The Forgotten 4: Initiation

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#4 of The Forgotten

-15 pages of dragon lesbian threesome and some plot. ;) Yeah that happens sometimes, my hands hurt now, too much typing lately-

At the base of the mountains three men gathered in the raging storm. Their village was sealed shut, not just due to the pounding rains and harsh winds, but in fear of the beast that came with them. The oldest, Baen, lifted his scarred face to the feel of the drops that hit against his cheeks and spilled into his beard. He remembered another time, a better time, when he was a young man and rode the seas during such storms. He had screamed his challenges to the gods themselves to strike their boat down and rode out waves that threatened to sink them. It had been a time of blood and war, of heroes and wealth.

They gathered around a massive illyian goat that he had captured just for this night. The beasts were renowned for their ferocity and deadly horns. Any more it was the only way a brave young warrior could prove his worth. How far they had fallen, that killing an animal made one a warrior! The younger pair gathered at his sides as the goat bleated and struggled against the ropes holding it tethered to a rock. He felt no fear, only elation. This was what the dragon Sithen was waiting for. What they were all waiting for. Here was proof that they did not fear him or shun him, proof that in the hearts of their people warriors still remembered.

The winds and storm clouds gathered above them so that they were wrapped in darkness. Their torches still burned and struggled to cast light around them as they waited. Even the cracks of thunder hadn't made him move from his course. Let the beast come. Let him come and see what awaited him. A people unafraid of the storm or even the beast, ready and willing to give him his tribute! The young warriors at his back nervously shifted as the winds whipped the flames and cast strange shadows over all of them. He knew they would hold. He had trained them himself since he had first heard of the beast. He had trained them to know that the old gods were calling them home. They were calling them to arms and to freedom.

The goat itself was the first warning that something was happening. The beast bleated out franticly and started to pull back on the tether that held it in place. The animal wasn't a common farm goat or even the wild goats that had in the south. The creature stood as large as a horse with horns that curved all the way back until they nearly ran the length of his body. His hooves were broad and cloven with almost claw like tips. They'd been known to kill parties of men easily if they came into the goat's territory unaware. The beast was as harsh and unforgiving was the mountains and seas were. It was a fitting sacrifice for the beast that haunted this place.

The clouds above them swirled and twisted as something other than the winds passed through them. Through the lightening he could see a darkening shape that dropped from between them and the pair at his back started to move before he hissed them into stillness. His eyes widened as he watched the shape drop with all the grace of a bird on the wing. It wasn't thrown about by the storm or battered by the winds. It caught them and twisted with them for all the world as if he were dancing rather than flying. Baen's heart caught in his throat as a streak of lightening outlined the animal.

It was to the dragons of the south as they were to the men that dwelled there. This was no pretty ornamental creature of glittering colors and graceful body. The beast's wings were massive and every inch of it seemed to hold toned muscle meant to deal with the storm. The belly gleamed with a light grey that turned into storm cloud black upon his back and wings. His head was crowned with a mane that ran down along his thick neck and even from here he could see the large horns that curved backwards from his head. As the animal dropped lower it turned his head and Baen saw the eyes spiral with blue and green. Even as he watched the colors were engulfed in deep ruby red. Sithen's mouth spread and his thunderous roar rocked the valley around him. +++

Deep in Sithen's lair the pair of female's stood side by side in front of the newest of their number. Lashane watched them wearily as she hissed in defiance of them and spread her wings to either side. Her body was exhausted. Her harrowing of the dragon and the forced flights from the last weeks were taking its toll and she was left to deal with the aftermath of what had happened. She showed her teeth towards both of the females and took a step forward. She half expected them to pull back at the sight of someone standing up to them. She'd grown used to thinking of these creatures as cowards, but she had grown used to that reaction when they were faced with humans. Not with another dragon.

