It's Tough Living on a Farm - Part 2

Story by Galthroc on SoFurry

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#2 of Farm Series

_I figured I'd go for a more story-centered...story. Let me know if you like it. _

~ ~ ~

Cole found it more and more difficult to concentrate on his jobs around the farm now. With every thing he did, his mind would flash pictures in front of him of that amazing night. He constantly thought he could see a horse out of the corner of his eye, but there was never one there. Anything long and circular looked like a horse cock, rainfall made him think of being covered in a huge load of spunk, every quiet sigh or grunt from the strain of working by his brother or father reminded him of those four hot beasts' moans.

It was worst at night. Every time he would close his eyes, he'd see them all again, sucking on their huge dicks, slurping noisily as they hungrily shoved their fat meat down their own throats. He would start to touch his body, imagining a layer of cum covering it again. He would thrash around in bed, his sheet raising from his constant erection. He had to go to the bathroom and jack off every night, sometimes twice, even three times on several occasions. Every time he did, though, he'd have to gag himself to keep from moaning too loudly - the vivid imagery he conjured while masturbating led to some intense orgasms, and it just never got old.

Ashton had noticed him disappearing every so often for about ten to fifteen minutes. They would be doing a simple job out on the farm, and then Cole would suddenly excuse himself, hurrying off towards the house in an unusually wobbly stride. He also noticed that Cole seemed much now. He seemed more relaxed. He would talk often, even though Ashton didn't enjoy the pleasure of his company. He would work more rigorously, getting his jobs done quickly, and then disappear off to the house, shutting himself in his room. Cole even took to working shirtless now, something he had never done. Ashton couldn't help but notice his brother's strong, hard body as it strained when lifting and moving things. How a layer of sweat made him glisten, and how his wet, blond hair fell into his eyes.

Cole was tempted to return to the barn all the time. But he kept himself from doing so, since if he did go every night, he'd never get any sleep. He went to bed late enough, and was always awoken in the early morning. It was only on the weekends did he experience any respite. And Friday night wasn't coming quickly enough.

It was early in the afternoon on a Wednesday. The sun was hot Cole's back as he worked the field, sweat pouring from his face and dripping onto his body in small streams. He put his hoe down and took a long swig from his water canteen, wiping the hair out of his face. It had been a long day, and he still had so much more to do. His mother would be giving him a math lesson soon, and he still had to feed the animals beforehand. On top off all that, he was so horny he couldn't think straight.

Cole looked around. Isolated. The back of the house was facing him, blinds covering the windows. Maybe he could sneak to the back of the barn and rub one out real quick. It would help him concentrate (for a while, at least). Knowing full well that he had jacked off earlier in the morning, Cole regardless made his way to the back of the barn, only several yards from the edge of the field. He sat against the wall, ensconced in a small block of shade, a great relief from the sweltering heat the afternoon brought today. He had an erection from the moment he sat down, his generous length straining against his shorts. He quickly tugged them down around the base of his bottom, letting his nine inch cock flop onto his hard stomach, the head resting just above his belly button.

He took the length in one hand and slowly stroked it up and down, moaning softly, closing his eyes and leaning his head back. He squeezed, his cock hard as a rock in his palm. He squeezed the base and wrapped his other hand around his shaft, pumping his dick with both hands now. He moaned louder, stretching his legs out, flexing his toes, lightly thrusting into his grip.

He could feel the pleasure building. He thought about the same thing he had thought about since Monday morning: 4 muscled horses, enormous cocks sticking out in front of them, some of them jerking off, some of them sucking themselves. He thought about the three of them gathered around Frank, the stud jerking his two feet of horse meat, cum shooting out and splashing onto them all. He loved that thought for some reason - the thought of those three horses able to control Frank in spite of his huge size. The idea of a dominant Frank at the mercy of the three others, his pleasure in their control.

He thought about Frank's orgasm subsiding, but the others didn't stop pleasuring him. They jerked, licked, sucked his cock. They worshipped it, they worshipped his body, rubbing his muscles all over, kissing his arms, licking his cut abs, squeezing his marble thighs. Cole thought about Frank soon reaching a second orgasm, his cock inflating and throbbing in the others' grips, exploding in another torrent of cum that soon ended, only to be followed by another, and another, and another - orgasm after precious orgasm, spurred on by the whims of the three horses controlling Frank, not letting him give up.

