The Wildlands

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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This story contains male feral dragon on female human sex. Lots o' sex. I mean it.

The intro isn't very long, but if you want to, hit ctrl F and search for "Ralkan" if you just want to skip to the sex part. I don't blame you, lol.


It was all just so beautiful.

Kristine sighed in satisfaction. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, taking in the moment. She felt the warmth of the sun on her skin and the coolness of the air around her.... A stiff breeze blew by, sending her long hair flailing in the wind. As she opened her eyes with an exhale, she gazed at the view before her.

A giant, moss covered rock wall loomed over her small frame. It must have been over 100 feet high. Kristine felt dwarfed by the massive stones. Above, a tiny waterfall sprinkled down to a shallow pool below, falling like a stream of spring rain. Under the waterfall the rock walls only trailed back, revealing the mouth of a very large cave. She peered in, staring as far as she could into the inky blackness. Thick clouds practically obscured the sun, letting a few stray rays peek through, casting the surrounding wood in a patchy warm light. Past the obscuring view of the forest, large hills dotted the horizon, with the occasional small mountain breaking the monotony of the sky line. Not a single hint of human colonization was anywhere to be seen for miles and miles. The cave seemed to beckon Kristine with an ominous, yet exciting call to adventure. The entire scene was breathtaking.

Such was the beauty of the Wildlands.

Kristine had entered the Wildlands many times before, always in secret, for it was forbidden. The expansive area was considered to be full of bad luck and ill omens, though as the generations passed the knowledge of why seemed to be forgotten. Hollow superstitions remained, mostly of dangerous monsters and spirits, and though towns and villages cropped up along the edge, no one dared to ever colonize the Wildlands. It was a dead zone to humans... Most locals spent all their life never setting foot inside, and even world-weary travelers generally perferred to circumvent the valley at all costs.

But not Kristine. She was an adventurous, independent woman, something that made her at odds with every single figure of male authority in her society. She even dared to dress in pants and other male clothing when she hiked, though she had sense enough to not let anyone see. To her, the Wildlands reminded her of her own carefree spirit, something that comforted her in a time when women were considered more like children than adults. She liked to hike into the valley when she could, enjoying the time spent with nature and the freedom from her town's busy life. Nothing bad had ever come of it, and she regarded the old superstitions about the area as silly folk stories.

Kristine put down her leather backpack and took out a small waterskin. Taking a drink, she suited back up and made her way to the waterfall. Kristine was excited. She had never penetrated this far into the Wildlands before, and was eager to explore new territory. This part of the valley was extremely rocky and giant slabs of shale spotted the hilly and uneven ground. Some of the rocks were even bigger than any house she had seen before. The lay of the land hinted at the possibility of natural caves... something she had been searching for the past few weeks. She had finally gotten lucky today when she happened upon the waterfall.

Undaunted by the foreboding entrance, she made her way past the waterfall and into mouth of the cave.

The cave floor was warm and moist from the water. It had a strong sulphur smell. The inside was expansive, the ceiling easily being over 50 feet high. Large stalagmites dotted the ground. After more than a hundred feet in, she had trouble seeing any further, and decided to turn back for now. She made a mental note to bring a torch next time. She took one step towards the bright light of the entrance when she suddenly tripped on a boulder.

As she fell, Kristine smacked her head on a rock and cried out in pain. Shaking her head and feeling her skin for bleeding, she picked herself up and looked down on the ground before her.

In the darkness she could still easily make out the shape and color. And it wasn't a rock she had hit: It was a bone. A large animal pelvis. Suddenly, her blood turned to ice as she realized where she might be. She looked back. Her feet had caught on a large skull of a cow.

Just then everything went dark. Something had suddenly blocked most of the light at the entrance to the tunnel.

A deep, bestial voice rang out from the cave enterance, reverberating in the cave walls.

"What are you doing in my lair, human?"

Kristine looked up, and made out the silhouette of a large animal that was blocking the light and making it nearly impossible to see outside. She could barely make out the outline of a pointed snout, extended bat-like wings, and a flowing tail.

It was a dragon.

Kristine became paralyzed with fear. She had always heard these creatures were hunted to extinction decades ago, and that they were no longer a threat. She did not know much about dragons, except that they apparently disliked humans and were known to eat them.

"Answer my question, human. My patience is limited." The creature's tone was cold and frightening.

Kristine cleared her throat and called out loudly. "I apologize, magnificent beast. I am only an explorer with a love for nature, and my natural curiosity lead me to your den. I will leave immediately. Please forgive me." Kristine was fearing for her life, afraid that she had only unwittingly climbed onto the dragon's dinner table.

"You sound.... female. Show yourself." The dragon snorted loudly, sounding impatient.

Kristine got up and made her way to the cave entrance. Slowly, surely, her eyes adjusted to the bright light of the sun outside. It was then she caught a glimpse of the creature before her.

