It's Tough Living on a Farm

Story by Galthroc on SoFurry

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#3 of Farm Series

"I don't want to tell you again, Cole! Go check the stable and see how the horses are doing."

"But I need to-"

"No buts!" Cole's older brother commanded, stomping his foot. "It's your turn now."

"But they'll just-"

"Oh, don't give me that sick story again. Horses don't do that, and they don't stand on two legs. Now stop being stupid and do your job!" He turned and left the room, leaving Cole to his work.

Cole sighed and turned around, slumping out of the house and towards the barn. No one ever believed him! Just because he was the youngest in the family didn't mean he was always makings things up. He was well past he age where imagination ran wild, so why did people treat him like such a child? He was considered a man now! At least, by law. He hoped his family would soon follow suit.

He lived with his parents and brother, Ashton, who was only a year older but had treated him as though he were a baby since as long as he could remember, always taking the role of the boss when his father wasn't around. "Cole, do this. Cole, do that," was all he usually heard from him. It wasn't fair, but he had grown used to it by now.

They owned a small, self-sufficient farm in a rural area of the state, somewhat isolated from the rest of the world. It was as though they lived on their own planet, since Cole would rarely get to see anyone or anything outside the farm, especially since he was home schooled. He was looking forward to attending college at the end of the year. The though of it made his heart pound like a drum.

Working on a farm had made him strong. He had a body he was proud of as a result of his hard work. He would secretly admire himself in the mirror sometimes at night in the bathroom, flexing his muscles for himself until Ashton would pound on the door needing to use the toilet. Laying in bed afterwards, he would think about how much stronger he would get. He'd be such a ladies man in college! They'd be swooning at his knees. With this in mind, he would fall asleep to some exciting dreams.

His first wet dream happened when he was fourteen. He couldn't remember what the dream was, but he did remember feeling an intense pleasure unlike anything he'd ever felt. It was otherwordly, something he had never thought he'd be able to attain, but that night it happened. He woke up to a wet mess in his lap and, confused and scared, started to yell, thinking he was hurt. Needless to say, he and his father had an awkward conversation that night.

Later that year he had discovered the joys of masturbation. When his parents were away, he went into their room to get away from Ashton, since his room didn't have a lock. He slammed the door on his brother and slumped onto the floor, covering his ears to avoid the nagging sound of Ashton's voice. When it subsided, he decided to stay there a little while, and then ended up exploring.

It didn't take long for him to find his father's magazines in the small space between the night stand and the floor. Looking through them, he felt a strange sensation in his loins, like his body was slowly being heated, the intense warmth centered around his crotch. Before he knew it, he was tugging on his appendage through some unknown, natural instinct, and the pleasure he felt was ten times more intense than that one night a few months back.

He had become rather addicted since then. And now, a boy grown, he would jerk off usually 2 to 3 times a day. His record, though, was eight, when the rest of his family went into town and left him to tend to the farm. After doing his meager chores, he swiped one of his father's magazines, camped in his room with a box of tissues, and orgasmed again and again until it hurt just to move one of his legs. The thought of it made him smile and yearn for another day such as that.

But the challenge that faced him now was one he felt he would forever face alone. He told his family over and over of the constantly reoccuring incident that happened whenever he would check the horses alone, but they didn't believe him, and finally warned him to never bring it up again; that they were sick of hearing it. They even threatened to take him to a shrink if he brought it up again. So, he kept quiet now, but still knew he was right.

He knew it would happen again. Solemnly, he trudged over to barnhouse where the horses were kept. They owned four - Dash, Gambit, Levi, and Frank. For some reason, the last one responded well to the name Frank. They were all male, and the family would ride them often to herd cattle or just for fun. They had plenty of land, after all. With effort, he swung open the large barn door and stepped inside, closing it behind him. He took a deep breath, facing the door.

"Was wondering when you'd show up!"

Cole scrunched his face and turned around. "Hey guys."

The four horses stood -on two legs- in front of him, hands on their hips, smiling down at him. They towered above him at seven to eight feet, enormous and muscular. "Ashton sent me to check on you again. Wasn't he just here?"

