As Usual, I Was Silent. --7. Mystery--

Story by RandomWriter on SoFurry

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#7 of AUIWS

Chapter 7

A strange treble woke me up the next morning, echoing from downstairs. My head felt hazy and weird, like I hadn't gotten enough sleep. As I moved to get up though, I quickly found out why, a swift moan of surprised pleasure escaping my mouth as something slipped out of my pussy. Looking behind me I saw Dad sleeping peacefully. In this early-morning lighting, and how relaxed he was, he didn't look any older than myself. I couldn't think clearly for a bit, but things began piecing together... try as we might last night, we just couldn't keep our hands off each other and had spent almost the entire night having sex in all sorts of different positions. Smiling to myself fondly at the returning memories, I quietly slipped out of bed to go see what that weird repeated treble was. It was consistent and almost mechanical. As I walked I could feel an incredibly pleasant motion inside my womb; looking down I saw that my belly was a bit rounder than usual and felt full. Poking the slight bulge made my insides feel really good. I didn't know it was possible to be so full of semen, but as I walked I couldn't have asked for anything else, it felt so good as it sloshed around inside my innermost sanctuary. A thought occurred to me while heading down the stairs towards the kitchen... what if Dad got me pregnant? I didn't feel ready for kids yet, but...the idea was strangely enticing, making me feel rather horny. That weird sound stopped as I neared the kitchen, which confused me. What was it? Had it known I was nearing it? After a few minutes of silence, listening to the wind blowing the snow around outside, I shrugged and walked a few steps, only to be startled out of my wits as it started up again out of nowhere, and rather loudly too. It was the phone. I'd never heard it ring before. Giving it a confused look I picked up the receiver.


"Hello, is this the residence of a Mister Garret Carborelli?"

I didn't know Dad had a last name. "Yes, Garret lives here but he's asleep."

"May I ask to whom I am speaking?"

"Anne..." I paused mid-sentence, about to say 'his daughter' but remembering what he'd told me yesterday, "-the maid."

"Hello Miss Anne, I'm calling from the Parthgal Community Medical Center. Mister Garret's brother, Alfred Carborelli, has recovered from his injuries and will be released from our care in seven days. Please notify Mister Garret for us and have him call us at his earliest convenience." I stood there a little haze-headed still, my habit of silence kicking in. Of course, they couldn't see me nod. "Miss Anne?"

"I will."

"Thank you ma'am, have a nice day." With that the voice clicked off and the phone made a weird buzzing sound. I put the receiver down and stared out the window. Seven days...I only had a week left to be with my father like this before his brother returned and things had to go back to the way they were. In my morning haze, I was irritated at this. I'd just found my father and we were doing so well together, why did his brother have to come in and interrupt so quickly? Grumbling mentally, I set about making breakfast, but stopped before I got any actual progress, remembering what Dad had said yesterday morning. I was still tired anyway, so I headed back upstairs and quietly slipped back into bed, snuggling up against his chest and purring contently. In his sleep he wrapped his arms around me, a happy smile pulling at his mouth. I felt so proud, so happy that I had found him and that I was able to bring so much joy into his life again.

"Mmmm...Anne...I'll protect you..." he mumbled, dreaming. "Please don't...leave..."

Teasingly I nipped his nose and kissed him on the lips. He woke up with a jolt, then smiled and eased his tongue against mine, kissing me back. "I'm right here, I'm not leaving," I whispered, rubbing his back.


"You were dreaming."

He turned aside and yawned, then looked back at me with a sleepy smile. "I'm glad you're here, Anne."

"Enjoy it while we can...the hospital is releasing your brother in a week." He looked confused. "They called earlier."

"I see..." He looked up at the ceiling, suddenly looking a little depressed. After a little while he yawned and stretched, then turned to me. "Since you came back to bed I'm assuming breakfast isn't made...shall I make you something this time around?"

I nodded and smiled, then kissed him deeply, purring. "Surprise me, daddy..."

He chuckled and kissed back, hugging me close to his chest and kneading my shoulders. "You seem to enjoy saying that now."

"Mmmm..." I could feel him already beginning to erect from this intimate cuddling, but as much as I wanted to impale myself on him and ride him again, I was hungry and still pretty worn out from last night. The sheer volume of his seed inside my belly told me that he might need to recover as well. He must have felt it too, for his hand slowly traced down my side and stopped on my belly, giving me a few teasing scritches and kneads.

"I haven't filled someone like this since I got your mother pregnant with does it feel? I've always been curious about that."

I laid my hand over his and murred softly, nuzzling his neck. He grinned and nuzzled back, nibbling my collarbone, paying extra attention to my birthmark. "It feels heavenly, daddy...I wish I could be full like this all the feels wonderful feeling it move around..."