The dragon was clad in green scales, with a wealth of horns and fins adorning his proud head. His eyes gazed at her with a piercing yellow hue, and dark claws gripped the wet rock below. A thick tail swayed in the air slowly. His curved chest was embossed with a lighter shade of green armor plates which continued onto his belly. He was about the height of a horse, though with the tail he was undoubtedly much longer than any horse she had ever seen. His snout and claws were smeared with fresh blood, the creature no doubt back from a recent meal. The dragon's eyes stared at her with a sharp, piercing gaze, like an eagle's. Kristine was scared out of her wits at the sight of this fearsome dragon.

"Fine beast, I mean no harm. My kind has always regarded this valley as off-limits, and I knew not why-"

"I am why, human." The dragon snorted. "You say you were here only to explore. Is that true, that you have no other business here?" He peered at her curiously.

"Yes... I like to hike and enjoy the outdoors. I did not know that you lived in such a place. Great beast, I mean you no harm. Please forgive me!" She could not bring herself to keep eye contact with the creature and began to shake uncontrollably. Kristine knew she was at the mercy of this large creature.

The dragon softened his gaze and quelled her fear. "Young one... I accept your story. You may relax, for I have just taken a meal and am not interested feeding again so soon."

"T-thank you, fair beast!" Kristine looked up at the dragon, feeling immensely relieved. A tear welled up in her eye. She knew her life was in this creature's claws, and yet he had chosen mercy.... Her life was spared! She let out a loud exhale as she tried to collect herself.

"However...." The dragon closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, mulling over some thoughts. Kristine tensed up.

"Hm.... I have not seen a female, dragon or human, for many years. I will let you go, but in return, you will mate with me."

Kristine choked on her own words, not even believing what he said. "What?"

The dragon looked directly at her. "We dragons are a rare and dying breed, young one. This is the first year in many that I've met another creature capable of speech, much less love. Loneliness is my only friend, and has been for many a winter."

The dragon sighed. "I have yearned for a companion for some time now. Please... simply give me this moment of intimacy... and you are free to go." The dragon then smiled encouragingly, his gaze softening and his yellow-hued eyes appearing a bit kinder than before.


"I will be gentle. Do not worry. Now, come." The dragon took a moment to bend down and wash his bloody snout and feet in the waterfall pool, and then retreated to a soft spot of grass not far from the cave entrance. He circled in place and sat down, beckoning Kristine with an imploring claw.

Kristine could not believe what she had gotten herself in to. Sleeping... with a dragon? Especially one as large as he? She was fearful and uneasy about what was to come. But as she followed the dragon, a thought came to her.

She had just remembered one more thing about dragons that were passed down through local stories: That these beasts were compulsive hoarders. In particular, they supposedly loved and adored shiny and metallic things. A smile crept across her lips. Could it be possible? Could she play her cards right and find a way to end up with some valuable treasure? She began to fantasize of huge mounds of gold and silver tucked deep in the dragon's cave.

Kristine's sense of adventure swelled up inside of her again. She plotted out her options, weighing her chances. Perhaps... if she could exhaust the dragon... make him weary from his pleasure... she could get him to collapse and nap right outside, where she could make a move to find his hoard. It must be deeper in the cave, she thought. She wouldn't have much time, but it might be possible if she could exhaust him.

It was settled in her mind. If the dragon desired pleasure, she would give it. In fact, this little game would be very similar to the one she played with the rich and lonely merchants and traders that occasionally stopped in at the town tavern for a drink. Seduce, dote, and tease until she got what she wanted from the poor fools. It would not be so different from them, she thought. And if the dragon was anything like other men she knew, it would not be so hard to get him to nap after sex.

She smirked, excited at the possibilities of taking home a dragon's hoard. No one would even believe her.

As she approached, the dragon spoke. "Young one... You may call me Ralkan. What is your name?"

She hung her head low, feigning reluctance. "My name is Kristine, fine beast... er, Ralkan."

"Kristine, do not be afraid. I wish you no harm. Please, come close."

Kristine did as ordered, walking up to the powerful creature, full of suspense and a little intimidation. Ralkan brought his snout up to her chest, taking in her scent. Kristine decided to encourage him and gingerly brought her hands up to the dragon's large head as he sniffed, caressing his snout and feeling the cool scales on her hands. The dragon reacted to her touch, shuddering slightly and letting out a pleased sound. He gave Kristine a lick on her neck, which caused her to shiver. This encouraged the dragon, who began to lick and nip at her ears and neck. The sensation was stimulating for Kristine, she had to admit... even if it was from a dragon. Ralkan then bent lower to sniff at her crotch, and Kristine stiffened up, uncomfortable with the creature's abruptness. Taking in a few deep sniffs, the dragon then mouthed the tip of her leather pants and pulled gently.

"If you please...."

Kristine nonchalantly stepped out of her clothes. She doubt the dragon would have been interested in a strip. Soon, she was naked from head to toe.

Ralkan drew to her bosom, sniffing at each breast and running a tongue across them several times.

