As Usual, I Was Silent. --8. Town--

Story by RandomWriter on SoFurry

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#8 of AUIWS

Chapter 8

Things went by normally after I woke up, we had some morning oral fun before breakfast, then I set about studying literature and chemical chains. After my quick quiz, Dad offered me his lap, which I gladly accepted. While he graded my quiz, I slowly rode him, moaning softly as that wonderful eight-inch pole caressed my needy inner nerves. Hilting him fully in me and grinding my hips side to side against his sheath I looked over my shoulder at him.

"How do you get an endothermic reaction with home-based materials?" I asked, then moaned with him as he suddenly bucked off the chair, nudging my cervix.

" tight still..." he whispered, then shook his head and looked up at me. "Uhh...endo...therm...oh, endothermic. I...I don't really ah-!" He yelped, his penis twitching inside me, his pre squirting all over my cervix and lubing his shaft. "I don't really know...why?"

"I just...mmm...wanna see if...if it's true that you...oooohhh...can remove glued things freezing them...oh daddy you feel so good inside me..."

He was quiet as he finished grading my test, then setting the paper and pen aside he wrapped his arms around me and began thrusting hard into me, making me cry out in sheer pleasure. After a few ecstasy-saturated minutes he thrust up hard, his knot spreading me wide and tying me to him as he loosed a muffled roar against my shoulder. I hadn't reached climax, but I didn't care. Just the sensation of being tied to my dad and being filled with his hot, creamy semen was more than enough to sate my lust.

"Mmmm...Anne, you really like having me cum in you don't you?" he whispered as his penis kept throbbing in me. I nodded and purred, rubbing my belly softly. I was so tight around his member that his cum was literally filling me, having no way to escape. Now that I wasn't dulled by the throes of climax I could feel every pulse, every jet of that wonderful cream, the pressure inside my vagina increasing until suddenly I felt something give way, the pressure decreasing as his semen sprayed into my womb from the force his ejaculation was building in me. I couldn't help shivering and moaning as it coated my inner walls, it was so warm, so soft inside my womb, it just felt so damn good. With a heavy sigh of contentment he slumped under me, purring as he rubbed my belly. I think he was imagining filling his little girl with more of his children...I couldn't help but grin at the idea. "So why do you ask?" he implored after we'd caught our breath.


"Why do you want to freeze something?"

"Just because. I wanna see if it really works or not."

"I'll see what I can come up with."

While we sat there waiting for his knot to go down we went over some math; it was easier this way because he could read over my shoulder. When lunchtime came around though, Dad made a rather unwelcome discovery. The freezebox had stopped working overnight without us knowing, and everything inside had gone bad. "Great..." he grumbled. "Anne, I'm going to need you to go into town and order some more food then. Luckily we have the spare part needed for this thing."

That made me nervous. I hadn't been outside the mansion's property for about a month now, I didn't want to head into town again. I didn't want to leave dad's side. My silence must have given me away.

"It's okay." Heading over to a small drawer in the kitchen he pulled out a small card. "Take this and just order the groceries for delivery. You know what we need, Ms. Chef."

I couldn't help giving a little giggle as I took the card. He leaned down to me, his lips meeting mine briefly before he brushed my hair back from my face. "Go wash up and get dressed, can't have you heading into town all bed-mussed and smelling like sex."

I hadn't really noticed it because I spent so much time so close to him, but as I headed upstairs, and was now paying attention...I smelled a bit like his cum. No small wonder since I had a decent load trapped inside my womb. I also hadn't noticed that I had cum all over the insides of my thighs and slight stains all around my pussy from his pre splashing against me when his knot hit my labia. I blushed heavily, wings folding around my body...I felt so foolish now, walking around with such a mess all over me. I hoped Dad didn't mind though, to be honest I think it aroused him to see me sporting his loads of cream. It took me a while in the shower to scrub off the dried cum from my scales and remove the smell of sex, but in the end I felt incredibly refreshed. Getting dressed though wasn't pleasant, given my recent freedom around here with Dad. But then again, I'd have to get used to this when his brother came back... With a heavy sigh I tossed on a shirt, a skirt, some shorts under the skirt in case some idiot Fur decided it'd be funny to show off my panties, and then I looked around for a decent jacket. I didn't realize how run-down my clothes were; my jacket was starting to fall apart at the sleeves, the openings in the back for my wings were starting to go threadbare. My jacket in one hand I looked at the card I was holding in the other. This was Garret's money card...He'd given me his money to use...