They all looked at each other and shrugged. "No, you're the first to visit us today," Dash said. He was probably the shortest of them and the least muscled, but that's not to say at all that he was scrawny. He had chestnut fur and dark blonde mane that frequently got in his eye.

"That asshole..." Cole whisepered.

"Sorry, Cole. We know he's kind of a dick."

After a pause, Cole states, "This is so weird."

Levi turned his his quizzically. He was probably the second tallest, next to Frank, and very strong looking. He had black fur and a surprisingly white mane. "What is?"

"THIS!" Cole gestured frantically in front of him. "You're HORSES! You walk on four legs. You sputter your lips and let us ride on top of you-"

Frank and Levi gave each other a sly glance when Cole said this.

"What was that look for?" Cole asked, becoming angry. They shook their heads.

"Look," Gambit stepped forward, taller than Dash at about 7 and a half feet, but shorter than Levi. His fur was a sort of beige color, with a brown mane - essentially the opposite color scheme of Dash. "We're naturally like this. We just like you a lot, so we decided it'd be okay to act normally around you, and act as the humans think we should act around everyone else."

"But WHY?" Cole asked, exasperated.

"Well, you first reacted as we suspected you to: rather tamely. Not everyone else would take this well. We could even be hurt." Frank said. "Well, let me rephrase that. Humans could get hurt." He cracked his knuckles, chuckling to himself, his large arms flexing. Frank was easily eight feet tall, and, being a draft horse, the buffest of the group. He was frequently used by his family for some heavy hauling and plowing.

"Whatever," Cole waved his arms dismissively. "I still don't know if this is real of if I'm just crazy. Do you guys need anything?"

"Some freaking MARES, already!" Dash responds, nudging Gambit with an elbow. "You don't know how horny we are!"

"Oh shut up, it's not like I have any girls here either."

"Cole, I don't think you understand," Levi said. "We horses can get rather...horny."

"Well yeah, I know that from the last time I walked in and yall were..." Cole gulped and shook his head, trying not to think about it, trying not to think about how it made him feel.

The horses start laughing. "Oh yeah! That was pretty fun. We should do that again sometime."

"Just make sure I'm not here," Cole pleaded.

"Aw come on, you know you liked it," Frank said, winking.

Cole scowled, trying to look and sound disgusted. "No. I did NOT like it. I never want to see it again!"

The four of them started to laugh quietly. "Sure Cole, okay," one said.

With that, Cole stormed out of the barn.


"Way to lie, Ashton," Cole confronted his older brother, stepping up to him, face to face.

"Oh, get over it. I'm older after all. I can tell you what to do," Ashton didn't flinch when Cole approached him suddenly. He scowled down at his brother, his short black hair wet from the shower he just took.

"You fucking ASSHOLE!" Cole yelled. "I'm tired of taking your shit!" he grabbed Ashton's collar and hurled him against the wall, surprised by his own strength as he held him up. He did more work, after all. Naturally he would be the stronger of the two.

"Hey!" Ashton yelled, starting to sound a little paniced. "Put me down right NOW!"

Cole obeyed, but immediately after lowering Ashton onto both feet, he tackled him to the floor, on top of him, the two of them struggling. Obscenity spilled from both of their mouths as they wrestled. Punches, kicks, bites, slaps, knees, limbs flying everywhere as they both attempted to hurt each other. Grunts and yelps of pain, thuds of fists against muscle and bone, slaps of flesh against flesh.

After a few minutes of this scuffle, their father rushed into the room. "Hey, hey, HEY!" he yelled, quickly throwing Cole off from on top of Ashton. "What the hell are you two doing!?" He looks at Cole, then Ashton, but then back at Cole, waiting for an answer.

Cole brushed his blonde hair out of his eyes, panting and sweating. Before he could answer, Ashton had a finger pointed at him, "HE started it!"

"Ashton's been lying to me! He doesn't do shit around here and makes me do all the work!"

"HEY! You watch your language," Cole's father spit out, his voice deep and menacing. "Ashton, are you okay?"

Ashton nodded, glaring at his brother. Cole felt like jumping on him again, really giving him a piece of his mind. "But DAD! Ashton pretends to do his work and-"

"That's enough!" their father waves his hands in front of his face. "Cole, I've had it with your nonsense recently. You need to get your act together and start acting normal, or so help me I will beat some sense into you. Now get out of here."

