The Forgotten 6: Rebirth

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#6 of The Forgotten

It was so dark, so stifled, the world was closing in around her. She couldn't move, couldn't push a leg out or stir herself. It was almost too hot and she was contorted in a way that was growing rapidly uncomfortable as the moments passed. She tried to stretch herself out and her nose bumped into something warm and slick, yet firm. She started to push against it and felt something on the top of her muzzle start to scrape at it. Why was this holding her hostage? She pushed her nose against it and found the top of her muzzle would scrape against it and drag against the membrane that coated the outer shell. She started to scrape harder against it and pushed her head upwards.

Lashane felt the hard curved container crack slightly as she became increasingly agitated at being locked inside of the container. Her mind was muzzy with thoughts of what she should do while she beat against the shell wildly and used the horn on the tip of her muzzle to try and push her way free. Hunger gnawed at her stomach and started to mingle together with her frantic need to escape her prison. She pushed harder until she felt the egg tooth pierce the shell and she started to push harder until her nostrils broke the hard dark grey shell. Her muzzle pushed forward until she could feel cool air right against them and took her first deep breath of air.

The air flooded her lungs and she relaxed from her frantic pushing and struggling as she took breath after breath of the wonderful oxygen. It fell cool until hot air brushed over her muzzle and she jerked her own back. The breath that reached her muzzle was almost offensive, it smelled richly of fish and cold meat. That wasn't want she wanted. Once her muzzle was pulled back she started to rock and shake the egg back and forth franticly. She kicked with her hind legs and pushed with her head until she felt a sudden crack run through what had been her home. For a moment the hard shell held and then split apart sending her tumbling onto the cold stone floor.

She moved her wings against her back, they felt far too large for her small size and she tried to pull them in as she raised a head too large for her neck. The entire world was blurry and strange, the new place looked all grey except for a vibrant green-blue that suddenly dominated her vision. She stared up at the large head and let out a weak chirrup before trying to scramble backwards. She gathered her legs beneath her damp body and suddenly one foot found her tail and she fell backwards with a rough squall of pain and anger. She landed with one wing half under her as the brightly colored thing made noises at her and the scent of something almost like meat caught her nostrils.

Meat! Her stomach clenched down with hunger at the scent of it. The meat was strange, but it still smelled like food to her hungry stomach. She righted herself unsteadily by splaying all four legs and her damp wings hung to either side of her body to dry. The blue-green thing started to reform into a head that was almost the right shape but not quite. She blinked her eyes a little as the muzzle pushed something reddish-pink and shredded towards her. She gaped her muzzle open and snapped up the meat before the first taste made her squall in protest and spit it back out. It was cold and fishy tasting! That wasn't what she wanted! She squalled as loudly as she could as the meat was offered again and she avoided having it dropped into her maw. She didn't want THAT!

A low rumble and a brief flurry of movement made her back away with a soft hiss of confusion. Something large and dark grey suddenly was coming more into her view and driving back the blue-green being away from her. The blue-green thing moved away from her finally as something larger dominated her blurry vision. She lifted her head and stared into a pair of pale green eyes that showed streaks of purple. The colors swirled around the pupils and she felt a sudden rush of emotion flood her body. How beautiful she was, how wonderful and perfect! She'd been long dreamt about, she was wanted and loved and needed. She should be calm and be patient, she should settle down and let her wings dry. Her empty belly would be filled soon.

The wave of love and warmth that kept pulsing into her mind made her settle and lower her belly against the floor. The large grey dragon nosed her side so that she could scent him. The tang of something electric, sweet musk and beneath that a coppery scent that made her stomach cramp up with hunger pangs. She chirruped towards him again and the thoughts kept brushing through her. He would leave her and come back very soon with what she needed. She would be safe here, safe and protected. How sweet she was, how wonderful, perfect! A daughter of the storms and skies! Her young mind barely processed the thoughts as she blinked at the colored eyes trustingly.


Sithen watched the single egg his newest female had lain with a somewhat aloof air. The others had laid two or more, but this female that had such hopes for had only given him one. Since the day he first mated her there was little in the way of challenge to her. She was just another female to him and the spark that had attracted him seemed to have been lost. He rested his wedge shaped head on his forelegs while the egg rocked and was finally held in place by the female's claws. It was a sight he had grown familiar with in the years since he had awakened.

There was a certain listlessness to his eyes as he watched the egg shake back and forth. He'd been disappointed one too many times before to show more than mild interest in the goings on. The sound of the egg breaking made him lift his head as a bit of shell clattered to the ground, but it wasn't the shell that caught his eyes. A soft dove grey snout was pushed out of the hole while the nostrils flared over and over again as it took its firsts breaths. He froze as he looked at the soft texture of the scales that almost perfectly matched the mottled grey of the shell it was pushed from. Before he could get a good view the female nosed against the little one welcomingly and blocked his view.

