Chris pokerotic adventure chapter 2

Story by Demorgorgon on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

I would like to apologise in advance if you find that in this story I use the following words to much, groan, moan, juice's. I would also like to apologise for in this story the pov points will change from first to third once again sorry and I hope that this doesn't ruin your experience. Sorry if it seems a bit rushed at the end I was working on a tight schedule.

_ Thank you all and please review it only takes a few second._

I was humming quietly to myself as we walked through the forest according to Zaria we should reach our destination in about four hours.

Smiling to myself I stroked Bella's head affectionately, this was returned with a loud purr, which echoed around the peaceful forest.

Trying to kill time I asked Zaria about her history. I learned that she was born in the wild; her mother was later captured by a trainer leaving her to fend for herself.

Zaria explained to us how she survived and evolved and was feared by other Pokémon. Zaria told me how for years she despised humans - but when she saw me walking though the forest and the way I treated Bella amazed her.

"Never had I met suck a kind human" Zaria said smiling at me with loving eyes.

She told us how she followed us until we stopped then decided to investigate why we were in her territory. "When I got close to you I smelt something strange but wonderful" Zaria said.

Laughing nervously I proceeded to explain what she had smelt. After I had finished explaining to her she nodded her head and smirked at me.

"So that's what attracted me" Zaria said howling with laughter tears streaming down her face "and to think I thought it was because you were cute"

"Hey" I shouted defensively "I'm attractive"

"In the inside" Bella whispered causing all of us to laugh.

"Fine" I said in mock hurt "gang up on me then" I said with a fake pout.

Both girls laughed at me enjoying my fake tantrum.

We stopped at a lake to rest and fill up my canister, Sitting down I stretched my limbs enjoying the scorching sun which poured over me warming my body up. Bella came and curled up behind me providing me with a pillow.

Zaria nuzzled under my arm and rested her head on my chest. We sat there enjoying each other's company watching the sun slowly started to descend.

I soon begin to nod off my eyes getting heavier as the minutes pass leisurely.

Dark fox Pokémon pov

3rd pov

Zeta stood against tree thinking to herself as she watched her soon to be, mate fall asleep beside his companions. Something about the human seemed to attract her to him.

1st pov

I watched him closely taking in every detail of his appearance. Smiling to myself I knew that I had found my Man. What attracted me to him though I pondered? I used my years of training to zip through the trees like a shadow. As a Zoroark I was naturally agile.

"I mean hes cute and all but that alone isn't enough I will need to study him more before approaching him" I think to myself - unaware of the other person coming my way. My musing is cut short as I crash head first into something solid.

Both the object and I fall out of the tree. I yelp as I hit the ground hard and hear a similar response from the person. Standing up I rub my head gently, trying to massage the pain that was forming at the back of my skull.

Looking up I can't belief my eyes standing in front of me is a female Lucario.

I growl at her showing my irritation which she mimics. I get into an aggressive position baring my razor-sharp teeth as I ready up a shadow claw.

The Lucario starts to form an aura sphere staring at me intensely her face full of fury

"Watch where you're going bitch" I snarl at her.

"Fuck off you clumsy Whore" she retorts growling menacingly at me.

I lunge at her "how dare she call me a whore" I think slashing at her with my serrated claws hopping to cut the bitches throat.

The female Lucario dodges then proceeds to fire the aura sphere at me. Throwing myself to the ground I leap at her trying to bite her with fire fang. My teeth sink into her side making her shriek in pain.

Recovering she uses focus punch nailing me in the gut causing me to go flying into a tree. Rising to my feet slowly I ready another fire fang whilst she prepares a shadow-ball.

The standoff lasts a fraction of a second before she fires the shadow ball aiming for my face I dive to the side and using my illusion to make 3 copies of myself. The Lucario isn't fooled for one second. I Curse her aura sight which allows her to see me.

I'm forced to retreat as she relentlessly attacks me with; close combat, aura spheres and hammer arms. I retaliated with; fire fang, dragon claw and focus punch.

The battle lasted between us for 20 minutes by the end both of us were exhausted.

The Lucario was panting bleeding severely from several of the slashes I had made on her body and arms. I was in no better shape.

Blood trickled down my body splattering on the cold hard ground as I panted trying to catch my breath. We both glared at each other too tired to do anything else.

"What are you doing here" I asked snidely.

The Lucario glared "I'm tracking a human now why are you here"

"Tracking the human" I said in shock realising that we were chasing the same human. The Lucario face was a mixture of shock and annoyance.

The Lucario chuckled painfully looking at me in amusement "Turns ... out we're ... Chasing the... same human" she said laughing awkwardly.

"Yeah... funny that" I said nervously relaxing slightly.

We both sat there for ten minutes recovering our strength before the Lucario approached me. I automatically tensed, seeing this, the Lucario held her hands out in surrender.

"How about a truce" she said holding out her hand.

Looking at her in astonishment I was barely aware of my hand reaching out and gripping hers gently in a sigh of friendship. "My name is Ryoko" the lucario said shaking my paw up and down. "Zeta" I respond smiling at her.

