Open House Day One Part Three

Story by Axis on SoFurry

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Chapter Thirteen: Open House Day One Part Three

Thank you to Project White for this spell!

Name: Burning Bigbang

Elements: Fire and Water (Rykuu and Nephilla combined)

Description:The water is used to form a small sphere with a core of deuterium/tritium heavy water, which is being massively compressed by the water surrounding it. The fire is used to super-heat the heavy water, breaking it up into deuterium/tritium and oxygen, the compression allow this super-heated mixture the necessary pressure and heat to cause the deuterium/tritium to undergo fusion. When this happens, the pressure confines should be allowed to break, causing a uni-directional explosion, the water surrounding the fusion core will have such focused energy that they will act like blades to anything it hits in a several meter area, while the after-shock energy release of the fusion will have the added effect of massive amounts of radiating heat, and large, local energy-release causing large amounts of damage to electrical and biological systems in a 5 meter radius.



"Paladin Unit O3, cleared to dock."

"Roger. This is Jackeyr. Moving to exit lift Theta."

"Paladin Unit 02, cleared to dock."

"Roger. Vash move to exit lift Gamma"

"Paladin Unit 01, cleared to dock."

"Roger that. Lacyus moving to exit lift Zeta."

I started off towards the lift. With another set of tests done, there was more paperwork to fill out. We didn't just stop for the open house. After all, the Paladin Mobile Assault Systems were our foremost weapons testing project. There were only four working prototypes, three of which were being used. The fourth unit was still being outfitted.

Suddenly there was a beeping, indicating a private message. Opening the link, a small window opened in my HUD. Mira was standing with a proud smile on her face.

"Good job Lacyus. Mom would be proud."

"Thank you ma'am!" I barked.

She giggled a bit. "I meant that as your sister, not your CO."

"Oh, okay. But yeah. You'd really think she'd like me doing this?"

"What do you mean Lac?"

"Well, she's always known me not be able to hurt even a fly and now I'm a Lord of a military organization, and a Bounty Hunter Test pilot."

"I dunno. Have you even seen her yet? I bet she's worried sick."

"Yeah. I miss her a lot."

"And what about your Genetics? Something's wrong with our family."


We were talking about me being born a Shadowdragon. Usually, Shadowdragons were created using unnatural methods. A curse for instance. However, I was born a natural Shadowdragon. To have that happen, at least one of the parents had to be a Shadowdragon themselves. Neither Mom nor Dad was a Shadowdragon. What made it even more odd was that Mira had limited Shadow magic. Nowhere close to my level but it was still there. You were either a full Shadowdragon, or not a Shadowdragon. Not in between like Mira. We already tested for genetics between her and me and we shared too many of the same genes for either me or her to be adopted.

Stepping into the exit lift, there was a clank as it started up, taking me to the hangar level. I removed my helmet and breathed in fresh cool air. It tasted a lot better, lacking the metallic taste created by the armor's air scrubbers and filters. I reached in and retrieved a small ear and eyepiece for the communications system and clipped it into my ear. The little eye window went over my right eye and provided a miniaturized version of the full size HUD in my main armor. Mira's video link was still on.

"So, have you found anything for Sunset for Ky'ram yet?"

Ky'ram was Ayrian for Love. It was also the name of a tradition that dragons held in December. It was when mates exchanged gifts with one another. But not just any gift. The gift had to be of great emotional significance to the other. It was sort of another St. Valentine's Day for dragons. The year before I disappeared, I gave Sunset a gold bracelet with her name written with diamond dust in the top of the largest link. Ever since then, she only removed it for sleeping. She even got my name and a heart engraved and filled with black shadow crystal fragments on the next link over from her name after I came back from training at the Temple. Mates usually started searching for gifts in the summer, sometimes traveling literally across the world in search of something.

"Not yet. I don't think I'd be able to top the bracelet though."

Mira sighed. "It's times like this that I start to miss Skyve again."