Cole released a small roar of anger and stormed out of the house, slamming the screen door open so hard it fell from its hinges. He sat outside the house, leaning against the wall, and put his head on his knees. The sun was setting, a red aura cast about the sky. It wasn't fair! Why did Ashton always get away with being such an asshole? Cole worked his ass off, and for what? To be reprimanded? It made no sense. He couldn't wait to leave this place.

After a while, Cole fell asleep.


When he woke up it was dark. The sun was just starting to rise, and he could hear a rooster signaling the start of the morning - the cause of his waking. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes and slowly stood up, wobbling as he situated himself.

He didn't want to go back inside. Instead, he wandered around the farm, visiting the animals, bored and upset. At the back of his mind, he wanted to see what the horses were doing. He made up the excuse that he should see if they had food and water left, and headed to the barn.

He put his ear to the door and heard a deep, muffled sound. He wasn't sure what it was. Slowly and quietly, he inched the door opened, and popped his head inside, taking a peak. His eyes widdened to enormous proportions. Yep, they were doing it again.

Each horse was in his respective stall, two on either side of the barn. Dash was laying outside of his, Frank was standing, Levi sitting on the rail that served as the entrance to his stall, and Gambit was sitting down on a pile of hay inside his.

All of them were leaning their heads down. All of them had enormous, erect cocks. All of them were sucking on their own member.

Wet sucking, slurping sounds were all that Cole could hear, along with deep, gutteral moans of pleasure. Their heads bobbed up and down their cocks, hands pumped them, hips thrust.

Dash, laying down, had his stomach crunched as he kept his hips in the air, head forward and sucking on his big, pink cock, eyes closed, hands jerking the rest of his shaft. It was big enough for four hands. His abs were flexed as his stomach relaxed and contracted with the movement of his hips. He was actually thrusting into his own mouth.

Levi was situated on the thin rail of his stall, his hands grasping a wooden beam above him for support. His dick was big enough for him to reach with his mouth even in this position, his head traveling up and down the thick, black length of is giant, throbbing member. He was moaning loudly, torrents of spit, precum, something, coating his cock and puddling on the floor as it oozed down in long, clear ropes from his bulbous, huge balls.

Inside his stall, Gambit was squatting low to the ground, long pink cock in mouth, thrusting his hips so forcefully his balls slapped his shaft with every upward arc of their swing. He was ramming his cock in his mouth hard enough to forced precum out, splashing the stuff all over. He was self fucking his mouth pretty damn hard. The way he was squatting made his leg muscles flex impressively, his giant quads bursting with strength and power. His ass, likewise, was proudly displayed, perfectly round and firm.

But when Cole looked at Frank, he couldn't help but let the growing tent in his pants free, and he rapidly started to jerk off as he watched the hulking, enormous draft horse. Frank was literally making out with his cock. It was so big, so much more than the others, that he could wrap his arms around it and hug and kiss it without even stetching his neck. His arms flexed and bulged with tight, enormous muscles as his hands roamed his titanic shaft, his butt clenching as he thrust into his grip. His mouth traveled all over his cock, kissing it, licking it, shoving it into his mouth with great effort - he could barely wrap his lips around it. He threw his head back and squeezed his pectorals with both hands, letting his cock fall in front of him, a thick rope of precum dripping out and falling to the ground. The horse moaned - a moan that, combined with the image of his huge cock throbbing and dripping in front of him, was so sensual and arousing that Cole immediately started to orgasm.

The boy felt the trembling warmth of orgasm quickly invade upon sight of Frank. With little warning, it quickly came over him, cum rocketing out of his relatively big cock and splashing onto the wall of the barn. He tried to keep quiet, but the pleasure was too great. He moaned loudly, thrusting into both hands, lost in pure bliss after rope upon rope of thick cum shot out of him. It was definitely the biggest load he'd ever shot. He rolled his head back, a huge smile of his face, as his orgasm subsided. "Wow..." he whispered to himself.

He opened his eyes, sucked back into reality. Uh oh. The horses all had their mouths off their cock, and were looking right at him. Cole froze, eyes darting from the horses and towards the house. Fight or flight, Cole, he thought. Fight of flight!

