The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 27
#27 of Spyro Origins
Author's notes:
Hmmmm.... I guess nothing really important to say except I liked writing this chapter very much. It was a lot of fun for obvious reasons you will soon read.
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 27
They were having a breakfast very early in the morning that consisted of different fruits. The sun had not yet passed the high mountains so as to fill the valley with his warmth, but there was light enough to see. After they had eaten, they hung the bags filled to the brim with the flowers and the group went out of the house.
An Honor Guard was there, ready to escort and guide them to the northern pass where they would start their journey. However, have to say their goodbyes to their hosts.
"Thank you for your kind hospitality ma'am" Incendio said as he stood on the doorway.
"You are welcome" she replied in kind.
"I hope we see each other again Gale" Spyro said, looking at the young dragon. "We will try to come when we can"
"Bye guys" he replied looking away from Spyro and group without his usual cheerfulness.
"Don't be sad" Cynder tried to raise his spirits. "You'll see that it will pass quite quickly"
Gale only responded with a sigh without even looking at them. Nimbus and Tornada looked sadly at his son before looking at the other. Spyro caught a slight nod from both of them, as if they knew something.
"Caleum!" Nimbus called for the Guard that was to lead them.
"Yes Captain?"
"I will personally take them to the northern pass. There is no need for you to accompany us, so you return to home since you had night watch"
"Thank you Captain" he saluted before flying off.
"Gale; would you like to accompany me to see your friend go?" Nimbus asked his son with such tenderness Spyro hadn't heard before.
"No" Gale replied sadly.
"Come on Gale" his father urged him. "I also need to speak with you"
"All right" Gale sighed.
"Very good" Nimbus said. "Everyone's ready?" he asked.
"We are good to go!" Incendio said, eager to get going.
"That's good to hear" Nimbus replied.
"Son" Tornada call for Gale.
Spyro noticed the immense sadness they portrayed.
"Mom, what is it?" Gale asked as he made his way toward her.
"I love you so much Gale" she embraced him with her wings, very much to his surprise. "Promise me you'll be careful"
"I'm fine mom" he told her. "It's not that I'm leaving or anything" he assured her.
That was when she let out a small sob.
"Right!" she composed herself. "I was getting emotional"
"We should go now" Nimbus said.
"Thank you again ma'am" Shockwave said as he started to flap his wing and getting airborne.
The group rose to the air as they started their journey. Spyro took a quick glance back toward Gale's home and caught a glimpse of Tornada weeping openly now. But why would she do that?
They rode the winds in silence as they traveled across the valley toward their destination. The dragons started to rise from slumber to do their daily activates for the new day. The morning dew covering most parts of the green and fertile valley.
As they flew onwards, Spyro noticed a straight line where vegetation did not grow. It jutted from the mountain side all the way back to the city.
"Nimbus" he called for the older dragon. "I see a line where no vegetation grows. Why is that?"
Looking down, Nimbus replied.
"It is a road. It extends from the city all the way to the cliff of the mountains where it ends. There is other two more such roads in this valley"
"Do they leave this valley?"
"The road ends in a cliff on the mountain side where large carvings are drawing on the rock" Nimbus explained. "It is believed that such places are shrines built four our ancestors and the road where used to haul offering to them. Really foolish if you ask me... haul goods when the person they are destined to are dead. Anyway, the pass you will be taking is above the shrine. So we will land there to see you off"
They followed the road until it started to snake it way up the mountain where it eventually ended in a cliff face. The group landed in front of the shrine where figures were carved in the rock where the road ended. It held two figures. One the right side was a dragon that was sitting and extending it was as if to touching the hand of the other figure. As for the other figure... it was a complete mystery as to what it was. Long starches made by long claws made the figure completely unrecognizable. Weather had its share of disfiguring it too. The only remaining thing that could be seen was the hand that was stretching in order to tough the dragons paw.
"Doesn't look like a shrine to me" Shockwave made his opinion as he saw the place.
"Not at all" Incendio agreed.
"Well, who know what our ancestors had in mind" Nimbus shrugged his wings as he looked at the picture.
Besides the picture, on both sides, stood two bronze pots with the symbol of fire in it. Spyro guessed this used to have a lit fire at one time. Also, on the ground in front of the door, was the symbol of air. This was unlike any shrine he had ever seen.
'But why such big a road?'_Spyro couldn't help but wonder. _'Dragons would just fly here... unless there weren't only dragons at one time in this valley'
Spyro looked at the old bronze pots. He saw the symbol of fire carven in them. He approached one of them and looked inside. Unlike a normal pot, these ones had an orifice at the bottom. Now that he thought of it... they look very much like the pots back in the Swamp Temple that were used to open doors when lit.
Doors? A door!
Then, Spyro noticed something in the carvings in front of him while he studied it. There was a thin line separating both outstretched members of both figures directly between their paws. He had almost missed it since it was very well dissimulated, like it wasn't supposed to be seen.
Then, Spyro understood.
"This isn't a shrine" Spyro exclaimed happily as he figured it out. "This is doorway!"
"A doorway?" Nimbus asked.
"Yes! Since the statue incident I was wondering if at one time there existed a connection to the outside world. This came into mind because, how could a statue react to a crystal that is from outside this mountains? There must have been a connection"
"There is no record of ever having contact with outside the mountains" Nimbus said after a few moments of pondering what Spyro said. "But let's say it is true... how do you open it"
"With the pots" Incendio beat Spyro to it.
"Exactly!" Spyro told him. "Incendio; light the pot with your flame"
The fire dragon slowly approached one of the bronze pots and, taking a deep breath, he exhaled his fire breath. After he finished exhaling, the flame remained alive above the pot.
"Now the other one" Spyro told him.
Incendio walked to the other one and once again exhaled his fire. Once the second pot was lit, clanks were heard underneath them as something started to move. However, the door did not open. The symbol with the wind element on the ground separated in two and a horn rose from its depths.
Spyro immediately remembered the horn he once used to open the catacomb door when he had escaped from the Golem the first time.
"Now to blow air through the horn" Spyro said.
"Allow me" Gale said.
He positioned himself near the horn and taking a deep breath, he exhaled. However, the strong wind blast that Spyro expected never came. Frowning, Gale concentrated and once again exhaled noting but a small gust of air.
"Gale..." his father called him sadly.
"Why can't I use the wind!?" Gale replied angry and sad at the same time as he lashed his tail.
