What A Treat

Story by Steamtrain on SoFurry

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A fox arrives at his friends part and becomes enthralled by the beauty of an emerald dragoness, who gives him more than he ever desired to be possible.

a request for a friend.

What a Treat

there was a knock on the door, and the door swung open, the loud sounds from the inner sanctum of the room were now bursting out into the streets, hitting who ever stood in the door way with its full force of sound. A Raccoon girl opened the door, she wore a cut up pink top and matching pink skirt with fish net stockings, soon after opening the door she disappeared into the mass crowd of bodies, the music was pumping through the room. Some of them were dancing, others were talking, some getting to know each other a little better, others... a lot better, all in public, for they did not care who was looking on, a fox walked on through the door way and shut the door behind him, trapping the sounds and smells once more. It was one of the first large parties he had been to and was not prepared for all the things he was seeing, he did not feel out of place however as he guided his way through the furs and scales to try and find his friend who had invited him. He wore a black T-shirt and an old pair of blue jeans, he was invited by his good friend Lucas, the wolf, who was notorious for finding his way into trouble, his parties had developed into a legendary status.

"There you are, I was wondering when you would get here" Lucas smiled at the fox, he had a drink in one paw, whilst the other was wrapped around a very pretty young doe, she was just cooing and melting into his side. The fox gave a chuckle and a smile "well I had a little trouble getting here" he watched as the wolf's paw roamed back to her rump, groping and squeezing it, making her gasp and lightly murr "well, I'll see you later, I have an appointment with a very naughty girl" she giggled loudly and nuzzled her head into his chest. He watched them walk away and sighed, hoping he might have such luck as his friend where women through themselves before him, that is why he was here, he was sick of being alone, he wanted to try something new, and he was told that this was definitely the place. He drifted through the crowds, all giving him playful looks whilst others would drink, dance, and mate, all in the public eye, and what was so strange was that it did not seem to bother him one bit, in fact it made him a little hot. The room was potent in the smell of sex, and not a single fur was unaffected, it was plain obvious to see as everyone appeared to be getting more friendly with each other, as the DJ played another song and lights flickered brightly.

It was then that he saw her through the crowds, she was the only one who stood still as the mass bodies swayed to the rhythm of the music, her green and scaly skin, shining so brightly in the light, it was only ever so briefly he noticed her. He tried to move himself closer, intrigued by the woman who had caught his eye, he squeezed and shoved through the crowd trying to find her, it almost seem to become an obsession as he looked frantically, but to no avail. His hope appeared to be lost as he let his black tipped ears lower in disappointment "looking for someone cutie" his ears perked up immediately as he slowly turned himself round to face where the noise was coming from, it was her. He could now see her fully and close, her body was so teasing and delicious to look at, as his eyes drank from her form, riding slowly up from her legs to her red bikini she was wearing, looking further and further up her magnificent body. Her large and glorious chest jiggled for him as she giggled sweetly, it was such a heavenly voice, her wings lay dormant as she just stared on at him, a large smile on her face, as she watched him try to speak. "H-hi" he stuttered, his tail waging a little fast behind him as she again giggled at him, her shoulder length black hair was so full and shiny "Hi there" her smile was replaced with a large grin.

The fox felt so light and happy just to be in her presence, he felt his heart seem to lift higher while he was near her "what's your name?" he asked her dreamily as he seemed to let all distractions fade away as her sweet voice caressed his ears and made them twitch "Jade". It was to him the most wonderful name he had ever heard, he tried to say something, he tried to talk to her, but when ever he tried, his mouth would be left hanging open, and he would feel so nervous. "Are you okay hun?" she asked him as she extended her arm, and began to rub it slowly up and down his chest, causing him to murr softly and slowly nod his head, a happy and dumb smile beginning to appear on his face. He felt so much more relaxed as she continued to rub him and draw herself closer, her other paw scratching behind his ear 'n-nice to... meet you" he found himself melting like butter into her delicate touch. She again giggled at him, it was almost as if he forgot where he was as he nuzzled his head into her chest and murred much louder, she continued to pet and scratch him regardless, finding him to be quite cute and playful.