I felt a strange rush of excitement through me at the idea that I was holding his entire bank account in the palm of my hand. I had gone from very little money to now handling the funds of someone who could own such a grand place as this... Thoughts raced through my head. New clothes. New books. New things to play with and amuse myself with. <i>New things.</i> That was an alien concept to me but it filled me with a fire. In retrospect I guess that's what all teenage girls feel like when they're given money, only less as much as I did since I'd NEVER had anything new until this new life here. I smiled at the fantasy of soft new clothes, an entire dresser or three filled with a vast selection of articles...

But as I stared at that card, I realized that even if it had been given to had been given for a purpose, and in the end it was still Garret's money. Not Dad, Garret. Since he wanted secrecy for now, it would be odd for some previously homeless girl to be seen on a shopping spree for personal items. Especially since I was known around town as an orphaned maid with barely a penny to her name after food and other money-suckers were figured in. As badly as I suddenly wanted to indulge myself...I had to refrain. Grudgingly I put the card in my skirt pocket. It was almost painful to be so close to something so secularly close and yet so very far from things I long desired.

In the kitchen I went through what had gone bad and made a list, also adding the things we were running low on. We were almost out of fish, which we'd need if the snow didn't let up. It was spring now but even with the recent blizzard's deposits melting away, it was pretty bad outside and could possibly get worse. Dad was in the shower himself, so I left him a note saying I was out. I wanted to sneak in and give him a parting blowjob, but he probably needed to recover after our oral play earlier that morning. I couldn't help licking my lips at the fresh memory of his flavor though. I loved drinking his cum.

Outside it was rather nice. I hadn't been outside for a few days now, having been cooped up inside with dad's penis between my legs ever since the blizzard hit. It was quiet and calm, but gray and dismal. The kind of quiet, calm gray feeling you'd find in a graveyard. No sounds at all, except the faint whisper of the wind through the skeletal bushes and naked trees. The snow piled on everything had since melted off; there wasn't that nice holiday-style layer of white frosting delicately perched on every upright surface in sight. My wings wrapped around my body at the sudden lonely feeling that surrounded me as I walked down that driveway from the mansion to the main road. Looking back at the building, I felt that same, pervasive intimidation I'd felt almost two months ago when I first walked up here. It felt like the woods around me were plotting something, that I was being watched. Hemmed in. Surrounded. If the trees had eyes I would have rathered them be in a green-laced face than these skeletal bark-covered beings.

I was glad to reach the main road. It felt familiar. My legs felt as if I'd walked a mile, but looking back up the hill it wasn't really all that far. Had it been a little steeper I probably could have ridden a sled all the way down here. Don't you hate it when adrenaline messes with your nerves and muscles and makes you tired? I was shaking as I walked down the road. I didn't realize how paranoid I was of the woods until I reached a small boulder by the roadside and sat down. Why was I so scared? It was just trees for crying out loud! But that just didn't explain why it felt so oppressive and watchful.

"Hello? Miss?"

I jumped a bit and looked up to see an adolescent Fur leaning over by me, waving his hand in my face.

"You okay? You've been spaced out for a good five minutes now."

I was silent, just giving a nod before standing up. He tilted his head at me, one eyebrow raised.

"Er...excuse the question but have...have we met before? You look familiar."

I looked him over with a questioning glance, curious myself. On second inspection he...I felt a slight heat in my face, he was really handsome and cute. Not quite as handsome as my dad but he was very attractive. He looked to be a cross between a wolf and a Human, judging from the brown color of his hair (wolf Furs are almost always gray or black with their hair). I couldn't tell through his coat but he seemed toned too. We stood there staring at each other for a few minutes before he coughed nervously and stepped back.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight. You look familiar. I'll um...I'll be going now. Sorry." With that he turned and walked away at a brisk pace towards the outskirts of town. The wind on my face made me realize I was blushing visibly. Why was I blushing? I'd never done that before when someone talked to me... Shaking my head I headed into town, locating the grocery store.

