Bound by Matrimony - Chapter 4: Councils, Magical Surveillances and Nervous Hearts

Story by BlazerRaylock on SoFurry

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#4 of Bound by Matrimony

Bound by Matrimony - Chapter 4: Councils, Magical Surveillances and Nervous Hearts

"ARE YOU MAD?!" Anna Screamed at the wolf as his ears folded shut when his head was already away from the tigress and shutting his eyes close as he expected. "No I'm not, I just need to confirm with my fellow Heroes, especially the Hero affiliation, about us." He said defensively as he kept his eyes shut waiting for a response from the tigress, which she did answer quickly, "Ok, let's go!" She shouted as she hugged her canine lover some, surprising him even further. "What?! I thought you would be mad or thinking it was suicidal or even out of mind about this?" Ace questioned to her as he looks on to his feline mate as she looks back with a smile on her face.

"Are you kidding me? I've wanted to see the Hero Tower and you heroes ever since you all just happen to disappear as you enter and end up in another place in the world in a flash. I speculate it is a transporter pad using light crystal particle beams that eject your molecules in mach 5 and rearrange your molecules correctly and accurately on the point of exit." Anna said as she extended Ace's dumbfounded face as she smiles on. "Uh... not sure about that but I have got to get Tech Eye and you acquainted first." Ace said as he stood up, Anna still in his arms as they walked to Ace's computer.

"Tech Eye? You mean your rodent tech expert?" Anna asked with interest in her voice. "Yes, that's him." He said as he starts up the computer. "What are you doing? Going to chat with him with WOOHOO or Furrytail?" Anna said quite unimpressed as Ace just smiled at her. "NO, this." Ace started as he pressed a button under the computer monitor which peak Anna's interest and to her shock the computer, regardless that it was on, started to Shape and expand. A surprised gasp from her as the computer shows signs of technological advancement.

The computer monitor became as large as the table it was placed upon, while its height changed to that as high as Ace's height as him and while it was fat it changed thin like. The keyboard moved under it making the two objects whole as the keys expanded and its marking vanished in an instant as the metallic sounds it was making stopped and the screen started to show a dim light of black. "HE specially customized my computer." Ace said a tone of proud in his voice as he sat, with Anna on his lap, on the study chair as he typed away.

Ann was perplexed, an expansion of current metallic material, she never did achieve that, as most metal expansions require an increase in mass which the closes source would be O2 in the air. Soon the empty screen pinged and a small window popped up, a small cartoony picture of a rat with glasses on and letter "Z's" on top of its head meaning it's either asleep or just busy. Before she could try her hand at typing, the small window soon enlarged and the screen moved away to show a Black rodent, his left eye replaced with a mechanical eye with red lens as he looks on with the two.

"ACE! Good morning to you...!" He said as his voice came from out of nowhere as if they were talking to him in an invisible window where its glass was removed for them to speak to. "You even shown your wife to this, so does this mean that you told her who you are?" He said as he leans back down on his seat, a smile evident on his face. "Yeah, I did, Rad, but not until she told me who she is." Ace said a hint of "Not sure if I should" as him. "Oh, surprise me." Rad said as he leans some at the two. "I'm Dr. Domina, nice to finally meet you Tech Eye, Mechanical genius of Hero Tower."Anna said proudly and quite curvaceously at the rodent.

"You're not joking?!" Rad said as he wiped his mechanical eye some as he leans closer to her only surprising Anna beyond her own expectations with his work. His head popped up and in front of the two as Anna screamed and flinched, holding Ace tighter as if a ghost appeared in front of her. "How did you?" She asked as she looks at the young rodent's face some that had not phased through the monitor but somehow just face to face with him. "Hm... and I though you completed the real window gate technology by now." Rad said as he leans back not a change in color as he sits back, smiling at the two as Anna smiled some with his witty comment. "Yup, that would be Dr. Domina, any other woman would look strangely at me and not know my Hero title that well." He added.

"I'm surprised you actually created this, even the metal expansion and bugged my husband's computer." Anna retorted to the rat as he smiles much wider. "Touché, Madam." He said as he looks at Ace more, "Sorry for bugging it, I kind of was worried about my project being bombarded by your super strength old friend." He added as he leans back the atmosphere turning friendly as the three are now in a conversation mood. "I understand, though it took you a whole 2 months before you gave it back to me." Ace added as the rodent just nods and shows his paws in defense. "Yeah, my bad. Anyway, calling me when I'm at Hero S.S. is not a good time." Rad said as he looks at his sides as he types on in his side.

