A "little" unbirthing story (part 2)

Story by SnowyLeo on SoFurry

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Sorry this one took so long, had a few personal issues to sort out.

A "small" unbirthing story part 2

Jane was gobsmacked; the internet really did have everything. Some fursons selling kit that included dilatation medicine, chloroform, even vials of curious liquids that changed both her and her son's genes. Everything she needed to perform the dark deed she was planning.

All her life Jane had trouble with her fertility, stemming from a genetic condition her mother and grandmother both had. She was at a huge risk of losing children, she had lost many before her son was born and a few since then.

Just the thought of having a child in her belly was getting Jane aroused. The feeling of fullness and the sight of that bulge. Dear god, all she wanted right now a nice.. Big.. Thick...

"Snap out of it Jane" she told herself, "you... Have... Mrrhh..." Jane watched her paw slide down the front of her shirt and inch towards the crotch of her jeans. "I'm gonna need a towel" She smirked, standing up and walking to the linen cupboard upstairs.

At the top of the stairs something caught her attention; a faint weeping sound could just be heard coming from her right. "Oh dear.." She called "Timmy, baby it's okay.." A little annoyed at Timmy waking up so early and during her 'playtime' too.

Timmy sat up on his mother's bed, bawling his eyes out. "M-m-muh-mummy! I h-ha-had a b-b-bad dreeeaaaammm!" The poor thing was terrified, shaking with tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, my poor baby!" His mother exclaimed, sitting on the bed and hugging him close. "Well don't worry, mummy is here now" Slowly she rocked him close, nuzzling the top of his head.

Timmy sniffled and started to settle down, snuggling into his mother's warm embrace. Words meant nothing to him so long as his mother was there to provide him with the protection he needed. Before he realised what was happening, his mother had lifted him and was cradling him. Normally he wouldn't stand to be cradled; he was a big boy after all. For some reason though, it seemed alright to get cuddled and babied.

Jane smiled and cooed at her son, it had been ages since she had last cradled him, since he was far too determined to be a big boy. Maybe it was time that she showed him the meaning of 'mother knows best'.

"Baby... baby~" she smiled at her son and slipped a finger between the elastic of his nappy and his furry thigh. Jane smiled as her son wriggled, he didn't like having a finger probe his privates. "Shh shh shh, behave for mummy" Jane spoke softly in a re-assuring tone of voice, trying to keep Timmy as easy to handle as possible.

Slowly Jane rubbed her son's tummy, deciding that she could wait a few minutes to change him. There was something else she wanted to do first. Without moving Timmy too much she unbuttoned the front of her shirt, carefully lifting one of her 32DD breasts out of her bra. Jane took great pride in her breasts, she joked that the first time she had nursed Timmy she could barely see him for them.

"Timmy, do you want moomoo's?" his mother asked, moomoo's was her code word for breast feeding when Timmy was smaller, it always made her smirk a bit when she heard someone being called a cow. Timmy was already on his way back to sleep and was all too compliant with his mothers offer. With a little help from his mum's hand Timmy was soon latched on to his mothers breast, she still had a lot of rich, thick milk stored up and was more than happy to get rid of it.

Timmy happily suckled on his mother's teat; her milk was warm and sweet; just perfect for putting him to sleep. After 10 or 15 minutes of feeding Timmy yawned, his belly was full of milk and felt warm everywhere. Jane had noticed too and really had to restrain herself from having a giggle fit.

"Hehehe, someone has a pooey nappy" She giggled, hardly able to contain herself, she hadn't had to change a messy nappy since Timmy was 2 and a half. He was one of those strange pups who would wet his training pants but use the potty for a number 2.

"Let's get you changed smelly" she cooed, slipping her breast back into her bra and carrying Timmy to his room. She contemplated getting some changing supplies from the box room but decided that wading through box after box of rubbish wasn't worth the effort.

"Come on sweetheart," she muttered, laying her son on the floor. "Let's get that stinky bum cleaned up". Jane stepped out of the room for a second, grabbing the bin and some toilet paper from the bathroom. Once she had gotten a clean pair of nappy pants from Timmy's dresser and set everything out, Jane got to work. As gentle as only a mother can be she slipped her son's pyjama bottoms down, wrinkling her nose at the smell, maybe she didn't miss changing smelly nappies as much as she thought she did.

After a little wriggling from her son, Jane slowly tore the sides of his nappy. Gently she unfolded the front of the soiled padding and raised Timmy's knees to his chest. She picked up the front of the nappy and used it to wipe most of the mess away before sliding it out. She had to giggle at her son wriggling a bit, still half asleep. After rolling the used nappy up and dropping it in the bin she used some of the toilet paper to clean her son up properly.

"Who's being such a good boy for mummy?" She asked her sleeping child before sprinkling her son's rear end and privates with talc. Timmy wriggled a little when his legs were finally released, unaware of his mum trying to slip him into a clean nappy. "Hold still~" Jane instructed, sliding the thick, plasticy, padding over her son's bottom. After fastening the single tape on the back, Jane slipped her son's top off.

Jane took her own shirt and bra off, if her little boy could be naked then why not her? Her pants soon and panties soon followed. "Oohhh~ that feels good.." Jane enjoyed the cold air on her needy vulva before wrapping her beloved son in a blanket and tying it around her back. Due to how small Timmy was, she could still carry him in a sling and she needed to do a little shopping before bed.

Basked in the computer monitor's glow, Jane idly flicked between web pages; she had already ordered what she needed to take Timmy back into her womb. Now all she needed was some clothing to display her pregnant belly. Fortunately there was a certain company that made maternity wear for "unbirthers" and dear god it looked fantastic. Every dress was custom made and showed off each and every one of the curves on the women wearing them. Jane wasn't a lesbian but even she couldn't help but feel her spare hand wonder. Something about a big, fertile belly turned Jane on harder than she had ever experienced before.

Jane traced a finger along her slick, hot slit. Her belly was aching to hold a child and her cunny was desperate to make one. Slowly one of her fingers poked and prodded her clit, the canine fur letting out a silent moan as her tail swished from side to side. Every little touch was pure ecstasy. Just as Jane was getting into a rhythm, Timmy started to stir, sleepily latching onto his mother's breast and suckling.

"Oh!" Jane yelped, looking down at Timmy. She was desperate to paw off but the idea of doing it while her son was feeding just seemed... wrong. Well, more wrong than what she was planning to paw off to..

The supplies she ordered had better arrive soon or her heat was going to drive her up the wall....

A "little" unbirthing story (part 1)

(Writers note: this is my first story and was edited by my wonderful mate, please feel free to post pointers on how I can improve or expand, I set the rating to adult to be on the safe side, the next half of the story will be bigger and more...

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