His Destiny chapter 1

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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#1 of His Destiny



Note: this is a story based on a movie I saw a few years ago, the script was terrible and the animation was... let's just say it wasn't the best I've seen, but it had lots of potential and the dragons design was cool, so I decided to give it a shot. Of course I switched a few of the characters and had to make a few changes to the storyline, but I think I can pull a good one out of this.

DISCLAIMER: this is just a prologue but it already contains hot M/M dragon sex, you shouldn't read this if you're underage or if you don't like the idea of male dragons having sex.

The huge wooden door cracked when the stone boulder hit it for the second time, the golden handles and ornaments shook with the impact.

"They're here my dear, our soldiers have been defeated" said a male voice.

"I know, it will only be a matter of time before they get us" said the female.

Another loud crash was heard, a big crack formed on the door, roars and snarls could be heard from the other side of the door.

"You're going to have to escape with our son"

In the middle of the room, a big egg with blue spots was laying on a regal looking cradle, the tiny blue spots seemed to dance under the dim light of the torches, the door was hit again, a few of the ornaments fell and the wood bent I some places.

"They'll be here soon, hurry!"

"What about you?"

"I'll try to buy a few seconds for you, now go! Make sure our son survives!"

A pair of purplish scaled hands grabbed the egg and the huge door finally succumbed and broke, three red dragons entered through the opening and immediately started shooting fireballs.

"I'm right here you fucking cowards! I'll show you what we're made of!"

The eternal shadows of the inner world were disturbed by the brightness of the strong blasts that the red dragons were firing. The slim, purple dragoness could barely dodge them, her body had several small wounds and burns, her right wing had a small hole in it. Two red dragons were still after her when she reached the outer world. It felt cold. All the dragoness could see were threes in every direction. She saw the red dragons appearing through the cave she had just left, they saw her and attacked at once. The dragoness dove into the threes, hiding from them, they approached to the place where they last saw her, the two red dragons started searching frantically amongst the threes, it was the middle of the night, but the full moon provided enough light for them. One of the dragons spotted the dragoness but it was too late, she fired and the ball of fire hit the red dragon in the face, the other foe didn't wasted time and dove into the threes to attack the female, the sound of roars and falling threes awoke every wild animal in miles around. Then the sound stopped and a severely injured purple dragoness cradling an egg on her arms rose above the three line and flew away from there.

A loud sound awoke Devon from his slumber, the golden feathered eagle peeked out of the three he called home. It was pitch black outside, Devon noticed a shade moving in the darkness and slowly approached it. He was a male eagle in his mid 20's, he had left his tribe of hunters the last spring, Devon had found a nice territory and had established on that beautiful forest. He was a curious bird and that had caused him a few problems before. He slowly approached the figure, it wasn't moving anymore. Devon had never seen a creature like it. It was definitely a reptile of some sorts, it had purple scales, Devon noticed the various burns and cuts.

"Poor creature" thought the eagle, the he noticed it was holding something...and egg.

The creature was definitely dead, its open eyes were blank. Devon assume it was a female, he took the egg and almost dropped it when it started cracking. It was hatching! Devon gently placed the egg on the ground and watched as a small reptile with blue scales emerged. It looked at the body of the dead reptile and then at Devon.

"Oh boy! What do I do now?"

"Dad, it hurts! It's too big!"

"Stop crying, I've had bigger ones stuck even further inside"

The eagle gently pulled the splinter fr4om the small dragon's blue arm.

"What were you thinking son?" asked Devon as he applied a small amount of chewed herbs to the wound.

The young dragon winced and his eyes fell to the floor.

"I...I wanted to fly, like you"

Devon hugged the little dragon and sighed.

"Shinji, I've told you before, your wings are too small, you still need to grow up"

"But you told me you learned to fly since you were 5 years old, I'm almost 15!"

"Shinji, I love you like a son, nut you must always remember we are from different species.

"What am I?"

