The Yiff Collar

Story by BobbyThornbody on SoFurry

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#23 of Stories

Jack was a thirteen year old solid black cougar. He stood at just about five and a half fe...

Jack was a thirteen year old solid black cougar. He stood at just about five and a half feet, and had quite a little gut on him. He wasn't too happy about it either because it kept a lot of his classmates from even going near him. This was further aggravated by the fact he'd never had so much as a single date. More often than not, he'd keep to himself, plainly because he'd grown tired of the jokes and the teasing.

Friday afternoon couldn't have come sooner for the thirteen year old. He quickly rushed out of the school and began to make his way toward his home down the usual alleyway route he took. Strangely, there was never a soul in the alley most days. Today, though, things were a bit different. As Jack walked down the alley, he came eye to eye with a black panther that was leaning against a fence in the alley.

"Hey kid," the panther spoke up. "Come on over here."

Jack pointed to himself quizzically, and the panther nodded. He walked over, looking at the panther. "Yeah?"

"Ya look like something's buggin' ya, kid," he said. "What's the problem?"

"Well, it's just... I don't really have any friends. I get tired of never being able to talk to anyone because almost everyone is repulsed by how fat I am," Jack told the panther. "I just wish there was a way I could change that."

"Ya know, it's funny you should mention that," the panther commented, digging into the jacket pocket and pulling out what appeared to be a collar. "Truth be told, I had a lot of problems like you in school. For some strange reason though, it seemed like all my troubles just went away when I had this on."

Jack looked at the collar and cocked his head. "Is this some sort of a prank?"

"No way, kid. I'm on the level with this here. I think this thing's magic," the panther told him. "I'd put it on, and... well, it just made me feel different. It got me a lot of friends."

"So why don't you keep it? Why give it to me," Jack asked.

"Because it looks as though you need it a lot more than I do, and I feel like being a nice guy."

"I... I don't have any money to pay you," Jack told him.

"Don't sweat it. Just take it and enjoy. I promise you, you'll notice things will change."

"Wow, thanks, Mister..." Jack smiled.

"Tom. The name is Tom, and I hope it helps you out." He stepped up behind Jack. "Here, let me put it on you." He took the collar from Jack's paws and fastened it around the youth's neck. He took a step back and gave him a smile and a thumbs up. "Lookin' better already, big guy."

Jack had no idea what to think, but Tom's comment definitely seemed to have had a positive effect on his confidence, as now he was beaming ear to ear. "Thank you, Tom," he said, hugging the panther.

"Go on home, Jack. You wouldn't want to be out here after it gets dark," Tom told him.

Jack nodded and waved a final goodbye to Tom before leaving the alley to his street corner. As he turned the corner, he saw one of his classmates who had also gotten home. He'd expected to be completely ignored as usual, but, to his surprise, his classmate approached him.

"Jack... dude, I am so sorry for the way I treated you in class today," the classmate, a tiger around his age, replied. "I shouldn't tease you about the way you look. I mean, honestly, you look, dare I say, awesome."

"Uh, thanks Jon," Jack replied, seeming a little baffled. 'Jon never talks to me in school,' he thought to himself, 'what gives?'

"Hey, uh listen... Jack, I can understand if you wouldn't want to but... Can I... would you let me fuck you?" Jon asked, looking at him.

Jack's jaw dropped. 'Did he just ask what I think he did?'

Jon stood there quietly waiting for a response.

"I... uh, wow. This is rather sudden, Jon. I'm not refusing your offer, but... why the sudden interest?" Jack asked.

"Something about you just seems... irresistible," Jon replied back.

Jack thought for a second. He remembered what Tom had told him about how the collar would make things different for him. He assumed that this was just one of those things he mentioned, and he had to admit that being sucked off by Jon was one of his secret fantasies. He looked into Jon's eyes and gave him a smile and a nod. "I'd like that, Jon, but where..."

"My room. We can take the back door," Jon said, taking him by the paw and dragging him into the back yard area, in through the back door and into his room. He practically shoved Jack on the bed, who was still dazed in trying to process what just happened.


"Jack; your clothes, take them off." Jon said in a dominant tone.

Jack gave a nod, and stood at the edge of the bed, sliding his shirt and pants off, but when he caught look at himself in the mirror, he nearly fell over. Staring him back in the face in the mirror was the young cougar, but he looked much more buff now. In fact, it seemed all his fat had turned to muscle and every curve of his body had formed into what could possibly have been considered as the hottest cougar on the planet. His pecs were perfect and he had a marvelous six pack.

"Jack?" Jon looked at him. "You alright?"

"Jon, do I look a little different to you," Jack asked, looking at him.

"Other than the fact you look sexy as hell, no." Jon told him. "But in any case, I still want your body, Jack. Bend over."

Jack was unsure of what had occurred with him, but he was so happy to have the attention that he didn't bother to argue with it. He smiled as he lifted his tail. He let a soft moan out when he felt his tiger friend's cock poke against his pucker. He simply relaxed as Jon's cock slid inside him. "Oh, Jon..."

"Mmm, Jack, this is so nice," the tiger whimpered as he slid his cock into Jack's butt. "You feel so warm, Jack. Oh, why did I wait so long to approach you?"

"Beats me," Jack replied amidst his groans. "But that feels nice."

