That Night prt2: The Morning After

Story by Moonlight Darkwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of series 4

_ That Night part 2: The Morning After _

"Usan! What are you still doing here?"

"I'm not sure. Who are you again?"

Xander butt in, "I'm Xander Ligg, but you can call me X."

I pushed him out of the way, "I'm sure he's not into you X, I'm Miky. We, uh... hooked up last night."

He looked down at himself and the realization of what when on last night hit him. "Oh god... look I'm so sorry if I did anything I shouldn't have." I handed him a blanket to cover up with.

"You don't have to hide yourself honey." X said eying Usan's crotch.

"Xander, stop it."

"Alright, I'll just be in the corner if you need me."

"Anyway, I remember everything from last night; you don't have to be sorry."

"Whew. I was afraid we had sex or something."

"Why? Would that have been a bad thing?" I asked grinning with a wink.

"Well... yeah. I have a mate and she wouldn't be too happy about that."

I feel to the floor, I had been sitting on the back of the couch. "You need to see this then. X, rewind that video."

Ten minutes after Xander and I split up, Usan and I were caught heading upstairs to the private rooms. It wasn't until more than an hour later that Xander saw him carrying me down. We were both soaking wet, I was out cold and Usan looked as if he was about to be as well.

"I remember now. This is bad... did anyone else notice us? If word gets out, I'm screwed."

"I was the only fur with a camera so I don't think anyone else saw or cared."

"There was that otter though... but she was even drunker than I was."

"Otter? Did she have green tattoos?"


"Oh shit, I have to go now."

"What? Was the otter your mate?"

"No, she is my mate's best friend, and she never forgets when she is drunk."

Usan ran as best he could back to my room and got his clothes. "It was wonderful meeting you, even though it shouldn't have happened." And then he left without another word.

"Damn he was hot. Did you see the size of him?"

"This is no time to joke X, and yes I do know the size of him, we did fuck last night."

"And you call me the lucky bastard."

"Well I best get dressed too, it's already 11:30." I let my shawl drop to reveal my naked form. Xander, being gay showed no interest. I walked back to my room and got dressed in shorts and a tank top.

On my dresser there was a note:


I remember last night too. You were amazing. The only thing I regret is having to tell you of my mate and that this can never happen again. I hope we can at least be friends.


p.s. here is my number 555-0123

'He is so backwards.' I thought.

I went back out into the living room. Xander was just sitting on the couch watching the Cooking Channel.

"That makes me hungry. Wanna go get some lunch?" I said as my stomach growled.

"House of Flavors is having a two for one special, buy a meal and get a free human's trough of ice cream."

"Sounds good."

We took his car since mine needed fixing. I drove a midnight blue '91 Chevy S-10 pickup and he drove brand new silver Porsche 911 Turbo.

"I have to go see my parents real quick first. This'll only take a few."

"Alright, so I finally get to see your house."

Xander hesitated for a second. "Not exactly."

Where we did end up going was to a multi-million dollar porn mansion. Not as big as the PlayBunny mansion but it was still huge.

He took me to a back room where they were shooting a 'film'.

I didn't expect to see Xander's parents naked right off the bat.

"Miky, darling you're just in time. Come, strip down and me and you can double-team Jackson." Mrs. Ligg said pointing to somewhere I assumed Mr. Ligg was, her voluminous tits bobbing this way and that.

"N-no thank you, Mrs. Ligg. I wouldn't do well on camera."

Just then, Jackson, Mr. Ligg, came up behind me out of nowhere also nude.

"Oh, nonsense. You have a great body."

I turned around just to catch an eyeful of Mr. Ligg's giant cock. The sad part was, he wasn't even hard.

"Mom, Dad, can you postpone the shoot for just five minutes please?"

"Sure thing. Ron, take five."

The Liggs went into a separate room to talk. I was left alone in the studio with nothing but dildos and vibrators for company.

After what seemed like an hour, the trio of polar bears emerged from their talk.

"Thanks guys. I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it, son."

Xander and I went back to the car.

"What was the talk about?"

"Eh, nuthin' important."

"Ok then."

I was surprised to see House of Flavors wasn't very busy that day. Walking through the door we happened to run into Usan.

"Imagine that, Miky." Xander whispered under his breath.

He was sitting at a corner booth next to that otter from the club and a female German Shepard. I saw Usan glimpse up at me. Unfortunately, the otter spotted me as well.

"That's the one, right there." She said loud enough for Xander and me to hear. We kept walking. "Hey, bitch, get your white-wolfy ass over here and explain why you fucked my girl's mate last night."

_ Part Three Cumming Soon... _