"Human breasts.... they are curious things." he mused.

The dragon found these warm mounds to be of interest, as no female dragon had anything of comparison, and he was intrigued at their softness and yielding nature. He knew only of their function, and not much else. He drew his tongue across her breasts once more, feeling the flesh give under the firmness of his muscle. Kristine took her breast in hand and guided her nipple to the dragon's lips.

"Here... suckle it." she offered to the creature.

Taken by her forwardness, Ralkan drew his lips to her skin and began to suck softly, caressing her flesh with his tongue. She sighed in pleasure as she felt his surprisingly gentle and relaxing tug on her bosom.

Kristine was pleasantly surprised at the dragon's caring and gentle demeanor. She pat his head and encouraged him as he switched teats, letting the first nipple pop out of his mouth, which was now erect from stimulation. As he began to suckle the other breast, her thoughts wandered to the dragon's penis. She wondered what it looked like and hoped for her own sake that he was not too big for her to take...

"Hm.... your skin. It has a pleasant taste." the dragon muttered. Coming from a dragon, such a compliment was not the sort of thing Kristine would have liked to hear....

He looked up at her and smiled. "Don't worry though. I'm not getting any ideas."

Kristine gave a nervous laugh. She really didn't know what to say. The dragon sensed her uncomfortableness and raised his head to her level.

"I'm sorry if I upset you... I want you to be okay with this."

"You wouldn't take the unwilling?" She asked, out of curiosity.

Ralkan looked away. "Perhaps some of my brethren would have... but not me. Not when I've been without seeing another of my kind for over 12 years. One often ends up longing for companionship more than lust after enough solitude." His striking yellow eyes softened at his own words, as the dragon briefly recalled his many years of loneliness.

"Gosh... that's... that's a long time. I'm so sorry." Kristine couldn't help but feel a little pity for the magnificent creature.

The dragon picked his head back up and looked her in the eye. "The past is always behind us, no need to trifle with it." Kristine weighed his words in her mind and the dragon turned away.

"Now.... I know something that may make you feel more at ease." He gave her a sly look. She wondered what he was thinking of when suddenly he dipped his head down between her legs and gave her a long lick.

Kristine jumped and cried out in surprise at the warm pressure between her legs. The dragon did not relent, though, and began to nudge his snout against her crotch as he explored the outside of her slit. The sensation was shocking to Kristine... but, after a few licks... she couldn't deny that it did not also feel wonderful. The dragon's tongue was thick, strong, and surprisingly long: it easily reached everywhere, and the muscle was incredibly warm and slick to boot. His broad tip flicked at her lips, and Kristine's fingers trailed down to Ralkan's snout and gripped him gently. She let out a small moan as he began to lick at a firm, rhythmic pace, causing the dragon to chuckle.

"You taste pleasant down here, too, you know."

Kristine let out a giggle in spite of her self. It had been a while since she had a lover that was this enthused with oral play.... even if he was a dragon. Ralkan eagerly explored her slit, pressing against and playing with her delicate lips and nuzzling her sensitive clitoris. The dragon's strong tongue was curling across her flesh and licking her with a steady pace, and the rhythmic movements were getting the better of her. She sighed and relaxed as she got lost in the warm, sliding sensation of the dragon's tongue caressing her outer folds. He looked back up at her, and they held eye contact. The two shared a quiet moment and smiled. Kristine was thrilled at the sight the creature's beautiful golden eyes staring back into her own.

Gently, she pushed his snout away. Ralkan looked confused for a moment and was about to speak, but Kristine immediately laid her back down on the soft grass and spread her legs wide.

"Don't quit." she pleaded.

The dragon smiled and nodded, and laid down in front of her, placing a large forepaws over each thigh. She drew in a sharp breath at his touch, feeling the cool scales and hard claws grip gently on her delicate skin. He then brought his head down and began to nuzzle at her vulva once more. She inhaled sharply as she felt his broad snout press and slide against her lips, and the dragon's snout tip quickly became coated with a mix of saliva and juices from Kristine's arousal.

Just then Kristine felt the dragon's warm breath on her slit as he opened her mouth. The sensation caused her to shudder in anticipation. She then felt the tip of his tongue gently press against her opening and she tensed up. She felt him tease at her entrance by pressing into her repeatedly with just barely not enough force to penetrate. His actions only served to heighten her anticipation, and it was working. Then, with a gasp, she felt the dragon slowly but surely penetrate her with his tongue. She exhaled slowly as she felt her vaginal walls spread as the tongue snaked its way deeper.

Ralkan let out a pleased growl and began to retract his tongue. He then thrust into her depths, curling his muscle and sticking it in as far as it could go, before retreating his tongue once again. Running through the motions several more times, he gradually picked up his speed. Eventually he came to lick her like this at a brisk pace, causing Kristine to squirm. Ralkan enjoyed this action as well, being able to explore the intimate parts of a female once again stirred many old and forgotten emotions in the dragon. The human's juices tasted wonderfully exotic to him. It was very unlike a female dragon, he mused. He also enjoyed seeing the human react to his stimulation... as she appeared to enjoy it immensely.

