High school through my eyes: Pt. 17

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#17 of His Bright Blue Eyes

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!

The rest of the weekend was pretty dull for the two canines. David had to go home for the rest of it, so Tom was Marc's entertainment. Not that that was a bad thing. They played video games and ate chips, like the "good ol' days". It was nice to bring them back to when they had nothing but each other.

It was actually pretty lucky, because Justin got grounded again.

"What did he do this time?" Marc asked as they fought inside their TV.

"He..." Tom paused, pulling off a super attack. "He lit off fireworks in his mother's room when she was sleeping."

Marc just sat there and laughed as he pulled off a combo attack on Tom. "What a hooligan!" Sarcastic strings flowed through the sentence.

"Yeah..." Tom said shortly as he lost. "That's not even the worst part, though..."

Marc turned to him, his tail wagging a bit. "What's the worst part??" He grinned.

"Well..." Tom began, thinking back. "You know Daniel? My cousin?"

"Yeah?" Marc said as he laid back, getting comfortable. He opened another bag of chips and bit into one before letting Tom start his story.

"Well..." Tom said, probably blushed under his fur. "He walked in... on us... doing stuff..."

"...what kind of stuff?" Marc said, now incredibly interested. He smiled as Tom told his story. It kind of reminded him about times when you're on a camping trip and you're all huddled around a campfire.

"It was in." Tom said, his tone was filled with embarrassment. "...and there he was! Standing in my doorway!"

"What did you do?" Marc said, getting up to shut off the game and the TV.

"I threw something at him and he ran back to his room." Tom said as they got up from the living room and moved into Marc's room. The computer was in there and Tom wanted to check his mail. Marc just wanted to lie down.

"You didn't scream?" Marc said as they bounded up the stairs. "I would have."

"Me too..." Tom said, reaching the landing. "But it was 4 in the morning.

Tom closed the door behind him as Marc hopped on his bed. He could smell David's fur on the sheets while listening to Tom boot up his computer. He took in the scent for a while, thinking of when they laid there last. It made him smile.

"Whatcha thinkin'?" Tom said, facing the screen, typing in his password. He had his own account on Marc's computer. It was originally there to hide secret files Marc was too embarrassed for Tom to see. After everything was out in the open, it still stayed there. "Gives me a reason to come back..." Tom would always say.

"Oh nothin'," Marc said looking at his ceiling. "I just feel content right now, I guess."

"Oh yeah?" The tiger said, typing on his keyboard.

"Yeah..." Marc said, engulfed in David's thick scent. The scent of his boy amongst his

sheets. "Did ya ever feel like... I dunno... Like you just have everything you could ever


"Nope..." Tom said, looking back. "I'm not filthy rich yet."

"I don't mean that..." Marc said. "It more like... Do you feel bonded to Justin?"

"More or less?" Tom said, thinking. "I think about him a lot, if that's what you mean?"

"It's hard to explain..." Marc thought about it. "Like... You can feel them around you,

like the watch on your wrist? Or surging through you like the music flowing from your

mp3 player?"

"Not really?" Tom said, also in thought. "I don't feel him right now?"

"I feel David." Marc said. "He's probably sitting in his room, contemplating on calling.

The phones probably in his paw right now, as we speak..."

"How can you tell?" Tom looked confused. He was cut off by Marc's phone ringing.

Marc picked it up and smiled wide.

"We were just talking about you." He didn't even have to look at the caller I.D.

Tom strained his ears, trying to hear David's voice coming from the receiver. Sadly he

was not blessed with the canine ability to hear absolutely everything.

Marc was quick, he never liked talking on the phone when he had someone over. He

thought it to be rude, and hated when someone else did it. David understood, though,

and they hung up.

"How did you do that?" Tom asked him. He was dumbfounded that Marc called his

boyfriend's next move like it was nothing.

"We're just..." Marc said, holding his phone to his heart. "We're just... bonded."


By the time Monday rolled around, Marc had found a good sum of money left in his bank account.

"...thanks mom?" He said as he looked at his receipt. It was weird. Was his mother

actually showing kindness?

He bought a couple new things with it, but other then that, saved it in his account.

