Path of a Legend Chapter 7

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry

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Several months have passed since then and Star and Kathlyn have been dating ever since. He has taught her how to use a bow and to fight using twin hatchets. She has accompanied him on many of his hunting trips and even when he was summoned to the royal city. Every time they were alone it always ended the same, with hot unadulterated sex. The pair of them moved into his parents' home which though was left unused for so many years was quite well taken care of. Still with the way things were going Star had one surprise up his sleeve that not even she knew of.

It was late one afternoon as Star was in the study reading up on the latest book he had gotten from his cousin Angora. It was about the Great War and how it was resolved. It seemed their family played a vital role in its quelling. The hero of the Dragon Nation was named Avyion. He was the one for whom his ancestor was named after. It turns out he was also the first to unite the different clans and was crowned king once the war had ended. Kathlyn had walked into the room without him knowing it. She made sure to keep quite while he read and dropped to her knees before him. By now all her injuries where healed and any scars that still remained were not really noticed under her feathers.

She very gently unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down his zipper. Folding back the flaps she reached in under his boxers and pulled his limp cock free. By now Star was fully aware of her presence but at that point he really didn't care and just kept reading. Kat slowly stroked his flaccid shaft before flicking her tongue across the tip she then dragged her tongue from the base of his dick to the top. The winged umbreon gave a slight shiver to her actions which urged her on even more. She continued with her tongue lashing, all the while fondling his furred sac in her claw. She was well hidden behind the desk so none of the maids saw her as they came in and placed Star's lunch on his desk. Occasionally that would ask where she was but his answer would always be "I don't know."

Kat, feeling that he had endured enough, opened her beaked mouth and dropped it right over his now semi hard dick. Her heated mouth making the umbreon suck in air through his teeth, making him hiss. She started to slowly bob her head up and down his shaft making sure to touch his pubic fur with her beak before sliding back up to the tip where she suckled. He started to pant softly, losing focus on what he was reading so he placed the book upon the desk and looked down to her and smiled. She would at times give his sac a bit of a tug, making him jerk and thrust into her heated mouth. She murred deeply, making his cock vibrate at her stimulating movements. He could not help but put a paw to her cheek, making her look up to him.

She continued to bob her head up and down on his cock, making sure to do everything she could to make him moan and squirm. His dick throbbed in her mouth as pre started to leak from his tip. She then pulled off his cock and hooked her claws on the bands of her sweatpants and pulled them down, showing that she was not wearing any panties, she had planned this. He pulled down his pants and boxers till they were hanging by his feet, then she climbed up into the chair and grabbed his cock. She positioned herself right over his shaft, allowing him to feel the heat radiate off her before slowly lowering herself onto him. He felt as her soft inviting lips spread around his shaft. The heat from inside her body was intense but it was nothing he could not handle. She tilted her head back and moaned as she continued to slide down his shaft until she was fully seated in his lap and his cock was deep within her confines.

He had placed his paws upon her thighs as she started to bounce in his lap, panting and moaning body. Softly. He looked up to her and watched her expressions of complete bliss every time she sank back down upon him, getting the sensation of being filled by the man she loved. The wet slapping of her thrusts down into his lap and the fact that it was someone he loved was almost too much. A single tear was squeezed out of Star's eyes when he closed them. Kathlyn must have seen this because her bouncing slowed and soon she stopped. She lifted a claw to his face and brought it to his cheek. "Why do you cry handsome?" She asked in a soft voice. "Because of how beautiful you are. Because of how much I love you and because I feared losing you those many months ago."

She smiled and started to bounce once more but faster this time. "You could never lose me Stargazer. Not even if you tried." She moaned deeply once more. The coming of their conjoined orgasm fast approaching. She placed her claws on his shoulders to steady herself as she moved even faster. Star held onto her hips and thrust upwards whenever she came down. Again the wet slapping of their bodies resounded through the study till at last neither could take no more. Kathlyn let out a moanful cry as she came around her lover's cock. Star on the other hand growled deeply before letting loose a roar and shot stings of his hot cum deep into her body. The lovers panted and huffed as both were feeling their afterglows. Star's head was pressed against Kathlyn's chest while she rested her head upon his own.