Indeed, the dragon was doing a wonderful job, Kristine thought. The long tongue flexed and squirmed and touched all sorts of spots in her body that could not normally be reached. The feeling was incredible to her.... no man could have compared. She moaned and brought one hand up to her breasts, kneading them as her passages was serviced by the large draconic tongue. Her other passed lower and began to rub at her clitoris, spreading the top of her lips wide and running a finger over her sensitive nub.

Ralkan pressed his snout firmly into her crotch and snorted as he continued to thrust his tongue into her. She loved the feeling of his large nose pressing against her mound. Kristine began to gasp as Ralkan picked up his pace. His tongue was just so wild, so unique... and it was driving her crazy. After only a few more minutes of treatment, she could feel her own body begin to tense up.

"Oh goodness, Ralkan...."

The dragon gave an inquisitive grunt, being unable to talk with his tongue being preoccupied.

"Ralkan... I'm.... I'm close."

A long "Mmmmmmm" was the only response he could give at the moment, but the dragon surged with anticipation and began to double his efforts.

Ralkan deftly pressed his tongue deep into her depths and gripped her thighs in excitement of her impending orgasm. Kristine began to rock her hips into his snout and let out another moan. Mere seconds later, she felt her orgasm rush through her body and she cried out softly. Ralkan felt her passage constrict on his tongue and a rush of fluids seeped from her opening, which dribbled down his chin. After feeling her come down from her heights of bliss, the dragon retreated his tongue and looked down at her, licking his lips eagerly.

"Well... how do you feel?" he smiled deviously.

Kristine looked up at him and gasped for air as she spoke. "Ralkan... that... that was amazing."

The dragon chuckled and stood up. "Well, I'm glad that I got you to come around. But now... I hope I can ask you to return the favor." He nervously smiled at her.

Kristine blinked. She was unsure of herself, and the idea of fellating a dragon didn't sound too appealing. However, she reminded herself of her goal.... She was to exhaust the dragon and find his treasure hoard. The hope of immense wealth caused her to steel her resolution and press on.

Figuring that it would be smart to arouse Ralkan, she decided to play the dragon and gave him a seductive look. "Of course I'll return the favor, Ralkan. You're all mine, now." She licked her lips slowly.

The dragon's eyes widened and he pawed the ground as his tail swished in the air erratically. It looked like her little tease worked. She smiled on the inside, and decided to keep up this little act of the temptress.

Kristine got up and moved towards the dragon. As she approached his side, the creature lifted her hind leg for her. Bending down, she could see he was already partially erect, his phallus peeking out from a small pouch of skin on his lower belly. The dragon's penis was a muddy brown color, and though not at full size, was already bigger than any man she had been with. His shaft was quite thick at the base already and tapered towards the tip, which was more angular and pointed than a human's. The entire phallus was glistening with a sheen of natural lubricant. Farther back, a pair of hefty testicles hung very closely against his body.

Kristine gulped. It was all very intimidating.

She knelt down and crept under the dragon's belly. Ralkan craned his neck to watch her every move. Kneeling just to the side of his phallus, she ran her hands across his scales, feeling his stomach and muscular thighs. She massaged him for several minutes, slowly bringing her hands ever closer to his crotch. His scales seemed smaller and smoother down here, Kristine thought. Eventually, she brought her hands to either side of the dragon's base, and continued to massage and rub. Time and time again she would sneak closer to the dragon's shaft, but pull away and continue to rub his belly.

"'re quite a tease." Ralkan commented, his eyes shut firmly in concentration.

"I'm sorry. Have I been bad?" she playfully asked.

The dragon paused before replying with a "Yes." and Kristine knew she had him where she wanted.

Eventually she brought a hand down and touched just below the base of his penis. She could feel the firm shaft underneath his scales and gave it a squeeze. He could hear the dragon's breath tense up. Gripping the scaled skin in her hands, she slowly massaged the inside, coaxing a bit more of his shaft from hiding. She then moved her hand forward and drew a finger across his phallus, testing the waters. It felt slimy and warm, and it flexed as Kristine drew a finger across the pointed tip. She took that as a sign that the dragon enjoyed her touch.

She then wrapped her hand around the dragon's thick meat and squeezed, feeling the organ jump in her hands.

"Oh!" The dragon jumped as her fingers clamped down.

"Did I hurt you?" She asked.

"No... It's.... Well, I just hadn't considered that humans would their hands like that..."

Kristine chuckled. "Maybe us humans take them for granted.... Well, we do quite a lot with our hands." She squeezed his meat again, giggling. She enjoyed teasing the dragon.


