The world has changed

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This is entirely a work of fiction. None of the characters exist (well, I don't think so). All the characters are copyrighted me, Bahamut Dragons. You must be [insert legal age to view pornographic material in your country here] to view this. This work is coded as follows: b/b. You may reproduce and distribute this lemon anywhere, as long as you follow these guidelines:

1) You must keep it intact

2) You must mention me, Bahamut Dragons, as the author.

3) The viewer must not have needed to pay in anyway to access this file.


Writing porn is weird, at least, I find the way I approach it weird. When I write, I of course get usually excited and I suppose that if I weren't then I'd know from the start that my story is crap. But also, I can write and stop anywhere because I don't feel like writing anymore. That include before anything happens, in the middle of a sex scene or even the middle of a sentence. It can strike me anytime.

I think I write most of my porn stories the same way: I don't want the hero to be put in a situation where he forgets what his usual life is, I want to write about utopias, about worlds where there is no concern and I think this fic might be my best accomplishment in that sense. It's not as long and detailed as other ones of my fics, nor as epic as Sonic Kids Chronicles, but this is probably one of my favorite worlds and in fact, it may be the first time I actually try to make a world in one of my fics. I may expand on it later, who knows.

The title didn't get a lot of thought in. When I saved the file the first time, I didn't know what to call it, so I just took what word gave me for starters, the first time of my text. In the end, "The world has changed" is as good a name as any I think. For the rest of the fic however, I don't think it's one of my better works. Of course, any fic I would do now would be better then stuff I wrote 3 or 4 years ago, but it's simply no contest for me against Sights and Sounds. For one thing, I tried a few fetishes and while some I liked, like the foot thing, I feel the domination ultimately fell flat.

This fic took a lot of time in the making, and the reason is because I don't write a lot anymore. My life has shifted from writing to a lot of programming. As the people around me know, I'm trying to make a fighting game in Unreal. I also have a few side projects, and basically, a lot of the rest makes for much few of this. I won't even try to guess when my next release will be. It might not even be X rated.

And that goes for all of you, of course. To my [email protected] e-mail, I'm adding my Yahoo Y!: bahamutdragons, MSN: [email protected] (but don't e-mail me there, I don't check), AIM: BahamutSDragons and ICQ: 11722319. You can also join my Yahoo group at I also have a live journal going on at So, that's it for now, hope you've enjoyed or will enjoy and I'll see you next time! Or rather, you'll see me since I usually don't see you.

By the way, yes, I know a term for 3 months is trimester and not « tri-moon ».

The world has changed

'The world has changed. I'd like to tell you all that has happened for us to be in a position like this, for the people to have become this, but I can't. I don't know, none of us do. All we know about the history of the last two centuries are the legends and tales passed down from generation to generation. And of course, you can't trust those completely.

I can't tell you what happened, but I can tell you what is. The world has regressed back from centuries of technological evolution. All around ruins lay about now covered in moss and plants as nature took back what was rightfully his, reminders of the old days where they controlled the world through communications and machines. I've read a bit about all of that technology, but not enough to make it actually work. Besides, we have no electricity so nothing I could do would make these machines work.

People think I'm weird. It's because I'm smarter then most of them, enough to read and write and know big words. In my village, I'm probably the smartest, not that it helps me any. In fact, intelligence isn't really an important trait anymore, although I think it was back during the "Virtual Age". Today, cuteness is what matters the most. Thankfully, I have that too.

My name is Jordan. I'm a young racoon boy, not very tall, black all over but my puffy tail which is stripped with red and glove, sock and a mask markings, all red as well. I'm also slightly chubby, which everyone finds so adorable. And of course, I strut around nude, as most of us do.

I know enough about our world to know that more then just technology has changed. In the days before, there used to be animals and humans. Now, for some reason no one can explain, we are both and neither at the same time. I'm 9.3 years old, or at least I will be in about half an hour. Among other physical changes, we don't need to eat anymore, nor sleep. That much I know is because of some satellites in space. They send waves of something that feeds us and rests us. We still can eat or sleep if we want but it's not a necessity.

So, the world is now small. Our village, made of wooden huts that don't really belong to no one in particular, contains at most a hundred furs. I guess that if everyone wasn't nomad, we'd all know each other, but since the village's population changes completely every two weeks or so, there isn't much use remembering anyone. Except some of our best friends of course, like Harry, a dog morph, 10.2 years of age and my best friend.