The larger of the females snapped her jaws and split away from her partner. The beast wasn't as large as she herself was, but there was something powerful about her. Her muscles were toned and she had a sleek well fed appearance to her. The mage turned slightly to follow the motion as the smaller female peeled off to the other side and started to crowd her. The scaled side almost touched her when she whirled around to face the antagonist. She bristled and spread her jaws wide to make herself look even larger. Her chin tucked down and she let out a throaty growl of warning to try and drive the female back away from her. Her wings fanned out to either side as she felt a thrill of fear. Were they going to kill her as an intruder? Kill her for what she'd done to the dragon she'd caught? The distraction had accomplished what it intended too, she'd taken her eyes and attention away from the largest of the pair. A sudden pain ran through her as teeth gripped down against the base of her tail and a strong fore leg swept out to sudden hook just under the knees of her hind legs. Lashane twisted around with a screech to face the dragoness only to feel teeth grip the back of her neck and give a yank backwards. The teeth weren't large enough to sink into her scales, instead they seemed to hook right beneath them and pinch a nerve just under her hide. She flailed her head back and forth to try to dislodge the hold but a forepaw swept out to catch her behind her front legs.

She went down with a crash, her tail lashed behind her and one of her wings caught painfully under the side of her body. She twisted her head to try and snap at the muzzle to try to force her to let go but the smaller female clenched her teeth harder in warning. This wasn't how an animal acted! There was something like cold intelligence in the way they instigated the attack against her. The smaller female pushed a paw down against the curve of her neck and let out a vibrating growl of warning similar to the others. Their weigh shifted while another paw pushed down against her shoulder, the slender scaled chest of the female came into view as she pinned the upper body.


Ice looked over the form she and Diver had managed to pin and let her eyes slide along the curve of the stomach. The loose scales and slight give to the hide gave her all the answer she needed. The female had clutched recently, very recently. Even her sex seemed partially spread as if it had yet to regain its proper shape. If she'd clutched, then likely she'd lost it which meant she was ripe for taking her position within their harem. She'd been too egg heavy to fly the last two times to hunt and the youngest female was trapped in the cave until she was out of heat. Poor Diver had been forced to hunt for both of them, she would not let the weary female be forced to shoulder the burden of taking care of three.

The strange female didn't seem to know what was happening. Everything about this creature spoke of some wrongness. She didn't even smell quite right. She didn't react, move or communicate in any way a female should. Or even a dragon should! Despite her attempts at intimidation she hadn't tried to immediately find her place amidst their harem. She'd huddled and hissed only when one of them had come closer. Her movements were clumsy and wrong, like a fledgling that was still working out how to control their body. For that Ice felt a stab of aggression that made her want to put the creature in place immediately. There was no room in this harem for discord and this stranger needed to learn.

She moved her weight away from the tail and instead pulled herself over the paler scales of the former mage's pale belly. She replaced the weight with her own tail, she coiled and wrapped around the other's appendage until the muscles tightened and she had control of it. She hissed and warbled a command to Diver who moved her weight higher up and relinquished her hold on the back of the stranger's neck. Instead she pushed both her forepaws right over the delicate membranes of the wings to make sure she wouldn't try to pull up. Any attempt would crack the fragile bone. The large female was effectively held and Ice let out a deep prumming sound of satisfaction.

It had been so long since she had been able to move without waddling, this female could take the last few days of her clutch for her. Though such an honor was normally reserved for younger daughters as practice run for children of their own, it would be far more effective to help judge the new female's character as a breeder. Ice shifted her haunches and hind legs until they were placed just above the females and the line of her tail and loins rested right above the struggling females. It took an effort as closed her eyes and flexed her passage until her clit grew swollen and pushed outwards. Her vent spread and gleamed with a tracery of arousal as the shaft that slipped free was slender. Barely wider then two human fingers put together and it ended in a wicked looking hook.

Ice let out a hiss as she rocked her hips and started to probe just between the strange female's loins. She shifted and arched as the slender tip traced down all the way towards the soft feel of the exposed vent. The swollen clit penetrated smoothly and spread open the walls while the hook shaped tip traced over the upper portion of her passage. The female bugled out a sound of fear and she watched her try to jerk up from Diver's hold and freeze when she felt the pressure on her wings. The gravid female sank in nearly six inches before she found the indentation in the passage and gave a sudden yank back that made the female screech. The backward facing hook at the tip sank into the tender opening there and locked in place so that both their folds were grinding against each other.


