The Forgotten Temple of Forgotten Gods

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Forgotten Temple of Forgotten Gods

By William W. Kelso

Terrified, Lea staggered down the tunnel staring at her hands in horror, hands that weren't hers anymore; couldn't be hers, hands covered in scales and sprouting long sharp claws from the tips of the fingers even as she watched; the two smallest growing together leaving her with only four digits, her joints throbbing and aching as they cracked and reformed, the strange sickeningly pleasurable tingling spreading to her legs and feet and getting stronger, her skin rippling and squirming like something was moving under it as muscles softened and reformed into new shapes.

She'd heard about the treasure, and thought it would be so easy. She was quick, skilled, and a very accomplished warrior, thief, and adventurer. She had plundered more ancient ruins and robbed more nobles and rich merchants then she could remember. She had overheard some peasants talking about a great treasure in a long forgotten temple one night while visiting a tavern, and been intrigued. Free drinks and jolly comradeship had loosened their tongues and she'd found out what she needed to know. It was the usual story about a great treasure in an old temple in the middle of nowhere guarded by horrible beasts, no one had ever returned, blah, blah, blah. Standard stuff. But she'd found such stories usually had a basis of truth, and it had paid off more than once to check them out. So she decided to change her itinerary and snoop around a bit.

She'd found the ancient temple easily enough, in the middle of an ancient ruined city in the middle of nowhere, as usual. The brooding ruins were overgrown by jungle growth and had obviously been abandoned for centuries. No one had known anything about the city, how old it was, who built it, nothing. Only that it was there. But there had been no sign of the 'guardians' she'd been warned about. No slavering monsters, no undead warriors, no hordes of giant rats or insects, no wraiths or wailing ghosts, no huge hulking dragon.

Instead there were large slow somnolent lizards lying around the entrance to the temple, slow stupid ugly scaly things with dull emotionless eyes that hardly even paid her any notice other than to hiss and slowly crawl out of her way when she tapped them with the butt of her spear. They were sunning themselves in spots of sunlight that filtered through the jungle canopy, draped over branches and outcrops of ruins, or just lying in the dirt. There appeared to be two kinds, numerous smaller ones, and a few much larger ones. Adults and juveniles, she guessed. Several were tearing a carcass to pieces; a very ripe carcass from the smell, and though obviously carnivores they appeared to be more scavengers then hunters, and she knew she had little to fear from them unless she was injured and unable to defend herself. To her amused revulsion several of them appeared to be mating, one lying on top of another; its hindquarters pumping steadily as they hissed loudly, dull eyes filled with pleasure. And under a partially collapsed wall a female was laying a clutch of legs, tail lifted as the large orbs slid from her swollen and stretched cloaca, covered in thick birthing mucus. How disgusting, she thought as she watched the hissing, straining, reptile as another egg popped out of its gaping sex with a wet slurp. But there was no sign of any of the so-called guardians. It was quiet and peaceful, which just made her even more cautious. She was well armed and equipped with a fair number of potent charms and wards, which should be more than enough unless she ran into serious opposition. So; slowly and carefully, she'd entered the gaping entrance of the crumbling temple every wary for traps or signs of 'guardians'.

And the treasure was real, piles and piles of it, more then she could ever have imagined. Once she'd made sure there was no danger or hidden traps she'd dropped her spear and taken off her pack to fill it with gems and gold, but as she ran a handful of rubies through her fingers she'd felt a sudden sharp tingling in her fingers, then it moved up her arm into her body, and her hands had begun to...change.

She gasped and fell to her knees as her spine spasmed and a large bulge in her pants ripped free, and reaching behind her she felt what could only be a...tail, a short thick tail that kept growing even as she touched it in disbelieving horror. Groaning, she lurched to her now tingling and aching feet and moved slowly towards the entrance to the temple even as she felt more changes overtaking her aching, throbbing body as the tingling kept spreading. The damned treasure was cursed, she now realized, and it was a magic unknown to her, and none of her protections had done any good. She could feel the powerful spell unfolding in her body, pumping through her veins, and knew she had to find a mage, but it was happening so fast! She grunted in pain and pleasure as the tingling grew stronger, and she could feel her feet swelling in her leather boots, and began to stumble as they became too tight and increasingly painful.

