The Seeker, Chapter 38, Part 2

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This is the second part of Chapter 38 of "The Seeker", the one in which Mistress Vulva goes after another Key. You will most likely recognize some characters from other stories including "Skins", "Zodiac", and Madame Marian of course. Enjoy!

The Seeker, Chapter 38, Part

Mistress Vulva's Adventure

By William W. Kelso

Vulva sighed to herself as she sealed the last door to the special pentagram chamber. Pet had only been gone for a few minutes, but she already missed him. It was amazing how much she'd gotten used to having him around, taking his presence for granted. All she had to do was look up and he'd be there, always so anxious to please her; either that or he would have snuck off and gotten himself into some kind of trouble. She gave a hiss of amusement as she remembered some of the trouble he'd managed to get into, it was truly impressive. What was even more impressive was how he always seemed to survive it unscathed. Then she gave a hiss that was part worry and part amusement at the same time; 'Big L' help the Vatican! She almost felt sorry for the mortal realm. But now it was time for her to get ready for her own excursion.


The demon Lord looked at his minion, and said, "Do you understand your instructions, slave?" Or; more correctly, he hissed and chittered, his mandibles and hard churning mouth segments were incapable of 'human' speech, though any demonkind could understand him just fine.

"Yes, Great Lord, the roach like lesser demon answered, I am to contact Mistress Anna and give her your offer in exchange for her assistance."

"Yes, excellent, the Lord said, now go! I expect an answer as soon as possible; we are running out of time! We can only hope our forces in Rome are successful as with either key we win, but it would be better to have two. We have already been thwarted once, that can NOT be allowed again."

"Yes, Great Lord, I will be as fast as possible!" The demon said, then turned and skittered from the audience chamber.

Great Lord Ritha-tik-ick watched as the minion left, and then settled down onto his belly in a more comfortable position. In appearance he resembled a huge Praying Mantis more than anything, but had more legs and his front gripping claws made a Mantis's look dainty and harmless, but the resemblance was there. Finally he decided to have a snack; a nice juicy Hell grub sounded delicious, then he would find a female to mate with. It would be an enjoyable way to pass the time until his minion returned, hopefully with good news.


Mistress Anna sat up in annoyance as a frantic knocking came at her bedroom door. She had given strict instructions she was NOT to be disturbed, for ANY reason! The Hell Rat whose snout was busy between her legs paused and looked up, but she said, 'Don't stop until I tell you too!' With a soft squeak he obediently slid his tongue back into her pussy and started 'eating' her again. The two Hell Lizards coupling on the bed next to her never even paid any attention, both hissing loudly as the male serviced the female. She gave a moan of anger and pleasure as the knocking came again, and yelled,

"Come!" Then she said to the two coupling lizards, "NO, not you two, keep fucking!" Then she yelled even louder, Come IN, and you had better have a GOOD reason for disturbing your Mistress!"

Slith was about to bang on the door again, when his Mistress finally gave him permission to enter. Usually the 'Do NOT Disturb' sign on the door was warning enough to any of her 'servants'; or her familiar, not to bother her. But this was...different. The Naga gave a soft hiss to help build up his courage, and opening the door he slithered into the large bedroom. He wasn't shocked by what he saw at all, the numerous 'servants'; in both their most human and 'natural forms', novices, and trained animals engaged in all manner of sexual exploits was pretty normal, his Mistress did like to play. Normally he'd be taking part, but had had other things to do that afternoon.

"Oh, it's you Slith, Anna said, well, what do you want? Can't you see I'm...busy?"

Slith licked his forked tongue over his hard lips as he slithered closer to the bed, going around a rack with a human novice secured to it as two male rats serviced her. He could see another Hell rat; in its animal form, crouched between his Mistress's legs; wet slurping sounds audible, and wished it was he servicing his Mistress. Being her familiar it was his favorite duty.

"Missstresss, Slith hissed, his anxiety causing him to lisp more than usual, we have a visssitor!"

"WHAT!? Anna said angrily, you disturbed me, UGGGHHH! She gasped as the rats tongue slid deeper into her quivering pussy, just to tell me that!! AND unscheduled!? Make him, or her, or it, wait! I'll be through in a few hours; this orgy is just getting started!"

"NO, Sssssss, Slith hissed frantically, I can't tell, that! Missstresss, it'sss a demon!"

"WHAT!?! Anna yelped, sitting up again, who the HELL summoned a demon! If those novices have been messing around, I'll GIVE them to it! Is it Great Lord Asmodai?"

"NO, NO Slith hissed, it jusssst appeared in the pentagram!! I felt it, and when I asssked what it wanted it sssaid it hasss a messssage for your earsss only!! Ssssss!! What do I do, Missstresss?? It'ssss waiting!"

"Just appeared!? Anna said, without being summoned?? That's impossible!!" But when Slith just gave a loud hiss and wrung his hands she realized he wasn't making it up, he couldn't be, he didn't have the imagination for a practical joke.

Anna pushed the Rat away from her crotch, its tongue sliding from her sex with a final wet slurp, the rat squeaking in disappointment. She gave its head a pat, and said,

"Wait here for me, my pet." She could tell Slith was really upset, which was unusual for the reptilian familiar. "Calm down Slith, she said, I'll go and confront our unannounced visitor, and just because it's a demon doesn't mean I can't make it regret wasting our time. Come with me, I may need you. As for the rest of you, have fun until your Mistress returns."


The Hell rat, whose name had once been John, crouched on the bed and watched as his Mistress left the bed chamber. He hated her with what was left of his human soul, but at the same time he was disappointed he hadn't been able to finish pleasuring her. She'd given him his 'natural' Hell form this time, and his need for a female was intense. With a squeal he jumped off the bed, his penis jutting from his sheath, aching and rampant, and quickly found an 'unoccupied' female Hell lizard to help take the edge off his horrible lust. As he mounted the hissing reptile he thought about what he'd heard; which was hard in this form as his mind was more animal now like he was, as anything new was of interest. Then his thoughts were temporarily washed away in a wave of sexual ecstasy as he orgasmed, but he didn't stop thrusting, it would take awhile to work the edge off his lust and need. But he'd remember.


Vulva entered the office were Great Lord Ba'al was temporarily in residence, the fact it had once been her office didn't bother her at all. She was his slave, and everything she 'owned' was his anyway. With a tired hiss she prostrated herself before her Master.

"Vulva, get up for Dis's sake, Ba'al rumbled, you don't have to do that all the time! Not while I'm in your domain anyway, after all I'm a 'guest'. Have a seat my lovely slut, you look tired."

With a grateful sigh Vulva plopped down in the only other chair in the office, slipping her tail through the hole in the back. It was a great honor , the floor was the normal place for any slaves when in the presence of a Great Lord, usually flat on their muzzles. But then, she and Ba'al were old friends, so he allowed her liberties not often granted to others.

"My thanks, Great Lord." Vulva hissed gratefully, she was so tired.

"Well, Ba'al asked, is he off?"

"Yes, Great Lord, Pet is on his way to the Vatican, St. Francis too. And Dis help us all."

Ba'al gave a snarling, hissing, bleating laugh; which was quite impressive coming from three different mouths, then seeing the expression on Vulva's muzzle, his center head said,

"You are worried about him, are you not?"

"I'm sorry My Master, Vulva sighed; I just can't help it. He's inept! He means well, know."

In a blur Ba'al resumed his one headed form, and said quietly,

"I do indeed, Mistress Vulva, but remember; he has never failed us, and his loyalty has never been in doubt. Though I must admit his methods could be a little more...circumspect."

Vulva gave a hissing snort of amusement; as usual the Great Lord was right. Pet was a force of nature, devastating to both friends and foes alike, though he never meant to hurt his friends. And truthfully he never had, just destroyed everything in sight. Just ask the denizens of the 9th Level, they were still recovering from his last visit. And asking him to be 'circumspect' was like asking a hurricane to blow more gently. Wasn't going to happen. Trouble followed him around like a pet on a leash.

"Are you prepared for your own little trip?" Ba'al asked.

"Yes, Great Lord, Vulva replied. I have contacted the familiar of one of my most trusted acolyte's, and he will tell her to summon me. As soon as I get the summons I will explain our need to her, I have no doubt she will cooperate."

"Who is it?" Ba'al asked.

"Madame Marian, Vulva replied, she has been my acolyte for almost 500 years, her time is up soon. Her service has been exceptional, I have special...plans for her."

"Yes, Ba'al chuckled, I'm sure you do. Hmm, I think I know of her, is she not the one with the black panther for a familiar? Did she not attend one of my Samhain Balls a century to two ago?"

"Yes indeed, Vulva replied, she has attended more then a few, she is powerful enough to survive here. Her skills are...impressive."

"Good, Ba'al said; then I'm sure she will cooperate, especially if she knows what's good for her. If you have to you may offer her more time before you claim her soul, or any other dispensation she may desire, within reason of course."

"Thank you, Great Lord, Vulva said, but I doubt she'll even ask for anything. Frankly I think she's even looking forward to what I have planned for her. She...enjoys sexual pleasure and torment as much as I do."

"Well, I sincerely doubt that! Ba'al laughed; of all Hell's Carnal demonkind none enjoy their work as much as you!"

Vulva bowed her head at the compliment, and hissed "Thank you, Great Lord."

Ba'al looked at the demoness's bowed head affectionately; an emotion he did not feel very often, and felt a stir between his legs. Just her very presence could arouse any male, and he was no exception. By 'Big L' she was a beautiful beast! He'd lost track of how many times he'd mated with her over the millenniums, but it never grew old, if anything it just got better. With a low growl he licked his tongue over his fangs as his penis hardened, soon jutting up from between his legs, thick and rigid.

Vulva smiled as she scented the Great Lord's rising lust, her own sex growing wet in response, and asked in a husky voice, "Great Lord, do we have time?"

"There is always time for that, Ba'al hissed, now come here and pleasure your Master!"

"Yes, Master!" Vulva said eagerly; and then begin to do what she did best; after all, it was what she lived for.