Cole thought about the horses jerking Frank off being so turned on by the hot display that their own huge cocks were cumming without even being touched, slapping against their bodies with every huge, thick rope that shot out. Cole thought about them being completely expended, except for Frank, who was still at their mercy, who was still being forced to orgasm, ear-splitting cries of pleasure rattling the foundations of the barn.

It was coming. His orgasm was near. He could feel it, the pressure building in his loins, that unique warmth spreading throughout his body. He moaned loudly, cupping one of his large pectorals, fervently jerking himself off. His toes curled and his legs flexed, muscled quads bulging. His blond hair fell in front of one of his eyes. His urethra bulged, the cum traveling up, up, up his shaft, finally escape from the tip of -

"What the FUCK are you DOING?" Ashton appeared from around the side of the barn, eyes popping from their sockets.

But it was too late. Rope after rope of thick cum shot out of Cole's throbbing cock, landing in big, white lines from his chest to his stomach. He couldn't help but moan loudly from the intense pleasure, despite Ashton's glaring, despite being totally and completely busted. Still, Cole was lost in the throes of his orgasm, transported to another world deep within his mind, a world that could only be opened by tugging on his cock for extended amounts of time. But after too short a time, that special paradise was fleeting, and he was warped back to reality. His eyes blinked open, avoiding contact with his brother, who merely stood there, shocked.

"Is this why you've been disappearing all week?" Ashton accused, his voice oddly more complacent than Cole expected. There was only a small hint of anger.

Cole nodded slowly. "Yeah."

"Why? What caused this all of a sudden?"

Cole looked at Ashton. In the millisecond that his gaze traveled over his brother's body, he could of sworn he saw the hint of an erection, but he didn't dare look again, since Ashton was looking right into his eyes, probably to keep

himself from looking at the rest of Cole. "You wouldn't believe me," he said.

Ashton suddenly looked disgusted, "don't you dare tell me it has something to do with that revolting story you told me

a while ago about the horses."

Cole didn't say anything. He looked at the ground.

Ashton shook his head, then threw up his arms. "Whatever. You're crazy - I get it now. You're fucking insane. Just clean yourself up and do your god damn job. And get your head on straight while you're at it, you sicko." He stormed off towards the house.

Cole withheld his anger, but couldn't help but lash out at the barn wall, pounding it with his fist. "Fucking asshole..."


Dinner that night was a silent, awkward affair. The air was dead silent except for the clanging of silverware and the loud chewing of tough meat. Cole avoided eye contact with his brother at all costs, keeping his head down when being passed (shoved) a bowl of potatoes by him. His mother tried to make small talk a few times, but eventually gave up when finally realizing neither of her sons were going to speak. Their father just shrugged and ate his meal, excusing himself afterwards to finish up a project he was working on outside.

Their mother put her hands on her lap and looked at Cole and Ashton. "Boys, look at me," she said.They both looked up from their plates at her, eyebrows raised.

"Is there something going on that I should know about? You're both awfully quiet tonight. By now you're usually arguing over who should get the last of the meat," she couldn't help but chuckle.

Ashton turned and stared Cole down for a bit before looking at his mother again. "Maybe there is something wrong," he threatened.

Cole felt his heartbeat suddenly increase tenfold. He darted his eyes from Ashton and then to his mother. "No," he stated firmly. "No, there isn't anything wrong"

Their mother tilted her head quizzically. "What is it, boys? What's going on? You two are starting to worry me."

"Cole's been screwing around when he should be working," Ashton said casually, shoving a pile of potatoes into his tattling mouth. Cole glared at him with deepest contempt.

"Well, I can't say that's a good thing, but it certainly it can't be the issue at hand," Mother said.

"Nope, that's really all it is," Cole intervened. "Ashton's just being sour, like he always is." He tried to turn the conversation into just another common argument among siblings, something their mother was definitely accustomed to.

Ashton put down his fork and sat back in his chair, as if enjoying being able to torture Cole with the threat of sharing this dirt he had on his brother. "Naturally I would be sour after catching you doing what you were doing today by the barn," he rolled his eyes around coyly, trying not to smile.

Mother looked at Cole, waiting for an answer. "What is Ashton talking about, sweetie?" she asked with genuine concern, bless her heart.