Spyro remembered that the Gust, the gang member, said that gale could not use his element. Spyro felt pity for his friend. It must be hard for him not to be able to do what everyone else could.
"Do not worry Gale" Spyro said to him. "I'm sure you will be able to use you element one day"
"How do you know?"
"Because it took me a while to use mine too" Spry told him. Gale turned to look at him with surprise in his eyes. "You'll see Gale. It will come"
"Thanks Spyro" Gale answered, his happy self returning somewhat.
"You are welcome" Spyro nodded before turning to look at Nimbus. "Would you blow wind through the horn"
Nimbus looked somewhat skeptical about this, but he obliged Spyro. He took a deep breath and when he exhaled, a strong wind current exited from his mouth. With a rumbling sound, the huge carving slowly split by the center and started to separate, revealing what was behind.
No one said anything as the door continued to open with Nimbus wind. After a few seconds, with a deep rumble, the doors stopped moving once they were completely open.
What lay beyond the doorway was a huge and very long tunnel. It had clear indication that it was artificial and not natural due to the smooth surfaces and the flat road that continued forward.
"Well, looks like we do not have to go the hard way" Shockwave replied with a chuckle. "If I know something about roads is that the lead somewhere. And if what Spyro says is true, then I believe that this will lead outside the mountains"
"I vote we go by the easy road" Sparx said. "I do not want to freeze to death and be forced into someone's mouth to keep me warm" this last part was directed at Cynder
"I agree with Sparx on this one, I do not want him again in my mouth" Cynder agreed. "It was disgusting"
"Then it is settled" Incendio said. "We will venture underground. If further ahead the road is block we can always turn back and do it the hard way"
The group turned to look at Nimbus and Gale.
"Nimbus... thanks for sheltering us" Spyro said gratefully.
"You are welcome young one" he replied with a smile.
"Gale... "Spyro began only to see him on the verge of tears."Thank you for saving us from the mountain. We would most likely be dead without your help. I promise we would return one day"
"I wish I could go with you" Gale said somberly.
"Do you Gale?" Nimbus said suddenly very serious.
"What?" Gale turned to look as his father.
"Do you want to go with them?" he asked again very seriously.
Nimbus sighed and lowered his head to look at his son more closely.
"Son; do you want to go?"
"I would like to father" Gale replied.
Nimbus nodded his head slowly with a sad look on his eyes.
"Son; go with them"
"WHAT?" Gale shouted. Spyro and group were also quite surprised by the allowance Nimbus had given his son "What do you mean?"
"I mean exactly what I said"
"Your mother noticed some things yesterday and he voiced them to me. She and I discussed this and we agreed that if you wanted to go with your friends, we would let you"
Spyro remembered the looks on Tornada as they left. Spyro understood her actions prior to leaving. She knew she would not see his son again and she was saying his goodbyes.
"But I don't want to leave!"
Nimbus gave a sad smile as he looked at his son.
"Son... I know that you don't like to be penned up in this valley; you like to explore and move... be free of the restrictions of this valley. This is an opportunity for you to do so"
"But why?"
"I know you wanted some friend for a long time, Gale. When your friend here arrived for the first time, you had the friend you desperately wanted; and now that they must leave, it hurts you. And... and we really have never been there for you when you needed us. We were to busy with our duties to look after you. Now you have your friends to help you when you are in trouble. I will not separate such friendship from you"
"Your mother and I agree that it is for the best. We agree that it is time to set you free"
Gale looked down at his paws as his heart was a chaos of emotions and his mind trying to assimilate what had just been said. He struggled with himself for a while, looking from time to tome at his father and friend that waited patiently for his decision.
He stood on his hind legs and hugged his father's snout with both his forelegs. Nimbus closed his eyes let out a small sob when he felt the contact of his only son since he knew he had made his decision.
"Be careful son. Promise me you'll be careful"
"I will dad"
Father and son separated and tears streaked down their noses. Spyro felt tears fall from his eyes as he saw the scene on front of him. It made him remember the day he left the swamp, which was the only home he knew. He remembered how hard it had been for him to leave, and how he cried the night before he left.
That reminded him that he still had to find his parents.
"Please... take care of him" Nimbus pleaded to Spyro and group.
"We will" Cynder promised as tears also feel from her eyes.
Nimbus stood up and looked down at Gale feeling very proud of his son.
"Remember that out there is not safe Gale. There are dangers" Nimbus told his son. "Do you remember what I told you what Spyro's world? About Malefor and the war?"
"Yes father" Gale sniffed.
"Listen to your friends. They will help you"
"Yes dad"
"And please... come back one day" Nimbus voice finally cracked. "We will be waiting for you"
The tunnel was a very long one. It was also as wide enough for fully grown dragon to walk side by side, so they moved in a group. They walked for some hours in the darkness. However, Sparx provided enough light for them to see as he floated next to Spyro who was leading the procession. They passed several long depleted torches placed along the wall at regular intervals.
Fortunately, they went fairly quickly due to the nice and easy terrain in which they walked; but most of the time they flew in the wide tunnel. There were no deviations, which made their journey go more smoothly.
"How much longer must we keep walking?" Shockwave complained.
"We do not know" Cynder replied. "We agreed to this path so quite complaining"
"I was just asking"
"And I was just saying"
"Come one guys! We have just started our journey" Spyro sighed.
"Wait... I think I see something" Incendio said.
They looked forward to see what had caught Incendio's attention. There was a thin line of light that filtered from the rock in front of them.
"It's light!" Gale exclaimed. "It must be the exit"
They started to run forward, eager to get to the surface and into the air again. As they approached, they noticed that a door like the one they used to enter the mountain also was present. Fortunately, the same mechanism was also present. So, they opened it again in no time.
The only thing different was that Cynder blew the horn that would open the gate since gale could not use his powers. Spyro and Cynder knew that when she used her wind powers to open the gate, Gale would ask questions.
Fortunately, he didn't ask questions when the door opened completely. Instead, he gasped at what he saw beyond.
They had finally come out of the mountains! What took them three days to get to one point they made it back in just a few hours. They had exited in a fairly high part of the mountains, so they had a nice view of the surrounding areas.
But that wasn't what made Gale gasp in surprise. In front of them stood open space. There was land as far as he could see. Since he had been raided in a valley surrounded by mountains, to have so much freedom of flight seemed almost overwhelming.
The group waited a few moments until Gale came back from his surprise. They smiled as they watch him standing there while he moved his eyes to take in everything.
"Overwhelmed?" Shockwave asked with a chuckle.