This money would come in handy. He felt it in his tail.

School that morning, on the other hand, was a burden. He rolled out of bed as his

alarm clock scolded him. He hadn't slept well that night due to nightmares... Skunks with

daggers slashing fur... blood splatter...

"I don't even want to think about it anymore," He thought as he went to his shower. "I

just want to get to school... That's it!"

Walking into the bathroom, he looked around and sniffed. Everything was where he

left it. Perfection called out as he ran the tap and warmed his finger-fur, finally releasing

it into the showerhead and getting in.

He washed himself, the steam raising his bad thoughts to the ceiling. He loved how it

did that. The cleaner he was, the cleaner his mind was. It's how it always worked, and

he was thankful.

His ears perked up, suddenly. Hearing the call of his cell phone.

"Damn it!" He shouted as he got out, fur dripping wet. He threw a towel on his waist

and answered the stupid piece of metal. "Hello!"

"Wanna ride?" Tom's voice flew into his ear. "In about... 7 minutes?"

"You pulled me out of the shower, ya know?" Marc said to the tiger. "But I'd

appreciate it."

"Yeah I figured you'd be showering." Tom said with a coy tone in his voice. "But I

thought I would offer. We're on our way."

"Oh alright!" Marc said and flipped his phone closed. He ran to his dresser and got out

today's ensemble. Jeans and a T-shirt. "How different..."

He dressed all the same, though. Threading his tail through the hole in his boxers and

jeans, slipping on his shirt, and putting on his socks. He was ready. And just in time,

too. Tom was ringing his doorbell, just as he made his way downstairs and packed his


"Alright..." He thought, going through his mental checklist. "Homework, lunch money...

Clean underwear. That's everything!"

After locking the door, he got in the car with Tom and his dad, saying his "Hello's" and

"How are ya's" as they left for school. The wheels turning, bringing them closer and

closer to today's plate of knowledge.


"Who's the cougar?" Jason asked as Daniel walked into the group at lunch that Monday, sitting shyly by Tom and Justin.

"Hey!" Tom called to him. "Be nice. He's my cousin and he's new."

"Maybe we should introduce him to everyone?" Justin whispered in Tom's feline ear.

He nodded in agreement with his mate and stood. "Everyone! Can I have you're


Everyone looked to him as he held his paws in the air. "It's time for introductions." He

took Daniel by his arm.

"..again?" David whispered in Marc's ear. He just nodded and licked his cheek.

"You may know some of these furs, Danny," Tom said and laughed. "But you'll get to

meet them again."

"We'll start with the couple right there," He said pointing to Marc and David. "The

wolf's Marc and the husky's David. They're together, and how cute they are!"

Marc and David waved, feeling a little stupid for being put on the end of a fingertip

like that.

"You mean..." Daniel said in confusion. "... They're gay?"

"Yup," Tom said, moving on without an explanation. "The two straight ones over there

are Jason and Jesse, and that's MY mate, Justin." He pointed to them as well. "You

already know about that, don't ya?" He winked.

Marc could tell Daniel was blushing at Tom's joke. It made him smile a little, and then

went back to stroking his paws through David's headfur.

"Moving on," Tom said, getting everyone's attention back. "The fox right there is

Aidan, and the blue fox next to him is Xendor. His sister, Kryystal, is sitting by Jesse."

They smiled, waved, or nodded at the cougar. He just waved back and continued


"And to this side of the hall we have," He turned and faced the other side, pointing

each out, one by one. "The equine's name is Ash, the husky's is Kain, the red fox is

Corwin, the panther is Dallas, the..." he looked over and saw Daniel staring off into

space. "Daniel!"

"Oh!" he said and jumped. He turned back around to face his cousin, meeting his paw

at his cheek.

"Pay attention!" He said, playfully slapping the cougar. "Where was I..."

The dragon, sitting next to Dallas raised his claws. "That would be me, Tommy."

"Oh sorry, Mikey!" He said, tipping his tail to him. "This is Mikey, one of the only

dragons in our school."

"Do you get made fun of a lot?" Daniel asked him, still very shy.

