Hunter Haunted

Story by ShiroUzumaki on SoFurry

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Hunter Haunted (Halloween story)

31st of October, 2010... The sun was fading into twilight on the south-center of Europe, as the mountains breeze was turning colder and the summer led to an orange mid-cloudy taint with the last hour of the sun. The tall rocky mountains showed it's almost silver-like tops, as one of them showed a big, black castle on the top, holding its integrity for centuries. Meanwhile, a small blue car of the time crossed the dusty roads of the forests, with a driver and a robed, cloak-and-hooded girl on the backseat. The driver, a brown fur bear dressed in black while wearing a tall-top hat with a red band, like an elegant funeral digger, looked at the sunset, and he spoke to the girl "What a beautiful sunset, miss."

The girl, hiding her face in the shade of the cloak, nodded slowly, in silence.

The driver, puzzled by how quiet she was since the start of their journey, looked forward, saying "Still, I don't know why are we crossing this terrible path to Woldavia. That place is not a great deal for a lady like you"

The female pulled her hood back, sighing for the heat of the thick cloak that hid her appearance: She was a vixen, and not a common one. Her fur was sky blue to turquoise, as the ends of her limbs, front side from her muzzle to her thighs and ears showed white as snow and under her eyes, two stripes of purple fur. Her eyes were crimson, like blood shining under the light, and her hair was light green, short and irregular. Her body was slim, yet the covered robes showed her cleavage was acceptable and her fitness well cared.

The driver wooed that beauty as he peeked to the back of the car, looking at the face of the vixen, but then he shook his head quickly and looked forward. The female looked at him, knowing the bear looked at her for a second by her beauty. The girl remembered before she took the car to her destination, how she was at the village in the path to the castle.

She entered into a tavern, looking around to the almost deserted view of it. Only a couple of villagers, a waitress and the bartender were using the wooden furniture. The only two villagers, two thick strong looking bears, were drinking beer, quiet after they were surprised by the presence of the unexpected guest. The vixen, pulling her hood back and showing her face, walked slowly towards the bar. The bartender, a white furred Dalmatian, looked at the vixen huntress, saying "What do I serve you to drink, stranger?"

The vixen sat over the chair and whispered "Tonic water, no ice"

The Dalmatian quickly grabbed a bottle from the freezer and served it on the glass. The huntress picked the glass, giving quick smooth sips to the fizzy sour drink. After some sips, the girl left the glass and said "I am heading to the Wurgen Castle at the North."

The waitress soon lifted her head, showing her corgi eyes shine in fear as she heard the word of that castle, dropping a glass by accident. The Dalmatian tender got frozen too, as he stared at the dame with fear saying "You mean... the Vampire manor? You should not go there! It's been cursed for centuries!"

The vixen girl smiled as she tossed some money for the round "Vampire manor? Should be interesting to pay a visit to some bloodsuckers"

And so she walked to the entrance door of the bar. Just before she hung her hand on the handle to open the door, the Dalmatian asked "Who are you?"

The vixen smiled saying "Call me Crimson Breeze"

Crimson opened the door and left the bar, looking around on the middle main street of the village, as the houses windows were shining. The wind was softly hovering under her cloak, like if it ran to the castle itself. She closed her eyes and felt that strange breeze flowing to the castle, which could be seen as a terrifying shade over the last blue sky hours of the afternoon. Crimson looked around again and watched at a young dog. She decided to make a deal with him to drive her to the castle. The vixen walked in confidence and said "Hello"

The dog, wearing a baseball jacket and a cap, looked at her "Hi... may I help you?"

Crimson grinned, giving the dog a courteous nod. "Yeah, I could use a ride." Her eyes made their way to the car, before she examined him again. "Wanna help a poor vixen out?"

The young Dalmatian tried his best to hide his nervous blush. "Where are you going?" he said.

She replied "I need to get to Northern Castle."

The young hound looked back and soon his fears trapped inside, yelling "To Wurgen!? ARE YOU MAD!? It will be night by then..."

Crimson frowned for a bit, but then decided something better. She turned a bit of blush on her face and hugged the dog, speaking with a sweet tone "Pretty please?"

Her eyes glittered, as she stuck her lips close, looking cute. He couldn't resist such façade, so he grunted "Alright... but I hope you are rich or something."

