My Friend, my love...

Story by DragonMasterX on SoFurry

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First of all, I do not own digimon, the legal owners are the Toei Animation producers not me, and I'm not doing this for profit so don't try to sue me please.

This story contains sexual related material that cannot be read by people under 18, so children back off from here! (like you would listen, but I have to say it :P)

Note: This story was a request for my friend Moumentai, from the forums. So the new character here isn't mine, but his.

"My friend, my love..." By DragonMasterX.

"And that, class, is why you shouldn't use Carbon Monoxide when we talk about the environment. As you know, the main cause of the acid rain is because..." the teacher kept babbling and teaching. Something that was getting bored a certain kid in the school's classroom.

"Sigh- someone kill me to end my suffering," Takato, a young digimon tamer looked at the ceiling. He couldn't stand anymore of this day's lessons.

And just as if for the first time, god wanted to hear someone, the bell rang, and yes: It was the last period of that day. "Aww yes! Finally!" Takato cheered as he grabbed his backpack and things, and then ran to the door almost like a devil.

The teacher however, sighed and looked on her deck after Takato's reaction started talking again, "Well, now that it's Friday, you all know that you must study a lot because next week you have a," but she stopped. The teacher saw that already all her students had left the classroom. "Test...?"

"Freedom at last!" Takato put his arms on his back head, walking out the school.

He headed directly to his digimon partner's shelter. Guilmon would be waiting for him with an empty belly; again, even though Takato had brought him some of his parents' baked goods earlier. "Guilmon will be so glad to see me. Well, the bread."

Takato chuckled and then took out a bag with tasty treats in it from his backpack, then smiled to himself and ran ahead to the park. Upon getting there, he found himself in front of the shelter as he approached it. He quickly opened the fence and then entered.

"Yay! You came, Takatomon!!" Guilmon cheered and happily went to his friend, then nuzzled his arm, casually the one in which he was holding the bag with the baked goods. "I was getting hungry!"

"You are always hungry." Takato chuckled, and then gave the bag to Guilmon. "There you are, buddy, all yours."

"Yay! Thanks!" Guilmon cheered once again, grabbing a piece of the tasty bread, then he simply took a big bite off it.

"Heh, what have you been doing till now?" Takato took a seat on the ground in front of the red lizard, which was fully enjoying his fest.

Guilmon talked through munches, "Mou came by. He didn't have classes today and came to play with me!" he responded, taking another big bite of the bread with peanut butter, his personal favorite.

"Duh... he's so lucky. They almost never have classes on Fridays." Takato sighed as he complied.

Guilmon only giggled at this comment, then neared a piece of bread to Takato's face,

"Eat one, it'll make you feel better." He said before Takato took the piece in his hand, then he returned to dig in the sweet treasures inside the bag.

Takato stared on the bread, sighed and rolled his eyes up, but then put the bread in his mouth and started munching. Even though he wasn't in the mood (classic teenager complaint about small things out of jealousy), he ate the sweet bread, and actually was enjoying it. Maybe Guilmon was right after all and it indeed calmed your nerves eating that tasty bread.

After some minutes though, the bread was already out, since Takato had brought most of it in the morning when he first visited Guilmon that day. But it didn't matter right then, since both were fully satisfied. Takato didn't need any more food even though he had eaten so few since the breakfast "Are you full yet?" Takato finally asked his friend.

"Guilmon full!" the dinosaur responded with a grin on his face.

Takato laughed a bit, then got up to his feet. "Well, what do you want to do today, then?"

Guilmon was about to speak, but then remembered something important. "Oh! Mou said he would be hanging near the shoting sentry!"

"You mean the shopping center?" Takato held back his laugh as Guilmon stood up.

"Oh?" Guilmon cocked his head to the side, his bat-like ears lowering.

"Don't worry," Takato chuckled. "I think he's probably there already. Classes ended anyways." He stuck out his tongue this time, not mattering about school anymore; it was weekend after all anyways!

Both Takato and Guilmon walked out the shelter, and then headed over for the shopping center of the city. After they had gotten to their destination, they didn't find Mou yet, but they found someone else browsing the stores.

"Henry!" Takato greeted and waved his hand as Guilmon and he approached Henry.

"Isn't that Takato's voice?" a bunny with green stripes and VERY long ears piped up from his tamer's grasp.

Henry smiled, then turned around and saw his friend with his digimon. "Hey Takato, what's up?"

"We just came to see Mou here, he told Guilmon he'd be here today."

Terriermon looked on both guys and giggled, then jumped on Guilmon, who caught him in air and fell on his back, both started ''wrestling'' on the ground to play.

Takato grinned at the seeing and Henry hurried to ask: "It has been long since I last saw Mou, where did he say he was supposed to meet you?"

The goggle head boy simply shrugged his shoulders. "I think I will just have to wait and see."

"Hey! No tickling- AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Terriermon begged. Guilmon was tickling him relentlessly.

Both Henry and Takato walked off to a nearby bench, Guilmon and Terriermon followed as soon as they finished playing, they still were laughing softly from the fun. Takato and Henry were talking about Modify Cards and further Card Combos while Terriermon and Guilmon yet started playing once again. Just when they least expected, a mid-tall teenager boy of 17 years old walked along in the center, approaching them from the back. "Hey guys!" he said, placing his hands on Henry's and Takato's shoulders, which startled them and they jumped up in said startlement.

"GAH!!" both youngsters jumped up, and then turned around gasping once. "Mou! Don't do that!"

Mou grinned, he watched Henry's and Takato's reaction amusedly as he looked down on Terriermon and Guilmon, "Hi Terriermon, hi Guilmon." He greeted his other two friends.

