Lips of Life, Lips of Death
Do I want to die? Or is that at The tip of my tongue, the life that I have Desired? Could there be more which shows that This life is worth living, this one is worth Something more than death, something that can halve This pain I feel, desire...
The Day's Sunset
The sun has given into encroaching Night, at last relieving me of the light A stillness, my love, is fast approaching. The earth has swallowed the revealing sun, Its stomach churning deep with the star's might, For you, my love, all that's left...
Eveyln, Evelyn
Live for me, live for me, my sweet Evelyn. Do all that I wont, do all that I wished. Live as I wanted, growth be with me since. Evelyn, O! Evelyn. My one claim To being good, to loving all I missed! Could you live for me? I would do the same. ...
Paradise Lost Through Innovation
Could you imagine a dark stormy night, Sparks flying in windows of a workshop Mechanics hard at work, obscured by light. They work for science, they work for pursuit. Neither fame nor fortune, in minds, at top. They work for progression, so the...
Child of the Wasteland - Chapter 1
"Formation 4, Alpha move it!" The head guard was shouting orders, and everyone with a gun was running outside, while those without weaponry rushed to the nearest, most defensible building. As the men moved out, Nici put her hand on her .38 special,...
Destruction of Thought
Dance beneath the stars, forget your woes Live beneath the Goddess, can you feel it? Repentance of all wrong doings, you choose. Oranges taste sour, and apples sweet, For your perception has now been hard hit. Could you really believe in such a...
Shelled and Covered Life
As life's consumed by flames of desire I feel the tears crawl down my emotion Burning shells cov'ring soft interiors Been there for so long, knew not how to feel. Just like I took a venomous potion A potion that harms more than it can...
Xenophobic Tendencies
You never really understand the world Until you travel and experience As much of it as possible. You could Not possibly understand the grand growth Of their cultures, speeches and of their stance Against the rest of us, for the race's...
The Witching Hour Arrives
As the nymphs of fire dance over the old earth There is little cursing through the system As the night is growing anew from birth. Can this one night taste any heavier, Full of magick, chi, and life; like crystals Grown naturally over the...
A Ode to a Lost and Bewildered Friend
Little one of attention, Little one of desire, Little one of affliction you know what transpires. I hope you're happy with yourself I hope you can live with what you've done I hope you can forgive yourself for a few could've lost a son. You...
Love and Altruism.txt
Selfishness guided by lack of caution. Altruism is dead. Was it alive? Or is this just a pure selfish passion? Destruction of the self leads right to love But without the self one ceases to strive For dreams, releasing the white mourning dove. ...
Changing Worlds.txt
The changing of the world seems to be great, Given that you carry normality, For life, piece by piece, determined by fate. Great changes encompass the world, thoughts shaped By ideas of others. Dont you see, Our lives are pointless without...