Sapphires Hard Life

Story by poekmon_yiff on SoFurry

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Sapphire the Vaporeon had had a very difficult life rite from the beginning, so perhaps we should start there. When Sapphire was just an eevee she had ventured out of her mothers cave and got caught by a skilled trainer named Nick. Little did she know that her trainer was not a nice one. To make it easier we will assume that pokemon can speak English.

"Come here you little bitch" shouted Nick as her walked in the door.

Sapphire whimpered going to her trainer not knowing what was going to happen. Nick was holding a strange blue stone which scared Sapphire.

"Hold still so I can make you evolve" and with that he threw the stone at the stunned eevee. As soon as the stone made contact Sapphire started to feel very strange and she started to glow. She started to grow larger and grew a mermaid like tail. When she stopped glow Sapphire was stunned to see that she had been turned into a beautiful Vaporeon.

"It worked, great now you're not too small for me to fuck" chuckled Nick.

Sapphire had no idea what he was talking about, but she didn't like the way Nick was staring at her new body. She soon realized that he intended to mate with her. Nick released his raichu to help him with his plan.

"Sparks. Zap her with a thunder wave and I'll let u have a turn after"

"Really? Thanks Nick"

Sparks released a thunder wave and struck Sapphire dead on.

Sapphire felt her whole body tingle, go numb and then she couldn't support herself anymore collapsing to the ground. Nick let out an evil laugh and started to undress himself to Sapphire's shock.

Nick stood there with a raging 10 inch hard on ready to take his beautiful pokemon for the first time. Sapphire could do nothing but stare at her trainer as he advanced towards her. Nick flipped Sapphire on her back and positioned himself on top of her.

"You ready of this slut?" Nick said smirking.

Sapphire whimpered as tears started to flow from her eyes. Nick just laughed and positioned his cock at sapphire's wet entrance.

"Please Nick don't do it ill do ARRRRRRRRRR"

Her last words were cut off as Nick slammed his dick as far as it would go into her tight hole. Nick felt his dick break her hymen and started to pump in and out of her cunt as fast as he could. Sapphire whimpered in pain as the new intruded invaded her pussy.

"OH YEAH your so dame tight"

"Hey Sparks why don't you join in"

Sparks jumped to attention and moved towards his trainer. Nick moved Sapphire so that she was on top of him. Sparks grabbed the Vaporeon's tail and moved it aside so he had a clear shot of her ass. Sapphire begged Sparks to stop but in one move he had buried his dick straight into her virgin ass.

Sapphire yelped in pain as the dicks moved in and out of her at a fast pace making her feel pleasure that she didn't want to feel. I can't let myself cum Sapphire told herself but her body had a mind of its own. She started panting in pleasure and bucked her hips into her trainer.

Sapphire couldn't take anymore and let out a howl in pleasure and she came. Her walls clamped down on Nick's rod as her juices gushed out onto Nick's dick. Nick moaned in pleasure when her walls clamped down and started fucking her harder and faster.

"Look at this the little slut is enjoying being raped, do you like being fucked in both holes" Nick sneered

"No I hate it please STOP pleaseeee" Sapphire begged.

Nick just laughed again and told Sparks to fuck her harder and fasted. Sapphire started moaning again and she could feel another orgasm building from the treatment she was getting. Sparks let out a loud moan and shocked Sapphire's pussy with a thundershock.

This was too much for the Vaporeon and she let out another loud moan and came all over Nick while Sparks let his seed loose and filled her ass. Sapphire lay on top of Nick panting from the afterglow of her orgasm. Sparks pulled his throbbing dick out of her ass and collapsed on the ground.

"I hope you didn't forget about me"? Nick said as he pulled out of her letting her juices leak on the floor.

Nick moved around so he was standing in front of Sapphire. He placed his cock near her lips and told her that if she bites him he would kill her. Sapphire just lay there crying as Nick slid his dick into her mouth and started face fucking her.

Sapphire gagged on Nicks cock as it was rammed into her mouth over and over again. Nick kept going as fast as he could for awhile and with one last thrust let his seed erupt into her mouth. Sapphire was forced to swallow his cum because his cock was down her throat. As he pulled out she couched up the last bit of cum and began crying uncontrollably.

"Thanks for that bitch you were great" Nick laughed as he left the room with his Raichu.

Sapphire just lay on the floor with cum and blood coming out her holes while she cried hoping that it was all a bad dream. As she lay there she felt dirty and unless because she had been used by two species, she was frustrated that she hadn't done anything and only wanted someone now to love her. Shortly after she passed out hoping that nick wouldn't come back. Her last thought were of being with someone who loved her and could protect her.

