love starts

Story by Dragon Sechs on SoFurry

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#1 of American Dragon's love

This story was inspired by fidowpaws at who made a cool story about Jake and her fan-made character Fido... soooo I decided to make a yiffy version of the story. You're welcome.

And to anyone confused, Fido is a germen Shepard... hey I didn't come up with the idea.

To find out more go to /search/ Fido/ Fidopaw's gallery/ story page 1

More story will come hope u like it vote high and leave comments enjoy!!!


As she began to wake ever so slowly in her blue bean bag chair she raised her head and yawned widely. Shaking her head she got up and trotted over to the side of the bed that her asleep boyfriend lie. She felt strange as she just sat there looking into his sleeping face thinking to herself.

"god to think I would fall in love with a dragon!!!"

After what seemed like an hour of just sitting there like an idiot she finally leaned in and gave his face an affectionate lick. Jake feeling something big, red, and wet slide across the side of his face woke with a slight start. Looking into her eyes sleepily.

"good morning Fi."

"Good morning dragon boy," she said back.

Just then his dad busted into the room startling them both.

"Hey dad", Jake said still half asleep.

"Up and at,em jakearoo," his dad said cheerfully. "Your mother wants you to come downstairs, we have something to tell you."

After getting dressed, brushing his teeth and applying massive amounts of gel he ran downstairs to join his family at the table they sat and ate. When they finished, his dad put the dishes in the sink he turned to Jake and said.

"We are going away for a week Jake."

Jake looked puzzled.

"Where? Who?"

"We are" his dad replied, pointing to mom Haley and himself.

"We're going out of town for a week and we want you to stay here and take care of Fido and watch the house for a while."

"Sweet" he thought to himself as he looked down at Fido.

Some quality time with his girlfriend.

his dad looked down at him.

"one more thing... no parties!!!"

"Shit" Jake thought.

Well no point in spoiling the moment. He thought of all the other stuff he could do with his parents gone. Not even thinking of what this week would really hold on store for the two of them.

After his family left for where ever they were going. Jake didn't give a fuck he was finally home alone. He turned to Fido whose tail was wagging quickly.

"So what do you want to do Fi?" Jake asked while going full dragon.

"I don't know, why did you do that?"

"I don't know board I guess, I'm going to do all the stuff that I can't do while there around like going full dragon any time I want for as long as I want. I'm not going to change back for this whole week!"

As he went for the TV. Sat down and turned it on.

"Cool," Fido said. And she sat down next to him.

The week had begun.

After about 3 hours they decide to go to Gramps shop for a while and maybe see Trixie and Spud. The got there quickly as Jake flew them there and entered the shop. Gramps was gone away to a meeting with the dragon counsel and only Fu dog was there.

"Wusup Fu" Jake asked.

"Nothing much." Fu answered. "What are you two doing here?"

"Just thought we would stop by and say hi. And to tell you we're free for the whole week." jake answered.

"Really how?!?"

"Jake's parents and Haley went out of town for the week and we've got the house all to ourselves." Fido said in response. Fu looked at the two of them very carefully with a concerned look on his face as he thought to himself what hadn't even entered Jake and fido's minds yet.

"What's wrong Fu?" They both asked. Fu didn't answer he just looked at the two of them and thought

"Naw they wouldn't there both only fourteen"

But the concerned look remained on his face until he finally answered,

"Nothing, just you two stay out of trouble okay?" Jake and Fido looked at him strangely.

"Sure Fu, no problem they both said." As they turned and headed for the door Fu noticed Jake's back pack on the floor next to him he quietly slipped in something in a small packet. And said.

"Hey kid you almost forgot your backpack."

"Huh, oh thanks Fu." Jake grabbed it and headed out the door to catch up with Fido. From time to time looking into each others eyes lovingly as they headed home. It was close to dark and first night alone together came. Jake came thought the door and sat his backpack down and saw something out of the corner of his eye he bent down to pick it up out of his backpack, when he saw what fu had put in his pack he blushed wildly and froze standing there. It was a dragon condom!!! Fido looked up at him standing there.

"Jake what's wrong?"

