Driving to a new world

I wrote this story just for fun cuz I was bored. . "Shit, maybe I should'n had dat last beer." Greg thought out loud. He leaned forward and turned on the radio hoping it would sober him up some. Greg was driving back home from his boss's...

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Max's New Boyfriend

Max felt his tail wagging faster and faster as he kept slipping his knot further and further into Carly. He was almost there, he could feel the pressure building up in his balls. He began to imagine it was Ben or Bill he was humping instead of Carly,...

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Werewolf in Love

"Ok Max,listen up, It's not hard to change. Just picture yourself changing into a werewolf." Bill explained "Just picture a full moon, that always works for me." "Ok let me try." Bill began picturing a full moon in his mind as a shiver ran down...

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Get to Know Oneself

Ben and Bill started their way home from the forest. Both with grins on their face the size of bananas (heh). The sun was low on the horizon as it was begining to set on a beautiful sunday afternoon. After walking for about thirty...

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Camping night

It was the first day of summer and Ben was on his way home from the last day of highschool. He began day dreaming of all the fun he was going to have with his best friends Bill and Max. They had already made plans to go camping for the weekend and they...

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Wide Awake

"... in later news, the search for the missing teen, Jack McCandless, has come to a halt as..." Cody couldn't believe his ears. "HOW COULD"VE THEY STOPPED SEARCHING FOR HIM?!?!" Cody yelled out loud almost in tears. 3 days ago one of his best...

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Forty oz. to Freedom

Disclaimer: This has mature content and is not suitable for ages 17 and under. Before we start I would like to give thanks to Will G Winger and I hope you enjoy this. Adam was in love and he couldn't get enough. Just the way Oscar...

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Who knows? He knows.

Couldn't think of a better title so if you have a better one tell me and I'll steal it from you... with your permission of course. Enjoy! Oh and I almost forgot... Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 18 you should not be reading this. Contains...

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One Night in the Forest; Part 2

"I'm sorry." Adam blushed. He new he blew it, if only he could hold it longer. "There's nothing to be sorry about, my love." Oscar responded. Oscar suddenly realized what he had just said. 'My love? I'm so stupid! What if he freaks out and...

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One Night in the Forest; Part 1

With his tail wagging and his ears perked, Oscar quietly made his way into his house. He had just gotten back home from his date, happy as a clam, and it showed. He noticed that all of the lights were off in the house, 'Mom must be asleep' Oscar...

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Movie Date

I tried forcing myself out of writer's block with this story and once I restarted over and over again I just decided to stick with one begining after the fifth time or so. This is what came out of it, I could've done better but finals are kicking my...

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Senior Year

"Don't forget people, I want this essay on my desk by Monday morning and no excuses, Johny." The class snickered as the teacher gave a glance towards a smiling lion sitting in the back. "Also, don't forget about the end of the year project, there will...

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