Crimson was then back to reality, watching how the forest ended, the night fade in and the castle was closer in moments. The driver stopped his car, turning the lights on and showing the fence door of the castle, with two brick pillars covered in moss, and two long barred doors making the squeaking noise from their rusty hinges. The young driver said "Here we are" and turned his head back "I don't know what are you up to, but this place isn't safe for..."

The vixen raised her hand, as if she was asking the Dalmatian to be quiet, then she said "Just return to your village and don't tell anyone what you have done."

Grabbing the inside pocket of her cloak and tossing a small pack of green notes. The Dalmatian gulped looking at the money, saying "Are you... a mobster?"

Crimson giggled as she left the car, closing the door and walking to the door, leaving the Dalmatian silent and confused.

The clouds moved in the night sky, blocking the moon light at times, as the wind made an unusual breeze. Crimson, taking her hood back, looked at the old creaking fence, which showed a long path full of white stone statues and bushes of roses, about 7 feet tall. Without hesitation, she came closer to the fence and touched the lock, shaking it. She felt the fence wouldn't budge, saying "It's locked, but I feel there's really someone at home" and looked at the castle from the bottom to the top. She looked how all the windows were pitch black, except the center tower top. A yellow light came from it, like if it was a lighthouse in the middle of the sea. Crimson smiled and closed her eyes, saying "Time to work..."

She opened her eyes, shouting loudly "HA!" and kicking the fence on the middle, creating a tremendous shock of energy, turned into a blue ball in her hands. The doors flew away, bent by the blast and landing a couple of feet away, while the backfire of her amazing shock moved her cloak crazy, like in a gust of wind. The vixen walked inside the supposed garden, looking around as the long path towards the castle surrounded her with the darkness of the night, only guided by that light in the top. The faint moonlight only could show the gravel of the road to the castle, as the bushes didn't shone with the white feeble shine. As she came close, a pair of red eyes stared at her from above the bushes, watching her walking, decided to pay a visit. Crimson's ears soon started to twitch, as she felt something, like a bad feeling. She turned around quickly, drawing her hand inside the cloak and, in less than a blink, threw a knife to the void. She stared at the dark that was behind her, listening how the knife she threw fell. She thought if she missed, but it was impossible as she heard the sound coming from her back. Suddenly, her blue sky fur started to feel cold, almost giving a freezing sensation: Several set of pairs of red eyes, hidden in the dark, away from the path stared at her. They produced growling noises, and in a second, each pair showed a pair of jaws with clear fangs, looking as sharp as razorblades, coming closer and showing they true form with the faint moonlight: Werewolves. Crimson soon counted the faces around her, rolling her eyes around as she tried to refrain her fear showing a serious expression, while the truth was she could break down. There were twelve of them, moving altogether as they growled and teased her fear with loud growls.

Crimson took a deep breath and thought for herself "Are these... the vampires? Maybe they are just their minions. I must be careful" and so she held her cloak with a hand, screaming "LET'S FIGHT!!!"

She threw the cloak to the air, and the wolf pack soon drew their claws on their fingers, but as the cloak flew up, she was gone, leaving the cloak float on the ground and fall slowly. The wolves growled, looking around confused, as one of them said "Where did she go!?"

Another one snarled in anger "Damn it, she didn't look a normal female. I hope she is worth it, or our Lord is gonna make us pay for it"

The truth was that Crimson was a ninja, and not a normal one. She was a student of the Kitsune ninja clans, one of the most efficient stealth forces. She was hiding behind one of the statues: Her real clothes seemed normal from her training: A set of bandages as a bra, with a knitted mail top while wearing a set of red panties, a belt with a carrying bag and several kunai, black leather fingerless glvoes, shoulder metal protection and long black chain mailed styled stockings with the usual ninja sandals. She slipped a hand on her belt, preparing a kunai knife and grabbing a smoke grenade. She threw the grenade, shouting "Go get me!"

The wolves turned their sights as they could hear that shout, looking at the smoke. One of the wolves smiled saying "How stupid..."

Sadly, Crimson appeared next to him, setting her knife over the throat and saying "Wrong..."

With extreme quickness, Crimson pulled the knife and stabbed the chest of the werewolf. A shower of blood came from the werewolf's chest, falling on the ground as the blood stacked up in a pool, with the gravel of the path floating over in red.

