Madarao's Love Quest chapter: 3 Kouya's crush

Story by Draco Fury on SoFurry

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Chapter: Three Kouya's crush

After a half an hour had gone by, I got out of Hakubi's bed and headed to his bathroom to clean myself up. Upon finishing my clean up job, I left his cave and continued my search for Kouya. It wasn't long before I found him in Tokine's dining hall, along with all the other Night Troops.

"Ginro what are you doing here?" Kouya asked.

"Hiya Kouya I just thought I'd pop in and see what was going on, that's all and how many times do I have to tell you my name is Madarao now." I said. "Hi guys!"

"Hi Madarao!" The many Night Troops members replied, waving at me.

"Hay did Hakubi tell you our plan?" Koya asked.

"He did, He also showed me around his cave!"

"Did you see the paintings in his bed room?"

I nodded and smiled saying, "Yeah I did."

An hour later I was getting ready to get back to the site.

"Well everyone, thank you for such a wonderful dinner, but I must really get back to the site.

"Madarao don't be silly." Tokine said, jumping up from the table. I can tell from the tired look in your eyes that you are regretting your offer of keeping an eye on the site without Yoshi's help." Tokine said. "Why don't you just spend your nights at home from now on, Gen and I can cover your shift until you're fully rested, is that okay with you Gen?"

"Sure that's fine with me; I would do anything for Yoshi's family." He replied.

"What? Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course, but whom can you stay with until you find a cave of your own?"

"Tokine he can stay with me I don't mind, I mean we did share a cave when we were alive after all" Kouya said.

"Good then it's decided. Tokine said.

"See you guys in the morning!" I said, turning my head to look back at them and grinned. It was in that instant I walked into something soft and squishy knocking it to the ground.

"Ow, watch where you're fucken going, oh Madarao it's you!" Hakubi said, turning his annoyance into happiness.

"Hey honey, are you okay I didn't hurt you did I." I said concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine." He said.

"I hope you cleaned up our little mess!" I whispered in his ear as I helped him up.

"Yeah I did clean up our mess no one will ever know what we did!" He whispered back.

"Gotta run; I'll see you in the morning!" I said.

"See ya around!" he yelled back at me as I ran off towards Kouya's cave. I walked in when I arrived but before I could think where my childhood friend was, a sharpened tail hit me square in the face, knocking me backwards.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" I shouted at him, holding my bleeding face.

"Ginro you're getting slow I remember a time when you were able to dodge my attacks without any warning, by the way whether you like it or not I'm going to keep calling you Ginro." Kouya said as he walked into the living room.

Entering the living room, I looked around, but didn't see him, but I suddenly sensed him standing behind me.

_'So he thinks he can sneak up on me huh.'_I thought. Without warning, I swung my tail around and connected with the side of his head.

"Crap," Was all he managed to say as he was knocked to the ground. I walked up to him and place one paw squarely on the center of his back.

"Kouya, please stop! As much as I enjoy us beating the shit out of each other, I really would like to get some sleep! I've had some very exhausting nights!" I pleaded with him.

"Well okay just this once I'll leave you alone. Kouya said, as he turned away from me and headed to his room.

_'I'd better make myself comfortable on the couch for a while before sneaking into his room.'_I thought as I grabbed a blanket I found and wrapped it around myself as I lied down on the couch.

A few hours later, I decided it was time to have some fun. I got up and walked into his room. I walked to the side of his bed and sat down next to him and just stared at him for what seemed like hours until I decided to give him a short, sweet kiss. Kouya immediately woke up when my lips touched his.

"Ginro what the hell are you doing?" He asked me, pissed as hell.

"You know what I'm doing." With that said, I kissed him again.

"Ginro I'm not gay!"

"That's a straight up lie Kouya I know you're gay, just think about our time together when we were alive how you would always rub up against me every time you got the chance to do so, how you would stare at me like I was a deer you could sink your teeth into when you thought I wasn't looking and finally how you tried to save my life when you already knew I couldn't be saved." I said.

"Fuck Ginro, you're right, I am gay and I always have been, and it's you I want as my mate even if it's just for one night!" He shouted, with a huge smile on his face.

Kouya positioned himself over me so his phallus was directly in front of my mouth, and mine was in front his. I took his entire length into my mouth and heard him gasp as he took my phallus into his mouth.

As I began to use my tongue to torment him, I could feel him moan beneath me, sending vibrations up my phallus, fading into my body. He then began to suck with great intensity, raking his teeth lightly along my sensitive skin.

