Taking the Stage, Lead by the Audience

Story by Jikan Tunderiska on SoFurry

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Definately not one of my better ones, though it's still okay... not as metaphor and allusion filled as my last ones. I'm somewhat proud of it though, kinda have to be. It's my own words. :3

Click Clack. Click Clack. Heel Toe. Heel Toe. One Step

Each thought as the human walks out onto

The stage, lights are blinding as lines are kept.

Close his heart, vibrant in mind, forming

The masked beings hidden behind the few

Circles of white cast on him. He's turning

Each line in head, each step in time. Their hues

Dancing for the red eyed audiences,

Masters of his reality. They choose

His fate, and when to his string. Chances

Given to him by whim.He is subject

To fate, woven by their laughs or their cries.

He must prepare best, worse, else they'll reject

His act and must offstage, from fruits, fast fly.

Reach to the Heights, Light Overcomes

Sonnet number two in my new form. Spirit, body, and mind, for just death reveals all A dream that comes for your true sight of the Decades and decades of unholy fall Mirrors breaking as she's crying, "I'm numb!" Dividing bonds between these...

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Teenage Loves

This was a sonnet that I wrote not too long ago in a new form that I created, tercet, tercet, quatrain, quatrain. It might be a little rough, but I spent a good two weeks trying to finish it, and it seems to have come out rather well. There's some...

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