The dragon above her said nothing else and shifted his legs, excited and full of anticipation. By now his shaft had grown quite larger in arousal, and Kristine began to see the complicated contours of his phallus. She also began to notice that his manhood gave off a slight scent. She thought it was very thick and animal-like. Kristine began to rub his shaft, drawing her fingers across his subtle curves and bumps, and tracing his large urethra that traveled the underside of his length. She reached the tip and ran her finger across the sensitive flesh, her hand now slick with the dragon's natural lubricant. As she traced the edge of his pointed head, she wondered what the dragon would taste like. She figured she would have to try eventually, and despite her personal reservations decided to taste him. As her one hand slowly slid up and down the dragon's shaft, she brought her other hand to his tip and traced a finger around the head, gathering up a bit of his lubricant. She then rubbed it between her fingers a bit, feeling it's texture, before putting the coated fingertip in her mouth.

It tasted like.... nothing, really. She was surprised, figuring the dragon would have an unpleasant flavor. She brought both hands back to his shaft and continued to masturbate the dragon slowly, content in watching him gradually fill out his erection. She decided to put off her mouth action for now.

"You are very good at this. I love the feeling of your hands." Ralkan huffed.

Kristine replied seductively, taking the compliment in stride. "I've had practice.... "

After a few more minutes of stroking, the dragon's shaft had become fully erect. It was quite a sight to see. It easily two or three times as long as any man she had slept with, and had far more girth as well. She likened its thickness to her arm in some places. Kristine could see a couple faint veins span the outside of the shaft. It's previous brownish-red color had shifted into a deep reddish hue, and the tip was flared and spongy on her fingers. The phallus was slightly curved upward as the shaft tapered to the tip. It was incredibly smooth to the touch. and very firm in her hands, feeling like a tense muscle. To top it off, the sides were now covered in subtle, complex ridges, giving the penis a very unique feel.

All in all he was pretty intimidating, but Kristine knew she would have to tame this monster if she was to have a chance at some treasure.

"Okay... I think I need to be the one on my back now." Ralkan huffed. He was obviously very aroused. Kristine crawled out from under him and raised an eyebrow. The dragon smiled at her and plopped down onto his side, carefully tucking his wings up and rolling onto his back. He then opened his legs spread-eagle, revealing everything to her. His penis jiggled in the air as he shifted his weight. All the while, the dragon continued to watch her with his striking yellow eyes.

"I figured most creatures would prefer to stand..." Kristine noted.

"That may be true for dragons also, but unlike most beasts... we enjoy intimacy as well." The dragon replied. Kristine mulled over his words, starting to consider what love may be like for a dragon.

"Plus, It's more arousing if I get to watch you." He added, causing Kristine to give a short laugh. She was surprised at this large creature... Although his bestial nature and fierce eyes gave a ferocious disposition, now that she was getting to know him the dragon was quite kind and personable at heart. It was a bit comforting.... and even a little arousing to her, knowing that this powerful beast was capable of such gentleness.

"You know... you're kind of cute lying on your back, like this." She knelt down and put a hand to his belly, giving him a rub. She was mindful of his twitching phallus and crept closer toward it.

"Cute.... really?" He gave a quizzical expression. The dragon brought his forepaws up to his chest like a dog and tried to give her his best cute face, sticking the tip of his tongue out and cocking his head.

"Like this?" He gave a goofy smile to top it all off.

She thought the dragon pulled it off well enough. Kristine smiled at him. "Don't overdue it. I like your fierce side, too."

The dragon chuckled, and Kristine scooted closer to his side, placing one hand on his belly and returning the other to his shaft. A bead of precum had gathered at the tip. Noting it, she began to stroke him once again, running her hands across his firm flesh. She brought her other hand down to his large balls, delicately fondling them and stroking the skin of his sack slowly. The dragon inhaled sharply, enjoying the dual modes of stimulation. Kristine was amazed at the size of his testicles.... they were larger than her fists and felt very heavy in her hands. The idea of holding something so virile and masculine aroused her.

Bringing her hand back to the base of his penis, she bent it forward with the other and brought the tip up so she could lean in to it. Kristine decided that it was time. She opened her mouth and slowly placed her tongue on his head. Ralkan watched her every move, his heavy breathing the only thing audible against the ambiance of the forest around them.

She deftly placed her tongue on the opening of his penis and licked at the bead of precum. It gave off a pungent, earthy taste.... Oddly enough, Kristine thought it tasted a bit like stir fried mushrooms. She smirked. It was a good thing for her that she liked mushrooms, but Kristine realized she'll probably never look at them the same way again. She began to slowly lap at his tip, feeling the firm flesh on her tongue. She felt the dragon's tip flex on her tongue as she licked, and enjoyed knowing that he was in pleasure. His skin was so incredibly smooth, and the thin sheen of slick lubricant that coated it made things all the more slippery. Ralkan groaned loudly, laying his head back on the grass.

"Ohh... don't stop, Kristine. This is amazing.... I'm so glad I met you."