Ba'al slumped back in his chair and licked and sucked Vulva's large firm breasts as she rode him, his forked tongue curled around one of the soft globes as his forked tongue tweaked and teased a rigid nipple. Vulva had straddled him, her hooves resting on the seat of the chair on each side of his legs, and lowered herself onto his huge erection, hilting his aching cock each time as she ground down on him, hissing and snarling in ecstasy. He held her around her waist as she rocked up and down, his own groans and snarls of pleasure as bestial as hers. Dis, what a female! Then he gave an even deeper groan of pleasure as she sped up her gyrations, and they pressed their muzzles together, fangs clicking together as their tongues busily explored one another's mouth, flaming lust filled eyes locked as he gripped her around her waist, her hands caressing his head and masculine chest.


Anna regarded the demon in the pentagram with distaste, she was used to dealing with demonic creatures, but the giant cockroach like creature was...revolting. Slith seemed to share her feelings, hissing softly in disgust.

"Well, what the Hell do YOU want?" Anna snapped.

The demon cocked its head and regarded her, antennae waving, then said; in fairly understandable English though it had to be using a translation spell, "I am a slave to Great Lord Ritha-tik-ick, he has a proposal for you that would be...mutually beneficial. I suggest you pay close attention, mortal."

"Tell me why, Anna replied, as I'm sure you know I am already in the service of Great Lord Asmodai, so why would I be interested in serving a...bug?"

The demon gave no indication is had noticed the slur directed at its Master, and said, "The Great Lord knows your time will soon be up, that soon you will be dragged down to Hell by your own Master. He says if you would like to...avoid this, he could perhaps be of...assistance."

"And he offers this out of the goodness of his heart, I suppose?" Anna said. The demon cocked its head again, making a 'brrrrrring' sound, and Anna wondered, is it laughing? Does a thing like it even recognize humor?

"Oh no, the demon chittered, he would expect something of value in return for his patronage. If you fulfill a certain...task, and obtain something for him, he could arrange an indefinite extension of your time in the mortal realm, have your contract signed over to him. He would make it worth Great Lord Asmodai's while. Besides, there will be a new order in Hell soon, and he will be more powerful than ever, the old order will bow to his will."

Hmm, Anna thought, that much was true. She was NOT looking forward to joining her Master in Hell, at least not entirely. In Hell she would just be another slave, here she was a very powerful woman; here SHE was the Master. "Very well, tell me more." She finally said.

Anna's eyebrow's rose as she listened to the demon, this might turn out to be a desirable arrangement indeed. Not only would she get another 500 years of youth and life, she'd also be able to destroy an old adversary. She had known Madam Marian for over 400 years, and the other Sorceress's refusal to acknowledger her dominance had always infuriated her, and she longed to humble or destroy her. But Marian had a powerful patroness of her own, and was quite powerful in her own right, and her own patron had shown no inclination to give her any special help; evidently Vulva was a friend of his and he did not wish to 'annoy' her, whatever the Hell that meant. But with another Great Lord backing her...yes, very interesting.

"Very well, Anna finally decided, tell me what I have to do."


Madame Marian lay back in the chair, her hands gripping Brutus's head as it bobbed between her wildly spread legs, eyes closed as she licked her lips, moaning in pleasure as her familiar pleasured her with his tongue. The panther like creature purred; a gentle rumbling sound, as he tongued his Mistress's clitoris, and she groaned as he slowly worked his tongue deeply into her wet eager sex as she arched herself, her fingers caressing his head and ears. But then he paused as he 'heard' something in his mind.

"Brutus, my love, what is it?" Marian asked, she knew her familiar as well as she knew herself, and something had distracted him.

Brutus pulled his tongue out; gave her pussy a long wet lick, then lifted his head, and said, "Mistress, Mistress Vulva requests that you open the pentagram and summon her." Then he lowered his head and was soon lapping at her sex again as she gasped in pleasure.

As Brutus pleasured her Marian wondered what the Mistress could want, while not entirely unheard off it was still unusual for Mistress Vulva to request a meeting. Usually that was up to Marian to arrange; and then at certain prearranged times, or for 'emergencies'. Her Mistress was a very busy creature, and did not appreciate frivolous summonings. She moaned and arched herself as Brutus's tongue began caressing her labial lips again, and thought, well, it can wait for a few more minutes!! Or maybe not, she realized, as his tongue suddenly plunged back into her and began slithering deep in her sex, and she drummed her heels on the carpet, groaning loudly, as he brought her to an intensely pleasurable orgasm.

"Uggggh, UGGHHH, AAHHHH-UGGGHHHH!" Marian groaned as her sex exploded in ecstasy, the thick organ lapping and sliding deep inside of it prolonging her release for as long as possible, which was quite some time as he was very skilled. She gripped Brutus's ears gently as he finished pleasuring her, and thought, after all this time it still never gets old!

"Come, my love, Marian said as she kissed his furry muzzle and he licked her face; purring loudly, we must summon the Mistress. She has called, so we must obey."

"Mrroowwwrrrr, Brutus purred eagerly, sex magic, Mistress?"

Marian gave a happy laugh, and said, "But of course, my love! That's always the best kind!"


Vulva raised her head from between Ba'al's legs as she felt the summoning, and as she did he came, powerful spurts of thick cum blasting over her muzzle and breasts, and she eagerly lapped at the pulsing jets and licked her muzzle and fur clean of his potent seed. They had already coupled twice, and she was enjoying the post coupling 'grooming' as they cleaned one another off. The Great Lord was quite skilled with his own tongue.

"Great Lord, Vulva said, I am being summoned; I must go, as much as I regret to."

Ba'al lifted her head and pressed his own muzzle against hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth, and with a surprised hiss of pleasure she 'kissed' him back in the manner of their kind. There was nothing tender about as they ground their fangs together, snarling and hissing, but there was desire and true passion. As they finally pulled apart, Ba'al hissed,

"You be careful Mistress Vulva, Hell would not be the same without you. I would be...distraught if anything happened to you."

"Yes Great Lord", Vulva replied a little breathlessly, that had been one HELL of a kiss! And while there had been lust and desire, there had been something else as well, something she'd never felt from him before. It both pleased, and confused her. He pressed his muzzle to hers again, but this time the kiss was slow, and so very...tender.


Madame Marian quickly prepared the pentagram for a summoning, Brutus helping by setting up the heavy candle stands. She made sure to use her newest black mass candles; she'd made them herself as you just couldn't trust anyone else to make them right. More than one Sorceress or other practitioner of the dark arts had ended up being dragged down to Hell because they bought sub-standard candles. Just any black candle would NOT work, and somehow the demonkind always knew. And once they had you, there was no going back, not ever. You were theirs, body and soul. That was to be...avoided, there was no such thing as too much caution; or paranoia, when dealing with the denizens of Hell.

"Ready, Mistress." Brutus said.

"Excellent, my love", Marian said, and with a snap of her fingers the candles ignited with a 'whoosh', and then settled down to steady flames. She walked slowly around the pentagram once more, and then it was time.

Marian stepped behind the heavy bookstand and opened her spellbook to the correct page. She could probably say the spell of summoning from memory, but make one mistake, and well, it was just best not to. So she found the right page, and said, "Now my love", then groaned in pleasure as Brutus mounted her with a snarl of lust. Due to the nature of her patroness the sex was necessary to power the spell, plus it just felt so incredibly wonderful. She hung her head and gasped in ecstasy as he quickly hilted, then began servicing her with powerful steady thrusts. She never tired of having him inside her, and could feel his love for her, and knew he could feel her love for him. In her long existence she had had many sexual partners; far more then she could even remember, but only one lover. She raised her head with a moan of pleasure as his rough wet tongue licked the back of her neck as he purred softly, and began to read from the spell book.

It took awhile for the spell to have its full effect; not that they minded, as first the summoned demonkind had to 'acknowledge' the summons, at which point the pentagram would open in both realities, then the demonkind would appear. But it did go quicker than usual as Mistress Vulva was expecting the summons. As the pentagram opened they could both feel a change in the 'atmosphere' of the large basement, their senses tingling. letting them know they were no longer alone. Marian raised her head from the book, and smiled as she saw the large demoness that had appeared in the pentagram in a puff of red smoke. No matter how many times she'd seen her patroness it never failed to awe her. The great beast was the epitome of carnal pleasure and lust, her terrible beauty mesmerizing. More than one Sorcerer or Sorcereress had gone to her willingly, hypnotized by her sensual powers, damning themselves just for the pleasure of her kiss.

"Greetings, Mistress Vulva." Marain said respectfully.

"Ah, Marian! Vulva hissed, and your lovely kitty, I trust you are well?"

"Indeed Mistress. Brutus heard your request for a summons, and we obeyed. How may we be of service?"

"Well, Vulva said, I can think of several ways, but you'd have to be in the pentagram with me. Hiss, hiss, hiss." She grinned as the human and large cat both suddenly groaned in ecstasy, and added, "My, how energetic! I do so appreciate an acolyte that knows how to enjoy herself! But as to my reason for requesting a summons, you are aware of the current...problems in the world?"

"Yes, of course, Marian replied, breathing a little heavily as she came down from the lovely orgasm Brutus had given them, the strange darkness that is invading the world. It is in all the news. There is to be a grand meeting of the covens to discuss any means to battle it if normal methods fail. Is it a thing from...Hell?"

"No, it is not of this world; Hell, Heaven, or Earth. And you would fail, Vulva hissed, it is in Hell and Heaven as well, and the battle does not go...well. It is pure Chaos, like nothing you could understand, even we do not understand it. But we have a way in which we hope to defeat it, drive it back into the abyss that spawned it. But we will need your assistance, and that of one of my other acolytes. I contacted you first instead of her since she is so new to the...profession, and you are her mentor."

"Of whom do you speak?" Marian asked curiously.

"Do you remember the strange gold medallion you had me examine several years ago, Vulva said, the one that defied all efforts and attempts to even determine its powers?"

