The Woodland Visitor Ch 5: Preporation

Story by Duvalio Profaneth on SoFurry

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#6 of The Woodland Visitor

The Woodland Visitor Pt 5

I was sitting at my desk just finishing up my bookkeeping. Four weeks ago a representative from the town came down to see me. They had a proposition that they thought I might be interested in. The woods that my house bordered, known as Ghost wood, was owned by the town. They no longer cared to have that on their records so they were willing to sell it. The only problem was that it had a bad reputation. Anyone who entered the woods never came out again. They fenced it off at one point and placed no trespassing signs all over.

The mayor didn't want to deal with it anymore and besides, I found out later that the town's budget was low. Unable to sell the land to anyone else they brought it over to me, the only person to live near it and not move away suddenly.

My back yard bordered the woods and if it would be known I am one of only a hand full of people to ever enter the woods and come out. In fact I've been doing it for a little over a year now.

They came down and offered me the deed to the woods for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I knew the problem they were having trying to sell it and after a month of negotiations I bought the five thousand acre woods for eighty thousand.

Now I owned the Ghost wood and three houses that sat next to mine. I couldn't be happier with the deal either. My closing the deal meant that I could come and go to see my love as much as I wanted, without anyone stopping me.

Back to the present, I had just shut the computer down when there was an insistent knocking on the back door. I went back and opened it finding my loves mother standing there out of breath. I brought her in and set her down.

"What's wrong?"

"Where's Sienna?"

"She left three days ago to go back. Isn't she there?"

"No, we can't find her."

I turned and running up to the front closet, I grabbed my backpack and rifle. When I got back to Amanda, I had slapped a clip into it and was charging it.

"We also found a human setting up a trap not far from our town. We took him back and Brenah is holding him right now. He wants you to come."

"I'm ready then if you're rested enough."

"Let's go, we have to find Sienna."

Sienna was my love, and she was pregnant with my child. The closest we could figure she was a month away from giving birth, and I knew she stayed near someone just in case. It wasn't like her to run off. We ran out the back door and into the woods. It took us about forty-five minutes to reach Far-out, a town nobody knew about for good reason. I immediately went to Sienna's house and made a quick search. Finding nothing I ran to the magistrate's office.

When I entered the building, Ariana was waiting there. She led me down to the 'back room', a private meeting area of the magistrate. There were two guards standing outside when we arrived. Looking up they recognized us and opened the door. I entered and seen Brenah sitting at one end of a long table. At the other end sat a man who I assumed was the one they captured.

Brenah stood and shook my hand when I entered. "That was quick."

"All you had to say was Sienna was in trouble and I'm here." I turned to the man sitting at the end of the table and studied him. He stood about five foot nine, had black hair and was clean shaven. His clothes were the rugged type, ideal for foraging in thick brush. I saw that his hands were tied behind his back and he looked scared.

I set my rifle down on the table and slowly walked down to stand behind him. Then as an afterthought I walked back and sliding my pack off, set that next to the rifle. I wandered back down and stopped beside him. I looked back at Brenah and nodded. He turned and with Ariana beside him they left and closed the door behind them.

I looked at the man setting there. "Who are you?"

"Fuck you."

As quick as could be I grabbed him by the back of the head and slammed it into the table. When he sat back up I said, "Let's try this again shall we? Who are you?"

"Strictland, Bill Strictland."

"And Mr. Strictland, what were you doing in these woods?"


"Well, well, well Mr. Strictland. That's strike one. Don't you know that this is a restricted wildlife preserve? Hunting on these lands will get you a minimum of... ten years in jail."

He just stared up at me.

"What have you caught Mr. Strictland?" I asked as I slowly walked down to the end of the table.


"What if I were to tell you that I know you are lying? I know you caught something."

"I didn't catch anything man."

I picked up the rifle and removed the clip I checked it. Tipping it over so he could see that it was loaded I slapped it back in. "Now Mr. Strictland, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way. Which do you prefer?" I asked as I charged the rifle.

"You... you can't do that. It's murder."

