The Chronicles of Aleo

Story by Donovan06 on SoFurry

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Stupid disclaimer so I don't get in trouble, if you aren't old enough, don't get caught.

Chapter 1

Aleo's powerful arms propelled him perfectly through the crystal clear water. Strong muscles rippled beneath the skin and short fur as his body moved quickly through the water of the pool. Aleo loved swimming, it was his life, his soul, and it was his reason for living, in fact he was on his high school's swim team. He was here, at this very pool, nearly every day, swimming laps up and down the Olympic sized pool. After doing his normal number of laps for the day, near fifty, Aleo quietly slipped out of the pool.

It was late, and he was probably the only one left in the gym, besides maybe a few stragglers left in the weight room. He walked into the locker room and made his way to his locker, opening it up and getting out a towel. He slowly slipped out of his blue Speedo, which had done very little to hide what this equine was holding beneath, and wrapped the towel around his waist before making his way over to the showers.

He hung the towel on a hook outside the shower room and went to one of the many shower heads completely unclothed. He turned the water on, adjusting it for temperature, and stepped underneath. The water slowly trickled down his toned body, sliding over perfectly sculpted pectorals, continuing downward over finely defined six-pack abs, down his powerful legs and finally onto the floor.

Aleo slowly massaged his shampoo through the short spiky head fur, and then down the rest of his body, washing the chlorine and sweat from his body. His slender fingers slid down to his heavy ball sac, massaging the shampoo over them and in and around his sheath. A small moan escaped his lips, and not willing to risk getting hard in a public place like this he quickly finished washing and turned off the water.

He walked back to his locker, grabbing his towel from the wall on the way and slowly toweled his fur dry. He pulled his clothes from his locker, which consisted of a pair of loose jeans and tight black shirt. He bent down and pulled his jeans over his bare legs and fastened them above his waist, and then slipped his tight shirt over his head and down, covering his lightly muscular body.

Aleo put his Speedo in his bag and then exited the locker room, setting his towel in the laundry basket on the way and proceeded out of the gym towards his car. He had only just gotten his license about a month ago, and he was enjoying the freedom of being able to go to the gym whenever he wanted, as well as anywhere else. His house wasn't that far away, only about ten or fifteen minutes, depending on traffic, so he quickly made it back to his home and pulled into the driveway.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when his cell phone started to vibrate in his pocket, but realized what it was and pulled it out answering it.

"Hello?" he said into the phone, as he unlocked his door. No one was home.

"Hey Aleo, its Nick."

"Oh, hey Nick," he responded, "What's up?"

"Well, actually, my mom's boyfriend is supposed to come over to our house tonight and I wanted to see if you had anything going on."

This happened often, Nick hated his mom's boyfriend, and they never got along. So whenever he was supposed to come over Nick would call and ask to stay at Aleo's house.

"Nope, nothing that I know of. My parents are out for the weekend for their anniversary so I've got the house to myself, you can come on over if you like."

"Great, thanks Aleo!" Nick said from the other end, "I'll be over in about twenty minutes or so."

"Okay, see you then," Aleo said before hanging up his phone.

Aleo and Nick hadn't known each other that long. Nick had moved to the area at the beginning of the year, about six months ago, but they quickly became great friends. Nick was a tall anthro-Dragon, with beautiful black and red scales. He had the body of a football player, beautifully sculpted muscles, but the heart of a poet.

Aleo sighed to himself, regretting that he would never be able to have Nick to himself; surely someone like him was straighter than an arrow. Aleo walked upstairs into his room and set his bag on the floor before sitting down in front of his computer. He checked his few emails, waiting for Nick to show up.

It wasn't long afterwards that his door bell and Aleo quickly went downstairs, answering the door. Nick was standing outside, a bag over his shoulder and for some reason smiling. Aleo just smiled back, happy that he could see his friend.

"Well? Are you going to let me come inside, or just continue to stare at me like that?" Nick asked.

Aleo blinked a few times, and softly laughed. "Oh, sorry about that. Yea come on in."

Nick stepped inside and followed Aleo up to his room to put his bag away. "I packed enough stuff for the weekend, not knowing how long I was going to stay," Nick said.

"No worries, you can stay as long as you like."

They sat down on Aleo's couch for a moment in awkward silence. "So, what do you want to do?" Nick finally said.

Aleo shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, what about you?"

"How about we go swimming?"

Aleo liked that idea, he'd get to see the lovely dragon without a shirt, and maybe if he was lucky, he could see more while they changed. "Sure," Aleo said eyes lighting up, "It's dark, but we have a light in the pool so it's no worries."

Aleo went over to his dresser, looking for a clean pair of Speedos.

"Umm, Aleo?" Nick said.


"I didn't bring anything to swim in, could I borrow something?"

Aleo smiled widely, but Nick couldn't see because he still had his back turned to the dragon. "Yea, sure. All I have are Speedos, do you mind those?"

"Nah, they're fine."