"Doesn't it," Jon smiled as he let his length slowly slide in and out of the cougar. With each time he pulled out, he thrust forward as far as he could, bashing into Jack's prostate over and over, leaving Jack in a bit of a stupor.

"Mmm. Cum in me, Jon. Please," Jack moaned. "I want it so bad," he called out.

"You got it, hot stuff," Jon whimpered as he pumped his cock in and out of Jack faster and faster. "You want it?"

"Please," he whimpered. "Jon, this never felt so right."

"I... I... Ahhh," Jon howled as he fired his seed into his friend's waiting tailhole.

Jack just laid there letting Jon empty himself inside of his body. When he finally pulled out, jack flipped onto his back and looked into Jon's eyes. He saw Jon quivering from his orgasm and pulled him close. Jack held onto Jon nibbling on his ears and neck before his own cock began throbbing, but this felt strange. In addition to the throbbing, he felt a tickle in his penis that he'd never felt before.

"Jack," Jon lifted his head to look, then his eyes grew big. "Jack!"

"What the?!" Jack looked down at his cock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His cock was... growing. Growing in length, width and girth. He laid there staring at his penis as it became enlarged.

By now, Jon seemed a little frightened and backed away, though it seemed as though he couldn't force himself to look away. "Jack, your cock... what's happening?"

Jack shook his head in disbelief as he watched it grow. When it finally stopped a couple minutes later it was now massive and his cock and sac were resting on the floor of the room while the rest of Jack's body sat on the bed still. "I don't know, Jon, but... nggg... it feels good."

Jon looked at his friend's newly grown cock a little closer, seeming intrigued even more. He stood right in front of it and put a paw right on the large cumslit that basically stared him in the face now. He got yet another shock when the cock flexed, taking in his arm. "Jack, what are you doing? Let go."

But Jack now seemed lost in the feeling. "I can't, Jon... I... I want you in there. Put your other arm in, please!"

Strangely, Jon followed the order, plunging his other arm into the cock. "Jack... this isn't funny anymore. Let me go."

Jack whimpered. "No, Jon. Please, you've done so wonderfully in making me feel good. Push one of your feet in, slowly work your way into my cock."

Again, Jon followed the order, though he now seemed horrified. "Jack, stop. This is not what I had in mi..." But Jon suddenly stopped speaking as though something just came over him. "Jack, I love you. Please don't ever forget that, alright?"

"I know you do," Jack replied. "Go on. Climb in."

"Hope I make a good cum load for you tonight," Jon said before pushing himself past the cumslit and stepping all the way inside, allowing it to close up after him.

"I know you will," Jack moaned as he started to rub his enlarged shaft. As he did, it began to shrink back down to its' normal size. Jack lay back on Jon's bed and began rubbing his sac. He could feel what was left of his friend already breaking down into cum inside his nuts, and he whimpered out as he felt his friend's form leave him. He then took his cock in his paw and began to work it furiously in his paw. It took barely more than a minute before his own seed, mixed in with seed created from Jon, sprayed over the sheets of the bed he was on.

Panting out loud, he spoke to himself. "It's a... good thing... Jon's parents aren't going to be home tonight." And with that, he passed out.

The next morning came a few short hours later, and Jack awoke with a stretch. He turned over, surprised to see Jon beside him, and even more surprised to see he was in Jon's room. He gave Jon a gentle shove, which then woke him.

"Jon, what am I doing here," he asked.

"You don't remember?" Jon replied.

"Well, I think I do. Did we... have sex last night?" Jack questioned him.

Jon nodded. "That's not all that happened. You had become the hot, sexy form you have now. I swear I have no idea how you did it in a day. And, well, after I fucked you, you let your cock eat me and turn me to cum. I guess I must have magically reformed when you went to sleep."

"Wait. You said I look sexy?" Jack then remembered what happened yesterday and reached to the clasp on the collar around his neck. Looking in the mirror, he saw the change was almost instantaneous. He went from looking buff and muscular right back to the chubby form he once had. "Do I... still look sexy?"

"Mmhmm, you sure do. And I have to say, last night was wild. I was a little scared with that trick you did with your cock at first, but... wow, I wanna try that again." Jon smiled.

Jake then got up out of the bed and looked toward Jon. "Listen, I'll be right back, okay? I need to see about something."

Jon had no idea what was going on, but he nodded and Jake took off.

"Tom! Hey, Tom! Where are you?!" Jake called out as he reached the alleyway once more. When he reached the area where he saw Tom the day before, he noticed it was empty. He was just about to leave when he noticed a note taped to one of the fence posts. Curious as he was, Jake looked at it, and was surprised to see the letter was from Tom.


By now you know the magic of the collar. As I told you, that collar helped me make many friends. When you put it on, your body takes the form that is most pleasing to the male you come in contact with, provided you yourself have feelings for him. You'll find that you become irresistible and that he will do nearly anything you ask. Careful though, if they cum, you'll get the uncontrollable urge to feed them to your cock. I'm sure by now though, you've figured out that once you turn them to cum and finish yourself off, they turn back to normal... with one major difference. He will forever be attracted to you as you appeared to him with the collar on, even when you take it off and revert to your actual form. Enjoy.



PS: I had about ten sex partners thanks to that collar. Don't go TOO crazy.'

Jake looked back down at the collar still clutched in his other hand. Tom was right. He'd never be lonely again.