A Dragon's Brother 5

Story by Cecil_88 on SoFurry

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#5 of A Dragon's Brother Series

Here it is! After a long wait the final chapter to A Dragon's Brother. A big thanks goes out to all those that have supported and encouraged me. Especially Jayde (Borealis) my friend and self proclaimed "big brother" ^_^ I hope you enjoy the story!

Warning ( I know, first time I've really ever put one. ^_^) This be M/M thus it's gay! If you can't seem to handle sex, the go off and read a no yiff story. If you can, regardless of age (hey, if you're on here then you can obviously handle yourself) Enjoy yourself!

Sypher looked down at the small blue dragon, who had fallen asleep a few minutes ago, and scratched lightly between his wings. "I love you little one." He arced his neck down and licked the little dragon's forehead, causing a light mewling noise as his brother rubbed his head, still asleep. He simply looked at the small boy lying on his chest, the one who loved him, cared for him, wanted to be with him...and it was all he could do to keep from crying. "You deserve more Lance...you deserve a chance at life." He continued to speak to someone that would never hear him. "Why did you choose me? W-What can I give you little brother?" He kissed Lance gently on the forehead, "What?"


Lance woke up early the next morning to find that he was holding a large pillow, and his brother wasn't there. "Sypher?" He yawned, stretched out his wings and scratched his side lightly. Smiling, he hopped out of bed, tugged on his shorts and one of his brother's large tee-shirts and walked out of the room rubbing his head fur. He smiled a big toothy grin and ran forward jumping on his brother, who was sitting on the couch. "Morning!!"

Sypher wrapped his arms around him in a big hug then let go, scooting over so that Lance could have a seat, "Did you sleep well, Lance?"

Lance scooted closer to his brother and nodded, "Yup! You know, I've never really told you, but you make a really good pillow!" He tilted his head and smiled, "Nice and warm."

Sypher laughed halfheartedly and nodded, "I sorta gathered that." Lance smiled another toothy grin and sat back into the couch.

"Well, it's Saturday, what do you want to do?"

Sypher flipped off the T.V. and stood up, "Well, I was going to head out with some of my friends."

Lance looked down, not entirely sure why he was disappointed, everyone had their own life, right? "Oh, okay then...that's fine."

Sypher looked down and sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "Lance, I can't be with you all the time, I would like to be...but I can't. You have your own friends, you should be having fun!" He smiled and jokingly hit his little brother on his shoulder. "Why don't you have Vince over? Dad's gone for another week, you two could have some fun."

"Shut up!"

Sypher chuckled and gave his little brother a hug, "Come on now, it's just innocent fun. You two should be doing more stuff together anyway."

Lance sighed and smiled, "You're right. You go have fun, I'll invite him over a bit later."

Sypher smiled again and kissed Lance gently on the cheek, "Alright, I should be back around eight or so, you can have him spend the night if you like. Just give me a call on my cell phone and I'll be sure to pick us all up a pizza or something." He walked to the door, waved one last time, and then left. Leaving Lance alone.

Lance never really minded being alone, by this point he was well used to it. He smiled weakly and went about his morning routine and finally about twelve he called Vince. Obviously bored, Vince hurriedly agreed and was soon knocking at the front door.

"Hey Vince!"

"Hello." Vince smiled and walked inside, kicking off his shoes and falling down on the couch. Lance smiled and tackled him, instantly starting a match that would last over an hour.


Lance looked up at the clock. About six, "Sypher will be home in a few hours." he thought. For the past hour or so, Vince had been messing around on Lance's computer while Lance played Kingdom Hearts on the PS2.

"So, have you beaten him yet?"

"Sephiroth? Fuck no! 'I'll take you to the promised land' my ass. This sucks..."

Vince laughed then turned back around to the computer. "Hey, maybe we can find something online." He pushed a few buttons and soon the annoying dialing sounded throughout the room. "Okay, there we go."

Lance nodded and sat doing his best not to smash his controller. "Heh, It's a good thing I erase my history every time I get-" He stopped in mid thought, he hadn't done it last night, he had just been so tired that he forgot. "Wait! Vince!" Too late.

Vince stayed quiet as he extended the history bar; Wolfhut, Yiffcentral, the list went on. "Lance?"

The blue dragon blushed a crimson and looked at the carpet, lightly toying with a small piece of loose fabric, "y-yeah?"

Vince glanced back then back at the screen where 'wolfhut' had been loading, then spoke quietly, "Shit...that one looks like my cousin..."

Lance gulped and closed his eyes tight, this was it, Vince now knew that he was gay. Fooling around is one thing, but gay porn for some reason was quite another. "Vince...I...I mean..."

The wolf placed his hands behind his head and leaned back chuckling, "So you're gay are you? Well, that would explain why you started the jack."

Lance shook his head then looked back up quickly at the wolf who was now smirking at him, "H-Hey! You're the one that touched me first! And you ate some of my cum too! You!...I mean....are you...?"