"What do I care? You see, something that I value a great deal is missing. In fact it's something I value more than life itself. So you see Mr. Strictland, murder means nothing to me. In fact I can guarantee that you will never be found again. So it would benefit you to tell me what I need to know." I sat down on the edge of the table and placed the rifle in my lap so the barrel was pointing at him.

"I can't, I was told that if I ever mentioned it I would be killed."

"And if you don't mention it, I can guarantee a most painful death."

"Alright, alright I'll tell. Three days ago I caught one of those things. It was a female. I wrapped it up and took it to Avontech corp. I met with a Mr. Struthers there. When he saw what I had he offered me ten thousand for it. He also said that if I could find more He would buy them too. I was then told that I was to keep it a secret or else."

"Do you know what they did with her?"

"He called someone in and told them to take her down to the testing lab."

"Then what?"

"He paid me and had me escorted out."

"Anything else Mr. Strictland?"

"No there's nothing else."

I stood up and picking up my pack I walked over to the door. "Hey..." I stopped and turned back. "I was just trying to make a living. I never would have done it if I knew they were intelligent. I thought they were like the other animals."

"Now you know different Mr. Strictland."

"My name is Bill, and I will give you any help you need to get her back."

"Thank you Mr. Strictland, I may take you up on that." I turned and was just about out the door when he again stopped me.



"What's gonna happen to me?"

"Well that depends, Mr. Strictland."

"On what"

"If Sienna is alive or not." And I walked out closing the door behind me.

I went down to Brenah's office and found him sitting behind his desk. He jumped up when I entered.

"Did you find out where she is? Is she ok?"

"Yes and I don't know. She is at a place called Avontech Corp. They've been suspected of doing animal research for a while but nobody could catch them."

"I'll get a force together and we'll level the place if we have to."

"No, leave it to me. I have a couple of friends who might be able to help."

"I can't sit by and do nothing. I can send as many people as you need."

"Then don't think about big numbers. Send me five people and then have them wait for my call."

"I have just the five." He stood up and at the door he yelled for Ariana, I could hear him talking but couldn't make out what he was saying. He came back in and sat down behind his desk. "Are you sure that you only want five? I could get you a hundred by tonight?"

"Too many people will make it harder. A small force will be able to get in and out easier and it's less likely to be detected."

"If you say so, you know more about humans than I do. Just please get my daughter back."

I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder. "If it's the last thing I do."

We stood there for a few seconds when there was a knock on his door. "Come in."

Ariana stuck her head in, "The group is assembled in the conference room."

We turned and followed her down to the conference room. When I entered I saw five Anthros standing in a group by the wall. They turned as Brenah greeted them. Then he motioned for them to sit down and he began.

"As you know, my daughter is missing. Tom here found out where she's at and is going to lead a rescue team to get her. You five are to be a part of the team." He turned to me. "I would like to introduce you to," He pointed to the first of them, a strong looking tiger. "Duvole, He is our best scout." Then he pointed to a wolf, "This is Kolane, our best tracker." The next was a female wolf. "This is Tamanae. She is the best fighter we have." Turning to a female fox right next to Tamane he said, "This is Ronshia, an expert on scent. And finally this little stinker here is Xelinia she's our expert marksman. You all know Tom, if not personally then by reputation." He turned to me, "Their all yours."

"Thank you," I turned to the group. "I questioned the tracker that was brought in and found out that Sienna was taken to a company called Avontech. They've been investigated for animal testing before. Nobody could get any evidence on them so the charges were dropped. With the trappers' confession, I now know that the charges are true. I'm not going to let them continue their research. I plan on going in there and getting Sienna out and shutting the place down permanently. I'm going to call on one of my friends to help me with this. As soon as I hear from him I'll contact you to meet me at my house for the preparation. We will assault them as soon as possible."

"What do we know about this Avontech? Do they have any guards or defenses?"

"The friend that I'm going to call is in the military. If he can't get any information on them, then nobody can. I expect to have full details before we leave."

"How long before we leave?"

"As soon as I can get in touch with my friend, we'll start planning the assault."

"And when will that be?"