Lashane tried to push herself up but the paws on her wings pushed down until she felt the bone almost bend and a wash of pain flooded her. She fell back and tried to move her legs up enough to kick the gravid female off while the weight of the swollen stomach pushed down against her own. The reptile scent assaulted her nose as she desperately struggled to escape. The smaller female shifted her weight and the mage had a glance to see the neck was arched in a dominant position. Was it simple dominance that they wanted? Were they just trying to prove they were tougher and had been here first? That Sithen was their's?

If that was the case they could have him! She wanted nothing to do with him, she didn't want to mate him, fight him, or even be near him. All she wanted was to escape this accursed place. She felt the female grinding against her and a rush of humiliation filled her. She wanted to be sick. It was like female dogs proving they were more dominant by humping other females. It was disgusting! Worse she felt the slippery folds grinding against hers. It only grew worse when she felt something thin and hard as bone jabbing at her folds and she tried to rear up again to get away. What was that? What were they doing? Were they hermaphrodites?!

The rod probed against her roughly until she felt it sinking into her body. It wasn't thick enough to hurt, it was just a steady slide of something slippery stroking along her powerful internal muscles. The tip seemed oddly curved as it brushed deeper inside of her and when she felt the other females outer folds grinding against hers it stopped penetrating her. Her embarrassment was met with relief that that seemed all that was going to happen. That was until she felt the shaft itself pull backwards and a blinding stab of pain hit her stomach. She curled up and shrieked out as it felt as something were digging inside of her. That it was burying itself into her body!

The hook shaped tip had found some part of her passage she hadn't known existed, not only that, but it had pierced something like her hymen. Her walls contracted painfully around it and she opened her jaws to screech out when the smaller female moved over her. She tried to jerk her head out of the way as she saw the darkened scales along the vent flash just in front of her muzzle. The female crouched down and suddenly something sticky and slick was being rubbed along her snout. The other dragon's folds were rubbing against her muzzle while slippery trails of wetness marked over her. The spicy sweet scent assaulted her nose as she gave a whimpering groan.

The swollen clit that had attached itself to her body seemed to trigger something in her own. She felt muscles ripple and relax inside, movement that spread all the way along the swell of her stomach. It wasn't painful, but it wasn't pleasurable either. It was foreign and almost nauseating as her outer lips were stroked against the females. She could feel something slick coming from the folds and sliding over her own. The pale eyed dragoness pushed her hips up harder until she could feel her stomach ripple with what felt like a contraction.


Ice hummed with pleasure as Diver moved her body up and started to mark the strange female as lesser to them. Forcibly scent marking her to make sure that she wouldn't forget what position she held here. The female lidded her eyes as her own actions helped to trigger her body and she felt the walls of her egg chamber contract around the twin eggs that were growing inside of her. She hissed out a soft sound of discomfort and pain as she pushed her swollen stomach down against the strange female. The contractions rippled until her muscles loosened and spread along the opening of her cervix much as they would have if she had been laying the eggs properly.

She rocked her hips slowly, tugging against the hooked tip of her clit that was locked inside of the new female. She dimly heard the almost barking cries of protest coming from her, though those too were soon muted as Diver's chest pressed down against her. The smaller female had come up close to force the jaws to push just between her loins to force the strange beast into the ultimate show of submission. Her vent was spread open showing the silken lining of her folds, her own slickness had started to gleam along the outer lips as they were brushed against the female's muzzle. The scent of the pheromones was sharper and more piercing then simple heat scent. They were linked with a more dominant scent. Diver's head rested right over Ice's back and she crooned softly to her as if trying to sooth her. The elder licked the smaller dragon's neck before hissing as the first egg pushed against her cervix and she squeezed the muscles down.

Her walls pushed and strained around the thin shelled orb. It thinned down naturally in the powerful grip of her tunnel while she started to push it past her cervix. She could feel the bulge moving against her lower stomach as her muscles pulled and worked around the orb. She grew slicker and let out a low thrumming rumble spill out of her throat as the egg forced her birthing canal open wide and wider. This wasn't her first clutch or even her second, her body knew what to do when it came down to it. It knew how to flex the inner walls and push around the egg so that it was pulled from her strained cervix and started to crown against her spread folds.