"Sometimes..." Mikey said and adjusted his wings. "It's kool, though. The group's got

my back."

"We sure do!" Tom said, trying to get back on track. "Now! The black and white husky

beside him is Gene, the Siberian tiger is Eric, and the wolf beside him is Ty."

"You guys have a big group..." Daniel said, his tail twitching nervously.

"Yup!" Marc said to them. "And we're all goin' to the mall after school if you wanna


"Yeah!" Tom said, hitting his head. "I forgot to mention it! Wanna?"


"Alright!" Jason called. "Everyone meet here after class! Then we'll head out!"

Everyone gave their "all-rights" and went their own ways.

Daniel felt included, which made him smile. Even though lunch was over, and he had

to go to class. He was in.


Marc sat through his classes, bored out of his mind. Each *tick* of the clock flicked him in the ear as he wrote down notes from the blackboard. Hence was the downside of having K9 hearing. He didn't care, though. It came in handy when it had too.

But, luckily enough, the day passed by and everyone met up at their lockers, excited

and ready to go.

"Hey Xendor..." Aidan called to his crush. He came bouncing over. "I need to talk to

you later..." His voice sounded kinda nervous.

"About what, Aidan?" Xendor said as he scratched his perfect hair.

"Let's just talk about it when we're alone, ok?" He said and went back to his locker.

Xendor smiled and nodded, then bounced back his sister, who smiled at him and went

back to talking to Jesse.

Jason's cell-phone rang in his pocket, his annoying ring tone making everyone cringe.

"Hello?" He answered.

Everyone was silent while he talked.

"What do you mean...?" He asked. "Like... right now?"

Everyone probably figured it was his mom, telling him to go home. That's what Marc

thought, anyhow.

"What do you mean in a week...?" He asked it again. "Like... to start? We have to be

ready in a week?!"

That's what threw everyone off. What would have to be done in a week? A project

perhaps, maybe dirty laundry?

"You got us." Jason said. "I'll ask them and call you back in an hour. We need to talk

about that stuff." He hung up and sighed, long and hard.

"I need to talk to you guys for a second." He pointed at Marc, Jesse, and Tom.

Everyone acknowledged and followed him, ears up and tails wagging. They walked to the

other side of the hall as everyone eyed them.

"What's goin on, Jason?" Jesse asked him.

"You remember our last concert?" Jason asked as a smile crept on his face.

"How could I forget...?" Marc said as he pointed to a scar here and there.

"Well... We've been invited..." Jason paused.

"Invited where?!" Tom screamed. The suspense was building so much his ears rang.

"Invited on tour!" Jason said and hugged them all. "We made it, boys!"

Everyone rejoiced and hugged. And apparently they were leaving in a week. Marc felt a

prick in the back of his neck, though, when he thought about it.

"Are we bringing anyone with us..." He asked in a serious tone, thinking of his mate.

"I'm pretty sure we can!" Jason said and hugged him again. "We need groupies after


Marc looked back and saw David looked back at him. His face brimming with curiosity.

He smiled at him and gave thumb's up, for something David had no idea about. He

smiled back anyways, though.


Marc and David walked hand in hand on their way home from the mall. Everyone else took the bus, and they felt like spending some time alone together. A walk for kings.

"FAGS!" furs would call out from their car window as they rode by. It just made them

giggle and make their tails wag. David seemed sort of quiet, thought and it made Marc

question it.

"It's nothing..." He replied, then looked away.

"Oh come on, boy!" Marc said, stopping and hugging him. "You don't think this wolf

can sense when something's wrong?"

"It's just..." David paused again. "What if I can't go on tour with you guys..."

"That's stupid," Marc said, laughing. He wouldn't admit it, but it did make him uneasy

when Jason said "I'm pretty SURE we can." He stopped his mate again and stared him in

the eye. "You WILL come with us. There's no way I'm leaving you in this two-bit town,

ya know?"

David smiled. Marc's fake confidence worked as well as he thought it would. David's

face seemed to ease up as seconds flew by. Now all he had to do was clear it in his

mind, then he'd be golden.

"What do you do on tour, anyways?" David said as they started walking again.