After a bit of time had passed, Star cleared his throat which caught the blaziken's attention. "Babe I have been meaning to ask you something very important. I was planning to do it later today but seeing as how you insisted on being here right now I suppose it's a good time as any. I want you to open the top drawer next to you; inside you will find a small box." The blaziken did as asked and opened the drawer finding the box he told her of. "Star what is this? She asked with a smile. Star had mouthed the words "Open it." To which she did and gasped at the contents within it. It was not long before tears welled up into her eyes and started streaming down her face to disappear into her red feathers. Inside the box was a platinum ring two stars adorned either end of the ring and each bore a diamond. She looked to the ring then to Star, then back to the ring then back to Star before she nodded and nearly wept before Star brought her close and kissed her deeply.

He took the box from her and pulled the ring from it. He gently grasped her claw as she broke the kiss and leaned back to watch him place the ring upon her finger, tears still fell from her eyes. "Why do you cry my love?" She looked to the ring once more before staring back into his eyes. "Because I have to be the luckiest woman in all of Hyperia. I have what no other could possess."

"Oh and what might that be?" He smiled. The female blaziken leaned down and spoke softly. "Because I have you." He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Again she rested her head upon his and ran her claw on the back of his head, through his dark hair. It was some time later after they had cleaned up that there came a knock at the door. "Enter." It was one of the maids and she was carrying a letter in her paw. "This just came for you master. It was brought here by an emissary of Orisi." Star took the letter as the maid bowed and stepped out. Kathlyn was sitting on the window sill before she walked over and stood behind Star as he read the letter. "Who is it from darling?"

"It's from my cousin the King. He wishes to see me at once. It seems important; I don't think I can refuse him this time." He said as he set the letter on the desk. "I'll go with you. We can take the horses. I am sure they would relish the chance to be free of their pen and run in the open."

"Perhaps but it can wait until tomorrow. Right now I think we should tell our families the good news."

"Star my mother lives in Karanii you know that. Anything we send will take days to reach her" Star placed a single finger to her mouth. "Then we will tell her ourselves. Go and pack your things, we leave for Karanii once we're ready." She quickly dressed and left the room, leaving Star alone. He sighed and fell back into his chair and puts his pants back on. He again picked up the letter and read through it once more before stowing it into the drawer to his right. "His successor? Why me? I mean they just found me not months ago now all of a sudden he wants me to take the throne when he steps down?" Star sighed deeply and laid his head on his folded paws. Whatever, it didn't matter now anyway. He was going to visit his future mother-in-law with his bride to be. That is all that he had to worry about right now.

The maids were running around frantically trying to help Kathlyn pack for their trip. It was not a far ride to Karanii, just through the mountain pass. The Caracas Mountain range was the dividing line between Karanii and Orisi. Soon enough though the packing was done, it was not much, a few clothes and some essentials. The four of them stood before Star and Kat and bowed slightly. "Have a nice trip you two. Be safe."

"Take care of the house while we are gone girls, we are counting on you." Then nodded and smiled. "We won't let you down master." The two then left the estate and headed east on horseback. Most of the trip was trotting through the forest, enjoying each other's company and the beauty of nature that surrounded them. "So what do you think your mother will say when we tell her the news?"

Kathlyn though for a moment. "She will probably sacrifice a small goat to the gods." She gave a soft giggle afterwards. "Let's hope not, I don't want to be the reason a small animal gets killed." He replied. They exchanged conversations through most of their trip and stopped for a bit once reaching the rest stop atop the pass. Star sat on one of the many benches as their horses drank their fill. Kathlyn had gone to one of the food vendors and grabbed two cold glacial waters. She soon sat beside him and handed him a water which he gulped promptly. "Excuse me sir but I could not help but notice the mark on your shoulder. By chance are you a child of the MoonStar Clan?" Star looked towards the voice to see a young fox. He was dressed in light armor and cap. He bore a long bow and quiver that was slung over his shoulders. Around his hips was a pair of twin blades. "I have been called such before, why do you ask?" Star answered. The fox bowed his head and then spoke. "I am Maximus LoneStar. I have heard that the children of the MoonStar Clan are all part of the Scorpan Family and have guided our country for over a thousand years."