"Hey Anne! Long time no see!" the proprietor said with a warm smile. As usual with people around here, I was silent, just nodding in return. "Heard you found a new home up at the mansion. I haven't seen the owner around here lately though, wonder if he's off at another art're here to buy food right?" Again, I just nodded. "I'll have it delivered then. The volume Alfred always orders is way too much for even a body-builder of a dragon to lug home." I simply handed him my list, watching him read it over. How bitter had I been to have never really noticed these people before? It just dawned on me here that he was a Russian Blue or whatever the Humans call them, with a bit of a kink near the end of his tail. He squinted through his glasses, which I now noticed had a crack in the left lens. Looking around at the store I realized it wasn't doing too well. Cobwebs everywhere, peeling or faded paint, and just a generally dead air. Even with the other customers browsing the shelves or checking out at the registers, the place felt desolate. "Ah. This is a bit of a change," he mumbled, "but an order's an order. You have payment I assume?" I handed him the card. He held it up quickly against a small black disk hovering in the air over a counter, a small ding sounding from it. Some holographic letters appeared just under it and he swiftly typed out my list. "So how's the maid job working for you lately? It's been a little harder without you around."

"It's okay."

He looked up at me quickly and just...looked at me. "Must be more than okay, I've never herd anything more than a dead tone in your voice!" I just stayed silent, not knowing how to respond to that. Had being with my dad really changed me that much? "Alright then, everything's taken care of." He handed the card back. "While you're in town, maybe you should say hi to some of the other folks you used to help out. The other orphans have taken your job with them but...I dunno, Anne, it kinda feels like there's a bit of a hole here without you around."

I just nodded, heading out of the store. Looking up at the sky, that got me thinking. I used to be such a bitter, emotionless bitch before...but...others still liked having me around? they actually missed me? I couldn't wrap my mind around this. Now I felt a little I'd abandoned everyone for my own selfish desires. Like I'd left everyone hanging just because my dad was an awesome lover. As I trudged through the empty side streets, I couldn't help thinking about how the little ones at the orphanage cried when I left. I didn't get it...why was I so adored? Why...had I never noticed it before? The love I'd wanted was all around me, yet I'd blinded myself to it...


I jumped again, startled out of my musings. That wolf-boy was standing there again, looking rather worried. I looked around quickly, noticing I was sitting on a bench.

"You okay miss? You were shivering kinda badly."

It was then I noticed that his jacket was gone, and was now draped around my shoulders. I felt myself blushing and looked at the ground, hiding behind my hair. He sat down on the bench, keeping a respectful gap between us.

"I was passing by after visiting my parents and saw you sitting here shivering. Is everything okay?"

"...yes..." I whispered, my throat knotting. My emotions were starting to spin out of control now that I was feeling an unusual shyness around him.

"If you say so...but it's not often girls are found shivering and unresponsive like you've been."

I didn't want to talk, but he probably wouldn't leave me alone until I said something to alleviate his wondering. " a lot of stuff going on..."

"Well, I think the best place to think about stuff would be in the library where it's warm and safer, not out here where it's cold and someone could rob you. With the way you weren't responding, someone could have swiped the stuff from your pockets."

My heart skipped a bit, my paws frantically scrabbling at my pockets. Relief rushed over me; dad's card was still safely tucked away. He looked at me, obviously thinking, then stood up and offered me his hand.

"Your clothes are looking a little run-down, mind if I treat you to a new set?" I just stared up at him, noticing his eyes were a deep, vivid green color. A really pretty green. I looked down at his hand kinda stupidly, processing this. He was offering to buy me new clothes? Something new...

I was silent, but something inside me was screaming to take the chance. Hesitantly I took his hand, letting him guide me up onto my feet.

As Usual, I Was Silent. --9. Mall--

Chapter 9 I thought I knew the town inside and out. Turns out I only knew one small corner of this town, namely the residential section. The wolfboy and I quietly walked along this one road past one of my clients' houses; I'd always wondered...

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As Usual, I Was Silent. --7. Mystery--

Chapter 7 A strange treble woke me up the next morning, echoing from downstairs. My head felt hazy and weird, like I hadn't gotten enough sleep. As I moved to get up though, I quickly found out why, a swift moan of surprised pleasure escaping my...

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As Usual, I Was Silent. --6. Dance--

Chapter 6 The morning rose calm and quiet, a gorgeous display of orange and gold on the mountains of snow piled up all around the house. I watched it from the rooftop shelter, sitting in my father's observing chair and just watching the colors,...

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