"Yes, of course, the medallion we call the Zodiac, Marian replied. You mean Ruth and her companion William, the cursed changelings."

"Yes, exactly! Vulva hissed, she is not due to summon me for another two weeks, but we cannot wait that long, and I cannot contact her as I can you. I...we must have that medallion! It turns out it is a key, one of three, that is needed to open a great portal in Hell. We hope to find what we need behind that portal. But without the keys we cannot enter, it had defied all our attempts. It is a magic our own has little effect upon."

"Um, Mistress, there may be a problem." Marian said, and then gasped as Brutus sped up his thrusts. Ohhh, she thought, I'm going to cum again any second!

"A problem?? Sssssss?" Vulva hissed, lips pulled back revealing her fangs. "What KIND of problem?? This is not a request, Marian, we MUST have that key! The very existence of everything we know is at stake! If one realm falls, they all do!"

"Mistress, it is not mine to give, Marian said truthfully, it does not belong to me. And you know the effect; the curse, it has inflicted on Ruth and her...familiar."

Vulva cocked her head inquisitively, and then realization hit her. "Oh, of course! The beast forms they have to take, I believe a different one every month! I should have remembered that. A most deliciously insidious curse."

"Well, Marian said, only one has to take an entirely animal form, or they can share the form and each assume half, which is what they prefer. If one takes the entire animal form they become that animal, mentally as well as physically. At least in anthro forms they retain their human awareness. I think they've even grown used to it, Ruth has mentioned it does have its...benefits, and they sometimes pay Brutus and me a visit. I do not know what would happen if they give up the medallion, she can only control their forms while using it. Would she get it back after it has opened this portal?"

"I have no idea, Vulva replied, it may very well be irretrievable once it has been used, and if it can be removed from the portal again I do not know if the powers in Hell or Heaven would be willing to trust it to a novice Sorceress. It's powers are an unknown."

"Well, Marian said, I can only contact them and explain the situation. They do not live very far away, but it may be awhile before they can get here, depending on the traffic. Do you mind waiting, or shall I summon you again?"

"I will wait, Vulva said, but time is of the essence. You must have them come as soon as they possibly can as we have only until morning before the pentagram will close, and I do not know if we have another day. I would have sent Pet since he has the ability to cross between the worlds without being bound within one, but he is occupied elsewhere retrieving another of the keys. I came for this one myself since it will be much easier."

"Very well Mistress, I regret I can offer you no refreshments, Marian said. Now, please excuse us, I must contact Ruth."


"John, what the Hell is going on??" Beth asked as she slipped a medallion over his furry head. With a squeal of pain and relief the large rat like creature seemed to shrink, his skin rippling as his body contorted. Finally his muzzle shrank into a much more human face, and with a gasp he stood up.

"Man I HATE that!" John snarled; whenever Mistress Anna had the medallion removed he took on his 'natural' Hell form, and it he hated being reduced to little more than an animal, and the worst was how foggy and confused his mind became. At least in his anthro form his mind remained human, or as human as a thing like him could have.

Beth gave him a long intimate kiss, and said, "Well, it was your turn you know, at least it wasn't guard duty."

John shuddered, he had to admit she was right, it WAS much nicer to be humping the Mistress, or performing with other sexual partners for her enjoyment, then wandering around the compound all night in his Hell form. Being a giant Hell rat, well, it sucked. And if left in that form for too long it became permanent, and you became an animal entirely, for good, with no human memories remaning.

"Sorry I snapped at you, John said, giving Beth a quick kiss. I'm really not sure, you know how it is when we're feral, you only understand about half of what you hear. So far as I know some demon of some kind just turned up in the basement, and she and that rotten snake of hers went to have a talk with it."

"Eeeek, a demon!" Beth squealed, sounding very much like the partly rat creature she was, just like John. "This can NOT be good!"

John stretched, a neck vertebrae popping, as he got used to his bipedal form again, and had to agree whole heartedly with Beth's assessment. Reaching up he fondled the medallion that kept him partially human, and shuddered.


Ruth woke up with a sleepy hiss as the phone rang, and uncoiling she walked over to the phone and pushed the speaker button. "Baxter Ressidence, she said in a fairly deep and slightly sibilant voice, who may I sssay is calling, pleassse?"

"Ruth, thank goodness! Marian said; this is Madame Marian. I...we have a BIG problem, I've been contacted by Mistress Vulva, we need you and William to come to my house as soon as possible, and bring the medallion! It's about that horrible darkness that's causing so much panic all over the world. How soon can you be here?"

"Marian?? Ruth said, I...I'm not sure we can. It's April. We're a little...larger than normal. We can't drive a car."

"What do you mean? Marian said, surely you can take on your most human form and William can hide in the back seat or something."

"You don't understand, Ruth hissed, April is the month of the Dragon. Even in my most human form I'd still be much too large, it's...different from the other forms. There is no way I can even fit in a car, even if I take the most human form possible."

"Oh dear, Marian said in a worried voice, oh dear! You don't understand, the Zodiac medallion may be the only way to defeat that darkness, it has invaded Hell and Heaven as well, and they're...losing the battle."

"Oh, oh dear!" Now it was Ruth's turn to sound a little worried, the thought of anything that could take on the armies of Heaven AND Hell, and win, was terrifying indeed! "In that case we'll come, no matter what, she said, but we'll have to fly ourselves, it will be quicker that way at least, and a good thing it's a dark night. Tell Mistress Vulva we're on our way!"


As she hung up the phone Ruth curved back down the length of her body and went to find Bill. As she moved lithely through the rooms and halls of the old mansion that was her home she thought about the medallion, and its effect on her life. She had found it many years ago during a dig in the Middle East, but had no idea as to its powers until a burglar had somehow activated it, and turned himself into a giant chicken. She gave a hiss of amusement at that memory, the look on his face! Or rather, beak! One thing led to another, and in trying to help him she'd bound herself to the service of a demoness, AND passed the curse on to herself, at least partially. They had also become lovers, it turned out both of them were lonely, and the curse brought them together in more ways than one. For that she would always be grateful. One of them still had to change into a different animal once a month, but now she could determine which one, or they could 'share' the form, both changing halfway. That was what they preferred, as being in the totally animal form was...disturbing to say the least as they would literally become that animal, not only in body, but in mind. Some of the forms wouldn't be so bad, but to literally BE a chicken, or a rat, for a whole month?? Uggh. She looked over her shoulder at her long scaly body with scales the color of burnished gold, and thought, now this, this is not so bad! She had a pretty good idea of where Bill was, and sure enough he was in the indoor swimming pool.

Ruth watched as his large scaly form knifed effortlessly through the water on his back as he swam laps, his tail propelling him with powerful sweeps. His body was quite long and very serpentine as they both had the forms of Eastern Dragons, or at least their anthro-forms. Being male his antler like horns were larger then hers, as was his 'beard', those weird tendrils hanging down from their lower jaws, which were actually sensing organs. His scales were a darker gold, and with his wings folded tightly and his arms and legs hugging his body as he swam he almost looked more like a huge snake. He had his eyes closed, and was either ignoring her, or hadn't noticed her yet.

She walked over the wet tiles; claws clicking, and picking up a life ring she gauged the angle and distance, and then with an expert toss bounced it off his head.

"HEY!" Bill roared, then dove and with a flick of his tail surfaced at the side of the pool next to her. "What the heck did you do that for? Not nice! Hissssss!"

"Sorry, she said as she lowered her head and gave his snout an affectionate nuzzle; to which he responded with a pleased hiss, but we have an emergency, and I wanted to get your attention."

"Well, he pouted, you could have just yelled 'Hey you!'"

"You ever heard one of us 'yell' in this form?? She said; we'd scare the neighbors half to death."

"Yeah, you do have a point there, Bill hissed, now, what's the emergency, oh slinky one?"

"That, Ruth said, had better be a compliment!"

"Oh yesss, it is, you are sso beautiful." Bill hissed as he snaked his neck around hers, rubbing against her scales with his snout"

Ruth gave a shudder at the erotic caress, but said, "Seriously, we've been summoned by Mistress Vulva, and need to go to Madame Marian's place immediately."

"Like THIS?? Bill hissed in amazement, you have GOT to be kidding?! You ARE kidding, right?" Then when she told him what was going on, his hisses became louder, and he said, "But HOW?"

With a loud 'snap' Ruth opened her wings, and said, "We fly!"

"Oh BOY!" Bill hissed, he'd been dying to try out his wings every time they took on this form, but until now hadn't had a good excuse. 'Honey, I'm going for a quick flight around the block.' Just didn't work. There was just too big a chance of being noticed. But being summoned by a demoness was a good enough reason as any he could think of. One did NOT refuse such a request.

Bill gave her a slow nuzzle, licking his tongue over her snout, and then said, "Well, I guess we'd better be on our way, it's a fair distance."

"At least by car, Ruth replied, but not as the dragon flies!"

They exited through the large French doors leading to the patio, and as they took flight Bill couldn't help but give a loud roar of exultation, and next door Mr. Yamamoto sat up in bed; his eyes wide, and shaking his wife, said,

"Oh! Godzilla!"


Mistress Anna looked at the twenty 'servants' lined up in front of her, ten rats and ten lizards. The creatures regarded her blankly, the dark glasses they all wore covering their inhuman eyes. They had all been human once, but were now 'skins', controlled by swatches of demon skin she had applied to them. They would never be human again, but were utterly loyal as she controlled their very form, keeping them for assuming their full demonkind forms, which would mean the eventual total loss of their human memories and awareness, leaving nothing but demonic beasts. So they may hate her guts, but they were loyal. Twenty was probably a bit of an overkill, but she wanted to make sure this 'raid' was fast and overwhelming. Normally they would be nude as she only allowed her 'servants' to wear clothes if they were 'on duty' or there was the chance of them being seen by 'mortals'. Having them run around naked otherwise helped remind them they were animals now. But for the drive to Madame Marian's it was best they wore clothes, just in case they were stopped for some reason by a snoopy cop. It would be hard to explain a van full of naked people, especially since when they were naked it was obvious they weren't human. She had thought about taking Slith as well, but decided to leave him to keep an eye on things since the bug demon was waiting. Even contained in a pentagram, well, you always wanted to keep an eye on a demonkind.