I reached in my pocket and pulled out my cell phone. I just hoped I could get a good signal from here. Punching in a number my friend gave me I waited. I smiled when I heard a ringing on the other end.

"Granid here."

"Steve, this is Tom."

"Tom, I was just thinking about you. What's up?"

"Steve, its Miller time."

"You need a drink that bad?"

"More than you can ever imagine."

"You're lucky. I'm in the area. I can be there in three hours."

"I'll be waiting." I hung up the phone and looked at those assembled. "He's on his way. I'll call Amanda when I'm ready for you to come out. You will wear hooded cloaks and gloves to my house and we can go from there. Make sure you're ready for when I call."

Every one said they would be ready and I turned back to Brenah. "I'm gonna go now and await him. Call me if anything happens."

"What about our trapper friend?"

"Cage him till we get back then we can decide." I reached into my pocket and pulled out four batteries for a cell phone. "Give these to Amanda. Tell her to send the old ones out with them when they come."

"I'll be waiting for your call."

I shook his hand and grabbing my pack and rifle I left. Going to Sienna's house I grabbed a couple of photos of her and headed home.

It took me an hour to get home and get ready for Steve to arrive. I took the suburban out of the garage and left the door open for him. Then going inside I sat down and waited.

Two hours later I heard a car pull up and looking outside I saw a black sixty-nine Dodge Charger with flames off the hood pull in the driveway. I watched as it pulled into the garage and then close the door behind it. Opening the door to the garage I smiled as Steve came up.

We greeted each other with handshakes and then he looked at me. "What's the emergency?"

I took him into the kitchen and grabbing a couple of beers out of the fridge I sat down. "Three days ago a friend of mine left here. She never made it home. Her parents contacted me and by luck they found the person responsible for her disappearance. I questioned him and he said he took her to Avontech Corporation. I plan on going in and getting her out. I would like your help."

"There is a lot of the story that you are not telling me. Let's start with, are you in love with this girl?"


"What's her name?"


"Does Sienna have a last name?"


"How can she not have a last name?"

"Please, the rest of the story is on a need to know basis. If you can help me then I will tell you. Otherwise, believe me, you don't want to know."

"Avontech is a big corporation. It's not something to be taken lightly."

"I know. I'm still going in, with or without you."

"Are you sure she's there?"


He stood up and walked over to my phone. Picking it up I watched him dial a number. "The devil's loose. Bristol, Kiwi, Hawk, Dill. 1490 Deadrun, Far Cry." He hung up the phone and walked back over. By this time it was dark out and we went out to the back yard to wait at his insistence. It was an hour later when I heard an aircraft fly overhead. Steve stood up and pulling a red Glow stick out of his pocket he snapped it and tossed it into the middle of the yard, then he turned to me.

"What do you say we go get some more beer while we wait?"

I stood up and looked back at the glow stick. It was significant somehow but I didn't know how. I followed him back into the house where we refreshed our beer and then watched as he grabbed three more. Turning we went back outside and I was startled to see three people standing near the chairs we were at. He walked over and handed them a beer and introduced us.

"Tom, I want you to meet Clair, Diane and Josh." I shook their hands and we went inside and sat down. "Now tell them what you told me."

I told them the story that I told Steve. When I was finished I was again questioned about the lack of information. I told them the same thing I told Steve, they would only get that if they agreed to help.

Steve smiled. "Tom, I've already agreed since I brought my team here. Now fill in the blanks will you."

I pulled out my cell phone and looked at Steve. "When my team gets here it'll explain a lot of the gaps better than I ever could." I dialed Amanda's number and waited for her to answer. When she did, all I said is, "It's a go, send them in." then hung up.

"How long before they arrive?" Steve asked.

"Within the hour."

We sat down and went over what was known about Avontech before they arrived. A half an hour later I heard a knocking on the back door. Steve looked at me. "Their here."

I opened the back door and the five of them came inside. Each one was wearing a cloak and gloves like I asked them to. They walked over and stood in a line and awaited me.

"What gives, your team a bunch of druid priests?"

