A long trip 2: Nameless Girl

Story by Chakat Blackfire on SoFurry

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#2 of A long trip

Chapter Two-Nameless Girl

I spent some time at Warren's mansion. I wore the cloak everywhere I went. The only people who knew what I looked like were Warren, Folla, and the wolf girl.

She still hasn't spoken or said her name yet, but she constantly followed me. It's almost as if she's scared to leave me.

I had been lying in bed when I heard a knock at the door, not thinking, I told them to come in.

"Aahhh, guards, guards! That thing killed Diamond!"

"Hey, shh. It's all right. I am Diamond."

"Guards, come quick!"

By now people were coming to see what was going on. To avoid further trouble, I threw the cloak on and, being on the ground floor, jumped out my window.

Warren had been eating on the garden deck and saw my escape.

"Diamond. What in the hell is going on?"

"Another of your servants walking in on me. She thought I had murdered myself."

"Oh Lord, that was my fault. Folla is sick and I thought that Forra, her sister, could get you to come out here for some breakfast."

"Yeah, well, they were going to find out sooner or later."

I pulled the hood off as the crowd from inside came rushing out to us.

"Sir Warren, that creature has killed Diamond!"

"All right, enough of this nonsense. This IS Diamond. I should have told you all sooner but I thought that it would allow him more freedom here."

I didn't realize that the girl had come out but she had appeared beside me and grabbed my hand. I looked down at her.

It looked like she was about to cry again.

"All right, the lot of you, back inside. Diamond, if you and the young girl would stay, I would like to talk with you."

We walked back into the garden. Warren walked up to a tree and reached into a hole.

"Here, take these."

He handed us some gold coins.

"There is a festival in the city. You two should go. Loosen up a little."

We were soon on our way. Warren had suggested that we walk since the coach would draw attention. It would be dark when we arrived.

We made our way to the center of town. There was a pub offering free food and drinks to couples. I asked her if she wanted anything. What happened next came as a shock.

"Yes, yes I would. I want you. You're amazing. Diamond, you weren't even afraid of Warren when he bought us. I don't care that you're not like us. That's why I..."

Her voice faltered and she started to blush.

"I...I...I love you!"

That hit me like a wall of cold water. It was then that I realized that I felt the same way about her. It was strange. I couldn't move but I so wanted to hold her. Some how we found our way into each other's arms.

She was a bit shorter then I. Her head was pressed into my chest. I could feel her chest move when she breathed. She was shivering from the cold so we went into the pub.

When we entered the whole place was quiet. Stares and looks of horror were good indications that this meal wasn't going to be too relaxed.

By the time we sat down in one of the curtained booths, the people had started talking and eating again.

A waiter made his way to our table.

"Uh, what can I get for you...?"

He was scared stiff.

She had picked up on it as well.

"If you're afraid of him don't be. He wouldn't hurt anything."

After that he loosened up. He brought our food and closed the curtain, giving us some privacy.

We stayed there for a few hours but it was only a few minutes before we were enjoying the time of our lives.

When we were ready to leave, I opened the curtain and was shocked. The pub was empty. The only person there was a bartender.

"Would the two of you like a room for tonight?"

"Maybe. How much will it cost?"

"The most expensive one here is $50."

I checked my coins and found that Warren had been very generous. He had given us at least $200.

"We'll take it. Oh, could I get a message through to the governor?"

"Sure. Hey Woorl, the man here wants to send the governor a message!"

I told him to tell Warren where we were staying. Then, we went to our room. It was nice, plenty of space and a large bed.

She slipped out of her clothes and into the bed. I joined her shortly after. What happened next, well, that's our business...

The next morning, I awoke to find the girl standing at the window. She hadn't gotten dressed yet. I sat up and admired her sleek body. She was beautiful.

She heard me and turned around.

"Good to see you're finally up, lazy bones."

"After all this, I still haven't heard your name."

"In our culture, it isn't right for a female to speak her name until she has found a mate."

"Well then, what is your name?"

Her face lit up like a 4th of July fireworks display.

"Are...are...are you saying that...that you want me to be your mate?"

"Yes, I suppose I am."

"Oh, Diamond!!!"

She jumped on me and buried her gray-furred face into my shoulder.

"Are you crying again?"

"Yes, but this time, I'm happy!"

We stayed like that for a minute or two before history repeated itself. I ran my fingers through her fur slowly getting lower and lower. She allowed a rumble of pleasure to escape her mouth. She then started to lick my chin and then my lips. We sat there kissing each other and exploring each other's bodies. My fingers found the latch to the ring in her underwear that let's her tail through. I quickly undid it and pulled them off her. Another moan of pleasure forced its way out of her. She bent down and pulled mine off with her teeth. My hands traced her waist and tail to naval. She giggled as she played with my hair. Using one of her claws, she traced some scars I had on my arms and shoulders. Even though she was using a claw, it was a gentle touch.