"I whish I knew, but I don't want you to worry about it, the important thing is that I love you and did my best to be a father to you, now let's go home"

Devon was right, Shinji's wings were too short, in fact, all of Shinji was too short, the small blue lizard had short legs, a round belly and thin arms, his wings were barely recognizable as such, the only thing big about Shinji were his expressive blue eyes.

They entered their home and had a quiet meal. Devon loved the young reptile but was unable to provide the answers he needed. The night was warm, but despite that, Devon noticed Shinji was slightly shivering.

"Come here son" said Devon and Shinji nested between the bird's arms.

Back in the inner world, a violet coloured dragon was chained to a wall, he had a nice pattern of blue scales forming lines around his arms, chest and abdomen, his face also had a fine outline of blue scales around his muzzle, his body was lean but well defined and he had a few bruises on his face, the door to the cell opened and the dragon lifter his head, a red dragon wearing only a few leather straps around his chest and a loincloth entered and hit the dragon in the face.

"I trust you learned your lesson" said the red dragon releasing the violet dragon's arms "Working time means you work, no matter how hungry you or that little bitch are"

The bigger dragon led him to a cave where another dragon was sleeping, the entrance of the cave was sealed with steel bars, the red dragon opened the door and tossed the violet dragon inn.

"Now sleep well, your shift starts in three hours" said the red dragon and walked away.

"Angel! Are you ok?" asked the dragon that was inside the cave and helped his mate to stand up.

"I'll be fine Naru, they didn't knew, they locked me for a different reason" said Angel.

Naru had a scale pattern similar to Angel, except for a few extra markings around his eyes.

"So, are you still sure you want to do this?" asked Naru.

"Yeah, it's the only chance we'll get"

"But we don't even know if he's alive" said Naru slowly caressing his mate's muzzle. "We could die tomorrow"

"Then let us make tonight be special" said Angel and kissed the other dragon.

Naru opened his mouth and allowed Angel's tongue to enter, they embraced each other and continued tongue wrestling for a few minutes, both felt their members poking out of their slits and grind their hips, rubbing against each other and spreading generous amounts of pre cum around their shafts and bellies, Angel broke the kiss and looked down, their members were connected by a strand of pre cum, he took his lover's member in his grasp and jerked it a few times, his other hand travelling between Naru's legs and two fingers slowly entered his anal vent, Naru moaned and leaned his head on Angel's chest, slowly licking it, they had to be careful, sine the guards could hear them. Angel pressed his lover against the wall and Naru lifted a leg, he felt the tip of his lover's penis poking at his entrance and he lowered himself a little, Angel raised his hips and the dripping head of his member entered the moist tunnel, Naru took angel's hand on his mouth and bite it lightly to avoid yelping, Angel pushed and the rest of his erection slowly disappeared into his mate, Naru's own dripping penis was sandwitched between their belly scales, throbbing and totally covered in sweet precum, Angel took it and started jerking his mate in time with his thrusts.

"Harder" pleaded Naru and Angel dug his claws on the ground to compel his lover's whish.

Angel's thick member was making difficult for Naru to remain quiet and he kissed his mate to muffle his moans, Angel's claws started scratching his lover's back while he kept pounding his ass, finally, Angel's knees started to tremble and he thrust one more time to the hilt. Naru felt the warm liquid spreading inside him and he took his cock in his claws, Angel's right claw returned to his mate's cock and helped him to masturbate, all this time they never stopped kissing, Naru bit Angel's lips and shuddered as his member twitched and covered their chests in white, Angel pulled his spent penis out of his lover and they cleaned each other with their tongues.

A few minutes later they were cuddled on the floor, Angel nibbled at Naru's neck and hugged him tightly.

"I'll find him, I promise you I'll bring him back" he said.

"I'm sure you will" said Naru "And I'll be waiting for you... we will all be waiting for you"

To be continued.

So... was it good? Should I continue?

Note: Shinji is 15 years old but he's already almost an adult, dragons reach maturity very fast on this fic, and yes, he will be having lots of sex on the next chapters.