The Furry Farm Part#1

Story by ForbiddentoSay on SoFurry

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(If you just want to get to the sex, search for Chapter #2 and it will take you there, otherwise the first chapter is mostly a set up for everything else. This is truly a story I wrote for myself and nothing more, it's been floating in my head for a long while and now that I have a place that I can put it up, I can write it down. I also want to give some credit to the artist of THIS horse furry image, my personal fav that I have seen and the inspiration for this story, my love or pony/horse furries and my general getting into of furry fandom ^.^ To the artist I say; if I ever meet you in RL, I will give you oral sex, male or female ;D To everyone else reading, enjoy ^.^)

Chapter #1

The noise from outside woke him up and Dean jumped out of bed and looked out the window of his two story farm house. "Shit, again?" He cursed, throwing on some pants, a shirt and his slippers and heading for the stairs.

His wife of five months, Melissa, woke up as well and sat up calling to him. "What's going on, hun?" She asked.

"Something's going on in the barn, I'll be right back." He said and left, leaving his wife to sigh and lay down again, a small grin on her face.

As Dean headed out the front door, he grabbed the three foot long shock stick from its charging stand. It may come in handy, since by the sounds coming from within, he knew who and what was going on. Rushing to the barn Dean threw the door open and saw exactly what he thought he would see happening.

Within the barn his two stallions were both fucking one of the two female rabbits. The snap of Dean's shock stick caught their attention and both stallions looked to him there as he came forward and pulled out of the poor female's now gaping ass and pussy. "I have had it up to here with the two you, I don't know how you keep getting but it'll be the last time!" Dean warned and came forward more. Both horse furries were larger then he was, easily over seven feet tall to his just around six feet tall, all muscles, and powerful beings as they stood on their hind legs. The long shafts were quickly sliding back into their sheaths as they backed into their stalls.

Two loud pops later and both stallions dropped to the ground, the shock sticking knocking them out for now. "Damn it, I'm getting tired of this. Dad, why did you have to keep these two?" Dean said himself with a sigh. The farm, for animals and furries, had been run now by the last four generations of Dean's family, passed down each time. Dean's father had died two years back now. That left Dean and his wife in charge of the large farm, it spanned for many acres and they tended to a large variety of live stock. They had about fifty cattle out in the furthest pasture, and that included about ten female cow furriers, they were more tame then the rest and got along well with the other cows so it was no hassle keeping them all together. Dean owned two normal bulls and two bull furries to mate the cows, but this wasn't the season for that, that had come and gone and many of the cows were heavy with calves. He checked on them twice a day, morning and night, to see how things were going, that everything was healthy. Cows were the easiest thing to keep actually, since the cow furries helped take care of the animal sisters, even in birthing. So Dean only had to really about making sure the cow girls had enough food and water to drink.

Closer to the farmstead itself, there were the usual chickens, pigs, even a few turkeys and ducks. But, within this large barn was the main part of the farm, the rest of the furries. The largest of them were Rook and Knight, his two stallions, and the two that caused the most problems. There were three rabbits, two females and a male, the two females were in fact sisters, but that never stopped them from fooling around with each. Rabbits were prolific breeders, and loved mating, so, the male rabbit had to be kept in another stall. But he wasn't alone in there; with him were two mice, male and female, and the three of them got along well. It was always best to keep them happy and if that meant they could fuck whenever then wanted that was fine, at least for them.

Rook and Knight had crossed a line again, breaking out of their stalls and taking one of the females together, that could hurt them, and therefore damage them. When Dean needed the two big boys to perform, he'd get them to, until then, he had given them large toys and such so that they could at least jerk off when they wanted. It wasn't that he wanted to keep them punt up and away from females, it was just that they had no regard for the female's well being or if she was even willing.

Case in point, the bunny that was lying on the floor at the moment was fucked so silly by the two oversized peckers she was barely awake. Her sister was leaning out of her stalling, making low sad noises at seeing her sister like this. The male, their true mate, was as well with the mice from their stall also worried for her.