Lashane let out a muffled snarl as the smaller female forced her muzzle up against the folds. Yet snarling meant parting her lips and she could taste the slick wetness that marked around her muzzle. The scent was oddly sweet, but she could feel the dragon trapped in her mind rage against it. It was a dominant scent. This was what a female did to a lesser dragon to prove she was higher up in the hierarchy. That knowledge made her ball her claws up in disgust, her body writhed under the pair of weights. A mere animal was marking her with the slick nectar of her body as if she were an animal as well!

The powerful hips of the smaller dragon rolled against her so that the vent was spread open forcibly by the ridge of her muzzle. She could feel the soft silken edge of the inner folds grazing against her scales until the wetness darkened them. The movements were deliberate, they rocked back and forth until that apex of her muzzle was forced up close. Her breath came out in a hot rush that blasted against the soft vent and she tried to twist her head to the side to get away. The powerful haunches came in closer so that her entire world was blocked out by the soft scaled underside of the tail and the female's soft folds.

She wasn't an animal! She was a human, a mage, something to be proud of and feared. Her thoughts were forced off track when she felt the swollen belly ripple and shift against her. She didn't realize just what that meant or the reasoning for the way the female had straddled her until something smooth had firm pushed out from the others folds. She tried to jerk her hips back but let out a groan as the hooked shaft inside of her kept her firmly held against the other female. She tried to brush her consciousness against the trapped beast in her mind to find out what was happening, yet all she received was outrage at the thick pheromones that came from the smaller dragon.

Her body relaxed and horrified, she felt a slow wetness start to spill from her. Without her conscious efforts she started to grow almost aroused as the firm curved thing pushed against her folds from the other dragons. The pressure started to grow and she heard soft grunting noises that were echoed with muscles tensing along her stomach. Each tension edged the thing against her folds further and shifted the swollen extended clit inside of her. She jerked her head up and forced her muzzle hard against the small female's vent as she felt her folds being peeled open. Her walls clenched down to try and stop it while she thrashed against their hold on her.

She couldn't get out a scream or snarl of protest, the loins of the other female pressed firmly enough on her that they muffled her noises. Her tongue slipped out only to feel the silken wetness tease the very edge of her tongue letting her taste the almost sweetness. Her nose wrinkled backwards with a soft snarl that vibrated in her throat. Her folds were being spread open, she could feel that much, the powerful muscles of the larger female was forcing it up against her. The way it curved slightly and started to yawn open her outer lips she realized exactly what it was. She remembered feeling something like this only it hadn't been going in, it had been tugged and pulled out of her body.

It was an egg! The female was laying an egg! She almost screamed when the first few inches were forced by the pale eyed female's muscles to sink into her. So soon after this body's eggs had been forcibly torn from her she was graced with the opposing force. The smooth shell wedged and thinned down her passage as it started to push into her. To her horror her body responded with no control of her own as it suckled around it. It clenched and pulled around the egg as her entire lower body felt afire with pain. She hadn't even had a chance to heal from before! The egg pushed and was driven in deeper until she reached to apex of the shell.

The weight above her lifted up as the smaller dragon was forced to hold her wings down and even that didn't stop her struggling. The pain of pulling at them was nothing compared to the widening egg that was threatening to tear its way into her body. She shrieked out time and again, her teeth snapped at the air to try and drive the pair of them back away from her. Her body pulsed with waves of gut wrenching pain as the pale eyed female ground her hips harder down. Another inch sank into her while she felt her body betray her. Something about that hooked spire triggered her to suckle and pull around the egg no matter how painful it was.


Ice parted her jaws to pant softly through the force of her contractions. The egg was still immature enough that the shell was malleable. That was the only reason that this was possible, it thinned down through her channel as her muscles forced it into the strange female. She'd seen others whimper and squirm, but the stranger screeched and fought against it. It only reasserted in her mind that something was wrong with this animal. She didn't act like a normal female would when being dominated and brought into a flock. She narrowed her eyes and pushed her hips in closer as she felt the shell scraping her passage and start to force into the others.