The other wolves looked around, as one howled "You bitch!"

Crimson soon appeared at the back of two of the remaining wolves, sticking two sheets of paper on their backs and firing them up. The paper was a gunpowder bomb really, so the paper quickly burned up and blew the two wolves, wounding another four around them. The papers left a flame with the blast, looking at the scorched members of their teams. Suddenly, the vixen appeared next to one of the remaining 6, throwing him by a toss of his arm, stabbing him later, then she jumped and kicked to another of the wolves, stomping his face with her hard tabi sandals, followed by clinching another wolf, slicing his throat and leaving another bloody trail. One of the wolves started to slash his claws in the air then ran in a berserk way towards her. She saw the lycanthrope charging against her, but just when the wolf was close enough, Crimson quickly jumped back and raised her legs, doing a somersault kick which ended in a broken jaw while she was standing after the body flip. Crimson said "Ten to go..." and looked at the remaining two wolves. The pendant's 9-shaped stone soon started to shine with a greenish glass light and she said "Time to show you two my real power... Magatama!"

The jewel was shining, making a glassy noise, and so her body was covered in light. She put her palms together, praying some long time forgotten kitsune language, and separated her palms about an inch at each other. A small ball of pitch black color, like a pebble, grew between her hands. She set one of her palms face up and the floating ball was soon covered in a blue-purple flame like the size of a burning baseball. Crimson growled and shook her hand, shouting "Grudge punishment!" throwing that small fire towards the wolves. The two lycanthropes set on guard towards her weird magic. The ball stopped a feet away from them, suspended in the air, like a candle light. The two wolves stared at the fireball, until one of them growled "Is this a joke!?"

But then, the fireball blew up, covering in flames to the remaining wolves, who screamed, flying away and hitting two of the statues, breaking them and then landing on the grass, covered in feint purple flames.

Crimson's magatama soon stopped to shine and the light around her faded down, looking at the destroyed garden. She panted as she finished with the legion of werewolves, looking up to the moon: It wasn't full. She thought where the vampires could be, and how even werewolves appeared while there wasn't any full moon. The garden seemed quiet, even with all the ornament arches and columns broken and the artistic bushes torn into chipped wood and shred leaves.

Suddenly, a voice shouted from behind her, saying "So, you dealt with my Dirty Dozen, huh?"

Crimson turned around confused, as she saw no one was behind her. Then the voice laughed deviously, coming from her back. She turned around and found out a big, grey and white furred werewolf, sitting over one of the broken columns as a seat, saying "Not bad for a female"

Crimson stared her red eyes towards the wolf. It was quite bigger and more muscled, with long black hair and two ruby-like eyes shone with the faint moonlight. He was wearing a black thick leather trench coat, black denim trousers and leather boots. The bigger wolf giggled "Now those rags are exotic. What are you, some kind of a ninja?"

Crimson, keeping her killer stare, said "Who are you?"

The wolf chuckled and became sarcastic "Excuse me, madam. But you wouldn't like my name... or should I call you... a kitsune?"

She gasped, thinking "How could he..." looking away for a second and then returning her stare again, thinking "maybe he is a vampire for sure."

Crimson changed her stance to a natural standing one, while still looking at the wolf, so she said "Are you really vampires around here?"

The wolf hummed and then laughed, saying "Another outsider who misunderstood the villagers."

She replied asking in confusion "W...What?"

The wolf said "Lady, we are werewolves. Lycanthropes, wolf-men... say what it pleases you, we are still wolves."

The ninja vixen gave an even colder look at him "Then... why did they say you were vampires?"

The wolf sighed "Vampyr, of course. It can be understood as Vampire or... werewolf. By the way, the name is Shiro" as he pointed his both arms at himself in an arrogant display.

The vixen then set her defensive stance again, saying "Then I am afraid I have to kill you..."

The wolf sighed again, shaking his head "Au contraire, sweetie"

Shiro opened his black leather coat, showing his naked front of the torso to the vixen, as a distraction.

Crimson soon blushed at the wolf's woo, but suddenly, while she blinked stunned, the leader was in front of her, closing his left arm as he approached his muzzle close to her left ear, whispering "Sweet dreams!"