He hadn't got here in time it seemed, as large amounts of cum were flowing from her ass and pussy onto the barn floor. He hooked the stick to his pants and leaned down to help the poor thing up, but her legs wobbled, she was too worn out to walk, and likely too sore. Thankfully Dean himself wasn't a small man, living on the farm and physically working, especially with what they farmed, had kept him great shape. He was nearly six feet tall, well built from working and dealing with his livestock, so when he bent down and picked the light female up into his arms it was without much effort.

Without a word Dean carried the worn out bunny to an out building near the main barn. Inside it looked more like a small apartment then anything, a sink, bed, shower stall and bath, cupboards (locked), and food stocks, even a large pile of fresh hay. Dean used this building like a small vet room; because of what he tended he needed to know a great deal about the furries and how to take care of them. To that end, he had gained his vet licence so that he could take care of them himself; the only hard part was getting a hold of supplies way out in the country.

Once inside, he gently laid the rabbit into the tub, come still leaking out from her and now it was on his arm and pants to. He grumbled a curse as he got the large sink going with warm water and cleaned his arm off and did his best with his pants for now. Taking a key out he unlocked one of the cupboards and took out a needle with clear fluid in it. That he gently poked into the rabbit's shoulder, it was to keep her from getting pregnant from what had happened to her, mixed breeds, right now, weren't in demand so Dean wasn't going to waste her pregnancy on something he couldn't make money off of.

With that done and the needle disposed of properly, Dean got the water running in the tub. At first it was cold, which shocked the bunny semi aware again before the water started to get warm around her. Her senses coming back to her and now she realized where she was, she started to wash herself. She did love a good fuck, but that was far too much for her to take and being pulled out of a nice cuddle with her sister wasn't fun either. "Take your time, Verity, you can stay here the night in the bed and rest up. I'm sorry, I'll make sure this time they don't get out again, I don't know how they are." He said to her, and she nodded to him as she continued to bath in the warm water.

To Dean, this was all business, he did care about them, so far as their well being and their value were concerned. He saw them nude all the time, and while he could not deny that they, like Verity, were appealing, they did not interest him.

Leaving the rabbit to her bath and locking the door so she couldn't get out and no one could get in he paused for a moment and went back to the barn. Inside as he passed one of the stalls and ducked quickly aside as a clawed paw out at him from inside, this stall was more akin to a cell, considering what was inside. Dean smiled and looked at the paw that would have torn his skin off. "Nice try, Fel, one day you might get me, but not today." Dean said to the large male black wolf inside, Fel snarled and barked as he lay down again with his mate, a white female wolf, both were Timber wolves.

As he passed another stall Dean stopped and looked inside and frowned at what he saw. His newest acquisition, a young pony girl named Ilia, her fur was a light pink in hue, while her mane was blond and kept in a pony tail. She had a large chest and a cute face and stood about the same height as Dean did. Ilia was new to this place and still scared, she was only into her ninth year, making her about nineteen if she was human, furries grew faster then humans did. She was curled up in the corner of her stall, as far away from the door as she could get, keeping her eyes down. She was a timid little thing, and Dean was wondering if she had been a good investment or not.

Leaving her he turned and got the other female rabbit from her stall and took her to outbuilding. The moment she went in she went to her sister and made sure that she was alright, soft noises coming from them both as Verity reassured her sister she was okay now. Allowing them to be alone, Dean headed back inside his home and kicked off his slippers and clothing at the door, it needed washing now, cum was still stuck to it.

Heading back upstairs he crawled into bed again next to Melissa and cuddled up against her. "How did things go? Fel missed you I see." She asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. Rook and Knight were fucking Verity silly. She's in the clean house with her sister locked in for the night to rest, she couldn't even walk. And, yes, he did." Dean said closing his eyes. It was almost like a game between him and Fel when Dean came past the wolves' stall. But whether was Fel would actually do anything was unknown, and Dean didn't want to find out either.

"What about the stallions?" Melissa continued.

"What do you mean? I shocked them to teach them a lesson, tomorrow I'm going to find out how they are getting out of their stalls at night. I'm fucking tired of this shit going on, I had to needle Verity and I'm running low on that stuff, and it's not cheap either." He sighed. "I have to go and check on the cows tomorrow morning to see if any calved in the night, I'll be back here by lunch time." He said and finally drifted to sleep.

