In Heat (Part 9, Final Chapter)

Story by Lycanthromancer on SoFurry

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#9 of In Heat (By Chapter)

Warning: This is the final chapter in this short story, and it contains situations of a homosexual (and very sexy) nature between two consenting adult males. If you're too young for yiff or you don't find this the hottest thing ever, well...too bad. Go away and come back when you get a bit older and/or are properly recruited by your local chapter of the GSA.

Otherwise, read on and enjoy.


I shook my head. "I don't think you get it, Rob. I won't be your mate just to save my own ass. That'd be selfish and cruel, and unfair to you. You deserve better than that."

I reached out across the table and cupped his face in my palm. The white scruff of day-old stubble contrasted with his soft tanned skin. He pushed against my hand and closed his eyes, like he hadn't experienced even that much affection in a long time.

"I know life hasn't been very good to you, and we've only just met, but you're a good man, wolf or not, and I want to be more than just your boyfriend." I smirked at him teasingly. "And that's not something I generally say before the first date." My hands settled on those broad shoulders and I pulled him into a kiss, deep and long.

My heart raced, and I could feel his pulse pounding under that smooth tanned skin, matching mine beat for beat. His large, strong hands wrapped tentatively around my waist, but his grip firmed as my tongue explored the moist inner contours of his mouth. He pulled me tightly against him, and I melded into the long, strong masculine lines of his body. It felt...right, as if I belonged there, as if we belonged to each other. I'd never felt a connection that immediate, that intimate, and it left me breathless and gasping for more.

His erection was rock-solid, and it throbbed insistently as it dug into my belly through the terrycloth. I trailed my fingertips down through the pale, thick hair of his chest and the rigid muscles of his washboard stomach; they tingled the whole way. He moaned pleasingly, and his skin broke out in goosebumps where I touched it.

I pushed my index finger under the edge of the towel and gave a quick tug, dropping it to the floor. I wanted to pull back, to gaze upon his beautiful bare body in all its grandeur -- and by god it was glorious -- but I was too busy trying to devour him from the mouth down. My fingers traced his navel, then followed that cute little trail of fuzz that led downward.

Rob's hands, meanwhile, had been anything but idle. They pressed me against him as they massaged the muscles of my middle-back, and then lower, reaching into my fleece bottoms from behind, and working out the tension in my buttocks. His fingers were muscular and terribly strong, but their strokes were delicate and smooth. His touch was electrifying, leaving me moaning and panting against him. Daaamn.

Those hands edged the fleece down, and I could've used the word grope to describe what he was doing back there, but that would do such a disservice to the electric thrill I felt as he kneaded the muscle -- and he hadn't even touched anything sensitive yet.

Was this just my reaction to him touching me, or was it a horny werewolf thing? I didn't know. Maybe I'd ask later. Maybe. I really didn't care right now.

I'd managed to straddle the bend of his right leg, my painfully-hard erection rubbing against him as I gripped his right ass-cheek in my left hand, and teased the warm, dripping length of his cock with my right. His breathing was rapid, his teeth clenched and his eyes shut tight, and he made slight puling moans in time with my stroking, so I must have been doing something right. My mouth was free, so I nibbled at the base of his neck, worked my way up his throat with a feather-light touch, and gave him another kiss before I slipped from his grip and pushed him back.

Those icy-blues sent a shiver through me, caressing parts of me his hands never could, and he watched hungrily as I pushed my pants to the floor and kicked them aside. Our eyes devoured each other's bodies, and I savored his sinewy muscle and perfectly-proportioned frame; the heavy pelage of his chest and stomach; those holy-fuck -sexy arms and shoulders and those long, muscular legs that made me weak in the knees; the lean thighs butting against the counter-top and what dangled so enticingly large between them.

I pushed forward and dropped to the floor between Rob's legs; my hands clamped firmly onto his hips as I abruptly went down on him, far as I could go, until his dick was shoved halfway down my throat, my lips pressed against his pelvis and scrotum. I smiled inwardly as he cried out, his body convulsed, and he nearly fell as his hips bucked involuntarily. I pulled off of him slowly, my lips tongue and throat each locked tightly around his shaft, his body writhing above me in a way that had my own cock pulsing with excitement; I silently thanked whatever twist of biology allowed me to be born without a gag-reflex.

I pulled back almost all the way, and the end of my tongue rubbed along the oh-so-sensitive ridge just behind and below his glans. He shuddered, and I got a taste of salty, sticky slickness as he twitched in my mouth.

Before he had more than a moment to recover I took a quick breath and repeated my earlier performance, and again he yelped and thrust reflexively. "Oh, oh god! Stop! That's-" His breath caught in a groan as I pulled off of him. "Once more like that and I'm gonna go."

I grinned. "But you like that, don't you? C'mon, tell me you love it."

"Hell yes, but if I finish now, how'm I gonna make you beg?"

"Hmm. Point." I reached out and gave his balls a gentle squeeze, and he rumbled agreeably.

The old wolf returned the favor, and the spark from his touch sent shockwaves coursing up my spine. My entire body stiffened; I was a live circuit from my toenails to my scalp, and by all rights every hair on my body should've been dancing on end from the current.

