A Long Trip 4: New pack

Story by Chakat Blackfire on SoFurry

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#4 of A long trip

Chapter Four-A New Pack Another week had passed and Worria was getting closer to her due date. Folla has been staying with us to keep an eye on Worria. Everyone on the estate was eagerly waiting for her. I had asked Warren for some time off to care for Worria. He was more than happy to oblige. I was sitting outside when Folla rushed out. "Diamond, you lazy bum. Get in here. It's happening!" I ran inside to find Worria laying on the bed, back arched, in noticeable pain. "I'll handle the messy work. You just encourage her and keep her occupied." "Diamond?" Worria stretched one gray furred hand out to me. "I'm here. I'm here. You're doing fine." She nearly crushed my hand when another contraction racked her body. "I see a snout!" I looked around and found what I needed. My walking staff. "Here, bite down on this." She snatched it and bit down on it, screaming through her clenched jaws. "Diamond, you've got a son. Give me your dagger!" I handed it to her and she sliced the umbilical cord with it. "Ok, one more time." "What, there's another one?" She looked at me like I was stupid. "There are always twins." Worria gave another shudder and a loud whimper. "There's the head and the rest." With another slice of the dagger it was over. I was the father of two beautiful wolf cubs. They both looked like Worria except the male had a streak of black fur running from his head down his neck. The second one, the girl, was a mirror image of her mother. Folla slipped out without a word leaving us in silence. There was no need for words. The message was very clear. My love for her earlier was nothing for the love I had for her now. She put them against her breasts and they sucked until they could drink no more. Then, they were asleep without a care in the world. Worria looked up at me, gave me weak and tired smile, then fell into a gentle rest. The next morning, we awoke to loud and hungry whimpers and cries. I went out to find some sticks and found a crib with a note attached. "Diamond, this crib kept mine and Brannon's sons safe for many a year. I hope it will do the same for yours." I pulled it inside where Worria was waiting on me. She had one of the shoulders of her gown pulled down with the girl still sucking away. The boy was cradled in her other arm. She gave him to me with milk still dribbling out of his mouth, asleep, and content. "Diamond, we should go see Warren. He'll want to see them." The spring set in and the air and earth were warmed. I moved to put on a light shirt and pants. Worria looked at me and chuckled. "Why are you going to wear those hot winter things. It's spring." "You don't wear clothes in the spring???" "Oh, we wear basic under garments but that's all." The prospect of walking around in my underwear was a little embarrassing but I figured if it didn't bother them, why should it bother me. When we reached the main house, the cubs were awake and curious. The boy had his tiny ear against my chest, every time my heart would beat he would laugh. The girl was tracing the pads on Worria's hand with her own. Forra came out to great us. "Warren saw you coming and is waiting in the study. Are those the new cubs, how cute." Forra led us to Warren's study. It was a huge room with many books and statues. "Diamond, Worria, how have you been? Would you care for some breakfast?" I was about to refuse but my stomach beat me to it with a growl of approval. "Your stomach speaks for you my friend." He walked over to a bench and lifted the top of it producing an assortment of fruits and pastries. "Diamond, seeing how you have no lineage here and I have no heir, how would you feel about being my um...well, I can't think of how to word this. What would you say to being my adopted son?" He caught me completely off guard with that. All I could do was stammer that it might work. I looked at my family, Worria, my mate, our two beautiful children, and Warren. I had found my place in this world. I was happy here. * * *

If you would like to see this story continued feel free to E-mail me at [email protected]