Gale nodded dumbly, not moving his eyes form the sight he had. However, they had to keep moving. They took out Gale form his stupor and took flight.
They look flight and made their way north. They made sure to know where the underground entrance to Aerie was, so as to find it when they returned. They flew at a relative fast pace, but enough to keep it for a while.
Gale was having the time of his life. He was looking this way and that as he watched all that was beneath him. He would fix his gaze on something that caught his attention only for another thing to coma and catch his attention a second later. He wished he had seven more pair of eyes to see everything.
He even dives once when he saw something really interesting. The rest went after him, yelling all the way to stop. Gale swooped down into the threes and they heard the terrified bleat of deer. A huge heard scattered in all directions, fleeing from Gale. However, Gale had chosen to follow a particular doe. He ran and sometimes flapped his wings besides the unfortunate doe, laughing all the time as the terrified doe ran as fast as she could.
"Why did you do that?" Cynder asked, huffing when Gale finishing pursuing deer all over the place.
"I have never seen these creatures before. They look very much like the elk, but they are smaller" he replied happily before running after another deer that passed near him.
After they managed to finally make him leave the poor deer alone, they continued their flight.
Eventually they found a river that would eventually lead them to the sea. They started to fly lower so as to find a good spot to take a sip of water. However, Gale once again decided to dive. He landed on the riverbanks, laid low and watched intently something. He laughed in delight and swished his tail from side to side in his excitement. When Spyro landed and got closer, he found what held Gale's interest so much.
A frog.
The frog had not moved from his log that was near the riverbank when he had landed. The small animal was completely ignoring the large white dragon before him. When the frog croaked and Gale laughed in delight and moved his tail excitedly. The frog croaked again and Gale laughed like a little child.
Eventually, Gale decided to touch the small amphibian, but that was too much for the small animal. The frog jumped away from Gale with a huge leap. The white dragon, for his part, jumped backward in surprise at the sudden movement. After the first shock, he laughed once again and went after the frog. When the amphibian jumped away once again, Gale tried to imitate it by jumping next to it. The fog jumped away and Gale followed... playing like a child.
The group tried for a few minutes to pull Gale away from the frog; but only after the amphibian went to the water, Gale relented.
They spent quite the time like this... trying to tear away Gale from whatever he had found of interest. Only problem was everything was of interest to him. Form plants to animals to strange rocks. The white dragon also spent quite some fun time scaring the life out of half the animals he came across.
However, they approached something that Gale would have trouble to comprehend by early afternoon.
"I think I smell salt" Shockwave informed them.
"We must be close to the sea then" Cynder said.
Since they were flying low thanks to Gale who wanted to see everything closer, they came across the sea quite suddenly.
"There is it!" Incendio said quite happily as the vast ocean greeted them.
They descended and landed on the sandy beach to rest.
"I never expected to arrive here these early" Spyro said as he, Cynder, Shockwave and Incendio gather round. "I thought we would arrive by night at least"
"Me too" Cynder said. "We certainly made good time using the road.
"What should we do?" Shockwave asked. "If we attempt to cross now we will get quite tried before we get there"
"But we can't wait too long either" Incendio said determinately.
After thinking for a few moments, Spyro said.
"We shall rest here for nightfall and when the sun sets we go forward" Spyro offered his opinion.
"Cross at night? Won't that be somewhat dangerous?" Cynder pointed out.
"Not if we use the stars for navigation" Shockwave suggested. "I can lead us north during the night"
"And in the meantime?"Incendio asked.
"We eat and rest. We recover our strength for the long stretch. We have a couple of hours to do so" Spyro said.
"Very well" Incendio sighed. "I'll hut for some game to eat"
"I'll go with your" Spyro told him. "We shall return here in a while"
"I'll look for fresh water" Shockwave said before Cynder could say it.
The three ale dragon left Cynder alone.
"Well, I think it's just you and me Gale" Cynder said. But he did not receive any answer. "Gale?"
She turned and found the white dragon looking intently at the sea with wide eyes and fearful. His claws were completely dug into the soft sand underneath him as if root had suddenly grown from the. He swayed from one side to the other as if dizzy and his body was completely tense. He was completely paralyzed with shock and awe of the sight of the ocean in front of him. He even forgot to remove his goggles from his eyes in his shock.
"Gale?" Cynder approached him.
Gale quite literally jumped when he heard his name being called.
"Quite a sight is it not?" she said as she turned to look at the vast expanse of water.
"I... I can't believe there is so much water in one place" he said, eyeing the blue waters that stretched as far as he could see. "It makes my head dizzy with just looking at it. Just how big is this lake?"
"It's not a lake" she laughed. "It is an ocean"
"An ocean?" he looked at her with his head tilted to one side.
"Yes. It is an ocean or sea. Its water cannot be drunk since it contains salt that is harmful. As for how big it is... it is immense"
"How big?"
"More than you could imagine" she replied with a smile.
Gale gave a shudder when he put in action his imagination.
"So... how much farther is to your city... what was it called again?" Gale asked.
"Warfang" she supplied the information.
"How much longer to Warfang?"
"It is just at the other side of the sea" she told him.
"You mean... we have to cross this?" Gale asked with fear as he looked at the sea.
"Yes. It is a long stretch and we have to do it in once jump since there is no place to land for a rest."
"You gotta be kidding me!" he turned to look at her.
"I'm afraid not"
"But my wings ache already! I cannot fly that distance" he complained.
"That is why we are going to rest until night fall, to recover our strength. Then... onto Warfang"
"So, how long will it take us?"
"It will take us all night, so I guess we will arrive at morning" she told him.
At first Gale stood quite clear of the sea eventually, but eventually curiosity got the better of him. He would approach carefully toward the ocean, trying to get a better look. But when a wave came splashing toward him, he would turn tail and run as fast as he could back to safety. Eventually, this ended in a type of game for Gale as he escaped from the small waves that came; but Cynder guessed that he was still somewhat afraid of the sea.
It took a while for Shockwave to return with the information as to where fresh water was. He also brought some berries that he found along the way. He offered them to Cynder and Gale since he had already eaten some. Cynder tasted to sweet fruit in her mouth, she ate them slowly. But Gale was completely flipped with the new savor. He ate them at a record rate.
Somewhat later, Incendio and Spyro returned with a huge wild boar. The four friends started to eat heartily from the carcass. However, Gale gagged when he saw what they were doing. He had always eaten cooked meat so he was at first reluctant to eat. After a little bit of aching, he sampled the raw meat. It was not the best he had ever tasted but he ate nonetheless.