Mira and Skyve were as close together as Sunset and I, if not more. They were not afraid to show how much they loved each other in public. With Sunset and I, it was usually a small kiss on the cheek. With them, it was tongues sometimes, but not to the point where it was obsessive. And when they broke up, Mira cried for days over him. And the fight over sex wasn't the reason they broke up. At least, that's what Mira said. She told me never to tell another that wasn't the reason. They supposedly mated several times without incident. And they just broke up when Mira was fourteen.

There was another clank and the lift stopped. The door in front of me opened and I walked into the hangar. Vash and Jackeyr were already locking their Paladins into the maintenance frames. I stepped into my frame and the harnesses and braces automatically closed around my armor. The seal around my shoulders popped and split, allowing me to step outside. Climbing out of it, techs began to swarm all over it. Their leader, a panda by the name of Herrick comes up to me with a PDA.

"Just check off what needs to be tuned up."

I take it and begin tapping the screen. "The neuro-net interface synapses are firing a bit wrong and I was having problems keeping balanced with one foot and my tail. The CFF (Cold Fission/Fusion) reactor was redlining a bit."

Herrick gave a low whistle. "Unacceptable. How much?"

"Too much. And you might want to check the DCS (Detection Countermeasures System). The ECM radar jammer software was crashing repeatedly yet again."

Herrick growled. "That little fucker, Jason. I thought he said he reloaded all of the MOS (Mobile operations (not operating) system). Oh well. I'll snap his neck for you." He said sarcastically with a smile on his face.

"Thanks Herrick."

A voice came over the PA. "Attention general public. It is now Three o'clock. The Open house is over for today. Please proceed to the nearest exit."

"I'm gonna go see Mira." I turned to the door leading to the operations room.

Stepping through the door I could see the operations room was nearly empty; Mira was the only one left in there. It was line with computers and printers that read out the latest info on the tests. Mira tossed me a popsicle.


"So yeah. Ummmm.... Any ideas for Sunset?"

Unwrapping it, I took a bite out of it. "No. I'm completely stumped."

"Here." Mira reached down her shirt. "I'll show you something Skyve got me."

She took out a little gold pendant on a silver plated necklace. She always seemed to be wearing it. Gingerly, she ran her claw across its length until she found something. There was a little pop as it split and Mira took it off. Underneath was a pink crystal shard that was glowing softly.

"He got this for Ky'ram just before we broke up." Mira murmured. "The crystal glows when I'm happy. And here, look." She held out the gold case.

I walked over, gently took the casing and looked inside. There was a small engraving.

_Mira and Skyve

Together forever

Lovers in Heaven_

Looking up, I noticed the crystal stopped glowing. Mira had her arms crossed tightly in front of her chest and she was tearing up a bit.

"I loved him so much." She blinked and the tears cleared up a bit. Mira looked at me and smiled. The crystal began to glow again. "We were so happy together. I wanted you and Sunset to be like that. And you two are. Heck, your bond is more than was ours."



"Sunset, I've never laughed so hard in my life!" I gasped, doubled over. "Lord Akival actually did that!?!?!"

"Yeah, he did! Just took the computer monitor and booted it out the window when it pissed him off!" Lady Sunset was sitting across from me at the table in a small café. She sighed and wiped the tears away that came from laughing so hard. "So yeah. You can be my friend if you want."

"Friend." I whispered, grappling with the reality. "R-rreally? Friend?"

"Of course." She said with a smile on her face.

"W-wow... I don't know.... wow." At that moment, my training kicked in. "Thank you, Lady Sunset! It is an honor!" I barked loudly. All the patrons looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Uh-uh-uhmmmmmmm.... She just got of duty!" Sunset laughed, scratching the back of her head. "Ah-hah-hah! Yeah, she's really devoted to her duty!" They gave us odd looks before they went back to their meals. Sunset grabbed my head and pulled it forward. "Never use formalities unless I say so." She hissed in a worried voice.

"Right, sorry." She released my head and I raised it again. "So, what am I supposed to do when I become your friend? A gift or something?"