"Hi Mou!" Both digimon greeted back absentmindedly and kept wrestling on the ground happily.

Mou, despite knowing about real digimon and all, wasn't a digimon tamer, but he was good friends with Takato, Henry and their digimon for quite a time. He always had been playing with Guilmon as he found him cute with his naïve attitude. It was nice seeing such a childy creature behaving the way Guilmon did. Mou also knew Rika and Renamon, but Rika didn't treat him much like a friend, but more like an every day good person she some times saw three times a week.

But with Renamon, it was kind of different. The fox had had problems in the past with understanding Rika's behavior towards her, but Mou had always been there to advise her properly; actually, besides Rika, Mou was the only one whom she could put some of her trust towards.

This teenager had deep dark blue eyes, they were almost black at first sight, but they were simply so beautiful, you could stay hours staring on the color of his iris. He had mid-short dark blonde hair too, and he wore a nice looking jacket on top of his black shirt. He was wearing blue pants and white snickers.

"I told you he would come to the sentry!" Guilmon said between gasps and laughs.

"Sentry?" Henry questioned.

Takato shook his head and sighed. "Long story."

"Heh, he looks so cute when he confuses things," Mou added. "Hey, Guilmon, aren't you going to come and say hi, here?"

Guilmon smiled before standing up and walking to Mou, then both of them hugged together once in a friendly embrace, that was their greeting Mou got Guilmon used to give to him each time they saw themselves, "How are you Mou?" Guilmon asked while thumping his tail to the sides happily.

Meanwhile Terriermon walked over Henry and then stayed just besides him, watching the scene.

"I'm fine, guess I had a lot of time to rest after I left you in the morning, since no school... hehe." Mou replied to Guilmon, patting his head and then grinned. "By the way, how are you two?"

"I'm hanging in there." Takato chuckled.

"I'm good too, guess nothing strange has happened recently." Henry smiled.

They laughed for a while, Mou sat down with them to chat about each others' mornings. They were talking for about 5 hours long, they had lost sense of time, but they were enjoying anyways.

Guilmon and Terriermon were now trying to climb a nearby tree, but it wasn't much of an avail after Guilmon fell at least three times on his tail.

The red digimon only rubbed his tail now, it hurt like hell, he had fell three consecutive times on his tail, as for all his body weight pressed against it. He walked up to Takato and whimpered. "My tail hurts Takato."

"What happened boy?" Takato asked while petting Guilmon's head.

"I fell from the tree and hit my tail." Guilmon kept whimpering.

"Are you okay?" Mou asked, then stood up and walked up to Guilmon, knelt in front of him and then put his hand on the sore tail Guilmon was holding; he caressed it softly. The tail's tip started moving all of a sudden. Guilmon twitched ears and looked on Mou's hand, he was smiling now as the boy kept rubbing it softly.

"You feel any better now?" Mou kindly smiled.

Guilmon slipped his tail out of Mou's grasp and then started to wag it slowly and happily, "Uh-huh!" he responded happily.

"Man. What did you do to help him?" Takato wondered.

"Just caressed his sore tail, though I think it's done with already, he seems better" Mou grinned.

Takato sweatdropped. "Guess I need to learn that trick."

Both Henry and Takato laughed along with Mou, Guilmon kept smiling, but soon, Guilmon stopped in place.

"Guilmon? Is everything alright?" Takato asked.

Guilmon didn't respond, just let out a growl, his pupils flattened as he turned around. Takato knew what this meant and took out his Digivice, he found a dot on it's screen that showed a Bio Emerge of a wild digimon somewhere nearby, the sound was clear for all of them to listen.

"Does that mean what I think that means?" Mou asked, looking on the red striped Digivice.

"Wait, then where's Terriermon?" Henry stood up quickly and took out his green Digivice, looking onto it.

Guilmon didn't pay attention and turned around, growled and ran away from them.

"Guilmon! Wait!" Takato yelled as he ran after his partner.

Henry found the dot Takato had in his screen near the one that identified Terriermon's all of a sudden. "Oh no..." he said as he ran after Takato and Guilmon.

"What's happening?" Mou asked himself as he followed the group. Soon, his question was answered as he reached where the others stopped, Guilmon was in front of a large black dinosaur like digimon, and that digimon was fighting with Terriermon, who seemed to be losing bad, REALLY bad.

"B-Bunny Bla," Terriermon started but was cut short as the massive claw of the huge Champion level digimon hit him.

"Terriermon!" Henry yelled as he ran up to Terriermon, the bunny was out of battle for good, he had lots of wounds and scratches, but he would live at least.

"Who's that digimon?" Mou asked as he walked near Takato.

Takato looked on the screen of his Digivice, which showed a picture of the same digimon and displayed some information.

Digimon Analyzer:

Digimon: DarkTyrannomon.

Level: Champion.

SP Tech: Fire Blast.

Information: A Tyrannomon struck by a virus turned into DarkTyrannomon! His Fire Blast attack is super hot and can let you singed to nothingness!

"Oh no, it's a DarkTyrannomon!" Takato gasped, he was about to command Guilmon, but he saw the larger dinosaur walking to his friends, he knew Guilmon wouldn't really reach in time.

"Rrraargh!" DarkTyrannomon roared, then started going to Henry and Terriermon to finish them off. Henry backed off as the dinosaur neared; he shut his eyes close as he knew what might happen to him. However...

"Diamond Storm!" Myriads of crystals flew at the Digimon. Razor sharp, they slashed and shredded the dark dinosaur, exploding on contact.