I moaned at the pure blissful feeling he was giving me. And at the same time, I returned the courtesy, sucking with all my might. When I begin using my teeth to pleasure him, I felt him jump slightly.

He pulled my length out of his mouth except for my head, which he focused all his efforts on, sucking and licking it. The feeling caused me to lightly nip the head of his cock.

It was when I found his hole and stuck my paw in, that he flared immensely and shot his seed into my mouth. Kouya groaned as he fired continuously, shot after shot of his hot, creamy seed coated the inside of my mouth. When he had finally stopped, and his body relaxed once again, I pulled my mouth off of his softening member and rolled myself off him.

"Wait a minute! I didn't finish you off!" Kouya exclaimed, breathing heavily.

"Well, I have something else in mind for that!" I said, smirking. His eyes widen and his jaw dropped as I moved myself between his legs.

"Ginro, do you really think you'll be able to fit inside me? You're bigger than I am!" He said as he stared at my cock.

"I'm sure I can fit inside of you."

"Ginro, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this with you!" He said as I lied myself on top of him leaving a trail of kisses up his torso, around his neck. Until I finally made contact with his lips, kissing him to my heart's content. Kouya lurched as he felt the swollen tip of my phallus made contact with his hole.

He broke our kiss and said, Ginro don't hold back I want to feel your true power dominating me!"

I locked our lips together again and plunged my hips as hard as I could into him. His hole resisted for a moment, as I quickly made my entry, forcing the entire length of my phallus into his body causing him to scream in pain but I knew he wouldn't want me to stop, and kept going. I slowly pulled my length out of him until my head was all that remained inside him, and then I pushed back in. He wrapped himself around me and pulled me closer.

"I love you so much Ginro, you can't even begin to understand how much I love you and how much pain I felt when you died." He whispered in my ear.

"And I love you too Kouya." I replied.

"Harder, Ginro please fuck me harder! I want to feel you climax inside of me!" Kouya begged me.

Wanting to give Kouya everything I wanted to when I was alive but couldn't; I complied with his wish and began thrusting harder, hearing him moan softly. I ran my paws through his purple fur, increasing the rhythm with each thrust. Kouya started to move his body along with me, matching the rhythm I had set forth, taking as much of me into him as possible with each thrust with a counter thrust of his own.

"Oh Koya, I've been waiting for this to happen for so long, I even considered confronting you with your feelings for me!" I said as I continue slamming myself into him even harder.

All I could think about was mating with him, planting my seed deep within him, so I began using all my strength fucking him as hard as I could. He was moaning louder with each thrust of my hips.

I was pushed over the edge when Kouya started to play with my sac, and with one final, violent thrust, I pushed him back into the bed as I erupted within him with such intensity, that his moans turned into screams of pleasure. I cummed filling him beyond capacity and it started gushing out all around my cock, coating my lower belly, and balls, running down my legs onto the bed.

The entire time, I just let out one long groan, showing him how much I enjoyed fucking another male. I was finally drained, slumping down into the pool I had created on the bed. When I softened enough to pull out of him, I lied down on the bed beside him, covered in cum and sweat.

I looked over at him as he propped himself up, looking back at me. "That was unlike anything I have ever felt before on my own!" Kouya said.

"So I was your first? I asked.

"Yeah, I was saving myself for you." He replied.

"Well, what do you wanna do now, sleep together?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm tired let's go to bed."

We wrapped ourselves around each other and fell asleep in the pool of our own cum. A few hours later I heard someone moan and I knew that it wasn't Kouya. I shot up in bed and shook my childhood friend trying to wake him up.

"Koya, There's someone here!" I said "What should we do?"

"Mmmmm... just ten more minutes Ginro!" He said.

I didn't know what to do! I heard whoever it was opening the door to Kouya's room. The unknown figure walked in, closer and closer until I could smell him.

"Hakubi what are you doing here so early?" I asked recognizing his sent.

You guys were great! I saw the whole thing from the shadows!" He said smiling with eyes full of excitement.

"Hakubi, you can't tell anyone about this, okay?"

"Of course I won't Madarao; I wouldn't want to harm you!" He said.

"Hey, what do you say about helping me clean up?"

"Okay!" He said, running into the bathroom, turning the shower on for me. I left Kouya lying there in bed alone. I didn't want to disturb him he looked so at peace sleeping there, besides there was a cute little ayakashi waiting for me in the bathroom.