His hefty tail twitched at the tip, hitting the ground sporadically as she continued to lick. She drew her tongue repeatedly across his head, taking in the delicate contours of his phallus. Then, she slowly brought her lips over the tip of his head and began to suck. The dragon growled, causing her to pause, but then she realized it was probably just another pleasurable reaction. She resumed her sucking motion and traced the head of his massive shaft with her tongue while it was inside her mouth. Even though only the tip was in, Ralkan's penis filled her mouth easily. There was no way she could give him a full blowjob....

So she would just have to use her hands as well.

She began to bob her head on the dragon's tip, receiving a squirt of pre, which she swallowed easily. Taking one hand to rub his shaft, she moved her other hand back down to his sack, fondling the massive orbs underneath. Slowly, surely, she forced more of Ralkan's cock into her mouth, taking in a good 5 or so inches. He felt simply huge in her mouth, and her jaw was opened wider every time he flexed and his shaft stiffened. She worried about trying to take this beast in a more traditional manner... and if it was even possible for her.

Ralkan squirmed and moaned, completely under the spell from this seductive human. Her mouth was hot and wet, and the human's tongue flipped across his tip and was driving him crazy. Not only that, but the pressure her mouth created was just incredible... and as her hands worked up and down his shaft...and gosh, even fondled his sack, he realized it was all too much for the dragon. To top if all off, it was the first time he had had real pleasure in too many years to count. In better times, he would have been able to last far longer, as his kind typically had great stamina, but now he was fighting himself from coming already.

"Kristine.... oh..." The dragon continued to moan her name.

Kristine picked up her pace as she heard the dragon start to pant. his precum began to squirt out at a regular pace, which she swallowed immediately. There was much more than she was used to for any man, but she could deal with it. Turning her eyes to the side, she saw Ralkan's neck curled to the right, his head upside down and mouth open. His tongue was hanging out lazily and his eyes were closed. She smiled, feeling empowered that she had this effect on the dragon. Truth be told, she liked having him in her mouth. The feel of his firm flesh passing over her lips and on her tongue was a pleasant sensation for her. She massaged and stroked his thick shaft at a steady pace as she bobbed her head, slowly speeding up as she felt his arousal grow.

Suddenly the dragon tensed up. "Kristine!" he shouted, growling. Suddenly his cock stiffened in her mouth. Kristine was not prepared. She still hadn't decided if she was going to have him come in her mouth or not, but now it was too late. She felt an intense burst of creamy cum explode in her mouth and hit the back of her throat. She came off of him, gasping, as his next spurt splattered all over the dragon's chest. She felt his hard shaft throb in his hand repeatedly as he spurted, and she continued to jack him off, squeezing firmly. After a jetting out a surprising amount of fluid, the dragon finally started to come off of his orgasm, and his cock began to soften as his spray of cum slowed down to a trickle.

Relkan huffed and propped himself up on his forelegs, staring at her with shocked and excited eyes.

"Kristine.... that was amazing, especially coming from a human. Thank you so much. I haven't felt like that in so long.... I'm so very grateful."

She smiled at him, trying to wipe his cum off of her cheeks. He tasted bitter and savory... not a bad taste, but not necessarily good, either. She swallowed what was in her mouth and rubbed his belly.

"You're welcome, Ralkan.... I enjoyed it as well, I'm a little shocked to say."

Suddenly, his eyes turned into a pained expression and he looked away.

"You're..... You are free to go. Thank you." His voice sounded distant and cold.

She lifted an eyebrow in surprise. She felt pity for this creature, who so desperately desired companionship, and yet was noble enough to stay true to his word. He was kind, gentle, and knew how to please.... three traits that she rarely saw in most men she met. Plus, there was the dragon's treasure hoard.... hopefully large as the cave its self....

She couldn't leave. At least, not yet.

Suddenly, Kristine climbed up on the dragon's belly, startling him. He cocked his head and looked at her quizzically.

"I don't think we're done yet, Ralkan." She threw a leg over his large body, straddling the dragon.

His golden eyes opened wide in surprise.

"After all... you said you wanted to mate. And I haven't even been penetrated by you yet." She smiled seductively.

An open smile crept across his face, turning into a grin. "Kristine...."

"Shh, you silly dragon. Are you ready to mate or not?"

He nodded excitedly. She leaned forward and came face to face with the creature and whispered three words to him.

"Then do it."

The dragon inhaled sharply, full of excitement, and positioned his hips for penetration. Kristine looked back, seeing his massive shaft was already mostly erect once again. She scooted back on his stomach, feeling the moist and warm flesh press against her rear. She lifted herself up and sat down on his shaft, grinding against it. The dragon's shaft felt massive and virile between her legs. She did not know if it would hurt to take him, but she would have to try at the very least. Ralkan looked on with anticipation as she reached back to grab his phallus. Kristine shifted her hips and bent forward to line up her vagina with the dragon's shaft. She felt the dragon's hips lean forward... he was obviously eager to push in. She soon felt the warm flesh poke against her lips, and inhaled sharply. Biting her lower lip, she pressed backwards and felt herself stretch as the pointed tip pressed into her.