"Graaah!" DarkTyrannomon growled as he backed off from the fox that had landed in front of the defenseless tamer.

"Huh? Renamon?" Henry gasped as he opened both eyes when he heard Renamon executing her attack.

Rika came from behind Henry; she stepped on the side as she looked up on the dinosaur. "Renamon, show that overgrown lizard why he shouldn't just walk in our forest just to scare little kids."

"Hey! I heard that!" Takato huffed.

"Don't fight with her, help Renamon with Guilmon or they won't make it." Mou told Takato seriously, this wasn't time to argue with Rika.

"Don't even think in interrupting. I saw the dinosaur first, and I'm going to drive him extinct with his cousins." Rika stammered.

"Grrr..." Guilmon kept growling to DarkTyrannomon, but he was waiting for Takato's fighting orders.

Henry took his chance and ran ahead to Mou and Takato while carrying the injured Terriermon, just so he wouldn't be subjected to any more damage.

"Renamon." Said Rika.

"Yes. Rika?" Renamon politely said while facing her tamer. DarkTyrannomon was starting to come back.

"Get rid of that annoyance." The young girl ordered.

"Yes." Renamon said, then quickly turned and lunged at her opponent, trying to out best him with a tackle.

However, DarkTyrannomon acted faster, "Iron Tail!" he roared, while hastily shifting his position to the side and slammed Renamon with his iron hard black colored tail to the ground.

"Auugh!" Renamon groaned in pain as she hit the ground, forced to stay under the huge reptile's tail. Rika narrowed her eyes at this, but she reached to her card deck and took out a Digital Monster's Card Game card from her small container attached to her belt.

Rika held her Digivice and then neared her hand with the card, "Digi-Modify!" her voice echoed. "Speed Activate!"

Rika slashed the card through the horizontal slot in her device so it analyzed the data, and then transferred the effect to her partner. Renamon smirked, she felt herself lighter. The fox simply disappeared from the ground and appeared in front of DarkTyrannomon's face; she quickly spread her arms and was ready to attack. "Diamond,"

But she was cut off short before she could do anything. DarkTyrannomon's mouth had some embers of fire sparking out, "Fire Blast!" he breathed a flamethrower at the vulpine, to her, being an ice-digimon only hurt as the fire raged as hell itself throughout all her body.

"AHHHH!!!" she yelped in pain, and then fell on the ground, her fur had lots of spots burnt, she was somehow alive, but really damaged.

Rika widened her eyes. "Renamon!"

"Guilmon, attack!" Takato finally said, it was over for Renamon, so it was up to the red lizard to do the job. Besides, Takato wouldn't let that huge overgrown lizard kill his friends.

Mou instead of standing and watching ran ahead and picked up Renamon, then went over Rika. "Come on! We have to get to the others!"

Rika narrowed his eyes. "Put her down! She's my digimon!"

"Don't you understand? She will die if we don't take her out of battle!" Mou yelled.

Rika stopped; she had to consider this quickly. If she heard this boy, Renamon would probably be fine, but if she instead forced Renamon to fight... no, this wasn't going to be running away from battle and being weak; this would be a tactical retreat.

"Come on already!" Mou said running to Takato and Henry.

Rika woke up from her spacing out and only looked on Mou, before running after him really fast.

Guilmon was now in front of DarkTyrannomon and had his mouth raging with fire, upon stopping, he finally breathed out a small projectile of fire. "Pyro Sphere!"

But it only made the DarkTyrannomon angrier as it hit his chest, then he roared loudly and went to Guilmon, slapping him out of the way, he was now almost in front of Mou and grabbed him by his waist, lifting him up. "You interfered with me and my dinner. You will pay!"

"Argh!" Mou grunted as he was lifted, he struggled to get off the aggressor's grasp.

"Oh no..." Rika gasped in her mind.

"Mou!" both Takato and Henry shouted.

"Mou!" yelled Guilmon, getting nervous and trying to stand up after the blow he had received.

"Guilmon! You have to digivolve!" Takato gripped his Digivice in his hand; it started to let out a powerful gleam of bright light.

The same light soon engulfed Guilmon, and then his Digievolution sequence began.

"Guilmon digivolves to..." Guilmon's body began to change, his form was totally digitized and at the same time, it continued to change physically, starting to grow bigger and bigger. His body grew at least four times his normal size; two horns appeared over his head as well as something that looked like hair. His body started to get a more fit and well-endowed form with some muscles roaming throughout his legs and arms, which claws had become bigger and sharper. The new digimon's tail grew longer and thicker as fangs became visible in his muzzle. Guilmon finally finished his transformation and his body's data was added once again, revealing the huge red dinosaur now standing on the battlefield, the hair was white as snow and his eyes gleamed as yellow as before, "Growlmon!" he yelled.

"Woah..." Mou dropped his jaw in awe, Growlmon was plain huge.

"Help Mou, Growlmon!" Takato cheered.

"Pyro Blaster!" Growlmon growled, soon letting a blast of fire out of his mouth, which

impacted DarkTyrannomon and eventually made him drop to the ground, letting Mou spinning in air. However, Growlmon caught him in his huge claw, and then put him on his back.

DarkTyrannomon roared at this, he was interrupted again. He stood up and prepared to launch another Fire Blast, but Growlmon was now in front of him, a red blade had sprouted from the overgrown red lizard's right arm, "Dragon Slash!" he growled, then slashed across DarkTyrannomon's chest, cutting it open as the black tyrannosaurus rex fell on his back.