They all grinned at Cole and resumed stroking themselves. Frank went back to his self worship. Definitely fight, Cole thought. He slowly stepped into the barn, naked, having forgotten to put his clothes back on.

"Look who it is!" Levi announced Cole's entrance. Cole watched as the black horse hopped off the railing. As if in slow motion, his enormous dick slapped up against his chest, almost reaching his chin! His equally enormous testicles also flew into the air for a second, and when he landed, they swung between his legs, almost reaching back far enough to touch his bottom on the downward apex of their swing. He stood up straight now, cock jutting in front of him, throbbing lightly, a bead of precum forming at the open, winking slit. "Couldn't resist, huh?" he said, eyeing Cole up and down and cocking his head to the side, strong arms folding across his chest.

Cole remained silent, eyes locked on Levi's enormous cock. He had seen this happen before, but only for a moment - he had quickly rushed out of the barn and fled back to the house, mind seared with the image. This time, though, was time for confrontation. He began to nod absently, mouth hanging open, erection quickly returning.

Dash soon appeard next to Levi. He rested an arm up against Levi's shoulder and leaned against him. Levi was tenacious and strong enough to not even budge as he supported Dash's weight. The chestnut horse flipped his blonde mane from his sensuous eyes, his cock, although dwarfed by Levi's, still impressive in its size at maybe 14 inches, with levi maybe 5 inches larger. "Well, well, well," he began, also eyeing Cole up and down. "Look who decided to visit." He gave Cole a sly wink.

Cole managed to lift his head up, facing the two hunks in front of him. He smiled weakly, his legs trembling, overwhelmed with both excitement and fear. He couldn't guess what would happen to him tonight. He still didn't know if he was making a huge mistake right now.

"No need to be so shy," Gambit appeard on the other side of Levi, second tallest out of the three. He put his hands on his hips and purposely stuck them out a little to make his cock seem a little bigger, even though the sight of its glorious 16 inches made Cole shudder. "We were hoping you'd decide to stop by again," he smiled warmly.

Cole's eyes kept darting towards Frank, who was still going down on himself. The others followed his eyes and then started to laugh. "Frank doesn't stop 'till he's done," Levi said. "And sometimes that's not even enough. He could go all night if he wanted to..."

The thought of Frank cumming again and again, pleasuring himself for hours, made Cole's cock become so hard it turned purple. It even hurt. A trickle of precum slowly, painfully, oozed down his shaft, tickling it in a way that drove him mad. Yet he resisted the urge to touch himself, unsure of what to do in front of the horses.

Dash nudged Levi, "seems our boy is pretty horny."

Gambit nodded slowly, "what should we do? What should HE do?"

Cole jerked his head up. "Wait, what? You're not going to hurt me, are you?"

They shook their heads, silent for a while as they thought. The only sound was Frank's wet sucking and slurping and moaning, causing Cole to shiver. His hands trembled as he listened, and he couldn't resist anymore. They both flew onto his cock, jerking it rapidly, trying to achieve orgasm. He threw his head back and moaned, smiling stupidly. His pleasure was growing, growing....

Two strong hands held his arms behind his back. His cock stood in front of him, throbbing, leaking, begging for attention but recieving none. He struggled, trying to wrap his palms around his hot meat again, but he couldn't move them an inch.

"Ah, ah, ah" Dash cooed in Cole's ear, the warmth of his breath against his skin making Cole's legs tremble, nearly making him fall to the ground. "You're in our control now, little guy. And the first thing we want you to do is not touch that big, hard member of yours. That will be left up to us, okay?" And just to make sure this happened, Dash tied a rope around Cole's wrists, covering them first with a cloth so as to not bruise him.

Cole was starting to panic a little. "Please, just don't hurt me. Let me go, I won't say anything." Like that would do anything. "I promise I'll leave you alone."

"Oh no, no, no, Cole. This is something we've been looking forward to!" Levi smiled, stepping close to Cole, looking down at him, his large chest almost blocking his view. Cole looked up at his grinning face, his eyes traveling down over that big chest, which curved backwards as his amazing stomach began, a perfect six pack treating Cole's eyes. And then down to that cock, that beautiful, fat, long, throbbing, dripping, wet rod of delicious looking meat. It pulsated so hard it looked like it was breathing. Cole swallowed hard.