Vince smiled and sat up, turning the chair around to face at Lance, "Gay? No, thought I might have been a while back, but there were to many damn good looking females for me to call myself gay."

"But...then...I mean, you did like it...so..."

The wolf slid off the leather chair and sat Indian style on the floor, a foot away from Lance. "Hey, I said I wasn't gay." He smiled and tilted his head, "I'm bi, totally different story."

Lance looked at him for a moment, as if gauging to see if he was being honest, "B-Bi? You mean that stuff on my computer didn't..."

The wolf chuckled softly, "What? Freak me out?" He leaned back on his hands, displaying his now very tented jeans, "Not at all."

Lance could only gaze down at the hard wolf's crotch, already his acute smell was picking up the musky scent of the wolf. He had to stop himself from reaching out and grabbing the throbbing member through the shorts. "Y-yeah...I see that..."

Vince glanced up at the screen, at Lance, and then to his crotch, "H-hey...would...um...would it be okay if I...jacked...off...?"

Lance did a double take, waaay too good to be true, "Yeah...you don't mind if I do...do you?"

"Of course not!" Vince smiled wide and began the hasty process of unbuttoning and tugging off his baggy shorts, while at the same time pulling out his hard wolf cock.

Lance could only stare as he took off his shorts. His cock, having worked it's way free of the silk prison, sprang free, and he quickly began beating off, the wolf and dragon facing each other, locked on to the other's cock, beating off hard.

Vince made the first move. Slowly he let his hand drift away from his sac and over to the blue dragon's sheath, which he began to rub lightly, not taking his eyes off the dragon cock.

Lance moaned softly, pushing up, forcing more of the wolf's hand onto his sheath, finally, as Lance began to move his hand away from his throbbing member, Vince moved up, wrapping his paw firmly around the shaft and pumping slowly. The blue dragon leaned back onto his elbows and mewled softly, his pre acting as lube, covering the wolf's hand, which began to speed up. Lance began to purr deeply, then in one movement, arced foraord, his cock pointed at his stomach, and took the wolf's cock, which had been abandoned when he began to beat off his friend, into his muzzle.

"F-fuck!" Vince had to steady himself as his entire length was engulfed. He moaned softly as his shaft was taken into the warm dragon muzzle, and he strained to continue jacking his friend as he himself was given head. He leaned down, laying his face on Lance's back, while under him he jacked the blue dragon. The wolf could feel the familiar pressure building as his balls ached. "L-Lance..."

Lance dove deeper, chewing and sucking lightly on the knot at the base of the wolf's cock. He too could feel the pleasure rising, he began to quickly thrust up to meet his friend's pumps. He breathed heavily on the wolf's member as he felt his impending orgasm drawing close, and in one final thrust the dragon shot wave after wave of hot cum onto his stomach and Vince's paw, Lance cried out in a deep moan around the cock in his muzzles, the vibrations causing the wolf to lurch forward and cry out as he shot his load into the awaiting dragon muzzle, who sucked down every last drop.

Both fell back at the same time, Lance onto his elbows and Vince, who was apparently propping up during his orgasm, onto his ass. They sat there silently for a moment, the only sound in the room their heavy breathing. Until Lance broke the silence.

"That was fun!" He licked his lips and began the tedious task of pulling back on his shorts, an impressive task to do after having just blown his load.

Vince smiled as he did the same and collapsed back into the chair, "You sucked my cock!"

Lance chuckled and licked his lips again, "Yup! Tastes good!"

Vince laughed and licked his hand clean of Lance's cum, "You too!"


The two boys continued the night comfortably, laughing playing games, Lance even showed Vince some good porn sites...however...throughout the night...one thing was bugging Lance...Sypher never came home.


Vince left early the next morning, grumbling that he had to go visit his grandparents, and with a sad laugh Lance said goodbye to his friend, and was left alone in their large empty house.

"Maybe he got home, and then left again in the morning before we got up..." He sighed and flopped down onto the couch and clicked on the TV. No sooner than he did, the door open and Sypher stumbled in, hazy and obviously very drunk. "Sypher?"

Sypher laughed and fell down on top of Lance, "HEY!!!"

Lance groaned and pushed his brother to the side as he got up, Sypher still on the couch he turned and looked down at the older red dragon. "Sypher, what happened? Where were you?"

Sypher seemed to almost get angry and glared up at his little brother then managed to slur out, "Listen you little asshole. I don't ask things about you when you have your little fuck buddy over..."

Lance took a step back, "Sypher...what's the matter with you...? Vince isn't..."

"Sure he is!!" Sypher scratched his crotch and laughed, "I bet he's a little slut! Maybe as much as you!"

Lance looked down shocked, his eyes tearing up. This wasn't right, he was acting just like he used to, back when he hated his little brother. "Sypher...s-stop...I know your drunk...but..."

"Aw shut the fuck up! What? you gonna cry?" Sypher managed to pull himself up and smiled sinisterly at the now very hurt dragon, "I know what will make you feel better...how about a nice fuck? Come on, your big brother needs to get his rocks off! And I know that you love it."

