Studying Hard

Story by rfusa on SoFurry

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_All right guys, people have said I'm an okay writer, but this is my first: Fictional 'story', furry piece, yiffy piece, single piece of writing ever over 1500 words, OR publicly posted work. AND I'm a virgin, for pete's sake. lol

Anyways, all that aside, I hope you enjoy some hot, steamy, wolf on 'yena m/m action, and PLEASE criticize it to pieces and give me suggestions. (As long as it's constructive... and you give it a good rating. hehe) It's the only way I can get better. :) Anyways, on to the show~_

Studying Hard

The second he stepped out the door, bright morning sunlight peeking through the dense trees to the east hit Taylor in the face like a brick. "Aah... Shit." he said, as he reflexively swung a paw up to block the assault of light. The nice days like these, in-between the sometimes lengthy bouts of clouds and rain, made it easy for the hyena to snap out of his usual almost-drunken morning haze and start into his daily, monotonous rhythm.

Almost every day was exactly the same... he was getting sick of it. Waking up at 7:00 in the morning, tiptoeing out of his tiny, cluttered, closet-like space they called a room, being very quiet as to not wake up his roommates. Then taking a long, hot morning shower which he spent almost entirely blankly staring at the tiles in the wall, just inches from his muzzle. After finishing toweling off, he would return to the room, slip on a loose pair of briefs, baggy pants, and a t-shirt... all the while still half-asleep and following his droning routine like some kind of robot. It was kind of nice, really; it was almost like tricking his brain into thinking it had another hour of sleep, while getting a usually boring part of the day out of the way. Taylor remembered none of this, however. The sleepy romp subconsciously tucked away in some part of his memory that would get rid of it when needed; like to make room for remembering the experience he was to have not too long from then...

"Ugh..." Taylor mumbled, his mind still reeling from his temporary blindness, rubbing his eyes to regain his vision a little more quickly. After a quick shake of the head and grabbing his wound-up headphones out of his pocket, the hyena began the trek to his first class of that day, (and every day,) chemistry. Even though it was so early, and chem. was a subject that he never really felt much of a passion for, it was Taylor's favorite class for one reason and one reason only...

As he closed his eyes, walking blind for a short length along a straight section of path, Taylor recalled images of the hunky grey wolf he had the pleasure of occasionally sitting near in the huge lecture hall. A smile crept up the sides of his mouth as he remembered the few times the usually quiet wolf actually looked at him, smiling before quickly turning back to his notebook, and even fantasizing about him doing some things that he was certain would never really happen. The hyena sighed and looked down, opening his eyes to stare at the quickly passing ground beneath his feet and thinking to himself, 'Hell, I don't even know his name... What if he sits near me again, what do I say? Do I say anything?... What if I try to make a move? What if HE tries to make a mov-' Taylor's eyes shot up as he noticed something big right in front of him. Almost reflexively he sidestepped, barely missing a freshman cheetah, looking confused and obviously lost as he seemed to be scouring a small map to find where his next class was. "Damn freshmen..." Taylor mumbled under his breath, pressing on, his mind too focused on other things to bother helping out the newcomer with directions.

The crisp morning air was just starting to soak through his clothes, causing a shiver to run down his spine as Taylor rounded the last brick building on his morning path, the lecture hall where he would spend the next hour or so coming into view. He sighed as his mind began to refocus after snapping out of his daydreams. Taylor hated most of these lectures. Sitting around for an hour, only to jot down a few notes, and if he was lucky he would actually learn something useful.

He made his way through the building, dodging a few near-collisions with other furs in a hurry to either find or get to their classes on time, arriving at the huge hall without a second thought. After entering and (as usual) finding almost every spot in the front half of the class, Taylor made his way up the shallow steps to the back of the auditorium to the very back, where he, and that wolf he had been fantasizing about just a few minutes earlier, usually sat; a few rows from the back and a handful of seats from the outer walkway. He didn't really have a favorite seat, but Taylor would always be in the same area. There was hardly ever anyone around to be too distracting or too noisy in case he wanted a little nap. The closest furs were a lion too into his music to even notice he existed, and a young mouse girl with enough note-taking equipment to take up two adjacent desks. The privacy was pretty great. Today, however, he felt pretty dozy after the early walk and the cold morning air, so soon after his backpack hit the floor and he got settled into his seat, the hyena swiveled out the tiny desk hidden in the side of the chair and began napping, resting his tired head on his crossed arms.