"You, Anna said, are going with me on a raid against another Sorceress. Some of you have been on these before, so know what to expect. She is alone except for her familiar, but is very powerful. If you have to destroy the familiar, but I want her alive. I would like to add her to my collection of statues. Now, in the vans. Cato, you will drive me in the Jag."

She watched as they obediently piled into the vans, and then turned to the Jag XKR she'd decided to use as her own ride. The rat in the chauffeur's uniform held the door for her, then shut it gently and slid behind the wheel. His name really wasn't Cato, but she decided she liked it since she'd seen that Green Hornet movie, and he'd answer to any name she cared to give him. If he didn't like it, tough.


Madam Marian set down the phone with a sigh of relief, they were coming! Thank goodness. Well, she'd better go keep Mistress Vulva company; one did NOT ignore a demoness in their basement!

"Brutus, where are you?" She called.

"In the living room", Mistress, the large catman answered.

"What are you doing in there?" Marian asked.

"Watching O'Riley, her familiar replied. Um, Mistress, rrrwwrr, you might want to see this; a special report just came on! It's...interesting."

Ah, Marian thought, it wasn't as late as she'd thought. She did not bother to keep track of worldly happening's herself, but Brutus did like to watch O'Riley for some reason, and he loved the 'Miller Time' segments. "Not right now, my love, she said, I have to attend to Mistress Vulva."

"Mistress, Brutus insisted, you really want to see this! Rrrwwwrr!"

What in...?, Marian thought, but he did sound unusually excited about something. So she changed direction and walked into the living room. Brutus was sitting on the edge of an easy chair watching the TV intently, tail swishing.

"Well, what is so important?" Marian asked. In response he just pointed a claw at the screen, not even turning to look at her.

Slightly miffed she sat down in another chair, and looked at the screen. Something was burning, and people were screaming. So what else was new? Her fellow human's talent for mayhem had never ceased to amaze; and sadden, her. Then she took a closer look at two large objects flying around in the sky. Those aren't planes, she realized in shock!


Vulva looked up as she heard the door to the basement open, and hopped down from the altar where she'd been sitting. Well, that was fast! She thought. Then she frowned as she watched Brutus coming down the stairs carrying a large TV set, and Marian following with a long extension cord. What in...? Did they want to watch TV while they waited? She had to admit the devices were kind of interesting, but they didn't work in Hell. At least not reliably, and all they had was cable which sucked. As they set up the TV Vulva hissed,

"Just what, hissss, are you doing, Madame Marian?"

"I think you might want to see this", Marian replied as Brutus turned the TV on.

Vulva looked at Madame Marian like she was crazy, shrugged, and watched as the screen flickered into life.

" Johnathan Howard, Channel 4, reporting live from The Vatican! For some time authorities have been clearing the crowds gathering for the special Mass due to a large fire burning in St. Peter's basilica, but there are new startling developments! Some people claimed to have heard what they thought were roars, and gunfire was heard earlier, then a few minutes ago what appear to be two dragons; yes, you heard me right, dragons, burst from the dome of the basilica just at is collapsed and are now circling the fire! Wait, we've got military jets approaching, and the dragons appear to be fleeing! This is amazing folks; I've never see anything like this!"

"RRAAAWWRRRR, PET!!" Vulva screeched in an ear-splitting roar, YOU LITTLE NIMROD, You ARE SO in TROUBLE!" And where the HELL did that other dragon come from!?! HISSSSSS!"


"Beth, what's going on?" John asked as soon as the door to the van closed.

"As our loving Mistress said, a raid on another Sorceress, she replied. I've never seen her take so many of us before, it must be a bad one."

"But what do we DO?" He squeaked.

"We attack anyone and anything, she said, we can't use magic ourselves, we're just the cannon fodder to distract our target while the Mistress takes them down. If a few to us get toasted in the process, well, she has plenty more 'skin'."

John shuddered at the mention of the 'skin', as did a few other of the other occupants of the van. They'd all experienced the agony of undergoing their own changes once the horrible demonic skin had been applied to them, and changed not only their bodies but their souls. Each could feel the....thing on their backs, eager to change them all the way for good.

"Don't worry, Beth said, we're all incredibly tough, I've never been on a raid where one of us was actually killed. Hurt yes, killed no."

"Well, that's reassuring, John said, I guess."


With a flap of his wings Bill moved closer to Ruth as they winged their way over the city sleeping below. They were flying fairly low to keep under any radar as two large unexplained blips might attract some unwanted attention, but the glow from the city lights made it almost impossible for them to be seen even if anyone was looking.

"Look, I understand the seriousness of this, he hissed at her, but what do we do it we can't get the medallion back? I know. We'd be stuck like this every month, half animal, half human."

"We'll have to deal with that some way." she hissed back.

"Look, Bill said, when we get there give me the entire animal form, that way at least you'll be able to move around in public. It's my fault anyway, so I don't mind being a different animal every month, it's not like I'll even know what's going on anymore."

"No, that's not an option, Ruth replied, we'll both remain half and half, we'll just have to find someplace to live where we'll be alone all the time, or with someone who knows what our 'condition' is. I've got enough money to buy us a place in the middle of nowhere."

"But...." Bill started to say.

"NO, Ruth bellowed back, I won't do that to you! And I control the magic!"

Bill didn't answer, but just looked at the large female dragoness flying next to him, and thought, as long as we're together, that's all that mattered to him. As human, animal, or beast.


John uneasily shifted in his seat as the van came to a quiet stop, the lights off. The rest of his fellow 'skins' looked at one another nervously as well.

"Now comes the bad part", Beth said.

"What do you mean?" John asked.

"You'll see." She replied.

They both looked up as the vans side door slid open, and Mistress Anna stuck her head in and said, "Medallions off, and as soon as you're changed be quiet and wait, when the van stops again wait for instructions."

"Aw, crap!" John whispered, similar feelings being echoed by some of the others. But as ordered they removed their medallions, and soon muffled squeaks, hisses, and squeals of pain filled the van as they underwent their transformations to their full demonic forms. Similar sounds were soon coming from the other vans.

Mistress Anna went ahead with only her personal driver to 'reconnoiter' Madame Marian's house. She was relieved it was in an older rundown genteel neighborhood, and some of the other houses were empty. Hopefully they would be able to finish what they'd come to do and be gone without attracting any unwanted attention. She knew the house would be warded, but had come prepared. She draped several heavy necklaces around her neck, slipped on a few rings, and got her most powerful wand ready. Slith was in the trunk, and as soon as the vans arrived with the 'assault' troops she'd let him out. The attack should be a complete surprise. As soon as she was ready she made a quick call on her cell phone, said one word, and then waited. Seconds later the vans arrived, pulling up silently next to her car.

She went from van to van, giving the occupants her orders; the drivers taking off their own medallions, then turned to face the house. Showtime! Raising her wand she cast a powerful spell of dissipation; and the faint glow of the wards around the house flared as they resisted for a few seconds, then collapsed. "NOW GO!" She said, and the Hell rats and lizards exploded from the vans, squeaking and hissing excitedly as they ran towards the house in leaping bounds.


Madam Marian was truly impressed as she watched Mistress Vulva's reaction to the news on the TV; she'd never seen a demoness have a tantrum before.

"RRAAAARRRGGGG!" The beast bellowed, prancing around inside the pentagram, sparks flying from her cloven hooves. "HISSSSS! PET, I am going to send you BACK to the TITANIC, and LEAVE you there! URRRRAARRGGG, HISSSSSSS!"

In her rage the demoness was shooting fireballs from her fingertips, which exploded against the pentagrams shield in violent flashes, her eyes glowing brightly, and her tail barb was gauging chunks from the granite altar as her tail lashed back and forth.

"Mistress, I think she's upset." Brutus said from where he was hiding behind the large podium.

"I do too." Marian echoed from where she was hiding behind Brutus. The display of demonic fury was...terrifying. I am SO glad I'm not a certain little dragon, she thought.

Suddenly Brutus stood up and snarled, and said, "Mistress, the wards!"

"Yes, I know! Marian replied; she'd felt the wards collapse as well. Though mainly 'tripwires' to warn her of an intruder, it took an extremely powerful spell to simply dispel them like that. Could it be Mistress Vulva's doing?? But no, she was powerless as long as she was in the pentagram. Then Brutus gave a loud roar as the sound of breaking glass and wood came from upstairs.

"Brutus, bar the basement door!" Marian ordered, and turned to the spell book. She hoped she had time to cast a powerful ward on it, one designed to resist even the most powerful counter spell. She ignored the raging demoness in the pentagram.


Vulva was really pissed off. Send a dragon to perform a simple errand, and he destroys everything in sight! They should have known better! And he hadn't burned down some pleasure resort in Hell, or blown up some sewers, he'd burned down the freaking VATICAN! WITH cameras rolling! The Great Lord was NOT going to like THIS! "RRRAAARRRGGGHHHH!" And as in Heaven and the mortal world, it rolled downhill! If he had any sense he'd join the Infernal Foreign Legion, and she'd go with him! Otherwise they'd both be lucky to end up as the Great Lords newest fireside rugs; or in his case a scaly Ottoman! They were SO screwed! "HISSSSSSSS!" She was so enraged she didn't notice the ongoing events in the basement at first.


Brutus had just reached the heavy basement door when it was suddenly blown in with a loud blast, and the concussion blew him back down the stairs. Before the smoke even cleared furry and scaled creatures began pouring through the entrance, and Marian hit the first one with a fireball and it tumbled screaming down the stairs in a ball of flame, then got up and started running around beating frantically at its burning fur. Brutus hooked his claws into the next one and threw it against the wall with a sickening crunch, then went down in a roaring, squealing, hissing tangle as several other creatures piled onto him.

