Cobain High School: Book 1: Sheldon: P 1 and 2

Story by Rycku~Otter on SoFurry

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#1 of Cobain High School: School for Boys


Cobain High School

School for boys

Book 1


Chapter 1

The First Day of School.

~Page 1~

Sometimes. Life throws unexpected curve balls your way. It's hard, tasking and just plain annoying. Such things are just the way life is. Our story begins in a pleasant town Shaile on the Isle of Butcher Bay in the south pacific sea. I'm sure you should come visit one day. A nice beach town with palm trees abound, secret lagoons and deep caves with hidden secrets. Who knows what one might discover, if one were brave enough to look. Now as for local attractions; there are plenty. Some of which you should visit should you happen to come for a nice visit. I won't hold it against you if you don't though. A fish and tackle shop [Edison's] makes up the first of the places to visit. Most times tourists come for miles just to fish in our local waters. All year round there are folks from all walks of life here fishing and having great times. Some awesome contests are held every year. A restaurant [The Happy Harbour Eatery.] Since it's owned by a nice bear family. One has to wonder where they get their meat. Some of the finest food is served here. From steak to Autumn Salads. Yes sir, this place has it all. One of my favourite places to visit, would have to be the [Seaside Beach]. And last but surely not least the school [Cobain High School: School for boys]; Grades nine through twelve. Of course I attend this school; my name? <Sheldon Whitecourt>. I am an Otter. I'm seventeen, one hundred and thirty pounds. I work out, so I have a average muscular body. I'd say for an otter I look pretty cool. I like fish any thing from sushi to salmon I love it all. I'm sure you'd figure an otter is a fish lover. Anyway. My family is small. I have a mom <Anna Whitecourt>. Mom is an actress, very beautiful slender in form the dream mate for my father. My dad <Patrick Whitecourt> He's owns a power law firm in over twelve states in the US, and three provinces in Canada. He is a pretty buff guy for an old man, a handsome otter and of course where I get my good looks. Also the perfect match for my mother. My annoying, yet sweet sister <Pamela Whitecourt> She's much older than I am, and is already a very successful singer and songwriter. Pamela is slender as well. Has a voice of an angel. My sister is dating some hot shot wolf from Mexico. We won't discuss him. Not yet anyway.

My parents work out of town so most times I am alone. They decided I should attend school at an all boys school. Cobain High. When I arrived for the first day I was a bit reserved. It looks intimidating at first. Huge pillars mark the front of the building. Six floors of classrooms and labs for study. You have to pay out of the nose just to go here so they can sculpt you into what society calls a acceptable adult. There I stood a young otter full of questions, full of wonderment. {SLAM!} Ow. What the hell was. Some asshole just knocked me over. I glance around hoping to find the bastard. Gone. Where he went I don't have a clue. My books and things strung all over the ground. I feel really embarrassed, some of the other students are laughing at me. Another otter giggles, A wolf falls to the ground laughing so hard at me. My face starts getting redder. If you could do like the cartoons and change colours. That's exactly what I'd be doing right now. That's when he shows up. <Maxwell Hartigan>. Cute name? I know right! He's a rabbit. Gray furred. Green eyes, the unlikely candidate for a football player. But, what can I say. He pulls it off quite nicely. Did I mention he's the same age as I am. Yes sir. Seventeen, but he's a bit taller and bulkier in build.