"Now, first thing's first," Dash said, grabbing his cock with a hand and jerking it off without even thinking about it, his massive balls jiggling as he tugged his member. "You gotta make the three of us cum before you can."

Cole's heart sank. He didn't think he'd be able to stand handling such hot beasts, seeing them explode in cum, without thouching himself. His arms bulged with muscle as he strained against his restraints, but to no avail. Defeated, he sank onto his knees, looking up at the three musclehunks in front of him, their three cocks meeting at a central point in front of him, the three flares heads each dripping a rope of precum onto the ground, each pulsing with lightly-throbbing veins, each waiting for his mouth.

"Ain't gonna suck themselves, Cole," Gambit said. Then, rethinking this statement, said, "well, you know what I mean."

Cole looked over at Frank. The draft horse was laying on his back, cock slipping all over his hard body, hands roaming it in its entirety as he continued to suck and lick it. He couldn't imagine how big it was - at least two entire feet of horse cock. Cole's legs squeezed together, the pressure in his crotch building but not being released. It was torture.

Okay, Cole, he thought. The quicker you do this, the quicker you can cum. With this in mind, he shook the hair out of his face and bent forward, his back curving in a lovely u-shape as he did, his ass sticking out, beautiful and smoooth and firm. His tongue darted in front of him and eventually met flesh. A salty, sticky taste graced his tastebuds, and in no time his mouth was full of the copious amounts of precum oozing liberally from the three giant cocks in front of him. He lapped at each of the heads, one at a time, and then ran his tongue over all three in one quick motion. The horses moaned and jerked each other off, feeding Cole a greater torrent of precum.

"Yeah, just like that..." Levi moaned. Dash and Gambit had their arms wrapped around Levi, stroking his muscled body as their mammoths were being serviced. Levi closed his eyes and turned his head to face Gambit, and their mouths met, kissing passionately, tongues darting back and forth. They took each others cock in hand and jerked, rubbing them together, smearing the flared, wet heads against Cole's face.

Dash took advantage of the other two being distracted and grabbed a tuft of Cole's blond hair, pulling the boy towards his cock, moaning when it was enveloped by his mouth. "Yeah, take it Cole..." he moaned, pulling his head down so far that he gagged, but he didn't stop. Before Cole knew it, he had over half of Dash's cock down his throat, but as soon as the horse loosened his grip, he took Dash's dick out of his mouth, gasping for air.

Dash laughed, tugging on his cock. "What, too much for ya?" he smiled and held his cockhead, pulling it downward and then letting go, his hard rod springing upwards and thumping hard on his body. Cole's eyes followed Dash's cock as he did this, and a great hunger suddenly came over him; he had to have that hard dick in his mouth. He chased it with his mouth and popped it back in, wrapping both hands around the shaft, jerking it quickly as he sucked and licked, swallowing precum every few seconds. "Uhhh! Yes! That's it, Cole!" Dash moaned, putting his hands on his hips and thrusting into the boy's mouth, his blond mane hanging over an eye as he looked down.

Levi and Gambit kept kissing, really getting into it. Before long, they were on the ground, Gambit on top of Levi, thrusting his cock against the larger horse's. They broke the kiss and moaned loudly, bucking against each other, Levi biting his lower lip and looking at Gambit with a lust-filled gaze. His cock was being pressed against his chest, a puddle of precum oozing from it and down his side, tickling him. Gambit's butt clenched hotly as he thrust, and soon Levi placed a palm on each cheek, squeezing tightly, holding the horse close against him as their bodies slid against one another.

Frank was still lost in his own pleasure. He was own his stomach and humping the ground, his hips rearing far, far into the air before slamming back down, his enormous dick prodding him in the chin after a complete thrust. His tailhole was winking, begging to be used, situated above an enormous ballsac that hosted two nuts, each the size of a large orange. "Yes...oh yeah...fuck...!" he was moaning, whispering quietly to himself, eyes closed, his mind God-knows-where.