Marian blasted a hissing lizard thing as it ran towards her, then was herself blown backwards as she was struck by a spell cast by a woman who had appeared at the top of the stairs, and as she hit the floor she passed out.


Mistress Anna surveyed the scene in the basement in satisfaction, it had gone rather well though the resistance had been a little fiercer then she'd expected. Few Sorceress's could throw fireballs without some sort of aid such as a wand or ring, and Madame Marian had been stark naked, plus her kitty cat had chewed up a few of her skins fairly badly before he was subdued. She was glad they hadn't had to destroy the anthro-panther though, what a beast! But no casualties on either side, which was good, and her 'pets' would heal. The only glitch was the unsuspected presence of a demoness inside a pentagram, but at least she was inside the pentagram, so was of no danger. And the demoness appeared to be rather upset about something.


"Who the FUCK, are you?" Vulva snarled at the strange Sorceress who had just assaulted her acolyte and familiar.

"Who I am you need not know, Anna said, but I assume you must be Mistress Vulva."

"You know me?" Vulva hissed, eyes narrowing.

"I know OF you, Anna said, and since Madame Marian evidently summoned you then I must assume you are her patroness."

"A reasonable deduction, Vulva grudgingly admitted, yes, I am Mistress Vulva; now tell me why you have attacked my acolyte while she was treating with me? I am not amused."

"It is between her and I, Anna said, you need not bother yourself with the reason. She has something I desire."

"That remains to be seen, Vulva hissed, what is it she has?"

"That is of no concern of yours, Anna said, now behave yourself or I will close the pentagram."

"HOW DARE YOU!" Vulva hissed angrily, and then fumed as the human ignored her.


Bill and Ruth circled Madame Marian's house in confusion, having arrived just as the attack started.

"WHAT, were those things?" Bill hissed as quietly as possible.

"I have NO idea, Ruth replied, but some kind of looked like us when we're in our rat forms, but nastier. And those lizard things! Reminded me of raptors!"

"I know, Bill said, and did you hear those explosions, this isn't a friendly visit! What do we do?"

"I'm not sure, Ruth replied, but for now we wait. I have a feeling this might be about the medallion." And she clutched the heavy gold medallion hanging from a gold chain around her neck.


Anna had watched as her servants strapped the unconscious Marian onto a sturdy 'X' shaped table they'd dragged into the pentagram chamber from Marian's impressive dungeon. Anna had been surprised; she'd hadn't realized her adversary was into that kind of stuff, she seemed so aloof and severe, almost puritan. The snarling familiar had been bound in spell proof chains, and lay spitting and growling in a corner carefully watched by several skins that kicked him until she put a stop to it. As soon as Marian was secured Anna drew a series of symbols on her belly which would prevent her from casting any spells, leaving her helpless. She looked at the older woman's nude body, spread eagle on the rack, and had to admit she was still good looking. She'd make a great statue. Marian gave a moan, and Anna thought, good, she's waking up, perfect timing!


John crouched over Beth and licked the burns on her body, whimpering. She had finally passed out, which was merciful as she had been in agony. Even in his most demonic form he had been horrified as she'd burst into flames, and ignoring the ongoing battle, he'd gone to her. He gave her singed muzzle another lick, and then looked at the scene in the basement as his Mistress examined the woman they'd attacked. His eyes narrowed in hatred, even like this he still remembered what she'd done to him. But she was his Mistress, so he had no choice but to do as she said. Turning his attention back to his injured mate he did what he could to comfort her, running his tongue gently over her horrible burns.


"We can't fly around in circles forever; Bill hissed at Ruth, someone is bound to notice us!"

"We can't do anything until we find out what's going on, Ruth said, and we can't just leave!"

"I have an idea, Bill said, give yourself the full dragon form, and let me take on a more human one. I'm a professional burglar, I can move very silently. Maybe I can get close enough to find out something."

"Not a bad idea, Ruth replied, we can land in the backyard, doesn't look like any of those rat or lizard things are back there, and the trees and bushes will give us some cover."

With unavoidable loud flaps of their wings they landed as quietly as beasts their size could, and holding the Zodiac medallion Ruth invoked the magic, channeling it from his body into hers, and she grew in size as he shrank. The feeling was actually rather pleasant as she felt her power grow along with her size. When it was over she coiled and crouched as close to the ground as she could as she had become quite a bit larger. Unable to talk she just gave Bill a nudge, but even though much smaller he still couldn't pass for human. For some reason in this form the retained at least a partially reptilian form no matter how much she tried to change one of them into a more human form. He folded his much smaller wings, gave her huge snout a lick, and then began stealthily moving through the bushes towards the house.


"Ah, Marian, glad to see you're awake, Anna said, now we can get started."

"Anna, you sleazy little tramp, what do you want?" Marian muttered, quickly realizing she was strapped to one of her own racks, naked and helpless.

"Well, Anna replied, I've got what I want, at least partially. It's about time you learned your place Miss High and Mighty, you AND you little pet. Now, where is it?"

"Where is WHAT?" Marian spit out.

"Oh dear, so we're going to play that little game, Anna scolded. Very well, my little friends don't mind a little fun." She nodded to a Hell rat, and with an eager squeal it mounted Marian and started fucking her.

Marian grunted as the well endowed beast's penis penetrated her, but it was partially in pleasure. She gave a soft groan as it hilted, and said,

"Remember who I serve Anna, do you really think this will make me tell you anything? I rather enjoy a nice gang-bang."

"Oh, that's just to lube you up; Anna chuckled, to make it easier for the Hell lizards. You ever been fucked by a Hell lizard, Marian? Being reptiles they have twin hemipenes, and in this form they're rather odd shaped. All those barbs and spines you know. It's not so bad once you get used to it, and while the first few times might actually be rather enjoyable, after awhile it starts to hurt, then becomes agonizing. At first those protrusions stimulate, but then they began to rub and scratch, then tear soft flesh. Not just your pussy either, but your ass as well as they will fuck you in both at the same time. And we have plenty of time."

Brutus started lunging against his restraints as he watched the rat creature coupling with his Mistress; and heard what the other woman had planned for her, but some brutal blows from his captors eventually 'calmed' him down.

"I really have no idea what you're babbling about", Marian grunted as she stared at the slobbering mouth of the rat fucking her, the beast squealing in pleasure.

Anna grabbed one of Marian's large nipples and gave it a brutal twist, causing the bound woman to give a squeal of pain, "Next time I'll have your 'lover' chew your nipples off and eat them while you watch, she hissed, now, WHERE is the key!"

Marian looked at Anna in genuine surprise, and then said, "You TOO? Does everyone know about that damned medallion!? But you're out of luck dearie, I don't have it! It is in the hands of another Sorceress, I've NEVER had it! You have been misinformed!"

Anna straightened up in surprise, but she had no doubt Marian was telling the truth. So the demon bug had been misinformed as well, stupid thing! As she pondered this development the rat suddenly squealed loudly as it orgasmed, and as it dismounted she motioned for another rampant Hell rat to take its place, and with an eager squeal the second rat mounted Marian and begin servicing her, Marian moaning in pleasure as the rat began lunging into her.

"I believe you, Anna finally said, but I also have a feeling you know who does have the medallion, so my threat stands. Tell me where the medallion is, or my pets will do their best to rape you to death over the next few days. They are quite insatiable you know, and once the rats are finished the lizards will start, then the rats again, and so on."

Marian arched as the rat kept humping her, gave a groan of pleasure as she came, and smiled up at Anna. "Sounds like fun!"


Vulva had been watching the unfolding scene before her; and with a loud hiss she got the woman called Anna's attention, and said, "I know who you are now, you serve Great Lord Asmodai. He will not be...pleased by your actions. Sssss."

Anna looked at the demoness, and said, "I serve another now, one who will soon be the most powerful demon in Hell. And he will give me eternal youth and health, on earth!"

Vulva smiled, causing Anna to take a step back, and said, "That is often offered, but seldom given. Tell me, do you have this agreement in writing, did he give it to you in person, giving his oath?"

Damn it, Anna realized, she should have asked for that! "Um, no, but his slave did say he would grant me those boons."

"Hmphh, foolish mortal, Vulva hissed, you should know better!"

"Well, once I have the medallion I'll make him do that before I give it to him, Anna said, thank you for reminding me! Now if you'll excuse me, I want to watch the fun!"


Vulva hopped up on the altar and crouched as she watched the ongoing gang rape, not that it bothered her all that much. She knew Marian was enjoying herself so far, but as the hours became days, well, that would change. Too much of a good thing, but one Hell of a way to die! IF she could have she would have aided her acolyte; loyalty worked both ways, but trapped in the pentagram she was helpless. Suddenly Vulva sensed another presence, and narrowing her eyes examined the basement, her gaze finally rising to the shattered door frame at the top of the stairs, and her eyes widened in surprise; but she quickly turned her gaze elsewhere.


Bill quickly made his way to the back of the house, and when his sensitive senses detected nothing out of place he easily pushed up a window and slid into a dark room. He waited for a few minutes, every sense tingling for the slightest sound or scent, but finally relaxed when there was no sign his entry had been noticed. He knew his way around the house, he and Ruth being frequent visitors as Ruth took lessons from the older more experienced Sorceress, and of course the breaks in the 'playroom' in the basement were always most enjoyable. Experiencing sex in the forms of many different anthro-animals was...fantastic, it almost made the curse worthwhile.

But now it got more difficult, so he carefully opened the door and moved into the hallway, and still nothing. He could smell the creatures he and Ruth had seen as they circled the house, and he wrinkled his snout in distaste. The scents were not...normal, animal yes, but with a taint of something else. Then it hit him, demons! NOT good! He almost turned and left, but concern for his two friends kept him in place. Slowly he resumed his exploration of the house.

As he came to the door to the basement; or what was left of it, he knew what he was looking for was down in the basement. But there were no guards, no sign of a watcher. Moving very slowly, almost on his belly, he stuck his head around a corner of the door jamb, and paused in shock at what he saw.