Suddenly her hips give away with a dull wet snap as her hip bones softened and collapsed, and gasping in pain she fell forward onto her face with a painful thud, stunning her momentarily. She thrashed for awhile as her legs twisted into new shapes, her skin thickening and growing tougher, and her tail grew longer and thicker as it whipped back and forth aimlessly. Dazedly she lifted herself up with her arms and tried to stand, but her legs were now widely spread, splayed on the floor as her tail forced them apart, her boots having split and fallen away to reveal scaly clawed feet that belonged on a...reptile, covered in the same fine orange scales and pebbled hide as her hands. With a loud rip her pants gave away completely as her lower body expanded, and she realized with horror she could no longer stand, her new legs were not built for bipedal movement, and knew that she was now four legged and would have to go on her belly. Moaning and sobbing she used her inhuman legs to push her along the floor; claws scrabbling against the stone, pulling with her hands, her movement awkward and clumsy. She thought that if she could reach the outside before the changes finished that maybe, somehow, she could find help. Slowly she dragged her writhing, squirming, tormented form towards the assumed safety at the end of the tunnel, desperate to reach the light.

She stopped and grunted in discomfort as the tingling spread into her upper chest and head, and began to increase, wave after wave of the strange sickening pleasure rolling over her, each stronger then the previous. She felt her small firm breasts began to shrink, flatten, and lost the feeling in her rigid sensitive nipples, and at the same time felt her vagina twitch, squirm, and pull up inside her body, the feeling strangely and intensely pleasurable, and she groaned from the horrible pleasure.

"Ohhh, UGGHHH, Nooo, not my sex!! Oh Gods, please!! I'm sorry, I'll never come back!! Please don't do this!" She pleaded, but there was no answer, and the changes continued.

She started to move again, slowly and awkwardly as the bone structure in her chest and shoulders began to change; her body convulsing, skin rippling as the muscles under it flowed and changed, as bones shifted and reformed. Then she gasped as she felt her face began to tingle and soften, sobbing as her nose flattened into her upper jaw as her face began to push out.

"Nggghhhh, nuh, NUH, NOOOOO!" She squealed, gasping. She lifted her head up higher, staring around in desperation, it had to stop, there had to be something she could do!! This couldn't happen to her!! It wasn't right, she didn't deserve this!! With a grunt she began dragging herself forward again despite the nauseating pleasure.

"Noooo, ughhh, Sssssstop, awwkkk, nuuuhhh!!!" She gasped and squealed as her jaws continued to steadily push out, her head flattening and widening. Opening her aching stretching jaws wide she wailed; eyes streaming with tears of pain, pleasure, and terror as her teeth started pushing out into sharp fangs, and she could taste blood as they split her gums painfully.

"Noo, HSsssss, NUUHH...NOOOO, please! Not thisss!!" She begged as her face and head became less and less human, her ears shrinking and dwindling to small holes as orange scales began to spread across her...snout.

"SSsssss...NO, NOOO, UGGHH-URRKK! Ssss-hisssss...NUUU, UHHH, SLURP! Hsss!" She sobbed as she hung her head gasping for breath, her now much longer and thicker tongue lolling and drooling as clumps of hair fell past her staring still human eyes, but little else human remained, but still her jaws pushed out, her head throbbing and aching as it reformed.

"Nuh, nuuuh, HISSS-Sssss...slurrp, ugghh, Ssssslurp! Sssss!" She gurgled, finding it impossible to form recognizable words, her vocal cords changing as her neck pushed out and thickened, her shoulders shrinking as her arms became...legs.

Have...have to get...outside, she thought, get...out...make it...stop! Get out...! With a gurgling hissing moan she started dragging herself along again, finding the movement easier now as her claws gripped the rough stone, her body more suited to going on its belly, her tough hide scraping across the floor of the tunnel. And she felt so...strange, it was getting harder to think, to concentrate. It would be so easy to just stop, rest, accept, let it happen. But NO, she had to get out!!! She was human, not animal! She hated reptiles, and the thought of becoming one filled her mind with utter terror. Anything but that! But she felt cold, lethargic, sleepy. She shook her head, hissing in growing confusion, and the last tuffs of hair flew from her now bald and slick head as scales spread across it.

