Driving to a new world

Story by DolphinSurfr on SoFurry

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I wrote this story just for fun cuz I was bored. .

"Shit, maybe I should'n had dat last beer." Greg thought out loud. He leaned forward and turned on the radio hoping it would sober him up some.

Greg was driving back home from his boss's lame Cinco de Mayo party and he was drunk as hell. No one could blame him, with a party that lame he didn't know what else to do but to get drunk. Anything to help deal with annoying coworkers and an egotistic boss. The worst part was that it was mandatory, if workers wanted to get their bonus for that month they had to show up. He needed the money bad, after what happened last weak with the hot water heater bursting he was running low on cash.

He was now renting a room out in a small house in souther California, shared by two other room mates. It was pretty expensive seeing as it was pretty close to the beach, which he absolutely enjoyed. And his room mates weren't so bad, he was actually getting along great with both Chad and Henry. They would all go surfing together almost everyday unless if there was no surf.

Greg arrived at a stop light and gave himself a hard slap on the face to wake himself up a bit. He looked up at his crooked rear view mirror, a pair of blue green eyes stared back at him. His skin was tan and his curly blonde hair was all messed up from surfing earlier that day before the party. He reached up and straightened his mirror. His focus was brought back to the light. He waited anxiously for the light to change.

"Damn light." He spoke out loud as he reached into his center console and grabbed his pack of cigarettes. He saw the light turn green out of the corner of his eye while digging for his lighter in the glove compartment. He pressed on the gas slowly and swerved through the intersection as he grasped his lighter. He sat back up and recorrected the steering wheel right before he almost ran into a speed limit sign. He opened the pack and pulled out a cigarette with his mouth, it took him a while to accomplish this but after the fifth time he managed to grab one with his lips. He got into the left lane getting ready to turn onto the I-5 south freeway. He took his eyes off of the road and put the lighter up to the end of his cigarette. He didn't see the sharp turn on to the freeway until it was too late. Last thing he saw was the front of his car slamming into the gaurdrail.


"Nurse, we're losing him!!" Greg slowly faded back into consciousness. He tried opening his eyes but it was no use.

"This patient needs an IV stat!!" He felt a slight sting on his wrist.

He could feel something being pushed onto his face as fresh oxygen flooded is lungs.

"Blood type?!" The doctor yelled.

"AB positive!"

"Doctor do you think he will make it?" The nurse asked in a some what soft voice

"To early to say, but we need to stitch this up, it looks pretty bad." Greg felt like he was on fire, he tried yelling but couldn't manage a sound. He began crying inside.

"He's losing a lot of blood, keep pressure on his leg." Greag heard the doctor barking orders at the nurses as he felt something weighing down on his leg. His leg felt like it was about to burst, he tried to let out one last yell but failed and sunk into unconsciousness once again.


Greg jumped head first into a wave as cold water rushed over his back. he swam back up to the surface and spat a long stream of salty water. He was in paradise! He saw pam trees and sand beaches as perfect waves were breaking off to his left. A slight wind licked the side of his face, he could hear it whistling through his curly wet hair. The whisltling grew louder and louder until he could hear a soft but faint "Greg". His name grew louder and louder.

"Greg!" Greg eyes snapped open and a white light flooded his vision.

"He's awake!" He felt a hand squeeze his arm.

His eyes began to foccus, he could see the mold growing from the corner of the ceiling.

"Greg talk to us, are you alright?" Greg recognized the voice as Chad.

Greg slowly turned his head to the side towards Chad's voice. What he saw almost gave him a heart attack. Right infront of him stood a 6'4'' anthro husky.

"Hey buddy, how are you holding up?" Greg started to hyperventialte. 'Huskies can't talk let alone stand on two feet!' Greg's mind was running this over and over through his head until he looked down at his arm. He lifted it up to his face in awe. It had golden brown fur covering it. His eyes wondered up to his hand that were now paws. He only had four fingers with black claws growing out the tips. Greg began testing them by clenching and unclenching them into a fist, he flipped over his hand to look at his palm. He was shocked to see black pads on the ends of each finger tip and a big pad at the top of his palm.

"Greg?" Henry's voice came from the end of the bed

Greg turned to see an anthro wolf standing with a worried expression across his muzzle.

"Heny?" Greg tried to say Henry's name but his mouth felt weird.

Suddenly the door to the left swung open and a vixen nurse walked in with a tray of food.

"I'm sorry guys, but visiting hours are over. Greg is scheduled to leave tomorrow, I need to know if one of you guys are willing to pick him up. If not, just leave us a number of someone who can." And with that both the husky and wolf said their goodbyes as Greg watched them leave holding eachothers paw.

The vixen leaned over and put the tray of food next to Gregs bed and said "There you go, now eat up and take these pills after you are done."

Greg tried his best to nod as the nurse turned around and headed for the door. He looked at the food and picked up a tuna fish sandwich. Greg never like tuna, as a matter of fact he didnt even like fish. He could smell it, the smell used to make him yack but Greg was finding it intriguing. He couldn't fight against his hunger any longer and stuffed his mouth with his sandwich.

Once he finished with his meal he was becoming curious as of what he had become. He threw the sheats off of his body and gazed in surprise. He started at his newly transformed furry feet and legs. He began to wiggle his new four toed paws. They were huge, well probably not huge but bigger than his old feet.

