That Last Semester.....Aftermath

Story by Nighteyes on SoFurry

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#2 of That Last Semester

"...Oh shit...." Nighteyes muttered, his throat feeling as dry as sand paper. He laid there, frozen solid, not able to do a thing while Dan and Mike stood at the threshold in disbelief at the sight. "Um....err....It's....It's not what it looks like....I swear!" He tried to say though his voice was hoarse and cracky.

Dan was first to respond, though his speech was slurred from a good night of drinking. "Hey man, whas you doing wif Mike's draws on you face?" Giggling a little he coughed and wiped the smirk off his face, looking to Mike whose heart was beating hard in his chest. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Just earlier he and Dan were discussing the idea of Nighteyes sharing the same feelings for them as they did for him. Now he was seeing what could be truth to that idea.

Entering slowly, Mike walked in followed by a stumbling Dan who lay down on his bed, looking across in drunken bewilderment as Mike sat down at the foot of his own bed, just past the wolf's feet. He slowly extended his paw onto his leg and cleared his throat, feeling more sober then he did before leaving with Dan earlier. "Listen...there is nothing to worry.............." Mike began to say but suddenly Nighteyes seemed to jump to life and leapt off the bed, Mike's underwear falling to the floor. He stumbled some on the fallen briefs and slammed his shoulder into the door frame with a loud thump. Yipping in pain he continued at great speed through the dimly lit hall to his own room, pulling the door hard to slam into place, immediately locking it.

Standing there in pitch blackness Nighteyes fell to his knees, hyperventilating in between sobs. He couldn't believe what had just happened. He knew he was in a world of shit now, even if his roommates didn't immediately blow up at him. His life was over as he knew it. All he could think about was wishing to make everything go away, to slip into nothing and let his world vanish forever. "I.....*sniff*....what am I going to do." He whimpered after calming himself out of his uncontrolled breathing. Outside his door he heard a calm rapping.

"Hey man, it's Mike, please let me in?" Mike pleaded softly from outside the wolf's room. "I want to talk to you, it's important..."

Nighteyes just sat there on the floor of his room, naked in the dark, feeling more vulnerable than he ever had before in his entire life. He couldn't face Mike again, not after being caught pawing off with his dirty underwear. Tears ran down his sweat damp face as he heard Mike continue to beg to be let in. No way could he let him in. He would surely tear him a new one. He didn't know what to do, what to say. His throat completely dried to the point where it was futile to say something without it being jumbled and understandable. Getting up he went over to his window, overlooking downtown Boston, the Prudential Tower lit up in the night sky with a full moon coming out of the clouds at that point, sending light into his small room. Behind him he could hear Mike beginning to pound on his door. He felt his life was about to end. There was nowhere to run, or hide. He knew he couldn't stay in his room forever; that he would eventually have to face Mike and Dan.

Something came over the wolf as he stood there looking at the door. He went over to his hamper and pulled out a pair of boxers, since his prior pair still in Mike's room. Walking over to the door, he unlatched it slowly and carefully opened it enough to see most of Mike's face.

"What do you want Mike, did you come to beat me up?" Nighteyes conjured up the courage to ask him. Mike just stood there leaning against the frame with a sorrowful look on his face. One that had a look of calm collectiveness on it. It wasn't one he has seen often. Last time he saw it was when Mike got word that his grandmother died. Not getting a response he opened the door more, so that his whole form stood in the doorway.

"Nighteyes, please talk to me, let me come in and sit down with you. I have no intention whatsoever to lay a finger on you. You have to believe me. We have been good friends for four years now, we've done nothing but look out for each other and even after tonight I do not plan to change that fact..." Mike said with complete certainty. Nighteyes then opened the door completely but did not turn on a light. Instead he turned and went to sit on his bed, holding a pillow in his lap and hugging it dearly. The puma walking in slowly without saying a word proceeded to make his way to the wolf's bed and sit down next to him, not looking at him just yet. The two of them just sat there focusing on the wall opposite them, a slight sniffle coming from Nighteyes as he sat there in silence. Mike was the first one to break that silence.

"Nighteyes, I first of all want you to know that neither Dan nor myself are going to judge you from what you did tonight, though a few questions pop into my head as to why you chose those sweaty briefs, but nevertheless, I do not want you to feel threatened, or uncomfortable...." Mike started to say softly before Nighteyes broke in.

"How can you say that? How can I not feel uncomfortable or any bit awkward. How can you be so calm walking in on your 'gay' roommate going to town on your bed not only totally naked, but with that particular article of clothing??" The wolf exclaimed.

"Easy answer there Nighty, it is because we are not all that, Dan, or myself." The feline answered with surety.

"Huh? What are you getting at Mike? What do you mean we are all alike?" Nighteyes asked with a look of utter confusion, the events of the night clouding his mind.