Melissa nodded and smiled, also closing her eyes, a grin coming to her lips again.

Chapter #2

She woke up just as Dean's ATV was starting up and taking off across the field towards the furthest end of the farm land where the cows were. Melissa smiled as she stood at the window watching her husband kick up a small dust cloud behind him, she waited until he was out of site. Smiling, Melissa stretched and headed downstairs slipping her slippers on and getting a quick cup off coffee that Dean had left ready for her as he always did, he was such a loving husband. Unfortunately for him, those feelings weren't shared.

Melissa, finishing her coffee and feeling more awake now, slipped into some work boots and headed outside, in nothing but her night gown. Looking around, she smiled as she walked into the furry barn and shut and locked the door behind her, the place was quiet as the two stallions, finally awake, looked up at her. "You two better be quieter next time, I keep warning you about making noise... you must like getting shocked." She said in a stern voice coming up to their stalls and unlocking them, the others in the barn were silent, they knew to keep quiet at this time.

It happened nearly every morning; when Dean left Melissa came in here and worked out with the two stallions. The first of the rest of them to say anything got to be the reward for later on, like Verity the night before. "Now, we don't have a lot of time, so get out here and get to it." She commanded, slipping out of her gown and hanging it up, exposing her naked body to them. Melissa was a well built woman, she was also a farm girl, though she had never dealt with furries until marrying Dean, and so far she liked it, in her own way. So she had a strong frame on her that had little fat, she had a DD cup size to go along with it, and the work she did (apart from this morning ritual she had started), kept her in great shape.

Rook and Knight whinnied as they came out of their stalls towards her, each large horse moving to one side of her. Melissa moaned as they each groped a breast and started to play with it, their long strong tongues licking at the smooth skin. The others were watching as they always did, but stayed silent, even Fell and his mate, she had never been a 'reward' for the stallions yet, and likely would not be. Between her and Fell and their strength and claws, Melissa didn't even bother trying to pry the couple apart. The rest however...

The human moaned as the two stallions worked on before Rook bent down and started to lick at her pussy, digging his tongue in deep. The two boys traded places every day and today was Rook's turn to eat her out until she came. She moaned louder and louder at their ministrations on her body, Dean was a good lover, but he could simply not give her what these two boys could.

Of course as they worked on her they themselves were getting turned on and their thick strong cocks started to show out of their sheaths. Melissa smiled and reached down to take each of them in a hand stroke them firmly with a tight grip, all the while her own first orgasm of the day was building from Rook's seeking tongue. Both males looked at each other for a moment and Knight allowed his free hand to roam to Melissa's ass and he slowly worked a finger into her rump, getting a loan long moan of pleasure from her in reply. With Rook's tongue and Knight's hands working on her, it didn't much longer for Melissa to cry out and buck her hips against the stallion kneeling in front of her as she came and came hard. Rook happily licked at her cunt until she stopped dribbling and clean again.

The routine they set in the month they had been doing this allowed them to all get pleased and Melissa to get out and cleaned up before her hubby came back. Rook stood again as Melissa dropped to her own knees and stroked the two big males off, licking at each in turn, sucking in as much of their large cocks as she could. Rook was the larger of the two at eighteen inches while Knight was close with seventeen, but to Melissa there was little difference, and they were both about two inches thick. She rolled her tongue around their heads, teasing at their pee holes as well, their breathing increased in pace as they watched her stroke them.

She wouldn't make them cum, that'd take too long with just stroking and sucking with these two, one at a time maybe, but she didn't have that much time to do so. So once they were fully hard she looked to Knight who lay on his back and Melissa was over him instantly, lowering herself onto his long shaft with a deep moan. So much, so tight and so filling in her pussy, but she didn't have much time to think on that as Rook lowered himself and mounted her while stuffing his own cock into her ass. She yelped in surprise, it always hurt just a little bit at first, and he knew to leave it in and still for a few moments for her to adjust. Melissa moaned deeply and shuddered as an orgasm rocked her from just having the two males penetrate her they were so filling.