"Don't you dare say a word," Cole growled under his breath, so that only Ashton could hear. "Our rooms don't have locks. I will break your fucking arms." Ashton's eyes briefly flashed concern before returning to normal.

"What was that?" Mother asked.

"Nothing. I was just praying that Ashton gain some sense. Hopefully God will guide his upbringing and prevent him from being too much of an idiot in his future."

"Cole! You watch your mouth. You two need to learn to respect each other."

"How can I respect him if he doesn't respect me?" Cole feigned anger.

"Wait. Shut up, Cole," Ashton said, realizing his mother was getting distracted. She was getting up from her seat and collecting her dishes. "Mom, listen, Cole was-"

"ALWAYS spreading lies about me!" Cole yelled suddenly, startling his mother.

"Young man, stop it right now!" she said, nearly dropping her plate as she carried it over to the sink. "Ashton is a nice young boy and I know you are as well, I don't see the problem you two are always having with each other."

"But mom-" Ashton began.

"YOU NEVER BELIEVE ME!" Cole cried, pretending to be upset, albeit perhaps being a tad too melodramatic. He rose from his seat and slammed it against the table. "Why do you always side with him! I'm sick of this crap!" With that, he stormed out of the kitchen and went up to his room, knowing Ashton would get no satisfaction in tattling if Cole wasn't there to be embarrassed about it. He smiled triumphantly as he climbed the stairs, leaving Ashton behind with a bewildered expression and his mother shaking her head.

~ ~ ~ ~

It was finally Friday. His parents would be going into town tonight, likely bringing Ashton with them. He had been eagerly awaiting this day for...well, for a week now. He could barely sleep the night before, constantly waking up throughout the night to a raging erection. He suppressed it, with more willpower than he thought he could muster, resulting in a night of endless thrashing, writhing, desperate bed-humping, and wakefulness. He woke up at the rooster's call with little more than a few hours of sleep under his belt, dragging himself out of bed and getting ready for the day's work with the pace of a zombie with a broken leg.

The morning was brutal, and the afternoon was worse. Every moment seemed like an alternate reality, like he was trapped in a dream. He was afraid he wouldn't have the energy to visit his new "friends" tonight, worrying that he'd pass out from sheer fatigue just from the effort of hurling that heavy barn door open. The heat didn't help assuage his worries, either, but rather reinforced them to an extent so great he felt like crying from the frustration. But he persisted, pushing himself to finish the work required of him, gritting his teeth and grunting his way through the hours. He scarfed his dinner down and slumped up to his room to catch a few hours of sleep, completely exhausted. It was only six, and he hoped he wouldn't oversleep. He passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

When he awoke, the moonlight was illuminating his room. He sighed relief, quickly rising from his bed. As to be expected, a giant erection was protruding from his briefs, the fabric tight around his sculpted bottom. He resisted the urge to touch it, saving it for the fun he knew he'd have in a matter of minutes.

Cole snuck out of the house with a new spring in his step, his erection only throbbing ever harder as he got closer and closer to the barn, clad in nothing but his tight briefs. It was cold out, but he didn't even notice; his arousal was too strong. He was so excited, so pumped, so ready to have another incredible night.

He held his breath when he approached the barn door, his blood running hot, his cock threatening to tear right out of his briefs, precum staining the fabric and even seeping through. With great effort, he pulled the barn door open, eagerly stepping inside before closing it behind him.

His smile vanished. He looked around, heart beating quickly, anxiety rising. Where were they? Where the FUCK were they? Cole walked over to each stall, finding them all empty except for, thankfully, Dash's. The chestnut equine slumbered in his stall, his blond mane in his face, strands of it rising and falling as he breathed heavily in his sleep. He was laying on his back, one hand situated on his chest.

Cole didn't want to wake him, but god damn it if he didn't have some fun. He waited all week for this, and he was going to get it. He fell to his knees next to the lean but muscled horse, placing his hands on his stomach, lightly squeezing the toned abs. Dash twitched a little, contracted his stomach in a way that made that six pack really pop out. Cole shivered as he felt those cobblestones, one by one. His cock was starting to hurt in its prison, so he stepped out of his small briefs, stark naked now. He resumed his massage, giving Dash's musclebound legs a good squeeze. He formed a fist with one hand and kneaded the horse's sheath with his knuckles.

