In The Spotlight - Encore Performance

Story by DekaFox on SoFurry

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#4 of In The Spotlight

In this final installment, the gryphon gal Sasha returns to the stage for the first time since the accident. However, now she is performing for more than just the attention of strangers.

Originally, the first story in this group was going to be a standalone, but I just couldn't leave the poor gryphon in the situation she ended up in at the end, and thus the next two stories came about. After that, I felt the need to write this last one to bring the story full circle. I hope you enjoy it as much as she did!

Cheers from all around rose as I stepped onto the stage for the first time in what felt like far too long. While the announcer began his spiel, I tuned it out, eyes squinting though the golden lenses of my mask as I peered past the lights, looking for a certain table I'd been at not fifteen minutes ago.

There it was! I had to dig my talons into my palms to keep from grinning as I saw my tiger boyfriend Rob, his left leg still in a cast, give me a wave of encouragement. Tonight, I could care less about the faceless masses gathered around the tables, eager to see me strut my stuff. This performance was all for him.

He was actually an employee at this club, just as I was, though obviously he was on medical leave at the moment. I'd been kind of interested in him for a while, and him in me, but it had taken an accident with a stagelight fixture to get us to get over our initial shyness with each other.

Yes, strange as it might seem, this gryphon gal, who can bare herself to a bevy of horny men, couldn't get up the nerve to ask a simple co-worker out. Hell, I hadn't even wanted to admit to myself at first that I liked him. At least, not until he had heard me fingering myself while moaning his name, and I found myself worried sick about what his reaction to it had been.

That was all past now, however, and it was my time to shine. Spreading my white feathered wings and folding back my white-furred ears, I tilted my head and let out a roar more akin to my feline aspect, rather than my avian side that I usually played to. Out here, I was the Masked Gryphoness, not simple Sasha Longfeather, and she was a wild thing.

With that in mind, the costume I'd chosen for tonight emphasized that fact. Though the same angular silver mask rested on my black beak as always, masking the features of my falcon-like head, I'd borrowed some blue paint from the supply closet and painted blue stripes across my white-feathered cheeks. I'd purposely also ruffled the feathers that covered my neck, shoulders, and upper arms, making it look as if I'd just come from battle with some ancient monster.

If one's gaze were to continue down, as I'm sure most of the viewers' would, the disarray of those black-tipped feathers gave way to the soft off-white fur covering the curves of my full, bouncy chest. I still think that my breasts could stand to be a bit bigger, but as far as Rob is concerned they're the perfect size, and the top I'd picked barely kept them contained. Continuing with the primal look, I'd torn up an old leather sash before wrapping it around my bust, making sure some of the slashes were in the right spot to give teasing peeks at my nipples as I moved.

The only other bit of clothing I was sporting was of a similar nature. Past my trim belly, wrapped around my hips was a pair of thin leather straps, holding two torn flaps of leather in place as a makeshift loincloth. I'd also wrapped the straps under the base of my long feline tail to avoid giving away too soon the fact I was wearing nothing underneath it, the thin leather the only thing between the viewers eyes and my slowly dampening folds.

You see, I love showing myself off like this, which was partly how I'd ended up working here. On top of that, tonight I was also showing off to the tiger I loved, which was turning me on all the more. I think the only thing that would have made me even hotter would be if I could drag him up here and ride him right in front of all the patrons, but we weren't THAT kind of club, for good or ill. Still, even the thought of it sent a pleasant shiver through me as I sashayed my way to the front of the stage, blue and orange spotlights flashing in a cacophony of light as the primal beat of the drums began.

Rather than my usual rock numbers, I'd specified something primitive and savage, and Bill had certainly managed to deliver. As I reached the pole, the deep chords of the bass guitar kicked in, and I threw my head back in another roar, spreading my wings wide as I pressed the pole up between my rounded breasts. Slowly, I rubbed those pillowy orbs along it, the leather dragging along the metal, letting my stiff nipples poke through the tears in the sash for just long enough to be noticed before being covered again. Aaaaaand.... there was the tempo change.

As the second guitar kicked in with a wail, the flashing lights changed to green and red, and I threw myself away from the pole, hanging on by my fingers as I arced my entire body in one smooth curve, pushing my chest out in the process. I let a trilling caw loose while I spread my wings and forcefully tore the sash off, baring those white-furred mounds as the leather went flying off in some random direction.

I held that pose but a moment before cracking my body like a whip, bending forward to lean my head against the pole, my nicely-sized tits swaying as I looked out towards Rob's table and licked my beak. My ears perked as the rising melody suddenly dived below the bass guitar, the deep throbbing notes taking over again as I spun my body while keeping my head against the pole, melding my spine against the steel rod and curling my white-furred feline tail around it.

With a couple quick steps, I faced the crowd, crossing my arms in front of me and running my hands from my upper thighs up to my busty chest, cupping and lifting the firm mounds for the crowd(and especially for Rob) to see. Slowly, I leaned forward, brushing my palms over those stiff pink nipples as I ground my still-covered rump back against the steel pole. I was finding myself beginning to pant a bit as well, and it was definitely not from exertion.