He heard the cracking of the shell a moment before a dove grey body spilled out wetly onto the hard stone of the cave. It lay flat for a moment with the wings spread out to both sides and staring around with eyes that changed colors rapidly. His heart almost stopped when he saw the short horns were curved downwards at the tip so that they almost brushed the curve of her cheeks. They weren't the long almost straight horns of a male, but the curls of a female. He pushed himself onto his feet and for a moment couldn't move forward. His world had remade itself in the span of a heartbeat as the little one was offered a bit of freshly caught fish from her mother.

The drake felt a sudden wash of disgust as the little one spat the meat back out and creeled out her hunger. The simple touch of unrefined emotions soaked into his mind like rain onto drought ravaged earth. He luxuriated in the very beauty that her mind had reached out to him, and he stepped forward towards her. The female hissed a warning for him to back away and he lifted his lips in his own warning and used his larger bulk to force her away from the hatchling. That beautiful bundle of grey scales and rainbow eyes watched both of them with evidence of intelligence rather than the animalistic hunger of the other hatchlings. The female hissed behind, but he ignored her, his world consisted of the youngster that lay in a damp pile on the ground at his feet.

He lowered his head and snuffled softly before reaching out to brush his thoughts against her mind. He felt her hunger keenly and disgust at the fish that she'd been offered. It had been cold and disgusting. She wanted something still warm and rich with blood. His eyes roamed over her body and treasured every inch of her. The wings would be broad and long as his own, her scales were dove grey that faded towards black at her appendages and her eyes. Her eyes were swirling with angry oranges and gold at having to wait for her meal. Eyes the likes of which he hadn't seen in centuries. Her infant thoughts were so indistinct, but to him they were nothing less than miraculous.

Sithen shook himself out and watched the female that was hissing at him with an aloof wariness before he reassured the hatchling food was coming. He couldn't do more than impress the knowledge with emotions and a bare brush of his thoughts, but it was enough to make her chirrup and then glare at him as if waiting. What a queen she would be! He padded out towards the opening of his cave and stared out over the mountains and the brightness of the vibrant fall sky. His chest swelled with a feeling of victory and the sudden sensation that his world was more solid today. He leapt into the skies with a snap of his wings and the feather light brush of the hatchlings thoughts road with him.


Timat stood behind the Emperor with an almost insolent air to him as the older man signed several papers that lay on his desk. Despite the peasants' views that the old man was nothing more than a pampered ruler, he did do more personal work on ruling his Empire. He still held a scar on the back of his hand and one on his cheek from his days in the military. Even though his hair was grey, the man still held the build of someone who knew perfectly well how to handle a sword among other weaponry. The man held the seat of the Empire firmly simply because of that. The military respected and even loved him. He was one of their own. Hylar's reception to the general populace though was less welcomed, no society thrived on the military measures this man enforced.

"The northern tribes are causing trouble again, Timat." The Emperor spoke without looking up from writing. "They have raided the lower three states shores and caused enough damage we're having to send supplies from the capital to make amends."

"So I've heard, Excellence." Timat kept his voice respectful. Many mages flaunted their power with a show of disrespect to others no matter what their stations. He preferred to stay on their better sides to further his career. "Is that why I've been summoned?"

"Yes, actually. I could send several companies North to squash this rebellion, but it seems to be led by one man named Baen." The pen was set down as the older man leaned back to regard him with piercing amber eyes. "It's not patriotism that's leading them, but an almost fanatical cult that's been formed by that man."

"Cult?" He lilted the word slightly though he knew most of the story already. A mage who didn't utilize every weapon in their arsenal would never be more than a glorified judge and spend his life on the road.

"Yes. One of your fellows went North years ago apparently following after a dragon." The old man quirked his lips in an almost bitter smile as he said that last word. "She never returned, but my spies tell me its common knowledge she was slaughtered by a dragon in the mountains. Her horse wandered back to the village a week after she'd left."

Timat let a tight lipped smile appear on his lips at that news. When he'd gotten it, he'd felt nothing more than triumph. They'd learned under the same master and Lashane had always been someone he'd counted as a possible rival. She had had enough ambition and intelligence that she was a threat to his plan, yet she'd failed. They'd both had a dream of rising through the ranks to become a court mage, and they'd both had the same idea. To provide the Emperor with what he most desired. A dragon. It wasn't surprising that such a military man would desire a beast to ride as impressive as a dragon and the reward had been great. Lashane had failed, Timat had succeeded. Not only that, but had gotten herself killed in her wild attempt.

