Finally After Some Time

Story by Kenneth Zur on SoFurry

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So I typed this story, never thought I would. It contains adult situations so beware. The Charactors, although poorly named, are mine so ask permission, ok?


After some time...

She looked me dead in the eyes and told me I was the one. Looking up and full of hope, my promise that I would treat her right, that I would take care her; it filled her with warm feelings and pride. Indeed I felt proud of myself alike, but at this time that pride was conquered by humility as I surrendered myself to her as well.

/Are you sure?/ I asked, /We could wait? If that is, what you want?/ Again I was lost in her eyes, they seemed so dark now, darker then they have ever been. Her pupils widened to hide most of her brown iris, perhaps it was caused by the low amount of light that the candles gave out. Besides, the aroma created a near perfect atmosphere for occasion as I had planned earlier. Though her eyes opened wide the whites seemed to be consumed by the epicenter, a swirling vortex that would pull me in. It must have been some time for she shook me from my trance with a petite blink and a muted giggle.

/What was that for?/

/I am just giddy with excitement that is all./ I have to admit, I was too. I had finally asked that burning question and given her that which had cost me dearly. /I am speechless. I have been weighting so long, wondering, hoping, praying. I was beginning to fear, but I remained resolute. But still, I have had my worries./ Her beautiful smile left. Darkness began to close in. She began to weep and I knew not what to do. I went to grab her hand but she pulled away, to enclose herself within her bud.

/Why, would you think that I would not pull through? My little pet I said once that I loved you, and there was an affectionate truth. Surely that truth gave comfort./

/But Tirque you have been gone so long and I have missed you so./

/And I missed you, Uex, though I feel no sadness now./

/I feel that I have caused fraud to you./ Caused fraud? I had only been gone just a year. Wait;

/So then you did not save yourself for me, and still you lied when I returned?/

/No, I am still true... still pure! I am yours to have now you have ask for my hand./

/Then why the sad face and melancholy attitude; do you regret your decision? What have you done to feel such pain? Share it with me so I may lessen your burden./

/No, no you have it all wrong. I am happy, happier then could ever be expressed with words! Just shut up! Shut up and kiss me you fool!/ She dove toward me and embraced my body. My arms as well enveloped her and our mussels met as enjoyed each other's tongues. I found my arms caressing her back, soothing her preparing her. I had made my proposal and she accepted. She had said we would wait till matrimony, but now would go against her decision. She had little to drink, so her mind was clear and I acknowledged her choice as what she felt. She would not regret this in the morning. I will make this one to remember.

I immediately laid her onto the bed, and went on slowly and skillfully removing her clothes. The gown was the first, her helping me as I pulled it off. This was the first glimpse at her flesh. She laid back and looked back at me. I looked up her sleek feline body, ebony in colour with patches of white on one ear and her paws, feet, and the ever so dainty tip of her tail. She wore lace panties and brazier, perhaps knowing she would loose hers tonight, but how could she. She said she was waiting, waiting how long? I followed my way up to see distress. There were mixed feelings now in her face. A bit of lust, a bit of desire, a bit of pride, and still there was an evident sense of fear, the fear of being judged, the fear of what is new, the fear of disliking what I had to give her. I had to remove that fear if I was to fulfill her. I must.

/Oh honey, your body, it is perfect./ I placed my hand onto her cheek looking her even deeper into those eyes. /Do not think, this is for you. Enjoy it, because I know I will./ My words seemed to help. /Don*t think, feel. This is for you. It always has./

I reached my arms around her and gave her a good squeeze, rubbing my cheek against her. Suddenly she felt a release in a particular tension, one that had been holding her petite breasts together to create cleavage. It must of excited her for she let out a quick gasp as it unfastened. I let fall off of her body, naturally, caused by gravity. I knew she would be worried of her size, thought I fancied them perfect so I drew no attention to them at this time. I continued to rub nuzzles and kiss as I massaged her back. I began to play with her ear and nibble on them ever so slightly until I began to kiss my way down the side of her head and down her neck.

I stopped there for about three seconds, mainly to create tension; not too much. I slowly inhaled through my nose the smell of her perfume. I made sure to do so deep enough to stimulate the hair so she knew what I had done. Then exhaled forcefully to cause turmoil and brushed my nose back up and stopped it suddenly on her own. /Evermore brand?/ I joked about the type of perfume. It mattered little to me but I knew she would appreciate it. It was, in my opinion, of pleasant taste.

She squirmed with delight. /Is that all you were going to do?/ She inquired. I said nothing but looked her deep into her eyes. I continued my hands down her back and stopped abruptly at her panties. I tugged on them lightly to indicate I would remove them. Up at first but down a little lower then where they rested to begin with. She leaned and arched her back just long enough for me to slide them swiftly down to her feet. She pulled back one of her legs removing them from the tether. From the other I removed them altogether. I pulled it deep to my face and breathed in, tossed them aside and smiled to assure her that I liked how she smelled. It was now that I removed my clothes. I am no model but hell, it will not matter after what I do to her.