After the meal, the group did different things. Incendio lay down in the sand and basked in the sunlight, Shockwave took off somewhere and Gale continued his game of running away from the waves. As for Spyro and Cynder, they decided to take a nice bath. They got into the cool water and started to play, throwing water at each other and playing tag underwater.
Eventually, Gale mustered enough courage to get in after seeing Spyro and Cynder having so much fun. He jumped and splashed on the shallow part of the beach for a while, laughing all the way.
"Man... this guy is going to have a hoarse voice from all that laughing" Sparx smartly replied upon seeing Gale.
Eventually they had to lay down for a while to rest. Gale continued playing in the sea; jumping over the waves and splashing around. He once found a fish and pursue it until it went to deeper waters.
The hours came and went and nightfall fell. The moon was in the crescent stage, so there was enough light to see around each other, but not enough to dim the stars. They decided continued their trip. Gale, who miraculously fell asleep due to the insistence of the others for a while before departure, was still uncertain about the journey overseas. Only when Incendio treated to leave him behind, he relented.
And so, five dark figures and a glowing orb departed in the night and flew over the sea.
"Are we there yet?"
"Gale; this is the fiftieth time I have told you soon" Shockwave said quite annoyed.
"Then when we will arrive?" Gale whined. "My wings ache terribly and you told me soon and hour ago!"
"Soon Gale, soon!" Shockwave told him angrily.
The first traces of light from the sun coming up were starting to come from the east. The sight was beautiful as the light was reflected by the water. However, none of them really paid attention to the sight; all of them were tired and eager to arrive. Well... most of them. Sparx had taken ride on Spyro when he became too tired and had taken a nice and long nap.
Gale had been complaining for hours. He did not have the stamina the other had and he became quite tired just past mid-trip. At one point, Spyro and Incendio had to sort of carry him for a while; otherwise, he would have plunged into the dark waters below.
Thankfully, they were close now.
"HEY! I see land!" Cynder exclaimed as she looked ahead.
All eyes immediately turned to see where Cynder's head pointed. And indeed land it was. Eager to get their paws beneath solid ground, they group put on a burst of speed. Solid ground was starting to get closer by the second. It was a matter of times before they saw the waves crashing.
They descended into the sandy beach and for a rest. Gale collapsed instead of lying down. They rested for a few minutes their aching wings. However they had to continue.
"We need to move" Incendio told them after a few minutes of rest.
"What?" Gale asked. "But I thought that we would rest once we crossed"
"And we will" Shockwave assured him. "The city is not too far from here"
"But I'm tired! I have never flown this much back home!"
"Would you rather fall asleep here than in a comfortable bed?" Incendio tempted the white dragon.
"Bwaaaa!" Gale cried but said nothing after that as the prospect seem fairly appealing.
It took an hour of flying until the walls of Warfang were seen. Spyro was overjoyed to see the city again since it seemed so long ago that he had left it, yet it had been... was it only a week ago? The guards at the towers spotted them and announced their arrival by clanking the bell. The earlier complains that Gale off being too tired and his wings aching were completely cast aside as the white dragon laid eyes upon the massive city.
The five dragons shoot over the walls and entered the city. They made their way toward the city hall, where the Guardians were most likely located. Gale tried to look at all sides at once as he tried to see everything as he flew above the city. It was still early, but the city was starting to come to life as the new day came.
Fortunately, their tripped was cut short when they spotted Terrador as they flew above a plaza. There was some movement as moles moved something around.
"Terrador!" Spyro yelled as he started to descend while the rest followed.
The Earth Guardian turned to look at them when they touched down.
"Spyro! Thank the ancestors you are alive!" he told them as he looked them over his lone eye. The other one was still patched up.
"Yes, Terrador, we are" Spyro said. "And we brought the flowers" he replied a she took the bag he carried with a grunt.
"Truly?" the earth dragon brightened up.
Spyro opened the bag with a smile and showed him the contents. Many white flowers lay inside, waiting to be used. True, they were a little mashed up, but they were fine.
"This is great!" Terrador exclaimed. "We can use them to heal the humans"
"So are do they still live? Did we make it in time" Spyro asked, his hopes rising.
"Yes, you did Spyro; many of the humans yet live. Still..." Terrador turned to look at some moles working around in the plaza.
Spyro noticed quite a few long objects that were wrapped in a white sheet. They were long and not that wide nor tall. The purple dragon noticed two moles coming out of the hospital bringing another sheet covered object.
However, dread filled Spyro as he looked where it was coming from. The hospital.
"Terrador?" Spyro asked in a low voice.
"I'm afraid so" Terrador answered Spyro unspoken question as the old dragon saw him. The rest f the group understood what they were talking about.
"How... how many?" Incendio choked as he looked at the number of white sheet that adorned the plaza.
"Forty seven" Terrador gave a tired sigh. "And those are only those who did not survived the night" he went on said somberly.
Without saying anything else, Incendio dashed inside the hospital, nearly running over a pair of moles that were in his way.
"What with him?" Terrador asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't know. Maybe someone he cares about" Spyro offered.
"How many Terrador?" Cynder asked.
"Nearly three hundred" he answered with his eyes closed.
Spyro, Cynder and Shockwave shook at the number of humans that had died from this disease.
"What about Ramirez? He was the first one to get infected" Shockwave asked.
"He yet lives. Either he is too stubborn to die or he is quite resilient; although I fear he might not last longer" Terrador explained. "We have been trying to feed them but it not always work. They have hardly eaten something since you left"
"Then make use these flowers so they can heal" Shockwave suggested.
"Agreed" Terrador said. "We shall devise a potion for it"
"No need" Cynder interrupted. "We were told that a simple tea with the petals will help"
"Told you? Who?" Terrador look at the young dragons in front of him.
"Well..." Spyro started but he was interrupted by the sound of pottery breaking.
They group turned to look at the disturbance and found Gale looking somewhat guilty at the broken pottery. However, his expression immediately changed to curiosity as he spotted a patrol of mole soldier walking nearby. The white dragon immediately made his way and proceeded to inspect the small rodents. Of course the soldiers didn't like very much the close scrutiny they were being subjected to.
After the soldiers batted him away, his eyes laid in another pottery vase. He ran next to it and poked his snout in it as he looked at its contents.
"A white dragon?!" Terrador said slowly as he looked at the white dragon.
"Yes Terrador"
"Spyro... who is he?"