Aleo smiled even wider and pulled out the smallest pair that would still fit Nick and handed them to him. "Here you go."

Nick smiled and took them in his paw, "Thanks man."

"Come on, we'll get changed in the bath house so later we won't have to walk through the house wet, looking for clothes."

Nick nodded his head and followed Aleo down the stairs and out the backdoor towards the bathhouse next to the large in ground pool. Moon light reflected off the water in odd patterns. Aleo hoped that Nick would get changed at the same time as him; he wanted so badly to see the sexy dragon.

Aleo walked into the bathhouse, Nick closely following. "So far so good," he thought to himself. Without making a big deal out of it, Aleo set his Speedo on the bench at the edge of the wall and pulled off his shirt, revealing the lightly toned swimmers body beneath. He sat down on the bench and started to untie his shoes, just to have a reason to be facing the dragon's way.

Nick was just pulling his shirt over his head when Aleo looked; he nearly fainted at the beautiful sight. His taught muscles rippled underneath his black and red scales with each movement. Each was wonderfully defined and stood out against his body. Nick slowly undid the button at the top of his jeans, and it seemed, even more slowly pulled down his zipper. Aleo felt like he was purposely trying to tease him.

Slowly, antagonizingly slow, Nick's jeans fell down his legs and to his ankles. And what was revealed, Aleo could only describe as the most beautiful pair of dragon balls, and the largest sheath he'd seen on anyone his age. Aleo had almost completely forgotten about the shoes he was supposed to be untying, and stared very openly at his friend.

Nick turned around and grabbed his Speedo, bending over to slip it around his ankles, and giving Aleo a very very nice view of his tight tail hole. "Okay, he's got to be teasing me," Aleo thought. Nick pulled them up, and readjusted himself inside the tight fabric. He turned back around, still moving around his balls to get comfortable, and looked at Aleo sitting down fiddling with his shoe laces.

"Aren't you getting ch -" his words were cut off as a very horny and very hard horse named Aleo pressed his lips firmly against his friend's. Nick didn't fight, to Aleo's surprise and delight, but also didn't exactly encourage the action.

Aleo was the one that broke the kiss, as he finally realized what he had done. He backed up a few steps and looked down at his feet.

"What was that for?" Nick asked, Aleo thought he sounded mad.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have kissed you."

Nicked chuckled softly, the sound pulled Aleo's eyes upward. "Why're you laughing?"

"I wasn't talking about you kissing me; I was asking why you pulled away so suddenly."

Aleo's mouth moved up and down, but no sounds were coming out. "He liked that?" he kept thinking to himself.

"Y-you mean that you aren't going to hurt me for that?"

Nick shook his head, smiling. "Of course not Aleo."

"But, why? You're straight, aren't you?"

"No, I've liked you since the day I moved here. But I thought, that surely someone like you, a guy so sexy, with all the females fawning over him, was straight. So I just bit my tongue and didn't say anything. It seems that I was wrong about you."

Aleo's body finally responded to his commands and he lurched forward again, pressing his lips against his friend's for another kiss. This one was less rushed, and more passionate than the last one, to Aleo's delight. Nick's tongue was the first to make a move, softly pushing against Aleo's lips, which happily opened to grant the dragon entrance. Fueled by lust their tongues slipped in and out of each other's muzzles, massaging against each other.

Nick's firm hands wandered over Aleo's body, softly caressing the smooth fur of his chest and back. Happily Aleo returned the gesture, he was a bit bolder though and after spending a few moments feeling the thick muscles on Nick's back he moved down the firm rump, giving it a firm, gentle squeeze.

Nick gasped and pulled back, looking surprised.

"Oh, sorry," Aleo apologized.

Nick laughed soft and shook his head, "Don't be sorry, I like it. You just caught me off guard."

Aleo smiled and gave his friend's rump another squeeze, "Oh, okay."

Nick murred and pulled Aleo's body against his, grinding their hips together. "What do you say we get you out of those pants? They look like they're awfully tight." He moved his paws to the front, and undid the button and slowly pulled the zipper down. His paws hooked into a belt loop and pulled the jeans down Aleo's legs.

Aleo's semi-hard horse cock was hanging between his legs at about six inches; equally proportional furry orbs hung low away from his body. Had his fur not been so dark, and the light in the bathhouse dim, Nick might have been able to see him blush deeply. Nick's paw moved slowly down Aleo's firm body, slowly towards his prize between the male's legs.

Aleo felt his thick shaft instantly start to get harder as Nick's warm paw closed itself around his girth. His thick cock filled with blood, growing to his full hard length of ten inches. He murred loudly and rubbed his paws across Nick's growing bulge. "Need some help out of these?" he asked in a very seductive tone.

Aleo went down to his knees and kissed and licked and sucked on the large bulge in his friend's Speedos. Happy moans from above told him that he was doing the right thing. Smiling widely Aleo grabbed the waistband in his teeth and slowly pulled downward, exposing his friends sheath and balls once again. The head of a large, thick, black, dragon cock could be seen poking out.

