Untitled: Chapter 1

Story by arxidan on SoFurry

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#1 of Untitled

(Insert standard legal text here) If its illegal don't do it, if you don't like it, don't do it. simple eh?

I own all the characters in this work and all of the following is all of my own creation, any and all similarities are completely coincidental. please do not plagiarize any of the following works

I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to leave a comment.


Chapter One

"He's awake!" I heard somebody shout as I began to gain consciousness. I opened my eyes to a bunch of furs crowding around me, staring at me with big concerning eyes. I sat up and felt sand fall off of my chest. I looked down and saw sand all underneath me, I had sand stuck to my matted fur. I looked and saw a blue husky wearing red swim trunks reaching for me. I put out my paw and he grabbed it, pulling me to my feet. I tried to stand but my knees buckled.

The husky put one arm around my back and the other behind my knees. He lifts me off the ground and carries me across what I now know is a beach.

"So, what's your name?" he asks taking a glance at me.

"I... I don't know" I thought and thought but I couldn't remember anything about myself.

"Hm, amnesia maybe?" he shrugs, "do you remember anything?"

"Not really, nothing about my life anyways"

"Well, I'm going to take you to the lifeguard office, make sure you're okay"

"Alright," I mumble. I feel so warm in the arms of this fur. I nuzzle against his chest, filled with a sense of safety. He lets me down in a small hut on a cheap bed, which was less comfortable than the sand and not even comparable to being in his arms.

"He should be fine, just give him a few weeks to get his memory back," a young paramedic said to the husky in the red shorts. I sat there bewildered as to why he was saying it to the husky and not to me, the patient. He came over and picked me up again.

"Where are we going?" I ask looking up at him.

"I'm taking you home, you need to rest"

"Home? Amnesiacs kind of don't have homes"

"Yes, but I have one," he said looking down and giving me a grin. I returned it in full. He walked to the end of the beach and walked into one of the apartment buildings.

"I think I could walk from here," I say as we entered an elevator.

"I don't want to take any chances," he says pressing a button with me still in his arms. We waited for a moment, then the door opened and we walked straight. "Could you get my keys, front right pocket" I did as I was told and reached into his pocket grabbing hold of something warm and long, causing him to gasp. I quickly let go and get the keys. I pull them out and look at him. He had one heck of a blush and a skittish grin that said "Whoops". I unlocked the door and he took me into the small apartment. Although small is an understatement. It was pretty much a bedroom with a small kitchenette. He walked in and put me on the bed. I looked at him set some stuff down, pull up a chair, and sit next to the bed. I got a better look at him and realized he couldn't be any older than 16, I decided to ask.

"So, how old are you?"

"I'm fifteen," he replied.

"Really!? Me too!" I said out of nowhere.

"You remember your age?"

"I guess I do, anyways, why are you living here and not with family?" I asked the question that popped into my mind the moment I saw the apartment.

"Well I got emancipated and I work part time as a lifeguard on the beach. A few of the lifeguards here helped me rent this place and pay the utilities, all I have to worry about is food and clothing and with the salary that I get as a lifeguard that is not a problem," he explained, "Oh, and sorry about that thing in the hall." He was rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment and let out a strained chuckle.

"Oh, don't worry about it". Was it because of me, did I cause his hard-on?

"Hey," he began, his face fur turning slightly red , "I was wondering, if you feel better and all, if you would like to... maybe... go to the pier with me?" he rushed the last few words out as though he would never say them any time than that moment or they would never be said. I felt my heart pounding in my chest, was he asking me out? What kind of dumb question is that? Of course he is, why else would he act like that?

"Uh, sure, but could I get a name first," I finally uttered out.

"oh, where are my manners, my name is Nero," he said. What am I going to be called, I want to give him something at least to call me. "Well John, I have to go back to work and you should get some rest. I'll wake you up when I come back"


"Yeah, John Fox, it's what they call furs that don't have names, John and their species," he explained. I do remember watching a t.v. show or something about that. It feels good to know that I'm remembering stuff. He left the room and left me all alone. I laid my head against the pillow and slowly felt the world around me fade to darkness.