The fist of the wolf hit her stomach then the werewolf grabbed her arm and wrapped it around his right shoulder, tossing her like a heavy bag and making her back hit the ground. Crimson was laid all over the path, stunned by the strength of the wolf, as the red shine under her eyes faded and her eyes closed, losing consciousness in an instant.

Shiro looked at her stunned body, then to the slain-looking members of his pack, saying "and time for waking up, losers"

The wounded pack soon heard their leader voice, so they opened their eyes, showing how their bad looking wounds closed up thanks to the powers of lycanthropy. Shiro chuckled saying "Nice butter knives she was using, but that won't work" and so he howled, gathering the Dirty Dozen around him.

One of the members of the squad muttered while looking at the laid vixen "What do we do with her, boss?"

Shiro murred, giving a grin and answering "Carry her to the guest room."

Then he kneeled, massaged her face with one of his hands and said "She needs to learn our... manners"

Crimson opened her eyes, as she tried to remember what happened moments before she fainted out by the punch. She was looking around with the usual blur, fading away on each second as her eyes opened up slowly and looked around where she was. She looked at the blue satin mattresses she was covered in, over a big bed she was over at. She looked to the sides, looking at the precious bedroom she was held on. It had a fancy deep blue stripe and white line squares theme, as most of the furniture was made in shiny redwood: a cupboard, a desk, a drawer... as well as a precious silver decorated mirror hanging over a table, on the left wall, next to a big white curtained window, which lead small spots of sunlight in the usual darkness of the room: it was daytime.

The vixen, stunned by the precious look of the bedroom, looked to her body and checked it quick over her clothing, as she feared she was bitten: she checked her neck, chest, legs while she looked none of her clothes was ragged, and the wounds she could have were treated like any doctor would. She took a breath in relief, but didn't understand how she wasn't killed by the wolf, and she was even patched up by someone ... or something.

The door opened up with the sound of the lock releasing the usual clocking noise. She leaped from the bed and ran quickly to the corner near the door, sticking her back to the wall. When the door opened, a light grey, old werewolf in a black suit entered on the room, looking like a butler, as he carried a silver teapot and a cup over a silver plate. She looked in the shadows, as two young maiden dressed female werewolves were after him, outside the door. Crimson yelled as she tried to grab the old werewolf by the neck, but the butler reacted soon enough to grab the paw of the young vixen. She gasped for the reaction speed of the old wolf, who stared at her in concentration as he was holding the tea set with his remaining hand. He then smiled with a warm, welcoming expression drawn on his face "Good morning, my lady. Lord Shiro awaited you to wake up. My name is Eric, at his service" then looked back, presenting to the two werewolf girls at her back "And my daughters Jill and Naomi"

Jill and Naomi looked at her, not amused for her father's skills, and bowed to their female guest, saying "Pleased to serve you"

Jill was the older sister: taller and quite slim, as her dark blue fur (except her belly, being light grey as her father) distinguished from her green eyes and long black hair. Naomi was a bit smaller, but her fur was hazel on her whole body, while her legs and arms were white as snow. Her eyes were green, her hair was short and blonde and her body seemed a bit more bulky than her older sister.

The wolf released Crimson's arm, she stepped back in anger and looked to the three wolves, saying "Are you... holding me as a prisoner?"

Eric giggled politely "A prisoner? Lord Shiro might be quite violent, but it's usual coming from an Alpha"

Crimson growled in anger "Then I am leaving" then she passed away from the servants, walking through the corridor, but when she gave some steps, she looked to the butler and the maids, saying "Where is the main door?"

Jill smiled and moved her hands while giving the directions "Go left at the end of the corridor then you will reach the lobby. Just go right, follow the stairs and after that, it's all straight"

Naomi nodded, saying "Hope you had a pleasant night, miss"

Crimson replied "Oh..." looking flattered "thank you then"

She turned around and kept walking, looking at the burgundy painted walls with windows that lead a view of the surroundings of the castle garden, inside the dark stone walls. When she found out the lobby, she walked to the right, finding two sets of stairs that lead to the center of the lobby. The room was glittering with sunlight that crossed a glass window, decorated in the shape of a howling wolf head, so she thought "Maybe it's a family crest" then looked down the stairs: The lobby floor looked like a marble checkers table pattern, but with red and black squares. The ninja vixen stepped down the stairs, curious at the crest in the floor, and so she got closer. The center was decorated with a red circle and a grey howling werewolf head, as letters circled around it, as it was typed in a foreign language:

"Un lobo sigue luchando aunque le hayan cortado la cabeza"

Crimson was puzzled by the phrase around the crest then a familiar voice came on her back, saying "A wolf will always fight, even if its head was cut off"

Crimson's ears soon tilted in danger, so she turned around and looked behind: It was Shiro.