In the center of the large room a large demoness he recognized was sitting on the altar inside the pentagram, and suddenly he realized she was looking at him; but as soon as her gaze settled on him it moved on. She doesn't want to give me away, he realized. But by far the worst sight was Marian strapped to a rack being fucked; and he doubted it was consensual, by one of the large hairy rat things. And he almost hissed as he saw Brutus, chained and battered into submission, whimpering as he watched his Mistress being violated. And the room was full of the rat things, and lizard things, their gazes fixed on the moaning woman and her 'lover', the males all aroused, evidently waiting their turn; but a couple of pairs were coupling as well, evidently the males hadn't wanted to wait and found equally aroused females. Good thing they're all so horny, he thought.

Slowly he withdrew his head, and left the way he'd come, just as slowly and quietly. It wouldn't do to give himself away by being too fast and careless. Just because they hadn't heard him arrive didn't mean they wouldn't hear him leave, and he had no doubt the things had good hearing and a sensitive sense of smell.


"Marian, tell me WHO has the key!" Anna snapped, she was getting fed up. When her captive refused again, she motioned to another rat, and said, "Since you won't talk, I see no reason to leave your mouth unfilled, open wide!" Then she smiled as another rat forced his cock into Marian's mouth, but her smile turned to a frown as Marina cooperated and opened her mouth wide, tonguing the cock as it slid down her throat. "Mmmmm" Marian grunted.


Vulva wasn't sure what it had meant when the strange reptilian face had appeared in the basement doorway. It was different from the Hell lizards, and from its stealthy appearance she knew it hadn't wanted to be seen. She remembered that the other acolyte; Ruth, and her own familiar were changelings and had been on their way here, so she assumed they had arrived. Hmm, she thought, perhaps she could level the playing field just a bit. It might make things more...interesting. It certainly couldn't hurt. And interfering with Anna's plans would be fun, the little bitch was much too full of herself, it would be nice to take her down a peg or two.


Anna looked up as the demoness stood up and jumped down from the top of the altar with a snap of her wings.

"She won't talk, you know, the demoness in the pentagram said softly. She enjoys what you're having your minions do to her."

"That remains to be seen, Anna said, I haven't given her to my lizards yet. They will make her beg to talk."

"Possibly, Vulva said, but that could take hours, or days. On the other hand, perhaps I can give you the information you desire."

"And you would do this...because?" Anna asked skeptically.

"Because if may be to my benefit, Vulva said, if what you said is true, then assisting you may be to my best interests if Hell does indeed have a new hierarchy. I do not wish to be on the losing side."

"I'm listening." Anna said.


Madam Marian wasn't all that disturbed as a second rat beast thrust his pre dripping cock in her face, she was used to two or three partners on a regular basis, so she opened her mouth to accept the long thick inhuman cock. As the lip of the rats sheath pressed against her lips she began sucking, the surprised rat squealing in delight. Normally unwilling females weren't this much fun to mate with!

Then as Marian heard Anna talking with Vulva, she gave muffled squeals around the cock in her mouth as she stared at Vulva. No Mistress, she thought, don't tell her! Don't betray us!


Greatly aroused by the ongoing gang-bang the other skins, both male and female, paid no attention to anything else. In their Hell forms they were little more then animals, and it had never occurred to them to post a sentry. And as the smell of sex began stronger they were soon only interested in one thing. The only one who noticed the appearance of a strange reptile in the basement doorway was one male crouched over an injured female; but his beady red eyes gave away nothing. He watched until the strange face disappeared, then bent and started licking the badly burned female again.


Anna smiled as Marian began to struggle, muffled sounds coming from her throat. It would appear she didn't want the demoness to reveal that information to her, which means it was probably legitimate! Excellent! The night was still young, and she had the time to make another raid. The novice acolyte would be easy. She listened as Vulva told her the name of the Sorceress, but didn't have her address. Well, that was no problem; she had the city directory in her laptop in the car. But what to do about Marian and her kitty? Well, she certainly wasn't going to let her go! She finally decided to leave some of the skins here to guard her; and have fun, until they could be collected. She wanted to go through Marian's possessions too, she was bound to have some useful magical goodies, and her spellbook was a major prize.

"Well, looks like I'll be going now", she said to Marian as the writhing woman stared up at her, eyes blazing with hate as she slobbered around the cock in her mouth. "But don't worry, I'll leave you some of my skins to keep you company, you'd enjoy that, wouldn't you? Then once I've dealt with your friend and her familiar I'll come back for you. I have a lovely spot for you and your familiar picked out in my garden."

Anna quickly made her plans, and decided to leave half her skins to watch Marian and Brutus, the four injured ones and six others. She gave them orders to keep fucking Marian until she returned; however long that might be. It might even be a day or two.

As she left a couple of the skins noticed a strange scent in the kitchen, but when they paused and sniffed around she snapped at them, and obediently they followed her out to the vans. A short time later her car and a van pulled away leaving the last van behind.


Ruth watched as Bill exited through the same window he'd entered the house through, and then quietly moved back through the bushes to where she waited. As soon as he was close enough she gripped the medallion, and the magic flowed from her to him, and as she shrank he grew larger and more bestial until they were both in their anthro forms again.

"Well?" she hissed.

"It's bad, Bill hissed back, those things have Marian strapped to a table and are...raping her, at least I think they are. Mistress Vulva is there, and she saw me, but I got the impression she didn't exactly approve of what was going on. At least she didn't give me away. There was another woman there, one I've never seen, but she was wearing magical accoutrements and was in charge. Those rat and lizard things, they're demonic! I could smell it on them. And poor Brutus is all chained up, and they beat him to a pulp."

Ruth hissed angrily, Marian and Brutus were both good friends, and to see them being mistreated was...unacceptable.

"We have to help!" She said.

"Well, of course we do, Bill replied, but how? There are fifteen or twenty of those things, and you know how tough anything demonic is. I'm glad we're in these forms though; at least we might have a chance as dragons. As giant chickens or pigs, no way! Can you use any spells?"

Ruth hissed in frustration, she hadn't thought to bring any of her talismans, "No, I'm too inexperienced to cast offensive spells without magical aids; we'll just have to use our natural weapons. Maybe the sudden appearance of two dragons will cause them to panic, and we can snatch Marian and Brutus and run; or fly, like Hell. We're big, and strong enough, to carry them. And if we can get airborne they can't follow us."

"Wait, Bill suddenly hissed, you hear that!? They're leaving! Wait here!" And before Ruth could say anything he took flight, and disappeared into the dark night with a snap of his wings.

She had just about decided to follow him, when he returned just as silently. "Some of them are leaving! He hissed excitedly, the woman and a bunch of the creatures! They just drove off!"

"Good! Ruth hissed, we have a lot better chance, now! What's our plan of attack?"

"I say we just burst in on them, tear up the demons, and then get the Hell of out Dodge." Bill replied.

"Sounds like a plan, Ruth said, follow me!"

"Uh-uh, no way, Bill hissed, YOU follow ME! While I distract the beasties you grab Marian and Brutus."

When she tried to protest he just gave a deeper no-nonsense hiss, and turned and ran towards the house. Males! She thought, as she followed him; always have to lead the charge. Bless their little hearts.


The skins were so intent; and aroused, by the ongoing gang-rape and their own rutting that the unexpected attack was a total surprise. One second the basement was filled with the sounds of sexual pleasure, the next it was a roaring, squeaking, hissing, madhouse like a scene out of...Hell.

Bill grabbed a squealing rat thing in his mouth and crushed it between his powerful jaws before slinging it against the wall, Ruth doing the same with a panicking lizard. Brutus responded instantly by grabbing the leg of one of the rats watching him and sinking his fangs into it, the rat screeching in agony as its leg bones were crushed. As Bill grabbed another rat in his powerful hands and dug his claws into it Ruth headed for Madam Marian.

The initial surprise over the skins quickly recovered from their shock, and fought back. And it was soon apparent they were indeed demonic creatures as damage and wounds that would have killed any normal animal merely inconvenienced them, and they began to fight back ferociously. The male that had been in a corner watching over an obviously injured female threw himself on Bill's back, savagely tearing at his thick scales with razor sharp fangs and claws, and soon several Hell rats and lizard were swarming over each of the dragons. With a roar Bill coiled back down his length, grabbing the rat on his back, and crushing its legs between his jaws flung it across the floor into a lizard, both tumbling in a heap. The lizard jumped up and attacked again, but the rat was out of it for awhile.

Brutus mauled the rat he'd bitten as it collapsed next to him, and watched the ongoing battle. The dragons were much larger then the skins, but though magical were not as resilient as the demonic rats and lizards, and the battle was soon going against them, and bound as he was in chains he was of little help. Temporarily ignored by the skins he made his decision, the only one he could think of, and rising into a bent over crouch he began hopping towards the pentagram as best he could.


Marian gasped as the cocks in her mouth and pussy were suddenly yanked out, and all Hell broke loose. At first she wasn't sure what was happening, and then recognized the two dragons battling the Hell skins. Ruth and Bill, but didn't they realize what they were up against?! One on one they could probably win, against two or three each there was no way. But they fought on, no quarter asked, none given. And she knew they would die for her.

She struggled against her restraints, damn it!! If she could get free she could help, she had to remove the spell symbols Anna had drawn on her stomach; with them gone she could at least cast spells even if she was still strapped down! Then she saw Brutus rise shakily to his feet and began to more, and felt her heart skip a beat as she realized his intention.

She almost yelled at him to stop; to release Vulva from the pentagram would have grave consequences for all of them, was their only hope. The demi-demoness could easily subdue the skins, they would naturally submit to her with a show of force. So she kept silent, and laid her head back down, resigned to whatever might come.


Vulva watched the ongoing battle with interest. The two dragons were impressive, and fought magnificently, but there was not doubt as to the outcome. Both were already wounded, and severely injured skins just kept getting back up and returning to the fight. It was only a matter of attrition as they wore the dragons down. As she kept watching the dragons moved together and stood back to back for a last stand, and another lizard was thrown against the wall with a sickening crunch, only to return to the fight almost instantly despite an obviously broken arm. Then she noticed movement to one side, and turning watched as Marian's familiar got to his feet, and began to approach the pentagram. As she realized his intention, Vulva smiled in anticipation, things were about to get more...interesting. Anyone seeing that smile would have trembled in terror.


