A Lion's Love

Story by Brocktree on SoFurry

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#2 of The lion and the Hyena

Disclaimer: Is there a simpler way to do this? *sighs*

*Dons a deep anoucer like voice* The following story has been rated NC-17 for adult situations between two male furs. If you are under the age of 18 please, close you web browser and the cops will not be sent to throw you in jail.

Thank you and enjoy the story!


Jared's room was dark accept for the small beam of light that had forced it's way through the blinds and onto the wall just about the sleeping form of a Hyena. Jared snored lightly, rolling over and pulling the blanket completely over his head. The Hyena's sleep was interrupted when the alarm clock decided that it was time for him to wake up. Screaming its annoying buzzing tone the clock made darn sure that Jared would be awake. A paw appeared from under a layer of blankets and fumbled around on the desk until it managed to find the Alarm clocks off button, but it was too late Jared was already awake. The paw disappeared back under the blankets, not soon after a moan escaped followed by Jared's head.

Jared tossed the blankets off him and sat on the edge of the bed. He stretched and stood up, standing there for a moment sleepily. He smiled, remembering the dream he had had about John last night. That beautiful lion was all he could think about lately. The Hyena let out a sigh and walked over to his dresser. He selected a clean pair of clothes and made his way over the bathroom. Taking a clean towel from the closet, he turned the shower on and quickly relieved himself while he waited for the water to heat up.

The Hyena freed himself from his boxer's and stepped into the shower. He stood there for a moment still trying to wake up, letting the water completely soak his fur. His thoughts wandered back to when he and John took that shower together... how he longed to be with him again. Jared would place his paws on the lion's lovely rump and massage it ever so delicately. Jared closed his eyes and giggled at the thought. He felt a familiar feeling of arousal; he opened his eyes and looked down to see his heynahood standing at full attention.

Smiling, he reached down with his paw and grabbed his erection. He slowly started to move his paw up and down the smooth shaft, shuddering with pleasure each time his paw grazed the sensitive head. His thoughts returned again to John, standing with him in the shower. How he wished to kiss the lion, to explore the lion's muzzle with his tongue. Jared let out a sigh oh joy while his paw picked up speed. It was at that time that the hyena remembered how good it felt when the lion was sucking on him. Jared tried to imagine John placing his muzzle around his member one more time remember the feeling of the rough feline tongue gently licking him. This thought only encouraged Jared to smile and pick up speed.

Jared couldn't help himself, and he now wondered what it would be like to have that lovely lionhood in him... he pictured himself lying on his back, with the form of John over him. He would watch John place his cock at his tailhole before looking up at him waiting for a sign to go ahead and... Jared's mind went blank as he unknowingly pushed himself over the edge; his seed exploded from the tip of his cock as he came hard, streams of cum hit the wall of the shower. Jared let out a sigh of relief and relaxed his body as his cumming started to slow down, it always felt good to paw off in the morning. He released the hold he had on his member and licked the remaining cum from his paw smiling.

He started to whistle a song as he finished off his shower, scrubbing his body thoroughly from head to tail. He turned the water off and stood there dripping for a moment before stepping out of the shower and drying himself off. The hyena put on his clean set of clothes and brushed his teeth before leaving the bathroom and returning to his bedroom. Putting a CD in the CD player he pressed start and hummed along as he finished getting ready for the day ahead. He quickly and neatly made his bed, picked up the remaining clothes on the floor and through them in the hamper. Satisfied that his room was clean enough he sat down at his desk and stared at the small piece of paper that had a number written on it. It was John's cell phone number. Every morning for the last three days, Jared sat there and stared at the number trying to work up the nerve of whether to call John or not; and every morning he left his room without having called the number, accept this morning.

Jared took a deep breath and picked up his cell phone, his paw shook rigorously as he slowly dialed the number that was on the piece of paper. He reluctantly placed the phone to his ear and waited, he heard it ring twice before Jared heard a familiar voice.


"H...hi John? Th... this is J... Jared." The hyena said stuttering out of nervousness.

"Hey kid, you ok? You sound kind of shaken."

Jared gulped trying to compose himself "I'm fine, I...I didn't wake you d...did I?"

"Nah I just got out of the shower, haven't even gotten dressed when you called."

Jared pictures the lion naked again and blushed. "Oh s...sorry I didn't mean to..."

"Don't worry bout it kid." John said cutting Jared's stammering off. "So what did you call about? I haven't heard from you in a while."

Jared took a deep breathe again and finally worked up the courage to ask "I was... well what I mean to say is um... did you maybe want to go out with me tonight...?"

John couldn't see the hyena turn a bright shade of red over the phone as he asked the question. John smiled, "Of course I would. What did you have in mind?"