"I'm aware of that, Your Excellence." He murmured and suppressed a smile of satisfaction. "I'm glad I did not meet a similar fate."

"For all the good it has done me. That blasted animal is as bitter as a clear winter night and just as dangerous." For a moment lines marked Hylar's face as he contemplated the beast, but soon enough came back to the present. "But that's beside the point. Baen has rallied his people citing a dragon has arisen from the mountains unlike any of the others. He claims the beast has been sent to him from the gods to tell them it was time to rise up against us."

"A foolish move on their part. Am I to take it you wish to send a.. ah.. diplomat there to see what the situation is?" He carefully didn't use the term assassin, after all one never knew who might be listening.

"No, not yet. I want you to go and see what truth there is to this man's ravings. There certain have been sightings of something there, so I want you to find out what it is." An almost cold smile played on the Emperor's face that made Timat stand up slightly more at attention. "Since you've already captured one dragon of unknown species, I think if you find another there you can capture it. If they see their gods' beast captured by us they'll quickly lose heart and stop this foolish raiding."

"Sire? Is that all the information that we have about the animal? That it exists?" The mage moved his hands behind his back while his emperor looked back down at his papers and started to return to signing some of the leafs.

"I'm sure you'll give us more information when you return, Timat. You are dismissed." The older man didn't even look up as the mage was left standing in silence before bowing himself out of the large double doors. His mind already flooded with plans for his trip to the barbarian countries.


Lashane perched near the edge of the ledge next to the far larger bulk of the storm dragon that she'd come to look upon as sire and dam. Since the day she hatched she'd hadn't been tended by any of the strange colored animals that were kept here. It was Sithen that came with rich still warm red meat for her eat and his side that she curled up beside when it was time to sleep. He alone bathed her and engaged in fierce mock battles to tone her muscles. He was her world when she was younger and she often got the sense that she was his as well. Even now that she was nearly grown. Through the years of growing she had a strange blurring of the large dragons fade with that of a flat faced creature with pale pink skin.

The dreams came more often now. Sometimes during the day she had flashes of some other world. Something beyond her grasp. It was something that she could almost recall, but not quite truly understand. There were flashes of colors and worlds that were so foreign to her mind that they often stirred her out of sleep violently. It was the drake's mind that ran over her own and washed away those strange stirrings and dreams until she was still again. It was he that purred through her mind until all she could recall was the moment she cracked through the hard shell and found herself lost in the swirling colors of his eyes.

She glanced over the edge at the rocks that jutted up at the base of the mountain and then pulled back again with a flattening of her wings. She was no longer the half finished hatchling that had spilled free from the egg. Her body had grown quickly under the diet of rich meat and care lavished upon her. In the course of several years she had outgrown all of the ocean dragons rapidly. The only rival she had in size was from Sithen himself. Her mane had come in when she was only a year old and now crowned her head with a brilliant white Mohawk of fur that ran down towards her shoulders. Her body was heavier than the oceanic dragons, but lighter than the drakes.

From the tip of her wedge shaped snout to her curled tail tip she seemed made of hammered silver and storm clouds. Her lighter underbelly was almost pale silver while her muzzle and extremities were the darkness of thunder clouds about to burst. Over all her scales a dusting of silver was scattered giving her a metallic look when the sunlight hit her the right way. Today the pair of them stood ready for her first true flight. She had spent days exercising her wings and making short leaps from ledge to ledge but today she felt a new restlessness to her. She wanted to find herself lifted up by the air and see the earth far below her.

Sithen's mind was a rolling brush of arrogance that had started to make her bristle at his touch. She adored him when she was young, but now as a young adult she started to resent the way he assumed so much about her. When she recoiled from his touch he forced into her mind with a rush that showed her in no uncertain terms that the rocks below would be deadly. She shouldn't try to use her wings to fly straight up, they weren't strong enough. Instead she should drop off the edge of the cliff and spread them open to catch the air. If she leapt up she'd almost certainly lose wing strength and falter.

Lashane turned her head to regard the dragon and deliberately turned her head back away from him in a haughty manner. She let him know with a blasting of annoyance how she felt about his advice to her. She stepped away from him only to find him following her motions as if he were about to crowd her. The moment he tried that well used trick she let out a low growl and rose up the line of fur that ran along the line of her spine. Her head went down and her wings went up until the wing fingers nearly touched each other as she let out a snarl sharp enough that it drove the male back. But his thoughts took on a slightly amused tone at her display.


Sithen watched the female with a pride and possessiveness he had never experienced before. He hadn't even experienced it when he had mates in the distant past and offspring. He had guarded her all through the awkward stages of her life until she stood before him reaching near adulthood. She would never reach his impressive bulk, but what she lacked in bulk, she made up for in her fiery temper. Ever since she had hatched she had shown a stubborn streak and a strong personality that left him in a state of bemused pleasure. Her mind had sharpened over the years from the muzzy state of being a hatchling to the forceful personality of a queen.