Sapphire woke up the next day hoping that it was just a dream, but the pain in the ass and pussy reminded her that it was all real. Sapphire got up and looked around the house and noticed that Nick wasn't there. She ran to the front door but the thick metal door was locked. She ran over near an open window and started yelling for help hoping someone would here her cries of help.

Not far off in the woods a Flareon by the name of Blaze was searching for berries to have for breakfast when he thought he heard someone crying for help. He pricked his ears up trying to hear where the sound was coming from. When he had located the sound he ran towards it as fast as he could.

Sapphire was starting to feel like no one would come in time. She paced the room trying to figure out if there was any other way out of the house.

"Hello, are you alright in there" yelled Blaze.

Sapphire's hopes were restored when she heard that someone had come to her rescue.

Sapphire: "Please help me, my trainer is an evil person and he has locked the door"

Blaze: "Ok I'm here to help but how can I get you out"

Sapphire: "The big metal door at the front is the only way I know of"

Blaze: "Ok no problem stand back from the door"

Sapphire was confused, how could this stranger get though a solid metal door. She stared in shock as the door started to glow red hot. After a short time the metal started to melt and revealed to her a handsome Flareon with a wave of flame erupting from his mouth. When there was a big enough hole the Flareon jump in to see if the pokemon was ok.

He was amazed to see a gorgeous Vaporeon standing in front of him. They both just stood there staring at each other until Sapphire had thoughts about her trainer and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Sapphire: "We have to leave my trainer could be back any minute"

Blaze snapped out of his day dream and told her to follow him. They both jumped out through the hole and ran as fast as they could. Blaze was leading the Vaporeon to a secret hideout that he knew of. After about 10 minutes of running they finally made it to the hide out. They bout ran inside and collapsed, panting heavily from the run.

Meanwhile back at Nick's house nick had just arrived home.

"What the hell happened here" he screamed. He ran inside and searched franticly for Sapphire.

"Shit, how did she escape I must find her" Sparks come out now he roared. His raichu materialized out of his pokeball next to his trainer. "Houndoom you come out to" he yelled as his Houndoom joined him.

Ok you two we need to find that fucking Vaporeon and I need your help to find her.

Houndoom: "I've got her scent master she ran into the woods with another eon"

Nick: "Ok sparks, Houndoom lets go and find her, I want her alive.

Back at the hide out Sapphire and Blaze were having a much needed break. Blaze had so many questions running through his head that he couldn't help asking her how all this happened.

"Well my trainer caught me when I was an eevee and made me evolve into a Vaporeon so that he could rape me" She said. Blaze stood there shocked so sapphire when on. "He got his pokemon to paralyze me and then they both raped me" she said on the verge of tears.

Blaze walked up next to her and put a reassuring paw on her shoulder. She put her muzzle into his warm fur and started to cry. Blaze offered her words of comfort as her rubbed her back.

"If you don't want to say anything else you don't have to" blaze said calmly.

Sapphire looked up into blaze's loving eyes. "I'm ok" she sniffled. "After that I fell asleep and woke up to a locked house. That's when I yelled for help and you came" She said. "If it wasn't for you who knows what else could have happened. Thanks you soo much" she said.

Blaze looked into Sapphire's beautiful blue eyes and embraced her quietly. Sapphire nuzzled into his fur completely lost to everything else. Blaze's ears pricked up as he heard someone outside.

Blaze: "I think we have company, would you like me to take care of them"

"I'll come with you, Nick needs to pay" sapphire said angrily. Sapphire and Blaze walk outside ready for battle.

Houndoom: "I found them master, there coming out now"

Nick: "Good job you two now let's get ready for battle, if you win you both get a turn at her"

Blaze heard what Nick said and was enraged. He bolted outside and released a jet of flame at Nick. Nick yelped and jump out of the way barely missing the surprise attack.

"Where the fuck did he come from" Nick asked confused

"That is the eon that helped the Vaporeon escape" replied Nick's Houndoom.

"Is that so, well ill guess we will have to teach him a lesson" he chuckled

"Raichu sit this one out I want this basted to suffer" said Nick

Nick's raichu stood behind his trainer ready to battle if need be. The two pokemon watched each other every move getting ready for battle. They circled each other wait for the other to make the first move.

"Go Houndoom use Flamethrower" yelled Nick

Houndoom charged a massive fire attack and aimed it straight for Blaze. Blaze just laughed at the pokemon and used double team. Houndoom looked around confused trying to figure out which one was real. By the time he figured it out it was to late. Blaze released a skull bash attack knocking the Houndoom to the ground.

"Come on Houndoom you can beat this stupid eon" Nick yelled. Houndoom groggily stood up trying to find its balance.