I just smiled at him and walked over to the first one. Only because I stood right there could I see into the hood enough to tell who it was. I turned to Steve and with a smile began the introductions. "Steve, I would like you to meet my team. This is Duvole." As I said his name he reached up and removed the cloak. I heard everyone gasp at him.

Diane was the first one to speak. "Oh my god."

Duvole just smiled at me and removing his gloves he walked over to her. He took her hand and said, "You now know who I am but I am at a loss. I do not know who you are."


He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. "I am pleased to meet you Diane."

Smiling I said, "Alright Romeo, let's get on with the program."

He just turned and looked at me, then said, "Yes let's get going. Sienna awaits us."

I stepped up to the next one and then turned to Steve. "I would like you to meet Ronshia." She removed her cloak and nodded her head to Steve. "Next is Xelinia." I watched as she removed her cloak and nodded to Steve. "Then we have Kolane." He removed his cloak and nodded to Steve and then to Clair and Diane. I stepped up to the last one and with a smile announced, "And finally we have Tamanae."

When everyone was introduced we sat down and I filled in the gaps. "You can see why I said that it was a need to know basis."

"I do now." Steve replied. I saw that Diane never took her eyes off of Duvole the whole time.

I pulled out a folder and handed it to Steve. "This is Sienna. She left my house three days ago. I was contacted earlier this morning and found out that she never made it home."

Suddenly there was a knock on the back door. Everyone jumped and Steve's team all had weapons in their hands. I walked over and peeking out side breathed a sigh of relief. Motioning that it was ok, I opened the back door. Brenah and Amanda were standing there.

"We couldn't just sit and wonder. I hope its ok."

"You know you're always welcome here."

"Thank you."

I led them over to the group. "Steve this is Brenah, Sienna's father and this is Amanda."

Steve stood up and walked over. "Pleased to meet you." He said as he shook Brenah's hand.

"I thank you for your help."

"Don't thank me, thank Tom. He's the one who enticed me to help. And, I'm sorry to say that my curiosity is getting the better of me."

"It's understandable, after all it isn't every day you meet people like us."

"Thank you for your understanding." He turned back to me. "Now where were we?"

"I was contacted by Amanda here and told that they had found a trapper and was holding him. I went and spoke with the trapper and after a little 'friendly persuasion' found out that he did indeed capture Sienna. He took her to Avontech and met with a Mr. Struthers who then gave him a substantial amount of cash for her. He told me that Mr. Struthers called in two people and told them to take her 'down' to the lab. I have to assume from that, that it's an underground operation. I don't have any more information then that I'm afraid."

Diane stood up and I saw Steve nod to her. "I'm what you might call an animal rights activist. I believe that the reason I was picked for this is that I led the assault on Avontech six months ago. If your informant is right, then that was the key we were missing. We searched the entire building not suspecting an underground lab. With this information it won't be hard to find the entrance. I still have all the blueprints of the building, along with the security layout."

Steve stood up. "Alright people we have less than twenty four hours to plan this. Diane, get those blueprints and anything else you might have. Josh, here is a shopping list. Supplement it with anything you think we'll need. We have a party of twelve?" He looked over to me.


"Ten then, I expect you back here by zero eight. Clair, I want a cube van for transport of supplies and 'pick another one up' and hide it near here for transport to site."

"What about transport out?"

Steve reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys handing them to her. "I want it back in one piece."

They stood up and I showed them out to the garage. Opening the door for them, I watched them leave. Turning I went back to the group.

I turned to Brenah, "I want you to go back and wait. If something goes wrong, I don't want you found here. I'll call you when we have her." He nodded and with Amanda under his arm, left.

Ronshia and Tamane, stayed back while I showed the other three to rooms where they could rest. When I came back down we sat down at the table and Steve looked up at me.

"Now what's going on here? You might be able to bullshit the others with that story, but I know you better. It still is as full of holes as Swiss cheese. I want you to spill everything."

"You're right, I did leave things out."

"Tell me, how do you know them?"

"Let me start by explaining a couple of things. You need to know who some people are first. Brenah is Siennas father, and Amanda is her mother."