As she glared at him he felt a wash of pride while the wings spread to either side of her body. Her eyes spiraled with annoyed reds as she crouched down close to the ledge and tensed up her haunches. Every inch of her held a softness of form that appealed to him. Her white mane stood out like a beacon along the curve of her neck. Despite her mother's heritage she seemed to be purely one of his kind, though she had yet to show the ability to call lightening. That would come, though, that would come. And by the look of her it wouldn't be that much longer before it became a reality. He flicked his tail at the thought of that near future event.

The young female burst up into the air with a down stroke of her wings that sent air and dust hitting back against him. He snarled a little that she had decided to take the more dangerous attempt at flight and leapt after her with a far more confident sweep of his wings. Her mind brushed his and there was a taunting to it. How slow he was to try and catch her. Didn't he know that she was queen of the skies? He should go back to his comfortable cave and sleep while she explored the mountain ranges. The thoughts came in images and overtones of smugness as he watches her wings capture the air clumsily to get her bearings.

The drake flew just beneath her, careful even now that he would be there to stop her fall. She was his last and best hope for his future. Where the world would hold his kind once again and this time they would not fade into the dark and past. The triumph of the females mind rang through his own like a clear bell as she reveled in her own body's strength and power. Her wings beat clumsily at first but soon the natural grace of a creature made for the air overtook her and he prummed his pleasure and approval towards her. He linked his mind lightly with hers as he shared her thrilled experience as well as her annoyance at how he hovered so close.

The spark of a true female. She had no need of him, not truly. Her independent streak was well on its way to being established as she grew closer to adult hood. Even now he watched as she made a dive at him to try and force him away from guarding her under belly. Her mind hummed with self satisfaction at her own ability to fly no matter how clumsy it was or how awkward her wings beat against the air. The drake's eyes swirled faster at the sight of her and the confident feel of her mind against his own. Her body twisted to the side as she side slipped away from him and started to circle over the mountain tops.

Nearly all of his harem had been allowed to rehome themselves in the caves that riddled these mountains. He had what he wanted, and his patience was limitless. The prize was worth waiting for and when they flew the skies together the world would rejoice in their joining. He peeled away on the opposite side of her so he could see the way the line of her body arched. Her movements were still young and clumsy, but soon, oh so soon she would be graceful and full of fire and then he would show her the true meaning of flight.


Tiamat sat in a bar that was just a step above what the poorest sections of town offered. It wasn't quite a slum, but it certainly wasn't a place he'd trust the food in. His partner was a disreputable looking north man whose face could barely be distinguished beneath the thick beard and the mane of hair that seemed to freely intermingle with the facial hair. The man's hands were gripped around a clay cup filled with some dark swill that was potent enough to make the mage wrinkle his nose back in distaste. It was a small price to pay for the information he wanted. He'd expected to pay in gold, but for the price of beer this man was willing to give away his countrymen.

The problem with any revolution or rebellion happened in the people that joined it out of group mentality rather than passion. Those were the ones that would be swayed away from the mob and would give up information for the smallest of prices. The mage traced his fingers over his own rough glass and watched the man take another nervous swallow while the small deep set eyes flickered around the bar. Did he worry he would be found out? More likely he worried that he was going to be caught by the few here that knew where he was from. The aggression level had raised considerably when they had first stepped in and only Timat's presence held it at bay.

"So tell me of this dragon-god." He murmured coaxingly. It had been nearly a month of travel and searching to locate someone who would talk to him. He was tired of the road, tired of the foul meals the inns served and the lack of civilized companionship. Hopefully it would finally be at an end!

"Ain't a god, no matter what Baen says. Devil's an animal an' nothin' more." The thick accent flavored the words as the man's voice matched his appearance. A low guttural growling sound.

"And where does the animal lair? What sort of beast is it?"

"He lair's in the mountain, ain't no way ta tell where. Hundreds o' caves an' hidin' spots there. Tryin' ta find him is a lost cause, the moment ya started ta get hot on 'is tail he'd been swallowin' ya down whole." The man took another deep draw of his beer as if he needed to steady his nerves. "Ye'll know 'em when ye see 'em. Huge beast, all grey an' white. His eyes though, they're huge. Swirlin' in all sortsa colors, only real color on the beast."

"And what has he done to make this..Baen think that he's a god?" Timat smiled slightly to himself.