"So I have been told, listen Mister LoneStar."

"Please, call me Max."

"Right, Max. Anyway as you can see I am not royalty." Star replied. "Oh well then this will be a lot easier. In a quick motion, the fox drew his sword, coming inches from slicing Star's throat. The umbreon jumped back gripping the hilt of his sword. "What the hell is your problem?"

The fox just grinned. "I swore to kill all members of the Scorpan family, right down to the King and Queen themselves. I heard rumors that there was another but never did I expect to him out here in the boondocks and unguarded." Star bore his fangs in a snarl and soon his bands and eyes glowed bright. Kathlyn had jumped to his side but he held out a paw, stopping her. This was going to be his fight. "What is your problem with my kin?" Star kept his paw on his sword incase the matter could not be resolved by talking. "I have no need to explain myself to you, now DIE!" The fox charged for him with sword drawn. Star then quickly drew his own sword and with agile movements, blocked the oncoming swing from the vulpes. The two skilled swordsmen battled back and forth, trading swings and thrusts. The fight had lasted nearly an hour before Star was grazed along his chest. The gash was not deep but it was noticeable. With that Star growled menacingly. He thrusted his sword into the ground and snarled like a beast. Wisps of smoke emitted from the corner of his mouth and nostrils.

"That dose it. I have held back long enough now it's time I take you out." The fox could not completely understand what was going on but Kathlyn knew. Star bent his knees just so, he brought his arms tight again his body. The smoke coming from him grew in volume as he growled. The fox, not wanting to miss an open opportunity again charged forward, his sword fixed to pierce Star's heart before suddenly Star lurched forward and let loose a stream of fire. The fox had no time to react as he was hit dead on. His armor started to melt and his fur was burned off. He howled in agony as the flames encircled him like a tornado, burning everything it touch till all at once it was gone. The only thing left was the charred remains of the fox. Passersby looked on in horror at the site. Some even called the guards

"He just killed someone." Another said. "In self-defense. I saw the whole thing and I know what happened." An elderly man slowly walked up to them. "Forgive them sire for they don't know the reason behind what has transpired." The man stood before Star and Kathlyn and dipped his head slightly. "Its fine. I am none the worse for wear and don't call me sire. I am not royalty."

"No? You claim not to be royalty yet you bare the mark of the MoonStar Clan. The only ones who carry such a mark are those of the royal Scorpan Family." The onlookers gasped in disbelief before one by one they bowed their heads in respect, even the guards who were about to take him away. "If you are on your way to Karanii perhaps we can travel together. I have some business at court that I must attend to."

"Who are you?" Kathlyn asked. "I am Lord Arazmath young lady and who might the two of you be?" He asked. "I'm Kathlyn Fireseed and this is Stargazer Scorpan."

"Aha I was correct in guessing you were a part of that noble house. I would also assume that the King of Orisi and the Queen of the Dragon Nation are cousins of yours." Star nodded as they mounted their horses and headed east, now with an extra companion. "So your mother and father didn't tell you anything about their family ties."

"My mother and father were killed when I was just a baby and even then my father knew nothing about his family history. I was just told of my ties a few months ago. I know nothing of being royalty nor of the responsibilities it brings." Star said.

"I see. I have heard rumors that there was another child of the MoonStar Clan but to see that the rumors are true with my own eyes is quite a sight to behold." The path in which they took lead them down through the mountain and into the valley below.

I don't see why I am so special. I mean no one knew about me till I was brought before the king. Now all of a sudden I am known throughout the country?" Star asked.