"Hiiisssss! Nuuuhhh, gssss hiissselp!" Had to...had to..., so hard to think! Oh Gods, please make it sssstoppp! "Sssssssssss!"

Just as she reached the brightly lit entrance her now flat and barren chest suddenly swelled, front legs splaying out to the sides as her shoulders underwent a last burst of change, and her last remaining scrap of clothing; her shirt, split down the back and sleeves, only tattered remnants now remaining. As she dragged herself into the light the last scraps slid from her now totally inhuman...reptilian body, leaving her nude. But she didn't need clothes anymore, not now. She reared and turned her head on her now much longer neck and looked at her body, and horrified she raised her mouth to scream, but could only hiss loudly, thick slimy tongue licking over sharp fangs and hard lips drooling thick mucus. And she knew what she was now, the bright sunlight hiding nothing from her horrified gaze.

Oh Gods no, anything but this!! She wailed in her mind, she was a lizard now, a large orange scaled lizard, just like the...the other ones, Nooo, I'm human, not a lizard!! And she could feel the changes slowing down, but they weren't over yet. But the worst was she could feel her mind fading, her human awareness becoming something... more primitive and simpler...a reptiles mind. And she felt a strange, pleasurable, wetness between her legs, the folds of her...cloaca...swollen and sensitive, and there was a growing ...need. She lifted a hind leg and looked, and the folds of the slit between her legs were swollen and soft, a thick fluid oozing from them. And she could smell herself, the powerful pheromones her ripe sex was emitting, and felt a wave of primal lust wash over her. She hissed as there was a final tingle, a sudden burst of pleasure in her new sex causing a spurt of thick fluid to flow from her cloaca, and it was over.

She knew her time was limited, the longer she stayed in her horrible new form the more her human awareness and intelligence would fade, her now simpler mind unable to maintain them. It would be gradual, but steady. And once it was gone; once nothing human remained, there was no going back. She had to find a mage or sorceress, someone to reverse and cancel the curse. It seemed to have stopped for now, but she didn't know how much time she had until her mind followed her body. Slowly she began dragging her strange heavy body across the ground, when suddenly she became aware of movement around her, and stopped.

Lizards, she realized as she lifted her head, lots of them! Lizards like...her. Many more then had been there when she arrived, and as she watched more of the larger sized ones came into view. They had ignored her as a human, but now, for some reason, they seemed very interested in her. As she caught their scents she felt the wetness in her sex bloom, her own pheromones suddenly increasing in intensity, and she realized with horror what that interest was. They were all males, and she...she was a heat! Oh, dear Gods, NO! She looked around frantically, but they were everywhere!

As one came closer she gave a loud warning hiss, and lunged at him. Get away from me! She screamed in her mind, and as he pulled back he reared up and she caught a glimpse of two strangely shaped penises protruding from his male cloaca. As she backed away from him she felt a nudge against her tail, and whirling sluggishly she snapped at another male, his hiss sounding reproachful as he backed away from her, the strong scent of his arousal filling her nostrils, and she could taste it on her tongue, and her own lust flared brighter. Desperately she hissed and bit at the aroused males as more and more arrived; crowding around her eagerly, attracted by the scent of a receptive female, and some began fighting one another for the privilege of being the first to mate with the new female, hissing loudly and biting at one another.

Oh Gods, she realized, there are too many of them!! She was surrounded on all sides, cut off! With a hiss of despair she snapped at another male, but her new body still felt awkward and clumsy, her struggles uncoordinated and weak as she tried to cope with having four legs instead of two, her mind clinging to its remembered human form as it tried to deny the atrocity that had overtaken it, and she kept trying to stand upright as she fought them. But slowly, surely, they forced her into a smaller and smaller circle until she was unable to turn anymore, pinned by their numbers.