"I know you're busy and all but can you tell Martian Phase to set up a council meeting about me and my wife?" Ace said as Anna stayed quiet and nonetheless disturbing to the two. "I suppose you want to clear things up with the whole Hero community about this?" Rad said as he flicks his nose some as he could smell something interesting. "Yeah, the first Hero and Villain couple, just my day I guess." Ace said as the two laughed to the other about the turn of events.

"Well, Dr. Domina, you seem to be quiet, I thought by now you'd be interested in asking me questions or that you're status of villain has become unique." Rad started as Anna just looks on. "I'm just happy that I'm with my husband but my ass is hurting, can the council meeting of heroes be tomorrow?" She said as Ace rubbed her ass some, away from the rodent's sight. "I'll try, well good luck you two, and you'll need it." He said as the screen went down at them, blacking out.

"That went well." Ace said worried he might have gone too far with having Heroes after Heroes looking at him and his wife. "Its fine, I'm not angry. I might have to agree with your plan, considering Villains don't keep good secrets and that they use any advantage they could get." Anna added as she rubbed her body more at her husband. "I want to rest some." She pleaded at the wolf as he smiled at her. "Sure thing dear, I'll join you even." He said as he walked his way up to their bedroom, stripping with her as they rest down on the bed.

"What are your thoughts about the whole thing?" Anna started as Ace, hugged her under the covers. "I'm a little worried about our status as Archenemies." He started as they snuggle closer. "I suppose we should make that "Matenemies"." Anna joked as the two laughed some about it. "Well I guess I'm calling in sick for the board." Ace said as he took his cell phone and started to dial. "Can't leave my mate's sore ass alone, can I?" He added, earning him the sight of his mate's lustful gaze. "You know it." Anna said as she started to rub against his fur. "Now, I don't want last night happening again. Now that I know about us, I don't need to hold back anymore." He added as his free hand gripped her side softly. "Let's do it when you hang up your phone dear." She said as they look at one another as loving mates, no longer enemies and just the right furson for each other.


The next day...

"You feeling alright honey?" Ace said to Anna as they walked through the streets of New Central city in casual and ordinary cloths. He wore a plain blue shirt with his jeans and rubber shoes. "Yeah, my ass isn't that sore anymore." She laughed some as they walked side by side, paws together as they walked through the busy streets. She wore a nice Black with orange striped shirt, Jeans, wearing the blue lens glasses and shoes similar to Ace's as the morning sky was bright as ever.

They took a turn here, a turn there until they stood at a large tower that spans quite high up but becomes smaller and smaller as it goes. Anna stares with aw at the bright white tower as few people enter or exit the building. "How did you guys establish such a high tower?" She asked at the wolf beside her. "Well, it was actually by the ownership of Rad and he built it. But the surprise is inside." He hinted, peaking the felines curiosity and interest.

They walked their way into the doors, no security guard on sight as he opens it for her. Once inside, they view the interior of the building. It was build with 4 individually moving elevators in the middle, a receptionist desk, a lizard woman behind the said desk and many simple benches and table sprawled around as they walked to the receptionist's desk. "How may I help you?" The iguana woman said behind the desk, clad in the business work suit. "Yes, can I have express way to H.S. Station?" Ace said, a smile on his face as the Lizard woman checks her computer some. "Who is asking for this?" "Ace Silence and mate." He answered quickly to the Lizard as she types away at a computer under the desk. "Thank you, please take Port 4, we are expecting you, Wolf Howl." She said with a welcoming tone as Ace and Anna walk up to the Elevator 4 door.

"I suppose they know your name?" Anna started as she looks at the dull metallic door in front of her. "All heroes affiliated with the Heroes of Hero Tower should give their real names and Hero identity, though we never really record them in the system but on a long list back at H.S.S." He said as the Elevator doors opened for them. "And the lizard is..?" Anna said as she entered with him. "Rad's main hub computer girlfriend." Ace said as he stood still, not pressing a button inside the elevator. "What floor are we going to?" Anna said as she looks at the buttons. "None." Ace answered, making the feline look with wonder. "What do you mean none?" She asked but soon the whole inside started to shine a bright white as their sights were flooded with a harmless white light.