"Let's finish this!" Takato said, and then took out a card, reading it in his hand and nearing it to his Digivice, "Digi-Modify!" he slashed the Power Blast card through his Digivice and then yelled the code. "Power Blast Activate!"

Growlmon suddenly felt a rush of power, in his mouth, blazes raged and he soon opened his maw, letting a literally huge fireball come out as he roared. "PYRO BLASTER!!"

"UAAAGGHH!!" DarkTyrannomon groaned in pain, as his body was totally singed. When he couldn't sustain any more damage, his former strong body exploded into pixels, which soon turned into a stream of data.

"Way to go, Growlmon!" Takato cheered.

"Growlmon's so cool! He saved my life..." Mou thought, a smile drawing in his mouth.

All the stream of data flowed directly to Growlmon, who closed his eyes as the data entered inside his body, completing the uploading, thus becoming stronger than before. As soon as the process finished, Growlmon opened his eyes and smiled to his tamer. "Yay! I won!" Growlmon cheered happily, then looked back on Mou. "Mou? Are you okay?"

Mou couldn't help to blush from the bigger face staring on him, besides that Growlmon's face was plain cute and handsome. "Uhm... yes, t-thanks Growlmon."

"Growlmon's glad you are okay!" Growlmon said in his deeper, but still characteristically childish voice.

"Growlmon, you can put him down." Takato laughed.

"All right." Growlmon nodded and grabbed Mou in one of his massive claws, then gently placed his friend on the ground.

"Thanks you two." Mou smiled gently to both of them.

"Just glad you are all right, that DarkTyrannomon almost made you his personal dinner." Henry said, he was holding Terriermon tightly against his chest, trying to give him some warmth and comfort while he slept to recover his energy.

However, nothing alike was with Rika and Renamon, as Rika was walking away, and Renamon weakly followed as she held her arm with one paw. "Renamon. You better expect a punishment for today's performance."

"Yes... Rika." Renamon said, then lowered her head and disappeared using her kitsune magic.

"Wait a minute..." Mou said, then walked forward to Rika. "You can't punish her after she suffered such damage. She did her best and you are just not satisfied?"

Rika stopped for a bit. "Digimon are nothing else than data, their only purpose is to fight and Renamon will do whatever I want, she's MY digimon, so leave her alone. Understand?" she frowned, and then continued walking.

"Rika..." Mou gripped his fists together.

"There's no use in trying to reason with her." Henry sighed.

"She won't change her attitude, it's a lost cause." Takato added.

"Well... maybe for now I won't mess, but I still feel sorry for Renamon." Mou sighed after his comment.

Just then, Growlmon's belly growled, he was hungry again. "Uhm... Takato, I'm hungry."

"Right now?" the brown haired tamer blinked his eyes. "Sigh- okay."

"I better go home, I have to treat Terriermon with some medicine." Henry told the group before walking away and waving his hand to them.

"Alright, bye Henry!" Takato and Mou bid farewell and then looked back on Growlmon.

"Well, I better bring Growlmon to the park quickly, I'll devolve him and then I'll feed him, we'll see you, Mou!" Takato grinned, then looked on Growlmon. "Let's go boy!"

"Bye Takato! Bye Growlmon! And thanks again!" Mou grinned and waved his hand as both digimon and tamer went away running as fast as they could.

That night...

Mou was at his home, which were only a few streets from the park, he was kind of doubtful of today's events. First, why did he blush when Growlmon looked at him? Second, why did he feel even better after being so close with him? It was really strange to him... this was a feeling he couldn't really understand, and it was plain different from the one he always felt for the red dinosaur before. But he wanted to know more about this, and the only way to find out was to go and see Guilmon himself, he still wanted to go to him to thank him again. After all, Guilmon had saved the boy's life that day.

And so, Mou left his own home to go to the park. Upon reaching it, he eyed the shelter where Guilmon was supposed to be, and then thought to himself. "Why do I all of a sudden feel so...nervous?"

He took a deep breath to calm down, then walked up to the shelter. "Guilmon?" Mou said, "Guilmon, are you there?"

"Nnnnnh?" the lizard snored as he woke up from his sleep. Takato had done as he had previously and said Guilmon was well, Guilmon, again. The red dinosaur stood up and walked ahead in front of Mou, next to the fence. The digimon yawned, then blinked a few moments as he looked on Mou. "Mou? What happened? Did you come to play?"

Mou blushed a bit. "Uhm... nope. Guilmon, actually I..." Mou's tongue seemed locked inside his mouth, how could he explain a feeling so complicated to a creature with the concentration of a Swiss Cheese? "Can I get inside? It's kind of cold here."

"Oh! Sure!" Guilmon nodded, then reached to the fence and opened it to let Mou inside, which immediately entered and closed the fence. Afterwards, Mou sat down on the ground in the shelter and in front of Guilmon.

"What happened?" asked Guilmon.

"Guilmon... I... I wanted to thank you for what you did today."

"What did I do?" the creature asked, oblivious of what Mou was talking about.

"For saving me from DarkTyrannomon." Mou explained.

"That's no problem!" Guilmon giggled. "You made my tail not hurt!"

"Well, that's true, but I could do that every time, you saved my life today, and you had never done that for me before." Mou smiled.

As Mou actually knew how to make Guilmon understand, it was matter of seconds before the red lizard understood. "Oh, then it's okay!"

Mou smiled once again, he wanted to do something else now, and so he stood up and walked nearby Guilmon, then sat down just besides the digimon, "You are my best friend, you knew that?" Mou finally gathered enough courage to hug Guilmon softly. It was no new thing for him, but this time, it did feel different indeed, all because of that feeling.