Five minutes until I turn 9.3. Everyone around is anxious, every three new moons is an important event: it defines what our status will be. No one knows beforehand what they will become, because no one understands how it works. Except me, of course, since I've seen how everything works. I'm going to become blue and Harry is going to become green.

I guess I should explain how our system works. I have four minutes to do so and after that, seeing that I'm blue, everyone will want a piece of me. Our caste system works on four colors: blue, green, orange, red. Each color is a level. We change level every tri-moon. One tri-moon is equal to .1 year. At .4, we add a year, so when I turn 9.4, I'll be 10. It's kind of strange considering how usually, a decimal is added after nine, but it's easier to remember for the furs today.

Before I was red and Harry was orange, so I could dominate him, and anyone else I chose except other reds. Now, I'm going to be under everyone else and I'll have to submit to anyone who has a higher rank then me, including Harry even though he's only green. We each know our colors by a ring like mark on the fur (or scales or skin depending on species) around our right thumb. Our lives are perfect, since we have next to nothing to attend to. We're already fed and rested; we only need to enjoy our lives. And the best way to enjoy life is of course sex.

Sex starts young for us. Once females give birth, the child becomes one of the people, not of individuals. They are thought to talk, our lore and legends and just generally goes around happy and innocent. When they reach the age of 5, the colored ring appears and they start to participate in the sexual rituals. Our bodies are stronger then the people of the past, and mature sexually quicker, so even though not everyone is able to, some cubs are able to produce semen even at the very beginning. At 5, everyone is blue. They are thought the ways for a full tri-moon and usually then learn to suck and be fucked. After that, during the color change, they all then become either green or orange, but very seldom red. People see red kids as a good omen, but it's really just a mathematical equation and probabilities. That's when they fuck for the first time, usually the new kids to start, but sometimes they decide to go with an adult, which most older furs find very flattering.

After that... Well, I guess it'll have to be for another time, there's only a few seconds left.'

The racoon boy put down his book. He knew that tonight, he wouldn't have time to write in it anymore. For starters, once Harry found out he was higher in rank then him, he would want to take him on the spot. After that... well, he had seen a teen lion and an adult horse who had eyed him while he was red. And there was always that little blue bunny girl, probably not older then 10. He had hopes for her, since she had just arrived, he didn't have time to use his power. Maybe she would choose him once he she become a higher rank.

The sound of a bell ringing came out of nowhere, once... twice... thrice... and then there was a blinding flash. Everything was expected of course, no one got scared even though no one understood where the flash came from.

Once the light died down, everyone looked at the ring around their thumbs to see what color they now were. Some were happy, some less, but in the end, they all knew they would pleasure and be pleasured all through the night, and through their lives.

"All right! Jordan! Look at this," the younger dog boy said, proudly revealing the green ring around his thumb. Of course, Jordan had told him that he would be green and he blue, but seeing it made all the difference for Harry. "That means that tonight, you're mine," he added with a sly smile, rubbing his hands an anticipation.

Jordan smiled back. He knew this had been coming, and was very happy about it. Jordan didn't really like to have all the power, to be a red. During the previous tri-moon, his days had been very few filled with sex. Instead, he had used the time towards something he also liked: learning about the machines and world of old. Because of the customs, he couldn't submit to others while he wore red, except another red, in privacy, but none really interested him. And now, finally, he was blue. It meant that he would have to leave his research for a time, but he surely wasn't complaining.

Harry grabbed his hand and dragged him into the forest. It was an unofficial but understood tradition that usually, the furs all remained together during the shift of colors, but they both knew that if they did, others would want a piece of them as well and they wouldn't have much fun together, not as much as if they were alone that is.

Fortunately, they had noticed a nice hiding place in the forest near the village. There was an underground metal structure previously locked that Jordan had managed to open. Inside, they found beds, candles, matches, very old food (which were stored separately so it didn't stink out the other rooms), and just general survival gear. On the spot, Jordan had been interested in it for historical purposes and he had even found a few history books and novels, but he knew that before long, Harry would bring him back here. And tonight was certainly a perfect night for it.

The dog lit up a few candles around the room, not too much to have it too bright and not too few to make it look sinister and creepy. Jordan had not been here for a while, but from the looks of it, Harry had been busy moving things around, making a big bed in the middle with some mattresses covered with a blue drape and had even brought some fruit in a basket, probably fresh from the day. If eating wasn't necessary anymore, it nonetheless remained something very pleasurable.

"How do you like it?" Harry asked.