We continued on like that for hours. At one point I noticed a strange smell in the air. It was her pheromones. She was ready for it and so was I. I lifted her up and rolled over on top of her. I started to rub my hard member on her clit. She moaned and started to stroke my cock. I placed it directly above her pussy and waited for her to give me some signal to start. I got it in the form of her kissing my neck.

I buried myself in her again and again until time seemed to stop. The only reason we stopped was that we were exhausted.

"Diamond, when do you want to have the ceremony?"

"A ceremony? Like a wedding?"

"You have weddings too!"

"Yeah, it means that a male and female are joined for life."

"Well, that's when I can tell you my name. We're going to get your neck sized..."

"Uh, why is that?"

"For the band, silly."

"My kind wears it on their fingers."

"Well, here we get a wide band for the male and a thin one for the female and both of their names are engraved on the inside of it."

"Wow, sounds neat. How much will it cost?"

"Oh, the band is given to us by the town center. The ceremony itself is around $100."

"I hope Warren won't mind."

"I'm sure he won't, Diamond. You need a job."

"Well, let's go see Warren."

When we got back to the mansion, Warren was sitting in a lawn chair.

"I was about to get worried about the two of you. My, my, haven't we gotten friendly."

Not even noticing it, we were walking hand in hand and Warren had seen it before we even knew it.

"Hello Warren. We have a favor to ask."

"Diamond and I want to get married, and were going to need some money."

"Well then, you're in luck. One of my guards has become mortally ill, and we need a replacement. Meet me around back in an hour if you would."

When the time came, I went around back. There were two big bulls and a few tough looking wolves. Warren was standing in front of them.

"Diamond, these are the Core Guards. You will fight one of them to gain your spot on the team. Choose your opponent."

The biggest bull wouldn't be very fast considering his size.

"How about him?"

"Ok, Brall, you're on."

He ran at me with his fist raised. I saw my opening and did a slide kick straight through his legs and kicked him in the back. He fell and didn't get up.

"Match to Diamond."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Brall get up and run towards me. I ducked, he tripped, and got a lot of laughs.

"Brall, if you want to keep your position I suggest you stop."

"No way Warren. No one humiliates me like that. This guy is going down."

"Walen, Brannon, hold him!"

The biggest of the wolves and the other bull restrained him.

"Diamond, what do you want done with him?"

"Let him go. I have no reason to worry. If he attacks me again it will end the same way."

Walen looked at me with a new respect. He walked over to me and extended his hand.

"I'm Walen, the Captain of this guard. Welcome to the company."

"I'm Diamond, so uh, what exactly do we do?"

Brannon dogged over and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You're a brave one. I haven't seen anyone ever beat Brall in a fight. Our job here is to protect Sir Warren from his political and territorial rivals."

"We don't have a lot of formalities here. No uniforms, no salutes, and no rank."

Another of the wolves ran over.

"Hi, I'm Worlan. You are SO lucky! How did a guy like you get a mate like her?"

I looked where he was pointing and sure enough, she was walking across the lawn towards us.

"Having fun Diamond?"

"Now that you're here I am."

"You silly, I've been talking to Warren and he said that your first payment will more than cover the cost of the ceremony!"

"That's great. Hey, Worlan, when do we get paid?"

"Today, actually."

Folla came out of the mansion carrying eight large sacks. She handed one to me. It had a large D stamped onto it. I looked inside and there was a handful of coins, $150 in total. There was also a silver band with a wolf paw stamped onto it.

Folla walked over and pressed on a part of it on the inside. She then fitted it over my arm and snapped it together.

"Hey, Diamond. Your shift starts at midday with Brannon. Think you can handle that?"

"Not a problem, Worlan."

The girl came up behind me and jumped onto my back.

"So, shall we get going?"

"I suppose so. Hang on!"

She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I started running and she laughed.

Soon, the town came into view. She pointed to a large marble building and, being totally worn out, I carried her over there at a bit of a slower pace.

I sat her down on the railing going up the stairs and kissed her.

"Is this the place?"

She leaned forward and laid her head against my shoulder.

"Yes, this is it. You have the money, right?"

"Yeah, lets go on in."

We walked inside and the girl talked to the attendant.

"Follow me please."

We followed her around to the back of the building. There was what appeared to be a shrine. An elderly looking wolf was standing behind it.

"Welcome my friends. So, you're here for the ceremony. Step forward. Male on this side and female on this side."

We went through some ritual chants and then he got to the interesting part.

"Female announce your name to your mate so that he may know you and call upon you."

"My name is Worria."

"Male place the band upon your mate's neck to symbolize the bond. Female do the same."

After a few more formalities we were done. Then it occurred to me, the old guy was blind! He hadn't opened his eyes at all. That's why he didn't freak out when he saw me.