"You don't have to do this.... I may be too big for you." the dragon offered.

"I want to. And I think I can take you as well. Just relax."

She gave a reassuring smile, despite the fact that she was having second guesses herself. She slid back further and felt resistance as his large tip pressed deeper into her. Then, with one more push, the entire tip slid in, causing her to gasp. Encouraged, she pressed back slowly and felt more of his shaft spread her wide. It was a just tad painful, but nothing she couldn't handle.... at least for now. The dragon's recent orgasm greatly helped the process along with the extra lubrication. She looked back at his wide base and was grateful she would be filled before she came to it. She unconsciously dug her nails into the dragon's scales as she felt more and more filled by this dragon's massive meat. She could feel him flex inside of her, and felt a twinge of pleasure as the large cock twitched and stiffened inside.

Finally, the stretching got the better of her, and she felt that she could go no further, at least for now. She looked back to see her progress. At least a third of him was firmly nestled in her depths. She reached back and felt his ridges pressed up against her stretched lips, and smiled. It was fairly uncomfortable but felt wonderful at the same time. The feeling of this bestial and untamed creature gently allowing her making love to him excited Kristine greatly. She looked back at the dragon who was watching her every move, a look of pure enjoyment on his face.

"Here. Give me your hands."

He obliged, offering his large claws to her. She took each one in her hands and placed them at her hips, telling him to hold on. Staring into his piercing yellow eyes, she then placed both of her hands on his chest and began to softly hump against his shaft. The dragon breathed heavily, focused on this incredible human on top of him. She was so very unlike humans he had met in the past.... humans that, when he was just an adolescent, had brought sword and spear and fire to greet him with. After so many years without the company of another dragon, this human somehow filled the void better than he thought any of his long-gone brethren could have. He grunted as her incredibly tight hole massaged and pulled at his shaft. His tip firmly brushed against her walls, stimulating his every nerve. Her gentle humping put him in a daze... the pleasure was immense, especially after so many years of solitude.

Kristine began to feel a bit stretched out, and gained more confidence. She began to hump against him a bit faster, pulling off of him until the large tip remained inside, then sliding back down again. She felt his large claws flex and squeeze her hips as she grinded against his shaft. He was so big.... but his unique shape pressed against so many new spots for her that she almost didn't notice. It was such an exotic feeling, especially coming from such a wild and fierce-looking creature. She ran her hands against his smooth scales and sighed, looking into his eyes again.

"Kristine.... thank you so much." Ralkan managed between breaths.

She giggled. "You're welcome. I'm glad I came out here." She came down on his shaft again and gave him a little grind with her hips.

He closed his eyes and grinned. "Me too...."

Looking back, she now saw nearly half of his massive shaft plunged inside of her, but she felt that he could go no further... he nearly pressed up against her cervix. It was as good as it was gonna get.

For Ralkan, that was more than enough. The sinuous movement of her hips and the incredible tightness on his cock was sending him in conniptions. He squeezed her hips again, then slid his claws down her legs and across her belly, feeling the delicate and yielding skin of the human.... it was so much unlike his hard scales. It was a very exotic feeling to the dragon.

Kristine's pace continued to quicken, her breasts starting to jiggle with every bounce. Ralkan felt himself gently thrusting into her from below, careful not to hurt her. The dragon was in nirvana, finally getting to experience an intimate lovemaking session with a beautiful mate..... even if she was human! He was constantly squirting precum into her depths, and soon their mixed juices began to leak from her entrance and coat both lovers' crotches. The dragon grunted as she came down hard on his cock, causing him to tense up and flex inside of her.

The pressure inside of Kristine was immense, but it drove her wild. She began to moan softly and bent down to hug the dragon as he took over, thrusting up into her. She savored every thust, feeling the ridges on his shaft massage her skin and inner walls. He wrapped her arms around his large chest and felt her body rise and fall with his rapid breathing. In return she felt the dragon bring one large, clawed hand up to her back and hugged her gently. His embrace was strong and comforting... and she closed her eyes to focus on the incredible pleasure he was giving her.

After a few more minutes, she began to feel her climax coming on once again, and moaned loudly. She reared up and pressed into his shaft, humping it like mad. Kristine cried out Ralkan's name as pleasure took over her body. Her muscles clamped down on his thick shaft, causing the dragon to grunt as the new sensation triggered his own orgasm. He reared back and let out a roar as his rod stiffened and began to pump seed deep into her womb. Time and time again he spewed his seed inside of her, coating her walls thoroughly. Kristine arched her back as she felt her insides swell with the dragon's spunk. Eventually his cum once again slowed to a trickle, and Kristine leaned forward to remove the shrinking and softening organ from her passage. Finally, the massive head slipped free, causing a small torrent of draconic seed to pour out from her and pool around the dragon's balls and tail. As the two came down from their climaxes, they shared a tight embrace.