"He is Gale" Spyro replied with a chuckle.
"But there aren't any white dragons!"
Spyro turned to look again at the white dragon, who was still continuing his exploration. However, his new target to explore was the many long objects that lay under the white sheets.
"GALE DON'T...!" Spyro tried to say, but it was too late.
Gale lifted the cover and ended up starting at the face of a human. Spyro flinched as he saw the dad human. Slowly, Gale's expression changed from the playful mood to one of shock as he understood what was in front of him. Cynder quickly made his way to the white dragon.
"Gale..." she said.
Gale looked at Cynder and then back at the face of the human he had uncovered. Cynder gently took the sheet from Gale's paw and placed in back on the face of the human, covering him one again. Then, Cynder took him away from the scene and next to them.
"Where did you found him?"
"We found him in the Kalakean Mountains" Cynder told him
"What?" Terrador turned to look at him in surprise. "What in the name of the ancestors would he be doing there?"
Spyro, Cynder and Shockwave gave a small chuckle while gale still remained silent after his encounter.
"Young ones... what are you hiding?" Terrador asked as he looked at them from above.
"Long story" Cynder said. "But we would like to sleep since we flew all night"
"Very well" Terrador said after looking at their tired expressions. "I shall escort you to you new quarters in the temple?"
"Temple?" Spyro asked confused. "But there is not any temple in Warfang. The Swamp Temple served as Warfang temple"
"True, young dragon; but this old temple was used before the swamp one was built. After the Guardians left to live in the swamp Temple, it has fallen into decay. It has been being gradually restored since the end of the siege. Now, enough has been done to have some dragons live there"
"That is great!" Spyro exclaimed before making a huge yawn.
"I shall delay you no more; but later today I want to hear everything of your tale" Terrador told them seriously. "And also bring your new friend with you. He will also sleep in there for the time being"
Incendio burst the door open of the room where he had last seen Doctor Kelly. And there she was, still in the bed where she had been for a whole week. Incendio sighed in relief at seeing her. She was still breathing although somewhat erratically.
He got closer to the bed where she was so he could see her better. She was breathing erratically and her brow was moist with seat. She coughed from time to time. Her cheeks and arms seemed overly thin... proof that she had used her fat reserves to sustain her body. She was very weak.
Immediately after making sure that she was all right, considering the circumstances, Incendio went to the entrance of the room. When a mole passed, he grabbed him by the arm and brought him to his face.
"I need you bring me a tea full of water and a cup of tea" he told the mole.
"But I need to..." the startled mole tried to say.
"NOW!" Incendio roared before he released him.
"Yyy... yes... sss... sir!" replied the clearly afraid mole.
After the small rodent had left, Incendio had returned to where Doctor Kelly lay. He spent of few minutes watching her as he waited for the mole to bring what he had requested. He moved a paw and caress Kelly's hair in his concern.
'It is so smooth!' Incendio thought with surprise.
It was very different than apes or moles, whose fur was thick and rough. Kelly's hair even surpassed that of the felines, who had always smooth and clean fur.
It was then that the mole he had roared at earlier brought a container full of water and a small cup used to drink from.
"Thanks" Incendio replied gratefully at the mole as he took his bag where all the flowers were. He opened it and took a few of them before giving the bag to the rodent. "Here... take this to where the other bags are"
The mole took the offered bag and hurried out of the door, fearing that Incendio will roar at him again. But Incendio ignored the rodent as he carefully he plucked all the petals from the flowers and deposited them on tea pot full water.
He then blew a small yet constant fire at the pot, warming its contents and releasing the properties of the petal into the water. He watched as petals started to turn the water a whitish color. The aroma it released had a calming and relaxing effect making him breathe deeply while he appreciated the nice smell.
After he considered it was enough, he stopped using his fire and started to pour the infusion into the cup, careful as to not spill a drop. He then brought the warm tea into Kelly's mouth and slowly poured it. As she felt the warm water touch her lips and mouth, Doctor Kelly started to slowly gulp the water. However, Incendio did not force her; he gave her only a few sips before stopping to allow her to breathe.
He waited a minute or so before giving her the 'Sky Flower' tea. He continued like this until she had emptied the whole cup.
And after that, he sat and began his vigil over her.
After some hours of sleeping, Spyro, Cynder, Shockwave and Gale were called to the presence of the Guardians. Sparx refused to come, since he was very comfortably sleeping in his new bed. Incendio had refused too, saying that he was not needed to tell the story. Still sleepy, the group entered the newly made pool of visions.
"How extraordinary! It is amazing, unexpected and quite puzzling!!!" Volteer began his tirade in excitement upon laying his eyes on Gale. "A white dragon has not been seen for countless generations. Deducting from the color of your scales and the pattern of your tail end, I would surmise you are a wind dragon. Is this deduction proven to be true?"
"Whoa!" Gale exclaimed surprised. "He speaks so fast!" he said quite amused.
Volteer turn lifted and eyebrow as he looked at Gale, but before he could respond Terrador took the reins of the conversation.
"Welcome young dragons" Terrador greeted them as they sat near the pool of visions. "You have been called here so as to recount your travels of this past week. We have many questions we would like to ask, but for don't you introduce us your friend first"
"Guardians, this is Gale" Spyro introduced them. "Gale, these are the Guardians, figures of great importance whiting the dragon society. They are Terrador, guardian of Earth; Cyril, Guardian of Ice; and Volteer, Guardian of electricity."
"Those are the common elements, are they not?" Gale asked.
"Yes Gale" Cynder answered. "Fire is also common"
"Then there is also a Fire Guardian?" Gale asked innocently.
Many expressions darkness with sorrow, especially Spyro's.
"There was, young Gale" Terrador said, "but he has passed away not long ago"
"Even though Ignitus was not of royal blood, he surely acted like one" Cyril honored his friend.
"Ignitus was a very integral person and beloved by many, he will be missed" Volteer said.
"It is our hopes that we can choose a new Fire Guardian soon" Terrador finished. "But let's put our sorrow aside; we would very much like to hear the tale of your adventures"
"This is surely to be an incredible, amazing and captivating tale. Young dragons, we are all very curious, inquisitive and quite interested in knowing all about your adventure" Volteer said.
Gale gave a short laugh in amusement when he heard Volteer talk, much to his annoyance.
Spyro began recounting the story. The guardians were very surprised at the mention of the city of Aerie lost in the mountains. And even more so when they heard the population number and they fact that there were only wind dragons.