With a slight grin he leaned forward and gave the tip a slow lick, to the apparent pleasure of his friend. His tongue slithered around it, and down into the sheath to tease some of the still hidden member. Nick's shaft quickly pushed its way out of his sheath and stood outwards, completely hard, at an amazing thirteen inches. Aleo's paw reached out and wrapped gently around the middle of the shaft, slowly stroking up and down.

Aleo's muzzle came forward and he pushed the head of Nick's shaft into his muzzle, gently sucking on the hard tip as his paw worked over the rest of his cock. Nick's hips bucked forward a bit, wanting to push the rest of his member into his friend's muzzle. Aleo happily granted his wish and pushed his muzzle forward on Nick's cock, taking the entire length into his muzzle. An inch or so pushed its way down his throat and he swallowed around it, which made Nick moan loudly.

Aleo pulled his maw backwards, and let Nick's member come out with a wet pop. It hung between his legs, pulled downward a bit, even when hard, by its own weight. "Please," Nick pleaded, "don't stop."

"Come lay down then," Aleo replied.

More than happy to oblige Nick quickly moved next to Aleo and lay down, leaning over and pressing his lips against the horse's. His paws pulled Aleo's body atop his, their groins pressing against each other. They lay there, lips locked together and hips grinding against each other, for a while. How long exactly neither could tell.

Soon enough though Aleo parted his lips from the dragon beneath him and whispered lustfully into his ear. "Fuck me, please Nick."

Nick's eyes stared softly into Aleo's. "On one condition."

"What's that?"

Nick's paws softly massaged his friend's back, tracing small circles into the muscles. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Aleo's eyes lit up brighter than the sun and a huge smiled spread across his face. "Yes, yes of course." He kissed his new boyfriend. "Oh thank you, thank you."

Nick smiled widely, "No, thank you Aleo." He chuckled softly and gave Aleo's rump a firm squeeze. "Now, about your request."

Nick shifted his weight and rolled the pair over, putting Aleo below him and grinned slyly. Aleo's hips ground upwards, pressing his member against Nick's, and both moaned softly. Aleo moved his head up close to Nick's ear and whispered softly, "Please, I can't wait any longer."

Nick leaned back, and rubbed his paw against Aleo's tailhole, pressing gently against it. "I'm kinda big, you think you can handle it all?"

"I don't care, all I care about is having you buried in me."

Nick nodded his head and pressed his black dragon cock, dripping with pre, against Aleo's tail hole. He slowly increased the pressure until his thick head slipped in. Aleo's sharp gasp brought Nick's attention quickly back to him.

"You okay?" he asked.

Aleo nodded his head, "Yea, just hurt a bit. But I'm okay, go ahead."

Nick nodded and slowly pushed forward, stopping every few seconds to allow Aleo to adjust to his thickness. It took a little while, but Nick had finally gotten all of his thirteen inches buried in his equine boyfriend.

"Oh god, it feels so great," Aleo said, a bit out of breath.

All Nick could do was nod, before he started to pull out. That was a totally different experience from the one Aleo had felt while Nick was pushing in him, but equally pleasurable. After Nick had pulled his cock out to the head he wrapped his arms around Aleo's upper body, holding him close to his body and pushed forward with his hips, burying his cock once again into his boyfriend.

Both moaned loudly as Nick started a rhythm of pulling out and pushing in. As the minutes rolled by Nick's pace increased and the pair was groaning and moaning loudly, the sounds echoing across the walls of the bathhouse. Nick's balls were slapping against Aleo's own as Nick fucked his tailhole with quick, hard thrusts.

Aleo could feel his orgasm coming on his, just from the stimulation on his prostate from Nick's thick cock. And from Nick's loud moans and increased pace he could tell that his wasn't far off.

"Oh gods Aleo," Nick said panting, "I'm gonna cum."

Aleo groaned at a particularly hard thrust, "Please fill me. I want your entire load of hot dragon cum filling me up."

As if to accentuate his point Aleo tightened the muscles in his tailhole around Nick's thick cock, squeezing hard as he rammed him. Nick roared loudly and leaned forward, grabbing Aleo's neck in his maw and biting down, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to leave a mark for some time, and gave a hard thrust upward. Aleo felt Nick's cock exploded into his body, releasing load after load of cum into his ass.

Aleo's own cock burst forth with an equally large load of equine cum. It covered the pair's chest and stomach, squishing between their bodies. Both the males relaxed and panted heavily, trying to catch their breath, Nick's cock still slowly dripping cum into Aleo's tailhole.

"Damn Aleo," Nick said after a few moments.

Aleo smiled and lifted himself up a bit to look in the dragon's eyes, only then remembering that he had blown his load onto their bodies. He smiled softly and gave Nick a soft kiss on the lips, before laying down on his body again, laying his head against the strong males chest. He absentmindedly licked the scales where his tongue could reach in front of his muzzle and murred softly as occasionally he tasted his own cum.

"That was amazing Nick."

"Yes, it was."