VigoRx - 2.2 - Granting Passage

Story by IJrge on SoFurry

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Chapter 2 - The DrivePart 2 - Granting PassageOne Hour and Five Minutes on the RoadGrant rubs his recently freed wrists, shakes some blood back into the fingers. The discomfort he felt for the last half an hour bound subdues bellow the urges to crawl up onto Jean. Jean lays in the middle of the vehicle's bed, head beside the back doors. He parts his legs, and, in unsure jerky fashion, tries to find a way to wrap his lengthy legs around tiny Grant. Grant just dodges the limbs and grips his cock towards Jean's hole. The moment the head starts to touch, Jean stops waving his legs around and relaxes, almost like instinct.  Brett could hear a long wet noise, and in the rear view, he could see Grant's hip slowly press forward until Jean's legs wiggle from Grant contacting them.Brett smiles at the small Irishman. At about five foot seven, the view in the rear is somewhat ridiculous. Long strong legs, about three feet tall to the knee's bend dwarfs the wee man between them.  Staring at the spectacle in the rear view, Brett couldn't help a giggle.    Grant pulls out and pumps back inside, but turns an angry glare towards Brett. "Something funny?" he grunts.Brett tries to tug his smile straight, fake serious. He shakes his head, breath jerky, and manages to say, "Nothing."The next giggle comes from from a deeper chest, John's.  "So this is what it looks like when a leprechaun fucks," John chides.Bob belts out a hearty laugh, deafening the van and likely nearly busting a window.  He clamps his his mouth under a fat paw and tries to stifle his rumbling laughter.Grant glares and starts fucking with frustrated fury.He grunts, "I'll show you who's a fucking leprechaun in a minute."Michael rolls his eyes. "What does that even mean?"Grant stops and blushes. He starts a smile, but pushes his frustrated face back on and fucks a bit faster.  John chuckling, "Yeah. How are you going to show us who's a fucking leprechaun, exactly?"The laughter keeps coming, even Jean's chest is bouncing a bit.Grant just keeps pumping Jean, speaking under his breath in time, "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.."  The laughs die down and all that can be heard are grunts and sliding flesh. John gets uncomfortable and decides to watch the foliage flash past the side windows. Bob decides to follow suit by rifling through spread sheets.  Micheal, though, just keeps watching. He can't help it. His hormones were going crazy, too, and he always had a spark for Grant. Down his right pant leg, throbbing and wetting his knee, is Michael's natural ten inches. He intently watches Grant pump into Jean. Grant's face is growing more flush, body getting taught, just like the days when they used to wrestle. It was back in those high school days, with his legs scissoring Grant and trying to drive him down into the mat that Michael first realized his same gender attraction. With Grant bearing down on him almost nightly, pressing him to the mat or vise versa, he cemented a deep affection for Grant, one that lasts still. After months of affection, Michael accidentally got hard while pinned. Grant rolled him abruptly onto his back and pinned his shoulders. It took Grant a moment to notice he was sitting right on a mammoth hard prick. Michael stammered to explain, but ended up just blurting his feelings in the end.  They didn't wrestle after that, but Michael still wrestled with his feelings for Grant. Frustratingly, Grant almost taunted him at times, getting intimately close. Maybe he'd be reaching for a drink, or just close at a party, but there were times when Michael could feel the heat of Grant's crotch he was so close. Sometimes at movie night, Grant would lean on him. Once, after the second movie, after John left and Brett was asleep, Grant buzzed was resting right on his shoulder. Playfully Michael reclined back, and Grant slid down in his lap. He didn't even get up. When the last movie finished, Grant slowly rose, got inches from Michael's face and smiled. Their eyes locked, and there was a pause. Breaths got heavy. A flick of guilt on Grant's face, and it was over. There was the usual, "see you next week," and Grant left.   Right now, Grant was fucking his way up inside Jean, grunting and groaning as his cock splutters its way in and out. As Grant thrusts, he keeps glancing up, taking quick looks at Michael's body, but sheepishly not looking to his face. Michael let his hand down and starts stroking the length stretching the fabric of his inner thigh. Next time Grant glances, his eyes lock on. He turns his eyes up to Michael, and the two lock gazes. There it is again, that odd affection Michael sometimes felt from Grant. As that stare grows longer, Grant slows his thrusts. Michael's breaths start coming in short gusts to match Grant. In a moment of passion, Michael crawls over Jean and reaches for the nape of Grant's neck. Grant freezes, as Michael swoops in and plants his lips on his Irishman. The first peck is like kissing a statue. Grant is clinching and blankly staring. Michael molds his mouth around the stone facade's lips. Michael passionately pushes his face up against Grant's and loves the creases and bumps, lightly sucking on the ruddy skin that lines Grant's mouth, wetting them fully before pausing. Michael looks into Grants frozen expression and waits for a response.  Grant's eyes dart back and forth looking into Michael's then slowly his face loosens, a smile sneaking up his right cheek. The smirk straightens, as a magnetism intensifies between them. Grant purses his lips and leans forward, not quite reaching or committing. Michael smiles giddily and swoops in with small pecks. Grant quickly returns it, and soon the two are keeping their lips together. Tongues meet sheepishly, and Michael crawls closer, seating himself right across Jean's abs. Grant lets go of Jean's legs and drapes himself onto Michael. With a few tugs, Grant pulls Michael's legs to wrap around his waist. Sitting on Jean's hardening cock, Michael bends forward and kisses down to his Irishman. Grant surges up, burying himself deep in Jean, so that his chest meets Michael's. They dart kisses back and forth.Micheal stretches back for a moment and smiles down at Grant. Grant gazes up into Michael's eye's and begins a luxuriant long drive deep into Jean. As he buries himself in, he grinds his chest into Michael's crotch.    