Though they lost their sight for a while they soon regain it as they stare at the new room they were moved from. They were not incased inside the elevator but in the teleportation pad of what seems to be, "Welcome to Hero Space Station Mark II." He said normally at his mate as she stared with wonder and amazement of their transportation. "So all those buttons...?" "Didn't have a purpose." He said as he smiled at the dumbstruck look on Anna. "Hungry?" He asked instinctively at Anna though she just shook her head no.

Ace took the lead as Anna follows suit. She stared with great attention to the station as she looks out the window, finding the multitudes of stars in the vast space and a fraction of the blue planet they just stood on a while ago. The teleported room had many spots for teleportation as another Iguana lady with the systems, typing away and organizing. "You weren't kidding about Tech Eye's Main Hub Computer Girlfriend." Anna said as she saw the same Iguana fixing a panel, another walking by and the other greeting them as they stopped. "Greetings Wolf Howl, Tech Eye is currently in his workshop, may I suggest that you go to your quarters as you change to your costume?" She said while directing to one square corridor leading to the quarters as she stated.

"I will take you on that, thank you Efsa." He said as Ace and Anna walked down this hall, passing by other furs and human, wearing or not wearing their costumes. "Um... I know I shouldn't bother but, aren't they a little emotionless?" She asked as the many furs and persons pass by them stare with wonder and curiosity at the two. "It's just that some of us don't really know about other heroes. We are open to other heroes who want to join in but we don't really need to know them that well." Ace admitted as he looks back looking at the many metallic doors looking for his until a sudden appearance of a Black dragon stood in his way.

"Ah!" Anna screamed in surprise, hooking closer to Ace as she looks up at the dragon, a head taller than her mate and herself. The Black dragon stood straight and tall as Ace and him stared down at one another, clearly not showing any waning from the two. Anna looks over to the totally black clad dragon; his long black hair reaches from behind him as his sleeveless black hoodie was folded back being wrapped around his gray zipper vest. His eyes were a color gray, something surprising her. He wore torn jeans while his combat boots were tide over his feet. She noticed that he wore Fingerless gloves as she was perplexed with his lack of wings.

Though the dragon over towers her mate the two males did not flinch or even waver as they stared at one another. She wanted to say something but before she could continue the Dragon and even her mate started to laugh some as they exchanged smiles at one another. Puzzled by their actions, the Dragon moves on clearly a smile on his jaws as he walked his way from the direction they came from. "Ok, Who was That?" Anna asked as Ace continues walking on through the quarters area. "Riku Dragonblade, a hero no one has ever seen does heroic things. He and I met and somehow we got a few sparring matches here and there. He has a lot of surprises." Ace said as he stops at a door with a symbol on it. "Really? That dragon was a hero... If he was a villain, I wouldn't doubt it." She said as they enter through the sliding door.

"Well, he is a wind ninja, a good one at that." Ace added as he guided Anna through his quarters. "Welcome to my room." He started as the door slides shut and the room in total view for Anna to see. She stares with wonder at the room. "A little bland for my taste..." She started as the metallic walls, ceiling and floor didn't help it at all. Though the window does show a good enough view of space and the planet. His bed was placed in the middle of one wall, connected to the wall and no legs. His closet was placed at the other end, a chair was placed beside a desk that was adjacent to the closet and the bed but across from the window. "Not that impressive but the view is something." Anna admitted as she took a seat at the comfy bed. "The bed was more than I expected." She continued, hopping on it some.

"Look, I really need to change for a while." Ace said as if it was embarrassing. "Dear, we mingle and mate a lot, no need to be conservative about it." Anna jested and chuckles at the wolf. "I wasn't talking to you." Ace said suddenly and solemnly as he reaches for an exact copy of his hero costume from the closet. "What are you talking about?" Anna asked as she looked from side to side finding no one but themselves. "It's just us." She added as she looked at her mate stripping his clothing off of him. "I was talking about our surveillances, magic users." He said as he removes his briefs when suddenly a whistle from a point of the unknown sounded from the other side.