Already she could feel the second egg inside of her shifting and pushing upon her cervix. The dull ache that made her suck in a breath and hiss it out as she clenched down and fed the orb into the struggling form. It pushed against her clit that anchored the female into place causing a ripple of pleasure to shiver through her. She mantled her short wings up to both sides as she finally felt the muscles give on the female and the egg sink into her body. In that much she was reacting like a dragoness should. She could feel the other's muscles pulling and suckling around the orb to draw it in deeper rather than trying to force it outwards.

She took a moment to pant and rest as she felt the egg exit her entirely. Her folds throbbed and rubbed against the strangers and she glanced up to see Diver standing over her putting her full weight down on the wings. It was strange that she would fight what should come naturally. This was how a group of females were able to hunt and feed others. The best hunters would hold the eggs until they were nearly viable and pass them along to a surrogate. It gave the younger females practice at mothering as well as ensured there was enough food to go around. It had always been practiced. How else could a male keep many females?

Ice peered down to see the swell of the egg being drawn up into the females writhing belly. The entire caught form was twisting side to side. Small grunts and whimpers came past her throat as if she was in pain and the older female narrowed her eyes a little bit with distaste. This dragon was not like them. She couldn't be anything like them, not in her mind. If that was so, then she'd be useful for this so that she could hunt again. She could learn her place in the scheme of things and hopefully Sithen would see that she was unnatural and be rid of her. She let growl trickle from between her teeth before she clenched her muscles again to wedge the second egg just inside of her passage.


Lashane felt her close down around the egg with a shudder of pain that rocked through her. It was too thick, too large, nothing that big should ever be going as deep. Yet it was being pulled in by her own inner muscles until each new contraction rocked through her body and made her arch her back upwards. With the smaller dragoness raised up she could watch in horror as the bulge moved higher up into her body until it was pushed up against the bruised opening of her cervix. She showed her teeth and let out a deep hiss of protest when she felt her muscles pulling against it. How could her body accept this? How could it allow this to happen?

She didn't have long to try and deal with denying that part, she felt something pushing against her folds again with a spill of slippery nectar that trailed along her vent. Her scales were webbed with the mingled juices as it started to push against her and she was forced to spread open for the second egg. She spread her jaws open in a silent cry of pain as it pushed its way into her and forced her wall to open again. The other female's hips rocked against her slowly; they pushed up roughly against her to help shove the egg into her. It was an obscene pantomime of what Sithen had done with his female and she clenched her eyes shut.

The next rock of the hips forced a few more inches of the egg to slide into her strained open body. She could intimately feel that thickness keeping her held open wide as it sank inwards. It didn't stop until it had pushed right up against the bottom of the first orb. She wanted to scream out she was too full, she couldn't possibly fit anymore. The female and the eggs didn't heed her mental cries. The egg pushed against its twin and bow her cervix open. It forced it in on itself until the very tip started to pry that muscled channel wider and wider. The muscles ached under the assault and she intimately felt the hooked tip of the swollen clit dig its hold into her as the eggs pushed against it.

Inch by slow inch her cervix yielded to the pressure and her stomach grew swollen as the egg forced its way past the barrier. She felt the sudden pressure as it spilled past her cervix and filled her egg chamber. The soft flesh cupped beneath the egg almost tenderly. It held it safely while her cervix tried to squeeze closed even as the second egg started to force itself upwards against the opening. She clawed desperately with her hind legs at the older female just as she was felt the hips drawing backwards away from her. A surge of hope welled up as she felt a pinching pain as the strangely elongated clit tugged free from its hold inside of her.


Ice pulled herself free and away from the new comer with a shiver. Her stomach felt empty and the flesh loose from having held the eggs growing inside of her. They were nearly viable after all, but at least now she could feel the burden gone from her. She shook herself out and winced from her sore passage, but even that did not detract from the pleasure she felt at feeling light and flightworthy again. Even as she watched she saw the dark granite grey shell crowning from the female's body as the stranger tried to push the orb out rather than in. She let out a soft hiss before dropping down onto her stomach and resting a paw up against the rise of the pale green-blue stomach.