"How's that possible? Is Amanda like a step-mother?"

"No, she's her biological mother. How that's possible, I don't know. As for Sienna, that's where it all started. You know about these woods don't you?"

"Yes they're called Ghostwood, and everyone believes it's haunted."

"Well you know me, I don't believe in that. So about a little over a year ago I decided to go hiking. I traveled out one morning and didn't find anything. On my return journey I began to hear sounds like someone following me. I picked up a light jog and was about a half an hour from here when it happened. I heard a trap go off and heard a scream. Curious I went back to investigate. When I topped a small rise and looked down I saw..." For the next two hours I recited almost everything that has happened to me.

"Wow, now I know why you want to go after her."

"You only know half of it."

"There's more?"

"Sienna is pregnant. Pregnant with my child."

"I see, she means more to you than a friend."


He reached over and placed his hand upon my shoulder. "If I would have known this I would've been here sooner my friend, with my help and supplies."

Placing my hand on his shoulder I replied, "You came quicker than I expected. For that I am eternally grateful."

"We should rest, when they get back it'll be Showtime."

I showed them where they could rest and headed back down stairs. Going into my office I just sat there staring at Sienna's photo. I would get her back no matter what.

"Excuse me Tom."

I turned to find Tamanae standing at the door. "Yes."

"Do you have a minute?"

"Of course, come in and have a seat."

"I just wanted to thank you for what you're doing."

"You don't have to do that."

"Yes I do, I've known Sienna since she was born. She's my best friend and we grew up together. In fact we created a language so we could talk to each other. It was created from gestures and hand signals. So we got to know each other real well. We shared everything from clothes to boyfriends. She always could get them when I couldn't. When she disappeared then came back to us, she told me everything that happened and made me vow not to tell anyone. I was so happy that she was back that I didn't. I just wanted to thank you though for saving her. I'm glad it was you and not someone else. She seems so happy now."

I saw tears roll down her fur and went over to her. Sitting down next to her I held her and stroked her hair, "Its ok. Everything will be alright."

"I don't want to loose her. She's like a sister to me. She's the only family I have left."

"I promise that you won't loose her. We will get her back safe."

She looked up into my eyes and slowly smiled. "I believe you. I'm so glad that you allowed me to help."

"We needed someone beautiful to complete the team. Why wouldn't I choose you?"

"Don't tease me. I'm not that good looking."

"I don't tease. I only tell what I see."

She bowed her head just like Sienna did when she blushed. "Thank you."

I picked her chin up and looked her in the eyes. "You're welcome."

She leaned forward and before I knew it she was kissing me. My mind was in turmoil as I enjoyed her kiss. Suddenly I realized what I was doing and backed up.

"Didn't you like it?" She asked.

"I did, very much, but I will not do that to Sienna."

"Don't worry, she won't mind." And she leaned forward again.

I held her back. "She might not, but I need to hear that from her. I won't do anything she doesn't know about."

She sat back a little then suddenly she kissed me again. Just a quick kiss then she pulled back. "Then I'll wait until I see her next. I don't want to do anything that would upset you." She curled up and leaned her head against my chest. "Sienna is lucky to have found you. I mean, I wish I could find someone so caring."

"Someday you will."

"Maybe I already have." She said as she drifted off to sleep.

I pulled the blanket off the couch and covered us with it. I figured I would just lay my head back and rest a bit before we had to get up again.

I heard someone enter the room and was instantly awake. Opening my eyes just enough to see I caught movement as someone came up to me. Suddenly the blanket was pulled off of us and opening my eyes I smiled. Steve was standing there grinning and looking down the barrel of the pistol that I held. Looking behind him I saw the rest of my team laughing.

"At least you learned something from me."

"Yea, only screw a woman if you plan on marrying her or leaving town."

His eyes grew big as he stared at me.

"Sorry that wasn't it. Ummm... Oh yea, no mater how safe you feel, never sleep unprotected." I said as I slid the pistol back.

"They should be back soon."