His eyes slowly traveled up his legs and saw what made him pass out earlier. There was stitches all the way from the top of his left thigh to the bottom of his knee. He began to stretch his new digitgrade legs but stopped once he felt his stitches sting. He tore off his hospital gown and gasped in surprise. 'What the fuck happened to my dick' Greg thought as he poked a finger at his new sheath. He began fondeling with his fury balls and pushing a finger into his sheath. He could feel his finger meet his penis. Greg moaned as his penis slid out of his sheath. Greg was amazed to see the tip of his penis, It was slightly pointed and alot reder. It was about half way out when pressure in his tail bone stole his attention. It felt like he was sitting on something. Greg already assumed it was a tail considering he was now an animal, but he was still trying to figure out what kind. He knew he was either a dog or a cat judging by his paws. He reached underneath him and tugged on his tail until it laid in between his legs. "I-I'm a feline." He whispered to himself. Sure enough, he had a long flexible tail, golden brown with a black tip. Greg was now a cougar.

After testing his tail, twitching it and what not, his eyes wondered to his chest and stomach. A smile grew across his muzzle when he saw the six pack laying in front of him and a set of well toned pecs. He began flexing them but after two or three times he stopped once his soarness got the best of him. He put his hands up to his face and felt his short muzzle and used his tongue to feel his new shap teeth.

Exploring his new body took alot out of him so he decided to take a nap since he was so tired and was asleep in no time.


I slowly opened my eyes but it was too bright so I left them closed until I was awake enough. I yawned and stretched my legs and arms only to end up yelping in surprise. My stitches were on fire. I finally opened my eyes to find a husky looking right at me

"He buddy, ready to go home?" Chad said in the friendliest way possible

I nodded and he removed the sheats so find me completely naked.

"I see you couldn't wait for me." He chuckled. What the hell did he mean by that?

I was still trying to figure out what the hell was going on and how this was possible. But after thinking to hard I just got dizzy and stopped.

The Husky picked me up and put me into a wheel chair and wheeled me out of the hospital. It was wild seeing so many different animals; horses, dogs, cats, birds, dolphins? I must have been dreaming or just in a really bad shroom trip.

The car ride home was difficult. Chad kept asking me questions but I was still trying to figure out how to use my tongue correctly so i just moaned and closed my eyes. Once we pulled up to the house he put me back on my wheel chair and gave me a peck on the cheek. I froze and my eyes grew wide with surprise but he didn't even bother to notice.

Everything was exactly like my old world. Once we got back to the house everything I had ever owned was still there including my prized possesion, my surfboard!

Chad pushed me into my room and picked me up and set me into my bed.

I managed somehow to let out a "Thank you."

"You're welcome buddy." Chad responded with another peck but this time on my lips. But this time I wasn't bothered like as if we did it all the time. Before I knew it Chad was naked as climbed into bed next to me and begand snuggling me. I didn't mind at all, I was surprised but it actually felt nice. I was becoming attracted to Chad with he well toned muscles and cute face. He put an arm around me and gently pulled my head close to his and we interlocked our muzzles. Our tongues massaged one anothers in our mouths for a while until I felt his paw found it's way onto my sheath. I shivered in pleasure and began to purr deep in my throat.

"I love you" Chad whispered into my twitching ear.

"I love you to" I responded, getting the hang of talking. What was happening to me, I dont love men, I never loved men. But still I love this beautiful husky. My husky. My lover. I was finally adapting to my new world.

I gave a soft chuckle.

"So, can I join you guys?" Both Chad and I turned to see a naked Henry standing in the door way of my room.

"Of course!" Chad responded.

We both smiled back at the wolf as he climbed next to my other side.

I scootched over so we could all fit on my bed and I felt both heads rest on each of my pecs. I felt one hand rubbing up and down my stomach and another playing with my sheath. I could feel my penis begin to slide out of it's hinding place as I began to moan. It felt so good, I decided to return the favor. I began to rub the top of of their heads forcing my fingers through their beautiful fur.I gave out a loud moan as I felt Chad's paw pads touch my penis.

"Wait, I've got an idea." Chad said through the moaning. He rolled over to the side and said "Stick it in me."

I turned to my side too and couldn't hold back my urges and in one thrust I pierced his ass with my throbbing dick. The sensation through me over the edge and began to thrust harder and harder. I gave out a yelp of surprise when I felt Henry's wolf cock enter my anus. At first it hurt but after the pain receded it was almost orgasmic and i couldn't get enough of the wolf cock. I reached my hand around Chad and began milking him, slowly at first. We all began humping and moaning in unison. I could feel Henrys knot slowly protruding into my anus deeper and deeper with every thrust. I began caressing Chad's knot as he gave out a loud moan. I was almost at my climax when I felt warm juices flood my ass as Henry gave out a low growl. I couldn't hold it much longer, I gave one last thrust and I exploded my seed inside of the husky as deep as I could. I could feel Chad's penis start to pulse as he shot cum all over the side of the bed almost reaching the wall.

After my orgasm I couldn't keep my eyes open so I surrendered and fell asleep.


"Mr. Benadict?"

My eyes slowly opened and foccused around the room.

"Mr. Benadict."

I was back at the hospital, but something was different. I imediatly rose my arm up from the sheets. I was almost in tears when he saw my tan skin. I was human again. I turned my head to see a woman in a black suit standing next to my bed. It was my lawyer.

"Mr. Benadict, you are in real trouble but fortunately I talked to the judge and he is willing to make a deal. If you plead guilty for driving under the influence he will drop your public endangerment charge. This means that you will lose your liscence for a year and pay fines up to $6,000. You will also be required to take 16 hours of DUI classes and attendend 20 A.A. meatings."

I just looked at her, still almost choking up in tears. I had the perfect life, with my two boyfriends. To be given something so great and then have it taken away just as fast left me in hell.

"Mr. Benadict, you need to sign these papers to complete the deal." She took some paper work and put it infront of my face. I grabbed it as a tear rolled down my cheek and signed where there was a highlighted x.

"Good, I will send these into the judge by tomorrow. I'll come back later to give you the dates and the payment plans." And with that my lawyer left.

Maybe, just maybe if I close my eyes I will... go *yawn*... back... zzzz