"Play songs in places you've never been to before," Marc said as he smiled, letting his

ears up. "Ya know? It gets you're name out and stuff."

David nodded his head and walked along, still laced to his mate. He still wanted to

make sure of him not losing Marc to the tour, just to ease his mind. He didn't want to

annoy him, though.

"What if..." David thought, not knowing the wolf beside him had the same words

running through his brain.


That night, Marc lay alone in his bed. He paws were behind his ears and he stared at his ceiling. He breathed out a sigh and racked his brain, stuck on the one question.

"What if he can't come..." Marc thought. Over and over and over again, it ran through

his head. What would he do? What could he do? If David couldn't come, he would

probably have more furs then he could ever imagine. All the money... all the fame...

"But..." he would argue. "If I leave him... I'll never have him back... He would be gone...

leaving my glass empty again..."

He didn't know what to do, and this depressing situation wasn't helping. He needed to

get out and do something... call somebody... Something?

"Jason!" He thought and shook his paws around, trying to find his cell phone. "We

haven't hung out in a while..." He said and dialed the number. "...plus he has a car." He

grinned deviously and put the phone up to his ear.

"Hello?" Jason's obvious voice came on the other end. It sounded very tired.

"Hey!" Marc said with enthusiasm. "What are you up to?"

"...Marc?" Jason's voice went from tired to confused. "It's 2 in the morning..."

"What?!" The wolf's eyes grew wide as he looked at his alarm clock. He has been

contemplating the outcome of that stupid question for over 5 hours! "Sorry, Jason. I

didn't realize what time it was..."

"Well what did you need?" Jason said. He groaned as he stretched and sat up in his


"I was wondering if you wanted to go driving..." Marc asked, now feeling stupid for

even bringing it up.

"...why would I want to go driving..."

Marc was impressed at how many tones Jason could use just after being woken up. "I

dunno..." He replied in embarrassment. "I just wanna talk and maybe buy a milkshake."

He paused for a sec, waiting for the jingle of keys to sound off over the phone. "We

haven't done that in forever."

"Gimme half an hour." Jason said after a long sigh. How could he say no to his friend?

After all, he did have a point. They hadn't gotten milkshakes and sat in the car for a

long while.

"Ok!" Marc was overcome with happiness. "I'll get ready and meet you on my porch.

"I'll see ya in a few." Jason laughed then hung up. Marc hopped off his back and

wagged his tail. The question left his mind at the thought of talking with Jason. He had

to get to know him again, and vice-versa.


"Did someone call for a taxi?" Jason said as Marc hopped in the passenger side. Both were still in their sleeping clothes as they backed out of Marc's driveway. "Where to?"

"Milkshakes!" Marc barked with enthusiasm. His tail wagged under his leg and his ears

perked up.

"How could I say no?" Jason smiled and headed in the direction. Marc raised his

eyebrow at they imminent display of kindness, but he decided not to question it. It was

nice, after all, and he didn't want to break it.

"Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?" Jason said as he pulled up to the drive-through.

He pulled out his wallet and gestured that he was paying for it.

"Chocolate," Marc smiled as he put his wallet away. "As if you had to ask."

"That's true." Jason said and turned to the box. "I'll have one large chocolate and one

large vanilla."

"Is that everything?" came a depressing, feminine voice of the speaker. Someone

apparently didn't like their job.

"Yes ma'am." Jason said and waited for the total.

"That'll be $6.75," She said finally. "Pull up to the window."

"She must be new here," Jason turned to Marc and smiled.

"Sounds like it," Marc said, returning the grin. The question came back and he was

debating on asking Jason, just to clear his head.

"There ya go..." A frowning panda was holding both shakes and waited for Jason to pay

her. "Have a good night..."

They took their shakes and went to sit in the parking-lot, just like old times. The radio

was playing and each was enjoying their shakes.

"Jason..." Marc said after the situation had an awkward twinge to it. He had to know.

"I don't mean to be annoying... but... Did you hear anything on bringing other furs with


Jason felt the question hit him and looked dead ahead at the lifeless highway, still

sipping his shake. He looked for an explanation in his head that would make him


"Jason?" Marc checked to see if he had heard him.