Guilmon wasn't confused at all, so he giggled happily as he returned the warm hug. "Thanks Mou! You are one of my best friends too!"

Mou blushed, he could see Guilmon's tail swishing happily as they hugged. Mou was considering something else at the moment, and he thought quickly. "Uhmm... Guilmon? Can I ask you a question?"

"Is it about maths? Takato says I suck in maths..." Guilmon responded, lowering his ears.

Mou giggled, "No, it's not about maths." He then sighed and broke the hug, staring on the childy digimon's cute face. "It is about... us."

"Hmm?" Guilmon cocked his head to the side, not getting what Mou meant.

"Guilmon... I... I need to tell you something really important." Mou said. He was about to say something else. However, Guilmon neared his face to the human's.

Mou was now redder than a tomato and he couldn't speak. Guilmon took a sniff of Mou's face and noted something. "You smell funny Mou. You are sweating."

At this, Mou only got even more nervous. By this point, he couldn't hold it any longer, and finally, he closed his eyes. The second after that... he had his lips pressed against Guilmon's. Mou had kissed the dinosaur's mouth.

Guilmon only blinked, he didn't know what that meant or anything, being a virgin and

all, he was plainly oblivious of what kisses were.

A minute or two passed. Mou had his lips still connected with Guilmon's. The scaly digimon wouldn't be able to say it then, but he actually liked this a lot, it was something new for him, but it felt really good at the same time.

Though finally Guilmon dared to speak. "Uhm... M-Mou? What are we playing?"

Mou gasped, before breaking the kiss, then looked on Guilmon plainly embarrassed.

"Uhh... I... w-we weren't exactly... playing..."

"What were we doing then?" Guilmon smiled. "It felt nice."

"We were... k-kissing." Mou said while shaking.

Guilmon giggled cutely. "I like kisses!"

Mou sighed. "I knew I shouldn't have done that, I should have asked permission before," but he stopped. "What? You liked it?"

"Of course! It was really nice! Can we play kissing again?" Guilmon smiled, eagerly waiting for another kiss.

Mou hadn't had any other choice than keep playing with this little digimon. Besides, he was too cute to ignore that attitude, and further more, Mou seemed to want Guilmon now.

And so it happened away, but this time, Mou was sure, he wanted this to go perfect. So he decided to instruct Guilmon, "Let's see, to play this, you need to put your claws on my shoulders. Like this." He put his hands on Guilmon's broad shoulders, staring on his eyes, as he blushed even more.

As for Guilmon, he perfectly did as he was told and put his claws on Mou's shoulders and smiled, wagging his tail eagerly.

Mou kept getting redder, but this time, he was sure about what he'd do. The human closed his face to Guilmon's and then pressed his skinny lips against Guilmon's scaly mouth.

Mou could feel the chill of how wet and cold Guilmon's scales were, so he closed his

eyes to enjoy the moment. Guilmon, wanting to play the game in the right way, mimicked Mou and closed his eyes, then tried to do his best to imitate his friend, trying to kiss him back this time. The dinosaur might've been naïve, but he learned fast. And now, both were enjoying a deep, calm yet very passionate kissing. Until Mou decided to go even further, that is, he pressed his tongue against Guilmon's lips, like asking him permission to enter.

Guilmon didn't know what this meant, but he still opened his mouth, it was obvious that Mou's tongue was eager to enter there. But the red lizard's doubts were soon gone as Mou wrapped the reptilian tongue around his human one to start frenching him. Every bad thought or slight consideration of that maybe this was wrong was washed away from both males' minds. The frenching was of both guys' liking; it felt amazing and the two were enjoying it like hell.

"Mmnh... you kiss very well, Guilmon." Mou moaned, playing with Guilmon's tongue harder.

"Nnnghh... thank you. You too." Guilmon muffed. The kissing was so deep and he was so lost in it that he barely even realized what he was saying or doing anymore.

"Guilmon..." Mou muttered as he stopped kissing. "You aren't enjoying this?"

Guilmon snapped out and smiled widely at Mou, trails of saliva from both of them ran down on his muzzle. "I enjoyed! I enjoyed!"

Mou felt this was the right time, what could they lose from trying? The teenager pulled off his jacket smiling. "Hey Guilmon... have you ever had sex?"

"What's that? Another game?" Guilmon perked up both ears, expecting a yes as answer.

"Not really, it's something really good friends do. We are really good friends, right?" Mou let out a warm smile.

Guilmon nodded and grinned. "We are! You are my bestest friend!" he said.

"Well, if you liked kissing... then you'll love to do this." Mou smiled once again. "Why don't you help me with my clothes?"

"Oh, sure!" the lizard went to the jacket on the ground and picked it up, handing it to

Mou so he put it on. "Here's your jacket!"

Mou laughed a bit, "No, Guilmon, I meant, that you and I must be naked, so you have to take off all my clothes." He explained, taking off his snickers and socks, rapidly unbuttoning his pants.

"Ohh... okey dokey!" Guilmon smiled and let the jacket on the ground near the socks and snickers. He then went to Mou's shirt and slowly striped it off him with care, making sure his claws wouldn't rip it off.

"There, good job." Mou smiled and blushed deeply, he was being stripped by a digimon... and this felt... so good.

After Guilmon was done with Mou's shirt, he helped him with his pants, but then he remembered something from a talk with Takato, "Uhm... but here's your penis." Guilmon lowered his ears, stopping. "Takato says I shouldn't stare at other boy's penises."