"No, it was well documented that there was another child of the Scorpan Family but over the centuries the line was lost and since they did not keep in touch it just became a rumor. But yet here you are." The elderly man replied. "I am sorry to hear about your mother and father son. Believe me, I have lost my parents as well and I know that even though you may not remember them that they still live on in you."

It was still some time before they reached the city gates. Karanii was massive. Twice the size of Orisi. Karanii Castle lay smack in the middle of this bustling metropolis, the ruler believed that in order to be closer to their people that they must live where their subjects live. It was a good philosophy to say the least. The three parted ways as they entered the city. Lord Arazmath headed for the castle while Star and Kathlyn made their way to the east district of the city. It was still a while to their destination since the streets were all winding and interconnected. But eventually they reach Kathlyn's mother's home just at the end of Rigester Street.

Kathlyn had brought them to a stable just beside the house where they left the two horses and knocked on the door. "I'mma commin." The voice from behind the door spoke. The two waited till it was opened by an older more mature looking blaziken. "Oooh Kathlyn, is that you?" Kathlyn's mother was from the island of Balar. She had met Kathlyn's father while his company was stationed there. "Hi mom."

"Come in child come in don't be standing out in the weather like that." Her accent was a bit heavy and unless you focus, it was sometimes hard to understand her. "How's you been child uh? Been running your father's shop eh?" Kathlyn nodded. "And who be this ansome winged male now hmm?"

"Mom you remember Stargazer don't you?" Kathlyn asked. Her mother went wide eye and gasped softly. "Little Stargazer? Well I'll be. I aint seen you since you was just a wee speck of a thing. So what be bringing you all the way to me now?"

"Well Mrs. Fireseed."

"Please you don't need be callin me that. Me name is Laura." She replied.

"Well Laura the thing is..." It was hard for Star to just come out and say it. He was a bit embarrassed but only by telling her. "Mom. We are getting married." Laura's beaked mouth nearly fell off and her eyes popping out of her skull in shock. Kathlyn smiled and wrapped her arms around one of Star's and showed her mother the ring that he had given her. "Oh goddesses be praised I thought this is terrific news. I am just sorry your father is not here to have heard this. He had always hoped that you would marry a man like Star." Star gave a soft blush and smiled to the compliment. "Well come, come I want to be hearing everything about it now. It's not like I see my only daughter very much."

It was several hours later and the trio were sitting in Laura's living room. Star and Kathlyn were sitting on the couch while Laura was sitting on a nearby recliner. They had told her everything. Even the rape and Star's revenge against those who had committed the act. "Well I am grateful to the goddess that at least I did not lose her to those heathens."

"As am I. I am not sure what I would have done if she were to have not made it." Kathlyn nuzzled into Star's neck and he promptly leaned his head against hers. Laura smiled at the two and sat back in her chair. "Aye your father'd be very proud of you my darling. You chose the right man. So what's this I be hearing about you bein the king's cousin?" Star and Kathlyn gave a look of shock at her current question. "What? Didn't think I'd be hearin bout that now did you? It's been the talk that's been goin round lately."

"What did they say mom?" Kathlyn asked.

"Oh that another child of the MoonStar Clan had been found and someting bout a prophecy." Star's ears twitched and the mention of a prophecy. "I take it you didn't hear bout it?" Star and Kathlyn shook their heads. "Well one of the perks bout being a close friend to the princess is that you be hearin things. Anyway it's said long ago the Great Dragon King Avyion destroyed a being called Legion and its army called The Darkness. However him was only able to banish the monster and ensure that a golden age took place. But like any hero he was not convinced that they Legion would remain dare. So it was said he made a pact with his mother and her sisters that if the creature should ever rise again, him would return and slay the beast once and for all. I don't know whether it be true or not but the recent goings on might only be the start of something most grave."

"But then where would Star fit into all this?" Kathlyn asked. "I'm not sure child, like I be saying it was only a tale but if it be proven true and the Legion do be coming back only those chosen by destiny will rise to meet the coming shadow."