It seemed as if he had just fallen asleep when Taylor was awoken from his little nap by what felt like a little piece of paper brushing against his head and falling to the floor. His brain still in a haze, he didn't take much notice to the small scrap, just lifting his head a bit and shifting in his seat before settling back down. As his brain began to snap out of its groggy haze, he became curious as to how something could've... fallen on him. Taylor slowly sat up and yawed, glancing over at the clock as he slowly came to, just to see he had already missed out on the first twenty minutes of the lecture, the boring and monotonous voice of the professor quite easy to nap to. The hyena shook his head in another attempt to fully wake himself up, as he gripped the front edge of his desk and peered over, spotting a little folded scrap of paper on the ground in front of him.

Taylor reached down over the front edge of the little desk, straining and stretching his arm before finally being able to grab the paper with his clawtips, quickly snapping back into his chair to relieve the tension. He unfolded the paper, only to see a short message scribbled on the inside: "you looked like you want some, hyena. basement bathroom, now. i'm not gonna wait long." He quickly looked about, trying to who dropped the note, or if anyone was just messing with him and stifling their laughter... but didn't see either. He blushed a bit as he read over the paper again, thoughts racing through his head. 'Is it him?... could he really want... is it some kind of trap?' After a few moments, he decided he might as well walk down there and see; he could always run in a worst-case scenario, he reasoned to himself. The hyena slowly stood, leaving his backpack and notebook behind and quietly slipping out of the large classroom, his heart pounding and mind racing, considering what and who it was that left him such a... suggestive note.

He made his way downstairs to the smaller and usually deserted basement of the large hall, his sheath already starting to fill out and tent his thin pants. Taylor had never been down there before since it was mostly just storage for the classrooms, but the bathroom was easy enough to find just down the hall from the bottom of the stairs. The hyena slowly made his way through the hallway to the only lit room on the floor, the light leaking out from under the door easily visible in the dark. He slowly put a trembling paw to the door, hesitating for a moment before gently giving a push, his sweaty paw on the cold metal sending a chill up his spine.

The first thing Taylor noticed was the smell of stale piss that lingered in the dirty bathroom, the aroma feeling like it punched him in the nose. The whole bathroom was dingy, as if it hadn't been cleaned in years, the lighting coming from a sole dangling lightbulb in the middle of the room. He thought he saw some movement in the corner of his eye and glanced to his left, laying his eyes upon that big wolf he had been fantasizing about leaning back against one of the stall doors, his paws in the pockets of his loose shorts and one foot up against the wall in front of him. When Taylor walked in, he simply froze as the wolf just slowly strolled over, his muscular frame towering about a foot over the skinny hyena as he grinned confidently down on the smaller student, still somewhat surprised that he actually came.

"So you were checking me out after all... heh," the wolf said with a smirk, leaning down to playfully nuzzle at the hyena's ear. "What's your name, anyways?"

"T-Taylor..." he squeaked, still nervous and lightly trembling, his mind a buzz with thoughts of what the bigger wolf could do with him.

"Aww...", the wolf said, lifting a big paw and gently placing it on his shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt ya... unless you're into that kind of thing. Hehe, name's Jake," he said with a chuckle, gently rubbing the side of the little hyena's head in an attempt to calm him down a bit. "So... what say we forget the formalities and get started, we don't want to miss much class now do we?"

"Oh... y-yeah," Taylor replied, forcing a nervous smile as he averted his eyes from Jake's gaze and looked down. He thought he could already make out a considerable bulge in the wolf's shorts, and could've swore he saw it throb and grow a bit before Jake grabbed him firmly by the shoulders and walked him into the stall.