Ice flicked her tongue out and licked over the soft outer folds and heard a hiss and snarl come from the captive female. She licked again and this time pushed against the supple shell of the forming egg. Her touch was tender as she started to curl against it and then used the muscular appendage to push it inwards. At least the new female was enough of a dragon that she could feel her walls pulling around the egg as she helped coax it inwards. Her tongue curled and twisted into the stretched confines while she gave another push and felt the orb sink in deeper. Her nose was teased at the scent of the female and found she had been right. It still held that taste of gravid female to it as well as the females own natural musk.

It also lacked any of Sithen's musk. The drake hadn't claimed her yet, that much was certainly clear. She pushed and twisted her tongue until she felt the egg come up against the hardest part of the ordeal which was the cervix. The female twisted and the hind paws slapped against her chest as she tried to get away, but the older female pushed all the harder. Her muzzle breathed out a hot wash of breath against the folds as she felt the first inch give inside of the passage. The egg slowly pushed inwards until she could roll her eyes up and watch the progress travel along the ridge of her stomach. The twisting blue-green form ended firmly pinned under most of Diver's body ensuring that she couldn't attempt to tear or claw at the older female.

She gave another push and felt the walls contract just as the new comer shrieked out. The egg pushed into the midway point of the cervix and held it open in a tight ring half in and half out. It only took a firm nudge of her textured tongue to convince it inwards. Once the thickest part was through that abused muscle the passage closed down behind it. It was almost as if the walls swallowed around her tongue as she saw the egg pull higher into the strained scaled stomach. She pulled and licked her tongue free with a low prumming noise of satisfaction as she looked up at the panting body held down by her harem-mate. She had never felt so light and free as she did in that moment.


Lashane struggled through the sensations that were forced on her body. The tongue that writhed and twisted up into her body forced the egg she was trying to rid herself of deeper. It wasn't harsh or barbed like the drakes had been, instead it was almost smooth as it twisted it's way deeper. The pressure mounted as it shoved up against the egg and with the pressure a strange pleasure came with it. She wanted to force that sensation out of her, she wasn't in any way enjoying feeling this animal's tongue shoved inside of her. The anger flowed over the humiliation, when she got out of here she'd have these animal's skins for her walls!

There was a sudden pressure and pain that forced away any moment of pleasure she felt at the tongue that soothed over her abused passage. Her walls clenched down in reaction and she felt the second egg being forced up against her cervix until her jaws strained open wide. It bowed in the tender muscle until it was being drawn tightly around it. No matter how much her muscles clenched and squeezed as they tried to overcome the sensation it didn't stop her body from twisting and her jaws from snapping at the female that held her. Everything ached, everything hurt, her world was flooded with a final gut wrenching pain as the egg sank into her womb.

Her scream spilled free as she felt her cervix snapped shut behind it and the tongue started to slide from her body. The movements stroked over walls that pulsed and burned with pain. Her entire lower body was throbbing and her stomach was once again strained tight over the pair of orbs that were locked inside of her. She wanted to sob and scream all at once, but all she could manage was a shuddering hiss when the weight was taken off her wings. The tongue slid free from her with a slick sound and the pair of females pulled back without a glance back at her gravid form. She moved to her side and then onto all fours to watch the pair of females seemingly ignoring her. The largest was stretched out and seemed to be savoring the newly thinned down form as the other female rested nearby. Neither one glanced her way as she pushed herself to her paws and spread her wings to either side of her body. All she could feel was rage and humiliation as each breath seemed to bring in a thick scent of the dragoness' arousal from her darkened muzzle. She couldn't even make it to the outside and the rain to wash clean due to the fact the pair of them had settled right in front of the entrance like silent guardians. She clenched her eyes shut against the rise of bile and hatred that ruled over her mind. She'd get her revenge, somehow she'd kill them, all of them for this. Somehow.


Far away from the drama that was unfurling in his lair Sithen flew through the clouds to the sound of a frantic bleating. The sound of something warm and furred either hurt or in trouble which meant an easy meal for him. He spilled air from under his wings lazily as he thrived on the idea of a swift kill and getting back to his harem. A long sleep would do him good. He'd already expended more energy than he was used to in capturing his newest female and mating the youngest. As the clouds past around him he dropped down into the rain streaked skies and dropped his head to look for the tell tale movement of a troubled goat or deer. His wings spread open and to the side as he began to circle around the noise.