"Nothin' just says he's sent from the gods. Comes ta a place just outside o' the mountains ta eat our livestock that Baen's sacrificin' to 'im. Our good animals! He says th' beasts gonna help us conquer the south. Ain't nothin' mystical about it, the animal is dangerous! How long before 'e's eatin' us as well as our beasts? " The man's words came out as a curse and he shook his shaggy head again.

"So tell me, my friend, what would it take for you to give me the location of where your poor livestock have been slaughtered?" The smile that curved along Timat's lips held a glimpse of sinful anticipation of the hunt. How long would these barbarians's hold when their 'god' was being ridden by the Emperor.


When had the world changed so much? Down a distant path she tried to reach out towards memories that were intertwined with her mind and seemed to be slumbering. Lashane curled herself up tightly while she slept and her dreams were unsettled as they always seemed to be. Each day she found herself more aggressive and territorial until she had shunned Sithen's cave and claimed her own. The large drake had tried to follow after her and for once she had stood her ground and driven him backwards with tooth and claw. The very presence of him made her irritable, the brush of his mind was abrasive and his touch repugnant.

In her dreams those thoughts merged with something older then her current memories. They were strange and half formed. It was if something were waiting to awaken inside of her and even in her dreams she were hounded by memories that were so foreign to her own way of thinking she tried to force them aside. Like grit that would sometimes get caught between her scales, these thoughts refused to leave her alone. They harried her mind as if it were a slippery creature trying to force itself to be recognized. No, not a creature, a memory? She snorted roughly and stirred in her sleep as bits and pieces spilled over into her mind.

She could almost remember her name, she had a name. She remembered it like a distant dream. She could hear an older man calling her name fondly as she ran through the edge of a meadow with her hair streaming behind her. Her skin reddened from the sun and a scattering of freckles over the bridge of her nose. There were dim memories of fierce pride as she was placed ahead of...ahead of..someone. Something. It happened in flashes as if some great hand stirred around her mind and occasionally a flash of memory would surface. Each time a memory came to light her sleep addled mind tried to latch onto it and examine it before it was sucked back down again.

How could she know? How could she truly remember what she had been? Eight years had passed and all she had known was the skies and mountains. She knew the feel of the wind against her wings and the fresh taste of hot coppery blood against her tongue. It was only when she found a memory of a dragon captured and bound that she started to stir towards wakefulness. It wasn't due to distress for the dragon's fate, it was merely a lesser being, an animal, if it was stupid enough to be caught so be it. It was from something else entirely. Behind that memory was something deeper and more shameful, yet it made her aware of her own reclining body. Aware of the light blocked by a large form that crouched outside of her cave.


Sithen watched the sleeping dragoness with the patience of any large predator. Even one so large as a dragon had to wait and watch and plan for their prey. The last two years the female had started to grow into a more mature state. Her personality defined in the sheer willfulness and defiance of his protection. She was smaller by him then a good three hands, yet the moment he tried to crowd her she would lunge at him and force him back. Her mind would blister his own with her rage that he would dare attempt to come near her. Her contempt and pride wove together to form something he had yearned for.

She moved in her sleep, but that was natural. He hadn't come here to watch her sleep, he had come here because of the soft alluring scent that had spilled over the air and made him raise his head in desire. The spring storms gathered in the sky above and the thunder rolled in the distance while he watched every inch of her body. There were no lines of fat or any hints of unfinished qualities about her. She had burned off every imperfection until she was lean and muscled. Her crest of fur had darkened along the very base to a deep ebony black so that it formed a half tone more striking than his own. Her body was so powerful that even in her smaller size they were an even match. And when it was coupled with her season....

A thrill caused him to move and for the female to stir. He could see the line just beneath her tail and the scales that had grown softer and more pliable. They did little to hide the swollen pursed lips of her sex and he lowered his head slightly to draw in the near metallic taste of her scent before shivering it out. It was sex and lust, the promise of not just breeding, but of the challenge! Not even her mother had been challenge enough for him. She had made his blood stir and he had taken pleasure in her body, but she had given in too soon. This one, this one would be more than a quiet romp, she would be all that nature had meant them to be.

The drake must have made some small noise, for the female shifted her head and started to move. Her eyes flared open and for a moment he watched as her pupil spiraled down to take in the view of him blocking the exit of her cage. He had no qualms of modesty or decorum, he opened his mind and flooded her own with his thoughts. How lovely she was in her maturity. How perfect the line of her spine, the spread of her wings, the arch of her neck. She started to preen under his thoughts, just enough that he tried to snag her consciousness with his own. The image he sent left no doubts to his intentions at blocking the opening of the cave.