"No no, nothing needed." Sunset had an amused smile on her face. "Athough, it'd be nice if you could pick up the tab."

"Sorry, broke."

"Damn. Ahh well."

A server put a tray with two steaming cups on the little serving counter. "Number 13."

Sunset stood up. "That's us. I'll get our stuff."

She came back with two cups of coffee and a pair of salads. Sunset had Thai noodle salad. I just had Caesar.

After a couple minutes of eating I broke the silence. "Y'know, with Lord Akival and you in love, there's gonna be some problems."

Sunset finished taking a sip of her coffee. "Really, what?"

"Well, firstly, you two are the first Hell and Heavendragon in love. I don't know how the rest of the Order will take that. Second, it's almost unheard of for a light and shadow creature to be in love. It's almost immoral. Thirdly, if you two have a pup, the child will be a new breed of dragon. That'll make it a beacon to scientists. You'll need to protect it with your life."

"I never considered that." Sunset had a discouraged look on her face.

"Don't look at it that way. You two have done just perfectly so far."

Sunset smiled. "What about you? You said you had no mates right? Do you have a crush?"

I blushed furiously. "Well- ummm -no -I -ummm."

She smiled evily. "You're lying again."

"Okay, okay. You got me. There's this other panther I have my eye EEEE!!" I dove under the table.

"What's wrong Ennica?" Sunset said.

"Are you alright ma'am?" A female grizzly bear waitress came over and looked at me.

"It's my crush! He's out there!" I whispered frantically. "Act normal!"

The grizzly bear smiled and stomped on the chair, breaking the two front legs. It took me a moment to figure out she was trying to cover up my little theatrics. "Ohhh, we're terribly sorry ma'am. I always thought that chair was weak. Here, let me help you up." She hauled me to my feet and whispered in my ear. "Good luck girl!" She raised her voice. "I'll get you a new chair."

After my chair was replaced and my crush had left, I sat down feeling completely embarrassed.

"Who is your crush?" Sunset asked.

"His name is Syar. He's....He's just wow, like...... I can't describe him. He's just perfect. And what's even better is he's in the Order of the Realms."

"Sound's like you really like him eh?" Sunset said.

"I do. I just can't bring myself to ask him out!"

"Well, looking better might help." Sunset pointed to me.

I looked myself over and saw a sorry sight. I could no longer see my spots anymore. Normally I would be charcoal black with barely noticeable ink black spots.

"Your hair's worse."

"Oh wow. What happened to me?" I ran my fingers through my hair and encountered about five knots. It was way too long for my liking. It ran about down to the middle of my back. I liked it at my shoulders to the bottom of my head.

"Why don't I help you clean yourself up tomorrow?"

"Sounds good. Maybe that'll make me more confident.

"Hi you two!" Mira said, walking up behind us.

"Hi Mira!" Sunset replied. "All done at the guild?"

"Yeah." Lacyus said sourly at the sight of me. "Nice to see you Ennica."

"Hey Lacyus." I replied, a bit discouraged at his attitude.

"Hold on, did you use my first name?"

"Why? Is there a problem?"

He sighed happily. "Finally! I hate formalities! So you and Sunset are hanging out?"

"Yeah. How come you're friendly all of the sudden?"

"Because, you're finally treating me the way I want to be treated."

"Does that mean I'm your friend?"

"Yeah, of course!"

I sighed happily. "Is this how having friends always feels?"



It felt good to finally have Ennica as a friend. And she was almost giddy with excitement. And to my surprise, she was capable of acting stupid.


Ennica's pillow hit me square in the face. Our pillow fight had been going on for about half an hour and Mira's house was perfect for it. We were divided into three teams. Nephilla and Rykuu had split up and were using telepathy to co-ordinate their attacks. Mira and Ennica were doing hit and run. Sunset and I were barreling in head on, using our link to share strategies on the run. But had come to a stalemate.

I rounded the corned and ran straight into Rykuu. He acted first and swatted me in the face with two pillows. Something grabbed me from behind and thrust me down onto the ground. Nephilla hammered me in the face with two pillows.