A few hours later

Both girls had recovered and were waiting to ambush the human

The Girls had quickly become friends and were chatting quietly with each other like they were best friends. Both girls had made a plan to capture the human and make him there mate.

Chris pov

I slowly awoke from my peaceful slumber to find both girls gone. Looking around I found that Zaria had scribbled a note on my notebook.

It read

Gone to look for food be back in an hour stay out of trouble

Love Zaria

Frowning I walked around the camp stretching my stiff legs into a semblance of order. Unaware that I was heading into a trap I took a quick detour to find some fruit. Within minutes I had found a pecha berry tree with ripe juicy looking berries. Picking one from the tree I happily munched into it juice dripping down my chin as I ripped the tasty fruit apart.

I stopped suddenly having an ominous felling that I was being watched.

"Bella, Zaria... that you" I said only to be greeted by an eerie silence.

"Come on girls this isn't funny" I said chuckling nervously.

SNAP!!! I hear a twig crack behind me spinning around I look frantically for the perpetrator but find nothing but darkness.

"Hello" I say timidly starting to freak out.

Once again my answer is silence. I see something dart across a tree but my eyes are unable to make out what it is only that it is blue.

I can hear something moving about above me but with the colossal trees it means that a majority of the light is blocked out.

I watch in horror as the light of the day vanishes, with its departure - leaving me in pitch blackness.

Luckily I had a flash light grabbing hold of the device I begin fumbling with it getting a low beam of light.

Sighing in relief I move the flash light about trying to find the thing that is following me.

I stop, frozen in terror as the light of my flash light revels to me two sets of glowing silver eyes.

Panicking I sprint in the opposite direction narrowly avoiding tress, as I frantically attempt to find a way back to camp. I can hear their foot steeps getting louder. The creatures are catching up quickly in panicked state I begin zigzagging randomly - hopping that it will confuse them and make them lose interest.

No such luck they follow me skilfully darting back and forth until there's only centimetres between me and them.

I cry out in shock as a pair of furry arms wraps themselves around my body holding me firmly but gently. I whimper quietly staying stock still hopping they will lose interest but I am proven wrong as one of them pick's me up and carries me bridal style.

10 minutes later

We arrived at our destination where I was dumped on the floor looking around I realised that we were in a cave. Looking at my attackers I yelped when I realised what they were.

Standing in front of me was a 6,4ft zoroark and a 6,2ft lucario both where female telling from there giant racks.

"Hello" I said meekly slowly backing away from them. They remain silent advancing towards me with a ravenous look in their eye.

Taking my chances I dive outside the cave, so close to freedom when I feel something being pulled turning around I see that they caught my arm.

With no other option I groan and go quietly. Both girls throw me at the back of the cave and place a giant stone in front of the small entrance blocking my escape.

I close my eyes waiting for one of them to rip my throat out and eat me.

I wince as I feel I warm tongue against my cheek. Slowly I open my eyes and see that the female zoroark is licking my face affectionately. I am confused by this until it clicks in my mind why there doing it. "The scent" I curse quietly.

The zoroark presses her mouth against mine probing my mouth with her tongue.

I open up and let her tongue in, which then proceeds to explore every part of my mouth. At first I'm hesitant but I soon melt into the kiss, our tongues soon battle for domination. The zoroark started clawing at my trousers so I helpfully took them off.

What are your names I ask shakily breathing heavily from the near suffocating kiss. "Ryoko- zeta" They both say at the exact same time.

"I'm Chris" I say introducing myself to the pair of rapists.

Ryoko the female lucario pulled my pants down to my ankles then whipped them off throwing them over her shoulder she turns to look at me with an evil Glint in her eye.

Ryoko moves her head forward until her mouth is millimetres from my limp member. Smirking she licks it, the effect is instant as blood travels though my member causing it to erect.

Smiling Ryoko starts sucking on the tip moving her tongue skilfully over my sensitive tip, gaining a moan of pleasure from me.

Zeta pushes me so that I'm lying on my back positioning herself over me so that her sex is aligned with my face she lowers herself urging me to lick her,

Using my tongue I move back and forth along her sex causing her to groan in pleasure.

Ryoko was sucking my whole length wrapping her long tongue around my cock to increase the pleasure. Deciding to help increase Zeta's pleasure I grabbed her E sized breasts pinching her nipples causing her to whine in delight.

Ryoko had decided to use her breasts to get me too cum faster and was her breasts were now slamming down on my length repeatedly.

Zeta soon reached orgasm her juices splashing over my face socking my hair and chest. Zeta rolled off of me recovering from her orgasm.

Ryoko skill soon brought me to my peak moaning out in pleasure I cummed in her mouth. Swallowing it Ryoko turned around positioning so her ass was resting on my stomach facing me. I raised my front half so that my face was level with her shoulder blades.

Taking control Ryoko place my cock at her entrance, with a quick nod of approval from her I penetrated groaning in pleasure due to her tight walls. I start to thrust in and out of her violently causing Ryoko to yelp in surprise.