As the main guitar line came tearing back in across the reverberating drums, I swung around the metal rod, holding onto it with my left wing and hand while my right clawed the strings of my loincloth, sending it flying as I swung around the metal shaft. Once I came all the way around, I let go completely, diving across the stage while using my white-feathered wings to keep control.

With a loud thump matching the pounding base line I landed on all fours. With a needy purrowr, I hiked my hips, raising my tail to give the room a good view of my pink slit as I felt a drop of my juice trickle out and run down my inner thigh.

As the song began to build to what seemed its final lines, I rocked my body back and forth, my full breasts swaying under me as I gave the audience the impression that they were taking me from behind. Slowly, I lowered my chest to the ground, soft titflesh squishing out as I pressed my breasts submissively against the floor and continued to rock my hips back. As the final drumbeats rang out, I tilted my head back in one last roaring call, rump hiked high to give a final teasing glimpse of my dripping snatch, right as the stagelights cut out.

As applause and cheers rang across the club, I climbed to my feet, waving to the crowd the moment the white lights came back on. Peering into the brightness, I had to force myself not to grin as I caught Rob raising his arm to give me a thumbs up. A moment later, the lights dimmed back down as I turned and walked off the stage, hips swaying and tail swishing until I slipped through the curtain.

Hank was already waiting there, the giraffe holding a wetted-down towel to help cool me down after the performance out under the hot lights. Taking the damp towel he offered, I nodded my thanks, brushing it across my feathered face and furred chest as I padded back towards the dressing rooms.

As I turned the corner, I stopped a minute by the control room door to poke my head in. Yup, Mark had already bailed, probably to meet up with one of his girls, but Bill was still there, keeping an eye on the light and sound systems. "Hey Bill," I called, "What was that song anyways? Never heard it before, but it was pretty good."

"Oh that?" he turned away from the displays, leaning back in his chair. "It was from the opening of some foreign show, actually. Super God Machine Beast or some mouthful like that. I think the song was called Firey Love? No, that wasn't it..." he trailed off, rubbing his chin as he thought.

I grinned and threw the towel at him. "Don't worry about it, I was just curious. Great choice though." As he pulled it off his face, I darted back out, moving with quick steps back to my dressing room. Though I was still feeling that burning need to get myself off, once I got there I just grabbed a skirt and T-shirt, tossing the mask carelessly onto the dresser as I slipped them on, not even bothering with undergarments. I didn't feel like having to wash another pair of panties after heading home, and besides, there was something exciting about walking around on the club floor with the cool air running across my heated folds.

After a quick peek through the "Employees Only" door, I slipped out onto the main floor of the club. For once, I wasn't the last act of the night, so everyone's eyes were glued to the next performer on the stage as I tried to nonchalantly make my way to that certain table in back. She was actually a new girl we were trying out; so far she seemed to have the right stuff, judging from the crowd's cheers and whistles.

"Looked like you had fun up there," Rob said with a grin as I finally reached his table. I returned the smile to the golden-eyed, black-haired tiger, wearing a simple T-shirt and a pair of jean shorts to allow for the leg cast. The T-shirt wasn't quite tight enough to look painted onto him, but it was plain that he didn't have any obvious fat anywhere, just muscle tone. I leaned on the arm of his chair a moment, letting my eyes wander further down, and noting with glee the bulge he was sporting in the crotch of his pants.

"Certainly looks like you enjoyed it too," I said with a wink as I let one of my hands slide off the armrest and give him a gentle grope. He started a moment at the grope, a soft surprised prrp rumbling in his chest as he looked up at me.

"That I did," he said as he leaned up to kiss my black gryphonbeak. "And if it wasn't for this cast I'd drag you off somewhere private and show you just how much."

I glanced around to make sure the nearby tables were still empty, and that the nearest other people were still watching the stage. "Well," I said with a mischievous beakgrin as I lifted the front of my skirt for him, "Back here seems private enough, as long as we're quiet."

I could see him lick his muzzle as he saw my pouting gryphonpussy, still wet from the show, but he shook his head quickly. "Sash, if we get caught..."

"We won't," I responded as I straddled his lap, my hands sliding down his front to unfasten his shorts. "As long as we're quiet, all other people will see is a hot girl giving her boyfriend a lapdance."

"But-" I cut him off with a heated kiss as I got his shorts open and slipped my hands inside, pushing down his underwear and freeing that wonderful tigercock of his, already hard and throbbing softly against my scaled palms. Slowly, I raised my hips as I pulled it back, letting the wide head brush teasingly against my dripping cuntlips under the skirt before lowering myself, impaling my heated body on that thick piece of tigermeat with a soft warm moan into his muzzle.

As I gave his large shaft a welcoming squeeze inside that tight passage, I pulled away from the kiss, giving him a mischievous wink. "Like I said, a lapdance."