"Good let go Houndoom use Fire Blast"

Both pokemon began to charge up a powerful fire blast. They released at the same time and their flames clashed in the middle of the battle grounds. Both pokemon kept their Fire blast going hoping the other one would give up. Blaze let out a loud roar and put everything he had into his Fire blast.

Houndoom wasn't strong enough and Blaze's Fire Blast engulfed his enemy. Before the Houndoom had a chance to get up Blaze used take down to find off his enemy. "SHIT Houndoom return".

Sapphire pocked her head around the corner hoping that Blaze was ok. When she saw Nick she let out a low growl and bared her teeth.

Nick: "So here you are you little bitch I hope your ready to die"

Sapphire stood next to exhausted Flareon ready to battle Nick's last pokemon. Nick stood there fuming.

"Sparks go fuck those two up" Nick yelled. Sparks walked on the field ready to fight. "Go use thunderbolt.

Sapphire and Blaze were both ready and used agility to dodge the attack. Sapphire released and hydro pump and Blaze fired and fire blast. Both moves made contact with the raichu. Sparks screamed in pain and the attacks made contact on either side of him. Before he could fight back Sapphire released an iron tail hurling the stunned raichu into the tree behind him.

The heavily damaged raichu collapsed unable to battle anymore. "FUCK FUCK FUCK return raichu" screamed Nick. Sapphire turned her murderous glare on nick. Nick started to back away as the Vaporeon slowly approached him.

"I'm going to make you regret raping me" Sapphire said calmly. Nick started apologizing saying that he would do anything, but it was to late. Sapphire let lose a hydro pump which smashed nick into a tree paralyzing him. Nick gasped in pain when he connected with the tree. Nick was in so much pain that he couldn't seem to move away from the approaching Vaporeon.

"I told you you're going to regret what you did" said Sapphire. "But I'm not like you so I won't kill you, but I will make it very hard for you to survive" she said in a sinister voice.

Before he could react Sapphire tackled Nick and broke most of his rib bones. Nick screamed in pain as blood spewed from his mouth. He tried to move away but with no luck. Sapphire grade Nick's arm in her mouth and bit down hard. Nick groaned in pain and then heard a sickly crack and his arm bones splintered and his muscles tore.

Sapphire seemed happy with her work. She stood back and used an ice beam so that his whole body was stuck to the tree. Nick lay there almost unconscious from the amount of pair he had endured.

Sapphire: "By the way the ice you're incased in doesn't melt so you should have heaps of time to think about what you did while you die here" and with that Sapphire and a stunned Blaze left leaving the Nick to die.

Both of the eons walk back to their hideout in silence. Blaze tried to talk to Sapphire but she wouldn't respond, so he gave up and they both finally fell asleep.

In the morning Sapphire felt bad about ignoring Blaze so she walked over to him licking his muzzle to wake him up. Blaze looked up startled and just stared at Sapphire.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday" She said

Blaze slowly got up and looked at the Vaporeon. "That's ok, by the way my name is Blaze" he said.

Sapphire beamed at him "My name is Sapphire, I'm glad you weren't offended"

After both of them had chatted about their life and when for a walk to find food they returned to their hideout to rest. On the way home Sapphire could feel a strange heat between her legs. She gasped as she realized that she must be in heat.

Once they got back to their hideout Sapphire sat far away from Blaze so he wouldn't smell her. Blaze had no idea what was going on so he walk towards he to see I she was ok. When he got close to her he started to smell something strange but arousing.

He looks at Sapphire and noticed that she was leaking from her pussy. Sapphire looked at the handsome Flareon and started to feel urges that she had never felt before.

"Blaze I have a question that I would like to ask you" she said shyly.

Blaze just stared into her eyes and waited for her to keep talking.

"I was wondering if you would be my mate" she stammered. As soon as she had asked him she turned away blushing furiously. Blaze was surprised by the question. He looked at her and smiled. He walked over to her and turned her head so she was looking into his eyes.

"Nothing would make me happier than to be your mate" he said also blushing. Sapphire moved forward and stated kissing her new mate. They both opened their mouths and exploded each other with their tongues. Sapphire could feel her heat getting worse as she dripped on the floor.

They broke the kiss and look lovingly into each others eyes. Without saying anything Blaze pushed Sapphire onto her back and moved his muzzle slowly down her body. Sapphire let out murrs of pleasure as he caressed her body. Blaze kept going down until he reached her dripping entrance. Sapphire let out a gasp as she felt his muzzle touch her wet lips.