Right at the last second one of Hell lizards noticed the anthro-cats intentions, and with a hiss moved to intercept him, but it was too late. With a snarl Brutus stumbled forward into the pentagram, there was a flash and the smell of brimstone, and Vulva was set free!


"YESSSSSS!" Vulva hissed loudly as she stepped over the border of the pentagram.

Raising s hand she blasted the nearest Hell lizard and it flew across the room with a screech of pain, slamming into the wall with bone crushing force. The other skins took one look, and then ran like Hell, fighting one another to get up the stairs. Two dragons were one thing; a demoness of Vulva's power was another thing entirely. They might be demonic animals, but they weren't stupid and knew they were no match for her. Vulva blasted another one in the butt to further encourage the sudden exodus; but otherwise let them go, the scorched rats squeal of pain fading rapidly. A short time later she heard the squeal of tires as the last van left. The skins knew the Mistress would not be pleased, but Fuck this!

Vulva looked around as things quieted down, the two dragons panting heavily as they regarded her warily, and she said, "You have nothing to fear from me, your fight was most impressive, but next time I recommend you be more cautious as to who, or what, your opponents are. Now, I believe you have something for me?? Hisssss."

The two dragons looked at one another, the male nodded, and the female approached Vulva and dropped a large gold medallion and chain into her open palm.

"Excellent!" Vulva hissed.

"Will we get it back, the female dragon hissed, without it we are trapped in a different form every month, half human, half animal."

Vulva regarded the two large beasts; not without some sympathy, and said, "I honestly do not know. But your assistance, and sacrifice, will not go unnoticed, or unrewarded. But we will discuss that later. Now, if you will excuse me."

Marian looked up as Vulva stood over her, and shivered as the demoness possessively ran clawed fingers over her nude body, giving one of her breasts a gentle squeeze, then leaned over and licked her sex, and she quivered in pleasure as the warm wet tongue slid over her labial lips and clitoris.

"Well, Marian, Vulva said softly, it would appear you are mine at last, body and soul. How I have looked forward to this day. You will make a fine slave."

Marian gulped and gave a soft moan, but stared up at the demoness without averting her eyes.

"Are you scared?" Vulva asked quietly.

"Y-Yes." Marian stammered.

"Always truthful, I like that, Vulva hissed. She gently caressed Marian's cheek, and said, "It will not be so bad, you have served me well. You be welcome in my service."

Marian just nodded her head, part of her actually looking forward to it. Then she heard a whimpering mewling sound, and remembered, Brutus! "Please Mistress, she said, my familiar!"

Vulva nodded, and turning walked over to the altar, her hooves clopping on the hard floor. The large catman was leaning against the altar, staring up at her without much fear as he was after all of demonic origins himself. Bending over Vulva touched his chains, spoke a word of power, and they fell away with a clatter.

"Now, Vulva said, attend to your Mistress."

With a nod Brutus got to his feet, bowed to Vulva, and hurried to his Mistress's side. As he undid her straps he licked her face, purring softly.

"I'm sorry Mistress, Brutus said, it was the only way."

"Yes, I know my love." Marian replied.


"Damn it! They're not home!" Anna raged. The large mansion hadn't even been warded and they'd just marched right in. But other then an impressive collection of antiquities there was nothing. No sign of the Sorceress and her familiar, OR the medallion! "SHIT!" Turning, she yelled at the skins who were snooping around, and they left a short time later.

Half way there they ran into the other van, and finding an abandoned parking lot she listened to the skins in it at the gibbered and tried to drown one another out, until finally pointing at one of the Hell lizards, indicating it should speak, and for the others to 'SHUT THE FUCK UP!' She paled as she heard its story, Vulva had gotten loose! Crap; that meant the demoness was on the loose until sunup, which was still a couple of hours away! And dragons, what the Hell was that all about?! They had better NOT be making this up! But no, they were missing two of their number and some still had healing wounds, so they'd obviously had the shit kicked out of them. Well, back to her estate for now! Hopefully her wards would hold long enough against Vulva if the demoness decided to come after her!


Bill and Ruth had been watching Vulva and Marian, but knew they could do nothing. If they were lucky the demoness would not claim them as well. Even in their current forms they were no match for a creature of her power.

Suddenly Bill heard a faint sound, and turning his head found two glowing eyes staring at him from a dark corner.

"Ruth, Bill roared, some of the rat demons are still here!"


As the battle raged John had dragged himself to the corner where Beth lay quietly, dragging his shattered legs behind him. He was healing, but slowly, and almost passed out from the pain more then once, but both the animal and human in him were driven to reach her side, to protect her. Finally he reached her, positioning himself between her and the raging battle, then made himself as comfortable as possible. She was healing too, but her burns had been severe and it would take awhile.

He had seen the cat familiar moving toward the pentagram, but he had been unable to intervene, and his squeal of warning was lost in the roars and snarls filling the basement. Then once the demoness was free he had watched in despair as his pack members were routed, and there was no way he or Beth could follow. So he remained as silent at possible. But now one of the dragons had noticed him.

Pulling himself into a crouch he growled at the dragons and others as all their head turned to look at him in response to the dragons roar.


"This one is mine!" Bill hissed, and started towards the rat in the corner. Then he stopped as a commanding voice said,

"Hold! Vulva said, let me see what we have here." Bill bowed his head and backed away, but never took his eyes off the Hell rat.


"Well, well, what have we here?" Vulva said; more to herself then asking a question, as she examined the Hell rat backed into the corner. Ah, she realized, it is injured, that is why it did not flee with the others. And what's this? TWO of them?

"Who are you?" She asked the snarling rat. "Speak, I will understand."

The rat cocked its head at her, then squeaked, "My name is...John, I am a slave of Mistress Anna. This is my mate; I will not let you harm her!"

"A skin, yes, Vulva mused, not a true born demon, but a changeling."

"Not by my choice! The rat hissed, as I said, I had no choice in the matter, I am a slave! All of her skins are. I do not want to be like this! It's...its horrible! I can feel the beast inside me, if we remain in our Hell forms for too long it will take over, nothing human will be left!"

"I am not without sympathy, Vulva said, but there in naught I can do, the curse is permanent, surely you know that?"

"Yessss, the rat wailed in anguish, it's not so bad in our more human forms, but I don't want to be an animal! None of us do! We don't want to do the things she makes us do! We serve because we have no choice!"

"Mistress Vulva, Marian said, can't you do something for them? Surely no one deserves to that.

"It is not so easy, Vulva said, by all rights we should destroy them. They have no choice but to be loyal to Anna, whether they want to or not, and will do nothing to harm her. They are bound to her, she controls their very form."

John crouched and looked from the demoness to the woman, and said, "We HATE her! If we could we would tear her apart! And I don't care about myself, but help my mate, help her, please!" And he turned and nuzzled the badly burned female.

"What do you know of Mistress Anna's plans, skin?" Vulva asked.

John looked back up, and said, "Not much, she tells her slaves as little as possible. But I do know she came because a demon she called a 'bug' contacted her, he promised her great rewards if she obtained what she called a 'key'. She thought Madame Marian had it."

"Ah, verminkind again, Vulva hissed, damn them! They're too stupid, too blinded, to understand that one cannot bargain with chaos! They think they can assume power when order collapses, foolish insects! They will be absorbed into nothingness just like everything else in Hell, Heaven, and Earth!"


"What do you mean you won't help me?! Anna shrieked in rage at the demon in the pentagram, Slith hissing angrily. I did as you asked, and two of my skins were destroyed!"

"But you failed, the vermin demon hissed, and now Vulva has the key! We do NOT reward failure, mortal!"

"B-But, Anna stammered desperately, you don't know what Asmodai will DO to me if he finds out!"

"Oh, I have a good idea, the bug chittered, and he already knows. We have told him we are no longer interested in buying your contract. He is quite anxious to claim you in, what is it, six months or less? If you like, give yourself to me now and we can protect you from him."

"W-What will you do, me?" Anna stuttered.

"You will be a sex slave of course, the vermin demon said, despite our appearances we greatly enjoy coupling with human females; you are so soft. We will also use you to incubate our eggs, the females will deposit them in your womb."

"NO!" Anna said in disgust.

"Then close the pentagram, the demon said, I have wasted enough time with you."

Fuming in rage, and fear, Anna closed the pentagram. It was all she could do.


"Mistress Vulva, I may have a...solution that may solve our, and their, problem." Marian said, nodding at the two Hell rats.

Vulva raised her eyebrows, and replied, "I'm listening."

"You, Marian said the male rat, what did Anna have planned for me?"

The rat furtively turned his head, and squeaked, "I-I don't know."

"TELL HER! Vulva hissed, you are lying, I can sense it!"

The rat snarled, but said, "If she cannot make you her minion, then she adds you to her collection!"

"What collection?" Marian asked, but was sure she already knew.

"Her statues, the rat said, she turns her adversaries into statues, living statues! They're alive and aware, and can even feel. It's...horrible! She keeps them in her garden."

Vulva wasn't really that surprised at what Anna had planned for Marian, there were quite a few poor damned souls in Hell that would spend eternity as sentient statues. They were fairly popular as decorators and 'lawn gnomes'. And usually the spell of transformation was permanent, but there were different variations. In some the stature remained 'posable', like a mannequin, and while it couldn't move itself, others could.

"I thought so, Marian said. But that gives me an idea, a way to get even with her AND help out her skins as much as possible. Everyone wins, but her. Here is what I propose."

As Marian explained her idea Vulva started smiling evilly, how devilish! The Hell rat sat up straighter, his mouth open revealing needle sharp fangs, and his eyes began to glow brighter, with hope. When she finished, Vulva said,

"Marian, I am impressed, that plan is as demonic as any I've ever heard! What a delicious irony, I think even Great Lord Asmodai will have no objections, he loves stuff like that. Now, as for you two...,Vulva said as she looked at the two Hell rats, give me your hand, and put your other on the female."