We got up and went out to the table. Steve had already cleared it off and we had just sat down when we heard his car pull in. We went out to the garage and saw Clair step out of the car. Then watched as a van backed up to the garage door and Diane and Josh jumped out. They went around to the back and opened it up. Inside were several crates. They began grabbing them and carrying them inside I helped them get everything inside and then closed the garage door.

Once inside I heard Steve talking. "How did everything go?"

Clair spoke up first, "I got a UPS van hidden in a grove of trees about three miles down the road. You ain't gonna find it unless you walk into it."

Diane was next, "I have all relative data on the site including the latest photos."

"And I got us some neat toys." Josh piped in. He opened the first crate, and inside were ten rifles the likes of which I never seen before.

I watched as Steve pulled one out. "Is this the..."

"Yep, hot off the presses. Not even entered into the military database yet. And these are equipped with silencers." He reached into another crate and pulled out two clips. Fitting them into the rifle he held it up. This, gentlemen and ladies, is the XM-8 Dual role assault rifle. It fires Standard rounds along with High explosive smart grenades. Guaranteed to kill anything in its path." He pointed to the scope. "It comes with a 3x -10x scope and is guaranteed accurate."

He turned and tossed it to me. I looked it over as he was passing them out. Then I watched as he opened up another crate. Inside was what looked to be vests. "This is the latest in lightweight body armor. Guaranteed to stop a Desert Eagle from twenty feet. Of course I wouldn't want to test that theory out. I'm sorry I had to guess the sizes."

"When have you ever been wrong?"

"Next we have the Desert Eagle forty-four. They were all out of the fifty's with silencers." He passed these out too.

"I will explain everything in detail later." My team was told by Steve when they looked over the weapons.

Josh continued, "Here we have the latest in night vision slash infrared goggles. We also have grenades, fragmentation, flash, concussion and incendiary. And as a final treat," He opened up a crate and inside were package upon package of plastic explosives. "I figured since you wanted to put them out of business, that this would do the trick."

Steve looked inside and asked, "Where we get those?"

"Remember the shipment that was hijacked two years ago by the terrorist, the shipment that we recovered only some of?"

"Wasn't that shipment checked in? They're gonna miss it."

"You forget oh exalted one, I was the one who checked it in."


"Do you think I'm stupid enough not to set some aside for our use?"

"You set this aside for us?"

"Well... this is actually only about a quarter of what I set aside."

"That much? And the Commander bought it with that much missing?"

"Well what's about five hundred packages short of over ten thousand?"


"Anyway, for the finale we have hands free two way radios with a fifty mile radius and a frequency that is unreachable. These babies can talk through a six foot thick concrete wall with one foot of steel added. Of course we'll have to modify the headsets for our friends but that will take only about five minutes to do."

"About the explosives?"

Josh picked up a brick and tossed it to Steve. "Ten backpacks, each containing ten bricks with a cellular detonator all set to the same number. Except for this one, I left the detonator out. I figured that this could be dropped outside the compound and when it's found. The heat will be focused to that terrorist group that stole them in the first place."

"Good thinking."

"Now if we could sit down I'll explain our new toys to our new friends." Going over to the table we sat down and Josh began to explain how the toys worked. After some debate we decided not to give them grenades and they agreed.

"If their half as powerful as you described, then they are better off with you," replied Duvole.

"How about you Tom, you want some?

"I'll take some more bang for the buck. Who knows, I could stuff one down someone's pants and give him a real thrill."

"You are sick and demented. I like that in a person," replied Josh.

"Let's keep focused. We got a job to do." Steve said.

"Ok, I'll work with them one at a time and get the two ways up."

I stood up, "I'll get the body armor fitted and figure out how to mount the holsters."

Steve looked at Diane, "We'll set up the maps and start plotting routes."

By the time I was finished and they knew how to put the armor on and off, Josh was finished making the adjustments.

Gathering around the table we saw a blueprint for the grounds. On it was marked camera sweeps, laser sensors and guard patrols to name a few.

Diane pointed to the map, "Now as far as I can see the only avenue of approach is through the woods here. Once inside of the perimeter we have to deal with the roving guards." She looked up at Josh, "That's where you come in."

