VigoRx - 2.1 - Provisions

Story by IJrge on SoFurry

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Chapter 2 - The DrivePart 1 - ProvisionsTwenty Five Minutes on the Road"Grant, if you don't stop trying to touch yourself, I will knock you out." Michael growls.Grant whines, "I'm so hard it's turning purple, and it's cold and wet."John chimes in, "Get used to the cold, because we're not putting the sheet back on.  You were enjoying the feel too much.""Someone just hold it then," Grant pleads. "Warm it up a bit."Several people reply with a derisive, "Pfft," not even honoring the request with a real word.Moments of silence pass.  Grant kicks frustrated.  He tries to bring his tied hands around his side then tries to reach under his rear just to stroke the taint between his hole and cock. John grabs him and sits him straight, like a child's doll."You know, sooner or later it's going to happen," Grant barks.  Shifting tone and forcing a grin, he adds, pleading, "Let's just make it sooner, please?"Michael lightly elbow jabs him.  "Cool it."

 Jean raises a hand. Eyes slowly turn towards him.Grant snidely asks, his cock twitching and dribbling directly in his view of Jean, "Do you have something you want to share?"Jean nods, "We may as well just get it out of the way." John, Bob and Michael just fix odd expressions on him.  Grant whoops, "there we go!"Jean stutters an explanation, "So that he doesn't arouse any of the rest of us with this constant pleading."There's a long moment, but John slowly nods, "He's got a point. What if we wait, and we all start triggering?"Bob and Michael begin slowly vertically bouncing their heads, too.Grant cheers, "Alright! Let's do this." He projects his hips forward and glances around looking for a taker.John grimaces, pushes him back up against the wall then asks, "How are we going to do this?"Jean says, "Well, we

need to keep it contained."John, "How?"Jean blushes.  "Well, we'll need a receptacle.""We don't have anything to really catch with here," John replies.Bob nods. "Bit of an oversight on my part."Jean turns redder. "There are some.. places that can.. catch it."

 Grant, smiling widely at Jean, says "If by places you mean a person, I like where this is going."Michael perks up, "Who's going to do that?"Jean's face was almost as red as his hair. Faces one after another chime recognition. Michael slumps back down in disappointment. Jean reaches a long hand and drags Grant over beside him.The car swerves."Woah! Wait a minute!" Brett shouts.Everybody turns towards him. Brett glances back at them, his forehead and cheeks looking already sunburned from the chemicals. His hair bleached blond bright. Brett becomes sheepish under the glare of several behemoths. He croaks, "If this goes half as bad as I expect, I better stop and get gas before the back of this boat is a bukaki palace. Can you please cool your heels for a

few minutes?"One Hour on the RoadGrant cries, "Finally a fucking gas station!""Sorry, man, but once you get up into the mountains, you don't see gas all that often." Brett replies, stepping out of the vehicle.Fueling the car, Brett smiles and sheepishly waves at a cute family fueling beside.  The father looks at him quixotically. The father adds to his expression a half question, "Interesting outfit there?"

 Brett's burned cheeks flush harder. He suddenly remembers that he's standing in short shorts with a Christmas sweater and knee high socks. The boots didn't add much class, either. He rubs his white hair sheepishly and stammers, "Laundry day." Brett turns uncomfortably and stares at the gas sign like it was important.The van abruptly tilts away from Brett, as one of the behemoths inside intentionally moves to the far side. With the large shift, the gas nozzle dislodges from the hole, spilling gas down the side of the car and onto Brett's boots. Inside there's a chorus of chuckles.  Brett punches the side of the van and shouts, "Nice, you fucking dicks. We'll be smelling gasoline all the way now!"A moment of conscientiousness strikes Brett.  He turns to see the mother covering a little girls ears, as she gapes at him.

VigoRx - 1.3 - The Clean Up

  VigoRxChapter I - The Get TogetherPart 3 - The Clean UpIn the Lab"So your friends have been affected, too?"Brett nods, continuing to towel off the spunk.Bob rubs his temples. "Shoot! God save us if all your friends have reached the final stages by...

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VigoRx - 1.2 - The Build Up

  VigoRxChapter 1 - The Get TogetherPart 2 - The Build UpIn the LabBob flips on the recorder.  "Subject 8 is now showing the full effect of the initial intent of the drug, even though at significantly lower dosage.  The previously impotent animal is...

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VigoRx - 1.1 - The Introduction

  VigoRxChapter I - The Get TogetherPart 1 - The IntroductionIn a Lab"It's been about fifteen minutes since the initial low dosage exposure. We're seeing signs of increased activity, the sort of playful nature that preceded stimulation in previous...

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