Robert saw what his touch did, and his lecherous grin was thrilling. "Speaking of..." He scooped me up with ease into those massive arms of his, and padded to my bedroom. I snuggled close to his body, and I ran my fingers through his chest-hair; it was curly and soft, and it matched the color of his wolf-fur exactly. I'd always found body hair intriguing since I didn't have any myself, and he certainly didn't disappoint.

He set me down gently among the sheets and blankets that still smelled faintly of his wolf-musk, and the scent was sweet and soothing. He pinned my smaller body under his, one of his legs between mine, his hands holding my wrists above my head against the mattress, and his weight was heavy and warm and comfortable on top of me. His cock rested alongside mine, his balls an incredibly erotic bulge settling on my hip.

The heat radiating between us was a palpable thing, verging on painful, and yet I wanted nothing more than to fan those flames out of control. Sweat was beading across my body, though the apartment was cool.

Rob's smile was sly as he delivered one of the corniest lines I've ever heard, and even that was sexy. "Is it hot in here, or is it just you?" And then he kissed me. Hard. He held me down, his crotch grinding into mine, and I almost lost it right there. I managed to hold on somehow, but it wasn't easy, and it was almost a relief a few minutes later when he pulled back.

I panted like I'd just sprinted for a mile, my breathing ragged. "...Pretty's not Damn you''re good..."

I was ready to explode out of my skin, and the leer in his eyes as he dragged his tongue down the length of my body only burned the fuse shorter. He reached my groin, pulled my balls into his mouth, and worked them around. I groaned as more shockwaves surged their way in every direction.

A long, torturous lick up the length of my cock arched my back. My words were weak, fast, and breathy, and I'd never meant them as much as I did right then: "...fuckmefuckmefuckme pleeease."

Rob's lips turned up at the corners, his eyes sparkling. "Okay, son, but only if you're sure." I could only nod. "Now just one question: where's the condoms and lube?"

My arm flopped toward the bedside table. "There... Drawer... Hurry..." It was all I could manage; the urgent need for him thrusting inside me made worries of possible consequences pretty damned remote. I mean, we were using protection, right? Not to mention what would probably happen to me if we didn't do this, but at that point the thought had no relevance to my desires.

That big beautiful body rubbed unashamedly over mine as he moved to straddle my stomach and reached across to shuffle through my more...personal possessions.

With him above me, I took the opportunity that I'd had to forgo more than once, and brushed my hands along his sides, running my fingers over the hair-pattern of his rippled abdominals, and tracing along the lower edge of his ribcage. Caressing his body was every bit as delicious as I had imagined.

He pulled back, tube and wrapper in hand, and I could feel just how aroused he still was as he slid down me and off the bed, his heartbeat throbbing the length of my stomach and down my thigh. It was utterly galvanizing.

God, my cock hurt. I was going to blue-ball at the rate we were going, and I never wanted to do that ever again. But this time, it just might be worth it.

Rob squirted some lube on his hand and ran it over that drool-worthy piece of meat before donning the condom and slicking it down, too. I was happy he'd done it that way, since I knew from experience how much better it felt, and I wanted him to enjoy it as much as I did.

He then gave the tube a good squeeze, and lathered me up like an expert. His thick but dexterous fingers slid into my rear smoothly, and the quid pro quo they engaged in with my prostate arched my back, the massaging of the gland releasing the floodgates of pre-cum until I was practically ejaculating already. I was making a huge mess and I couldn't have cared less. We would be much messier before we were through.

He must have guessed I was on the edge, or maybe it was coincidence, but he pulled out just before I passed the point of no return, and struggling to stop my hands from finishing the job he'd started was agonizing.

His luminous eyes met mine, and they were at once both icy and so very warm in the bedroom's semidarkness. "Last chance, pup. I want this so bad right now, but whether we do this or not, you'll be at risk. It's your choice." It was both sweet and damned infuriating; sweet because he cared about me enough to put his own needs last, and infuriating because I wanted him hammering away inside me more than anything else, and I wanted it now.

I'd recovered my breath enough to speak, if barely, and I said in a deceptively mild tone, "Yeah, I know, and thanks for the option, but if you don't start pounding ass in the next five seconds, I'm doing my damnedest to disprove the phrase 'You can't rape the willing'."

That was all he needed. He wrapped his hands around my waist, pulled me to the edge of the bed, and ducked as I swung my legs up and over, to rest on his shoulders.

I wasn't a slut -- or at least, I didn't think I was -- but I'd had enough men to call myself an experienced lover. I'd had men that were longer and thicker than Rob, but I'd never felt so full as when he eased his way inside of me and I felt his hips press against me from behind.

The pressure diminished as he pulled back, and my neurons fired off like a grain-silo missile. His shape and length hit my g-spot perfectly, and a jolt of orgasm hit me just from that. "Oh god. Wow."

"Like that, do ya? I got more where that came from." His voice was low and warm and ravenous.

My hands moved to my groin of their own volition, but Rob pushed them away with a lusty growl. He cupped my balls in one hand, and pumped me with his lube-soaked fist in time to his increasingly-rapid thrusts.