"Well, maybe I can keep you full. We'll see. I'm a little drained from last night, but as I get my old stamina back, maybe we can pull it off." The thumb of his wing gently pushed my hair back behind my ear, then caressed my cheek. It made my heart flutter. "Nothing could make me happier now than seeing my little girl so happy."

I so badly wanted to tell him that being pregnant with his children would make me even happier, but it was way too soon for that. Right then and there, I wanted nothing more than for him to knot me all day and impregnate me with my own siblings, but my better judgement kept me silent. All I could do was close my eyes and purr again, melting against that firm, sculpted chest of his. Presently we both went downstairs; I did a bit of cleaning in the bathroom while he fixed up a surprise meal. Even though I couldn't see it, boy could I smell it...the tantalizing aroma of bacon and eggs overpowered the other food scents, but there were a few I didn't recognize. My stomach was grumbling quite loudly by the time he finally called me. I practically ran to the dining room. Laid out on the table were bowls of scrambled eggs, platters of various kinds of bacon, plates of toast, and on our two plates were sandwiches stacked with seasoned meats and cold-cut vegetables. Needless to say, it was an awesome breakfast. My cooking paled in comparison. I noticed that Dad, true to my guessing, did need to recover from last night; instead of just one glass of juice he'd brought the entire jug and kept knocking back glass after glass. Afterwards I did the dishes, but as I was finishing up Dad came up behind me again, kneeling on the floor and gently grabbing my hips. Wondering what he was up to I hiked my tail for him, spreading my legs eagerly. He wasted no time and dove right into my pussy, I could hear my moans echoing all over the house as his tongue buried itself deep inside my vagina, his lips suckling on my labia.

"Mmmm... I love hearing you's so cute..." he mumbled, flicking my clit with his tongue before pushing it back into me, flicking my G-spot furiously. "Anne you're delicious..."

I wanted to reply but my gosh...his skill with that tongue was overwhelming! Before long he already had me bent over the counter panting and gasping on the edge of climax. He teased me, keeping me just on the edge but denying me that final burst of euphoria...

Then the phone rang.

"Ah hell..." Dad growled, giving me one long, tender lick along my vaginal cleft before getting up to answer it. "Figures, he didn't even opt for something as primitive as caller ID... Hello?" I couldn't even move to look back, my body was SCREAMING for release. I couldn't really hear what he was saying after that, but I was pissed now that someone had interrupted us. I think Dad knew I was upset though. As he walked and paused behind me, listening to whoever was on the other end, I had to clap my hand over my mouth to restrain a surprised shriek of pleasure as something smooth and warm wriggled into me and started writhing inside my pussy, thrusting slowly and tickling everywhere it could reach with more force than his tongue. Forcing myself off the counter I looked down between my breasts and saw his tail buried several inches between my legs, the end of the stripe of fur tickling my labia as the rest twitched within my folds. Why had I never thought of that after my brother left... Dad didn't stop though, he wasn't trying to keep me on edge, so all at once that pleasurable fire swept up inside me and exploded into fireworks, making me scream into my hands as I came hard, clamping down on his tail hard enough to draw it a few inches deeper with the contractions sweeping through me. The fur on his tail felt silky-soft inside me as I came down from that high, crashing on the counter gasping for breath in a deep, hazy afterglow. "All right...thanks for letting me know. Goodbye." With that he hung up and smirked at me, making me gasp lazily as he thrust his tail a few times inside me. "Didn't want to keep you waiting." He carefully picked me up, cradling me against his chest. All I could do was purr and nuzzle against him. "How was that, sweetie?"


I was a little out of it for the rest of the day, just barely managing to get my studies and chores done before our appointed dance time. I found Dad waiting for me in the ballroom, sorting through some tiny chips by the machine he'd used to play the music last night. Finding something suitable he stretched, then turned and saw me sitting nearby on a chair. I was zoned out.

" okay?"

"Hm? Oh...yeah... just tired."

"Maybe we shouldn't have such late nights."

I pouted up at him teasingly. "But it was so much fun..."

He laughed softly and helped me up, pulling me into a hug. "I know, but health comes first. Tonight we'll go to bed early."

I don't really remember much of the dance routine, Dad didn't teach me anything new. We just swayed back and forth for two hours, me leaning against his chest as he held me close with one arm. I could hear his heart beating and the strong, sure swelling of his lungs with every was very soothing. But just being able to dance with him like this... even out of all my other desires, this had to top the list, I wanted nothing more than to dance with my father like this forever. All too soon the music ended.