The grey-white wolf looked at her with a friendly grin, while the vixen gasped, trembling by his presence. The wolf said "It's Spanish. I know it's weird, being in Central Europe, but my roots come from there. My grandfather was an exile".

She grunted looking at the wolf, who grinned while his eyes flashed in a sly thought. Shiro bowed like a gentleman in front of Kiowa, saying "You may leave anytime, but tomorrow there will be a hard blizzard and there is a whole day of travel to the next city by car."

Crimson turned her sight towards the mansion's entrance door, but stood still, thinking about the cunning offer the wolf just offered to her.

Shiro then said "By the way, what is your name?"

She replied "Crimson Breeze..."

Then Shiro shook her head "Your real name, honey"

She grunted, answering "That's none of your business! At least I am accepting your hospitality!" and so, she walked up towards the stairs.

Crimson reached to the first floor corridor of the mansion, at a slow pace as she stared at the wall decorations, paintings at the left wall and the windows at the right, illuminated by the sun. Then, when she arrived to the corner at lead to the left, she looked through the window at the front of her. There were some stone ruins, where a long wide set of stone stairs with mossy spots lead to some steaming water baths. She looked amazed at the steaming water and sniffed her own clothes, then she realized how strong the stench her sweat made. She walked through the corridors, back to the lobby and followed a door under the stairs, which lead to another corridor. She crossed the corridor, looking around at the half-wooden half-painted walls, until she reached a big heavy steel door. She pushed it and found herself outside, where the set of stone stairs lead to the hot baths. She smiled while walking down into the bath ruins then she sat on the border of the baths, looking at the steamy waters, saying "Looks so nice. It's time for a good wash up!"

Crimson got rid of her clothes quickly, only leaving her underwear white bandages and she stepped inside the water, as the steam created a relaxing thick fog mixed with the shapes of the nearby forest trees.

She took a deep breath and leaned her body on the bench border of the outdoor bar, listening to the usual morning bird chirping as the heat of the water gave an invigorating sensation to her body. Minutes later, she heard a series of splashes on the water, making her open her eyes quickly and looking forward, to where the splashes where coming from. She recognized the shape of a body hidden in the opaque fog: wide shoulders, thick muscular shape, wolf-like head features... The figure was walking forward slowly, making the usual splashes, unveiling the dark grey and white fur: It was Shiro again.

The wolf lord was drown in the water to his hips, as the moisture of his fur made by the steam lead to shining drops of water around his fur. Crimson was paralyzed by the fear, saying "Leave me alone... t-this is a bath, you know?"

Shiro chuckled and said "My personal outdoor bath, kitsune..." followed by a devious laugh, but then he continued "still, I'll let you enjoy it, as I am generous" then he walked towards the small vixen. Crimson grunted, looking unconfident to the werewolf, shouting "Don't get any closer! You males... always after females like me... You just think on sex!"

Shiro whistled in arrogance, saying "So the cute vixen got a bad time, huh?"

She grunted in anger again, standing up and walking to stand out the wolf with a cold but angry stare, saying "I don't fear you... even if you are a..." then she slipped with the floor a bit and stepped between his legs by accident, as Shiro hold her with a quick hug. She felt a thick, hot piece of flesh, hidden under the hot waters, gasping then stepping back so she repelled Shiro. She looked down to the water, blushed, unable to say a word for what she just touched with her legs. Shiro's arrogance soon became shame, as he blushed with a serious grin shaped on his muzzle, saying "Guess nature is very picky with some".

The ninja vixen felt her heart pounding fast, as she never expected that kind of slump thing. Shiro decided to change the subject, saying "So, what's your real name, or are you going to fight me again for this, warrior girl?"