It was the flickering of the torches that caught his attention first. The small dots of light that had no business being on his land sent up the acrid stink of burning tar. It offended his nostrils and he dropped down faster to see three small two legged creatures standing between the torches that had been plunged into the soft earth. In front of them a large buck was tied and franticly tugging against his bindings to free himself. A trap! The filthy vermin were trying to trap and kill him. His eyes scoured the area for the tell tale sight of one of their killing machines. Did they truly think he would allow them to kill him? He would tear their pitiful village apart and dine on all their kind!

He opened his mouth and bellowed out his challenge as his eyes swirled with red rage. He dropped faster and pulled his hind legs beneath him ready to snatch the leader of the trio as an example. To his shock the graying creature walked forward and a shining dagger stabbed into the side of the struggling goat. There was a gurgling bleat as the copper scent of blood rose up to meet him and he adjusted his coarse with another bellow. The form crumpled and fell into the softness of the grass as the blood stained the pale fur of its neck and shoulder. Still the trio didn't move or run or attempt to snatch the prey back to themselves. No scent or sound betrayed other hiding ready to spear him through the heart.

With a snarl the great drake back winged down on the opposite side of the freshly killed creature and thrust his head forward towards the weak creatures. His lips wrinkled back and his jaws spread to show his teeth and the crackle of electricity that threatened to burst forth. One of his large paws rose up and pressed down on the still warm flesh of the carcass before he roared again. His voice reverberated through the valley and echoed back to himself. He had expected the small creatures to bolt for cover. To run screaming into the night. Or at the very least attack him. Instead the grey furred one walked forward and spread his arms.

The noises the beast made didn't make any sense to him. They were like a monkey's chatter and even that made more sense than whatever the man thing was trying to impart to him. He wrinkled his lips back with a deeper growl and flexed his claws until they sank into the warm sweet flesh of the carcass. Fresh blood spilled out while the creature continued to speak and finally for no reason he could discern reached his hand forward towards his muzzle. The drake increased his snarls even as his mind was torn between amusement and confusion. He was amused this small insignificant thing didn't go tearing away in fear. Why didn't it?

He entertained the idea of snapping the creature whole and entire into his mouth and carrying him off for a snack along with the buck. Yet, after so many years it wasn't often he could be surprised. Perhaps it was a new breed of vermin. He held still as the dry furless palm pressed down against the top of his muzzle. With a puff of breath a spark of lightning jumped from his maw and crackled around the hand making the creature stiffen and hold still. It didn't run screaming, it didn't try to snatch his hand back. It just held steady in one place. It wasn't until Sithen dropped his jaws to grip the dead goat did it lower it's hand and walk back.

As he got a good grip on the fallen prey he rolled his eyes up to watch the trio of vermin. His eyes swirled with angry reds and confused purples at the sight of them. He had had two surprises in one day. First the female that behaved much as his own females had and now these creatures seemed not only unafraid of him, but had killed for him. He spread his wings open as he already had vague notions of returning again to see if they would bring another fat buck to slaughter for him. Perhaps he'd finally found a new breed of the creatures that weren't as worthless as the rest of their kind. If nothing else, they offered the chance to amuse him and at that age, that could indeed be priceless.


The great dragon took to the air as the pair of men gathered around the eldest who swayed slightly but refused any attempt to help him stand. His hand was blistered with a burn that ran around his hand and all the way up his wrist. The flesh was slightly charred, but he was alive. He had touched Sithen and the beast had not killed him. The animal had taken their offering and left after the old man had sung his praise in the old tongue. He had called him all the names of the gods and acknowledged him as one of their avatars. The dragon had not slaughtered them, he had simply taken his bit of flesh and left. Further proof on the ideas that had been growing in their small circle were true.