Lashane blinked awake from dreams that meshed strangely with passion, lust, fear and outrage. For a moment she almost remembered who she was when the soft sound of a rumble made her come completely out of her drowsing state. She found herself staring at the shadowy outline of Sithen blocking the opening to her home. For a moment her mind felt muzzy and strangely agitated at the sight of him watching her as she slept off her latest meal. He sent a brush of his thoughts and they flowed with compliments until she almost purred beneath them. They ran through her mind like brushed velvet and stroked over her until she arched her neck in a slight pose.

The drakes mind was warm with his praise, yet the undertones held a heat that she was puzzled by. She'd grown used to the touch of his mind, even when it irritated her as she grew older and it had always held the warmth of affection. Yet the affection turned into something deeper as he sent a thought that overwhelmed her. She should drop her head to him, accept him, turn her haunches to him as a proper female should. She had been born for this, raised for this, how long he had waited to taste his own kind again. The mental images were laden with more than brief glimmers of thoughts and she reared her head back for a moment in shock.

His thoughts were like dark sticky taffy, they melted over her mind and each image was worse than the first. He seemed to run through her mind and rub through her body in places that nothing should ever touch while he took a step forward. His emotions ran high to lust and heat. The need in him so poignant it made even her own loins flex. He pushed her mentally again to present to him, to beg and grovel for his seed as a female should. Was he not glorious? Was his form not perfectly proportioned, his flying unmatched? His sheer male presence filled the cave with the sweet tang of his musk, but the forceful implications she should present enflamed her.

It was not with passion that she reared onto her hind legs but with the blackest of rages. She screamed her defiance until she felt the roof of her mouth spark in an unfamiliar way. Ozone scented the air as she rose her crest up between her horns and snapped her jaws out towards him. Her mind struck out towards his, but not with the heat and desire, but with rage and challenge. How dare he think of touching her? He should go back to his cave and chase the beasts of the mountains for his rutting. She was above him, above all, she would now bow to his whims! Her lips peeled back while she watched Sithen's eyes swirl faster with his eagerness as he hissed his challenge back towards his daughter.

His thoughts pounded against her mind, each one filled with images of what he wished to do to her and with her. He tried to draw himself up larger while he advanced and she could see the edge of lightening crackle along his teeth. Did he think she would be such easy prey? Submit to him? The sight of the obsidian shaft pushed out stirred a memory so vivid that it made her take a step back. A memory of that shaft lodged into her body, though she knew it had never happened before. The memory almost drew forth others before Sithen made a lunge towards her and Lashane used her powerful haunches to launch herself towards his body.

The mountains rang with the sound of body upon body hitting each other. The pair of dragons came together with all the ferocity their kind could claim. One set of claws scraped upon scales while the fangs sank into another's shoulder. Two minds reached out for the other and intertwined until neither could quite grasp where the other began. It was the female that launched herself first, her legs kicking off from the ledge while the male followed close behind her. Only the skies themselves witnessed the grappling of claws as the larger male tried the same trick he had with her mother to drive her to the earth.

Lashane twisted her body and met him with her own claws and her foot paws pushed up until her claws scored lines along the paleness of his stomach. His mind was a tumbled emotion of rage, challenge, heat, lust, and mockery as the pair spiraled and twisted down from the air. Her mind was filled with lust and arrogance, heat and desperation to claim what was his. The skies over them suddenly cracked as lightening chased down towards the earth and thunder threatened to rock the mountain tops. The storm broke as Lashane pulled her mind free of the male and shrieked her outrage towards him diving for a small wedge that lead to a wider and more concealed valley


Sithen let the young female brake off as she lunged down between a slip in the rocky peaks he couldn't make it through with his bulk. His side burned from where her talons had scored over them and ripped a few free but it only made his blood heat up all the more. Her screams of outrage and desire mingled in his mind until he threw himself at the crevice and his wing fingers hooked against the rock. He writhed and twisted as he forced his way in, the darkness of his blood left a trail against the rock while he used every inch of his body to pass through to the other side. It was the mocking call of the female and her thought of him as some great worm that incensed him to pushing free with a clattering of rocks.

Warm heavy drops of rain started to pulse down as he clung against the rock face and scanned for Lashane's form. Her thoughts pulsed against his as the brief fight and his own desire worked with her season. He scanned along the thick brush for her hiding place when a pair of paws slammed in against his back and sent him tumbling from the crevice with a roar. The young female's triumph rang through his mind like a bell before he closed his jaws around her tail and clenched down. Her claws scrabbled and clutched against the rock as he fell and his weight drug her down with him. He closed his wings in tight to prevent them from being injured.