"It's... wow, it looks incredible," the racoon boy replied. He took a few steps around, looking and touching everything, trying to remember how everything had been before. "You prepared all of this for tonight? For us?"

"Well, I knew I would become higher ranked then you, since you told me. And I know that you don't really like to be in control when you're having sex. So, I decided to prepare a little something for both of us. You like?"

"'Like'? 'Like' doesn't even start describing how I find this. This is simply amazing, and very thoughtful. Thank you."

"I'd say that the pleasure is all mine, but I'll make sure it won't be. For now..." Harry took a few steps and lay down. He grabbed a bunch of raisins. "Now, come an join me, underling."

Jordan looked at his friend laying down. One of the reasons he liked him so much, beyond being friendly and thoughtful of course, was because he found the dog so cute. Even though Harry was his elder, he was barely taller then him. His fur was a light grey, with a lighter almost white fur going from under his muzzle, on his stomach, between the legs to the tip of his tail. He had long triangle shaped ears and darker hair color with a mane. Finally, he wore a brown jacket he had found in this very room. Of course, it wasn't like he needed any clothes and it didn't really hide anything, but he just liked it, it gave him a style.

Harry was trying his best to feel like a master, as if he was in control, but partially because of his happiness and because he wasn't a very controlling guy, he was failing badly at the task. Still, Jordan didn't want to put his friend into more awkwardness and went along with it, lying down at his friend's side and taking a grape in his muzzle. Besides, this is what he enjoyed, being dominated by someone who cared for him.

"Who gave you permission to eat?"

"I'm sorry master," Jordan said with shame.

"No, Jordan, it's alright, I was just..." Harry quickly replied, but then he saw the mocking glimpse in his eye and knew. "I mean... being sorry isn't enough. For your permission, you shall pleasure me tonight."

"Command, and I shall obey."

"First, you shall massage my feet."

Harry lied on his back and waited, legs slightly apart. The racoon slowly crawled to the feet of his master. Harry loved foot massages and Jordan never minded giving some. In fact, he had a bit of a foot fetish.

He took his friend's left foot in both his hands as if it was a valuable treasure. He started rubbing the in circular motions with his thumbs on the underside, which was dark colored like his hair. He then moved slightly upwards, concentrating his fingers on the dog's soft black pads. He loved the touch of the slightly rough pads, to play with them, to rub them and from Harry's grin, it was obvious that he loved it too.

Again, he moved his thumbs upwards, reaching the toes, taking one in each hand and rolling it between three fingers. He could hear his friend growling in pleasure. He knew that the rolling of the toes was among his favorite massage techniques and so he shifted from toe to toe, giving equal rubbing and pleasure. And then, Jordan gave a long lick along the base of the left foot, making the dog shiver with a mix of disgust and pleasure. Harry had always found it gross, but never fought it and that made the racoon smile.

Then taking one small toe in his mouth, he continued to rub his friend's feet with both his hands. He loved to taste feet and to suck on each toe, to wiggle it with his tongue. There was no denying that it was a weird fetish, but it made both of them content.

Harry knew his friend could go at this for a long time, but he had much more planned for this evening. "Stop, you have done your task well," he said in the strongest voice he could muster, trying not to laugh. "For now..." He let his voice trail as he took a jar of self made berry jam, and poured a bit of it on his stomach, and his crotch area, "I have made a mess. You will clean me up, with your tongue of course."

Jordan tried not to smile or laugh, but his canine friend could still see the sparkle in his eye. He approached his friend's chest and started passing his finger in the mix of jam and fur. Quickly however, as to not disobey his master, he lowered his lips and started tasting the berries.

The raccoon licked the chest all over where jam had been poured, going as slowly as he could, taking extra care in regions he found his friend was sensible. He could hear the dog start panting and his leg shake a bit from the pleasure.

"Your..." Harry tried to say, but was cut off by a moan as Jordan's tongue slipped at the base of the crotch area. Still, he gathered all of his willpower, "your master orders you to slip my head between your legs." Jordan was certainly happy to oblige, giving his master and friend complete access to his well erect boy cock.

At the same time, both started lapping at each other, Jordan reaching all around to clean the jelly off and Harry just to pleasure his friend and himself. Harry loved the aroma of cock and blessed his acute sense of smell for it. He also had another more devilish reason why he wanted easy access to his friend's tool. He gave it a few tongue lashes, making the racoon moan in sudden pleasure, momentarily forgetting his own task.