Lance shook his head and turned running down the hall into his room, where he slammed the door and slid down, sobbing softly. Vaguely he could hear his brother, "Fine...don't need your help anyway..." Lance sat shocked and sobbed quietly, why would he act like this?! Drunk or not, his brother would never say those things...he hadn't acted like that in over a year. Lance sat in silence, the only sound an occasional sob.


Nearly three hours later, after lance had gotten up the nerve, he slowly opened his door and tiptoed out, hunger having gotten the better of him. He creeped down the hall and peaked around the corner half expecting to see Sypher passed out on the couch but instead saw him walking back from the kitchen with a cup of coffee. "s...Sypher?" Sypher, after sitting down, looked up and then back down to his cup, taking a small sip.

Lance glanced around, it was obvious that Sypher had sobered up, how he did it in such short time was beyond him. He gulped and took a few steps into the living room, and stood a few feet away from his older brother, "Sypher..."

Sypher looked up again for a second then back down into his cup. "Lance...I...I'm sorry." Lance stayed silent, something was really wrong, in a matter of three hours Sypher had gone from an ass back to his brother, from a drunk to a normal person.

"Sypher, what is wrong with you?"

"I was just a little drunk is all..."

"A little? You didn't even come home last night! And all those things you said..."

Sypher glared up at the small dragon and huffed, "Calm down, it wasn't like it was true or anything."

"It...it still hurt..."

The red dragon groaned and fell back onto the couch, "Damn-it kid...look I'm sorry for what I said, but I just have things on my mind..."

Lance took a few steps closer, "What things?" Sypher merely shook his head, sat down his cup, and rubbed his eyes. Lance finally padded over and shakily sat down next to his older brother. "Sypher...I'm...I mean...I'm your..."

Sypher looked up then turned away to look out the window. "Lover?"

"Yeah...you should be able to tell me anything...I...I mean I forgive you about the being drunk thing..."

Sypher huffed out a soft laugh, then looked at his brother with a soft sad smile. "Lance..." Lance's expression grew concerned as he looked at the red dragon. He shakily put a claw on his brother's and scooted a bit closer. "Lance...I..."

"Go ahead Sypher...you can tell me anything...I mean that."

Sypher tore his eyes away from the young dragon's and looked back out the window, it had begun to rain. He sighed and stood up head hung to the ground, he took a deep breath and turned, looking down at his little brother...the one who loved him...cared for him...he couldn't hold back any longer...it had to be done, it had to be--"It's over between us Lance."

Lance stared wide-eyed at the older dragon. "what...?"

Sypher walked over to the lounge chair, grabbed his leather jacket and flung it around him, opening his wings and batting them once. "You heard me..." He glanced back once, then looked at the door.

Lance looked around in a panic and jumped up running around in front of Sypher and looking up at his older brother. "Sypher! What are you talking about?!"

The looming dragon and Lance's former lover moved only his eyes to look down at the little dragon. "It's over. We have our own lives to live. You're gay, I'm not. I'll always care about you, but I'm not going to force something that I'd have to make on my own." Lance took a trembling step forward and placed a hand on his brother's arm, which was quickly pulled away. Sypher looked over Lance to the falling rain, and pushed past, stepping up to the door. "I'm leaving in a week for college..."

"N-No!" Lance collapsed forward, grabbing one of Sypher's wings, and holding on tight, "I'm sorry!! I don't know what I did! But I'm sorry!!! I can wait! If that's all it is..." He forced a teary smile and wiped his eyes with his free hand.

Sypher tugged his wing hard, causing Lance to fall on all fours. He took a step forward and pushed down on the handle, opening the door and filling the room with the light patter of rain. He didn't even bother to look at the whimpering and sobbing dragon on the floor, "Our little game is over Lance. It was fun while it lasted."

Lance closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around himself, crying openly, "G-Game?! Is that all I was to you?! I gave you my virginity! I loved you!!!"

Sypher took a step out into the pouring rain then turned, one hand still on the handle, and looked down at the innocent blue dragon. "Dad will be back tomorrow morning...I'm going to go stay with Jake...he's gonna be able to take all our stuff, that way we can just go to college at the same time." Lance only let his head fall to the floor, tears streaming down his face. "Goodbye Lance. Maybe I'll see you later." Sypher, without a second glance, turned and shut the door behind him, as he walked outside, masking his own tears with rain, he muttered under his breath, "Be happy Lance, be with someone who deserves you. I can't lie about this anymore...it's not right, for either of us." And with that...Sypher was gone.

Lance stayed on the ground long after the hum of Sypher's jeep died out and all he was left with was his sobs combining with the methodic patting of the rain.

And so now we leave our characters in the hands of fate as our story comes to a close. Thank you all again for your support its been a great ride. And hey, if anyone would be interested in something else that I've been a part of, check out "Discovery" (something that I did) or "Forbidden" which is a operational effort between me and Borealis. Thank you all again, and I would appreciate any questions or comments (good or bad) about my story, tell me what you think! ^_^