Dash exhaled loudly, twitching in his sleep, probably dreaming something nice. Cole's heart leapt when he saw the pink head of the horse's cock start to poke out of his sheath, slowly but surely growing bigger and bigger as Cole felt the stallion up.

Carefully, Cole wrapped his fingers around Dash's growing horsecock, delicately stroking it with his fingertips until it was hard enough that he could feel the veins pulsing against his skin. He gently stroked it up and down, licking up a bead of precum that had formed on the tip.

Dash moaned quietly, stretching his body, making his muscles flex, much to Cole's enjoyment. This horse was so ripped! Those big pecs, that cut stomach, those strong arms. Cole couldn't resist. He straddled the horse's waist, pressing his body against Dash's, kissing it up and down, hands groping and squeezing whatever hard muscle they could find.

Naturally, Dash woke up, but he didn't seem alarmed at all. "I was just dreaming of this exact situation," he whispered. "How funny."

Cole smiled and continued to worship the stallion, grinding his cock against him, jerking him off, licking and kissing his body. Dash let his head fall back as he moaned softly, enjoying this immensely. His fourteen inches of horse cock protruded from the side of the sandwich their two bodies made together, a rope of precum falling from it and puddling on the ground. The pressure on it from Cole's weight made it blood red, huge and throbbing, veins sticking out and pulsing violently.

Cole finally got off of Dash and took the horse's dick in both hands. He grasped it tightly and slowly, painfully slowly, raised them up his cock before quickly plummeting down again, repeating the process.

"Oh, shiiiit," Dash moaned, writhing on his bed of hay. "Cole, this is just cruel - UNF. Fuck..." he turned his head to the side, his blond mane falling sexily over his eyes.

Cole lightly slurped at Dash's cock head as he continued this tortuous process. Finally, he tightly squeezed the base with both hands, watching with wonder as the blood trapped in Dash's cock made it even BIGGER. He could have sworn it gained about two inches, inflating enormous proportions, throbbing so madly it looked ready to pop (but of course it wouldn't). Cole kept one hand around the base while the other worked the cockhead. He squeezed it and jerked it, driving Dash crazy, who was writhing on his bed, moaning loudly now, hands cupped over his pecs. Dash's urethra started to bulge and twitch, cum trying to work its way past Cole's tight grip. Dash was getting real close, but he kept his hold on the base tight, continuing his cruel work on Dash's cockhead. Faster and faster he worked, Dash's cock so red, so enormous, so ready to burst.

Finally, when Dash was ready to blow, Cole let go of his cock completely. Blast off. Dash cried out his pleasure as the sudden release spurred his orgasm to enormous heights. Cum, now no longer inhibited, rocketed out of his cock like a hose. Dash's big dick swayed back and forth as it throbbed and came, ropes as long as Cole's height splurting out and landing with a splash on Dash's body, coating the horse white.

"Yeah!" Cole encouraged, "spray yourself with that horse cum!" He stood up over Dash and took his nine incher in both hands, jerking it but once before adding his own cum to the mess, which was minute by comparison. Dash writhed on the ground, rubbing his body as he was coated in his own spunk, his cock thumping against his navel, flinging a big rope of cum every time it did.

Finally, Dash stopped. His cock twitched and throbbed, still, and Cole took advantage. Immediately, he fell onto his knees again, taking Dash's cock in his hands and jerking it furiously.

"You think you're done, big guy?" he moaned. "You're not. I'm gonna milk you so good..."

"Cole..." Dash moaned. "Oh, fuck...don't stop..."

Cole obeyed. He put all his strength into jerking that big horse cock. His biceps bulged as he pumped, his body covered in sweat, hair a disheveled mess. "Come on, stud. Let's see you cum again. I know horses can go all night if they want to."

"Mmm, hot thought, isn't it?" Dash teased. "Bet you wish you could cum over and over again like us," the horse's cock lurched as he said this.

Cole just looked at Dash with lust in his eyes. "Yeah. I wouldn't even leave my room. I'd just be sucking on my cock all day like you."

"Hehe, what do you think we've been doing all week while waiting for you?"

Cole's stroking slowed down a litte. "What's it feel like to suck your own dick?"

"Oh, pretty incredible. Nothing like having a hot, throbbing cock in your mouth, and the feeling of receiving a blow job at the same time."

"I bet. Having a nice, big horse cock seems like it'd be pretty fun," Cole enunciated each of his words with a tight squeeze and a quick jerk.