"You are not to stop cleaning me... slave." Harry wasn't sure if he was going too far, but Jordan didn't seem to mind. He even liked it a bit rough, when in his friend's care.

So, quickly, he returned to washing away the dog's mess. Harry's pleasure was of course to feel his friend jump up each time his rough tongue rubbed against his erect cock's sensitive skin, sometimes running along the slit, tasting the well flowing pre cum. Now that he was nice and hard however, and closer to orgasm then he should be, the time had come to finally make Jordan officially his, at least for the reminder of the night.

Gathering all of his willpower, the dog ordered Jordan to stop, although his voice was more then unsure and even slightly disappointed that his friend didn't continue until he could hold up no longer. "Now, I shall make you mine. Get on the floor, on your hands and knees, tail facing me."

Jordan was more then happy to oblige. Following a long lap along the cock's length, he got up and back down again, a bit further, tail lifted in the submission of his master's orders, awaiting to be taken. The master crawled up to him, looking less then royal and rather lusting deeply for the tight hole offered to him. He passed his tongue along his slave's balls, licking up on to the butt hole. He plunged his tongue into it, making Jordan jump, moan and drip a lot of pre cum all at once. He then inserted two fingers into the now better lubricated hole, turning and twisting them to stretch it out and prepare it for Harry's treat.

Finally ready, Harry put his cock between Jordan's ass cheeks, rubbing it along for a few moments, teasing his slave further before putting it at the entrance of the tunnel between them. He took hold of the racoon's hips and slowly, he pushed himself inside, taking his time to not hurt his friend.

Jordan instinctively tensed up, unwillingly tightening his hole and making his master stop for a moment while he relaxed. Then, inch-by-inch, Harry filled the tight orifice. For a dog of his age, Harry was often told he had a thick cock and it made Jordan wince a bit. He never seemed to be fully accustomed to being taken like this, even though this wasn't the first time he was taken by his friend.

When the dog got half way, he backed out a bit, making Jordan moan of pleasure and a bit of relief. He then proceeded to push it ever further. He pumped in and out of his friend four times before finally, his whole cock was inside. Jordan was no longer on his hands, but rather on his elbows and forearms, rump in the air, panting from the pressure upon him. His master was not a sadist however and left him all the time he needed to accommodate the intruder.

After a few moments, the racoon felt ready to proceed and made it known by rocking his body forwards and backwards. His master took the hint and backed out slowly before pushing in again, even slower, making sure the boy under him was ready. He could feel Jordan tighten all around him and it felt incredible. It wasn't just the physical sensation either; the fact that he was joined with someone he cared about so much, and knew he cared just as much.

The first pumps were intense for Jordan. Stretching with the fingers was not a perfect solution and it always took him a few moments to accommodate a cock up his ass. Gradually, pain was turning into pleasure and the slight relief he felt each time Harry backed away turned into anxiety and eagerness for the next push. He started rocking his whole body to better follow the pumping action.

Harry grabbed the hips before him and started thrusting more strongly, grunting a bit as he pushed in an out of the tight hole. He could feel his orgasm growing already, especially since Jordan had already teased him before. The dog's mind was trying to tell him to go slower, to make the sensation last, but his body only wanted more. He wanted to push harder, faster, to fill his little racoon slave with his sweet cream.

Once he got accustomed to the cock, Jordan liked to have it hard, to feel the cock fill him completely, to sense the balls of his master slapping lightly against him. Each new push made him grunt, moan or simply cry out for more, always more. He could feel his orgasm building up rapidly and soon, as Harry graced him with a hand on his own cock, he could hold out no longer and started coming on the drapes. Harry wasn't satisfied until his slave boy was completely milked and so he jerked his fist up and down his cock, making Jordan spasm a few more times until he was completely satisfied and empty.

Soon after, the master could hold out no more and he released his own orgasm, filling the racoon with his cum for an instant and then taking himself out to blow his load all over Jordan's body. Freed from the monster plugging his butt, he rolled over on to his back to receive the remaining cum shots, two on his body and even one on the cheek. Spent, Harry laid down beside his friend and lover. Their eyes locked in passion and understanding. He licked Jordan's cheek, where his own cum had fallen, more meeting with a sweet kiss.

Once they broke up, they both laid on their backs, panting and very satisfied. Soon, they fell asleep next to each other. If someone had discovered them during the night, they would have found Harry back to Jordan, locked in his slave's arms. But for now, they were alone in the world, together and happy.