Jared let out a sigh of relief. "Well there is a nice Italian place we can go to; it isn't to far from my house."

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the line before John finally responded, "That sounds great kid what time did you want me to come by and pick you up?"

Jared smiled, "How about around seven o'clock?"

"I'll be there. And kid?"


"You never have to be nervous about calling me; it's why I gave you my number in the first place. I'm always here for you, even if you just want to talk." John said reassuringly

"I...I know, it's just..." Jared said quietly.

"That's all right kid, I don't blame you for being nervous. So I'll see you around seven then?"

"Aye, seven. I'll call the restaurant and make a reservation."

"All right kid, see ya then." John said before hanging up his phone.

Jared closed his phone and put it back on the desk. He looked down at the clothes he was wearing and frowned. "I can't go out with John in these clothes..." He quickly walked over to his dresser and rummaged about for a while until he found what he was looking for. It was a white button down shirt he hadn't worn in over a month, he tried it on and it still fit. Jared grinned and continued looking about for a nice pair of pants. Finding the tan pair of dress pants he had rarely ever used he put them on, they were a little tight but they still fit him. He looked at himself in a mirror and smiled, hopefully this would be all right for his date with John. Jared switched back to his normal clothes and continued to go about his day waiting for seven o'clock to roll around.

Jared was lying on the couch watching TV could hear the car pull up in the driveway, he jumped realizing that he had forgotten to change back into his dress clothes, he saw John step out of the car, he was wearing a light blue collared shirt and black pants. Jared stared at the lion for a few minutes before snapping back into reality. He ran up the stairs and into his room to change as quickly as possible. He heard the doorbell ring right as he was putting his footpaw into one of the pant legs. "Curse my idiocy," the hyena said to himself. He heard one of his parents answer the door. Hearing muffled words, he continued to get dressed, buttoning his pants and putting on his shoes he heard his mother's voice calling him.

"Jared, there is someone named John here to see you."

"Be right down ma!" Jared shouted back.

He looked at himself one last time in the mirror, tucking his shirt in he took a deep breathe and went downstairs.

"Hey kid, lookin good." The lion said with a smile. You ready to go?"

"I...I think so." Jared said, waving goodbye to his mother. "By ma, I don't know when I'll be back.

"Stay safe hon."

"Don't worry Ma'am I'll be sure to get him back safe and sound" John said bowing slightly. He placed his arm around Jared's shoulder and they both left the house smiling. John opened the car door for Jared and the hyena climbed into the car.

"Thank you."

John only smiled and climbed into the driver's seat. Before starting the car he gave Jared a quick kiss on the muzzle. Jared smiled and kissed the lion back.

"So, where we going?" John said starting the car. Jared gave him very specific instructions on how to get to the restaurant. John smiled and started to make his way there.

Jared sat quietly in the car, not exactly sure about what to say. He glared out the window every so often, as if looking for something to tell him what to do. It was John who broke the silence.

"So, how've you been? We haven't talked since the last day of school." John inquired, looking over at the neatly dressed hyena.

"I'm feeling much better now, thanks to you." Jared replied with a smile.

John reached over with his free paw and softly scratched the back of the hyena's neck. Jared closed his eyes and sighed happily.

"Good to hear kid, good to hear." John said, continuing to scratch the hyena's neck. The rest of the car ride was silent, Jared was just happy to be with the lion again, who seemed content on scratching Jared's neck. The car finally pulled up to the restaurant. It was a fairly large building resting on the shoreline of a river with a larch porch overlooking the water.

John parked the car and let Jared out; placing their arms around each other's shoulders they made their way into the building. The restaurant was busy, various furs could be seen chatting and eating happily. A faint violin could be heard over the attendees, waiters scurried back and forth, filling orders and delivering food. At the front desk was a bat with his nose in a book and a phone wedged between his ear and his shoulder.

"...So that's a table for three, tomorrow at eight o'clock? All right you're all set, thanks for calling." The bat hung up the phone and finished writing something down in the book before turning his attention to John and Jared.

"Good evening gentlemen do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, Jared at seven o' clock."

The bat looked down at the book for a brief moment before nodding, "Right this way please." The bat lead them through the restaurant and out onto the deck to an empty table in the corner.

"Here you are gentlemen, your waiter will bill over shortly." The bat bowed slightly and departed.

The two sat down on opposite sides of the small table. John looked out onto the water, the setting sun was casting it's last light onto it. Each tiny ripple reflected the faint orange glow, as if the light were dancing on the waves.

"It's beautiful," John said. Jared looked out onto the water, smiling he returned his gaze to the lion. "Not as beautiful as you." The hyena thought to himself, to nervous to say it out loud.