Dash slid his dick out of Cole, slapping the boy lightly on the cheek with it. He nodded over to Levi and Gambit, and Cole nodded. They walked over to the horny couple. Dash cleared his throat loudly. Levi and Gambit stopped, saw Dash and Cole, and got off of each other. They sat on the ground, legs stretched out, bodies supported by their elbows on the ground. This made their abs crunch, their two six pacs making Cole shiver with lust again. Gambit's cock rested a bit above his belly button. Levi's was leaking precum between his pecs. He winked at Cole.

Dash stood over the three, jerking himself, watching. Cole sat between Levi and Gambit, switching between sucking one and then other, each horse pushing his head further down their cock when it was their turn, the other horse sucking his own cock as he waited for his turn with Cole. Dash followed suit of the waiting horse and bent his head down, taking his cock in his mouth, resting his hands on his knees as his head moved up and down his length.

The barn was filled with an echo of wet sounds, of sucking, or slurping, of hot, loud moaning and writhing bodies in piles of hay. One moan was growing exponentially louder though, and it was Dash's. His head was off his dick now, and he was rapidly, rapidly jerking his big cock, thrusting into his grip, head thrown back and emitting a gutteral, pleasure-filled moan.

Cole took his mouth off and lay down between Levi and Gambit, the two horses jerking themselves as they watched Dash, Cole's cock throbbing with want, harder than steel now. He thrust the air futilely.

Dash's cock soon exploded in a torrent of cum, wave after wave of thick, creamy horse spunk splashing against Cole, Gambit, and Levi. They all moaned as their bodies were covered with heavy, warm cum, which ended after about 20 seconds. Cole's eyes were rolling into the back of his head, his mind becoming overloaded with pleasure. He shut his eyes tight, thrusting harder against the air, his cock throbbing, veins pulsing.

"Looks like he's gonna blow!" Dash said after he was spent, grinning. And that Cole did. With a loud yell of pleasure, and one final thrust into the air, Dash's cum tickling him beyond reason, Cole exploded in a load he didn't think possible from him. Of course it was nowhere near Dash's, but for a human, it was beyond reason. Rope after rope of cum exploded from his aching cock, covering himself in another coat of cum. He thrust and thrust the open air above him, crying out in pleasure, a tear rolling down his face from the intensity.

"Woah! Look at him go!" Levi said, sitting up and watching, his cock dragging against his nipple as he sat up.

Gambit sat up, too. He pressed his tongue against his cheek and grabbed Cole's spurting cock, jerking it rapidly, sending the boy into violent convulstions as the volume of cum increased even more, spurting as far back as the wall. Finally, it ended, and he rested his hips on the ground again, breathing as though having finished a cross-country sprint. Gambit placed his hand on his own cock now. "Atta boy," he said. Cole just lay there, stunned.

"Hey Gambit," Levi said. "Race you to orgasm."

"You're on!" he said, smiling, tugging his cock. "Ready...set...go!"

Both horses immediately pumped their cocks with both hands, up and down so fast it was almost a blur. They thrust into their grips, hips leaving the ground and then slamming back down. Gambit fell onto his back and raised his butt off the ground and into the air, shoving his dick into his mouth. Levi simply leaned forward and started sucking himself, jerking the remainder of his shaft.

Cole couldn't move. He couldn't register what was happening now. His hands were free now. He ripped the rope apart in the throe of his orgasm. His cock was hard, still, thumping against his stomach needfully.

Frank was on his back, laying down. He was jerking himself painfully slowly, shuddering every time his hands went up, up his cock at a snails pace, and then quickly plummeted down again. Cole found himself standing now, and then he was standing over Frank. He blinked and he was on his knees in front of Frank, who didn't realize he was there. Cole's hands were on Frank's big, hard body. He squeezed his muscles, licked them, worshipped them. Frank moaned loudly, writhing on the ground as Cole touched him, his hands off his cock now. Cole straddled the horse's dick and started to worship it as well. He touched it, licked it, kissed it, bucked his own cock against it. Frank moaned and moaned, his large beefy hands touching Cole all over.

Gambit had beaten Levi. The horse's mouth was quickly flooded with cum. As he swung his legs down, his cock emitted a huge rope of cum that splattered all over his body. When his feet hit the ground, his body laying vertically now, his cock pointed straight into the air, it was so hard. He roared as he came, cum soaring into the air before splashing down into his body, the ground, even a little onto Levi, who remained sucking himself.