Guilmon may have had the intelligence of a peacock, but Takato somehow had managed to make him understand the difference between boys and girls. As for why he had to explain everything about how girls have vaginas and boys have penises; so Guilmon wouldn't follow anyone to the bathroom, knowing that they shouldn't stare at their privates. But Takato's explanations hadn't reached sex, yet, something that Mou was in charge of teaching right then.

And that's exactly what he intended to do, as he said: "That's exactly why I want you to take them down, I want you to see it... I also want to see yours, so we can have sex, after that."

"But Takato said,"

And Mou cut him short, placing a finger on his mouth. "Let's forget what Takato has said... at least for today. Sex isn't a bad thing, I promise you are going to love it."

Guilmon nodded and smiled. "Okay Mou! I always trust you!"

Mou smiled kindly to Guilmon, then spread his legs just slightly so Guilmon could pull down easier.

And at this, Guilmon did what he was supposed to and slid down the boy's pants. Mou was finally semi-nude, only his underwear on.

"There... now, let's show our dicks together at the same time, okay?" Mou grinned.

Guilmon was eager for this kind of game, so he placed his claw on his crotch, just above his protective pouch while nodding and grinning.

"1, 2... 3!!" Mou said and pulled down his underwear completely, his limp cock and ball sack in view for Guilmon.

Same as Guilmon, he had pulled out his prick from the pouch, revealing a thick red lizard rod, still limp.

Mou whistled. "Wow you are big..."

Guilmon grinned; he had taken his friend's words as an obvious compliment. "Thanks!"

"Well then... we'll start now, lay on your back and I'll tell you what you have to do."

"Okay." The digimon nodded and lay on his back on the ground, he involuntarily spread his legs.

And Mou neared Guilmon, he wouldn't admit it then either, but he was lusty for this lizard, the stench coming from Guilmon's cock was so enticing... Mou had to try to do something with it and he was getting horny now.

"What now?" asked Guilmon. But Mou got in front of him, nearing his face to the lizard's.

"Be patient, I'll show you," Mou said while kissing Guilmon once again.

Guilmon only accepted the kiss and closed his eyes in anticipation. However, Mou almost immediately broke the kiss and went down, running his hand down Guilmon's chest, slowly dragging down his belly, finally to his crotch.

The boy stared on the reptilian cock, it was long and thick, but it wasn't strange at all, it rather looked normal. Mou was too eager to inspect it though, and then he shyly put a hand on top of Guilmon's dick just so both of them could feel something new.

The touch was soft, yet hard for Guilmon, he had never been touched there, and something was clear... he loved it. "Ohhh... Mou I feel strange..."

"That's pleasure. It's what you get when you start having sex."

"Sex is great!" Guilmon grinned, cheerful as ever.

"Well, this isn't sex yet. This is called: 'Foreplay'" Mou told his mate.

"Well, Flower Play is great!" Guilmon felt great as his innocence and naivety talked for himself. The touch, already was making Guilmon's hormones react to this, thus began to work his horniness quickly. The dinosaur's cock soon started to grow and expand, getting harder as the process continued.

Mou smiled and shook his head, "Not Flower Play, it's fore-" but he stopped in mid-sentence, his jaw dropping in awe from the sight of the red dick growing bigger and longer than it previously was. Guilmon was a Rookie digimon, but his member was quite big. Mou wanted to finish this teasing soon, so he rubbed the cock harder instead of massaging it, which made Guilmon whimper and moan. And as the erection had totally taken control of Guilmon's dick, Mou could admire the full size of seven and a half inches that Guilmon had between his legs. "Mmnh... it's so big... let's see what can I do."

Guilmon kept moaning, but now because Mou had grasped the cock in his right hand. The human started to jerk him, stroking the shaft up and down swiftly, "Ahh... M-Mou, that feels... good." A lusty Guilmon said, totally overwhelmed by the new feeling his body was experimenting.

Mou looked on the cock, he thought of something, "I wonder how does it taste..." and so he decided to try, neared his face to Guilmon's penis, the previous scent from the digimon's arousal was strong, and even more after the erection, having it near was actually making Mou even more lusty for Guilmon's rod.

Mou opened his mouth a bit, and then his human tongue came out, neared the mushroom head Guilmon's thick cock possessed and then slurped it a bit.

"Nnnghh!! Ohh!!" This was too much for Guilmon, his claws gripped the rocky ground of the shelter and broke it slightly, the sensitive meat was throbbing, and white sticky precum even was dripping from Guilmon's pee hole already!

Mou nervously lapped at the white substance, trying the taste, it wasn't bad at all. This made him curious for more. "Are you liking this Guilmon?"

Guilmon had his eyes mid-closed and his mouth slightly open as he panted. "Uh-huh..."

"Great. You'll like this a lot more!" Mou grinned, then opened his mouth more and took the head of Guilmon's dick between his lips, then quickly opened wide to swallow it inside.

"OHHHH!!" Guilmon whimpered as a sudden rush of pleasure hit him like a wall of bricks.

"Mmnh..." Mou muttered as he opened wide, then clamped down around his lips to accommodate, then start dancing with his tongue around the dick's head.

"Mou... nnngh. Ahhh..." Guilmon could only moan now, he didn't know why, but he was feeling the best in his whole life since he came out from that Digivice and joined Takato as a team. Not even a mountain of bread covered in peanut butter could match this bliss.