I grabbed Ryoko's breasts teasing her nipples as she bounced up and down on me causing us both to groan in enjoyment.

Ryoko was in heaven the felling of Chris inside of her was unbelievable she yipped in bliss as Chris continued to pound into her swollen lips. Zeta recovering from her orgasm pressed her muzzle against Ryoko causing her to gasp in surprise then moan as she melted into the kiss. Zeta poked Ryoko's mouth with her tongue wanting to gain entry to Ryoko's mouth. Ryoko opened her mouth moaning as their tongues met dancing around each other's mouth.

Soon Ryoko and Chris reached their orgasm, slamming down on Chris rode one last time, Ryoko cummed showering Chris's thighs and legs with her warm juices. Chris Cumming seconds after splashing her tight walls with his white seed.

Ryoko shakily got off him collapsing on the ground from fatigue soon she was lightly snoring. Luckily due to Chris's years of experience he was up for a couple more rounds. Zeta taking over slowly got on top of Chris her bountiful breasts near smothering his face.

Zeta was a very beautiful zoroark in his view her perfectly round ass and a body to die for left Chris watering at the mouth. Slowly Chris put the tip in waiting a few seconds before lowering her down until Zara had his entire length in her. Moaning she wrapped soft arms around him, forcing Chris's head in between her bust.

Not wasting any time Zeta starts rocking back and forward making Chris gasp in astonishment. Chris wraps his hands around Zeta's back groping her firm ass as they continued to pound against each other.

Deciding to make it more interesting Zeta takes my solid member and pushes into her second hole. Chris groans at the tightness of her walls which seemed to hold his cock in a death embrace. Zeta yelped in pleasure as well as pain so we took it easily and slowly. Chris slowly pushes in and out of her waiting for her to relax- it doesn't take long as her walls slowly unclench making it easier to thrust in and out of her.

1st pov

Soon both of us are pounding away like a pair of loppuny's possessed. The felling of her walls against my member is unbelievable I look up at her and we kiss our tongues dancing around each other's mouth. Zeta moans in happiness as I grope one of her plumb breast fondling the nipple gently.

Due to Zeta's lack of experience and her extreme tightness we both reach our climate quickly. Zeta cums, soaking my hips with her juices. I thrust once twice then fire my seed into her - sighing in satisfaction as I collapse backwards.

Zeta cuddles up next to me using her long hair as a blanket as she washes the cum off of my face. Once my miniature bath is finished I settle down on her chest watching the torches flicker gently.


Zeta and me jump up in fright tripping over each other and getting tangled up we struggle to get lose. Ryoko shoots up an aura sphere forming in her hand as she prepares defend her mates.

The stone which was blocking the exit was being smashed open by an intruder. The rock suddenly is blown apart and standing there looking furious is Bella and Zaria.

Bella takes one look at me and Zeta on the ground and howls with laughter. Zaria isn't amused she storms towards me Fire in her eye but is blocked by Ryoko.

"I apologise for us taking your friend but we required him for personal matters" Ryoko said trying to defuse the situation

Zaria stops glaring at me but calms down. Bella who had recovered enough to stand came and helped me and Zeta up. Smiling shyly Zeta thanked Bella for the help then stood beside me.

Deciding to break the atmosphere I pipe up "Ryoko, Zeta these are my friends Zaria and Bella, You two these two girls are Ryoko and zeta" The girls nod at their names.

Deciding to be friendly Bella turns to Zeta a smirk on her muzzle "So tell me is he as much of a stud with you as he is with us" This causes Zeta to blush furiously and Ryoko to gasp at the bluntness of the question.

Zeta meekly nods her head, whilst Ryoko grins wolfishly. Zaria smiles, turning to me and punches me in the arm "quite the ladies man you are wonder boy" she says using the nickname she gave me.

After making a fire courtesy of Zaria we explain things to Ryoko and zeta telling them about the scent and my adventure. Both girls then tell me about how they saw me and wanted me as there mate. So working together they ambushed me. I smirked as they looked sheepishly at me.

"Hey girls" I said suddenly startling them.

Would you two like too come with me you see I'm travelling and you two would be excellent members on this team. Zeta nodded furiously hugging me. Ryoko thought for a moment before slowly nodding her head in agreement.

"Listen" I said these are pokeballs "I need to capture you or others will try to capture you" Both girls nodded.

I unclipped two pokeballs from my waste and throw them at the girls.

Zeta yelped in surprise whilst Ryoko stayed silent as they both disappeared in flash of red light. Sighing in relief I released them both of them. Both of the girls landed on their feet.

Bella comes and curls up beside me zeta curls up on my right using her hair as a blanket she nuzzles in burying her face in my shoulder blade. Zaria gets comfy beside Bella using her head as a pillow whilst Ryoko cuddles into my right.

Deciding to call it a day I close my eyes and let sleep claim me.

_That chapter 2 done in the next chapter they will leave the forest and hopefully gain their first badge. _