I rolled her onto her back and began to study her feet. I played with each individual toe as if it deserved my absolute affection. They were callous with misuse, abuse. It must of felt wonderful to have attention. I worked my way slowly up both legs and up her sides. I paid much attention to her stomach at this time kissing it and massaging it with my hands. I brushed across her right nipple with a feather touch, arousing it, both turning rock hard. But now I chose to ignore it. I went up to her chest and began kissing every square inch forgetting nothing. I ran my hands from her shoulders down her arms, till they met her own. They gripped each other as I engaged in passionate kissing, our tongues swimming in each other's mouth. She began to break from the session to pant, to breath. Her warmth adding to my own. I nuzzled her cheek and released my right hand. She knowing not what to do with her left swung it around my neck and pulled me closer to her face to continue the kissing.

I took my free hand and brought it down lower grazing her crotch with a few strokes; only to abandon it for the time being, just letting her taste how it might feel. I used my arm now to reach around her back and pull her up to her knees as I have been the same. I now released the other hand as well, and brought both around her and kissed even more passionately, the two of us going at each other like dogs. But, the stimulation of her lowers proved to be too much and she began to thrust her hips towards me, looking for more. I moved my two hands over her shoulders and to both sides of her face. I pulled myself back to look once again at her beauty. Now the primal instinct of lust and gladness overtook the frightened girl and she was panting from arousal, licking her lips with a aching grin.

I crouched my head down low and placed it on the inside of her left breast while holding it from the other side with my right hand. I nudged with my head and preceded to grab firm the right one. She slowly laid back and I with her. The softness and smoothness felt so right against my face. She no longer cared about her b size only that they were now bringing her pleasure, and I they would be more difficult to manage if they were much larger. I had never been much of a breast man, enjoying other aspects of my wife to be. I began licking and nibbling on the hard tit, squeezing the other between two fingers and moving its mass in large circles. Again she presses up her hips to gain pleasure, this time they pressed against mine, finding out that I had grown quite hard. She immediately felt awkward as if she had done something wrong, and I immediately assured her that all was fine. /This is for you,/ I reminded her.

Her thrust was proof enough that she was ready for what was next. I slowly brought my hands down her sides and pasted then atop of her thighs resting each of my thumbs quite close to her cunt. I brought my face quite close to her vagina and used my fingers to pull apart the two lips. I then switched my hand position to hold them open with just my left and continued now meticulously running my finger over her pussy. I first made little circles, over and over and over. Switching to sweeps, back and forth, back and forth. Then vertically, every once and a while dipping my finger slightly in to bring unexpected sensation. I could hear her moan with pleasure. I knew I was in the right.

I then moved north and went to find the clit. This would be the most delicate part of my journey. Licking my fingers to provide even more lubricant I lightly began to massage the clitoris. She abruptly ended her original position and leaned up to watch my work, eventually giving into the pleasure and laying back upon her pillow once more, tossing her head side to side to massage it as well. I then began to match my movements with her breathing as I began to lick her lips. She began to breath so audibly now that her body moved with it. I rested my fingers and began to gently lick the erect clit as I ran my hands up and down her sides. She began to cry out my name and I went back to my fingers, applying more pressure now. Timing it with her breathing I added to each of crests, increasing the amplitude of each successive wave.

/Please, I am about to come!/ she gasped. I knew this was to stop. I slowed down letting her settle. I crawled up along side her and looked her in the eyes.

/It is time./ I said. /Do I have your permission?/ I asked.

/Of course!/ she said, barely audible over her breath. I went in slowly, her vaginal juices provided great lubrication. I slid my cock in as far as it would go, slowly to take care. I then went to remove it when she abruptly interrupted me with her hand. /No, I want you to leave it in, until I get used to it./ After a minute or so she prompted me to slowly pull it out. After I did, I again went to slowly put it in, the process was painstakingly slow for me, being a man I wanted off as fast as possible, but I knew I must do this for her. After a minute she began to begin purring, and I decided to increase the pace. The change was subtle so she wouldn*t notice. Her purring turned to moaning once again as she became aroused once more. She reached down and with her own hands began to massage her clit. I paid special attention not to interrupt her and also attempted to time my thrusts with her rate. At once I felt as if I would loose it and prematurely ejaculate, I stopped abruptly and waited for my tension to go down.

/What is the matter?/

/I am just waiting for you honey./ After a minute I felt a rejuvenated stamina. I would probably make it an other few minutes at least. It paid off and her hand left as she found herself nearing climax.

/Should, should I hold, hold it, back, for you?/ she barely got out.

/No, go ahead! Its for you!/ I said. She reached back and grabbed her breasts. She screamed out in pleasure. I began to feel her spas out, her vagina pulsing around my cock, squeezing it, and adding to my pleasure. Her voice silenced and she fell back in a mess. I felt as if I had had an orgasm with her and was appreciating the fact that I would off as well. I slowly, continued until she regained consciousness. She leaned up and looked puzzling at me.

/Honey, you haven*t come yet?/ she asked. /Here let me do it for you./ she pushed me to my back as she tried her best to ride me. Not bad for a virgin I could remember telling myself. Not much was needed and I could feel myself excrete my fluid into her channel, it filling up with my warm seamen. She understood now the difficulty of my task, and crawled up beside me after removal. /Thanks, that was just wonderful/ she said, straddling my leg; me, feeling the pussy drip a mixture of our excretions. I found myself staying quite erect and she had not slowed down, perhaps we shall go for few more rounds.

If you want email me at [email protected] I share this address with my girlfriend, who is good at art, and whom i help with her writings, though not as good as mein, she convinced me to write this, oh well. sugustions, comments, you know