It was when he opened his eyes that he saw where his head was laying, he pulled out slightly and looked up at her blushing, feeling terribly embarrassed and just wanting to hide away, but she did not say a word, she only seem to encourage him as she gave him a small peck on the forehead. "Why don't we go somewhere a little more private" she whispered leaning into his ear, the easily lead fox was still dazed from the sweet feeling of her lips meeting his head to deny her, as he slowly nodded and smiled up at her. The vulpine followed her through the crowd, watching her ass seem to sway from side to side for him, he wanted so badly to just follow it all night and was very tempted to get on all fours and do just that for her. She lead him to the pool area, which was empty and very clean, the glistening crystal blue water shining as the lights on the bottom of the pool came on "care for a drink" she smiled at him as she turned around and rubbed under his chin. "N-no thanks" he was putty in her claws and let himself be lead down this unknown path, throwing all caution to the wind, her arms wrapping around his neck as she drew her body closer.

She was lightly pressing herself into him, he could no help but stair as her cleavage put on a special show just for him "mmm we don't really need these silly clothes now do we sweetie" she murred into his ear. The loud and sweet murr made him shiver, everything was moving so fast as he gasped and nodded his head quickly to agree with her, his paws were quickly reaching down to his jeans and tugging them harshly to pull them to the floor. She again giggled at the soft and very compliant fox, lifting his tank top easily over his head and running her claw into his chest fur "mmm much better" he could not help but blush, he stood before her almost naked apart from a pair of black boxer shorts. The alluring and stunningly beautiful green dragon placed her hands behind her back, smiling at him and giving a playful wink, they both knew what she was doing, all that could be heard was a very loud murr as her bra dropped to the floor. Her large and ample chest seem to draw his full attention, those bosoms that looked as if they had been sculpted from the goddess of desire herself to tantalize and crush males, forcing them to their feet before her.

There large size made seem that as if you could become lost in her mountains of pleasure, falling deep between them and hoping not to return, he wanted to lose himself with in her chest, he wanted her so badly now, as a tent grew through his boxers. Her claws slowly roamed from up her thighs, being sure to caress each of her sensitive and sexy scales, now moving passed her hips and onto those scrumptious and enticing mounds of delight. She looked down at his boxers, and so did he, there was no need for words as he knew what she wanted, he calmly removed his boxers, pulling the waistband down passed his length to let it shoot out and breathe. A loud murr came from his muzzle as she drew him in close to her, she gently caressed under his chin and smiled, he was putty in her hands as his tail began to wag faster as he leaned himself into her hand "what a nice foxy" she whispered. He could do nothing more than give her the same dopey smile he had earlier as he seem to shiver as the words twisted around in his head and relaxing him so deeply as he continued to melt with her in the moment.

The dragoness pulled his head in close, guiding her muzzle to his as she gently kissed him, playing and teasing with his tongue, the fox did little to protest welcome it all with open arms as she guided him and took him, he felt so safe, so happy with her. Yet the moment of pure bliss did not last, and he whined loudly as she puled away, his muzzle still searching and reaching for her, another soft and enchanting giggle was released as she patted his head "in time sweetie, I have something to show you first" she stepped back and let him once more drink from her succulent and curvacious body, her claws covering her breasts, her yellow eyes focused on him. The fox happily let his tongue fall out and gladly would let himself bask in the presence of this goddess for another sweet moment as he watched her so eagerly, feeling so happy and content on listening to her, especially her breasts. His eyes could not seem to be drawn away from her breasts, as her claws pulled away, making them jiggle and reveal them in their great glory "mmm do you like these?" she murrs loudly and begins to rub them slowly, her fingers teasing around her nipples. There was no answer, how could there be?, he was far to busy admiring her, he could not look away as she began to move her mounds up and down, moving them in circles as she stepped in closer and closer.