"It borders on the miraculous, incredible and stupendous!!! That such a city exists in the very heart of the mountains that had been labeled impassible by hundreds of expeditions that had all deemed failures to cross is amazing, astounding and astonishing!!! Breathtaking... surprising...staggering; it's hard to believe, difficult to fathom and amazing to comprehend this marvelous, wonderful and magnificent revelation!!! "
Gale started to laugh suddenly, making the Guardians look at him like if he was crazy.
"He speaks so fast! It's so funny!" Gale exclaimed as he looked at Volteer with wonder and amazement.
"I fail to see in which aspect my speech is amusing" Volteer replied, much confused by Gale's behavior.
"That is quite a tale young dragon" Terrador praised them.
"It is so exciting, exhilarating, enthralling and enchanting, Terrador. And the fact that only a population consisted in its entirety of winds dragons is surprising, staggering, startling..." Volteer went on again and making Gale laugh.
"Yes Volteer, we understand what you are trying to say!" Cyril cut him off, annoyed at all the tirade. "There is no need to use that electric tongue of yours to wiggle everything around so much"
"But is just so..."
"Volteer, please; we understand how you are feeling" Cyril admonished.
"We indeed are" Terrador finally cut the two arguing dragons short. "It is certainly encouraging and fascinating that such a city exists with such a big number of dragons. Yet the fact that only white dragon resided there poses some question. Volteer; do you know something about white dragons?"
"But of course Terrador!" Volteer said as he sat straight, going into story mode. "White dragons tend to control the wind element like a yellow dragon tends to control electricity; although I do not know if these wind dragons come in other color other than white. It would be fascinating to study the natural evolution of..."
"Volteer... do not deviate from the track" Terrador admonished.
"My apologies Terrador. As I was saying, white dragons are the dragons that control the wind element. It was countless generations ago that wind dragons used roam in these lands"
"You mean used to live here?" Spyro asked.
"That is an accurate statement, young Spyro. If records inside the library of Warfang are to be trusted and confided in, they even had a Guardian to represent their element like the other four element"
"So, what happened to them?" Cynder asked. "Did they left or something?"
"In a manner of speaking, young lady" Volteer said. "After Malefor's rise to darkness, his dark reign and the beginnings of the war we know so much about; the Dark Master, or Malefor, considered all wind dragons a threat and an affront to his power. In his quest to total domination and absolute power, he started to hunt them down"
"So Malefor killed all wind dragons that used to live here?" Gale asked, sadness filling her voice and understanding his position in this new and strange world.
"That is correct, young dragon. He killed, slaughtered, massacred and did genocide on all their line until none remained. It was theorized that a few remained in hiding, but there was never enough evidence to prove that statement. It was thought to the lineage of the wind dragons to be extinct for a long time. So much time had passed and yet one of them is standing right before me!"
"That is quite true" Terrador told Volteer. "We will surely make contact once again with these dragons that live in the Kalakean Mountains"
"There is so much knowledge we could exchange with them, Terrador! I would like to be the first to volunteer for such great endeavor, enterprise, quest so that I can learn everything that there is to them" Volteer said quite happily, already imagining the ton of new information he will have.
"I would recommend waiting for a while Guardians" Shockwave put in.
"Would you care to explain your reasoning?" Cyril demanded.
"I think we made quite an impression on the Elders of the city and they have yet to break the news of being a world outside their home. If we came in suddenly... there might be some troubles"
"Hmmm... I think I see your point" Terrador mused. "Very well; we will wait for a while until we decide who to proceed"
"But Terrador... a thing such as these could not hope to stay hidden forever from the populace, especially with a white dragon walking around" Volteer said as he looked at Gale. "His coloration will draw attention and they will demand to know where he came from. And once they learn of this city, they would demand to send a delegation or see it for themselves, especially from all the dragons that have arrived recently"
"What do you mean 'dragons that have arrived recently'?" Spyro asked.
"Several dozens of dragons had arrived to the city this last week" Cyril explained. "They said that they heard the news of the end the siege of Warfang. Many of those said they were told from a certain clan that our friend Shockwave is quite familiarized with" Cyril said mysteriously as he eyes Shockwave with a knowing smile.
The young dragons looked at Shockwave with surprise while he puffed up, feeling proud of being a member of his clan.
"They have also told us that they knew of many more other dragons that remained in hiding, not entirely convinced that the war has ended" Cyril continued. "But as the news continued to spread, more are sure to come"
"That is magnificent news!" Spyro exclaimed.
"Indeed it is" Terrador said. "Dragon kind is not as extinct as we originally thought so. As for the city of Aerie, a delegation will be formed after some time in order to visit this city"
"There is also one other thing, Terrador" Spyro said seriously before taking the transparent crystal. "We found another one"
"Another of the mysterious crystals?"
"Yes. This one is white and the crystal reacted when Gale touched it"
"Would you like to explain?"
Spyro told them how they had found the mysterious crystal... as well as the ancient armor of Aereo. He also explained the importance of Aereo to the city of Aerie.
"Interesting..." Cyril mused. "If they honor him as Spyro claim, then this Aereo fellow must have been someone of importance to them. Maybe even royalty. But I guess he was also a soldier... if the armor is anything to go by"
"Dragons have used armor before" Terrador said.
"They have?" Spyro asked with wonder.
"Oh yes; although it is mostly in the ceremonial aspects for high born dragons; although there was also battle armor" Cyril explained. "Battle armor was scarcely used since most dragons often decided to fight without it. It made them slower while they fought with all that weight and they tried more easily"
"Whoever this Aereo may have been, he held in his possession one of these mysterious crystals" Terrador said. "He may have established himself in the mountains a long time ago; before Warfang was built"
"This posses some very interesting and puzzling questions" Volteer said in his usual manner. "Spyro, I must ask you to lend me your crystal so I can examine it. Such type of crystal has never been seen in our history and I would like to dwell into its mysteries as to find out its purpose. Since Shockwave's and Gale's crystals also are connected to Spyro's, I would also ask them if they could lend me their crystals. Furthermore, if we stubble across any of the remaining four crystals, based on the seven that appeared on Spyro's dream, I would like to take possession them for further study"
The Guardians turned to look at Spyro.
"Your choice Spyro, although I recommend this time to lend the crystal to Volteer" Terrador suggested. "I believe that there is much to this crystal than we originally thought and it would be best if we know what it is"
Spyro perfectly knew that this crystal held something important... very important. He knew it! It strange form and color, the place where they found it, the fact that there are more of the crystals hidden somewhere around the world... and then the dream he had about of the seven crystals.