As the squeaky door swung shut, the wolf slowly wrapped his arms around Taylor's sides and delved under his shirt, rubbing and teasing at his soft tummyfur as he leaned down to nuzzle the smaller fur's neck. "Mmm. If you wanna stop just say so... but I really need this," he said as he slipped a paw down under Taylor's loose waistband to grope at the rapidly thickening sheath.

Taylor lifted his head and moaned as he felt his plump sheath being toyed with, the soft fingerpads tracing along its sides as it throbbed and grew with every beat of his pounding heart. The wolf didn't want to waste time however, and before Taylor realized it he had unbuttoned his pants, hooked his thumbs around the stretchy waistband of his briefs, and essentially pantsed the hyena, a cute 'Eep!' escaping his muzzle, that Jake couldn't help but chuckle at.

Taylor blushed and gasped, a little embarrassed at having his rear exposed like this to someone he just met not five minutes earlier. He felt Jake's sharp clawtips trace their way up the back of his bared legs before grasping and spreading his rumpcheeks roughly, causing him to stumble a bit with his ankles still bound by the fabric of his baggy pants. He only felt a few tiny puffs of air from the wolf's gentle breathing before arching his back and moaning loudly as he felt Jake's soft wet tongue slither across his pucker, bolts of pleasure tingling up his back.

Jake made sure to get the Taylor's entrance nice and wet as he continued rimming his warm hole, enjoying the small gasps and murrs constantly coming from the little hyena. Moving his fingers closer and pulling the entrance apart more, Jake slipped his slick tongue through the fleshy ring, taking deep breaths and savoring the strong clean musk emanating from the soft spot under the quivering spotty tail.

The hyena moaned out again, trying to restrain himself yet still shallowly bucking his hips at the wonderful sensations coming from his tailhole as the wet tongue snaked its way in along his smooth walls. With his eyes closed and panting heavily, he had a hard time keeping his balance as the wolf intently worked at his quivering hole, his hyena cock already out of his sheath and hard, dripping on the lid of the toilet in front of them. Seemingly as soon as it began, though, he felt the slimy tongue pulled from his hole with a barely audible slurp, the hyena releasing a deep breath in tandem at the amazing feeling. Almost immediately after he stopped, before Taylor had time to draw in another breath, Jake roughly thrust two of his big pawpads into the loosened hole, causing the hyena to gasp loudly, opening his muzzle and eyes wide with surprise.

Taylor's tailhole stung a bit at the sudden intrusion, the large fingers slowly turning and wiggling to slowly relieve the gentle burning and stinging from being stretched too quickly. Jake made sure that the hyena had enough time to get adjusted to the larger girth spreading his tailhole and very slowly began to slip in a third digit. Taylor breathed in sharply through his teeth; the burning feeling stronger as he was stretched wide by the wolf's oversized paws.

"You all right?" questioned Jake, stopping in concern that he would hurt the little guy.

"Yeah, just-yeah... It's all right... keep going."

A louder grunt echoed through the empty bathroom as the third pawpad slipped in, both of them taking a moment to rest and get adjusted. Taylor slowly drew in and released a few more deep breaths before nodding, trying to signify he was ready to move on. Moments later, he felt the pads slowly drag against his inner walls as Jake began to thrust in, the pressure on his sensitive prostate making his shaft bob and spurt pre more profusely now, little strands criss-crossing across the dingy toilet lid. The wolf was just beginning to work up a rhythm before quickly pulling all three fingers out, leaving the hyena to moan and whine at being emptied so suddenly.

"All right, it's about time..." said Jake in his booming voice as he stood up again, "I haven't came in a while, hyena... you've already got me all hard." He said with a smirk as he began to undo his shorts, seeing the hyena turn his head and look back, still blushing and panting.