"Let's get some sleep, you've earned it today."

As usual I was silent, letting him lead me upstairs by the hand. He laid me in bed on my front and lay down beside me. I was about to ask what he was doing, but before I could I was melting into the pillow as his hands massaged my back and shoulders, kneading me delicately. After a while he laid himself on top of me and I smiled and moaned softly as his erect penis gently slid between my closed legs straight into my vagina. I was too relaxed to move, which I guess was his motive as he slowly, gently began thrusting into me as he continued to massage my body. A pleased purr rumbled in my chest, my mind slowly drifting off into sleep.

My dreams that night were odd, filled with strange contortions of reality but always bringing up the notion of Dad's brother, Alfred, and his paintings. I woke up around 2:30 in the morning thirsty as hell with Dad's arm over me. As much as I didn't want to move, I had to get a drink. Gently prying myself from his grip I meandered to the bathroom, finding it a little hard to navigate the hallway late at night when exhausted. I couldn't get the paints off m mind though, I wanted to see some of the paintings he'd been working on, and surely there was something in his study right next to the kitchen that had been interrupted. It never occurred to me in this past month and a half to go in there and look at things, so busy had I been getting to know this guy who had turned out to be my father... but I had the presence of mind and the opportunity now. Taking a glass of water with me I silently headed downstairs, shivering a bit as the cold wintry night air nipped at my nipples and netherlips. Making my way through the kitchen I came up to the study and peeked in. It suddenly got rather bright, which startled me; apparently the overhead lights were motion-activated. It hurt to open my eyes for a bit, I just stood by the door rubbing my tired eyes until they adjusted. The faint fragrance of paint and hair-tipped brushes was all around me as I crept in, looking around. Shelves of powders, paints, mixes and tools were meticulously arranged, and on the floor there were folded easels and some other rather antique pieces for the art. What drew my attention, though, were the pieces on the far wall and the corner-desk. A lithe hover-lamp was positioned over his latest restoration, which seemed pretty chipped and darkened by carbon. Most of the frames in here looked charred or smeared, was Alfred just restoring war-torn artwork? I guess I could see why he was so jumpy when working, some of this stuff could be incredibly valuable so he might suspect theft... hopefully he didn't try to get on my case about what I'd been up to in his absence.

There were a few small jars out on the desk and some paintbrushes still left at the ready, waiting for him to return. My curiosity got the better of me though as I looked at the powders by them. The labels told me they were paint thickeners and had various grades, probably to help him better simulate the original paints used. He also had various pigments and oils and lubricant-bases for different brushstrokes. What caught my attention though was how easily one of the labels slid off the bottle. I went to put it back on but then stopped when I noticed there was faint-gray lettering on the inside surface. In this lighting I couldn't quite read it... I'd have to look at it ore closely tomorrow, probably in the sunlight. My eyes were too tired right then for the strain. The label read "Flour of Sulphurcose Grade 12.3-AuO".

"-ose" was...if I was remembering correctly, that was a chemical suffix for sugar chains. Sulfuric sugar? I'd have to ask dad about that one, but it sounded a little odd that Alfred would be using a sugar, which was inherently organic, as a paint thickener. Why would you use a bacteriologically inviting organic agent in a paint, wouldn't that cause faster degradation over time? Turning to the other ones I tried to read under the labels, but unfortunately these others were pretty well glued to the bottles. I couldn't take them off without ripping or cutting them. Or... My mind quickly spun with an idea. Placing the bottles in the exact same places and orientations I'd found them (or as close as I could get), I left the room and headed back upstairs, slipping into bed and edging under Dad's arm again. In his sleep he groaned softly and held me tight to his chest, purring gently. I closed my eyes and laid my chin in the crook of his neck, purring back to him and enjoying his warmth and the smoothness of his scales. I'd have to ask him about how to get an endothermic reaction set up tomorrow before his brother returned.

As Usual, I Was Silent. --8. Town--

Chapter 8 Things went by normally after I woke up, we had some morning oral fun before breakfast, then I set about studying literature and chemical chains. After my quick quiz, Dad offered me his lap, which I gladly accepted. While he graded my...

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As Usual, I Was Silent. --6. Dance--

Chapter 6 The morning rose calm and quiet, a gorgeous display of orange and gold on the mountains of snow piled up all around the house. I watched it from the rooftop shelter, sitting in my father's observing chair and just watching the colors,...

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As Usual, I Was Silent. --5. Dad--

Chapter 5 An entire month passed after the incident with the caretaker, and all the while I was learning more and more from the owner while he continued to get stronger. Winter was starting to fade into spring, but not without a lot of wrath. A...

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