Suddenly she felt a heavy weight began to slide up onto her back, and turning her head saw one of the lizards was pulling itself on top of her, and as it pushed her tail out of the way and positioned itself she knew with horrible certainty what was about to happen, and she was too exhausted to resist anymore, and some part of her was...eager. He had successfully fought off the other males, and was now claiming his hard won prize.

NO!! She thought in horror as the male began to mount her, NO, NOT LIKE THIS, NOT AS AN...AN...ANIMAL! Then she gave a loud piercing hiss of pain and pleasure; mouth gaping, as one of the males hemipenes found, and penetrated, her soft sensitive cloaca. As the long ribbed shaft slid into her wet quivering sex she shrieked, bucking and writhing, but quieted down as the males jaws suddenly clamped down on the back of her neck, and she helplessly accepted his dominance. He was so strong, so...male, a good mate, a part of her thought. He had fought for her, beaten the others.

NO, NO, NOOO!!! She shrieked in her mind, oh Gods,! What...what was he doing to her!? It good!! "SSSSS-HSSISSSSSS!" The male lizard gave a deep grunt of pleasure as he hilted, and as he began fucking her with slow steady thrusts she quivered in horrified pleasure, breathing heavily and squealing as the strange organ inside her squirmed and writhed deep in her sex, and looking around saw several other males waiting, their eyes fixed on her with obvious intent, her still human eyes staring into their dull lust filled bestial eyes in despair.

Her first mate humped her slowly and lazily for over an hour, stopping only briefly as he switched from one hemipene to the other, hissing in pleasure as he filled her womb with his seed; her own body trembling in ecstasy every time he ejaculated, both hissing in ecstasy. Finally, with a final hiss of pleasure, he dismounted, and having no further interest in her; at least for now, left to find a nice sunny spot to rest. The next male mounted her less than a minute later, and even though she knew this was a horrible mistake; that she had to get away from them and find help, all she could do was lie there helplessly as male after male serviced her until her cloaca was overflowing with their thick inhuman seed. And oh Gods, the pleasure!! She'd never felt such pleasure before as she trembled and hissed in ecstasy every time she felt their seed spurt into her.

And as the other males took turns mating with her she slowly came to welcome their embraces as she hissed and shrieked in pleasure, her own terror filled eyes slowly changing to the dull emotionless eyes of a reptile as she felt her human memories and awareness slowly being fucked away on waves of inhuman sexual ecstasy, until that pleasure was all she was aware of, all she wanted as she willingly gave herself to any male who desired her, and there were many. And as she felt her human mind fading more and more tears ran down her scaly snout as she realized this was her new life, to live as a simple beast, nothing more then an animal, the price she would pay for her greed as she joined the other guardians for eternity.

It took days for the final change to complete itself, for her mind to finally finish following her body into dull oblivion. Had the ratio of males to females been less she might have been able to last long enough; and escape the males, to find help, but with a ratio of fifteen males to one female she spent most of her time pinned under a males heaving body as they mated with her constantly; loud hisses of pleasure filling the still hot air, and it was impossible to 'escape' their amorous attentions. Over the centuries there had been far more male adventurers then females, and the sex starved males were delighted to have a new female to add to their harem. But as her final human memories kept fading the sex became more and more pleasurable, until finally that was all she lived for.

The large brownish-orange lizard pawed at the soft mulch and dirt under a partially rotted log, and decided that, yes, this was a good place. Finishing her nest, she turned and lifted her tail; and grunting and hissing in effort began to push her eggs out of her swollen womb one by one, feeling a burst of pleasure as each one crested and then slid from her slick, sensitive, swollen cloaca. As she strained and squeezed she stared out into the steaming emerald jungle, faint memories of having one been...different, stirring deep in the depths of her simple primitive brain, and two tears ran down her snout.

Turning, she inspected her clutch, then covered it in a layer of mulch, using her hind legs to kick the soft dirt and debris until the nest was covered. Then she eagerly headed back to the temple; the only home she remembered, knowing the males would be waiting for her, her ripe sex already quivering with need and anticipation, and that soon her belly would be filled with eggs again.

The End