Nephilla comes up with a satisfied grin. "Had enough?"

"Yeah! You're fuckin' brutal!"

She helped me to my feet and grabbed my pillows. Suddenly a seething black mass of liquid shadows wrapped around Nephilla. It formed a tentacle, grabbed Neph's pillows and sped off.

"ENNICA, YOU THIEF!" Nephilla yelled, laughing.

"TRUCE!?!?!?" Mira's voice called from down the hall.


Everyone emerged from their hiding places. Everyone except Sunset.

"HEY! COME CHECK THIS OUT!" Sunset's voice came from downstairs.

We all headed down to the kitchen. To my horror, Sunset had cut a small gash down her lower arm.

"What the hell are you doing Sunset!?!?" I rushed over and took her arm.

"I'm fine. Just watch."

After a few seconds, the edge of the wound began to glow and fuse together, closing up the wound.

"So you have rapid regeneration too?" I asked in awe.

"I don't know if it's as powerful as yours, but yes."

"Didn't you know that?" Ennica asked.

"Well..." Sunset stuggled for a coherent answer. "Umm... not really. I ran into the kitchen, tripped and got this knife-" She held up a bloody knife. "-stuck in me."

Nephilla was in complete shock. "That's one way to find out."

After we cleaned our little battle up, it was 1:00 am and we decided to go to bed. I decided to do a bit of studying before I got some sleep. As soon as Sunset closed the door, she stripped down till she was naked. She wasn't in the mood for mating but she always loved to tease me when in private.

Her body was perfect in every aspect in my eyes. Sunset stood about six and a half feet tall, average height for a female of her age. Her feet and legs were nicely toned and had a couple of small muscles visible. Her tail was long and slender with golden lash marks going down the length. It started at her nicely shaped ass. Her sex was quite small but still nice to look at. Moving upwards, she had a barely noticeable arch in her back when she stood. Her wings, though massive looked beautiful on her. And her breasts were firm and perfectly sized for her frame. On her head, she had that very unique halo scale pattern. On her chin, she had a small patch of golden scales that only dragonesses had. In tradition, a female would show a male that patch to demonstrate submission before mating.

Unfortunately, my eyes got stuck her breasts.

"Quit looking at my boobs!" Sunset said teasingly. "You're making me blush!"

I shook my head. "Right, sorry." I smiled mischievously. "They are really nice though."

She giggled shyly. "That's worse! Stop it!"

I kissed her on the cheek and sat down at our desk. Opening my books I felt Sunset lean on my shoulders.

"What're you studying?"

"Dimensional physics. The Theory of Amalgam."

"Hard to explain?"


Sunset sighed. "Y'know, I've never really seen you naked."

"What about during sex? I'm naked then." I wasn't as comfortable with the idea of me naked and walking around.

"I kinda focus more on the pleasure."

"Not right now. I have to study."

"Oh come on, pleeeaaasseee?" Sunset reached forward and began to scratch my chin. It was my favorite place to be scratched and I purred in pleasure. "There's more of that if you get naked."

My mind was torn between studying and getting naked just to have Sunset scratch me. She seemed to sense my little dilemma.

"If you really don't want to, you don't have to. I'll just let you study." She sounded cheery, but telepathically I could sense she just wanted to get a good look at me.

"Fine." I said standing up. "For you, my love."



As soon as Lacyus was out of his pilot suit and his clothes I gave him a good look over.

Lacyus stood about six foot eleven inches. He wasn't super muscular, but his arms did have a bit of build on them. His legs were also slightly built and his chest had a bit of a six-pack on it. His tail had arcing scale lines ending in points arranged in a very beautiful tribal pattern that ran it's length. Up the side of his arms were similar patterns. On his head, his horns sprouted from the back of it. His eyes had changed very little from when he was a Shadowdragon. They were cinder red, burning with a friendly flame.

"There, you happy?" He asked, smiling warmly.

I walked over and hugged him tightly. "You're so handsome."