Spyro knew it was important to know what this crystal was.
Reluctantly, Spyro slowly handed his transparent crystal at Volteer. The electric dragons stretched his paw and beamed when he received the crystal. He then looked as Shockwave and Gale with expecting eyes.
"Nuh-uh!" Gale shook his head in denial.
"No way!" Shockwave exclaimed. "This is a family heirloom and I will not part from it"
"Very well; we will not press you" Terrador assured them.
Volteer face fell a little, but he smiled as he watched the crystal he now held.
"You take care of that crystal Volteer" Terrador warned him. "It's not yours"
"Of course Terrador. I shall make sure that not a starch, crack nor mark befalls on this crystal" the electric dragon said.
"Good" Terrador said before looking at the young dragons. "Go now and enjoy the rest of the day; you surely deserve it. We have a lot to discuss about with the new information that you have told us" Terrador dismissed them.
The rest of the day was spent exploring the city with Gale. And that was quite an exhausting thing to do,
Gale ran from one place to the other as he literally poked his nose everywhere in his excitement and curiosity. Spyri and Cynder followed behind as the breakneck pace the white dragon had imposed. They kept Gale out of trouble... well, sort of. The white dragon caused trouble everywhere he went. He accidentally trashed a merchant stall, he walked on the rooftops, and he even smelled every cheetah and mole he came across much to the displeasure of the subject being inspected.
"Spyro" a voice called behind the purple dragon.
When Spyro turned, he saw his friend Hunter slowly approaching him.
"Hunter! It is good to see you!" Spyro greeted with a tried smile.
"Likewise my friend" Hunter saluted. "Are you all right? You seem a little bit tried" the cheetah noted.
"It just Gale. He's having us following him and he is quite unstoppable" Cynder explained.
"Gale?" Hunter questions as he tilted his head.
As if on cue, Gale jumped from a rooftop and landed next to Hunter. Giving credit to the cheetah, he did not jumped in surprise at the sudden appearance of the dragon. However, he was surprised when Gale started to sniff him all over.
"Let me guess... Gale?" Hunter offered as he looked at Spyro.
"Yep! Gale!" Spyro called for the white dragon. "I want you to meet a fried"
"Who?" gale head snapped when he heard the word friend.
"Gale, this is Hunter. Hunter, this is Gale" Spyro introduced them both.
"Oh... Hehe!" Gale gave a slight chuckle as he saw who this new friend he was being introduced was.
"A pleasure to meet you Gale" Hunter said.
"Likewise" gale answered before something else caught his attention and ran off to see what it was.
"Now I see why you seem so tried" Hunter pointed out as they started walking again after Gale.
"He is tireless!" Spyro said with a chuckle.
"So... what brings you here Hunter?" Cynder asked.
"I wanted to speak with you" Hunter replied. "First, the flowers you brought are already been used and Meadow told me that it seems that they are doing their work properly. The human seem to be recovering"
"Thank the ancestors!" Spyro explained feeling relieved when he heard the news. "That is good news!"
"Indeed it is my friend. And there is a second thing I wanted to tell you" he said as he stopped.
"What is it?" Cynder asked as she turned to face him.
"This concerns Spyro and Sparx" Hunter replied.
"What is Hunter? What is wrong?" Spyro asked, suddenly feeling concerned.
"Well..." the cheetah sighed. "It is something I heard about when I asked a friend"
"Hunter... you are starting to worry me" Spyro said.
"Spyro... I have heard a rumor of a large group of dragonflies"
"WHAT?" Spyro yelled at his friend as he heard it.
_'Could it be...?'_Spyro thoughts when into hyper mode as his hopes lifted up.
"Where? When? How many?" he assaulted Hunter with questions.
"Calm down, Spyro!" Hunter said as he raised his hand as if to protect himself. "I heard a story from a friend of large group of dragonflies that arrived at a fishing village quite a bit to the east almost three years ago. My friend was not there present and was told from someone of the village. My friend was told neither the number nor the names of these dragonflies; but what he was told was that a fisherman that lived there took them someplace"
"Why haven't I heard of this before?" Spyro asked somewhat angry.
"The village where it happened is small, out of the way and not important, not a lot of messages go to and from it" Hunter explained.
"What about the fisherman? Where did he take them?" Spyro asked.
"I'm afraid that I do not know. The fisherman was already planning on leaving the village and after he left, he did not returned. We know not of his whereabouts"
Spyro's mood fell like a stone. Here he was hoping that he could finally find his parent, only for that opportunity slip away in a dead end.
"Spyro!" Cynder said quite happy. "Your parent may yet be alive!"
"You are right!" They may be someplace safe!" he said; hope once again swelling within him.
Spyro felt amazed by how Cynder managed to change his mood form a negative one to a positive one. Then Spyro turned to look at Hunter.
"Thank you my friend... for this" Spyro said.
"My only regret is that I did not give you more Spyro" Hunter replied.
"You did more than enough. You gave me hope"
"You are welcome Spyro; anytime you need me, I'm available" Hunter offered.
"Thank you" Spyro said in a low voice.
"You are welcome. Now, I suggest you hurry after your friend since I see him making trouble up ahead" Hunter said.
Spyro and Cynder heads snapped back upright and searched for the white dragon. He had toppled a few pots, spilling its contents over the street and trashing some merchant products. He was currently pinning a mole against the wall as he sniffed him out. Spyro and Cynder ran towards him, yelling at him to let the poor mole go.
The new day came and Doctor Kelly recovered her consciousness. The bed she was very comfortable. She refused to let her brain completely wake up and tried to go once again into a peaceful slumber. It felt as if she had woken in a chilly new day in a warm bed. However, hunger pangs forced her to wake up.
She slowly opened her eyes, but closed it again as the strong light hurt her eyes. Being more careful, she fluttered her eyes open allowing the light to slowly filter through her eyelids as she attempted to focus.
When she could discern things clearly once again, she looked around the strange room she was in.
'That is odd'_she thought _'I do not remember sleeping in this room. As a matter of fact, I don't remember what I was doing when I passed out'
She tried to wake up, but sudden dizziness and a sense of weakness forced her to lie down again. She moved her hand and placed it in her forehead as the feeling passed. However, the movement caused her a great deal of effort due to her being weak.
After the dizziness effects had passed, she once tried to sit up. She managed to sit up straight with a great deal of effort this time. The feeling came again, but not as overwhelming as last time.