Kristine felt incredible. Her orgasm was incredible. This dragon she had found and made love to... was incredible. Everything was just incredible. She was so happy to have found this quaint waterfall cave, lucky to have stopped by at an opportune time. She scooted forward and bent down to plant a kiss on the dragon's broad nose.

"What's this, a kiss?" the dragon looked surprised.

"Yes, silly... You dragons should try it some time." she replied teasingly.

The dragon paused, before leaning into her and bringing his lips up to hers. She began to press back at him, and soon both lovers were locked in a deep kiss. She brought a hand to his muscular neck and caressed his scales as they locked lips.

Breaking from the kiss, the dragon leaned back and looked into her eyes lovingly.

"Kristine... thank you so much. You have brought me great happiness... more than I could have imagined. If I were a selfish dragon, I would force you to stay here as my mate. But I know you have a life of your own... so you may go at your leisure. You've made me happy enough to keep me content for some time." The dragon paused and yawned loudly.

She hugged the dragon firmly and put a hand to his face, rubbing cheek.

"You're welcome, Ralkan... I was really surprised at your kindness. Don't be astonished if I come to visit again." She gave him a wink and got off of him, standing up and stretching.

The dragon's eyes opened wide. "Really?"

"Maybe." She giggled.

The dragon rolled to his side. He gave a short laugh. "Hmmm... I'd like that... I'd like that very much, in fact. But now...." He yawned again. "... I feel quite exhausted. If you don't mind, I'm going to take a nap." He looked up at her once again before closing his eyes slowly. "Once again, thank you for everything. You have no idea how happy that you've made me... You are quite the wonderful human."

Kristine's heart swelled as she heard his words about the nap. "Take care, Ralkan." She turned and walked to the waterfall pool, eager to cleanse her body of their mess.

Kristine looked down at herself and frowned. In her passion, she had forgotten that his first orgasm had left his chest covered in his seed, and now that she had laid on him, it was smeared all over her front.... not to mention the state that her girl parts were in. She bent a hand down to feel her stretched and ravaged pussy. "Ugh, I'm going to be aching later" She thought to herself. As she entered the pool and stepped under the trickling waterfall, her attention turned to the cave before her. She suddenly realized that she had accomplished her goal: the dragon was sleeping outside, and his cave was unguarded. Her thoughts returned to the images in her mind of piles and piles of dragon gold deep within the cave.

Piles.... of gold.

She took a step forward, but then stopped. Her thoughts turned back to the creature behind her. She looked back at the resting dragon, his wing tucked over his head. She bit her lip, suddenly unsure of herself. The dragon had treated her with nothing but respect and kindness so far... she thought it didn't feel right. She stood there, under the waterfall's sprinkle of water, immobilized by her inner conflict, tempted by the thought of immense wealth.

... The gold... the dragon.... for the love of mercy, the GOLD....


She closed her eyes and sighed in frustration. "I.... I can't do it."

"He's been nothing but kind and gracious to me... I... I would be betraying his trust." Kristine felt horrible about herself.

She hung her shoulders, defeated by her own sense of gratitude. "If I come back... "she reasoned "Perhaps I can work something out with him. Heck, maybe he would give me something if I just asked...." The thought sounded plausable to her, giving her a reason to return to this place.... Well, a second reason, anyway.

Kristine finished washing her body off, feeling the musk and slimy dragon spunk gradually wash away from her body. She then quietly gathered up her clothes and took off, starting on the long trek back home. As she turned to give one last look at the massive stone cave chiseled from the hilly earth, the pristine waterfall that was so refreshing to stand under, and the large sleeping dragon laying in the sun, she gave a sigh of satisfaction.

It was all just so beautiful.


And boom goes the dynamite.


~This story is much longer than my previous ones.... I hope you enjoyed it. I intended the intro to be much longer but I cut it down and deleted stuff because.... lets face it.... a long intro just delays your fap time. :P

~I rushed this one when I was finished, just like I rushed my other stories.... I just spellchecked it quick and proofread the whole thing once when it was done. I bet there's some mistakes and maybe sloppy writing near the end... eh, oh well.

~The part that goes "All in all he was pretty intimidating, but Kristine knew she would have to tame this monster if she was to have a chance at some treasure. "... Yea. Pun totally intended. And yes, I mean it that way, as well. Giggity.

~A big thanks to GryphonWings who gave me a couple suggestions and pointers, espeically suggesting I try something NEW. It was a bit refreshing to introduce new characters, especially a talking dragon. Personally I'm more for the female dragon/male human setup, but the gender swap was a bit refreshing. Maybe next time I'll do an agressive male dragon....

~Also, special thanks to Xianyu who kinda gave me the idea to try a talking dragon in the first place.

~Dragon is Forever Alone. Human is Trollface..... Damn woman trying to get in the dragon's pants for his hoard. Well, I won't say that she's a gold digger, but she aint messin' with no broke. Broke. Uh... she takes my money when I'm in need. Oh yea... she's a triflin' friend indeed.

~Furries love dragon cawk. Proven fact.