Melissa moaned loudly as the two stallions started to pump into her in turn, while Rook thrust in Knight pulled out and vies-versa. "Oh, you two are fast learners, aren't you? Oh oh oh! Yes! Fuck me silly!" Melissa half screamed while the two horses picked up their paces faster and faster, she could feel them against her cervix as they thrust in, they thick shafts filling her up to her fullest. Neither stallion could get his full length in to the much smaller human, but they both shoved as much in as they could all the same.

Melissa started to rock against their thrusting hips and her time with them so far had allowed her some measure of control over herself in this time. She couldn't move much, but it was enough to make thing feel that little bit better. She moaned and then gasped and screamed when a powerful orgasm hit her, soaking both males in her juices thoroughly. A few moments after another wave passed through her as she was fucked fully.

Peaking out of their stalls most of the other furries were watching as they always did, but the two female bunny sisters were cuddled together cowering. They were both afraid they'd be next on the reward list, Verity again and she was still sore from the night before. The mice also cowered both the male and the male rabbit huddling over the female in a vain attempt to protect her later on.

Meanwhile, Melissa's body released another torrent of female cum onto the males as she felt their hot breath on her skin growing steadily faster. "Oh, are my boys ready to cum? I want it, both of you, to taste you." She breathed heavily as both males picked up their paces and made Melissa scream again in pleasure before they pulled out and stood and Melissa got on wobbly knees.

Both Rook and Knight whinnied loudly as they started to stroke themselves off while Melissa moved between each of them sucking and licking their heads, while her hands worked on their large balls. The pawed at the ground and both moved next to each other pressing their cocks together and aiming at Melissa. She yelped in surprise when the first lot, hot and sticky stream of cum hit her square in the face. She moaned, one hand rushing to her pussy to rub her clit and finger herself while the other moved to help get the cum into her mouth. Both males started to fully unload on her in long strands of sticky goo, and Melissa greedily swallowed as much as she could while allowing the rest to stick on her breasts and stomach.

When both stallions' streams slowed Melissa suckled each of them down to the last drop of cum, her body sticky and hair matted to her shoulders. "Mm, tasty as always my boys." Melissa said as she got up, both Stallions helping her to her feet. Smiling she walked down the stalls and stopped at the bunny sisters as they cowered before she turned to the mouse one, she'd do. "Come!" She commanded but both male rabbit and mouse refused. "Get here out here now or you'll all pay." Melissa threatened as Rook and Knight came over to stand behind her.

With a small squeak the female mouse pushed herself past the males, not wanting them to get hurt defending her. She knew what to do already from past experience so the small mousy started to lick at Melissa's body, lapping up the horse cum like Melissa liked them to do. As the mouse worked the human looked back to her two studs and smiled. "So, tonight, you two have to be quiet, Dean might be slow on catching on now but that won't last if he keeps catching you. Now, if you two promise to be quiet tonight, I'll let you have one." Melissa said.

The two large males looked to each other and then to the stall that contained the one they wanted to fuck that night like they had the bunny before. Melissa followed their gesture and smiled. "Oh, I see, I should have guessed, she is cute. Alright, I'll be back tonight then to set you up, keep low until then." She cooed and looked to the mousy licking at her skin to drink the cum. The scared mouse didn't need to be told as she used her hands now to scoop as much of the sticky fluid up as she could and drink it and once Melissa was satisfied locked the mouse back in the stall again. With that finished Melissa took Rook and Knight back to their own stall and smiled to them, giving them each a pet on the cock as she did. "I'll see you boys later." And with that she left and headed to the clean house, by the clock on the wall inside she had about half and hour before Dean would get back, he was man to keep a schedule and that made him easy to predict. She did love him, he was kind to her, loving, yet could not satisfy her in bed as she wanted to be. She quickly showed the rest of the cum away, fingering herself to one fast orgasm, dried then darted back into the house, hearing the moaning engine of Dean's AVT in the distance. Perfect timing.

Meanwhile in the barn, the frightened horse shivered in the corner of the stall she hadn't moved from since arriving here.

(comments of course are greatly appreciated, but either way I'll be uploading more soon ;D)