"Psy Mage!" Ace reacted, covering his cock some as he stares at the wall the bed was connected too. This action made Anna look some finding the same dull metallic sheen on the wall. "Magic users... I suppose your neighbor is one of them." Anna added as she smiled some as she found him covering his sheath more. "Psy Mage is a bunny, a female one at that. Magic users are..." Ace explained as he quickly slips in his costume's pants on, "placed about 3 rooms between another magic user. They know a lot of tricks and one of them is creating a one way window for them." Ace said annoyingly as he got the upper part of his costume. The spandex clearly not helping hiding his toned body. "I see, so this Psy Mage is interested with you?" Anna started to speak with wonder as she stared at the wolf's form being more and more like the hero she fell for. "Unfortunately, yes, Psy Mage is a fan of mine. She was my neighbor since I started off with the heroic things in Barkclaw." Ace said still annoyed some.

"Well, I might want to see this bunny and her little form." Anna added as she stood up, finding her mate finally dons his cape over his shoulders, the whites and the blacks enhancing his visual appeal some. One more a few whistle came from the wall behind and even a growl from it surprised Anna some. "I guess she was your first sexual fan." Anna joked. "Anna, I know this may be late to ask, but do you have your costume with you?" He asked, looking at her seriously. Though her smile left her lips knowing how serious these events are to the hero, her mate. "Be thankful I don't really need to carry a white lab coat with me every day." She boasted some as she slipped her clothes off until she had her undergarments with her.

"Uh... dear?" Ace started as he stares strangely at his tigress's semi nude body. Her pink undergarments showing a different kind of awkward as the bunny behind the wall gasped. "Lady, I'm his mate, and I'm more equipped than you are." Anna said boastingly as she took her belt off her pants and wore it. Soon the belt released with *pop* white latex like material started to expand as if it was compressed and pushed against her. It soon formed and covered her whole form, except for her head and neck. The white latex shone some and the belt soon hung her shapely hips. She took out her visor out of her pants' pocket as she places her blue lenses glasses down at bed as she wore the red lens visor on her face. "I'm good." She said happily at her mate, who just looks weirdly at her.

"I thought you never achieved any material expansion?" Ace started as his spandex costume hung his form. "It's multi-mass compression, not mass expansion." Anna stated as she lavished her form some in her latex suit. "Now when is this council meeting going to happen?" She asked but the PA system had other things to tell. "All heroes please proceed to council room. All heroes proceed to council room. Hero Wolf Howl, please proceed to entry door B with your wife." Though it would have been one normal council meeting with all the heroes it was a little daunting with the two.

"Even the PA system is dull." Anna said rhetorically as the two look at one another, not sure what to do with the upcoming event that will surely soil or uniquely enhance Ace's hero record. "Let's give the others some time to move." Ace said as he approaches his mate, looking at her through the visors. The two stared some as they could feel nervousness creep behind them. Their spines were chilling and stiff as if they already were there. "Do you think they'll go with, "I brain washed you"?" She started as she looks worried for them both. "We'll know when we get there." He dimly said as they gave a few more minutes for their waiting time.


"Are you ok?" Anna said to her mate as they walked through the hallways as Ace led the way for them. "Not really." Ace's voice clearly not in any mood as his tone was deeper. "Considering all of this, do you think that you will have to set you cape down?" She asked as she looks on, worries written on her face. "I wish not, but things are looking like that." He said as the two soon was at the door they were told to come at. Though the surprising thing was Riku was there, looking at the two as he leans on the wall beside the doors.

The two saw him and they just stopped at the door as the black dragon looks at them. "You're here to see me one last time before I leave?" Ace asked the dragon as he looks down at the wolf. With a soft but sharp voice the dragon spoke. "No, I'm here to see if you're still yourself." He said as he looks at him and Anna. "And...?" Ace wondered while Anna was surprised with the dragon ninja speaking. "You are still you, you are a husband to her and she did not do anything wrong." The dragon spoke loosely and straightforwardly as he stood up. "Really? You wish I keep my hero status?" Ace extended as Riku just smiled at the two.

Soon, the dragon in front of them started to turn to dust, surprising Anna as she stared behind her visor. "I've got no one else to practice my skills on." The fading dragon said as the dust cleared and vanished into an unknown wind. "He just-" "He makes good dust clones..." Ace explained to his mate as she stares at him weirdly, though she smiled some as she found a smile on Ace's face. "Come on, they want me and you there." Ace said with a renewed vigor in his voice as he held the door open for her.