Knowing he dare not refuse, the male rat let Vulva take his paw/hand, and then gave a shriek of pain; and relief, as he felt his legs finish healing, and felt the burning of the healing power flow into the female as well. When he looked at her the burns were gone, her flesh pink and healthy where the fur had been burned off. She was awake, but confused; and he gave her a nuzzle and squeaked to let her know they were safe. Then looking back at Vulva, he asked,

"Why, Mistress, why did you help us?"

"Because I chose to, Vulva said, and you are needed to help instigate Marian's plans for your Mistress. Wait here until she brings you what is needed." Turning to Marian, Vulva said, "Marian, prepare the potion and give it to the Hell rat, but make haste as I must get back to Hell as soon as possible."

"What of me, Marian said, what of us?"

"In light of your services, and exemplary service over the centuries; I wish half my other acolytes were as loyal as you, I am inclined to give you another ten years. I think my Master will approve under the circumstances. As for the dragons, their willingly giving me the medallion leaves Hell in their debt as well; they are free and will be further compensated at a future time."

"But Mistress, Marian said, what if I don't want any extra time?"

Vulva said, in genuine surprise, "What do you mean?"

Marian sighed, and said, "Mistress, I'm tired. I'm over 500 hundred years old, and the world has changed so much. I don't fit in anymore. I'd-I'd like to come with you now."

"Madame Marian, Vulva said softly, do you know what you ask? We are talking about Hell you know. And once there, there is no going back, not ever. I will give you one more chance to change your mind."

"My thanks, Mistress, Marian said, but I'm ready. I think, hope, that maybe you can find a place for me where I can continue to serve you. I have...enjoyed our relationship. But there thing, one favor...

Vulva looked at Marian; Brutus standing behind her with his paws resting on her shoulders, and could sense her fear, but her strength as well. "Very well, Vulva said, what is it you desire? If it is within my power I will grant it, within reason." Marian approached Vulva, and whispered in her ear, and Vulva gave a big smile. She pulled Marian into her embrace and gave her a long sensuous kiss, and said, "Granted."

As they had kissed Marian felt power flow into her from the demoness, and as they broke their kiss, and Marian pulled away from Vulva, she suddenly felt a sickeningly pleasurable warmth explode in her belly, and quickly spread into her body. With a gasp she fell to her knees holding her stomach, then as her body convulsed she fell forward onto her hands and knees. Her body convulsing, skin writhing and rippling, Marian moaning as she began to change. With audible pops a ripple ran down her back as a tail pushed out of the base of her spine, and she groaned a her face began to bulge outwards, lips pulled back in pain as fangs pushed out of her gums, black fur sprouting and flowing across her straining body. Her cries became deeper as the fur thickened, and she gave a mewl of pain as claws grew from the tips of her fingers and toes, and with a loud crack her legs shifted as she moved from her knees to balancing on the balls of her feet. A final convulsion ran down her body, her fur rippled, and it was over. She remained on all fours, panting heavily, her body trembling from the agonizing; yet exhilitraing, transformation.

"Stand up, Vulva said, let us have a look at you my slave."

With a groan Marina rose hesitantly to her feet, and stared down at herself in shock and wonder. She saw a lithe muscular body covered in fine black fur like crusted velvet, her legs now digitigrades, her feet large paws tipped with razor sharp claws. She still had two large firm breasts, but was surprised; and pleased, to see a row of three more pairs of smaller breasts as well, their large nipples visible through her thinner belly fur. She raised her hands and looked at them, at the claws on the fingertips, and realized they were more paw/hands then either paws or hands, and felt her broad blunt muzzle, wide nose with sensitive whiskers, and soft pointed ears, and gave a low growl of wonder. She could feel a tail too; her tail, swishing back and forth behind her. Then she smelled him, and turned to face Brutus.

Brutus had been staring, first in concern, and then growing joy as his Mistress had undergone her transformation. And now as the beautiful black pantheress turned to face him he could only stand and stare in awe.

Almost shyly Marian looked at Brutus, her ears laid flat, and asked quietly, "Do you like it my love? I asked our Mistress to make me like you, make me your...mate."

Brutus could only reply by taking her into a tight embrace, tears streaming from his eyes as he buried his muzzle in her sweet smelling fur. He had always loved her, but had never expected anything like this!

Vulva watched the two large anthro-cats embrace with a smile on her muzzle, and said, "Oh, and one more thing. Every demoness should have a nice pair of wings, as should her familiar."

As they kept hugging one another both Marian and Brutus gave groans of pain as large bulges suddenly grew on their backs, then will wet tearing sounds bat like wings burst from the bulges in sprays of mucus, at first hanging limply, but as they finished forming they were able to fold them against their backs.

"Mistress! Marian said, I...I didn't expect...!"

"As I've said, I reward my followers, Vulva said, and you were already well on your way to becoming a demoness, those who serve me for so long are rewarded in that manner. You merely chose the form you will wear for eternity in my service, for make no mistake, you and your familiar ARE my slaves." Vulva hissed in approval as the new demoness and her familiar bowed to her in submission. "Excellent, I will have to brand you later. For now you must prepare the potion for the Hell rats, so do so! The male will stay here; I don't want you...distracted."

As Marian turned and bounded up the stairs Vulva examined Brutus with a critical eye, and said, "I think you and I are going to be good...friends. Now, as for you two..."

Bill and Beth had stood quietly as Marian underwent her impressive transformation, but now they both bowed to Vulva, hissing quietly.

"As I said, you are free to go. I have no need for you in Hell; you will be of more service to me by remaining in the mortal realm. And I am in your debt as well, but we will discuss that at a later time. For now, go and guard the house in case Anna tries to return. When the Hell rats have left you may leave. Summon me at the standard time. Hopefully; if Hell hasn't fallen, I will be able to respond. But then again, if Hell falls so does Earth. If we meet again we will discuss your...condition, and what might be done. Now go."

Vulva watched as the two large dragons flowed up the stairs with long flowing ripples of their lithe bodies, and smiled. Marian had been her best acolyte in thousands of years, but the other Sorceress and her own familiar would take her place. She could already tell they would be exceptional, especially if they could find some way to control their 'curse'. Then she turned to Brutus, and said, "While your Mistress is busy I don't see why we can't have some fun, and get better...acquainted." Brutus didn't say anything, but his tail begin to lash slowly back and forth.


While Bill watched the front door, Ruth watched the back. She coiled in the hallway so anything that might come in the door would not be able to get past her. After awhile she looked up as she heard; and smelled, Marian as she came down from upstairs. The once human female panther came up to her, and said,

"I'll miss you Ruth, and Bill. What do you think?" She added, doing a slow turn.

"You're beautiful, Ruth said, as you know Bill and I take on the forms of Tigers once a year, and it's one of our favorite forms."

"Yes, Marian said, those forms were lots of fun; I know Brutus really liked you in the form of a Tigress. He said it was because you were more like him that way. That's one reason I asked Mistress Vulva for this form, so I could be like him. I've always loved him, you know."

"Well, Ruth said, it was kind of obvious. I mean, even with all your other partners it was always clear you preferred him the most. Bill and I will miss you too."

"Well, maybe Mistress Vulva will let us visit sometimes, or maybe you can summon me? I guess that would be possible since I'm a demoness now, I'll have to ask her. But here, I have something for you." And she handed Ruth a large heavy bag. Before Ruth could respond, she added, "These are my spellbooks and accoutrements, I won't need them anymore. They'll save you lots of time. I want you to have them."

"I...I don't know what to say." Ruth replied, at a loss for words.

"Don't say anything, just enjoy them." Marian said, wrinkling her muzzle in a wide smile. "Now, I can't keep the Mistress waiting. You two take care of yourselves."

Ruth gave Marian's muzzle a lick, which the panther returned, wishing she was in a softer form so she could kiss her, but her hard reptilian snout and long forked tongue made that kind of impractical. Then she watched at the pantheress disappeared down the basement stairs. A short time later the male and female Hell rats ran past her and out the door, and she sensed the pentagram in the basement closing. With a sigh she gave a low roar to call Bill, and after he joined her they left the house and flew into the night sky.


As Marian entered the basement she paused, then gave a purr of amusement as she saw Brutus and Vulva coupling on top of the altar, Vulva lying on her back, wings spread, with her legs clamped around Brutus as he serviced her. She felt no jealousy, but rather was pleased her familiar was pleasuring their Mistress. She had no doubt that would be among their duties, for both of them.

Walking over to the two Skins; the female now awake as well, the male staying between her and Marian, she handed him the potion.

"You understand how to administer this? You must do it exactly as I told you." She said to the rat. It took the small bottle, nodded its head, then said,

"Thank you, you don't know what this means to us. We'll always be in your debt. Perhaps when we eventually come to Hell we can be your slaves, we would like that. Or, if this works, we would be willing to serve you in this world. We will need a Master, or Mistress. Such as we would be...lost without someone to give us direction. We are meant to serve. Please consider that."

Marian smiled, and said, "I think I'd like that too. Good luck, I wish you success. If you are, call me."

The two Hell rats nodded, bowed, and then turned and scampered up the stairs on all fours, the male holding the bottle tightly in one paw.

Walking towards the pentagram Marian began purring as she moved to the altar and gave Brutus a long kiss, both purring in delight as he kept thrusting into Vulva. Then she lowered her head and began to lick and tongue Mistress Vulva's magnificent breasts, the demoness hissing in approval.


"Ugggghhhm, Vulva grunted in pleasure, I've wanted to try out your familiar for quite a long time, ohhh-UGH, and it was worth the wait! He is...Ssssss, ssskilled! Now close the pentagram, we must be gone from this place!


Since Marian had opened the pentagram, she could still close it despite being a demoness now herself, so she spoke the words, and the candles flared and went out, smoke curling lazily from their still glowing wicks, the pentagram empty.

The End