A soft snoring caught her attention. She turned to look at the direction of the sound and found an orange dragon sleeping in a very uncomfortable position.
_'Wait... but that's Incendio!'_Kelly recognized the dragon.
He was gently snoring in his sleep. His mouth was slightly ajar and deep breaths were heard as he took and released them. His head was resting against atop the nightstand, somehow managing to remain in place while the rest of the body lay sprawled across the floor. Doctor Kelly knew one thing... he would wake up with a mighty neck ache from sleeping in that position.
_'What is he doing here?'_she thought.
The last time she had seen him, he was in a very deep depression. She had tended to him while he was passing through that difficult time. She had always found some time to be with him while she looked into the sickness that had plagued the expedition.
That's when it hit her.
'Oh right! The disease! I was trying to find a cure. But I did not found one; then that means...'_she trailed off in her minds as she knew what had happened. _'Just how long was I out?'
She had gotten the sickness that had plagued the expedition. She must have been at least several days unconscious due to the high fever. Her body had shut down in order to save strength and fight off the virus.
Still, she had not finished finding a cure to combat more effectively this new sickness. Perhaps the body took care of it on its own? Unlikely. She had seen many of her companions in their sickened state and she knew that it was a very dangerous disease. It would have been very difficult to come out of it without some help. And if she got sick before she could discern a cure, then who did it?
_'Perhaps the dragons came up with something'_she thought.
A low creak took her out from her own depths of her mind and brought her back to reality. A mole had opened the door and had come in. She recognized the small rodent as Ailina; a nurse that worked here with her in the hospital. She carried a small tray with several fruits.
Upon noticing her awake and sitting up, the small female rodent stopped.
"Oh... I'm sorry!" Ailina apologized. "I was not aware you were awake"
"No problem" Kelly dismissed it. "How long was I out?" was the first thing she asked.
"Like ten days. More or less" she told Kelly.
Kelly's eyes bulged wide open. No wonder she was feeling weak; she had not eaten anything for days! Then, her eyes fell on the food and her stomached growled its need for solid food.
"Is... is that food for me?" Kelly asked whishing that it was.
Ailina looked at the food she carried before giving a small chuckle.
"I guess it is now" she told Kelly as the small rodent brought the tray to the bed. "It was originally for Incendio. He has not gone to eat since he arrived"
"Arrived? What do you mean 'arrived'?" Kelly asked as she took a small bit of food.
Being a doctor, Kelly knew what happened when you ate too much and too fast after a prolonged period of being starved.
"Well, how to say this" the rodent mused as he began her explanation. "When humans started dying because of this disease, the dragons decided to get a flower that it is said that poses great healing properties. The place where it located is dangerous and not many get out of there alive. Incendio went with the group to get the flowers and he arrived yesterday morning" Ailina explained.
"What?" Kelly said confused. "Last time I saw Incendio, he was curled up in his bed and not getting out of it for anything in the world"
"Well, he did get up the afternoon prior to the mission" Ailina explained.
"That crazy dragon! What was he thinking?" Kelly examined. "He should not have gone in some crazy adventure... especially after his depression took out of his body"
"I don't know why he went" Ailina told her. "I only know that he wanted to go desperately"
"Crazy dragon" Kelly sighed. "I always have trouble with him. So, why is he here sleeping in my room?"
"As I heard it, the group that collected the flowers flew straight through the night to get here as soon as they could" Ailina explained. "When Incendio arrived, he came straight here and has not left this room for anything; not even food. I think he has been keeping watch over you. Anyway, he remained awake for the rest of the day after he arrived... and half the night. It's no wonder that exhaustion finally took him. I knew he was starving and I also know that he would not leave you, so I brought him some food"
Kelly started at her rodent friend in disbelief. The story seemed to be a little bit farfetched is someone asked her. Why would Incendio go over all that trouble? Still, she saw no lie in her friend's eyes.
Before anything else could be said or done, Ailina stretched took a step backward.
"I must be going" Ailina excused herself. "I still have to check on a lot of patients" Doctor Kelly nodded as she walked toward the exit, but before Ailina went through, she turned back. "Oh... and It's good to see you are awake"
Then Ailina left.
She was left with sleeping Incendio, who remained completely ignorant of all the conversation. Kelly looked at the still sleeping dragon, not knowing what to believe.
'Did he really do all that?'_she wondered. '_Did he really keep a long vigil over me? But why?"
Sure, she had helped him a lot more than any other dragon, but it did not explain why he did all those things for her. All of the patients she tended were very grateful to her for helping them or in some cases, saving their lives. They did give her a thanks or two and sometimes a gift. She always told them it was not necessary because she was doing her job. Still, the praising and thanks were not beyond that.
Or was there something else that made the dragon do such things?
As she pondered the enigma, Incendio slowly started to mouth some words in his sleep. Kelly remained there looking at the dragon, chuckling at the mumbling the dragon did while in his sleep. However, amidst all the mumblings and grunt, Doctor Kelly discerned one clear word that came unexpectedly.
"Kelly..." Incendio murmured in his sleep.
Doctor Kelly froze in surprise as the dragon said her name. Had she heard right? Or maybe she was still half asleep and imagining things?
"Kelly..." the word came out of Incendio once again.
Kelly looked at the dragon with surprise. She could not help but wonder at what was going thought the dragons mind as he dreamt. That he must be dreaming with her... well, she knew not what to think of it. Incendio said a few more times her name until he finally went quiet.
Doctor Kelly thought of what Incendio did, both just right now, and in this past week. But why?
The sudden loud rumble of her stomach and Incendio snort in response at the noise brought her to a small giggle.
Kelly took a fruit and gave a small bite to quench her hunger. Kelly patted the dragon's nose lightly in appreciation for his concern for her. As her hand touched him, the dragon emitted a small rumble in contentment. Giving a small chuckle, Kelly gave another small pat, which made the dragon purr once again before she concentrated on her food and started to eat.
Author's notes:
There you have it! The group is left Aerie with a new member, Gale is having a blast, they returned to Warfang, Gale is having a blast, a little bit of history was revealed, Gale is having a blast... and Volteer along with him, Spyro received information that his parent may be alive, Gale is having a blast, AND the humans seems to be getting cured.
Did I mention that Gale is having a blast? Oh well......
It was so much fun writing gale's behavior, how much he wanted to see everything new around him. And to think that there is much more yet to see!
Do not forget to review and comment!