He licked his lips again, though I couldn't tell if it was from nervousness at getting caught or desire for my heated body. Or perhaps a mix of both. "Mmm... well, I guess one... er.. dance can't hurt," He said with a quiet pant as he slid his hands under my skirt to give my furred rump a squeeze, brushing his fingers against my tailbase and making me stifle a gasp as I quivered around his length and dribbled my juices onto his crotchfur.

After another quick glance around, I lifted myself up a few inches, then lowered myself, trying not to moan as I felt his barbs dragging against my inner walls while each thick inch slid between my widespread cuntlips. Forget walking around bare; this was beyond anything I'd ever felt as I rode that fat cocklength of his right there in front of the club and everybody, but without any of them knowing it.

I could tell Rob was biting his tongue to keep from making any noises other than the deep purr rumbling from his chest as I took that heated fleshy spire deep into my slick gryphonpussy again and again. My full, ripe breasts swayed under my shirt as I rose and fell in his lap, drawing his attention as I squeezed down on each upstroke, milking that barbed feline cock filling me so full while I coated it with my sweet honey.

I couldn't help but breathe heavier as I resisted the urge to just start slamming myself down on that nice thick cock spreading me so wide, pleasure building quickly within me at giving my tiger such a wonderful ride in public. Quickly though, I noticed while the skirt was hiding our mashing hips, I was starting to smell his heady male musk and my own arousal as I matted his crotchfur with warm pussyjuice, and my ears could barely hear a soft wet squishing as I took him deep into my dripping gryphoncunt. The skirt was muffling it some, but all it would take is one person walking by and they'd probably know what we were actually doing.

Rather than scaring me though, it was turning me on even more, and I could feel my climax quickly approaching with all the certainty of a freight train. Licking my beak, I started rocking my hips a bit more vigorously, squeezing down firmly when I could, trying to get him off before I could cum.

The way his muzzle hung open while he panted quickly, his own hips rocking just a tiny bit, I could tell he was getting close as well. Leaning in, I whispered into his orange ear as I continued that quick stroking, my inner walls quivering as that barbed shaft rubbed all along my tight, grasping passage in all the right places. "I want you.. to fill me full.. of every drop of cum you've got. Right here... right now..."

As I spoke the last word, I felt him tense under me, right before I felt that glorious spraying of his hot tigercum into my hungry gryphoncunt. Opening my beak in a silent scream of joy, I lost myself in the pleasure of that pulsing, throbbing tigercock pouring his heated essence into me, the thick jets of hot seed splashing so wonderfully into my needy body, filling my belly with his warmth while my quivering passage firmly milked him for every single drop of cum.

As our climaxes ended, I half collapsed against his chest, my white-feathered wings refolding onto my back, and I realized with a blush that I'd spread my wings instinctively when I came. Quickly, I looked around, my cheeks burning as I realized I might have been the one to give away our secret game. Thankfully, the young bunny on stage was just wrapping up her own act and everyone else's eyes were still on her.

As I let out a sigh of relief, I turned my attention back to my wonderful tiger, just as he planted a warm kiss right on my black beak. Sated purrs rumbled from both of us as we held the kiss a moment, before parting to smile at each other.

"Well," he said tentatively, "That was the most interesting 'lapdance' I've ever had."

I stifled a giggle, wiggling my hips a second just to tease that buried shaft and drawing an involuntary gasp from him. "Just wait until you get that cast off," I said with a wink. "I know I can't wait."

He smirked, and beeped my beaktip. "You, my good gryphon, are very incorrigible."

"Encouragable?" I fluttered my eyes at him while giving him a very innocent look. "Why thank you~"

He chuckled, just shaking his head. "Well, we might want to.. er.. close up and get out of here before anyone else notices that lovely smell of yours."

I leaned in to lick his pink nosepad. "You smell pretty good yourself, right now. But you do have a point."

Gradually, I lifted myself up again, shivering as his barbs dragged along my well-used passage, and let his slowly softening shaft drop free. I remained there a moment, keeping a careful eye at the people nearby as he pulled his underwear and shorts back up, fastening them as fast as he could.

Once he gave me the nod that it was safe, I slid off his lap and helped him up, holding him steady as he grabbed his crutches from the nearby wall and got them under him. At that moment, we both heard a quiet plop as I felt a drop of our mixed cum slip out of my bare cunny and splash on the floor, and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I shrugged, a sheepish grin on my beak. "Well, they can't pin it on us," I said as we started to make our way to the front entrance. Our club's bouncer, a large wolf named Rick, gave us a nod as we passed through the tinted glass doors and headed across the parking lot to Rob's car. Mine had finally given up the ghost a month and a half ago, on the same night as the accident that'd finally gotten us together, and since Rob couldn't exactly drive with a busted leg, I'd been taking us wherever we needed to go.

After helping Rob into the passenger seat, I walked around and slid behind the wheel, fastening the safety belt. "Shall we?" I asked as Rob fastened his, soft moonlight shining gently over the two of us.

"Yeah, let's go home."