As Anna passed through, her mate following suite, she marveled and flinched at the view before her. There in one side of the room, on semi-circular council seats, rising as far and as high as she could see, stood the whole world's heroes. She saw assortments of Furs and humans, though they would be colorful the blackness of their seats are a complete contrasts though they show more authority and staring down more intense. They walked to the center of the large room, where a circle protrusion stood as Ace moved towards it, making Anna follow without knowing what the wall behind them is. As the two stood on the circle, the small but slim item started to float and soon they were lifted to a midpoint, where all the heroes can view them.

Once the object stopped, they soon faced a green colored elephant, though clad in a red suite with a large black "X". Beside him was a threatening looking Shark female in yellow who looked more annoyed than interested with the events. Once there, the elephant raised his arm, silencing the many murmurs and whispers as the room soon silenced and paused. Though the elephant is not the strongest, he was the one that started all of this and with a few others that started this hero community.

"Wolf Howl, Hero of Barkclaw city, I have received word that you wish for a community wide council. Please explain what the purpose is for this." The elephant, though deep in voice, spoke with authority and mutuality at the wolf as the many pairs of eyes look on. With a voice as loud as he can but not so he could use one of his powers spoke, "I am here to bring news either grim or bad for my reputation but worth it to explain to you all." He said as he views the many others. The elephant did not give a response which Ace took on as to continue. "I present to you all the fur with me as a villain of Barkclaw." He said, emphasizing the villain part as the many heroes gasped and growled some at the wolf.

"Are you MAD?! A VILLAIN?!" "You have JEPORDIZED this place." "What a WRONG MOVE!" "This IS MADNESS!" "GET HER OUT!"

The comments screened and moved on as each and every hero there shouted some and frown at the wolf though the elephant raised his paw once more, raised a paw, silencing them harshly as some grumbled and mumbled as they quite down. "This villain is my archenemy, Dr. Domina but I want to remind you all that I got married some months ago." Ace continued, getting the attention of the many who had attended it. "I Ace silence married Anna Dust and here I stand-" He paused as he looks back at Anna while smiling at her. Anna knew what he wanted to do as she walked, taking his paw with hers as she stood beside him. "WITH MY MATE!" the Wolf shouted at the Heroes.

No one could explain or even tell what is happening right now inside Ace's mind as the heroes gasped and even the green elephant was at a loss for words. Ace looks back at his mate finding her smiling at him as he leans down, his arms wrapping around her slim body. There and then, somehow, Ace and even Anna did not care or even want anything to do but be together as their lips touched and slipped together. They melded themselves, transfixed as they kissed right then and there not caring about the others and even those who oppose it. They kissed, knowing that their love is genuine and they have nothing to hide from the hero side of things. They are meant for each other, just the perfect pair.

"SILENCE!" A deep and enraged voice came from the crowd as the green elephant stood up from his seat. The silence shattered all the complaints, banter and shouts, it even made Ace and Anna look at the green elephant. His face was enraged, his mouth frowns at them, his eye red with anger and even his body was tensed. He breathed some and more so as he fumed, huffed and puffed. The audience silent with tension in the air as getting one of the founders angry or enraged could mean more than just a boot out to space.

The elephant soon composed himself, losing the huffing and puffing as he breathes deeply in and out. He looked at the two furs, Ace and Anna as he stares at them and before anyone could react or extent a comment, he started to clap, his tough paws starting to clap in the dim silence when the shark beside him started to clap with her own. Soon the mass of furs and humans clapped their hands, paws, talons, claws or whatever they have as the comments somehow drawn out and the heroes started to cheer as if, the leader has approved of this.

Something within Ace's mind he wanted to cry and hug his mate as tight but not too tight, with her when Anna beat him to that punch. He looks down at her as he hugs her form with his. "Did it work out?" Anna asked from her still position. "I think so." He replied as he just close his eyes basking in the moment.

What a happy ending... All's well that ends well... NOT! This is just one of the obstacles but what can you do when there are females who think they have been cheated for that shot at our handsome wolf.

Stay tuned readers for the next installment of "Bound by Matrimony" in Chapter 5: New Heroes And Villains in My House?

Comment, vote, fave or whatever I'm not that picky. By the way, Next chap has more females than males... and by that I mean Ace is the only Male in it!