They sat there for a moment in silence, John staring out onto the waves, Jared staring at John. The silence was broken when a female cheetah appeared, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Good evening gentlemen."

John and Jared broke from there respective trances and looked up at the cheetah. She handed them both a menu. "My name is Sarah and I will be your waitress for this evening. Can I start you two off with something to drink?"

"I'll take an iced tea please." John replied.

"I'll just have a glass of water." Jared piped in.

The cheetah nodded and left to get their drinks. The two stared at their menus for a while before the waitress returned. They placed their orders and the cheetah took their menus leaving them alone. Jared sat there staring at his glass of water, his leg shaking out of nervousness.

"Hey you ok kid?" John asked.

"Y...yeah I'm just... really nervous" the Hyena replied shaking visibly

John sighed and put his paw on top of the hyena's paw to try and stop it from shaking. "There is no need to be nervous ki...hon, if I didn't want to come I would have said no, but I didn't. I wanted to be with you." John said, lightly rubbing the back of Jared's paw. The hyena took a deep breath and smiled.

"I know... but I just... have never done anything like this before I'm not quite sure on what to do..." Jared said, his leg still shaking. He looked up at the lion and suddenly wished he hadn't worn a pair of tight pants.

"Just be yourself, that is who I came to be with." John released the hyena's paw. Jared took one last look out onto the river as the sun disappeared behind a hill and; looked back at the lion he smiled and his leg slowly stopped shaking.

"I... I think I can handle that..."

John reached across the table and ruffled the hyena's head fur. Jared giggled and did his best to fix his fur with his paws. John merely smiled and took a sip of his iced tea. Soon after the cheetah returned with their food. The two ate happily talking about this and that, laughing occasionally, both enjoying the other's company thoroughly. When they were finished Jared picked up the bill and they left the restaurant in each other's arms, happily making their way to the car. When they there, John unlocked it but didn't get in. Jared scratched the back of his head nervously before suddenly kissing the lion. John blinked in surprise before kissing back, he purred happily enjoying the feeling of the hyena's lips against his. Jared placed a paw on the back of the lion's head and pulled him closer, he didn't want this moment to end.

It was a good minute before John pulled his head back breaking the embrace. The hyena looked at the lion and blushed. John smiled and gave him a big hug.

"Come on, let's go to my place I've got a few movies we can watch." John said, letting Jared into the car.

"A...all right" Jared replied climbing into the car. John climbed in as well and started the car and made his way to his house. Jared sat in the passenger seat, heavily aroused from the lion's kiss. He repositioned himself a few times throughout the car ride.

John glanced over at the hyena and the large bulge in the hyena's pants. He chuckled quietly to himself, knowing that his pants too were feeling a little tighter.

When they arrived John led Jared inside.

"I'm going to get changed if that's ok." John said placing his keys on a hook.

"That's perfectly fine."

"Make yourself at home hon." John added as he went to his room to change. Jared sat down on the couch and stared at the wall blankly. It wasn't long before Jared realized that John had finished changing and was standing near him. He looked up at the lion who had put on a simple t-shirt and a pair of shorts. The hyena studied the lion from head to foot paw, he stopped when he saw that the lion was aroused. He looked away quickly and blushed. The lion smiled and put a movie into the DvD player before joining the blushing hyena on the couch.

John sat next to Jared and wrapped his arm around him. Jared couldn't stop himself; he snuggled into the lion putting his arm around the lion's back and his other paw on the lion's chest. He rested his head on the lion's shoulder lightly and smiled, rubbing the lion's chest slowly with his paw. The lion purred happily, he lightly kissed the hyena between his ears; reaching under the hyena's shirt he slowly rubbed the hyena's stomach. Jared could care less about what was going on in the movie, he was just happy to be with John. With a rush of courage Jared slowly moved his paw down to the lion's waistline, scratching it lightly with a single claw, eliciting a moan of pleasure from the lion. The hyena giggled and reached into the lion's shorts to find the erect lionhood inside. He smiled and gently gripped it with his paw. John blushed and scratched the hyena between the ears, causing them to twitch uncontrollably.

Jared quickly undid the button on the shorts. The lion sat their, his member out of it's cloth constraints with a hyena playing with it happily. That very same hyena was now lightly massaging the lion's balls with his free paw, all the while moving his paw up and down the smooth shaft. John slowly repositioned himself so that he could kiss the hyena. Their tongues explored each other's muzzles as the hyena played with the lion's shaft. The two continued to kiss as John reached down and groped the hyena's rear with his paws, bringing the hyena closer.