Word spread through the town that Sithen had been seen. The tavern that night was full to bursting with people who came to look at Baen's burnt hand as he spoke of what he did. He didn't see it as a mark of punishment, but one of favor. Their gods were harsh gods, since when would they reward their followers with a soft easy life? Life was to be gripped in both hands and conquered! The burns that had been left on his hands were a reminder that there would be pain for their daring, but they would survive it. In the darkest part of the night the eldest of the village began to form a plan. The stirrings of a plan to take back that which was theirs from the soft farmers of the south.


Lashane's days in Sithen's lair were one of unending torment. She knew she held what she needed to gain her riches in this dragons body but there was no escape. The drake had returned later the evening the females had attacked her and he had only snorted at the sight of her. He'd made an attempt to investigate her heavy form but she'd snarled and pulled back away from his presence. For whatever reason that ran through the animals mind he didn't try to remove her eggs again. Instead he seemed oddly protective about both herself and the youngster who was currently in season.

She tried several times to escape, both from trying to undo the spell, to sneaking past the females while he was out hunting. No way to see herself free from the torments of the massive storm dragon that guarded her and when he was not present the pair of older females were all too willing to keep her in her place. She never saw the sky, never saw anything more than the view offered from the opening of the cave and the breeze that spilled through. She had nothing to take her mind away from her present situation besides one repeated sight. She spent the days forced to watch as Sithen claimed the youngest female sometimes three or four times a day. The beast's lusts seemed to be boundless when it came to a female in heat.

There was no specific time that she could sort out, only that he would appear and crowd and force the female to present herself. Day after day he took her and she watched as the screams of pain echoed around the cave, yet the female never bolted. Was a dragon's heat so intense that even the pain he gave her was worth the relief? The worst came with the fact the beast watched her as he took his pleasure on the young dragoness. His eyes always sought her out as he lewdly grunted and slammed himself into her writhing form. She tried to look away, but time and again she found him staring at her the moment he snarled and forced his knot into the youngster's body. The look was too intelligent for an animal, but too beastial to be human. It made her blood run cold

By the time her heat was over the youngest female was so exhausted she didn't wake up for nearly an entire day. Her form reeked of the many times she had been mated and Lashane avoided that part of the cave. It was a vivid reminder that this was what the monster was waiting for. He was waiting for her to go into season and after days of watching his brutal mating with the youngster she felt a pit of fear enter her stomach. She would be gone by then, she would never allow herself to be trapped beneath him. It was obvious that he wasn't meant for these dragons, he was too large, too strangely shaped! She didn't know what a male dragon would like on their species, but as she looked upon the heavy dark shaft of the male she knew that they certainly had to be smaller.

Nearly a week had passed by and she watched the youngster join the other two in hunting once she had recovered. Though the mage had watched her wince and limp for the first few days after her heat had left her. She was left alone more often with the male and his attempts at coming in close to sniff and snort at her. If he found anything strange with her gravid state he didn't show it. He only showed an increased desire to be near her. She snarled and drove him back each time, but he always returned until she backed herself into a corner and sliced at him with her forepaws. It was in those moments she would silently pray to find a way to regain her human shape. She'd even settle for an escape from this place as she realized the only thing that stopped the brute from mounting her was the fact she was heavy with the other female's eggs.

Each time she tried to find her magic she felt the foreign dragoness within her mind slash at her and snarl. The rage pulsed from that creature until she felt as if it were a living breathing thing. She knew the spell, she knew enough to keep her mind as separate from the wild animals. If she became too close to it, it might drag her in and she'd be trapped as an animal for the rest of her life. Yet she couldn't get the beast to let her gather enough magic to change herself back! She felt trapped and confined by her own spell. She raged against it and snapped at the other females when they came near her. She was caught in a hell of her own making.


The terror came to a head the morning she woke up with a spasm that rocked over her stomach and made her hiss out. The contraction ran along her stomach scales and she moved her claws up to brace herself against the wall with a muted groan. She hadn't meant to make any true noise, but it was too late. A low baritone rumble answered her and she found herself staring into the swirling orbs of the drake as he came closer to her. Another spasm rippled through her and she realized her time had come. It was time to give birth to the older female's eggs, time for her egg chamber to be empty; time for Sithen's waiting to come to an end.

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