Dash's breathing started to grow more ragged. "Keep goin'," he said in a deep, sexy voice. "Make me cum again."

Cole did so, pumping hard and fast, really putting his back into it. Dash's cock soon reached that point where it looked ready to blow again, red and inflated and throbbing.

Cum soon flew out of Dash's flared cock again, and Cole continued to jerk the horse throughout the orgasm. It got onto his face, a warm splash of gooey greatness greeting his mouth. "Yeah!" Cole yelled. "So much fucking cum! Keep shooting you fucking sex beast!"

Dash growled and thrust into Cole's grip, poking the boy in the chin a few times, cum continuing to surge out in copious amounts, albeit not as much as last time, understandably.

Soon, though, that orgasm ended, too. Dash plopped his head down and laughed. "Wow, Cole. Someone's horny tonight. You need to - UH!"

Cole didn't stop. Dash was still hard, and Cole wanted more. He wanted this horse to cum until he was dry. He stopped only for a few seconds after Dash's second orgasm before quickly resuming his work, his hands a blur on the horse's big dick.

"Cole! Cut it out, gotta save some for later!" But Cole didn't listen. He was jerking so hard his entire body was moving up and down with his arms. He occasionally sucked on the tip, shoving his tongue down Dash's cock slit, driving the beast crazy. It wasn't long at all before his third orgasm shook him to the core, making his eyelids flicker, his entire body going rigid as he cried out in pleasure as even more cum shot out. Long, thick ropes curled into the air before plummeting back down onto his body. Dash was completely soaked at this point, his body sleek and slippery with his own spunk.

Cole was getting tired, though, and was forced to stop jerking the horse off when his arm suddenly cramped up. Dash, however, quickly took the initiative. He bent down and took his cock in his mouth, hungrily swallowing the remainder of his load, looking up at Cole through narrow eyes and winking, a gesture so sexy Cole couldn't help but reach his second orgasm, splashing a few small ropes onto the base of Dash's big dick.

Finally, they both fell onto their backs next to each other, panting like dogs. "You're one horny fuck, Cole," Dash laughed. "But that was pretty damn hot. Glad you came when you did."

"I'm not!" Cole yelled. "Well, I mean I am, but...well, where is everyone else?"

Dash propped his head up on his palm, elbow on the ground. "Your folks didn't tell you? They rode Gambit, Levi and Frank into town earlier. I think there's some event going on or something. They're spending the night there."

"I fell asleep early, so no they didn't tell me. Not like they would have even if I was awake," Cole rolled his eyes.

"Well hey, you had fun anyway, right?" He winked and slapped his semi-hard cock against his hard body, making Cole shiver, his cock already hard again but so sore he didn't dare touch it.

"Yeah...yeah, I really did. Still, I have to admit I'm a little disappointed. I've been looking forward to seeing all of you all week. You don't know how hard it's been."

Dash laughed, "yeah I'll bet. How many times did you jerk off this week?"

Cole shrugged. "Hell if I know. 15, maybe 20? A lot." He smiled. "You guys just drove me crazy. I can't stop thinking about it."

"Well hey, don't sweat it. The others should be back tomorrow evening. But until then, you could always stay with me..." Dash hinted, pouting.

Cole grinned. "I don't want to exhaust myself. I'd like to have some energy for the guys."

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that," Dash said. "You could be near death and I'm sure you'd still want some action."

And that was that. Cole pleasured Dash, and Dash pleasured Cole, until sunlight peaked through the cracks of the barn. Dash had orgasm after orgasm, cum somehow shooting out with every single one, until the entire stall was literally dripping with the stuff. Cole had to have pleasured the horse at least eight times, until Dash cried out in pain when Cole touched him, so sore he could barely move. That's when they slept.

~ ~ ~

It was late afternoon when they woke up. Cole excused himself to have some breakfast, giving Dash some food first, before returning to help clean up the stall. It was a long, admittedly nasty process, but Cole felt better when it was done. Every step he took, his cock nudged against his tight briefs, causing him pain. He'd never been so sore, and was almost afraid his dick would just fall right off before he was thirty.

He was catching up on some studying in the house when his family returned, bursting through the screen door with bags of supplies in each hand. "Need any help?" Cole offered unenthusiastically.

