this point." Boomed a voice in their head. "Where I need it most. I've a few finishing touches to make."

That voice... very feminine but still rich and burry, even through the oppressive haze of pleasure that swamped them both they recognized it. This was the voice that spoke to them in the night, it spoke for the instincts and impulses and little nudges that they always seemed to get at just the right point. Half-formed questions filled their beleaguered minds, but the voice seemed perfectly capable of deciphering them.

"Me? Glad you asked. Quite an interesting story, mind you. You two became very close very quickly, even on what you would call a spiritual level. When you were... intimate... your minds would touch for just a moment. I was born of that contact. I was forged into a world of bliss, a world that lived only for a fleeting moment. After that I was cast back into the unending darkness from whence I came. In time I found that I rather liked existing. You understand, I'm sure that you're quite fond of it as well. So I began to engineer a way to get you two... together."

Even fogged and disoriented as they were, both Kevin and Eva pulled it all together with remarkable speed. They had always had just the slightest impression that some guiding hand was directing them in their lovemaking, trying to get the most out of it for a presumably benevolent reason.

"You should be thanking me, you know. I'm the only one with enough knowledge of Eva's abilities and Kevin's anatomy to make this little 'union' possible. You two enjoyed yourselves I trust? No need to answer, I already know it for a fact. How else would a being born of your pleasure have gained such power in so short a time?"

Their body moaned and heaved ceaselessly. Even with this strange power looming over them, they remained bound in pleasure. The voice picked another strand of thought from the consuming embrace of their ceaseless lovemaking.

"My intent? Is that fear I detect? Oh yes, quite a multitude of it for one so bold. Hmmm... I have been a bit forward haven't I? If it will set your minds at ease, know that I have no ill will towards you. I am forged by your love. I could have nothing but compassion for those that made me. I simply have a request to make of you."

They had the odd impression of simultaneously waking up and passing out. Their exhausted sexes had finally stilled, the iron grip of orgasm had finally relaxed. The imposing power of the voice rapidly dimmed as they slowly recovered their senses.

"I thought that a breather might be in order. Your delirious panting suggests that you agree. In any case, keeping you in that state was a bit cruel and I couldn't abide it anymore. Even if it was to sustain myself."

Concern emanated from Eva towards the fading voice.

"Yes, as I said, I exist only at the peak of your union." It replied. "When that moment is over, your minds begin to resolve themselves into separate personalities again... and I am no more..."

"You... your request." Kevin panted. "Quickly!"

"Your concern is the most touching thing that I have ever felt in my short little life..." The minute whisper said, an echo of appreciation coming from it. "It's quite a big favor, but it is all I will ever ask of you. If you continue to exist as your separate selves, I will continue to disappear into nothingness after a few fleeting moments. Please, let me live..."

The contact vanished, leaving a palpable emptiness in its place. Their exhaustion was all but forgotten in the wake of the weighty plight of their phantom messenger.

"W-what do you think-"

"I don't know, Eva. It's a bit much to take in, really. We're in the same body all of a sudden, a body not quite yours or mine that neither of us is fully familiar with, and now there's not two people sharing my mind but three somehow."

"I do have a way of complicating things..."

"'Complicated' is a pessimistic way of saying 'fascinating.' We'll get through this."

Kevin noticed something about his tongue, other than the delightful way that it curled back and forth as he panted from exertion. It was completely uninvolved in their speech. Their panting never ceased for them to form words. Their discussion was taking place in their minds while their exhausted body recovered. Eva's thoughts came to him again.

"I know we will. It just seems like there's a lot at stake here."

"You're right. We don't even know what the risks or consequences of helping her are. We can't even think about making a decision until we know what she meant."

"He did sound pretty desperate; you think there's a limit on the time we have to make our decision?"

"Wait, you thought she sounded like a 'he'? Ahhh, whatever... Normally I like to sleep on big decisions, but we've got to do our research first. We've got to find a way to talk with... our friend, so we can get more information."

"You're up for another round then? Because for once I'm not."

Kevin had to laugh at that one.

"No, no that's not what I mean. Though I wouldn't completely table the proposal..." The sly grin that they shared was truly priceless. "She's got a talent for inspiration. She's got the creativity and drive of both of us. Maybe if we cast out in our minds for inspiration, like I was doing before, she'll find a way to signal us."

"He was talking about how he had a few finishing touches to make to our bodies. I wonder what those could be..."

"Good thinking Eva. I knew there was a reason I invited you in here."

She appreciated the compliment, but the contact with her was slowly losing strength as if she were drifting away.

"Yeah, that's me. Miss inspiration... any minute now... inspiration all over the place, I promise..."

Eva seemed a bit distracted, Kevin admitted to feeling so himself as a stretching sensation in his jaw line broke his focus. It was remarkably similar to how it felt as he developed this new muzzle of his, progressively spreading but seeming to come from nowhere. His previously lolling tongue pinned itself to the bottom of his mouth and his jowls stretched back, tickling his nose. His chest billowed outward with a mighty yawn that practically echoed deep within his throat.

His whole body stretched intently. His claws swept through the neat little tears in his sheets as his limbs seemed to revel briefly in their new life. Even his tail, laden with liquid as it was, swiped a few contented arcs across the sheets. Kevin's head tilted back and his ears pinned down as he was overwhelmed by a warm fatigued feeling. As his jaws came back together with a wet snap, he thought it a lot less unreasonable that those were the jaws that had swallowed him whole.

His eyelids had stretched along with everything else, but seemed quite unresponsive now as they slowly drifted downwards. He cast out for Eva and a few weary words echoed back.

"Yeah... got to think... important..."

He felt the touch of her mind fade away, his own collapsing into darkness with her support gone. His tenuous grip on consciousness waned by the second. It didn't feel so bad though. Yeah, this was a good thing...