He looked down at her, quickly shoving the condom into his pocket and said


"well I'd should Probably take a shower."

"Good, I'll look for something to eat in the kitchen."

She got up on her hind legs and gave him a loving kiss. Jake made his way up the stairs thinking to himself

"Why would Fu even think of something like that?" knowing that he loved her but never thought of that...


He said to himself. "With Fido?"

As the thought entered his mind he entered the bathroom, undressed and started the shower. The thought of Fido never leaving his mind. He thought about her a lot, almost all day but something was different this time. He thought of her body, and as he did his cock became hard. Looking down at it.

"oh great!"

not wanting Fido to see it when he walked out of the bathroom.

He finished his shower and wrapped him self in a towel thankful that his boner had gone he went into his room and got dressed then went downstairs to see her on the sofa watching TV. She looked at him and yawned, they both agreed to call it a night. They made their way upstairs and into Jake's room. She looked at him and said

"Dibs on your bed."

"What?" Jake said surprised.

"You owe me and you said that you wanted to do all the things that we could do while you parents aren't here. So why not?"

"Okay okay. You can have the bed." Jake said, turning full dragon, grabbing a pillow and heading for the door.

"Jake where are you going?" Fido asked now on his bed.

"I'm going downstairs, I'll sleep on the sofa. Night."

Just as he turned to head out the door he felt something on his wing he quickly turned around and saw Fido that had his wing gently in her maw.

"Fi? What are you doing?!?"

"Jake the whole reason I wanted to sleep in your bed is so we could sleep in it together!"

"But--" Jake started.

"Jake we love each other, I think it's alright if we can sleep together when you parents aren't home."

"Alright." Jake said as he turned and walked to the bed, he was still very worried that he might not be able to hold back the feeling between his legs but he still laid down next to her.

She felt so happy next to him and when he wrapped one of his wings around her midsection and pulled her in close while putting a hand on her stomach. She was so happy and felt safe but Jake on the other hand was having a hard time keeping his dick from popping out of his sheath.

He battled silently with himself until he could not keep it withdrawn any more knowing he could not control it any longer he tried to put some distance between his crotch and her lower back. And he was successful, but not knowing how long his dragon member truly was he was off by about 3 inches.

It moved out of his sheath quickly and he could only look down as it just continued to grow getting closer and closer to fido's lower back until there was nothing he could do and it hit her with great force waking her immediately. She turned not knowing what had hit her back but all she could see was the big blushing nervous dragon's face.

"F-f-fido I'm s-so s-sor-ry" his voice was badly cracked with embarrassment as he loosened his wing from her mid-section and began to take his hand away from her stomach.

She quickly grabbed his hand and said "no, it's okay I've felt the same way all night."

"You have!" Jake said almost yelling with astonishment.

"Yes but I didn't know if felt that way too." She turned to him. They looked into his eyes so deeply they could see every feature in there own faces in the others eyes.

Without saying a word they kissed deeply, lovingly. Their tongues wrapping around the other's

(Both of their tongues were very long because they were a dragon and a dog.)

Jake's cock was so hard it hurt. She looked down at it. It almost stunned her on how big it was, a full 9 inches. Jake also looked down at her pussy witch was quite wet now. They looked into each others eyes again and almost as if on a signal Jake and Fi knew it was time.

jake looked nervous

"Fi i've never done this before..."

"it's okay jake, neither have I. just follow your heart..."

That settled it.

Fido relaxed her body and locked him in another kiss just as he slid it up and into her. It was amazing, it felt like nothing she had ever experienced before she moaned and yipped with pleasure.

Jake almost mimicking her moaned as well. Then both of them began pumping their hip together. Feeling the pressure building up in both of them. (Since it was there first time neither lasted very long.) They felt themselves getting closer and closer until they could not hold back any longer and felt themselves release. Jake roared, pumping wave after wave of hot dragon seed into Fido. Fido ramming her pelvis up and screaming in pleasure. When their romp was finally over, they were breathing very hard they looked into each other's Eyes once more and kissed and only managing to say one more thing before the fell asleep

"I love you!"

And with that they both fell into a deep loving sleep, still in the other's arms.