"I'm gonna need some help."

I smiled. "Josh, meet your new partner." I said as I put my arm around Xelinia. "You'll need to take her out back and get her used to the weapon, but she's an expert with the bow."

"Can do, in fact I might suggest that all of you fire a few rounds so you know what to expect."

"Good idea Josh, when we're done planning, we'll go do that." Steve said then turning back to Diane, "You were saying."

"Once the guards are out of the way, we have two electronic trip wires located here and here." She pointed to two spots on the map. "Finding them is easy. We just have to make sure we don't set them off. Once past them we head right to this part of the building and stage. There's a camera mounted right here that rotates. When it reaches this point we can go two at a time to this doorway before the camera revolves back. There we wait till the camera is again out then those two will continue on to the side doors right under the camera. There we'll be safe. Then when the camera again swings away the next two repeat the process. Once the first two reach the doors they'll act as eyes for the camera, calling out its rotation. Before that we'll just have to use our corner mirrors."

The planning went on for two more hours and everyone knew their jobs. Steve paired the teams off and Chose one of my people and one of his for each team. Josh was paired with Xelinia, and Diane was paired with Duvole since she couldn't keep her eyes off him. He paired Clair up with Kolane and picked Ronshia to go with himself. That left Tamanae to be my partner.

Just before darkness fell we went out into the woods and fired off a few rounds. It turned out that Xelinia was just as good with the rifle as she was with a bow. Josh even complimented me on my accuracy.

"You know we could use someone like you on the team permanently."

"I would love to but I really don't like guns that much."

Steve put his hand on my shoulder, "The offer will remain open if you ever change your mind."

We went through a few drills and, my team I was told were fast learners. After an hour we moved into the house and practiced some room clearing techniques. By the time we were done the ten of us worked well as a group.

"I wish we could get you guys to join us. I have never had a team learn so fast or work so well together. You guys... and ladies are amazing." Steve said when we again sat down. Everyone smiled and a few blushed. "Let's rest people at eighteen hundred we will suit up and roll. We need to be in position by nineteen thirty. We will begin the assault at twenty one thirty exactly. Get some rest till then."

Everyone paired off with their partners and found a room to rest in. I saw Tamanae tucked in and went down stairs. Going out to the back yard I sat down and began to think about Sienna and the times we had together. What would I do if something ever happened to her?

I looked up when I heard a noise from inside the house. The sounds were unmistakable and I could hear Duvole's voice. I smiled to myself. I guess Duvole was getting to know his partner really well.

Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. I quit smoking six years ago but the stress of what I was about to do was too much. I had gotten only three drags off of it when I sensed someone behind me.

"When did you start smoking?"

I looked back at Steve. "What time is it?"

"Stress can do that to you. Can I get one?" I handed him the pack and he lit one up. "I kinda see why you like them. I mean I've only known them for an afternoon and I already like them. They're so willing to please us. I don't know if it's that they feel inferior or just how they are."

"They just... I don't know it's just when they want to do something they set their minds to it and do it."

"What's Sienna like?"

"She's the most...She's like everything I have ever looked for in a woman. She's kind, caring, and gentle, willing to do anything for me. She is always seeking to please me while at the same time making sure she isn't forgotten."

"Good in bed?"

I smacked him on the shoulder. "Is that all you ever think about?"

"I was just wondering. I remember that you were so dead set against that sort of thing."

I smiled to my self. "I still am. Animals and humans are not to mix. It's just that she's more human than most people."

"And good in bed?"

"Take the best woman you've ever had. Well let's put it this way, she wouldn't even come close to Sienna."

"I'll take your word for it."

"You'll have to come visit us after this is over."

"Actually I was going to ask you about this. My team has the next month off, and I'm sick of the bases."

"You are all welcome to come. I'm sure that Brenah will tell you the same thing."

"I'll take him up on that when we're done. I'm sure my team will do the same."

We sat there in the back yard talking about odd stuff as the sun went down. Before we knew it, it was time to get the others for the assault.