Blaze started to slowly lick her wet pussy which produced more murrs of pleasure from Sapphire. Blaze started licking her clit and kept going on that spot. Sapphire was in heaven thrashing around from the pleasure of Blaze's tongue. Blaze started to feel aroused and could feel his penis slowly coming out of its hidden sheath.

"YESSS BLAZE MORE PLEASE" Sapphire yelled out as Blaze kept licking her clit.

Without warning blaze jammed his tongue deep into Sapphire's sweet pussy. Sapphire let out a howl of pleasure from the new stimulation and knew that she was close to coming.


Blaze opened her swollen lips and pushed his muzzle deep into her pussy. Sapphire let out one last howl as she was pushed over the edge and came all over her new mates face. Blaze licked up as much of her sweet cum as he could while Sapphire thrashed around from her orgasm.

When she had finished coming Blaze licked her wet pussy clean which brought on some light murrs. After he was done he licked his lips and looked up at his beautiful new mate.

"That was amazing" Sapphire said still breathless from her orgasm. "Thank you Blaze I really needed that" she said smirking.

"My pleasure" Blaze responded with a similar smirk on his face.

"Now it's your turn big boy, lie down on your back" she commanded as she moved her head down to his throbbing rod. Sapphire cupped blaze's balls in her paw and started to massage them while licking the end of his rod. Blaze growled in pleasure as his prick was teased by his new mates tongue.

"Oh yeah that's fantastic Sapphire" growled blaze

Sapphire took half of his rod in her mouth and started sucking while bobbing her head up and down. Blaze murred in pleasure and started to buck into her mouth causing her to gag on his cock. Sapphire opened her mouth wide and started deepthroating his rod as best she could while playing with his balls.


Sapphire obeyed his command and started sucking his prick as hard as she could. Blaze was in pure ecstasy as his new mate sucked on his prick as hard and fast as she could. Sapphire could feel blaze shooting large amount of pre into her mouth and knew he was close. She loved the taste of cum but Blaze's was the best yet. Blaze started to feel a tingling in his balls and knew he was close.


But that just made sapphire go fasted wanting to taste his cum. Blaze grabbed Sapphires head and started face fucking her as hard as he could shooting jet after jet of pre down her throat. With one final howl he blew his seed down her throat. Sapphire greedily swallowed his seed and kept sucking trying to get it all out.

When Blaze had finished coming Sapphire stopped sucking and lay down next to Blaze licking his cock so that it didn't go soft.

"Thanks I really needed that as well" he said chuckling

"It's not over yet" replied Sapphire with a sly grin on her face.

Sapphire slowly approached Blaze until her soaking entrance was above Blaze's cock. Sapphire lowered herself slowly onto Blaze's hard cock letting out little whimpers as it went in. Sapphire kept going until Blaze's cock was fully in. She let out a murr of pleasure and started to fuck his cock slowly.



Each time he entered her tight hole he murred in pleasure. Blaze was sick of being teased and flipped Sapphire over and started pumping into her hot cunt as fast as he could. Sapphire hocked her legs around Blaze to get him to go deeper into her.


She moaned as he moved in and out of her tight hole bringing her closer to her climax. Sapphire could feel blaze shooting pre into her cunt, which made it easier for him to fuck her hard and fast. Blaze could tell that she was close so he picked up to pace pushing his dick further into her cunt.



Sapphire couldn't take it anymore and let out a howl of pleasure as she exploded. Blaze felt her walls clamp down on his rod which sent him over the edge spraying her walls with his seed. They both lay together recovering from their mating. Blaze's dick slowly shrunk until it popped out letting their mixed juices flow over their bodies.

They both laughed and started licking each others bodies so they would be nice and clean. Sapphire loves the taste and licked every drop off Blaze making sure to clean his dick. Blaze also found the taste irresistible and licked all over her body. When he was done he licked all inside her wet cunt to get the last drops out.

Blaze looked into his new mate's eyes and gave her a passionate kiss exploring her mouth once again letting each other taste the juices on their tongues.

"Wow blaze that was great I'm so glad that you're my new mate" she said while nuzzling into his soft fur.

"Me two sapphire, thank you for choosing me as your mate" he said while slowly caressing her silky skin. They both shared on final kiss together exhausted after everything that had happened that day.

"I love you Blaze" said Sapphire softly as sleep slowly overtook her.

"I love you too Sapphire" responded Blaze as he was to slowly overcome by sleep.

Blaze and Sapphire slowly drifted off to sleep in each others arms. They both knew that they were going to enjoy their new life together. Their final thought were of each other as they finally fell asleep after an interesting day.


Well this is my first yiff story so I hope you like it. Any advice you can give me would be great because I'm just starting out. If you would like this story to continue just give me some ideas and ill write a second part to it.