She looked aside, blushed but angry, and so replied "Kiowa... Kiowa Akamaru"

Shiro heard the name tingling on his ears, saying "Pretty name, Miss Kiowa"

Kiowa shook her head, shouting in fury "Why don't you stop, you single minded fuck!"

Shiro whistled saying "Whoa! What's your problem with compliments?"

Kiowa sighed and sat on the border of the bath, saying "It's just..." suddenly, she took her hands to her face, sobbing in sadness. Shiro walked close to her, trying to set his hands over her shoulders, but Kiowa soon noticed the wolf, turning around "You... embarrassed my clan's pride... I hate to lose, you evil vampire!"

Shiro shook his head laughing, as he placed his hands down and said "Hey, I was being friendly with you. May I ask why you are so cranky, Kiowa?"

Kiowa swallowed, with small tears around her eyes then she passed her hands over these, washing them up. She looked down, explaining "I am the future leader of the Akamaru kitsune family. My father died long ago, but my... family... just wants a male I can rule and submit with my wits and skills. I... I hate that! I want a real challenge, someone who can beat me so I can become stronger!"

Shiro's eyes blinked in interest and fascination for Kiowa's words. He kindly blushed as he looked upwards to the mansion, then his ears twitched by the giggles coming from his back: A group of female wolves was having a bath in another bath next to them, enjoying the water by soothing themselves or splashing at each other. Shiro took a deep breath, thinking "Female wolves just want me from my body... but this girl seems to like me for my strength... maybe I should...?" then Shiro nodded his head, staring at Kiowa.

Kiowa kept looking at the wolf, who stared at her in an almost scary way. Shiro grabbed her hand, pulling it so she stood up, he wrapped his strong muscular arms around her and lean his body over her, showing the great difference of sizes between them. Kiowa gasped as she felt the struggle of Shiro's strength almost clinching her. She shouted "What are you... no, Stop!"

Then Shiro opened his jaws and licked Kiowa's muzzle, kissing her mouth instantly. Kiowa's eyes were open to the max, ashamed yet amazed by the sudden thought of Shiro and also by the thick longue that was massaging her mouth. Her face turned from scared to soft. For 5 minutes, Shiro kept licking her mouth with that intimate kiss, until he unstuck his muzzle out of her, saying "Is this... how you outsider girls like to be called to mate, right?"

Kiowa gasped again, dazed and confused by the whole experience she had right now, but then, she giggled, thinking "He doesn't intend to hurt me either? Guess he's not like all males after all. Such a... body"

Kiowa took some breath, saying "Shiro... It's just I... I... I haven't been mated yet." And coughed "My family always treated me as a male"

Shiro hummed, admitting her lack of confidence with other males. He said "Well... we could play a game. It's quite simple"

Kiowa tilted her head and said "Huh?"

Shiro smiled and he lifted Kiowa's body with his arms, sitting her outside the bath, looking at her exposed body.

The wolf females soon heard the noises coming from their leader, and so they walked out from the water, surrounding Shiro around, each of them showing blushed faces with desires of lust. The wolf pushed them off while he stepped towards Kiowa, showing his complete naked body to her eye. She looked at each detail of his body: several scars under the gray fur of his legs, sharp nails like razors, and of course, the oversized piece of meat clinging between his legs, ready to fulfill its purpose. Shiro crouched to the ground, lying on four legs over the vixen, whispering to her sensitive kitsune ears "Wolves mate for life... and I choose you. Think you can handle the task?"

Kiowa gulped in fear, insecure of how different her life would be as she could be usd as a sex toy by the wolf that trashed her honor and the will of her clan, but still, she found that body amazing, as it had many marks usual from a healthy, strong, willful warrior, and that without knowing the complex and picky lust of the lupine family. Her heart soon started to run start, while she found a strong, dazing smell in the air, coming from the male. Her legs soon started to spurt drops of fluid coming from her crotch, while the skin under her fur became redder, like some kind of willing lustful blush: She was in heat, and yet she liked the looks of the male, so she had no choice. Her breath became heavy, as small pants of desire appeared like steam coming from her mouth, as her muzzle looked red with all the blood stored on her veins, saying "I will... master"

Shiro caressed Kiowa's left cheek with one of his paws, staring at her with a sweet grin on his lips, and so he grabbed the ninja girl on his strong arms, walking to the small forest at the right of the thermal baths. Kiowa was holding tight to Shiro's neck, without leaving her sight from the wolf leader, looking so sweet and yet wild. After walking some time, Shiro tossed Kiowa from his arms. She neighed in pain, rubbing her rump while she awed, then she shouted "What is wrong with you!?"