She was so near to him now, only mere inches away from him, his head in perfect line with her bosom , as she continued to rub and sway her sweet flesh for him "good boy... keep looking sweetie" she murred so sweetly into his ear, he had no chance to resist. The fox could feel himself continue to fall with her words, falling into a bottomless pit of bliss as he did as he was told, it all felt so right to him, everything was as it should be "murrrrr...." he let loose a soft murr of pleasure as her breasts began to push into his face and tease him more, he felt a deep urge to suckle and please her. A loud coo could be heard as the ticklish and delightful tongue ran up her teat, trying so badly to please the dragoness, needing to make her so satisfied with the nice foxy that he was, he was taken in completely by her glorious bust, so captivated and mesmerized. The haze floating around his mind had done its part and had eliminated all thoughts of free will and to leave her, why on earth would he leave his mistress?, he desired her so madly, he would not survive without her voice, her touch, her feel. Again she pulled away from him, satisfied he was now the poor little cute and helpless foxy, he whined as her chest departed, puling a paw up and begging up at her with his sad and sweet eyes "awww" she giggles and kisses his forehead, it was almost like he was on a soft and fluffy cloud that continued to rise up and let him just drift away peacefully.

Jade soon returned with a drink in her hand, the mixture was a purple and bubbly substance, almost like some kind of strange champagne "drink up sweetie" she whispered into his ear, as she handed him the glass, a shiver running down his spine and tingles through his lower body as she licked at his ear, his member pressing against her leg with much need. There was no need to think, and no need to question, his goddess had instructed him on what to do, and that was all that mattered. His paws clenched around the glass tightly as he tipped it back into his muzzle. The strange and sweet taste sending his taste buds to heaven, the nectar making him feels so dizzy and weak as he swayed slowly, his vision becoming more blurry as he slumped down to his knee's, his tongue lulled out in joy. He felt as if he was trapped in a purple cloud, in fact he was correct, a purple cloud covered his form, hiding him away from everything else in the world as a soft and tingly giggle escaped from his own muzzle. The vulpine felt so hot and so aroused as his paws ran up and down his chest, rubbing into his fur and panting as he could feel his entire being quivering and tingling with this strange and wonderful sensation.

His eyes shut tightly as his paws rubbed and played with his member, the heat seeming to rise and rise as h could feel his body changing with in the purple cloud of pleasure, his ears were becoming shorter and more round. The luscious auburn colored fur and white mane became shorter and even softer than it was before, the once large fluffy tail becoming thinner and more curvy than it once was before, a loud moan broke free of his mouth. His muzzle was becoming smaller in size as he let out a yawn to show his now sharper and stronger jaw of teeth, his body continuing to change as his eyes shot open, becoming more golden and slitted, like that of a cat. The strong male form was becoming more sleek and curvacious, becoming more desirable as the cloud twisted and turned around him, he was by now far too distant in his mind to even realize what had happened. A burning sensation was growing deep with in his chest, it felt so odd, and yet so right as his new softer paws, massaged into his aching pecks, the bright and colorfulness of the fox's fur was now disappearing forever into the darkness of his new black coat, his body continuing to tingle and shift as his bones re-alined to fit his new self.

The proudly stood member of the fox had shrunk back into his sheath, yet his sheath was nowhere to be seen, their was no sign that it was ever once there, now all that was there, was a growing wetness in between his legs "purrrrrrrrrr" his sounds of pleasure elevating as the aching and needful breasts began to grow. The wild cat moaned loudly as he rubbed and pawed into the growing bags of joyous pleasure, growing more and more as he rubbed deeper into them, quickly reaching passed an A cup, even quicker passed a B, as they continued to grow. "Mew!"she cried as the built up lust in her body was at near breaking point, her body was on fire and the pussy could take no more of this blissful treatment, as she let herself go, cumming freely and coating the inside of her thighs in the remains of her former foxy self, of which she would never remember. The purple cloud began to subside, and there stood waiting was Jade, smiling and giggling at the pantheress before her, she licked her lips and murred loudly, as her eyes explored the new and much more desirable form of her new pet. A loud purr of emitting from the black pantheress who padded her way over slowly to her mistress, nuzzling her head against her thigh "mistress" she purred in her much higher toned voice.

The magnificent emerald dragoness smiled and petted the sexy kitty's head "my, what a treat you are" the pantheress moaned softly and blushed, licking away at her owners inner thigh, causing her to gaps and moan unexpectedly. "mmm I think that what I'll call you, my Treat" she giggles, bending over and kissing her deeply, her tongue being dominated by the much hungrier cats tongue, entwining and slurping her tongue up into her maw. "Good girl" she murrs breaking the kiss and standing, the panther mewed in delight and spread her mistress' legs, she just had to show how thankful she was.