~Page 2~

"Hello there, need some help?" He asks me. I feel my heart skip a beat. His voice is deep, soft and just so mellow. Perfect for a rabbit. He bends down, eyes locked on mine. For some stupid reason I cannot move. Lost. Such soft eyes. How can I breathe. Must regain myself. It was impossible. And then suddenly. His hand touches my shoulder. I am now blushing. Hopefully it does not show. He pats my shoulder. "Are you alright?" He asks smiling at me. I just can't get over him. Finally I nod my head, there was a stiffness in my neck. Probably from staring so long at him. It didn't take me long to find some words. My long slender rudder tail snakes idly as I answer. "Sorry, Th-Thank you." Couldn't help myself from stuttering. He chuckles at me, was he making fun of me?. He helps me pick up my books, Oh my gosh, if I stare at his tail any longer he's going to notice. Gathering up the papers that could be saved. "What's your name?" The rabbit asked me. Geeze so many questions. Before I could even get out the answer. "Ah, Sheldon." Boy, if infuriates me when people ask me a question; only to answer it themselves. Try getting mad at him though. It's very hard, soon as I get a nerve it fades. Lost in a butterfly feeling. Damn it rabbits. "My name is Maxwell, most around here just call me Max." He tells me. I finally get out of my stupor. "N-Nice to meet you Max." I answer shyly. Yay! New friends! I was so excited to have made such a nice new friend, that I completely dropped out of my retarded behaviour to focus on actually getting to know him. "Shit!" Glancing in my bag. "I lost my schedule and map. God. I'm such a pea brain!" I say to myself. Now if it's one thing to learn. Those long ears of rabbits. VERY good for hearing. "Don't worry Sheldon, I'll help you get a new one." So on we went. Towards the offices for registration.

Since I was too young to be at home alone, my parents paid for me to live at this campus which was fine by me because I really wanted to get to know my school. For what it's worth Cobain High is a gorgeous school, three full cafeterias with whatever your snacking or lunching needs may require; from bagels, waffles, and pizza. Down to chips and soda. My favourite. Sushi, love it can't get enough sushi no sir. We finally arrived. Entering a large office full of people. I take a moment to glance around the room. There was a large desk with four people behind it. A fox <Mr. Johnston> He also teaches, Language Arts. <Ms. Vale.> She's an otter like myself, very timid in personality. Definitely the librarian type of person. Kind of strict at times too. <Mr. Tylus.> buff husky, rumour has it he can bench press his entire class. Bet you guessed it. He's also the gym teacher. Another rumour is that he likes to flirt with some of the students. I would not mind myself, if it were not illegal. And finally <Mrs. Briggs.> Another fox. She once dated mister Johnston, but it didn't last long. They just don't see eye to eye on certain subjects. The town's local singer and vet is also a hand school secretary. Who would have guessed.

There we stood, ready to learn. Max walks up to the desk right in front of mister Tylus. "Excuse me mister Tylus, may I have a moment?" Mister Tylus looks up from his paperwork. "Yes, how can I help you son?" Max tells him about what happened outside and that I need a replacement schedule and map of the school. He happily hands over another copy of each, waving to us as we left. Was he just checking Max out? That's odd. If it were a smaller school I wouldn't need a map. With my new map and schedule in hand it was time to find my dorm. Max glances at my schedule. "Sweet we have all the same classes together." He seemed excited about this, it was delightful to see him excited each time his tail would wiggle. It was quite cute to see. His nose seemed to would wiggle, which would cause his whiskers to twitch. Also quite cute to see. Leading me through the halls, he taught me where each of the classrooms were, which halls to traverse for shorter routes as sometimes the place can be a maze. Next we decided to look for my dorm. I took the map from the rabbit, glancing at it. One thirteen was my room number. On the page it said half a dorm. I was not sure what it meant, but my guess would be that I would have a roommate. Perfect. I have to be stuck with a complete stranger. Max suddenly piped up. "No way this is your room?" I glanced up at the door then to him nodding. "Yeah, one thirteen." His tail wiggled again. "Dude we're roommates!" Maxwell said excitedly. He grabbed my arm just above the wrist. "Eep!" He pulls me into the room. I almost feel like a rag doll. The room was huge. There were two large windows facing the east, a kitchen that has a fridge and a stove, and a bathroom; with a shower, toilet, and sink. Still holding onto my paw. I suddenly am pulled against him. He looks down into my eyes. I am lost again in those green emeralds. This can not be happening. It must be a dream, it has to be. His lips press against my own. My hands grip his chest, I can feel his heart beating beneath his shirt and fur. This is definitely happening.