"Wakey, Wakey... well I don't have eggs and bacon but I do have some coffee, if that's any consolation," he said walking through the kitchenette with two cups in his paws. When he got by the bed I sat up and he offered me one of the cups. I took it graciously and drenched my parched maw. He walked back into the kitchenette. "Any requests?" he asks after a few seconds.


"Your sandwich, anything specific you want on it?"

"Oh, just ham and mayo please"

He proceeded to make a pan of Top Ramen and returned a few minutes later with a sandwich, then fetching me a bowl of soup. He handed me the bowl and I placed it in my crossed legs. My mind instantly shocked with pain, I moved the bowl lower down on the bed. I took a bite of the sandwich and it tasted so good! I ate some of the soup and the warmth slid down my throat like a sweet melody. It all tasted so good. It tastes so good to eat, period. It was such a great dinner, or lunch (I'm not exactly aware of the time). I quickly devoured it but soon became filled with regret as my stomach began aching.

I looked up and saw Nero staring at me, trying his hardest not to laugh his ass off. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine, we remained looking at each others eyes for a multitude of seconds until I broke it by looking down to hide the blush.

"Um... I-I'm going to go take a shower," he says as I see him move into the bathroom on the right side of the bed.

Is this really happening? It seems so unreal. This doesn't happen in real life. Real people aren't this nice, real people don't stare deeply into the eyes of a guy they just met; real guys don't stare into the eyes of a guy! It must be a dream, but I'm too lucid, it's too vivid to be a dream.

I decided to try my hand at standing again. I moved over to the edge of the bed, with my legs hanging off. I got off, putting weight on my legs for the second time I could really remember. This time they didn't give out on me. I decided to explore his tiny apartment, mainly his kitchen, or lack thereof. I opened the fridge to see very little, there was a gallon of milk, ham, mayonnaise, and other condiments. I opened a cabinet to see nothing but cereal and Top Ramen. The rest of the drawers and cabinets were relatively empty except for a few bowls, plates, utensils, and bread. I didn't see any other pans except the one in the sink, waiting to be washed. I went back into the bed"room" and saw a T.V. that I hadn't seen before. I didn't see very much except the lazily littered clothes on the floor. The shower had a constant dripping sound. After a moment the dripping suddenly stopped and in a few second, Nero came out, wearing nothing more than a towel around his waist.

"Your turn," he said moving out of the door way. I went into the bathroom and found my self bombarded by steam and a smell of shampoo. I turned on the water, already hot from the previous shower. I quickly stripped off my trunks and jumped into the shower. I quickly bathed, trying not to waste anymore water than I have to. I got dressed again in my only bit of clothing that I know I own. I walked out to see him lying on the bed, watching television.

"What am I going to wear?" I ask him noting my trunks being my only clothing.

"We're about the same size, you could borrow some of my clothes," he says as he pulls a pair of boxers out of his dresser and handing them to me.

"Thanks" I go back into the bathroom and quickly change. I come out and look into his closet, finding a black shirt with red long sleeves, dark slim jeans, and a thin jacket due to the chill of the room.

"How do I look?" I ask, posing slightly.

"Really good," he says, eyeing me up and down, "come on let's go" he lifts himself off the bed and grabbed a set of keys from his nightstand. He walks out the door holding it open for me to go through. He closes it behind me and locks it. We walk back through the hallway and get back into the elevator and he pressed the "1st floor" button. After a moment in the elevator, the doors opened and we walked through the lobby and outside to the sight of a beautiful sunset falling under the edge of the ocean. I stand there, stunned by the amazement of the view.

"Come on!" He yells from down the sidewalk. I quickly jog towards him and catch a glimpse of him. His blue fur made purple from the red light radiating from the setting sun. We continued walking down the beach, coming ever closer to the expanding lights in the distance. From it I could discern a Ferris wheel, a very large ride that seems to drop furs from nauseating heights at neck breaking speeds. I gulped down a lump in my throat originating from my irrational fear of heights.