"That'd be great, dear," his mother said. "There's plenty more things on the wagon. Fetch Frank some water, too, would you? Poor thing much be parched."

Cole did so, carrying a large bucket of water out to the front of the house where Frank was, standing on all fours. It was strange to see him this way. Cole set the bucket down in front of him, and he drank from it thankfully. Cole looked around. "Where's Gambit and Levi?" he asked.

Frank looked up at Cole, worry in his eyes. "Cole," he said so quietly the boy had to lean in. "Your folks, they...they sold them."

Cole's heart dropped into his stomach. He stood there, dumbfounded, for a while before managing to ask, "why!?" "I don't know," Frank said. "You'll have to ask your parents."

Cole wasted no time. He rushed into the house. "Mom! Dad! Where's Gambit and Levi?"

His parents looked at each other, and his mother nodded as his father. He turned to Cole, his face wrinkled. "Son," he began in a tone a father would have when trying to explain the birds and the bees to his boy. "We had to sell them. We're struggling with money here, and they fetched a damn good price. We had to. I'm sorry, I know you liked them." He was genuinely apologetic.

"Who did you sell them to?"

"Oh, to Mister Thompson" his mother said. "You may know of him from town. He raises racing horses. Good money in that business, if you know what you're doing. He said Levi and Gambit were some of the finest specimens he's seen!" she beamed, proud to have raised them, but suddenly frowned when she realized they were gone. "I do hope he takes good care of them. Such sweet animals."

Anger flared in Cole, his face turning red. "Oh. Ok," he said, masking it well. "I...I'll bring Frank back to the barn." They nodded and continued to unpack. Cole rushed out the front door again, nearly bumping into Ashton, who scowled at him. "Watch it," he said.

Cole unhitched the wagon from Frank and grabbed him by the reigns, leading him to the barn. Once they were safely inside, the door locked, the draft horse hurled himself up onto both legs, suddenly bipedal. Cole marveled at it.

Dash woke up from his stall and hobbled out to join them, rubbing his eyes. "Hey, where are the others?"

"They sold them!" Frank cried. Cole couldn't believe how upset he was about it.

"What!?" Dash asked, flabbergasted.

Cole nodded, "my parents needed some extra money, and figured they could afford two less horses. Some man bought them and is going to race them for money." He was definitely upset about it, but deep down he figured it'd be okay, as long as he still had Frank.

"They can't DO that!" Dash said. "They're my friends!"

"We have to get them back, Cole!" Frank said, determined.

"How the hell are we going to do that?" Cole couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"What do you think? We'll have to take them back," Frank answered.

"Is that really such a good idea?" Dash asked, worried.

"We have no choice. They're my friends, too, Dash, and I want them back as much as, if not more than, you," Frank snapped. They both looked at Cole, waiting for his answer.

Cole's eyes darted from Dash to Frank. He wanted them back, too, although for entirely selfish reasons. "I don't know..." he said.

"Cole, it's either all of us, or none of us," Frank said angrily, realizing what was going through Cole's head.

Cole sighed and hung his head. "Fine, fine. Tonight, when everyone's asleep, we'll go to town and find them. I think I know where they're being held. I've visited Mister Thompson with my parents when I was younger."

"Thank you, Cole," Dash said. Frank nodded. "I'm sure they'll be very happy to see you've rescued them."

Cole smiled.

~ ~ ~

Late that night, Cole snuck out of the house quietly, barely making a noise as he crept down the stairs and through the back door. He went to the barn door and opened it, Dash and Frank waiting for him inside, on all fours. "Climb onto me," Dash said. Cole saddled and mounted him, looking to Frank next to him. He nodded, his countenance grim. "Let's go," he said.

Cole didn't even have to do anything. Dash moved of his own volition, exiting the barn. "Okay, take the road to town and I'll guide you from there," Cole instructed. "Ready?"

"Yes. Let's be quick. We don't have long until the sun rises," Frank said.

"Okay, let's go."

Dash was just about to gallop forward when a voice halted him in his tracks, causing him to stumble. "Wait right there!" it called.

Cole's eyes widened and his heart pounded against his chest. He instantly recognized that voice. Slowly, ever so slowly, building the dread in his heart, he turned around to face his brother who was standing on the porch. "And where do you think you're going?" he said, arms crossed, a cruel smile on his face.

"You're so busted, now."