Lacyus blushed. "Well, ummm. I'm just an average dragon, that's it. I don't look any different from others."

"Of course you do." Looking down at his tail I noticed something new in the patterns. "Those little dots make the little hole-ish thingys look like eyes."

"They're called Gesya fer Akival. In the dialect of Aryian I know, it means 'Eyes of the Guardian.'"

I cocked my head confused. "Eyes of the Guardian?"

"The Akival bloodline is traditionally the palace guards for the royal family. I spent my first year alive in the Palace training."

"So Akival in your dialect means Guardian?"


"Appropriate. The patterns on my tail symbolize bravery and courage in battle."

Lacyus gently pried me off of him. "Sorry to ruin the moment, but I really need to study."

I nodded, understanding. "So why is studying so important?"

"Mira's relieved me of duties tomorrow so I can go do a final exam at the university."

Lacyus was always so smart. He was continually at the top of his class in elementary school on Amorphis. He was in his graduating year of high school when he was pulled into the portal. Ever since he got back, he completed the final exams for his high school courses and went on to studying science at the University of Cobalus.

"Y'know. I should take a course or two for myself."

Lacyus gave me an amused look. "Really? You don't seem to be the academic type."

I pulled out my little diary-ish book and laid down in our bed. In it I wrote poetry and doodled when I had nothing else to do. "Arts, maybe."

Lacyus closed his books. "Studying can wait." He got up from the desk and sat down beside me. "I wanna see some of your work."

I leaned against him and began explaining every piece of my work. My poetry was written from now till when I was still a pup. I wrote about nature, life, and most recently love. On the poems that I wrote about him, Lacyus blushed and kept insisting he was nothing special. As for art, I had no particular preference. I just drew anything. But I was more focused on Lacyus. He seemed to be a bit squirmy.

"You okay Lac?" I asked.

Suddenly a bit of my instincts stirred. I didn't know what I wanted, but it wasn't bothering me yet so I decided to ignore it.



It was getting harder to hold back. Sunset was so sexy when she was naked and I was falling for her. It was a miracle that she hadn't noticed I was hard already.

"So anyways, I drew this when I was one." She pointed to a crude drawing of her family. I shifted uneasily and Sunset noticed. "Okay, what's going mmmpphhh!"

I grabbed her head and kissed her passionately. She hesitated for a moment before giving into her instincts and gently embracing me.

Breaking the kiss, I looked into her eyes. "Just a quick fuck, okay?"

Sunset laughed a little. "Don't want to be tired for your test tomorrow."

I reached down and began to finger her lightly, teasing her lips. As soon as I felt her cum flow, I slid down and began lapping it up, dipping my tongue into her depths. Sunset moaned and stroked the back of my head as I snaked my tongue past her lips, suckling her pussy.

"God Lacyus!" She pressed her hips up against my face. Then I stopped. "What gives?" Sunset hissed in frustration.

I said nothing and gently crept up Sunset's chest till our heads were level. I nuzzled her as my cock slipped into her. She moaned and tried to get as much penetration as possible bucking her hips against me. Finally, I began to thrust into her, her fem juices acting as a perfectly warm lube. Sunset closed her eyes tightly and gripped me desperately. I thrust hard once and entered her egg chamber. Sunset screamed and climaxed, her pussy milking frantically at me.

"Cum in me Lacyus!" She begged. "Fill me with your love!"

I thrust once more before I couldn't take it anymore and came in her. Sunset climaxed several times in a row, moaning and screaming. As we came down from our peaks, Sunset's eyes drooped and her grip on me slackened. She always fell asleep first but I didn't mind.

"I love you Lacyus." She managed to murmur out before she completely passed out.


Author's note: Very bad news. My girlfriend (She's Sunset in the story), while cleaning up some of my chapters, accidentally deleted the files for the Lacyus sidestory.She was actually crying, hoping I wouldn't get mad. But I'll rewrite them from memory. Until then, I'll get her to finish editing the next few chapters before I post them.