Jared felt as if he were in heaven, he couldn't remember a time when he was happier. He began to stroke the lion's cock even faster as the lion kissed him. John ceased his groping and slid his paw down the hyena's tight pants so he could return the favor. He undid the button and took the hyenahood into his paw. Both of them having completely forgotten about the movie, they sat on the couch, kissing and stroking each other. Jared's paw picked up speed as john lightly massaged the tip of the hyena's cock with his paw. Suddenly the Hyena stopped. John broke the kiss and released the Hyena.

"What's wrong sweetie? That felt amazing." John asked.

"I...I...I want you in me..." the hyena suddenly blurted out, turning a deep shade of red as he said it. John merely blinked and smiled, kissing the hyena.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes... p... please?" Jared said, almost begging.

"All right hon, come on lets go to my room." John said smiling. Leaving the movie on behind them they made there way to John's room, they freed themselves of their remaining clothes and stared at each other.

"How did you wanna do this?" the lion asked.

The hyena paused and thought about it before replying;

"I...I wanna be on my paws and knees if...if that's ok?"

The lion kissed the hyena one last time. "What ever you want."

The Hyena grinned and climbed onto the bed. John padded over to his dresser and opened a small drawer, rummaging through it he found a tube of lubricant. He grinned and closed the drawer before making his way over to the bed and lying down next to the hyena.

"May I?" the hyena said pointing at the tube in John's paw. John smiled and handed him the item in question. Jared smiled back and took the tube; opening it he put some of the lube onto his paw. He reached down and started to rub the cool gel all over the lion's cock, covering it completely. The lion moaned and purred in pleasure. When the hyena was done he kissed the lion and flipped himself over, standing on his paws and knees, his rump in the air waiting. John chuckled at the obvious lust in the hyena's eyes. He stood up to get behind the hyena, he sighed and placed the tip of his lionhood at Jared's tailhole.

"Are you sure your ready hon?" the lion asked one last time.

"Yes... please go slow."

"I will don't worry. If at any time you feel like I should stop, say so immediately I don't want to harm you."

"I...I will"

The lion took a deep breath and slowly pushed forward. The hyena winced as the lion's cock slowly disappeared into him. John pushed slower, being careful not to hurt the hyena. Jared shuddered with pleasure, gripping the sheets lightly as he was penetrated inch by inch. Jared had never felt anything like this before, he had no idea that it felt this good. The feeling of the lion's cock brushing against the sensitive flesh in his rear was amazing. Jared could have happy if it never ended.

"Are you all right hon?" the lion asked.

"I'm... fine... c...continue" Jared replied.

The lion nodded and began to slowly thrust in and out of Jared's rear. He enjoyed the feeling of Jared's warmth enveloping his shaft. Every time his head touched the Hyena's prostate he shuddered and panted slightly. John slowly leaned over and gripped the Hyena's hard cock with his paw. The hyena's eyes opened wide in surprise, he had no idea that this could have felt any better until now. The lion slowly began to stroke Jared; every so often he would rub the head of the hyena's member with his paw timed with his thrusts. The Hyena gripped the sheets as tight as he could, moaning and gasping with ecstasy as the lion thrust into him. The lion's thrusts began to pick up speed, as did his paw, as he felt he was getting closer to his climax. John could feel the pleasure rush through him like a tidal wave as he let out a roar and buried his cock into the Jared. He shot warm ropes of his seed into the hyena; each pulse sent another wave of pleasure through the lion. John continued to paw Jared off as he came hard into his lover. The hyena yipped with pleasure as he felt the warm seed splash against his prostate. With one loud yelp the hyena thrust into John's paw and came, his seed shooting out onto the bed. He lost all energy as he continued to cum and collapsed onto the bed a huge smile on his muzzle.

John carefully removed himself from his lover and lied down next to him. The hyena kissed him on the lips and quickly licked John's paws and cock clean. The lion wrapped his arms around the hyena, giving him a hug and kissing him on the forehead.

"Th...Thank you very much." Jared said rubbing up against the lion, enjoying his warmth.

"Your welcome hon. I hope I wasn't to feral with ya." John said petting the Hyena's head softly

"No, it felt great!" Jared said with a huge smile. The hyena rested his head against the lion's chest and breathed deeply, enjoying the sent of his lover. He put his arms around John and kissed him one last time on the lips.

"I love you John, thank you for everything." The hyena said blushing lightly

The lion pulled the hyena closer and help him there. Jared slowly drifted off to sleep in the arms of the lion. John looked down at the sleeping form of the hyena. He kissed him on the head.

"I love you too Jared." The lion sighed happily and fell asleep, a hyena in his arms and a smile on his muzzle.