Mou felt good doing this, he didn't want to stop pleasuring the lizard, and he kept licking the cock inside his mouth and then deep-throated the whole meat. Soon, the boy was bobbing his head up and down on his cock, his right hand grabbing his shaft and jerking it along with the mouth sucking. At the same time, Mou's left hand cupped the proportionally big testicles that Guilmon possessed, playing with them until the dinosaur couldn't help it any longer. The sexual climax was about to reach it's peek as Guilmon kept whimpering and yelping in pleasure. Until finally, "M-Mou! I-I need to go to...PEE!! AHHHH!!" he grunted. A wave of the lizard's cum came out Guilmon and went straight inside Mou's mouth, who drank the sperm eagerly. The taste was incredibly good, and Mou kept sucking it for a while until eventually coming to a stop. Guilmon had cummed lots inside Mou's mouth, the stream of the white liquid had entered Mou consecutively as he was sucking and licking. Surprisingly enough, for Mou it had been like drinking from a small bottle of mineral water, in size rather than in taste. As it had been a blissful taste.

Mou removed the cock from his mouth and looked on Guilmon's face. Guilmon was very agitated, sweat drops dripped on his forehead and on his whole body, his tongue was out and he was panting like a dog. "Did you enjoy that?"

Guilmon managed to smile, until he was recovered completely after 20 seconds later. "It was great! But... uhh... I'm sorry."

"Sorry? For what?" Mou questioned.

"I didn't mean to pee in your... mouth." Guilmon admitted, oblivious he just had had his first orgasm.

"Don't worry, that wasn't pee. That's something you get when you please your partner to the max!" Mou grinned.

"Oh! Then you won the game! Yay!" Guilmon cheered.

Mou sighed in relief, what he had done had been 'great' for his best friend, and he seemed to have enjoyed as much as he did, giving his friend a blowjob.

"Do you want more?" Mou asked, grinning, he was looking at Guilmon's swishing tail.

Guilmon nodded. "Ohh, yes! Please!" he clapped his claws together twice, showing he was ready and eager for more.

Mou then convinced Guilmon to shift on his belly, and then asked him to rise his butt and his tail high.

"Like that?" Guilmon asked.

"Yeah, like that," Mou grinned, creeping closer until he got hold of both red ass cheeks.

"You stay still and enjoy again, okay?"

"Alright, UGH!" Guilmon moaned. Mou had started to run his tongue on the scaly digimon's tail base. That place was INCREDIBLY sensitive for Guilmon, and it brought too much pleasure to the Rookie. He was almost on the verge to his second orgasm, when Mou pushed his tongue inside Guilmon's virgin hole, this was too much.

"Ahhh!! MOU!!! NNNGHHH!!" he couldn't take it anymore, and he ejaculated once more, the ground getting covered with the white liquid coming out Guilmon's penis.

Mou kept up with the rimming job until three more minutes had passed, Guilmon had stopped at the first two, but Mou just was experimenting something he had done with girls, but never with a boy, so he wanted to try the most he could. He loved the fact of being licking Guilmon's asshole, but he soon retreated his tongue.

"A-and?" Mou gasped, he was getting a bit tired already, but he kept up. "Did you like that too?"

"It felt... really good." Guilmon panted, then feel on his belly, Mou turned him around however and kissed his mouth. Guilmon felt as if he was totally recovered after the kiss and eagerly returned it, both stayed locked in it for few minutes before Mou broke it.

"Guilmon..." Mou blushed. "I need you to do something else with your penis..."

"Uhm... yes?" Guilmon lowered his ears, tilting his head sideways, as he didn't understand.

Mou blushed even more, then stepped sideways and gave Guilmon's his back, quickly getting on all fours himself. "Put your dick inside my... butt."

"Are you sure?" Guilmon asked while standing up and walking up to Mou, the reptilian dick was still hard and long. "I don't think it will fit..."

Mou nodded to him from the back. "Go ahead, you'll feel even better than what I did before."

Guilmon couldn't believe what he was hearing, he had felt so good, and ramming his cock up his friend's ass would make himself feel EVEN better? Well, he was asking for it, so why not? "Alright Mou."

And then Guilmon tried mounting Mou, when he got on top, he rubbed the head's cock on the human's butt to make sure he'd be able to push in, "A-are you ready? M-Mou?" Guilmon asked between gasps and moans.

Mou closed one eye and nodded slowly, "Go ahead..." his eyes widened all of a sudden. "AHHH!!!"

Guilmon had rammed himself without any care at all, the whole meat had penetrated the boy's anus all the way in until Guilmon's ball sack hit Mou's butt. "Nnghhh!! You were r-right! This feels OHHH!"

"Nnghh!! Guilmon!! Take it... back! A bit..." Mou gasped.

Guilmon panicked a bit at the thought that he could be hurting Mou, but he did as he was told. The red being simply pushed back the cock, while he did that though, Mou started to feel much better and told Guilmon to stop.

"Uhm... are you alright?" Guilmon asked curiously and concerned about his friend.

"Yes I am..." Mou panted once. "You can go on."

"How do I do?" Guilmon questioned.

"Just thrust your hips forward, then back wards. Just, don't do it so hard, okay?" Mou explained patiently.

"Okay!" Guilmon accepted, then placed his claws on Mou's butt for support, then slowly entered his cock inside. Both Guilmon and Mou felt really good with this happening, it was an incredible feeling unknown till now for both of them.

Mou could feel himself sweating over, this feeling was driving him horny and wild, he didn't care about pain anymore. And as Guilmon brought his dick back, then forward again he told him: "Go harder... faster."

Guilmon nodded, he was lost in the ecstasy once again and his primal instincts were taking over already, the only thing he could do was continue humping and pick up rhythm.