"I heard you..." Jason said, letting the straw leave his lips. "I don't know how to

explain it to you, or Tom for that matter... But it can only be us four, seeing as we're not

a BIG band..."

Marc almost dropped his milkshake when he heard that. "How long are we going to be


"About a year..." Jason said, feeling Marc's tears forming. "It depends on if we tour

outside of the country..."

"Are we...?" Marc squeaked. He was worried now... worried about the fork in the road

ahead that was probably the biggest decision of his life.

"It... looks like it..." Jason said, hitting him with a blow that made Marc want to puke.

He could hear him starting to weep, even though he tried to hide it.

"Want to go home now...?" Jason said as he placed his paw on the key. He looked over

and saw Marc nod even thought his paw were over his face.

That car ride was probably the longest he's been on the road. Even thought it was

about 7 minutes from here to there, it seemed like 13 years.

"I'll see you later, Jason." Marc said as he got out of the cursed van. "Thanks for the


"Get some sleep Marc," Jason called to him after rolling down the window. "I'll see you

at school!"

Marc just nodded and waved, unlocking his door. He wanted to call David and tell him

the horrid news. That he had a choice... To pick between a high school love... or a


"Nothing's easy..." Marc sighed, sliding his back against the door until his rump

reached the floor. "I have a career in one paw... and a boyfriend in the other..."

What's a wolf to do...


Marc didn't sleep at all that night, or that week. He sat with his door to his back ever since he got home and contemplated. He didn't even go to school for fear of breaking down in front of him.

"What if he doesn't understand..." Marc said, now lying on his bedroom floor. "What if

he hates me..."

He sat up as he heard a knock at his door. "Who could that be?" he asked as he

walked downstairs and opened the door. The husky was sitting on his porch.

"How come you haven't been at school?" David asked him with innocent eyes.

"Something wrong?"

Marc took a step back and felt the rush. The rush of tears coming. "Nothing's wrong..."

"Jason told me..." David said as he still sat on the porch. "He told me you wanted to

leave... and that you couldn't bring anyone..."

"He did...?" Marc said as he heard this. "I haven't made my decision yet..."

A silence swept all the words up before David laid his next ones down.

"I remember something that happened on a rainy night..." David picked his golden

words carefully. "I was with this boy... and he made a promise. He said he would never

let me go... And now I stand before him and he's thinking about breaking it like it's


"David..." Marc said as he words pierced him like poison needles.

"Just go if you want to..." David said getting up and walking down the steps. "Don't let

a believer like me stop you. In this day, trust means next to nothing anyhow."

"What the hell, David!" Marc screamed. "Wait!"

"Why?" David said as he kept walking. "So you can tell me you'll never go... and do it


"Fine David!" Marc screamed from his doorway. "If you think that's what my aim is,

then I'm out of here!"

He slammed the door and screamed into the wood, showering it with anger and saliva.

He ran upstairs and started packing, attempting to heal the piercing of his heart and his

mind. He then saw his cell phone and dialed Jason's number.

"Hello?" Jason picked up after 2 rings.

"When do we leave..." Marc said, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Tomorrow, why?" He asked him. "You've decided?"

"I'm in..." Marc hit himself in the arm, and pulling the fur. "I want out of here."

"What about David..." Jason asked in concern.

"Don't worry about it, Jason..."


Well If you can't tell, this series i winding down. But don;t worry cause that doesn't mean that's it for this puppy. I'll be churning out plenty more series from here on out.

I just hope they will be as well liked as this one:).

Anyhow, Marc and David seem to be pretty grim, eh? But no need to worry... much anyways. Theres alot to happen in the next instalment before you count them out, and this i guarantee you a happy ending in some way or another. Disney movies always end up making people feel all warm and fuzzy inside and i'll try to use that effect in the climax of the series.

Thanks again for all who've read up to 17 and liked it. All i wanna do is maybe keep your ordom level down a smidge or put a smile on your face for a couple minutes, and if i ve done that for you then I'm one happy wolf right now:).

To everyone who's read along,