They crashed through the thistle together and he moved his head up to grip his jaws right at the curve of his daughters throat before he relaxed the hold on the lightening inside of him. It crackled out against her body and past his teeth. The blue white bolts curled around her neck and chest and all along her wings as she stretched them out stiffly behind her and tangled one in the thistles. Her keen came out in a high strangled pitch until he felt the first jolt hit against his muzzle. Her own lightening answered his while he wrapped his broad wings around her and twisted his form. The rain pelted against her back as the world grew darker, the day turned night by the thick clouds. While she struggled he disgorged his cock inch by slow inch, it rose up as a spire along the curve of his stomach.


The lightening crashed through her body and arched her spine. For a clear shining moment she knew who she was, she remembered this from before! She was Lashane! A Mage from the Empire's capitol city! Even that knowledge didn't stop the sparks from making her muscles jerk wildly and her mouth to spread open. It didn't knock her unconscious, it made her blood run faster and she sparked out a short burst from between her lips to tease the male's muzzle. Did he truly dare to take her like this? She, a child of the sky, taken on the ground?! Rage colored her thoughts and drove back the memories of her former life.

The male's weight shoved her down on her back while his wings wrapped around her. His mind didn't just touch engulfed her. It enflamed her and enforced that he was the one who would mate her. He and he alone would claim what was rightfully is. It taunted her to fight, she could feel his enjoyment of her kicking hind paws as if it were just giving him further reason to wish to take her. He released her neck and closed his jaws over her own until they were sealed shut. His eyes locked over her own much the way the day she had first hatched, but instead of a jolt of connection she felt something hot and hard prodding against her scales.

His mind stroked and rolled against her own. It taunted her and praised her for giving in to a true male. Even as she sent blasting thoughts of anger and rage at being pinned against the ground she could feel the tip pushing and nudging against her virginal folds. The movement rocked against her as she let out another snap of electricity that coiled its way up along her muzzle and he lunged forward. The tapered tip pierced her outer folds and spread her body open until she writhed and clawed at his sides desperately. Her body was roused and eager for him, even as she yearned to kick him off and drive him away. His ridged shaft sank into her body inch by steady inch, tearing into her until her shriek became one of pain rather then rage.


Sithen knew he should be gentle with the virginal creature beneath him. He had taken them before. Yet he had no mind to be gentle. Her rage and humiliation blasted his mind until he wanted to roll and rub in it. He wanted to carry the scent of her capture with him for the days to come. It was only when he felt the spike of electricity that he truly lost control. It made his nerves tense as he disgorged the final thick black knot on his shaft and the tip jab roughly against her loins. The scales along her passage had softened, they were malleable and yielding so that when he pushed against them they dimpled in to channel him towards her opening.

The first brush of her fertile folds broke all control he had carefully built up. A thousand gentle touches, a hundred careful grooming, the day in and day out closeness of being near the immature dragoness had made him near mad with desire. Now, now he could have her. His daughter writhed and then screamed as he slammed into her body. The hardened shaft forced her folds to stretch open around him until he nearly tore them and his medial knot shoved against her outer lips before he yanked back and his ridges wetly. Like an untried mail his tip popped free spraying a hot slippery line of precum against her lower belly before he rocked and jabbed forward to find her opening again.

He slammed his weight down against her and his forepaws pushed just against her shoulders as he felt her mind batter against his is panic, fear, rage, lust, and pain. She fought him even though she was captured. She fought him as if she believed she could still escape what he would do to her. She fought him even as it made his back arch and hips thrust forward hard enough that his base knot slammed up against her outer folds and he hit her cervix with bruising force before he pulled backwards again. Her folds were so tight they fought to pull him back in, as if he could hold still and her own body would suckle and swallow his cock inside. The very thought sent a thick gooey rope of precum into her passage, already laden with several hundred sperm to scout within her.


Lashane had never felt pain like this. She had never known pain as she grew up so carefully protected. Stubbed claws, a strain, yes those she had had quite a few times, but nothing the likes of this. Her sire slammed into her until her loins felt on fire. The nerves drawn taut around him as he hunched and started to pull back, and the cock tip yanked free with a hot splatter of liquid that wasn't rain. For a moment she felt a vague hope that it was over, that it had been about dominance and nothing else. Her father had no such thing in mind, and she knew it. His teeth dug against the tapered length of her muzzle so that each grunt and growl was felt and heard.

She felt his pleasure at her tightness, the way she shrieked out and her claws nearly tore into his flesh as she tried to escape. It was a gentle tender mating. Somewhere she knew of those. That part of her knew of soft nights in a lover's arms. Her father's mind latched onto her own so she felt his savage pleasure as he drove in again and battered against a barrier inside of her that made her back arch up into the air and she let out a sharper call. She felt torn and broken as he started to thrust rapidly inside of her, the series of knots tugged and pulled so that she felt each ridge, each pulse. She was spared nothing as something hot and slippery dribbled out along her channel.