Micheal leans in for a kiss then sits back up. He teases, "You know I wouldn't have to lean down so far if you were just a bit taller."Grant shrugs and speeds up his thrusts. With a smile, he grunts, "Give me a minute."With Michael right up against him, Grant grinds against both, fucking his cock repeatedly into Jean while rubbing his pecs into Michael's inner thighs and hard cock. He reaches up and pulls at Michael's shirt. Michael takes cue and tears it away over his head with a flourish. Grant huffs at Michael's navel, cooling his forehead on Michael's bare skin before leaning to kiss. Michael leans forward and rubs his hands down along Grant's sweaty broad shoulders. The Irishman starts to moan in earnest.Jean grunts. Michael coolly looks to Jean, while Grant kisses his chest and wraps his arms around his waist. He sees Jean wincing. Turning back to Grant, Michael sees his shoulders broaden slowly, veins snake up the side of his neck. The short muscular man begins to show harder more defined bulges and his breath isn't just blowing but billowing. Grant leans back and watches his cock withdraw long and slow, pulling a foot away and still keeping just inside. He bobs the tip in and out a few short strokes, pauses. He pulls Michael down and kisses long and hard. With a slap, he's burrying fully and pistoning feverishly. As their lips were curl around one another. Grant moans into Michael's mouth. The car starts to rock forward and back ever so slightly. Little by little, Michael straightens, no longer needing to lean forward to meet his Irishman's lips. Grant pulls from the kiss and lays his forehead against Michael's. Hard slaps call up from between them and Grant grunts guttural gusts into Michael's face. He bursts into Jean, his cock threading long ropes of cum deep inside.  Shot after shot leaves Grant in waves.  With the spectacle in the rear view, Brett struggles to keep an eye on the road. Grant's back flares wider, and his form looms ever larger in the mirror. A tension mounts in Grant's shoulders and back, making him arch back. With an eruption of firecracker speed meaty pops, Grant's body explodes wide and tall, bursting asymmetrically left and right, up and out. The leprechaun's taught back became a labyrinth of muscle, animal like proportions. Brett couldn't help but turn to watch as Grant's legs spread apart, so that his head wouldn't hit the ceiling. Brett watches two cantaloupes descend between the legs to rest heavy on the floor, as the ass ahead of him stretches to accommodate what was growing viciously inside.  A horn tore Brett back to the road, and a quick swerve took them back into their lane.Michael falls back against Jean, as his Irishman grows so large that he needs to bend over to fit. Michael scrabbles up Jean trying to keep lip locked to Grant. A freakishly muscular Irishman lay heavy atop him, now eight feet tall just from the waist up. His moans and grunts come to a long last pleasured wheeze. He hugs Michael close carefully and finished a final but emotional kiss. Michael's knee coats with load after load from within his straining pant leg.Taking a long breath, Grant sits up partially and pulls from Jean. Two extra feet of turgid and extremely wide inches come free, in addition to the foot that couldn't fit. Grant lays back, smirking and rubbing his friend Michael's stomach, while he looks ready to fall asleep."Who's the leprechaun now, Brett?" Grants deeper voice asks.  Brett doesn't answer, too focused on the headache inducing gas stink, trying to dislodge the image of the giant muscular beast fucking just moments ago right behind him.  He tries repeatedly to wish away his half hard cock.  John has the disorienting sensation of having to look up to Grant for once. Grant looks over at him and with a good chuckle says, "how's it going short-stuff.""Short stuff?" John says increduously. "You're only bigger than me because you just got off. Watch. Bet I have a few inches on you later."Grant mutters a, "Whatever," and tugs Michael like a teddy bear into his lap.John smirks, "Wait and see," as he notes and pokes at a wet spot half way down Michael's leg. "We better get these pants off. Looks like you're about ready to go, too."Michael checks then shakes his head. "No..  that's what it's always been like. Right, Grant?"Grant pokes a sleepy eye at them. He smiles. "Yeah.  He's got an intimidating dick."John smirks, "You know his dick size, and you're cuddling like pros. How long have you two been a couple?"Grant shakes his head. "It's nothing like that." He drops his affectionate hand off of Michael's stomach. "I just got caught up in the moment."Michael slumps.John shakes his head, issuing a smart ass smile. "Sure," he adds mockingly then turns to watch more trees blur by.    Michael shoots a pained glance at Grant. A large mitt wraps back around Michael. Michael stares back into Grant's eyes. They lock. Grant smirks lightly and gives him a reassuring wink.  Jean pretends not to notice. Instead he looks down at Grant's still rigid cock.  Grant notices. He shrugs, "It's always hard and ready if there's any reason to be." He grabs the head, pulls it away then lets go, so it slapping up against Michael like a wiffle bat. "Watch, I'll be hard for the next fifteen minutes, at least. Just don't give it any attention, or we'll be right back at it." He chuckles.

VigoRx - 2.1 - Provisions

VigoRx  chpt1 -   Chapter 2 - The DrivePart 1 - ProvisionsTwenty Five Minutes on the Road"Grant, if you don't stop trying to touch yourself, I will knock you out." Michael growls.Grant whines, "I'm so hard...

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VigoRx - 1.3 - The Clean Up

  VigoRxChapter I - The Get TogetherPart 3 - The Clean UpIn the Lab"So your friends have been affected, too?"Brett nods, continuing to towel off the spunk.Bob rubs his temples. "Shoot! God save us if all your friends have reached the final stages by...

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VigoRx - 1.2 - The Build Up

  VigoRxChapter 1 - The Get TogetherPart 2 - The Build UpIn the LabBob flips on the recorder.  "Subject 8 is now showing the full effect of the initial intent of the drug, even though at significantly lower dosage.  The previously impotent animal is...

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