"Should be plain obvious bro...Dan and I are gay as well." He said bluntly, Nighteyes staring at him in disbelief. "Point being, don't be so hard on yourself. Honestly, we were both waiting for you to answer the call yourself. We kind of connected the dots from over the years had our suspicion. Dan and I came out to each other about a month ago....and well...we both have had our share of dirty thoughts involving you..."

"So...what you are trying to say is that not only you and Dan are gay, but you've both fantasized about me?" Nighteyes managed to get out a few moments later, disbelief still covering his face.

Nodding slowly Mike replied. "Yes, that is the truth of it all. Now, if I am not mistaken from the names I heard you call out as we entered the dorm, you were doing a similar thing about Dan and me?"

Thankfully for the darkness, his sudden blush was veiled. Meekly he nodded in answer. "Aye...that is true..." He smiled for the first time that evening and looked over to Mike with a sort of newfound peace. That moment the two of them looked over to the door where Dan was standing, well more like leaning up against. He was smiling, his eyes glistening in the moonlight that was invading the wolf's room apparently on the verge of crying.

"This is all too overwhelming have no idea how confused and scared I am right now..." Nighteyes began to say but was cut off as Dan made his way over to them and sat on the other side of the wolf, leaning against him. Mike did the same thing and moved in closer to lean against the wolf who just sat there with his heart in his throat, pounding like a fist trying to break through and out of him. The two roommates then wrapped their arms around the wolf that immediately broke down completely and started to cry endlessly into their loving embrace. The puma and husky mix just sat there holding their dear friend as he cried into the two of them. The lot of them remained in that embrace for a good while, not saying a word.

"Mike...Dan...I still can't believe this just happened. I mean...for a while now the two of you have been in the forefront of my mind, not leaving me. I didn't know why that was, and I certainly didn't associate it with me crushing on you two. We are best buds, and I didn't think much of the feelings I felt. I didn't know that they were feelings of attraction. You guys are the loveliest furs I've ever been around, and I hope this feeling never goes away...." Nighteyes let out, in between sobs of joy. He had never been with furs who truly cared for him or wanted him to be around. After meeting Mike and Dan, his life felt more complete, though at the time of their meeting, he never thought it would turn out like this, him in nothing but his boxers cuddling with two of his best mates.

"Mmm, don't worry hun, we aren't leaving ya tonight..." Mike said softly running his paw slowly through the wolf's bushy mane. Dan nodded, "Yesh, we arn leaving our mate." Nighteyes chuckled softly at his roommate's drunken speech impediment and looked back and forth into their eyes. Pulling the two of them close, he lightly brushed his lips against their cheeks and murred softly.

"It would be nice to sleep with you two tonight......I mean, you guys sleep in my bed with me....err....I mean to say that I would like nothing more than to be with the two of you tonight." Nighteyes stumbled the words out in a rush as he continued to mess up what he was trying to say.

Laughing Mike pulled the wolf to him and kissed his forehead. "Oh you silly wolf, we know what you mean, and yes, if you want we will stay with you tonight, right Dan?" The husky murred and nodded as he stood up and undressed to his skimpies, which consisted of tight silky briefs with a big paw print embroidered on each of the ass cheeks. Gulping slightly sat there nervously as Mike stripped down as well, leaving nothing but his looser boxers. He felt a little lightheaded sitting crotch level almost face to face with their crotches. He got up so he could get his mind working again and pulled back the blankets.

One after the other they all got into the wolf's bed, with himself in between the gorgeous puma and husky. Both were facing him now as they spooning, conforming to each other. It felt wonderful to be against so much warmth, not only on his body, but in it as well. His heart was really going to town and trying its hardest to not pop out of his chest. He could smell the strong scent of the puma enter his nostrils as he lay facing him directly, almost nose to nose. The Husky had a firm grip around his waist with his face buried into the back of the wolf's nape breathing slowly while the Mike slid as close as he could to slide Nighteyes' face against his chest. The three of them had done nothing like this before, but instinct seemed to be taking over just fine. It was, as if, time had slowed down as they lay there enjoying the physical company of each other. The now calm wolf thought it could not get any better than that.

Slowly the three of them drifted off into sleep and for the first time he could ever remember in his entire life, Nighteyes slept without any worry or fear. All that there was then was the love and compassion felt equally between the three furs whose lives had just changed drastically in a single moment. It was more than just coincidence that brought them together. Fate brought the three of them together from day one. They were destined to be there for each other during this pivotal period in each of their lives.

Now the question was...would their bond for each other stay strong in the face of what was to come?

Well there you have it folks. Part 2 of the story. Hope ya'll enjoyed. Please continue to give me feedback and critique. I should stop writing when I am about to pass out, but it is strange. I get my best thinking when I am crazy dead tired. Weird.....I could not get to sleep until I got this down, now hopefully I did not end up shooting myself in the paw doing this...writing when I could barely see. Well, that is for you folks to help me out with.

Part three will come up sometime if I can get any more free time to write. Life is so damn busy right now with my mate coming to move in with me soon, with my folks dealing with some family issues. This writing is a good escape for me.

Take care everyone!!!

*hugs and nuzzles*