We continued walking closer to the pier, within minutes we were at the front gate. I investigated the pier closer. It was more of a small amusement park than a pier, I saw a rollercoaster, the Ferris Wheel, and the contraption I had seen earlier that is appropriately named "The Drop of Death". Nero paid for both of our tickets and we headed in. I looked around in amazement as the lights and people crowded around overwhelmed me with joy.

"Oh, lets go on that on!" Nero shouts, pointing at a ride consisting of multiple arms and carts all spinning very quickly. Seeing as it didn't drop me multiple feet out of the sky I was all in for it. We got into the line and waited only a couple minute before getting on.

It's a Wonderful World

The four foxes were having a blast with their loved ones, each oblivious to the others. They all looked up into the sky at the same time to see a shooting star graze across the sky. "I wish that we will be together for the rest of our lives," each wished upon the star. The star flew out of view and they continued on their day.

I continue walking, my mind stuck on how fearful I am of heights and how I will soon be put on a container and taken many feet into the sky. We head to the Ferris wheel and I start freaking out but I don't want to show it. We get in line and wait a bit for the wheel to spin. After a few goes and passengers exiting and entering, we step into a cart and are jolted forwards and upwards. I was freaking out, I started shaking a little at the heights. I looked over at Nero and saw him cool and composed. He looked over at me and saw my fear, he wrapped his arm around me, comforting me well enough so I would stop shaking. I nuzzled up against him and I could hear a heart beat. I want to kiss him so badly right now it feels so right. The moment is so romantic, looking out on the beautiful dark ocean, nuzzled up against him.

I looked up at him and saw him looking down at me. He closed his eyes and motioned his muzzle towards mine. I instantly mirrored the movement until our muzzles met for the first time, speaking feelings that had been implied from the moment I met him. We kissed for a while and he slipped his tongue into my muzzle, exploring every inch of my maw. It felt so good to have his tongue in my mouth. I love it. He pulled away as the ride came to a halt and we arrived back at ground level.

I looked down the exit ramp and saw an orange tiger stomping towards us with a scowl on his face. He looked angry, but underneath the anger I believe I saw a hint of pain. He walked up the ramp and looked at me with that same scowl but underneath it a plead.

"Why?" he said in a ferocious voice that cracked a bit. "You think that once I leave for a weekend, you could just go around making out with some random husky?" he ended by simply nodding his head and walking down the ramp, his head hung almost lifeless and he walked towards the exit of the pier.

"Who was that?" Nero asked beside me.

"I have no idea," I replied scratching my head as to stimulate thinking. Nothing came to mind.

"Oh well, you want to head home, it's getting a bit late and you look tired," he said taking my paw and leading me down the ramp. I didn't say anything, I just nodded and followed along, realizing that my eyelids were incredibly heavy right now. We walked back to his apartment in silence. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder again and I leaned my head against his body. We walked for what seemed like a shorter time than before and arrived back before long. We walked back through the lobby and into the elevator. Well, Nero walked, I sort of dragged myself. We got to his door and he inserted the key and let me in, he followed right after. He closed the door, and locked it. I stood in the kitchen as he walked across the room to his closet and pulled out a couple of pajamas. He passed a pair to me and I put them on, not worrying about him seeing me like I had been earlier.

"You could sleep on the bed," he says.

"You're not?" I ask

"Not unless you want me to," he says. I appreciate his concern for me that he doesn't just assume that I want him to sleep in the bed with me. I crawl into the bed and pat the other side, inviting him on. He gets on next to me and looks in my eyes and I look at his. I feel warm and happy. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in closer. I don't care if I ever remember anything else, I want to remember this.

Breaking the Monotony Chapter 4

(Insert standard legal text here) If its illegal don't do it, if you don't like it, don't do it. simple eh? I own all the characters in this work and all of the following is all of my own creation, any and all similarities are completely...

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Sunday Night Football

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