Taylor's jaw dropped when he saw the wolf lift his shirt and drop his pants, exposing his already dripping eleven-inch cock, swollen knot and all. The hyena couldn't help but let out a needy moan at the sight, knees beginning to buckle in anticipation as the wolf reached down to fondle the base of his throbbing length and his huge balls; he could barely see from his perspective, but Taylor could've swore they were like a pair of grey fuzzy oranges dangling between the wolf's muscular legs, full of seed and waiting to spill their contents into his tight, wet insides.

Jake smiled and used his free paw to gently push on the hyena's lower back, causing him to stumble forward, spreading his legs over the lidded bowl and catching his weight on the boxy back of the toilet, leaving his upturned rump in perfect position for the wolf. Jake stepped forward, placing a paw on the hyena's soft butt and curling his thumb around his tailbase. He then began to rub his cock up and down the length of the warm valley, constantly spurting pre from his tapered tip all along the crack, matting down the soft fine fur there. All the while, Taylor just panted in expectation, his stretched tailhole gaping and clenching of its own accord, just waiting to be filled with that slick wolfcock and pumped full of his creamy seed. The big wolf ground hard against the furry rump one last time, a gout of pre arcing over Taylor's tail and splattering on his back before Jake slowly positioned his tip at the hyena's awaiting hole and eased forward.

Taylor arched his back and gasped as the huge shaft began to penetrate him, feeling the wolf's hot pre constantly squirting into his rear and lubing the tight passageway. Thanks to his earlier stretching, it took only a few moments for the head to slip past his tight ring, causing his own shaft to flex and throb wildly. "Nnf~ o-oh!" he panted out, "K- Keep going..." Barely coherent enough to throw together words, the hyena lustfully ground back into Jake's crotch, trying to force more of that huge length in him.

"Mmm... looks like someone's... *grunt* done this before... heh," the wolf playfully said, pushing more of his weight forward and slowly sinking the rest of his length into the hot and slick rump. It was less than a minute before he had slid deep enough for his throbbing knot to bump and grind against the quivering tailhole of the panting hyena. The wolf gave him only a few seconds to get adjusted before slowly beginning to draw his cock back out of the eager hyena, eliciting a trailing moan from his tiny form before rather quickly thrusting the entire length back in, Taylor grunting loudly and bracing himself against the grimy back of the toilet and the wall as the huge cock plowed into his ass.

All Taylor could do was moan and hold on as the wolf began pounding into him harder and harder with every thrust, his massive balls heavy with their seed constantly slapping against his thighs. He could feel Jake get more erratic with his thrusting grunts, trying hard to finish himself off quickly and force his baseball-sized knot into the already stretched hole, squelching wetly and grinding it into the soft rump and spreading the slippery mix of pre and saliva around even more. He knew it... the wolf was getting close, the tell-tale pre-orgasmic throbs emanating through the thick cock buried in Taylor's tailhole.

Without warning Jake grabbed the hyena's slim hips tightly and pulled back, claws dimpling the flesh as he made one last hard thrust, rocking Taylor's slim body and causing him to cry out in an intense mix of pleasure and pain. The thick knot ground to a stop at the entrance, pulsed once and slipped in with an audible pop, locking him inside the moaning hyena and quickly pushing himself over the edge. The wolf's huge balls finally twitched upwards as his orgasm overtook him and began to pump of their viscous creamy seed into the hyena's already stuffed guts.

Wave after wave of the sticky wolf cum surged into the hyena's ass, the goopy white mix quickly filling him and flowing deep into his intestines as Jake made quick shallow humps into the quivering body beneath him, months worth of seed jetting out of his thick, throbbing length. He couldn't help but grin as he saw the little hyena, not being able to do anything but pant and stare at the wall as the wolf filled him, his belly visibly stretching to accommodate the wolf's huge load flowing through his slim abdomen. All the while, Jake continued to ride out his lengthy orgasm, still jabbing into Taylor with shallow hard thrusts, a few small drops of seed leaking out around the trapped knot and down the hyena's quivering balls.