"Ohhhh!! Mmmngh!" both groaned in pleasure, their eyes shut as they enjoyed the pleasurable moment. Guilmon was very good synchronized with his thrusts and managed to reach the peek of his orgasm again, but this time he was holding it for some reason, it seemed he had learnt he could make Mou enjoy more if he waited.

"Nnghh... G-Guilmon..." Mou moaned.

"Mou... I... I want to... again..." Guilmon announced, as he could hold it no longer after three more minutes had passed.

"Release it in me... let me feel it... ohh yes..." Mou gasped.

"He-here it comes!!" Guilmon growled, then he gave a last hump of hips before releasing the last big load of seed inside Mou's rectum, filling his ass walls with the lizard's cum.

"Nnngh! AHHH!"

"Ohhh! Guilmon!!" Mou called out in bliss. And when he couldn't take it any more, he fell on his stomach, panting.

And Guilmon did the same, but he retreated his cock before doing so, he knew Mou had had enough.

Once both of them were fully recovered once again, well, not fully. But rather enough to talk and move, Mou shifted on his back, his cock was erected, showing the six and half inches of length he had to offer.

Guilmon looked on the cock and thought of something. "Mou... is it okay... if I lick your penis too?"

Mou blushed. "I'd love if you did that."

Guilmon only smiled at the comment, then got up and crawled to Mou. "Uhm... how do I do it?"

"Just try to do it as I did to you." Mou smiled, spreading his legs for his friend.

Guilmon stared on the hard cock, then touched it with one of his claws, he got a moan from Mou as result, "Well, here I go!" he smiled contently, then stuck out his large and

long lizard tongue, going straightly to lick the whole shaft with the tongue.

"Nghh... Guilmon... that's it... yes..." Mou grunted from the pleasure, he was already too horny.

At this, Guilmon only responded with his tongue licking even harder and faster, soon enveloping the whole meat in his tongue. However, Guilmon already had in mind what he wanted to do, so he literally swallowed the cock down his throat, "Mmmnh." Guilmon moaned as he started bobbing his head up and down fast, a little too fast for how Mou had done to him previously. Still, Mou presented no complains and was rather enjoying this hard treatment.

"Guilmon... ahh..." Mou moaned louder, his body was sweating more and he was panting like mad, one of his hands was now on Guilmon's head to pet and caress it as he received his blowjob. The human could almost feel his orgasm hitting him.

Guilmon twitched his ears as he received the caresses, and paid Mou with a harder suckling, suctioning the penis in his maw until Mou couldn't hold it any longer.

"Guilmon... ahhh!! AHHH!!" the boy yelped, not able to sustain it any more and finally released his load inside the reptile's mouth, giving him his tasty reward for once and for all.

"Mmmnh!" Guilmon almost gagged with the seed, he had lots of it to taste in his mouth and in that way, and he slowly swallowed until all of it was down his throat going to his stomach through his esophagus. But this felt so good... it felt even greater to have his seed in his mouth.

Four long minutes later, Guilmon stopped cumming, and then he retreated his mouth from grasping Mou's member; both males seemed at last satisfied.



Both hugged each other, then felt asleep together.

The next morning...

Mou woke up, Guilmon was at his side, it was so nice to wake up and see him. It was awkward at first, but it felt nice still. He eyed his clothes, he had to put them on before Takato came back, but he was lucky enough and put on his clothes before he came. Takato came to Guilmon half hour later anyways, and by then Mou had set up anything pretty clean and neatly so there wouldn't be any suspicions. Before Mou went away, he kissed his best friend's cheek, and then went away walking back home with his clothes on now.

The End.

"Takato and Guilmon encountered themselves, and they continued with their lives, thankfully Guilmon didn't tell anything as Mou asked him to keep this in secret for now."

"Terriermon lived quite fine and normal as before even after he received such a beating from DarkTyrannomon, and Henry started to let him fight. Both of them became an inseparable team."

"Renamon was about to leave Rika after this incident, but she came to her senses after hearing Mou once again. Mou, who told her the truth about how Renamon felt, then confronted Rika and finally she started to understand that Digimon were more than just data and that they had feelings. Renamon at last had her perfect teammate."

"This was my story... yes, you might wonder what happened to us, well..."

Guilmon and Takato survived long striving battles throughout time along with Henry, Rika and their digimon. In the course of that time, I made my visits more frequent to my red scaled friend, and guess what? Yes, we became lovers; we stayed with our own story of love and care... with our former friendship as base, now we don't trust anyone more than each other. I didn't even have to explain to Guilmon what love was... he found out for himself, this was impressive even for me. But he has matured a lot throughout all this time.

And now, I can fully say, I have my own mate... my friend... my love...

Well, hope you have enjoyed this! I personally love Guilmon too, hehe. Well anyways, if you wanna drop a word, contact me with these!

[email protected]

[email protected]

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3: Chasing Shadows

Hi there! This is DragonMasterX, transmitting from- err... whoops; I got mixed up with rols. Anyways, here is my continuation for this series called Revelations and Destiny of the young ones. Or Rev, to simplify it. Disclaimer: I don't own...

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Chapter 2: A matter of Trust

Hi there! This is DragonMasterX, transmitting from- err... whoops; I got mixed up with rols. Anyways, here is my continuation for this series called Revelations and Destiny of the young ones. Or Rev, to simplify it. Disclaimer: I don't own...

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Chapter 1: The new Kid

Hi there! This is DragonMasterX, transmitting from- err... whoops, I got mixed up with rols. Anyways, here is my first non-hentai fic for all of you to enjoy, this will be for my new series. Disclaimer: I don't own digimon, neither Toei and...

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