Shiro growled in fury, staring at the vixen, while saying "What is doing an intruder in my territory? Explain yourself, pitiful vixen!"

Kiowa gasped, as she never felt such a response from Shiro. Suddenly, Shiro winked his right eye to her, grinning for a second. She quickly got that sign: He was acting. The vixen girl closed her eyes, concentrating for a minute, and then she started to cry, saying "I...I am sorry, mister wolf... I didn't intend to make you angry" then she sat over her shoulders, asking for mercy. Shiro growled stronger, getting closed to Kiowa "You weakling species always trying to find shelter on my territory!" Shiro then screamed "This is a wolf territory, so get out before you turn into my low ranked male meal!"

Kiowa was still spewing out her juices, so the scent became more apparent. Shiro sniffed that scent, licking his own lips as he continued, with a more charming tone "However... you could be a nice "servant", lady"

Kiowa stopped crying, asking confused "S...Servant?"

Shiro laughed in an evil way, as he came close to Kiowa and grabbed her from her bandages, saying "Such a beautiful body, it would be a pity if it wasn't worked out first!"

Shiro threw Kiowa to the closest tree, as his claws ragged and destroyed her bandage bra. The vixen coughed for the sudden shock by the hit of the tree, and before she could turn around, Shiro was behind her, grabbing the sides of her slim, stealthy torso. She had her hands set on the bark of the tree, while the wolf stared with lust to her nectar-spilt bandage set. Shiro soon grabbed the bandages, and with a quick, strong pull, the bandages were torn into shreds, showing her complete exposed body. Kiowa, as part of her role, screamed "No! I...I am a virgin... I am proposed for marriage!"

"Really?" said Shiro "Then why are you willing for some mating, female?"

Shiro passed his hand over her moisture, showing some drops of her juices on his hand. She blushed in shame, assuming her role. Shiro kneeled behind her and showed his long tongue, steaming in lust, as he started to lick the labia, checking her scent and heat. Kiowa moaned with each lick and thrust of the tongue checking her insides, while her juices spilt between her thighs, and its taste showed her freshness like the virgin she was. Her nipples were hard and perky, making her moans harder as the rugged bark of the tree squished them like small pinches stimulating her. Five minutes later, she moaned harder, and so her crotch sprayed her first orgasm, ever awaited. She cried, looking at her back, saying "No... please... stop... I am not ready..." Her role fell down like the curtain.

Shiro smiled, as his shaft soon showed its real length: It was 15 inches long, with a tip red as a burning ember, while its pink/dark red skin was pounding with a several network of blood veins. The wolf smiled and settled the tip of his freakish dick behind her, pushing hard on her crotch. As the shaft started to drill her, Kiowa gritted her teeth as she felt pain, then, the lubrication done by the moisture led to the invading blade of Shiro to penetrate her and wipe out her hymen. Kiowa yelled for a minute for the bleeding break she suffered, as a couple of blood drops fell into the ground, but she knew it wasn't over. She didn't know that the more nervous she was, the harder he would rape her, so her walls tried to clinch the huge shaft of the wolf warrior. Shiro moaned as the pressure around his cock was exponentially bigger. Kiowa kept crying as she thought the huge member was going to tear her apart in that struggle from him. She closed her eyes, trying to keep her mind calm and relaxed. Her walls then pressed less on Shiro, but this made her situation worse as the wolf kept pushing on her hips, leading to the tip of the penis to clash her small, new cervix. That hit made Kiowa scream, but the irregular vast veined skin of Shiro's shaft soon wrapped around her walls, making her brain suffer a huge amount of pleasure. Her brain passed from absolute pain and sadness to a great sense of pleasure, as she started to fit to the sudden oversized tool from the alpha male. Shiro smiled, saying "Guess you made a change of heart, huh?" then he placed his paws under her small but soft perky boobs.