Taylor closed his eyes and panted deeply, feeling the wolf's huge load finally begin to taper off, and just in time, too. He didn't know how much more of it he could take as he opened his eyes and slowly tilted his head down to look back under his legs. "Oh god~..." The hyena's knees buckled and he let out a half-moan, half-whine as he finally saw what the wolf had done to him, his once slim belly now a little bloated with Jake's hot cum visibly stretching his snug shirt and his length still throbbing and jetting pre onto the dingy toilet lid beneath him.

"Oh yeah... I needed that, 'yena..." Jake remarked upon hearing the whine beneath him, reaching up with both arms and putting a paw to Taylor's spotted rump while tracing his other around the soft hips to his front, using a single fingerpad of the other to teasingly rub just under the tip of the hyena's dripping cock, knowing he was already so close to orgasm.

"Hnn~... Nnf!~" Taylor panted through his teeth, involuntarily bucking his hips at the teasing paw and tugging at the wolf's still hard knot in his ass as he tried to get more friction on the single leathery pawpad. It didn't take more than a few seconds for the hyena to tense up and let out a deep moan, spraying his load all over the already messy toilet under him, several ropes of gooey white seed arcing across the lid onto the wall in front of him, just staring at the wall and letting his drool fall out of his agape muzzle as he rode out the intense orgasm.

Giving an unseen evil smirk as the little form quivered beneath him, the wolf braced himself against Taylor's rear with his paw and waited until the hyena's orgasm was almost over before roughly wrenching his hips backward. He could hear the hyena cry out as his abused tailhole was stretched to its limit again, taking a few seconds before his cock popped from the cumlogged ass with a loud slurp, a thin stream of his own seed dribbling out of the gaping tailhole. Not wasting any time, Jake reached over to the roll of toilet paper bolted to the side of the stall, tugged down and snapped off a decent length, and quickly made a single swipe up the little hyena's gooey balls and crack, getting a majority of the sticky seed off before tossing the used wad behind him. By the time Taylor had a chance to look back, the wolf had grabbed the hyena's pants and briefs and quickly pulled them back up to his waist, eliciting a surprised eep from him as he nimbly buttoned and zipped him back up. Jake stood back up, his softening length still coated with his own seed as he gently gripped Taylor's sides and pulled him upright, watching the hyena almost drunkenly wobble as he regained his balance.

"Wh... What are you doing? ..." he stammered, looking back and catching the wolf's mischievous grin as Jake's quick paws pulled his belt through the buckle and cinched it tightly around the bottom of his distended cream belly. Another deep moan escaped Taylor's muzzle as the belt squeezed the still hot cum bubbling in his intestines, the hyena slouching over again and struggling to clench his tailhole to keep it from leaking but still letting a few greasy droplets seep out into his already sticky undies, all the while panting as he tries to regain his composure.

"Silly boy... we can't let that all go to waste, can we?" Jake said with an evident smirk as he snapped off another length of toilet paper to clean his length, once again crumpling it up and tossing it onto the ground as he pulled up his own pants. Zipping and buckling up, the wolf leaned forward and put the end of his muzzle right next to Taylor's ear, whispering seductively, "Maybe if you're good, that won't be the last of it..." before roughly grabbing the small hyena by the neckscruff and directing him out of the stall. Taylor futilely tried to resist the pushing and stay in the restroom, wobbling and trying to steady himself to keep any more of the sticky cum from escaping as the wolf continued to lead him out into the dim hallway again. Taylor blushed hard and whined loudly as he took a few slow steps, still being held firmly by the stronger wolf and feeling his belly gurgle and slosh as Jake's seed oozed further into him. "But... but I can't hold it~..."

Jake gave an evil chuckle, pulling the hyena's neck back closer to him as they walked, manually turning his head to look in his eyes, "If you're a good 'yena, you will... besides, we can't miss the rest of class..."

Woo, all right, that's it! If you read the whole thing (and didn't just skip to the hot and messy parts, you pervs... haha) please let me know if you thought the whole thing was too long or too short, if the naughty parts were too long or too short, and anything else you thought I may be able to improve on. Who knows, maybe I'll get the motivation to make a part two for this one... (I have some good ideas already...) >:3 Thanks for reading!