Levi followed suit quickly after Gambit, spurred into orgasm by Gambit's own. He popped his mouth off his cock, cum seeping from it, and pointed his dick towards Gambit several feet away. His stream of cum easily reached the horse, splashing onto his body. Gambit roared in pleasure as he pointed his own cock at Levi, his own stream splashing onto the other horse. They jerked themselved feverishly at they cam all over each other, and soon fell onto their backs again, kneaded them cum into their bodies, hips jerking into the air as they continued to cum, bodies writhing and twitching, muscles flexing. Soon, though, their orgasms subsided, and they sat up looking as though they had just stepped out of a bath of cum, dripping in the stuff. They grinned hugely at each other, then at the same time noticed Frank and Cole going at it, Cole's mouth trying to shove Frank's mammoth inside.

They crawled over to them to help Cole out. Dash joined them. Gambit fondled Frank's huge balls and Levi and Dash jerked off Frank's throbbing shaft. Frank's moaning got louder and louder, his cock growing harder and harder, precum spitting out like a broken faucet, ready to burst. It was simply enormous. It had to be the length and thickness of Levi's arm, and it's size matched his enormous body perfectly. Simply put, Frank was the hottest thing Cole would ever lay eyes on. The perfect embodiment of masculinity and power. Pure pleasure. A sex god.

Cole clambered off of Frank and sat next to the three horses. All at once, the four of them gripped Frank's member and jerked it, not even close to covering the whole thing. Frank thrashed around, as though in convultions of pleasure, his cock throbbing so hard it was easily gaining and losing a few inches in length and girth.

"Come on, you fucking hot stud," Levi growled. "Paint this whole fucking barn white."

"Let's see this giant cock shoot it's stuff," Gambit grunted, arms bulging with muscle from the effort of jerking this huge cock.

"This is gonna be good..." Dash said.

"This is...the hottest thing...I've ever seen..." Cole huffed as he jerked, his body glistening with sweat and cum, wet blonde hair in his face, muscles flexing and straining, an amazing display of a perfectly fit, strong body at work.

Frank's whole body went rigid as he finally reached orgasm. It was like nothing Cole had ever even imagined. The rope was so thick, so strong, it could knock him against the wall. Instead, it shot up, almost hitting the roof two stories above, and rained back down on them all in a manner so hot, it only spurred them on more.

"YEAH!" Levi roared, jerking Frank off even harder. "Come on, stud! Keep it cumming!"

Again and again, Frank shot more and more cum from his huge cock that just didn't seem to stop. It was literally like a fire hose, dousing everything around them in white horse spunk. Frank roared and raised his chest off the ground, his massive muscles flexed. "FUUUUCK!" he was roaring.

But his pleasure was at the hands of the four jerking him. They controlled it. They aimed his cock all over. They pointed it at each other, at Frank himself, at the wall, the ceiling...

Levi and Gambit were soon kissing each other again as Dash pointed Frank's hose at them, dousing them in warm spunk, covering them like a blanket. Levi fell on top of Gambit, licking his face, humping against him, lost in pleasure.

"Make him suck it!" Cole told Dash.

Dash grinned and wiggled Frank's cock in front of the owner's mouth, who eagerly bent forward and popped it in his mouth, cum splashing out, but he surprisingly managed to swallow lots of it.

"So fucking hot..." Cole said, watching Frank suck his meat, marveling at how the horse's urethra bulged enormously as it deposited load after load into the cum-soaked horse's throat.

FInally, though, that load subsided, and Frank let his softening cock fall out of his mouth, letting it sit on his chest. He breathed heavily, eyes closed, exhausted.

"Jesus, I've never seen Frank shoot such a load!" Dash said excitedly. "I've been shooting blanks for a while now! FUCK that was hot!"

Gambit and Levi had climbed off each other, sitting up now, looking at the messy scene around them. "Wow, that was really something." Levi looked at Cole. "We trust you enjoyed yourself as well?"

Cole sat there, motionless, mouth hanging open. He looked up at the three horses dumbly, one hand idly stroking his sore cock.

"When can we do it again?"