Kiowa couldn't answer, as her brain was busy trying to process all that pleasure, so she only could pant, like asking for more. Shiro looked down, saying "Nice body too... you fit my cock perfectly"

Kiowa expelled some words, drowned in the pleasure "You know we ninjas can be very... flexible" then she bent her back to offer more of her body to the beasty meat, as she moaned harder. Shiro moved his own hips back, saying "Well, this is just the training, dear... time to rock!"

Shiro's hips rocked hard on Kiowa's hips, keeping the same lascivious doggy style pose of before. The vixen girl felt the ramming motion almost tearing her apart, but the huge amounts of pleasure were enough of a painkiller to her. She moaned and neighed, whispering as lust took over her mind "More, more! I want to feel like a real alpha female!"

Shiro then stopped, growling, so he stuck his chest to her back, whispering "Here I..."

The wolf's man pride blew in a streak of precum directly injected into her body. Kiowa felt the fluids stuffing her uterus, like if her stomach was filled with water. The fluids of Shiro were just a warning. Kiowa felt those liquids grumbling inside her body, as she said "Oh, no... not my family's power..."

Kiowa's belly and chest soon started to change: her round, slim belly started to get hard and muscled, while her breasts gained some volume. She blushed after that sudden transformation, but Shiro then lifted her, sticking her front to the tree, while saying "How curious... you kitsune are amazing females"

Kiowa blushed "This is... why I hate sex so much. When we mate with males, we may obtain the part we most love from that partner. We, the kitsune, master the power of transformation, as you know" as she moaned hard. Shiro's shaft soon started to grow violently, specially on its base: the knot appeared. Kiowa tried to look down, and she looked astonished at the meat bubble under her labia, screaming "W...What is that!? My god..."

Shiro chuckled "It's called a knot, baby. It makes our girls crazy." Then he started to rub Kiowa's belly "and these breasts and abs of you make me sure I want to stuff you with my puppies, sexy bitch!"

Kiowa smiled, but a bit confused inside as she didn't know if she herself was driven by love or lust. Shiro pressed her hips hard on her, trying to lock his knot inside her cavity. The ninja vixen gritted her teeth, feeling the pain of the knot trying to get inside, but thanks to her previously wet walls, when the knot reached to the middle, it slipped inside, giving her a last shock of pleasure that made her unleash a second orgasm. Shiro heard her moans of pleasure, so he kissed her by the side, as they didn't care of the forest's usual cold and fog of the late fall. Shiro soon closed his eyes, growling as he gritted his teeth, saying "Now here I cum!"

Shiro's monstrous shaft blew up like fireworks inside Kiowa. The real semen injected directly into her womb like fuel to the engine chamber, made her feel that pleasing heat stack up. The knot blocked the fluids of the couple to get outside, while the huge amount of male seed assured to fertilize the vixen girl. The cock was so big inside her, the outer skin over her vagina lead to a massive bulge, able to be seen from the outside, as her fit belly soon stacked up with rich milk, reaching to the ovaries and so, the sperm could finish their job quickly. Shiro removed his hose out of Kiowa with a sudden strong pull out then turned Kiowa's body, looking at her eyes, and kissed her. Kiowa's belly started to ooze all that seed outside, but she was already pregnant, without noticing. After the kiss, she opened her eyes and murred at the wolf, saying "That felt so great... I understand now why those girls were so kind to you. But... why did you rape me? I... I wasn't ready and I just knew you, in fact, I thought of you as a rival, but yet... you..."

Shiro smiled and shushed at Kiowa, saying "I loved your strength and will to fight, Kiowa. And I granted you something it will help to have a better confidence in your power" as he set his paws on her grown breasts and defined abs. Kiowa's spiritual skills soon noticed something inside her: a new life had started inside her, and it was from the male she always feared, yet dreamed to found for any of the two purposes: fight or love. Shiro smiled, while Kiowa slipped her hand on Shiro's swollen fired up cock, she said "I'll try to be the proud warrior and female I am... and I shall live with you, as part of your lifelong promise from a female"

Shiro blushed for Kiowa's dare, laughed and carried Kiowa on her arms, saying "Come, let's go to present you to my minions, my bitch!"

Kiowa responded "I am going to have to use to that word now" and giggled.

After those events, the couple, even from different origins and species, they lived happily ever after, as the pack they wanted to be.

THE END... after some hard weeks XD

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