The heat between us, that intense, writhing, living thing that stretched from him to me through our physical connection, expanded with each slap of skin, and I couldn't help but buck into his hand, though with him impaling me from the rear it didn't do much but give him a better angle in mounting me, which suited me fine.

He leaned forward and kissed me tenderly and passionately, and I had to lower my mouth only a little to meet his. It was so warm, so profound, and I was so very glad that we'd come together as we had, whatever else happened. This was a perfect moment, intimate as I'd ever had, and I'd do whatever it took to get it again.

I was leaking like a sieve at that point, and my too-quick panting was punctuated with short, sharp whimpers that hardly registered in the sliver of my consciousness that wasn't overwhelmed with his frantic beat.

Each successive thrust seemed to hit harder and harder, until I felt the pressure hitting its peak and saw explosions of color behind my eyelids.

"...oh fuck, oh fuck, OH FUUUUUU---CK!"

My hands balled into fists in the bedding, every muscle in my body contracted, and my back arched to the point where Robert was forced to hold me down with one hand so he could continue. My throat released a wordless, strained bellow, unable to contain the sound as I sprayed onto my face and my chest, into my own mouth, over the bed, and on the wall behind me, the hollow wet splats of my hardest shots audible between my ecstatic roars. My spasming grip accompanied the sound of shredding cloth as I tore the sheets, and yet the white-hot orgasm just kept mounting. His buttocks driving me full of cock and his fist pumping me filled me with wave after wave of bliss, each one radiating from my ass and groin and searing the rest of my body.

Oh dear god. Of all the hundreds, the thousands, of orgasms I'd had over the years, I'd never had one this long or this powerful, and it continued to soar with the pounding in my backside. My entire body writhed on the bed, and I couldn't stop it. Rob let go of my dick completely just so he could hold me in place, and I felt him straining to pin me down as his body continued its frenzied tempo. He was getting close to his own release, and the hot, sticky orgasm was quickly escalating into the sweetest, most omnipresent pain I'd ever known.

I didn't know how much longer I could take this. The pleasure was mind-blowing, excruciating, and it was getting worse. But just as I hit an entirely new level, just as my howls of pleasure became shrieks of exquisite pain, his frame shuddered above me and he growled in release. I had just enough presence of mind to clench around him on the last few thrusts, which made him whine in an oddly canine way, and I could feel the hot jets of semen he shot into me as he filled my body with seed.

He collapsed on top of me, and the prickle of pins and needles all over my skin that orgasm had left in its wake would have made me cry out if my breath hadn't caught, but those jagged barbs quickly calmed in the feverish afterglow that followed. I could still feel the length of him filling me up, though there was more give to it now as his erection softened; mine was still rigid, more so than most of my full hard-ons, but it was no longer painfully so. I had the suspicion that I'd stay that way until after he'd vacated me, and probably for some time thereafter.

I was still horny as hell, especially with such a sexy stud draped over me and the smell of sex heavy in the air, but I was too worn-out and sensitive to the touch to do much about it. My mind floated on the swell of the afterglow, and it was difficult to form coherent thoughts, so I simply let myself drift as my hands played across those beautiful swollen muscles, slack with after-sex languor, and all I could hear was my heartbeat, our shared heavy breathing, and the hum of the AC unit as it worked to cool our naked sweat- and semen-slicked bodies.

I loved the closeness, the intimacy, of holding a good sex-partner (or, occasionally, partners) after the fact, and I always felt sad when it was over. This time, I must have prodded some ticklish spot in my caressing, because Robert twisted away from my hand with an uncharacteristically childish giggle, and his writhing made me squirm as he slid out of my rump with a pop.

I gave him a nudge in the ribs. "What, leaving home so soon?"

He kissed me on the forehead. "That, boy, was some damned good sex, though it's been a long time since I've had a screamer. Hell, it's been a long time since I've had anyone."

"I'm normally pretty quiet. But that..." I shook my head in disbelief. "...that was, bar-none, the most mind-blowing sex I've ever had. And I mean like exponentially better than the best of the best. I think you may just have me begging for it later like you wanted. I'd beg for it again now, but I don't think I would survive."

"Heh. Maybe."

He pulled away after another kiss and a squeeze. "Well, that was messy." He wasn't kidding; I was seriously going to have to invest in a squeegee. "Let's get cleaned up, and then we can-- Oh no." His face suddenly fell in a way that made my stomach drop with it.


"Oh, fuck!" The look in those eyes and that panicked tone in his voice snuffed out what remained of the pleasant lethargy, and I was getting really nervous really quickly.

"What is it, Rob?"

"I...I'm so sorry. Oh Christ, I'm sorry!" There was real fear sitting there now, and again his eyes were filled with shame and self-loathing.

"Damnit Robert, what's wrong!"

He held up the dripping remains of the condom that he'd just peeled off of himself, the end of the latex shaft split open in a wide gash. The fuzzy-edged memory of him cumming inside me suddenly took on new dimensions as I looked at it in growing dread.

"...The condom broke."

Suddenly, I wasn't feeling very horny any more.

© Lycanthromancer