Sithen twined his tail with his daughters as he drove deeper inside of her. His eyes opened and he clenched his jaws slightly harder as he gave a more brutal thrust forward. He didn't wedge and gently pry at her cervix, he was forcing it open. The wetness lewdly pushed out around his darkened shaft as he forced that much more inside of her. He wanted her and he would have her, he needed to feel himself driven entirely inside a females body, not just any females, but a storm dragon. His own brood! Her mind battered at his and it was flavored lightly with fear, but rage carried most of it. How dare he take her upon the ground? How dare he not court her within the skies? He was less then the animals he bred in his mountains!

He slammed his hips down hard and fast until he felt his tip breech through her cervix and the thoughts were cut off with a flash of pain from the female. The thick top knot forced it's way past that tender ring of muscle and forced it to wrap around him before it swelled open larger and thicker. The tip of him jutted lewdly into her womb as he sealed himself inside but didn't stop his rough thrusts. His hips jerked against hers still, each time he pulled back against her ravaged cervix making her thoughts go red with pain before he drove forward again. The very base of him started to spread her outer folds open as they spilled the wetness from her lost virginity onto the ground.


Lashane battered and cursed at her father as he showed little mercy. It was the tip that drove those thoughts from her as it broke through her cervix and made her screech out in her pain. It felt as if she had been stabbed in the stomach, but the ordeal wasn't even over. It started to swell and draw the abused ring of muscle open tight. The nerve riddled flesh rubbed against the ridges as she twisted and screamed out again. Her body rocking against the ground as he continued to thrust and his mind crept into her own flavored with his growing pleasure. This was her place, she was his female, his female and no others. She would learn to present for him, learn to eagerly carry his seed.

Another thrust and she felt the knot in the middle swell outwards, the already stretched folds forced to endure the feel of being shoved open that much more. Her sire stopped his short movements and released her jaws to stare down at her as he started to put pressure forward and she felt the base start to stretch her open. Her mind flashed with pain and strange memories of feeling him inside of her before. She didn't know where she started and her father's thoughts ended, let alone the memories that battled into her mind! She opened her mouth wide before she released some part of her body to send out a sudden bolt of vibrant purple white lightening to capture Sithen's neck and head.


The sudden thrill of electricity ran over his muzzle as he forced inch by painful inch, his base knot into the writhing creature. The formerly virgin passage had been stretched and violated thoroughly by his cock and only one thing remained. It was the electric thrill of their very element playing against his scales that made him give a harsher shove forward. A lewd squelching noise could almost be heard as his knot popped into his body and his tapered tip shoved right back against the plush curve of her egg chamber. His stomach pushed down harder against him as she twisted and franticly tried to get away as her pained thoughts hit his own.

He flexed the base of his tail as the internal testicles convulsed and sent his cum bubbling up from them to run along the vein inside of him. It bulged until his ridges were digging brutally into the female's flesh while her walls pulled and convulsed around him. It came to a head as the first pearly white rush of seed erupted out of him and splattered into her egg chamber. The cum slit gaped open wide as he sent out another hot rope to hit against the back of her fertile body. He started to rock his hips slowly with each new splatter of his thick cum he'd push his hips forward before pulling back and feeling the delicious pressure wrapping around his knots.


Lashane let out a final screech as she felt the knot sink into her body, her walls wrapping around it and clenching down until she could feel each ridge, each bump, each inch of the cock driven inside of her. Her walls pulsed and pulled around him as she twisted and arched her body upwards before dropping down again. Her mind roiled with strange thoughts and feelings, the dragoness she had lived her life as for the past 8 years felt something mesh with her own mind. The disorienting feeling lost under the forced sharing of her sire's pleasure as his cock erupted inside of her body in a hot wave that spilled out from him.

The force of it hit within her egg chamber in thick heavy gouts that stuck against her body and made her writhe and try to yank herself free of his knots. Each jerk spilled out more so that she could feel the pulses just before the heat welled out inside of her. Her jaws spread open wide as she violently hissed at him and when he came down close enough tried to snap his muzzle within her jaws. The hips kept rocking against her own while she felt the rolls of pleasure come from him, ignoring the paint that racked her formerly virginal body as he stirred his knotted shaft within her. His stomach pushed hard against her own so that she could feel the cum soon overflowing her womb.

Inside of her, billions of his sperm erupted and writhed, covering her egg chamber in search of viable ova to fertilize. They didn't care that she was his daughter, didn't care that she was a misborn accident of a spell gone wrong. She stared up at the pleasured male and again the thoughts that she had only truly touched in dreams started to slide forward. She whimpered and then snapped her jaws when the male tried to pull back, but even that didn't stop the one word that formed in her mind. It stood out against the images and emotions that served to communicate with her sire. Lashane....

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